Vol. 25. No. 12. ATWOOD, ONT. FRIDA' E. H. Swing. Proprietor. i " The Bee to January 1 ry 2 ' THE NYAL STORE "' The Biggest Little Nuisance That Ever Was That is what one Corn Cripple called it. Might just as well have two good feet to walk on. Corns are not inevitable. Neither are tight or ill-fitting shoes. You can get rid of your corns ; easily ; painlessly ; cheaply Four ways--Nyal's Corn Cure--a liquid ; Na Dru Co Corn Cure--a liquid ; Nyal's Corn Salve; Na Dru Co Corn Salve. All are-equally good and soon loosen the hardened tissue so the corn can easily be reinoved. Liquids are worth 25c and the salyes 10c. Try a package and get relief. E. G. COGHLIN, Tomato, Cabbage and It pays to feed Baby Chick i Celery Plants. Ps Feed to your young chicks. We haye it. PINEAPPLES We have just received another shipment of Havana Pines for this week's trade and this will be the last shipment of Pines in large jes this season as after this week they will show much now as they ---- Some --_ Hl i i | | quantiti waste and we would advise our customers to buy will not be any cheaper. We have them very fancy at 13c, lic and 20c each For Pure Maple Syrup and Sugar Try the McCormick open kettle brand it is guaranteed pure and we have it at 35c a quart or $1.30c a gallon and twin blocks Maple Sugar at 10c each. iH Flour and Feed "We have The Milverton Flour in' 2 grades--the Jews! Jewel which is the best grades of Ontario flour. cg have just unloaded a mixed car of Bran, Shorts, Manitoba Oats and Five Rose Flour which was shipped from Kewatin by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., call and get our prices ong#tgur and Feed. Fruit and Vegetables We expect to have Ripe Tomatoes, Strawberries, Lettuce, Radish and Cabbage every weck from now oun. Meats Back Bacon, Rolled Shoulder, Bologna, Weiners and Side Meat. Highest prize paid for Butter and I3ges--Cash or Trade. Goods delivered to any part of tho Village. E. T. Greensides ®& Son | | i Cooked Ham, i q i a | Breakfast mens Phone 5 en pe a I A A Oe AS, TTS A, SO CSS SS SSS SESS SS BIG SHIPMENT of Men's Shirts, Underwear, Straw Hats and Neck- wear just arrived. When one is enthusiastic about anything it is hu- man nature to tell others, but now we want to tell you about our new lines, strong in pattern and very attractive. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS very newest with soft collars, excellent quality at $1.25. Our 'Neckwear in large assortment of patterns and newest styles, sale price 25c. SUMMER UNDERWEAR---Men's fine balbriggan undetwear, fine French and English Balbriggan at 50c a garment. MEN'S STRAW HATS.---We have a good ass--t- ment of Men's Straws in different shapes and styles from 15c to $2.00. Inspect these before buying elsewhere. All kinds of Farm Produce wanted for which we will pay the highest price---Cash or Trade. W..R. ERSKINE, Main Street, Atwood Phone 1. | | ' | Dealer In Coal to be delivered in June at lowest price of season 3b MN Phone 2-12 See ESS SS SS SSS = gZ Stratford, in town on Monday. tennis was the main attraction. Miss L. Stuart spent the holidays i at Toronto. Mrs. J. A. McBain spent the holi- be days at Toronto. o Miss Myrtle Hiles was bome dur- ing the holidays. Mr. Geo. Smith was at Stratford over the holiday. Mrs. BAT. Greensides spent last week at Brussels. Mrs..Longmire spont the 24th with a her son at Goderich. Mr. Alex. Angus, of Stratford, was home over the holiday. Miss Minnie Campbell was at Em- bro over tho holidays. Mrs. D. Barton and son Gordon spent the 24th at Poole. | You are wanted at the football ; imatch Thursday evening. : Margurette Ww ilton, of Brussel, was in town, over. the holiday. Miss Annie Lochhead, of Stratford, spent the holidays at her home. Mr. John Riepard spent the holi- '| day at his bome in Harriston. Quite a number froin here were in Mitchell and Listowel on Monday. Mr. Chas. Laidlaw, of Guelph, was a a visitor at bis home over the 24th. . Elma Council will meet this Thurs- day when a busy session will be held. Caldwell's Cream Substitute Calf Meal always on hand at Mitchell's, Mr. Business College, was bome over the 24th. Mr. Jas. Ellacott, of Listowel, was}* visiting friends near Monkton last week, with ber s ont) Mr. A. L: Curtis, 8tb con. Mrs. Robt. Cunningham and son i Norman were'in London over the holidays, Mrs. William Boyd, of St. Paul, Minn., is visiting with rolatiyes: in town and vicinity. Miss Mable McMane spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coghlin, Listowel. Miss McIntosh, school teacher at No. 7, Elma, spent Che 24th at her bome in Lucknow. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cox were the | guests of Rev. and Mrs. Ashby, Lon-}" } {don, over the 24th. | | : | | | Miss Mary Murray was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson, Strat- ford, over the 24th. Mr. Stanley Shipsides, of Toronto, is renewing old acquaintences in the vicinity of Maitland. Miss Gray, of Listowel, was a 'visitor at the home of Mr. R. Ander- son's over the holidays. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Scarlet, of Walton, were visitors at the home of {Mr. Thos. Smith, 14th con. Miss Eunice Simpson, of Detroit, !spentthe holidays with her sister, Mrs. Morton Gray, of Elma. Mr. Mrs. Ernest Smith, spent 'the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballantyne. and of The holiday was quietly observed Bowling a ne Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Morrison were Seed corn just arrived, Dent. and Flint-varieties, best quality, get your supply before the shortage comes.-- 1 H. Mitchell. NoTice.--<All accounts due John C. Baker must be settled by July Ist 1914, or will be banded in for collect- ion. ~ il CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years seine bears CME rm | 'Signature of Melyyn Hanna of Stratford] Mrs. J. A. Bobb b mpenk the i holies ister, of G of Stratford, it spent the boliday at bis home on the}? ¢ is @ woman in a tight skirt owded theatre? " "There's g room only." Shera and Mrs. Carl Canright, ip Creek, Mich., are veeng and Mrs. Wm.: Shera of ug Store will close on Mon- dnesday and Friday evenings slock during June, July and mes Buchanan, of Elma, has d-the house of the late Mrs. ter for tho sum of $1500.-- Hyerton. Annie Erskine and sister pre the guests of Mr. and -D. Angus, of Stratford, on band Tuesday. . T. Thompson and daugh- Bia Mrs. E. H. Swing were tts of Mr. and Mrs. William f Detroit, oyer the holidays. ishipan walked into a hotel iced two men fighting at the sof the room. Leaning over hie earnestl y- inquired of the fer: 'Is ita private fight or One get into it?" Maitland Cheese Factory is in g again and with the ample B made should be able to give Bomodation and satisfaction Patrons unter the manage- * efficient maker, Mr. Geo. s. Graham & Freeman con- We tor building silos commenced after being laid off for two "the silo which they were bfor Mr. Jack Quipp collapsing Bing erected to the height of the cause of the trouble was ay Mreolebratiod here was ma » @h accident which befell-avia- ch lagi in his Curtiss aeroplane. Hie started it was noticed that motor was not working satisfac torlif, but rather than disappoint the lardpl crowd, the daring aviator said he fpuld try it. When he attempt- ed & ascend, bowever, the motor did not#ttive sufficient power, and the aer@plane crashed into the fence sur- rou | ing the park, throwing the av- iatar H out, and wrecking the machine. Mr i Aeaniay, who recently made a nuigper of flights in Toronto, was badly shaken up and both his legs fermebruised, but he was able with assijtance to walk to a motor car, whit é mevered him to bis hotel. a brood V Visited By Fire 12 arly Wednesday Morning. About 2.10 on W "Wednesday morning the| alarm of fire was given and by the ase of the 'phone many who are ivi near the village were called. Thegare was discoyered to be in the Grof ety store conducted by Stanley Forti on Main st., and had smolder- ed ¢way for sometime' before it was notfeed by David Watters who lives tiige doors south of the building. "he villagers were soon on the scene and the engine along with the bucket brigade were put to effective use and 'by three o'clock the flames were un- dex. cogstol being confined to the one building. The bake shop situated at the back of the store suffered little |or no damage, but the Rroccry and |in Turnbury on Sunday attening the} | funeral of her brother, the late John | Ross. |} |: | Pani stock of Mr. Ford's is 2 com- loss. Tho interior of the build- ' will have to be replaced. The | 6 in 'buylding is owned by the Winnipeg ~|& Reali ity Co., with Geo. Lochhead of Lown as their agent, and somewhat difectly interested init. The insur- ane on stock is $1,500 in the Ham- ildjn Co., and the building in the Lon- dd Mutual to the amount of $1,300 Tike cause of the fire is unknown. OURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP _OF ELMA Q The First sitting of the Court of bvision on the Assessment Roll for la Township of Elma for the year 14, will be held at the Agricultural fall, Atwood, on Thursday, May 28th D., 1914, at two o'clock p.m. All trsons having business at the said art are requested to attend at the ime time and place. Gro. LOCHHEAD, Glerk of the Court. kwood, May 12th, 1914. RE ~ SiS soe) 4 "ATWOOD SHOE STORE Bargains In Spring Foot Wear We have decided to clean out some lines in Boots, Shoes and Slip- pers in Men's, Women, Misses' and Children at greatly reduced a SHOR UP THE FAMILY Its ar: act of prudence and economy to do so. Sek SeBecks th dnd id be ie es ey S.aSecSe sBealeclecle cBeclectbe che cla sBec%uaBe cBeclecltncll Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for which we allow highest cash D. WATTERS :: Main st. t ee ERR Ee EOE re Tee ee eee ree ra Mena EES EOE Ee ORT eES Eres Ee Ee eee eee ae Ete re *F ee ee eh s. ee eS ee ee ee ee ee ee Ladies DON'T FORGET THE DATE Tuesday, May 26th For the Demonstration of the New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook Stove. Refreshments will be cooked on the new Perfection Stove and served at the demonstration. No Lady should miss it. J. ROGER, Atwood Hardware and Tinware Cream Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. : _. Pay every two weeks... Cash choques.a Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF SAREOne Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont ' Central Business College >, STRATFORD, ONT Become To reap in Business. It offers more opportunities than any Aldrich Bros. Managers other calling. ¢ To reap the full measure of success you must have the best possible training. This is Ontario's Best Business School. We give in- dividual attenfion. You may-enter our classes at any time. Three depart- ments--COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan - ~ Principal a il =40 | a Brandram-Henderson's "English" Paint For Your House Make it a part of your contract with the painter that he is to use the paint you know to be better than any- thing else he could buy, or any paint he could possibly _ mix himself, even though he were to devote days to the task. -- the paint that in white and tints contains 70% Brandram's B. B. Genuine White Lead and 30% White Zinc - the best formula known for long service. -- the one paint that can give you the above com- bination and that painters everywhere are enthusiastic about today -- the honest paint with a great reputation behind it -- B-H "ENGLISH"' gPAINT. Eliminate painting risks. booklet on the subject. Jno, Roger, Atwood Get our &