Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 20 Feb 1914, p. 7

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Windsor, Ontaric. DR WILLIAMS | PINK PIL mes alae os st at Dr. Oar a Teusy. enrich the blood, give strength and restore tone to the aching nerves. The anaemic girl who is languid and pale, the wife whose back feels like breaking; the matron whose hea!th fails as she reaches middle age--for all' such sufferers Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are invaluable because ealth in woman is usually caused by poor blood or insufficient blood. These pills have cured thousands of others, why not you? Mrs. D. Morine, Wallbrook, N.8., saya:--"It is impossible for too much in praise of ' Pink Pills. I have been a great sufferer from those troubles that make the life of so many women an almost constant mise Pains in the back and side racked and tortured me. My nerves seemed to give out, and at times I could do no house work, and only women who havé similarly suffered know what I endured, I tried medicine after medicine without any benefit, and was finally per- suaded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Soon after starting the pills I found an improvement, and as continued their use my health and strength returned, and I now. feel as well as ever.I did in my life, an Tam relating my experience merely in the hope that it may lead some other suffering woman;to renewed health. I may add that my mother suffered from 'rhaumatism so badly that she had to use a crutch, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills i le ly restored her to her usual good health. 4 Always get the genuine pills with the full name "Dr. W illiams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper around each box. If your dealer does not keep them, the pills will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a FROM ERIN'S GREEI ISLE EWS BY MAIL PROM IRE- LAND'S SHORES. re Bee appenings tn the Emerald Isle o} Interest to Lrish- men. Peter Davey, a laborer of Drum- kirkaboll, county Sligo, was cut to pieces on the Midland Railway near Bligo. A donation box, estimated to 'con- tain about 815, has been stolen from the Catholic Church at En- nistymon. A fire occurred at a flax mill at Lower Beltooney, near Newton- stewart, the property of Mr. Aiken. Tho entire mill was destroyed. A stir has been created in Clif- den by the fact that the doors and showboards of houses of prominent residents in the town have been tarred. A miller, named Patrick Reilly, residing at Drumcar, near Dunleer, had one of his arms almost torn away by being caught in the cogs of a wheel. During the past week some large seals made their way to the shore Appetite Finds Ready Satisfaction In a bowl of Post Toasties and Cream. Thin, crisp bits of Ih- dian Corn--cooked and toasted so that they have * a delicious flavor~-- Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve --sold 'by Grocers every- where. . 'WOMEN WELL 2 because si Rallindine A purchaser acting on behalf of oP | Ples, Dunmore, Durrow. The death district of Mrs: igan, at the age of 109 years. She was ke mother of the Rev. Fa- ther. Rhatigan, U.S.A. Militant suffragettes have again been at work in Dublin where un- corked bottles containing corrosive fluid has been dropped in letter boxes. - Muc was done. At Ballymena the trustees of the Independent Order of Rechabites prosecuted a number of that Society for imitating a "er 8 signature on a certificate of sicknéss. Registrar-General for Ire- land reports that the. number of emigrants who left Irish ports dur- ing November was 6,151, of whom 588 were males, over 553 females, @ decrease of 123 persons over last year. The strike of, the cabinetmakers working on the premises of the Sligo Iron Cempany has been suc- cessfully settled, the men returning to oe ter an absence of five we A deputation representing the goods agent, stationmaster and Slerks of th 2G. 8. & -W. Ry. wait- ed on the directors at Kingsbridge, seeking improvements in salaries and conditions. Owing to the satisfactory opera- tions of the Clancy Act, the Ath- lone Urban Council have been en- abled to reduce the rents.of the working class houses by 12.cents per week each. ] authorities have com- menced: a big development in the Midland Telephone service, . the construction of trunk connection between Athlone, Galway and Ros- carron having been started. An overflow pubiic meeting was he'd in the Cork City Hall for the purpose of forming a Cork City Corps of the Irish Volunters, and stormy scenes were seen, many Oo the speakers being violently as- saulted a BABYS OWN TABLETS ARE SAFE AND SURE Mothers: wanting a safe and sure a government analyst to contain neither opiates, narcotics or other injurious drugs. Concerning them rs. G, L. Bonham, St. George, Ont., says:--".can recommend Baby' s Own Tablets as a safe and sure medicine for little ones. I have raised four babies with their} aid and would not be without them.' The Tablets are sold b medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. eas He Meant Well. Hostess (at the party)--Miss Rob- ins has no partner for this waltz. Would you mind dancing with her | instead of with me. The Man--On the contrary, I shall be delighted. Sune ie pre in . bes 4 - a Dru exits 'und ney PA OINTMENT reaile to cure trentne Blind, or Protruding Piles. First appitcation gives relief. 60c nan BANDITS PREVENT WRECK. When They Shoot Engineer of a Mail Train, How an attempt by bandifs to rob a mail train on the Manchurian Railway unwittingly averted a wreck is reported in a etory from Pogranichwaia, Russia. A freight train was slowing up for a crossing when the people at the station noticed that the mail trgin was rapidly overtaking the train apparently being unaware of the train ahead. Just as a collision seemed inevitable there was a grinding of brakes and, the mail train came to a stop. Upon inves- '| tigation the engineer was found un- conscious in his cab, with a bullet hole in his chest. The fireman had disappeared. Upon recovering consciousness the engineer said that as the train was approaching Pogranichwaia his fireman, a new man on the road, | had suddenly produced a revolver. At, the same time he noticed arm '|men.in the woods and realized that his fireman was in league with the robbers. Ignoring the order to when the fireman pulled the trig- ger, shot the engineer in the chest and jumped from the train. The én ord knew he was badly wound- ed, and before lapsing into uncon- sciousness pulled the whistle cord and. eet the brakes. He knew noth- ing of the train ahead. While workmen were em the erection of the ings in Wellington Street, Lurgan, they excavated a. pony of coins ast ths reign of George IIL. yeh 'pu two- een |. s at the Dublin: Win- ter Show, the the. proporty of cured with has taken place in the a periments conducted , rs) sicken the stomach, because ozone is the purest, safest co' tarrh and cold remedy ever devised. McCallum, Stirling, Ont, "I have suf- ered from Catarrh, and continually rows and coughed, so that my roat was-always in an inflamed, ix table condition "Doctors' seiadilelive did not help me In the Teast, and all other remedies | 'used were quite useless. in one case it was time wasted'in snuffing powder . up the nose; In another using a greasy olntment, and so on. Not one of bois af was the least bit of good. "| heard ~Catarrhozone jfavoren». spoken of, and tried it. Really it bene- fited me more in a few hours than years of treatment with doctors' and other so-called remedies. "Receiving such immense benefit, 1 continued using Catarrhozone, and in a few weeks | was completely cured of Catarrh and throat t G levinosvae aay, size costs $1.00, and lasts two months Smaller sizes 25c. and 50c. All ers, or The Catarrhozone onsany, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. FEET HEAVIER WHEN ASLEEP Head is Lighter / and "Feet Much Heavier on' Awakening. You often hear a person complain of his head feeling "heavy" after a! long sleep. As a matter of fact, his' head is considerably lighter "and his legs and feet just that much heavier when he gets up than when he goes to bed. Experiments have shown that if a man goes to sleep on a bed sus- pended exactly at middle point of his weight his head begins to tip slowly up and his feet So: asian. This is due-to the fact that when we sleep the blood in the brain nm off to the other parts of the ly. The moment'the brain wakes to life Another of the curious brought to light by the scientists) who are fond of trying to solve the mystery of cleep is that w or several parts of it, may same time be awake, A ke man may walk, talk, sing or solve mathemati- cal problems, and yet at the same time be safely in the land of Nod. It seems hard or impossible to decide what part of the brain really does sleep. Our eense of time, instance, is stronger when ad sleep than when we are awake, Ex- some years ago on.a number of men and women between the ages of twenty, and thirty showed that 60 per cent. of them were able to wake up in the morning at any time they had de- cided upon the night before. freight train, the driver of the mail est stop he put on all possible speed,- prehdorsane ee, j some one has aptly expressed it, | the resolve seems to wind up some- 'thing in the subconscious brain, 'c and when the hour has arrived this ," something gives in some mysterious way the alarm and the eyelids, 'open. Another curious fact a sleep is that the further the part af the body is away from the brain the less soundly it sleeps. A touch of the toe will awaken one much more readily than a touch on the shoul- der. a Aroused Her Curiosity. Marie--I wonder how old you are? Julia--I just told you my age. wondering. How some men do hate other men because of their superiority. It is hard luck that comes easi- st. ' iI . have not garnered heavs of 'But I am happv, for I've tried again it draws the blood back. lon facts 4 fast' asleep some a of his bra] at As on Marie--Yes; that's what set \me|. Play Straight--Play Fair. When ' a young and thin and small Not half 20 stout, nor yet as tall id people tell me I am now, We had a sort of schoolboy vow Sr a what may, we used to As dearer than the purest gold, And much more rare. re woe to him who broke the rule, This steadfast motto of the school: Play straight; play fair. 'When I grew up and left the sam I vowed to keep our golden rule. To be i sportsman juet the same; d y to win, yet play the game. But in S the fight of life T sought In vain, for decent, cleanly sport Was truly rare. And people seemed to stand aloof, Who should have yelled in stern re- proof: . "Play straight; play fair." And, so it is, though blessed health ealt: in Success; a8 most consider such, T have not met with overmuch. (When others would have moped and sighed) A smile to wear. And still I hold myself repaid If I can say that I have played Both straight and fair. %. HAS A. CORN ANY ROOTS? xe Tams Corn Oe ote r it's less, safo, and inyartably satisfactory. Insist on tor, 25c, at all niy Putna: ealers. "Do It Now. Bix--I've had this umbrella eight Dix--That's long enough, you ought to return it. . Minar@'s Linimgnt Cures Diphtheria. Hard Luck. 'Wasn't Jack a suitor for Mies Richleigh's hand?' "Yes, but he didn't." *Didn't what?' "Buit her.' 'stomach, improve digestion, women, for children. All dealers sell 11. vinced me of one thing." r two weeks = ee the lum ain forming in cont. T bathed again with myn ANIMENT, and saturating. |ARD'S ith the Hniment Ieft it on 'all cloth Ne xt morning the swelling was fone 'and I attributed the by rey A off of an attack of Ouinry to ree use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT, G. F. WORDEN. 8t. John. ' Onc Thing at a Time. Hub (anxiously) -- But if you buy this costly saath rs are we ever go- ing to pay for i Wife--Now, Tom, don't let's talk about two things at once. Let's talk about the coat. Wanted. Wanted.-- Twelve well-educated, conscientious young women as pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by gradua- tion.. Unusual variety of experi- ence. New Nurses' Home soon to | private OF FICE | | Gone ok Cramming down ill-chosen food, and rushing back to work, leads straight to dys- pepsta, with all It means in misery. Proper habits of- eating. -Co tion, health and happiness. A box of N&é-Dru-Co Dys- Tablets costs but 60c. at your Druggist's. National Drug and Chem- ical Co. of Canada, Limited. be completed Finest contagious disease building in the State. Chil- dren's Ward and Maternity De- partment. Two mgnths' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. Address i Frederika K. Gaiser, Princi- pal. ~ The Baby's Birthday. Among the innumerable supersti- tions about babies -is the old saw about the day of birth: Monday's child is fair of face; Tuesday's child is full of grace; Wednesday's child is sour and ead; Thursday's child is merry and glad; Friday's child is loving and giving; Saturday's child must work for « living; But ay child that is born on the Is blithe and bouny, and good and gay. _ Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ete What, Agal nt ur wife gone shopping ?'"' ie Rie Tins, "Has yo "Alas, I'm afraid not! I'm afraid $1,434, 000,000; and unary $1,- 268,000,000. A Nova Scotia Case of Halifax -- Out a Message of Help w oy F People. Halifax, N,S., Dec. 15.--When viewed at her hoe. at 194 jets St, Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her pecullarly unfortunate case. "I was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, Janguid and utterly~unfit for any work. stomach was 80 disordered that What I did eat disagréed. greatly from dizziness and sick bhead- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. . "T felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a we woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. t is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." : Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthe. the streng' en the nerves aad restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing: the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chasa away wearlness,. depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for Dr. Hamulton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Little Worth Noting. 'My efforts to keep a diary con- '"What"s that 1?" 'That there are mighty few 'es in the: year' on which a man anything really worth recording." Minard's Liniment cures Carget in Cows After a Good Meal. Hostess--Another piece of mince pie, Georgie! Just a small piece? | orgie (reluctantly) -- No, thanks. I could chew it, but I couldn't swallow it. an a Cold in One D ee IVE BROMO QUININE Deuxgtees retand money if it fails to cure. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c Doing Well. Bix--How are you making out on your reeolution to econom omize Dix--Fine! I've got my ~ a expenses slowed down to a wi Minard's Liniment Cures Olstemper. Perfectly Agreeable. Bhe to rejected Hla be 4 sister to you, Alo He (brisklv)--"All right. Come kiss your brother." --Soothes Eye ain, Dregs eq Murine E Remedy, Liqui ye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, Eye Books Free BY Mail. As onic Qoed for All that Need Care Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Some men are "a more than animated threats Those who pay as they.go usually find the going good. 'All life is set to music," says @ poet. And the life of a tramp to raztime ? We are sometimes inclined to think there are not enough square deals to go around. The fool and his moneyare soon parted, and the feol and her money marry a title. Same thing. Jaterest to All Women} Ointa In Little Blotches. Scratching Caused Sarg oh » Hands Had to Be - Tied. Cried Dayand Night. Cuti~ cura Soap and Ointme and Ointment Cured. Enniskillen, N. B.--'"The trouble started y was pletely cured." _ (Signed) Mrs. John J. McOann, Nov. 27, 1912. Although use in the tollet, bath and nureery, bocauss h of the they p skin and hair from infancy to age. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For @ Hberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, wend to Potter Drug & Corp., pepe D, Boston, U- S.A. PARMS FOR SALE 4. W. DAWSON, Ninety Coidorne Sires Toronte. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock. Bi or ue Fa write Bra 2. oF Colborne At.. Toronto. H W. DAWSON, Colborne &t., Toronta. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. E HAVE SEVER met hAalntae " NURSERY STOCK. TRAWBERBRIES, RASPBERRIES, F hy Wai Free Catalog. McCon & Bon, Be Grovesend, Ontarto. : MISCELLANBOUS 4NCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO, internal and external, with out pain by ang. mo treatment. Write ve hefore too edical te. Dr Reman M Ga., Seated. Callinewond. Ont. Of Vital interest to Syruf "ard Etathnd Vaplo Su rar Makers Wide-awake Map! « Syrup makers will consult their best interests by order- ead of de- "Champi sn tot tee Ps sizes, yon 'oves. large THE GRIMM MPG. OO., LIMITED ]- 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. POTASH 3m Bi Sate n bie a No scil wil) Sa a Maximum Crop that does not con: ntein an AVAILABLE 5 ee ply, sufficient for th nee TZ OF Pora: ) 2 2 obtained from the soamtee fertt on > gente and seedsm uy ready-tnixed" fertil- izers pry insist on brands of IGH TASH co Bulletin fo: our Pidaanire educative etine on e importan: FERTILIZING Fubject ASH SYNDICATE, 1010 Temple Bldg. TORONTO. It Was Discouraging. Mrs, Gadd--Dear mie, I've had making calls. Gadd-- What was the difficulty? Mrs. Gadd--Why, I found woaty every one of them at home. FREE! Ist Prizo, $50.00 in Cash. 2nd Prize, $40.00 in Cash. "th to Oth Prizes, on Below will be found six sets of mu arrange these six sets of letters in the name of a well known vegetab! ment you have an op -six words p) oe ee wer atonce; we answe pean List, together with th plete ts, and full particulars of MM " ghe's goue buying.' AND 100 VALUABLE er GIVEN AWAY le. rtunity of winning a cash penty ee a slip of paper, asin the case of ties," CEUABINEUT fact sa reply Re Aart © is correct or begin' and we will send you Beers ho have recently received Two Thousand dollars in Cash Prizes aoa a simple condition' 2a be pips This condition cd = inysive the spe: a MANUEACTY RING, COMPANY 9) $200.00 IN CASH. rd Prize, $35.00 In Cash. th Prize, ap hnt te in Cash. on $19.00 in h. ixed or jumbled Treen Can y such order that cach set will: Jett! ors in this contest. telling you . 7 of your money.

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