December .. ........- 1,868. 3,070| Labor Party, with the object Der te 2 -evok ring, svt athy. At "Jan fore an audience ;000° pe! ' © Febriary . ..,...... they .vituperated "Premier Botha Figures 66 Rorclie and New,and General Smuts, and declared Zealand show an even more remark-|their intention of returning to , issued ao statement declaring that ! the passage of the bill_by the Legis- "Sy. Your money back if Gin Pilts do not cure, " Rheumatism brdnricthions the Kid fail to do their work of discharging . the uric rom the the system, the result Stier, for acid from is Until the sre pomitics this work in a natural sec ge" hiecdeisrthorisn <3 "Gin Pills -- haipdnec erga quick! see for all time because it perfect are the mos Corrective eve: Oe ol foneliieeanchea 1 o to Viested THE PANAMA CANAL TOLLS: A Bitterly Contested Legislative Struggle Con- fronts President Wilson's Administration A despatch from Washington) Democrats; Rep. Mann, of the Re- says: Lines were sharply drawn for | publicans, and Rep. bordock, of the Progressives. Wings of al the opening of the most bitterly ' contested legislative struggle that _ has confronted President Wilson's amy aisoatinw-the fight to repeal the law giving American coast-wis2 ships free passage 'through the Pa- . nama Canal. For the first time since | it, three parties are behind these lead- "Tt was generally believed } that Majority leader Underwood an other Democrats, while speaking | ( against the bill and voting against would not attempt to organize the Democratic Administration, any extended opposition, or resort _ took charge of the Government Ad-! to 'obstructive tactics to-prevent the _ ministration, leaders found .a] passage of the bill. The supporters of the President are prepared to argue that the ex- emption of American ships from canal tolls is a'violation of the Hay- Pauncefote Treaty ; that it is a form of subsidy to specia! inieresis, and the repeal is essentia! in order that strong, resourceful and determined : elemeat within the party opposed . to_a policy which President Wilson had personally espoused. Personal convictions on the question have practically obliterated party lines. This political situation, with the Ca infernational character of the ques-| the President may carry out his tion involved, and the stress the] foreign policy. On the other hand, 'President has placed upon his posi-¥the opponents of the bill will de- clare that American shi ipping needs the free use of the canal, that irans- continental railreads fear the com- petition of free American ships, and that to repeal the free tolls section would be "truckling to Great Brit- ain without exhausting dip!omati c negot tiations.' ' tion as necessary to the successful conduct of the Administration's , foreign policy, combined to make up a situation fraught with compli- cations. Aligned against the Presi- dent's demand for the repeal are the three leaders of the parties in the House, Rep. Underwood, of the DECREASE IN EMIGRATION, | FALL TO ROUSE LONDON. ' | Seuth African Deportees Now Tour- ing Provinces. Remarkable Reduction in Sailings | From Old Land. j 24 A despatch from Londen says: Emigration. returns for the last few months show a remarkable decrease compared with last year in the number leaving for -Canada, tlie compurisons showing : A de spatch from London says | Having failed to rouse London to any great pitch of indignation, the nine deported South African labor leaders are now touring the indus- trial cities of the United Kingdom 1913. under the auspices of the National South Africa. Tom Man, who vol- unteered io go to South Africa to take the place of the deporte¢es, has been allowed to land at Cape Town yithout molestation, and was givon welcome by the Labor members a ----- f Parliament. FOUND HUSBAND DEAD. - ACC mENT ALLY SHOT. able penetone: It is ptobeble that the gloomy letters to the press on the experiences or prospects of emi- grants which have been common re cently, are largely responsible for these reductions. 'ae Discaovery Was Made By Wife on Returning Froa Work. Toronto says: Ferguson, a Scotchman, residing at 389 Adelaide weer, was found dead in his Thursday. The discove.y was made by his wife, who had re turned from work. On entering her husband's room she found him lyiag on the bed apparently asleep. Being unable to arouse him she summoned Dr. W. Nelsun. who stated that the man liad been dead for sume-hours. He had heen out of work for some time and was said to have been drinking heavily. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALIN ( -- Roy Received Gui Wounds in the AU despatch from Face, Neck and Chest, Robert . aged 15, Street Tooth on A despatch from Kingston says: m. Leavins, aged I4, an Old Country boy, employed by Arnold Wemp, of Stella; Amherst Island, was brought to the hespitai on Wed- nesday night with several gunshot wounds in his face, neck and chest. Harolde&mith, another farm hand at the same place, was cleaning a gun wile the Leavins boy was 6 feet away cleaning his boots. Smith did not know the gun was loaded and snapped the trigger So New York Legislature Plac:s Healing on Same Level as [ledical Practice { State Liew the medica! as well as the religious rights of their citizens. 'For centuries,"' they -- said, 'medical systems have been dosing the body with drugs and at the same time administering despair to the mind, expecting thereby to ef- fect permanent cures. Body is nat first and the mind secondary. Mrs. Eddy's great discovery, that it is the human mind that makes sick and the Divine mind that makes well is gradually receiving the re- cognition it deserves "The McClellan - Thorn Bill amends the medical law so the peo- ple of the State may resort to Christian Science for help without violating in any way the provisions of the Medical Practice Act.' A despatel from Albany, N.Y., says: The McClellan-Thorn Bill, passed by the State Legislature by vote of 79 to 50, legalizes the prac- tice of Christian Science healing and places it on a level with ordi- nary medical science. Commenting on the bill, which makes it) possible for a patient to have recourse to mind cure without running contrary to the State medi- cal law. James F. Lord, a-son-in- law of mas KF. Lawson, of Bos- ton, and Robert 8. Foss, who have been in Albany in favor of the bill, lature has enabled New York to take her rightful place among other progressive states in protecting by '7Y INVESTMENT High Class Profit-Shering Bonds. Serics-si00, $500, ela! INVESTMENT may be fe withdraws any t! : aay me » after ane y fished years. 8 yg wag epectal oo 'ard full part: Bong NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED, CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING - TORONTO, CANADA of the acidity of the stomach and all traces of indigestion had di peared and I was in first rate health course of diet, I never had any ap- joy the meal at noon time.' Co., Windsor, Road to A dedeatch tee Montre W. H. Ta was senten dence upon which victed was supp old daughter. fate prisoner col 2 Tapley is nearly fifty, the sentence was con : pley, usurer, ricky guilty '| at the Assize Court, to thirty years in the penitentiary {4 te + by Mr. Justice Tersren: The evi- lied i his 14-year-/1 When he learned his ie licide to Escape Long ' nment Seaton $500.00 REWARD , of Prof. Cecil F. Lavell. be given for the discovery, living or dead, of Professor Cecil F. Lavell (formerly of Teacher's College, Col- umbia University, Ohio State Univers'ty, of Columbus, Ohio, who while travelling lost his memory and identity, at Canada, Monday, 1913, and is missing ever since. ously investigated by Mrs. but without success. Description: Age, feet, height, 19 inches ; in 'io filled For the Discovery; Living or Dead, Five hundred dollars' reward will} New York) off amilton, | November 24th, 7 Every likely clue has. been anxi-} Lavell, quoted at hig for No. No, vA Bay rts. --None age ant" ae 98c to $1, Barley--Good at 5S to 60c, outside, a side. Buckw Le ee prices quoted at 76 to pran--Atanitoba bran 2 on. in bags, Shorts, 26 to $27. Cured Prof. Cecil F. Lavell. grey; Deen ears; hollow ples; small build ;: glasses; dark hair," thin on top, slightly | ~tem- Joseph Caillaux, oauiet at 23 to ( 95c, on track, car {HAPP .NINGS FROM ALL OYEB THE GLOBE IN A Baled hay--The with prices steady. > without any permanent improve- ment. "My breakfast usually consisted of oatmeal, eak or chops, bread, coffee and some fruit. "Hearing so\much about Grape- Nuts, I conclud © give it a trial and rere out if all I had heard of it was true, : "So I -- with Grape-Nuts and cream, soft boiled eggs, toast, acup of Postum and some fruit. Before the end of the first week I was rid felt much relieved. "By the end of the second week once more. Before beginning this petite for lunch, but now I can en- Name given by Canadian Postum 'Ont. Read "The Wellville,"" in "There's a Reason. Ever read the above letter? a one ap: time 2. and fall of haman hee: new They are gtuzuinue, true, iuterest. at V behalf of the blind was sent by the ir E pess sis... * manner ; high cha S4c.. Barley--No. 3, 5 7 Testing varieties of 4, 43ic; rejected, 425c: f 26. " Notify Mrs. C. F. ae antag a i on Thur oT Nowe #1 9 'No FO spring : .2 mer Road, Toronto, Canaie: ne hundred nd fifty dénerted $4.369; No. 3, do 8 --Testing two varieties "Soy, , a ives he England have asked the _ nice man ' Soja or Japanese beans .. 2 corr wre 1 . oron . ot. ij -aricties TWENTY YEA = FOR ML RDER. ba nds poles to find their hus- Montreal March 31.- 'arn--American 9 - Testing three varieties of on Oran, No. 2 yellow, 784 to 72. Onin Cann husking corn ............. 3 . an t S Tost) . 1 ies . Sentence on New 1} York Youth Who c: ab "Montreal officials were dis- 13. 43a te ern, PER Ry ae oe.| 10 --Testing three varieties of Ki led Toronto Man, sed by the Board of Contre! as al 50c; maiting, 68 to Flour- --Man mangels eT Tere re .3 result of Judge Fortin's findings in| Spring wheut patents, firsts, $5.60; sec-[ 1] -- Testing two varicties of su- A despatch from New "York Says: the divic land inquiry, py + ae anal ee #480, Win: gar beets for feeding pur : . atents, cholee §.25 to $5.60; = - pre eral Fins of Wil-]* Clerks in the pest office and rail- | stralghe rollers, $4.70 to $4.90; do.. bags. oses ' ram artin, o oronto, was sen- or mail clerks ar a _ 1} $2.20 to $2.30, Rolle4 oats, barrels ° saidi's thren. castabt +<* tenoed to Sing Sing by Justice Da- 4 April © to be 'increased | $4. +35 to $4.46; do. bags, "0 'Ibs., $2.05 12 --Testing three varieties. 'of vis in Supreme ( t Th th 3 " a alte ee | vialliain cloee 44 M Sian "E25 $22. ny Swedish turnips 3 ' e Court. we you 600 and annual increase &1¢ diings, $25. oulille, $28 to $32. Hay} ys op , 1 No. t. per ton eat iota SS (| 12 --Testing two varioties of fall Wa wa t $14. ; = prkdaiag meld in the - Dr. A. ha Heaslip of Picton; ' heese-- Fine t weaterns 14} to 18¢: do.. turnips ........ , . ) c 1¢ will serv ¢rossin the Bay eastern, te « sSutter--Choicert . n "> 2 - from 20 years to life, with hard la- motor : of Quinte in his} creamery. 24 to 294c; seconds, 27 to f8e. iM Te sting two vax ieties of ¢ car- bor. Despite his ot stinacy in re- jth ae nd ba ago an se EAs in) | bea car eee Doman, be TOU is isnsaevevenne resi ree 8 ob - e ice, an are - _ | bag. car 76 to S2ke Dressed hogs --_ ; -priaties dusing to plead guilty to murder i infjin hi ly escaped drown | ubattoir killed 134 to Yc Pork-- 15 Testing three varieties of ': 7 g, losing his car in forty feet of | Heavy Canada 'short mess, bbis.. 35 to 45 fodder and silage corn ... 3 16 second degree on the pretext wate } pleces, rt cut back, bbin.. 45° tc 16 - Testin three varieties f that he would rather go to the elec-]}/ A de utati f . [55 pieces, $28.60 trd--Com pound, 1 r = beam |e p lon of some two thou-/ tierces, 375 Ibs. Iie: "wood pails, 26 MELES sv sicciens ee sone esos 3 tric chair than spend 20 years in sand Ontario farmers waited on the | Spy net, L0dc; pure, Uerces, 375 ibs..| 17 ~Testin two varieties of sor prison, Schaeffer was elated when| @avernment, urging the construc: i 4te; pure, wood pails, 20 Tbs, net, 1436. i § £0 ; us life was saved, and smiled as}ition of a system of de . | : See et ii sentence was pronounced. In sen- shi se a "ways, Walid Eiaten Mavicets. al Testing = and two . i ; \Hydro- electric railways, econseryva- sioueapolia, March 21.--Wheat, May varieties of vetches ...... te neing the prisoner, Justice Davisiition of water power f(r the public, | S04: duly, #2he: No. 1 hard. 94% tol yg -- Testing ra kale and field said: 'Schaeffer, you are undoubt-lignd a Subsidy' of $6,400 per mile for | a No Northern, Be ST te cal "i a" ae edly guilty of murder in the first municipal radials. cllow, 62 to 62he- Outs, No. a white.| vp Tosti na pa biacwleenlancrt 2 é : » No. Log -- , . e degree, but I am glad to know that 'Alfred Crott fA 3 3 Mlour and bran unchanged. | ~ esting ree varie ties o he did \* othy o rnprior was h --Close--Wheat, No, CLOVER vaccsicisascsvacas 3 the jurors did not wish to send you killed by a train at Mattawa. i} 1 Northern, 92h¢; No.| oj ---Teat {o the death chair because of May. 92he: July, 93¢e:| -- esting two varietics of al- yout h. Vou ér f your!' ~The Hamilton divorcee case met | linseed, ene sre falfa 2 i. , - 7 ; ; 61a: FaRorseees seeeuyp se nee man. © # fortunate young nother defeat in the Senate. iM uly, $1.64; September, }o9 --Tesiing four varietios. of , . mp .| The Duke of Connaught will sisi ; HVASsSeS cece eee eee eeee | WANTED TO KNOW 1 eri Ontario about the middle | Live Stock Markets. 23 --Testing three varieties of $2 ay. | : Toronto, Marc 1.--Cattle---Choivte field beans ..............4. : The Truth About Grape-Nuts Food 4 rancis Cleary, aged 97, of Wind Phere une Food, $7.40 = 10) 24 Testing two varieties at sweet . i b 00d, r,a graduate of Torento Univer- $5 ' sm ma lures 0 $7.60 mumon, corn ° It doesn t matter se much what di i | $5 5.70, « S640) to $7: r Stet rete eee eesesseeens 1 7 3 ue ied in California, good. 4.75 to $6 common, $8.75 to} 28 --Testing two varieties of pota- you |} bout } ae Ss ; ' ' Zz t t sof pota yo bated about a thing, it's what NeRobert Barlow, who erected one + He ibe bulls, oon a ae tO toes von naw ibmt ects, , erecte 2.60: choice bulls, $6.75 to $8.30: good. | --«_ COCS: - eee scene ecee cee ee cee ken led 7 co nts : And correct of the first cheese factories in the $4.80 to § a $4.15 to $5.40.|99 ---Testing three grain mixtures nowledge is must likely to come ekville section at Addison. is Page arg ond sede eers, choice, $7 f ~ od from personal experience. . d dé ' ' >» $8.2 20; Rood, $5.45 » $6.40; Hght. gor Or grain prc uction ...... 'Ab be 7 dead, aged 64. $3.50 10 $5: springers, to $8#: milkers, to} 50 isting three grain mixtures About a year ago, writes an Twenty twa British Columbia 7.50. Calves--Good veal, $8.65 to $11 1 Easte "ey 4 a. ; ' . medium, $7 to $9. Sheep and k for fodder production ee iC avery, UAT; was bothered by|,gal mine strikers, sentenced sev-, Light ewer, '$6.20 te See pend lambs indigestion, especially duri th $3.50. Spr 5.50 to $7: heavy, $3 to Sach mlet ; , f , hg the/oral months ago to long terms in #350: ek lamba, 32 to $9.60. Hogs Each plot is to be two rods lang 8.75 ob. SLO Peg ¢ : sein « ° orenoon. I tried several remedies prison, are to be release $9.35 off cs "10 Fed and watered:/ by one rod' wide, except No. 2s, Max Klotz of Ottawa. diana, will go to Neville, try and identify a woman supposed made at $4 $9.60 to $u.70, Onc ge King of Italy met the Kaiser Have Becndils Prince Adalbert, third son of the; A despatch Kaiser, is suffering from an intesti-| The three suspected nal ailment. bowtie plague discovered here have !decoved over some mines by the , Madame Caillaux, assassin of edi-| been pronounced to be genuin | Mexican Federals dnd 500 are re . tor Calmette, is to be permitted the (cases of 'that disease. One of tho! ! ported killed. 3 seryice of maids while in prison. patients has died. The sanitary} Fiekl Marshal Sir John French department Kas the A world-wide wireless appeal! in cases dey eloping. King from London Saturday night. PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS ora sl 'eieoee rae Leapina TRAD pid eo aid OF AMERICA @ctces of Cattie, Crain, Chesse ans OID» reduce a ané Abroae --The "market is Toronto visions meats are quoted as follows:-- ; to 15iac; breakfast 'bacon, is to 22 to' 2dc. rd--Tierces, lic; l4ic." Country Produce. Butter--Business fs fairly good, s4c per er of 8. renter of F Finance and former Cheese--New cheese quoted at 153 to ---- a © : rance, whose wife shot 158c for large, and 16 to 164¢-for twins.| Material Furnished Free of Charge ead the edito . senns---Hand-picked quoted at $2.15 to dae * use of hi t i of Le Figaro, be 2.20 per bushel; primes, $2 o $2.15. to Each Applicant. | > " of his political attacks on her Honey--Extracted, in tina, quoted ut} The members of the Ontario Agri- ' ae * 0 2 . vs isband. "I did my duty, and bear sa.25 see Opt lb. for Ne. 1. combs, $3 (0) cultural .and Experimental Union no malice ' the edite said } ee I or -Neo, J, an =. o - : , e editer said as he! $2.50 for No. 2. are pleased to state that for 1914 Pr --Fowl, 15 , chick- cape! ina meme ene re igilek:| they are prepared to distribute into 16c; turkeys, 20 to 23e. every township of Ontario material The Py --_-- +______ to tt @) S THE NEW Poty s © mark i IN A PARAGRAPH offerings mtted. Ontarlos a "qu teal at $0¢ per bag, on track, and Delawares ; a lots Baled Hay and Straw. No. Experiments offerings fair Y ¥" el is quoted at N $14 to $ a Ret, on tk, here; No. i Testi O.A.C. No. 21 Bar 7 ¥siwes 2 quoted at $13 to $13. be. ic! t ng . NUTSHELL. $10 to $11. . 'and clover 1 ley and emmer ...........: Raled atraw- Car lots, §8.59 to $9, on} 2b---Testing two varieties of two- ---- track, Touro . rowed bitley ............ 2 Canada, the Emplre gud the World Winnipay ¢ Grain 3 =e two varictics of hull- it) General Reforo Your _Winntpes, roy 31.--« "Sati: Wheat SEBS DATICY 2... ccedereccees --No. 1 Northern, 90fc; No. 2. do., 8$8ic; --Testi » Lie. N ver "ps 4 a sab: ek shes 4 --Te: ting ~~ varieties. of eed, Tle: Ne. rejected, spring whea .2 No. 2, do., 84%c: No. MY a -- - 83 a No, } smutty, 864c; No, go. > Testing two waeiabienak buek- Mantes al. "Mar rceh.3t.--Sales of the best , presi- ch { "re offered x dent of the Ontario Medical Coun-' medium stock sold ae Fé a arr ae Any person in Ontario may choose cil, has issued a condemnation of commen at $8 to $680 per cwt, 'The! any one of the experiments for 1914 rade in butchers' ¢ a the Workmen's Compensation Act. / ranging from 33 te Mt wt "pias 1 apply fer the same. The ma- A commissioner from ghd In- | brought from $5 te 37-5) per cwt i terial will be furnished in the order demend fre Ss sk t was oo ask., TO) gales of Ontario selected and Manitobas at OF = ' to be Bella Gunness, alleged multi- | ofthe latter suld as low murderess. weighed off cars. The tone or eke nih 'make % second choice, for fear the P et for sheep and lambs w - first cou! he = George Kadwards, boarding with: i. Bir eer ree <a iets ady. fir t cou ld not be granted. All ma the family of Graham in! ---- ef the fermer were made at $46 terial will be furnished entirely free Strathroy, on demand of payment | k pee! Aa Aas ae '4 at to gy' of charge to each applicant, and the . elma nc or x of his bill in arrears, stabbed Gra- | | good at prices ranging From es ova wae produce will, of course, bécome the 1am several times, also wounding | Ch. 4% to size and quality |property of the person who con- . - himself. ; : ia ducts the experiment. Each person 'p A t . 3 BUBONIC PLAGE E IN WAY ANA. \ ap plying fer an experiment should General. rite his name and address yer¥ Death Has Dreurred from Havana ja nd Ligutenant-General hand aud says it has-no fear ef other | Ewart Davo resigned their posts in ae aaa 404c for with prices nom- side. 'parley, quoted ccording to qual- firm. firm, with outs: ide. ¢ $24 to freight. very 78e, is firm a 190: ; backs, tubs, 14ic; pails, with "prints, t prices dozen in case EXPERIMENTS WITH CROPS. with of high quality for experiments with Grains, fodder crops, roots, grasses, elovers and Alfalfas, as follows :--- a --Testing two a of oats." los re o Se Se which is to be one rod? square. mM packers 'ang ia Which the applications are re- stock Were' eoived, while the supply lasts. It carloads, might be well for each applic vant to Cc aves ey and should vive the name jot the county in witie h he lives. «= * olated. Says: eases. of bu! A large force of rebel cavalry was situation in! Sir John i the ish Army.