1 aaa Te Vol. 25. No. 4. ATWOOD. ONT. FRI d Bee L. 3, 1914, E. H. SWING, PROPRIETOR, 1915 for 65 one. FoornaLL.--The annual meeting of the football club will be held in the Bank rooms on Monday evening, April 6th, for the purpose of electing officers and other business. TILE A quantity of good 3, 4, and 5 inch tile on hand at Henfryn Brick & Tile Yard. Prices right. COLE &' DOUGHERTY Proprietors. New Stock 1914 wall paper just arrived at MITCHELL'S. WANTED.--A_ second hand baby carriage. Apply at this office. Mr. W. R. Erskine made a_busi- ness trip to Toronto last week. Mr. Waiter Blackwell has rented Mr. Zieman's property and will move into it this week. Red clover; alsike, alfalfa and tim- othy. All Government Standard.-- At Mitchell's. BowLEeRS MEETING.--The annual meeting of the Atwood bowling club will be beld in the Clerks office on || Friday eyening, April 8rd, at 7.30 for the election of officers and other busi- ness. A CUT IN HALF WALL PAPER SALE IN For the next 30 days we are 35 and 40c Varnished Tile at + MOS LOY wcscvswecees cwosssesssecwsis lic 25c for l4te on Wallpaper that will surprise you. out-of-date stock, but the most up-to-date Patterns and Colorings of 1913 and 1914 stock. A few odds and ends and room lots at such bargains that it will pay you to lay in a stock for future use. going to offer you Bargains Not remnant nor 7 and O6c for S. FORD : ATWOOD EERE EEE EEE EEE EEE EERE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EE SE EEE bb tt bee i ATWOOD SHOE STORE + F a A aaaae. lieeesbue AVING purchased the shoe stock of J. W. lamin Se cad all thes: sold i me Mr. Jno. Illman, 15th con. bas re-. turned home again after yisiting we friends in England. April 1st,-1914, to Mr. and Mrs. BE Collis, a daughter. Born.--In Elma, on Sunday, March 29, 1914, to Mr, and Mrs: Herb. Forman, a daughter. To be Hanged before the 1st June 2000 rolls wall paper, smart styles and shades at §. H. MITCHELL'S. The new church or the renovation of the old one which has been so much talked about has been laid over for the time being. WARNING.--Any person. or per: sons caught tampering with the street lights in any way will be prosecuted. Signed, Executive of Literary Society request a prompt payment of all out- Born.--In Grey, on Wednesday, | Having sold my shoe business Iji standing accounts as F intend going) the Literary meeting for this West. Call at the C. O. F. building: 3 . a fair crowd was present and ---J. W. Ferguson. the ing was thoroughly enjoyed, The Millinery opening was well at- the SS horme of pos eo goer erie tended on Thursday of last week . by a : : Aimee pare: 8 ecorated with spring the ladies of town and vicinity. The b & The posing and tableaux millinery parlor was*so prettily deco- git Raven ladies, namely, Miss rated with flowers and hats that it EB. of Sten Poarl Flusser, Airs was notonly attractive, but beautiful. N. > ilton Mra. E. H Swing, Mr. Harry Zieman and family left} Mi Hammond, Miss L. Stuart, on Monday for Preston 'where they } Mi Hammond, Miss E. Dan- will in the future reside. Mr. Zieman}b rs. W. Price, Miss: M. Roe has been a resident' of Atwood forjan 38 McMillen, was something the past twenty-fiye years and during | ne Yyeceived much comment. that time has been engaged as tin- the acts, the President, Mr. smith for Mr. Jno, Roger. Ww. rskine, Mr. Geo - Lochhead, A VALUABLE AGENcy.--Mr. Jno. | S0@e 4. Terry were called upon Roger, Atwood, has again secured | 1F w remarks, while Mr. R. A. the local agency for the celebrated | *! ion gave-a dutch recitation Brandram - Henderson 'English'? | 4 4 used much laughter. Follow- | Paints, and house owners and others {4 sthe programme.--Piano solo, | requiring supplies for Spring painting | ¢ Ne : --Robt. Smart of town has' arrangements to haye the Elwm™fouse stables opened for the tion of horsemen on Thurs- iday, April 9th and 10th, also bers driving in to attend 'the : ED DATE. -- On account of Spring Fair date being April 15) Atwood Fair has been chan to Good Friday, April 10th. Am mmodation is being pro- yid id a good show is anticipated. 28 | bills for information. dam Willoughby happened wi ainful accident on Thursday of-lagweek while trying to pull a , in a borse which had partly com ; he was kicked over the causing a deep gash which nece ted several stitches. Mr. Willghby had a close call from be- antly killed. RARY.--Friday evening was riel Roe, Opening address, | ' should call and place their order ab once. B. H tints are guaranteed made.on a é composed of 30% Dos Zinc and 70% Brandram's B. B. Genuine Whi protatty aware, Bratidranie ie been the standard white lead in Eng- land for over a centuary. and 'a half and it is universally recognized today that all paints made with Brandram's Lead as a buse are dependable both CASTORIA oping and become ripped will be sewed free ; : Eggs and Butter taken for trails, = + A call solicited. é : t \as to beauty and lasting qualities. + 2 + : * | Children Cr : D. WATTERS Main st. £ FOR FLETCHER'S y FEE EERE EE EEE EEE EEE DE EEE eee eee ES eam {| mameaieameeancer | [s 10L = 101 SS55I7 shape. value for your money. 'Friday, Saturday We will offer many $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. = SS SS SESS SSS SS open. guaranteed. and coats. LION BRAND CLOTHING FOR BOYS Boys if you wear Lion Brand Clothing you wear the best made in Canada. for style, fit and cloth and made, to keep there Double seat knees and elbows. your next suit from us and you will get better Our New Spring Styles are here. _ Sure. We want to show you our Boys' New Norfolk Suits made of' nice Imported Tweed at This store will be noted in the future for. the Clothing House. Compare our makes and prices. We can offer you quick service. They are noted Get and next week, special values in Boys' Mrs. Brown has arrived and our dress making department is now We have made another big purchase or Ladies' and Misses Suits Do not buy till you have seen ours. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON Listowel aaa eee Prices moderate and fit 1OT eo "English" White wee 4G. Ratcliff, recitation, Edin- ter Flodfien-Campbell, Harvey chorus, Spring song, reci- egy.in a country .church- y, Ada-.Blackwell, reading, | ! ! i "THE NYAL STORE " ' Free To advertise a popular tooth paste, we will offer to our cus- tomers with each package of paste or powder bought a tooth brush free. This offer will begin FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd, ending SAT- URDAY, APRIL 11th. The paste is*of two flavors--Peppermint and Wintergreen, comes out like a ribbon, put up in collapsable tubes, retailing at 25c a package. G. COCHLIN, CS=== l | ---- ---- are 1 over the body | in solo, Geo, Broad- a The Island of the Ratcliffe/ reading, Yer itgoers $f England, Van Hiles, har- ce . Leone Hammond, reci tatioin, The Revenge -- Tennyson, Randolph Erskine, solo, "The Brook" Price, recitation, battle of Lun fe Lane--Scott, Miss A. Ham- , chorus»Swing Song, recitation Lad eron's song -- Sir Walter 4 t, Minnie Pope, posing and tab- k. A vote of thanks was extend- ed t} Mrs. McBain, Miss Hammond | Mr. Ratcliffe for the splendid progtamme which they had provided for the evening. | ENGLISH CHURCH o4 Sunday next, April 5th, there will {D. V.) be a celebration of the! : Communion in St. Alban's| hat 11 a.m. There will be no! ng service. The Rey. F. K. :es, rector of Millbank is expect- officiate. S\foday School at 10.30 am. | Good Friday, April 10th, there be service a 30 p.m. All mem bers/are earnesth requested to try be present at these services. | For SALE. -- Two purebred Hol- stein bulls, fit for service ; three sows due to farrow in a month and a num- ber of shoats.--JAsS. M. Boyp, R. R. No. 8, Atwood., (Silver Corners) | RUPTURE EXPERT HERE, | / ony y, Who Fitted C Czar of Russia, Re- | called to o Stratford. Strat} ord, Saturday only, April 4th. Mr Seeley says: "The Sperm rmatic Shield as now fen and approved by the United Stat eet will not only retain any rapture perfectly affording immadiate.and complete relief, but closes the opening in 1U days on the average case. This instrument received the only award in England and in Spain, producing results out surgery, harmful injec- tions, treatments or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United States Eovenitient, Washington, D.C.. for inspection. All charity cases without Hoel a, or if any interested call he will ad to show mane yitect charge or fit them if desired. Any ruptured Just got in a new stock of Pipes. Call and see them. Pure Maple Syrup and also Maple Syrup mixture. The Star Grocery Whether we.get your orders occassionally or eyery day, your sure to get steady quality six days a, week and your sure of clean- is always satisfactory, their is no room for- complaint or come liness and good quality. Pure Maple Syrup back (except to repeat orders) Pure maple 'syrup stays sold. McCormick's Open Kettle Brand Maple Syrup is absolutely. pure, about this there is'nt even the shader ofa doubt, try it and be convinced, only 35c a quart or a a ae We have just received a car of Redpath's Best Granulated sugar, so any one wanting sugar will do well to call and get prices be-- fore buying elsewhere. We pay the highest market price Butter and Eggs. Goods delivered to any part of the Village. E. T. Greensides & Son for anh 30 # gallon... Web Gate a good saab of 'Flour, Bian, pany Fae wT Cake, Flax Seed Meal, Bibby's Cream Equivalent, Caldwell's Cream substitute for calyes ond Grit and Oyster shell for hens. should remember ie dato + take ad- Butter--28 and 25c. Our new Hats Eggs--19c. W. R. ERSKINE, Our Specials for this week and Caps Spring. Our lines are the newest and at good rea- sonable prices, Ready-made_ Clothing. shipment of Clothing for men and boys has arrived and we can show you some of the shades and styles of the well known C.N.R. Brand at very reasonable prices. Special lines in boys' and men's odd pants and knickers which ceptionally good value. are @xX- for Come in and give us a call and be convinced. Main Street, Atwood varitage of this opportunity. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years 'Bignature of '4 J. Cc. _ BAKER D. L. W. oveatee COAL ¢ ; Phone 2-12 SSeS 'Wood aad