EER RG OR with Alden Lytton and. his fellow- grad Mrs. Fanning, "fatten ri with the ya excitement. had to a dressing-. rien room. Mri Wheatfie id was in consultation with pre oe concerning the next Ja}"s , SSS RII MTAITMMIS « bill of far " Nee accomplish their epee ie tae Ob with maximum efficiency diant ind mini discomfort. oo ny Pp I 'pure white tulle, att it ight. oprue Electra the wild-eyed,' black- haired, Sanaa chéeked brunette, was dressed a a pn gg red silk, with black lace ton, the stout, wholesome, tra's dress, with black lace. The room was brilliant with gas-light, they wete Parsing for their friends and visito r. a had promised to return and bring 'Alden with him, by eight o'clock -st. And Mr. Lyle had promised to come and bring "the Californ fan," The clock etruck eight and with dra- r rang. The next moment the lttle page of the establishmient opened the drawing- "Mr, Lyle and a gemman. CHAPTER XVII. The three young ladies looked up, to (Wy lack ha £ ptt aig with silver, which, Py si Ch © G e the vith { t , Gave gether with a slight stoop, gave Se oose which Yain the appearance o eing much older aS ne ie toenk | he young ladies you like best for your white -- and then, taking his companion up to Sugar and buy St. Lawrence -- Lae Pore Cane Granulated white,' ~~ ra ----1 "Miss Cavendish, permi to "pre- original bags-- Fine grain, -- sent to you my friend Mr. 'Bre nt, of Fan medium or coarse. Each the 4) i! SS | Francisco." . : <== = HT an am giad to see you, Mr. Br ent. | choicest sugar. ---------- said he .xoung Jody. with a gracefu ---- bend of weer fair he i Ask your Grocer, a. ee = But in an ins es the Californian UGAR REFINERIES, LIMITED ; ------_------F | hs seemed to have oat his self-posses | ST. LAWRENCE S MONTREAL. 26-10-13 = anna , He si ared for a Foire singe almos F "i i ' i x ' ML y at the young lady: he tu red an¢ Sing-a-song-a-Sixpence, a Pocket full of Rye, iis J pale, drew ¢ g breath, then; with an| h sible f t Four and Twenty Black Birds Baked in a Pie Ye effort. recovered. himself and bowed| Without visible means of support, = : "il deeply teither above or below. At a wiz- ny. Miss Cay s Tas sed; Miss Cavendish was surprised: DUC! aed touch it is away like a flash, let her surprise appear, She mentally! devouring distance at the terrifid ascribed the disturbance of her visitor » to some passing cause. | peed of five miles a minute, defy- Nr. Lyle, who had not noticed 'his|ing all laws of gravity. M. Bache- companion's agitation, now presented | n 7 him to Laura Lytton and to Electra Co ket's system is made possible by the When the Pie was opened the King began to sing: "That's the way I want ey chef to sweeten everyti_ing."' ' : ron. "| discovery that the effect of a mag- ,e fi ly To Laura he bowed gravely and calm-} netic coil on certain metals is to I O Ww n Y a n @) I n : ; "put when he met the wild eyes of El-|tepel instead of attract. One of ectra he started violently and exclaimed : these metals is aluminum, and the ° - al's--" then stopped abrupt lect . ed and took the chair that his" 'triend effect of magnetic electricity on' So many kinds of delicacies can be made with Crown Brand Corn placed for him. aluminum is a great factor in 'work-! Syrup--Delicious Candies that are simple to make! Good to ee ee soreness "understand ing the air train. As soon as the ' - of Lean K eat, too, becaue Crown Brand Syrup is absolutely pure. 5 ing, his awkwardness, tried to ake} electric influence is set in motion: of the fun of making them, and how little the cost. conversation by introducing che subject the coils, instead of attracting, ca of California and the gold mines. love Crown Brand Syrup on bread. It is an excellent sweetener barton replied with .an push it away, with the result that! A ware and lends a delicious flavor to cakes, puddings and pastry. ffort, requemtly and furtively > : = ae . looked at Emma, rotked ut Electra, it is immediately r raised and held Our Free Recipe Bool: tells how-to use it in and then put his hand to his head in a/ suspended in the air clear of the : rr « > oe perplexed mann a host of dainty dishes. Send for it. Address ce tenetn "i "embarrassment Henanie track, the only connection between! obvious even to unobservant Mr. Lyle,j the car and the track being the! Montreal Office. N who longed for an oppo ning unity of 'asking brushes used for contact purposes. } ; 1 hi hat th atter w The Canada Starch Co. Limited Mat Wesore "What" epprtunity came ._ 7 Mix all 4 and warm on , : , 6 Manufacturers of The Edwardsburg Brands 6 | Ste, and when saudi Remaad trendy and goorsbell, fallow by, tip entrance of Fame and Otherwise. 4 yee. lating 3 er a = ; co --« - "Every time I see srt into' 5) 'T perfectly ¢ hut do not let it freeze. sirname MONTREAL CARDINAL TORONTO BRANTFORD VANCOUVER Will bane kecp good mer. h « FRENOHMAN'S INVENTION. enord 1 want to go to wee "But every time I notice grand, Wonderful System Demonstrated to father's wooden leg, I cool down.""! AK AWS = or, ~ " = ~ a * 3 = DW : \e= aD ill UU HSC DY ENG A UN SESS VA sheila adc? eel" >" imino, \ 5 which, it is claimed, will revolution-|. Gibbs--I'd really like to know or high-speed traction throughout the secret of social success. \ emo ted i . --. 'are many I've never forgotten her. And i bu sition in @ corner below the platform, he world -- nstra in Lon Dibbs My we there \ b . {C give a great deal to know whatevell be-| beside Victor Hartman, but entirely out don ecently nor mechanical ex-} secrets of 'social success, Dut one 0 came of Sal's Kid. Probably she @has| of the range of his party's vision s of several of the most impor-| the most important is to be able to eone the way of na res A ae ey will not weary my readers with any oy British railways 8 new tend you are having a good) eR RAL jeves, or " detailed account of this Commencement . preten 9 be 8. ace . ; i ® ee ig ert de oP sigh thane which resembled all other college com-| system, which is the invention and! time when you're not. ith a wish h to recall his Visitor a ee tena cae interesting discovery of a French scientist, . Sorroy thoughts. : as . ' i ici 9 wiul though Emile Bacheket, has at once elicited Tough Luck. a The next girl that Inte rested There was an overture from an opera, 2 Pe Hartman. looking Then fs a an offer of a gre at railway chief to I All th kids has a by one of tle learned profes ssors of the lay down a special five- mile circuit "Boo, hoo! rg ' bright smile, as at the recollectio Or, J he Mask Thrown Off. some cele tial Vision, "was as University, which was voted by ine track in order that the enormous holiday from school ' cep' n me. from this one as the purest vants to be a masterpiece of erudi . A . My ! How's that?' ee m of coerce' tion and eloquence but which the young| speed claimed for it (300 miles an 7 2 ' t sodl radiant blonde, wit golden people present found" intolerably dull and 7 i too youn a Oo to sco ) sapphire eyes and a blooming © stupid. And when ne great man sat hour) may be tested. ™ rr & Sa DDN Te he darkest hour of. my down a storm of applause followed him, The system as demonstrated bya yet! 00, : appeared to me a heave Then ensued the usual alternation of CHAPTER XVT.--~' Continued). | Misso ul ri and left me ie farsa. there, on) They were leading me from opera music and orations. model of the largest, size, did all . . reme mber | condition that I should e . irime. | Hlouse ial re je il. ng And the peterer gave heed to the that was claimed*for it. A spe of How Sweet of Her. \ !] was inore anleus to arte 118 name/ was passing ami the 4 orations, and closed their senses, if not i ] than his estate. So L appiied to the leg-] powed down with despair, when thi their ears to the music, 300 miles an hour was attained. 'Tt is Carlyle, I believe, who says -l4slature, and the name that I bad bor-| vision beamed upon me At length the time for the distribu: The automatic propulsion and stop-| ., t well to tell all one knows.' "ir the furies She Bg: Ke tion of the diplomas arrived, an the ping of the car were dencasiceted, ji is no . ' r names o eassful sendiibae were "Oh, never mind Carlyle! You called out, and each in turn went up to| the position of the car at any point receive his diploma and make the cus-| during the journey was indicated by don't want to sit around and neven rt si i look and volce the jeerts omary deep bow, first to the faculty and eay anything, do yout' he grave. and do not let them know paid in silence. T thought of th then to the audience. an electrical signal, and an almost = y -f) = that eo Vietor Hartman. or that Jo: {ure o' Dore's where = aelestia t ; Then followed the © nftertory of Veauti- absolute absence of vibration was seph Brent was ever their bene ¢ ant disperse ie fiends ul boquets and baskets of flowers from . suid the exile, gravely hever seen her since.' friends to the graduates. But the most obtained. There's nothing so gloriously un) "Tow een your counsel so long as "And you do not know who she beautiful offering there was a basket of The train travels through space certain as a sure thing. vou require o do so, hoping that the "Her companions called her 'Em delicate silver wire filled with Sragvan !tlme may speedily come when all shall That is all I know yure white lilles sent £ by emma Ca | be made as clear to these young people "The third girl 'in whom you be dish Alde ytton ' t as it is to me." interested® Laura Lytton, in patriotic mood, haunted me day and night, something "Now nen will you introduce me to "Is my child ae Lytton, bees sent a bou uauet "composed of red, white Whenever you feel a headache coming on take aiwarsd BrompUne me Feeney are mie errs fter tt r monies are atin BAL, I ytt B law ames: : ant : Suerte a baer th t ent bas. i dig. Ss i enti r nward "To-morrow, & he cere Ss are yvas"in Mir. Lytto 4 1@ 0 er jadies o € party sen as- qeaehing are 7 went ac ty re Call concluded. But, my ib gs it is a little once beheld his te) or daughter kets of geraniums. - ; NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers . ornia 1 made for Red Ridge. Sir, when| Strange to hear you call these grown-up "Then personally you are a 8 The valedictory address was delivered rst W a "to R at ace dug there | Young people your children, when YoU) to both" by Alden Lytton, who had, besides, tak- They stop ae ergee promptly and surely. Do not contain eight weeks without finding gold. That| Yourself can be but little older than the "Yes, personally Lam a Pre en the highest honors of the college. opium, morphine, phenacetin, acetanilid or other danyerous was the time my mates laughed at me. young man _ er both. ae ee t His address ras proponaess fF be a drugs. 25c. a box at your ggist's. 12 When I next went ack---the tim com, te . pele gre success, Wow wot aie att worked £ r hours and, suffe ring. "thougint how much older 12m} made known hem. Rememb .lwas followed by thunders of applause NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. § ch i from the audience. an than he {s! You yourself said that, to) Lyle, I do all -- appet arance, | might be the! 1] was ever _---- ------SSEE | There were several proud and happy fathers there that day: but perhaps the y¥ @ company now, b ave half| father of the boy who went away two) sept Brent of a the shares.' , ut 1 ha years. ago." } 4 proudest and the happiest man present Pe Ar FEVER h 'I wonderfully blessed "Yes, for you are very much changed | 1 will hop was Victor Hartms yet se LL NOSE and prospered, Hartma not only in your per reon, 'put in dress! time when they she , es m With tearful eyes and tremulous tones ne AT IROAT DISBASES afd tray eler. reverently | and address." ,| you a Ih em you. he said, as he grasped Mr. Lyle's arm: a | bowing his hegd; "for their sakes, I "You mean that T spe a a littie more} "Your confidence in me b n, and| "My boy pays for all--my_ bo Cures the sick and acte se a preventative for others. Liguid ha: correctly than { used to do Well, sir.) ts, one of my greatest earthly supports,"| pays me for all! He is a grand fellow? iven on the tongue. Safe for brood mareg and all others. vad for youf own, I trust, Hartman." in these two years all the time that was > said Hartman. earnestly, a he arose|to The people were all going out ther st kidney r ld by all druggists and hartese "Mr. Lyle not spent in work was spent in study. bid hia friend good-nig "Come,' ad Mr. Lyle, hi lf moved houses ributors--ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGIST "Vell, Hartman." Or, rather, as study was to me the hard- Long after his visitor 'had left hiim,| py the generous _ emotion of Victor. OHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Ccshen, Inde. 8. a. "May , a favor est sort of wort ft would be most ac-) Mr. Lyle sat at his window tn an atiti- "Come, let me introduce you to your _ "Certainly you may." curate to say ail the the time not spent) tude of deep though yt a ee You addressed all your letters to me) In mental labor, 1 had had a good pub- The unexpected meeting with Victor "No, not now, Let me go away by my- ' under the name of Joseph Brent li ch education im my boyhood. I) Hartman had depriv ed him of all poWer|] self for a little while. I will see you an Yes, certainly--at your request.' | wished to recover all.1 had lost, and to) or wish to sleep. hour pied at the hotel," said Hartman, then, ® call me 'Joseph | add to it. You see, Mr. Lyle, | did not; Hie sat at the window watching the] as he wrung his friend's hand and turn- at name is mine by of} Want my boy and girl to be ashamed of) crowd that thronged the yer streets) ed away. . }me when, if ever. we should meet 48) with his outward eyes, bu viewing | ell Mr. Lyle jained his party, with whom ndee | friends," said Hartman with his old! the past with his loner vis es it he found the most honored graduate o "Yes, and I havea stl better claim. | smile long after midnt y before he 'retired the day. who was holding we silver bas- e name of my grandfather-- | hat they could : vey ror x he. Any oer ket of lilies in bis nd warmly 10ther's father. was al the} than grat ant affectionate hey nN ot thanking ¢t r dor pi : of is iplae 20 ag ; anole. who could never be to yous I know them. . ; CHAPTER OXY IT. } Mr. Lyle shook hands with Alden -- died recently a beckelus in the State of| that to velieve my The' next morning revealed the full! heartily congratulated him on his col- let hildren wil love ae 'when they under-|} measure of the crowd that ti the Wt-! jegiate honors, adding: ; sta all." tle country town-to overflowing. And "We sha see you onsthe Bench yet, : oe sure they will. But, Hartman--} the road leading from the vilane weSt-| Mr. Lytt-n." y by.the way, I like the name of gt war an the alge was Keri! d Alden bowel and laughingly reriied = man, and | hope you will let me use with foot-passengers, horsemen and Car-) that he should feel it to be his sacrec ] hs when we are aione, on condition that I! rlages of every description duty to get there, he could, in order Why take chances Buy REDPATH m 4 wv promise never to use it when we are in} Those who had no res erved seats to justify his friend's good opinion. by asking for "A Orig'nal Packages Wash Day company. out early to secure the most eligible | if "But what have you done with your 4 'As you please, Mr. Lyle." the- unreserved places Californian, Mr. Lyle?" inquired Laura Dollar's Worth of and you ll be sure "Then Hartman I was about to say The cerem anne were to commence Lytton f full rei ht ial that when I hear you speak of Henry! twelve teh "Sent him back to his hotel. By the rs) weig , Lytton's son and daughter as your boy Our party. consisting of Emma Cavef-| way, ladies, he is a stranger here. Will hi hest uality 'aisias and girl, the wonder comes over me as dish, Laura Lytton, ee Coroni, Mrs. you 'permit me to "bring him to see you g q . to whether you never think of marriage Fanning, Mrs. Wheatfield and Dn J 6) this event absolute purity. of a wife and children of your own.) occupied the whole o the third for| "Certainly, Mr. Lyle promptly "Mr. Lyle, since my mother went} from t .. ron , plied Emma Cavendish, speaking for all F y to heaven I have never felt any hey were in thelr places just a few B en ga a uestioning : 'interest In any woman I have moments before the overture was pla y-| glance toward Pheer sant. the chaperon of been interested in some girls, but they the party. | happened to be children; and I could "The hall was crowded ie overseen "Of course," said Mrs. Fanning fn an- | count them with the fingers of one hand) Not cniy was every or filled, swer to that glance. "Of course thé | afi r.or two left over.: Let| chairs had to be set in the space Reverend Mr, Lyle's sntepanetion is a e ~it Hartman, with his odd| t&ben.the audience and ches sufficient passport for any gentleman 25 i. Ries re was Sa > and also in the middle and side aisl to any lady's sequaintang 5 Makes the Clothes as "Sal's Kid?" echoed the minister, who| to accommodate ladies who could Mr. Lyle bowed an Bluings Whit s had eard the name before, but othersins, be seated; while overt ce hen i will bring nin at eight o'clock = Sas ' i tho uu bt it a very eccentric o standing room was occupile his evening." : 2 i ~e og 4 ee j is Sal's Kid--a wild- yet elf- if-lnek- geattemen. wee t ik with another bow, he also left AND=2 LBaz k cen re ry bo olives -akinned. little imp, ._ nameless, Mr. Lyle given up his seat ne the rty. and hurri off to the hote ~ - . : Manufactured by i but nicknamed Sal's Kid, who lived in| to Laura Lytton in favor of a lady, & That evening, at e it o'clock, the war AND IO LB. BAGS CARTONS 1 *| The Johnson-Richardeon Co a gutter called Rat Alley down by the} had explained to his parity that he three young ladies were ated alone to- _ Limited, Montreal, Can. water-side in New York.-.I used to be/a friend' from San Francisco who . Wi gether in the front drawing-room of MO fond of the child when I was c al- prevent and with whom he could sts their bearding-hourse. 'Their elderly CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, INTREAL, > jay-noy. and our ship was in port there. friends. were net tresent ; : T ven't seen her for ten years, yet Rnd he went away and took up Bis] Dr. Jones was v.ning at the college NRE Fe ne ee