Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 3 Apr 1914, p. 7

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"often in ove "BLOOD 2 New Strength at This Season "4 Spring ailments are not. + imag mary. Even the most ro impurities. Some people 'headaches and a feeling of langour. Others are Jow-spirited and ner- 1 others are troubled with disfiguring pimples and skin eruptions, while some get up in the tired as se are all spring symptoms that the blood is out of order and that a medicine vous. ~ Still morning feeling just as en they went to bed. is needed. Many people take pur- ative medicines in the sprizg. This is @ serious mistake. You cannot 'eure yourself with a medicine that gallops through your system an leaves you weaker still. This is all that a purgative does.. What you 'need to give you health and strength in the spring is a tonic and soothe the jangled nerves. And the one always reliable tonic and blood builder is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." These Pills not only banish 'spring weakness, but guard you 'against the more scrious ailments that follow, such as anaemia, fner- jvous debility, indigestion, rheuma- oa, and other diseases due to bad ood | Mrs, Freeman Leslie, Greenwich, N.S., writes: "We have foune Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the very best family medicine there is. I was completely run-down and could not sleep or do my wor I was very nervous and the least sound etart- led me. I began using Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills and they soon brought me back to the best of-good thealth. ey also cured my hus- band when he was suffering from a eevere attack of rheumatism.' | If you are ailing this spring you cannot afford, in your own interest, to overlook so valuable a medicine 'as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold' by all -- santo or by mail lat 50 cents x six boxes for Dr. "Williams" Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ye EE? AT. AT FORTY. [Matured at Thirty; 'Between: 'Thirty | and Forty at His Best. Experience has shown that mental activity in man has reachéd its igreatest heights between the age of forty and fifty. Some of the world's greatest*masterpieces in literature, music and art have been achieved by men bordering on the haif-cen- 'tury. - Physically, however, according to Sir Ernest Shackleton, "under thir- ty aman, no matter haw keen and nippy, is Still a man in the making. By thirty he has matured. thirty and forty he eis at his best. "IT do not say,'° continues Sir Er- nest, "that a man of twenty-six or | twenfy-séven may not have the phy- sical endurance of older men; but, taking it all round, I think thirty and onwards is the best age. There have been cases of men of older age, such as Peary, who was about fifty- three when he did his last expedi- tion; and Professor David, who made the journey to the Magnetic! Pole in my last expedition, ang| climbed Mount Erebus--two of the hardest pone journeys in the Antarctic region Sir Ernest himself is thirty-nine years of age, hut with his mode of life he will probably remain, physi- eally, thirty-nine for many years to come. . A Nova Seotia Case of Interest to All Women Halitax Sends Out a a - Message of Help to Many ¢ People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15.--When inter- ;viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., |Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to jtalk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. ways 'blue' and depressed, ' qr weak, Janguid and utterly unfit My stomach was 50 I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. 1 suffered gréatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and eo . are ous breakdown. {Upon my drug _recommendation iI used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. - | "I felt better at once. Every day I dmproved, In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. "4t is for this reason that I strongly 'urge sufferers with stomach or diges; : aia troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's His." j Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the Btomach, improve digestion, strength- the nerves and restore debilitated ystems to health. By cleansing the lood of long-standing impurities, by ging ihe system to a high point vigor, they effectually chase away eariness;' depression and disease. o isis is ot Pai "IS WATERY BLOOD] 'iow to Get New Health and] theated and nearly al- ;ways badly ventilated rooms--in the home, the office, the. shop and the schools, taxes the vitality of even the strongest. The blood becomes 'thin and watery and is clogged with have MISS ELEANOR WILSON, President W ilson, who will marr | THEN MISS J. M. GODIN USED Twenty-four-year-old daughter of DODD'S KIDNEY eae | Minzonette,. Gloucester. Co., N.B., March 23. -- (Special). -- 'I have: . M. Godin, of this place. "When was suffering from female medicine, spending a good many dollars, for nothing. "Last winter I became so weak I was on he point of giving up my y| heart and feeling quite exhausted. Aad Weel Kidney Disease and Fe-| male Weakness Disappeared--She : - Is Nowa Strong, Healthy Woman.| -- been suffering teas the Kidneys over since I wae a child," says Miss grew to womanhood I was tore ea - ness, s0 I tried several kinds of work. could not sleep at night and sould hardly get up the stairs without having palpitation of the William McAdoo, aged, 50, Secre= tary of the United States Treasury. Miss Wilson is the most vivacious of the President's daughters. The groom-to-be is a grandfather, but 'Reading of symptoms of Kidney Disease in Dodd's Almanac, I soon found out my case was similar, so I sent at once for four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I began 'to young in manner and appearance. ffected a Change in China. suit Chinese taste. small number, is having a marke effect upon trade," General George E. ongkong. dows--the more fashionable shop Anderson o for the use of Chinese women, an manikins displaying styles are of a distinctly, foreign cast. warmth in winter in China was ob- tained by a series of garments ¢o number of undergarments, all sim ilar The introduction of knit wear, how ever, of clothing unnecessary, in the cut of outer garments. coat, the hips, what is practically a 'skirt, covering the trousers. affect foreign styles,"' lent remedy for little ones. They cignant, Ste. Que., writes: Sophie de Levrard, Between | for my little ones and would not be on ADOPTING ENGLISH FASHIONS medicine that will enrich the blood +The hutvodeation of Knit Wear Has Many Chinese women are adopt- ing Caucasian clothing, modified-to "This change, though limited to a comparatively writes Consul- "Hongkong shop win- that cater to Chinese _trade--are full of snnalliiontots of foreign dress Formerly various qualities and weights--the to the outer garment, being proportioned to the temperature. has made these several] layers i and the change has resulted in a difference The formerly reaching just below has been Jengthened into almost In the cut of these skirts, or long coats, fashion- able Chinese women -now generally A GOOD*MEDICINE. > FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are an excel- are a gentle laxative which sweet- en the stomach, regulate the bow- els, banish constipation, worms, ; colds and simple fevers, and make the peculiarly named drugs, it does the child happy, healthy and strong. = come from any dragon. Other Concerning them Mrs. Pierre Tou-| 28mes, also, are, merely trade oy have found Baby's| W€ read some cringing, hair-raising |Own Tablets an excellent remedy | "ame in a prescription handed to feel a change at the very beginning, for I slept well the very first night. Those four boxes did me more good] and than all the medicine I had taken ever since. am now as well as ean be.' All women who suffer should look to the Kidneys. They are the main- or of health. Keep the Kidneys strong by using Dodd's Kidney Pills and they will take care of the rest peot the body. s; DRUGS WITH BIG NAMES. of Shakespeare. Strange remedies used by modern medicine, when read in' a prescrip- f| tion, call to mind the time of witch- craft when mysterious creatures mixed strange liquids with which} FP? they worked scenes of horror among the people. Only recently a pharmacist was required to compound a preserip- tion in which one article was dried moles. 'To prepare this needed sub Later, when powdered, used as an epileptic remedy. tions a prescription of this year's date, which calls for two ounces 6 mS os peoathg ch See rr to mind ME waked anya iS) dragon's blood, wool of bat, and munmy's skin. If people saw a list of the drugs used by the chemist of to-day many would cease to be sick. But while dragon's blood is one of | names for beneficial remedies. If us by our doctor, let us not worry. Prescriptions are couched in won- before, and I have remained strong 'Vand: Kingston, Ont. ----Z ; Modern Science es Language stance the animals are placed in mL, container and ~'roasted over a fire," |4 the ash is Reutter, a German chemist, men- i human fat, one ounce of natural} hakespeare, « when he mentions} -- annoying manner. could no longer stand it, and turned to the lad. handkerchief ?" she demanded. The | seconds, and then, in a very digni- ;1 have; but I don't lend it to stran- gers!" g or old, for men, for| your alee it was'2-in the morn- children. All dealers sell ing, kitchen window wide open, no Mandrake and ps about--blowed if you wouldn't ons a-climbed in yourself, without them. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The: Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Ce., Brockville, nt. --h---_----_ Pow ER FROM St NLIGHT. drous and confusing language. ed into a fresh man. surprise to your Many a spoiled boy has develop- Cholly--And was my present a rister? Willie-- » Winds. Fall of Catarrh VICTIMS OF CAT. RRH, ITIS, AND \ THRO 10N, CONTRACT © DISEASE THIS MONTH, One Preventive Known. of these. disédses that tion these germs, aid woe betide fon m whose bronchial tubes or air es in the hea : ungs "weak, inflamed ees at this season. ere is but one known inathod of fing these disease germs after ve entered the air passages-- ation of Catarrhozone. ozone alone of all the thou- remedies can be carried in the air wo breaties to the minutest cells of the respiratory organs, where it destroy: e@ germs, heals all the irritated surfaces, -- effects a per- manent, lasting cu "My nostrils w ere a stuffed up with Catarrh that my head ached all day. At t night I could scarcely sleep because oF the awful droppings from my nose throat--which kept my stomach ie a Constant state of disorder. But ozone cured me--strengthened my throat and gave me protection ocala repeated coughs and colds. I urge all sufferers to use Catarrhozone." oman Andre (Salesman), Hamilton, Catarrhozone is a guaranteed cure for every form of throat trouble, Bron- chitis; Asfhma, Catarrh. It has cured ethers, why not you? Two months' pea price $1.00. Al! dealers, r the Catarrhozone Co., Buffato, N.Y -----____ "THRIVE IN FRESH WATER. | Oysters in Algeria 1 Have Faculty of Adaptability to Surroundings. ¢ interesting discovery has been according to a consular re- from Algeria, of the adapta- bilify of the oyster to change in its surfoundings. The inspector of fish- erigs in the Arzew district states that he found that as the result of e}slow closing of the mouth of the river La Maca by a sand bar the dible oystcr had almost completely ted itself to an existence in h water. Oysters were found imving.in parts of the river en- ly devoid offalt. It would seem "adaptability of the oyster to nges in its surroundings--pro- this: takes place. slowly--is eat, a fact that augurs*Well neh oretey igen yp . 7 Veg ; a4 Linguist. 7 Bhe--Div? you have Any trouble wh your French when you were in ris ? He--I didn't, but the Pa- Is Your Wife Bad Tempered ? shances are she has corns that ache) Buy her a bottle of Put- @in"s Corn Extractor. It acts eal | sly, gives instant relief, e®@iry kind of corn. Insist on getting ogy Putnam's Extractor, 26c. at al) ee pean STAY WEDDED LONGER. | --_ Férmer President of Vassar College Ldvocates Education for Girls. 'College education makes women Sun-Power Plant, a Success, Says You bet ! Sis said she never thought. an Expert. you'd send her anything so cheap. The result of the operation of the eun-power plant installed near Cairo, Egypt, seem very encourag- ing from an expert point of view, and the. hope is expressed that this pioneer undertaking may meet with the full' measure of success that it deserves. The average amount of steam generated an hour throughout the4 trials was 1,169 pounds. The maxi- mum amount of steam generated during any one hour was obtained between 1:10 and 2:10 p.m. on Aug- 22, and' amounted to 1,442 pounds, thie the minimum generated in ny one hour was obtained between 3:13 and 4:15 p.m. on Aug. 25, and amounted to 886 pounds. The total area of sunshine collect- ed by that plant was 10,296 square feet. The average amount of steam produced throughout a four-hour trial on Aug. 10 was 693 pounds per hour. The mean steam pressure during the four hours was 1.2 pound per square inch below atmospheric pressure. a ee Not For Hire. A small] boy, who was sitting next to a very. haughty Jady in a crowd- ed car kept on sniffing in a most At'last the lady "Boy, have you got a emall boy looked at her for a few tone, came the answer; 'Yes. Healthy Boys and Girls Always Hungry And for a quick, easily prepared lunch, a generous dish of Post Toasties and Cream Can't Be-.Beat! The nutritious part of white Indian Corn, skilfully cooked, rolled thin, and ~ toasted to a rich golden brown. Ready to eat right from the package--crisp, nour- ishing and delicious. Children can't. seem - to get enough of Post Toast- ies, and they can eat all they want because this food is as wholesome as it is appetizing. : --sold by Grocers. -. fe.marriageable, makés 7 quicker and remain more suc- cepsfully married. The women of to-morrow will be tif better educated sex; they are rancing in education while men ar retrograding. Women are becoming more per- fett physically than men because thty love to be well, and through ex#rcise and athletics are attaining th@ir perfect form." The foregoing is a statement from Dé. James H. Taylor, for nearly thirty years president of Vassar College. He has resigned his posi- a and is now en route to Hono- lal to visit his son. Bhe' s a wise widow who never shows how wise she is. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, W ent -- or Grauulated Ey elids: Does --Soothes Eye Pain. Dru =i "Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. in Aseptic Tubes, Murine Eye Salve Eye Books Free by Mail. for an Rye Tonle Good Eyer that Need Care Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago * Mother--Now, Willy, you told me a falsehood. Do you know what happens to little boys who tell falsehoods A Seren No, ma'am. Mo y, a big black man with air 'ous eye in the centre of his forehead comes along and oe with him up to the moon s him pick Y ticks for the elites of his life. Now, you will never tell a falsehood ia will you? It is awfully wicked | " Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuraigia. p Saeeiene Postam Cereal Co... 'Ltée, "pi tario, M *] DISCOVERY AT AF EDINBURGH. Ancient For 5| Works aren : the most iaraciy used family remedy | 7 and cures | Ps Historic Reniatas of J tress and Well Unearthed. Mr. W. T. Oldrieve, chief archi- tect of the Government Office of in -Edinburgh, ; Scotland, who, two years ago, "discovered at the rear of. Holyrood Palace . the foundation of one of the earliest Christian churches, has announced that jhe has_discovered remains -in Ediaburgh Castle of the ancient} fortress known ss King David's Tower. He has also found the well which supplied the castle and garri- son with water. , Excavations revealed much of King David's Tower still standing, its walls, eight feet thi¢k, and ris- ing to a height of nearly fifty feet above the original rock surface. On one side the structure had evidently suffered by bombardment, and this supposition has been proved by the recovery from the interfor of the tower of many articles, 'including cannon balls, The disappearance of the tower is explained by the fact that the Half Moon Battery, a fea- ture of Edinburgh Castle which has existed for nearly 350 years, covers it up entirely. Stalagmites rising from the ground, some extending to seven feet six inches long, and the size of the stalactites from the roofs show that the vaults of the tower have not been: disturbed for a very fong time. This discovery led # the finding of the ancient well, which Mr. Old- rieve regards as one of the most in- teresting in Britain. Water was found in it to a depth of sixty feet. *|The well was pumped dry, cleaned yout, and Sastisnaie surveyed. --_--_ kk. Dangerous Throat Troubles - Prevented by Nerviline IT ENDS MISERY OF COLDS QUICKLY. Don't walt till night. Get after your cold now,--this very minute, before it grows dangerous you should apply old-time "Nerviline." Rub your ches d_ throat, them thoroughly with. Nerviline. lef will be immediate Nervillne will save you from lyin awake to-night, coughing, choking and suffering from congestion os the chest and acute pain in the agg Nerviline will break up "phat dull neuralgia. héndachen will kill the cold and chill at its very beginning--wtil save you from perhaps a serious inl- ness To take away hoarseness, to bre@k up a grippy cold, to cure a sore throat or bad sole in the chest, you oan eedy and tive rty" years ft has teen in the Dominion, Time has proved its | ¢, merit, s0 can you by keeping handy on the shelf the large 50c. family aide bottle; smali trid] size 25c., sold by any dealer anywhere. ----S[ The hetel patron had waited full an hour for a very slow waiter to serve two courses. "Now, my man," | he said to the waiter, "can you, bring me some tomato salad?' 'Yes, sir,"? said the waiter. "And," continued , the 'while you're away you might send | me a picjure postcard every now and th " Marion Hrtige, C.B:, May 30, '02. I hav handled MINARD"S MENT during the past yenr. It is al- ways the first Liniment asked for here, ane. unquestionably the ¢ different kinds of Liniment I _ the ha - NEIL FERGUSON. Our Language. "Tf that mining stock goes up I) shall make-a lot of money." ad if the mine-gées 'up' won't you pins in wl br 14 -- --¢ ggis nd net PAZO BIN NENT "ie to cure ao Blind, or Frotruding Piles. First appiicatl on gives relief. 60c Father--Upon my word, you children are getting too dainty for anything. Why, when 1 was your age I was glad to get enough dry bread to eat. Robert---You have a much better time living with us, don't you, father? Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. , . . HABIT OF UNHAPPINESS. Is a Most Unfortunate One to Con- tract, Especially in Early Life. Most unhappy people have -- ~ by gradually forming 4 habit of piness, complaining about the weather, finding fault with their food, with crowded trains, and dis- agreeable companions or work, A habit of complaining,, of criticism, of fault-finding, or grumbling over trifles, a habit of looking for sha- os. | TORS is a most unfortunate habit to contract, es specially in early life; for after a whi!s the victim becomes' aslave. Al}l of the impulses become Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. . They have no equal. I FARMS FOR SALE H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborns Street Toronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A pi At stock. Grain, or matey Farm. Stet ag Brampton. or @ Consent Rt. anne 4, W. CAWSON, rauieae St, Torents. ' WANTED. yr og FOR WEATHER INSUR- ce, low rates, Hberal commission, Apply. The he Weather Insurance Co 'company, Toror " We will pay you $120.00; to distribute religiove literature in your work., Experience not R oe "wome n. tunity "for prom: atdan time m y be | In: ternational | bible Press Company. 182 Spadina. Toro NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. | G ne 74 Bf reo 4Y IN LIVE TOWN IN | NURSERY STOCK. a TRAWBEREIES, oe ie ent | ry arieties. F McCo & A Grovesend, Date a 1 | ---------------------------------------------- | F @ISCELLANEOUR : { ANCER, MO. P : "Limited, gis Ont. Had a Start. Footsore Frederick--Pardon me, rap | lady, but do yer happen to have a Re-| pair 0' shoes dat would go wid dese strings? Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ets. ' Must Make Good. Freddie--Are you the trained | nurse mamma said was coming 1, Nurse--Yes, dear, I'm the trained: nurse, Freddie--Let's see some of your tricks, , then. ' Day QUININE refund money if it GROVE'S .signa- in One da eho LANATIVS. | BROMO fails-to cure. EE, W. ure Is on cach afl 25ce. Plague of f Wild Horses. The horses abandoned during tho '| seid rush to the Yukon in 1897 and customer, some measures to check them. peryerted, until a tendency to pes simism, or cynicism; is chronic. 1888 have bred a race of wild de- ceendanis which are making such depredations in the Peace River country in western Alberta and in eastern Fritish Columbia that the Government has been asked to take Tho horses have been making raids on the ranches, killing many domestic horses and leading away valuablo mares which had been imported at considerable expense by the set- tlers. And That's Flat. ei pli hat is a flat? Bocker A flat consists of a janitor -en- tirely surrounded by cubby-holes. HAIR CAME OUT BY HANDFULS With Dandruff 'and vit and licking Scalp. Scalp Covered with Small Pim- les, Used Cuticura Soap' and Ointment. Now No Trouble At All, 693 Jane St.. Toronto, Ont,-- as ,first troubled with my halr wae britde | "pea later Candruff and Stching se: afraid to comb my hair os it ones out by handfuls ait tho fiching was £0 seycro I was miscrablo, | a The troublo kept mo from wa slecping. scalp was covered with small pimples which seemed to run into ono another and form ascab. dandruff waz so bad I was afraid to comb my bair as it de it show so plainly. It looked very badly. I was tiinking ot sg ing my head shaved. i "For a long Umel tried ----. ----, ------ apd sevoral other remedies but they did nos Paper with tho Cuticura Svap and Ointment: advertisorcent end bent right away for a sample of Cutici t On using just the sarapic my trouble was better. I used six or eight boxes of the Cuticura, page also the Cuticura Soap and my healed, the iiching stopped 'and my wo daenata Gales tebe and now I hare no trouble at all." (Signed) Mrs, H. Binger; May 27, 1913. : It costa nothing to learn how pure, sweet; effective and satisfying Cuticura Soap and Ointment are in pil treatment of poor com- hands, itching scalps; Ben to Potter & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. 8A. .¢} ED. 4 " _JSSUR 18--14a-. % "4

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