Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 20 Feb 1914, p. 1

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ae ee cane Aube veet, Pd 'was well attended and good prices Vol. 24. No. 50. 3 MAITLAND. Mr. Hugh pout lost a valuable cow last week Mr. Wm. Rayornft' s sale last week Warning To Magistrates. --_----- "Many fakirs were caught red- handed on the grounds of fairs last year. They were in some cases taken before the Justices of the Peace and those*kind gentlemen imbued with the milk of human kindness permit- ted them to go on suspended sentence and away they went to ply their wily tricks at some other fairs." In these words did Mr. Lockie Wilson Wilson condemn the fakirs at the country fairs while addressing oyer 600 rep- resentatives at the Faire Association meeting last week. "I am prepared," he declared, "to ask the Attornay- General to take away the commission of any magistrate who does not severely fine these men. My opinion is-that every vestigo of crooked work should be wiped out. Does any one | of you want to see the money of the young mén enticed from them by the | offer of a cigar which is ¢o rotten that it would kill the African dodger | whoris the means of his winning it ? | Last year we had detectives at all | the fairs to guard against this nuis- ance. Remember tbat any assotia- tion which permits these men on the | grounds is liable to lose the govern- ment grant." ----__ = The sad news reached Atwood on Saturday evening of the death of Mrs. Chas. Hamilton (nee Bertha: Gilkinson), of Tate, Sask. Miss | Ethel Gilkinson left for the West on were realized for this season. Mr. Alex. Morrison wielded the hammer. We understand that Mr. Rayeraft intends removing to Woodstock in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McKenzie, of Sarnia, formerly of Monkton, where they have spent part of the winter with friends and acquaint- ances, returned home again. Mr. Me- Kenzie is engaged during the sum- mer months as a ship carpenter. Mr. John Huston and the Quipp Bros. were busy last week complet- ing their gravel contracts, but were laid off the last few days on account of the very stormy weather. It, is generally conceded that the Road Commissioners are acting quite judi- ciously in getting a quantity of this improvement done at this season of the year when men and teams are available, and the work can be done at a reasonable cost, whereas in the summer and fall when farmers afé so busy and help is so hard to get, the cost.of work comes so high as to al- most render it tnpragijonthe from a business sxepapoiah, « Paisley Public and Continuation School was completely destroyed by fire of unknown origin on Sunday morning. Saturday morning. G ------} = = Fine Salt in Bbis. and 100 pound bags. Teas--We carry only the best Salada and Red Rose. The Star Grocery Marmalade Oranges the time to spake. ur Marmalad bile the oranges i. pev.je he | ime make. yo 9, e { fox: 'also nice acct eee ranges x "50c "ties : es i | {} | | | alk We also haye the Jamacia G Srape Fruit. FISH---Fresh Frozen Herring, Mountain Trout in kegs, "a water Herring in kegs, Finnin Haddie, Codfish and Oysters. MEATS---Rolled Shoulder, Long clear Bologna, Back Bacon, Weiners, Spareribs and Pork Sausago. | | Breakfast Bacon, Cooked Ham, Headcheese, FLOUR AND FEED---We have a good supply of Flour, Bran, Shorts, Low Grade, Oilcake, Flax Meal, Cream substitute for calves and all at the lowest possible price. NOW.--for your Hens, we haye grit, oyster shells, ground bone | and Caldwell's scratch food which is a great egg pro- ducer. | We pay the highest market price i for Butter and Eggs. Goods delivered to any part of | the town. He it | BIE FEBRUARY The Month For Sewing New Wash Goods and New Dress Goods. We have just receiyed our New Goods in for Spring, and have bought heavily so as to give our customers a good selection. Our Celebrated Crafton's Prints are also in and can be bought to good advantage. WE HAVE THE LATEST IN Men's and Ladies' Shoes for Sprine AND WE HAVE OUR Men' s and Children's Clothing In the very latest styles and colors for spring. As we have just completed Stock- tuking we can give some of the best bargains ever offered in Atwood i in all lines. OUR GROCERIES are always up to-date and clean. Highest Prices Paid for All Kinds of Dairy Produce W. R. ERSKINE, Main Street, Atwood > ee oe Phone 1. =} | | ! ' | | a 2 | Camp Melrose, Messrs: D. Murré THE. SONS OF SCO Have A 'Social Night Make Presentation: The Sons of Scotland " At Hom held in the. Forester's hall, Awa on Monday evening last, was & grat success. Gamesand social greetin wefe indulged in. till after 8 oe s when Mr. A. Stevenson, chief, ¢ tho saihaiie to order. and 'aed Mr. Geo. Hamilton to the ae r when, on behalf of the members | Geo. Gordon and A. Peebles presen led him with a beautiful " Couch 4 Pipe," and Mr. Geo. Lochhead reg the addregs, as follows :-- To Mr. GEO. HAMILTON. J We, the members of the Sons 4 Scotland. Camp Melrose, No. 78, 4 wood, desire to giye expression too feelings on this occasion to you ¢ | brother member, for your seryiceé 4 | the best interests in the Camp, y | social companionship and for | many 'occasions you have fayored | jin sang. t Your social life needs no comm on |for have. we not always found | ready and willing to devote, the tim land talents which were at your yt }mand for the benefit and welfare; ithe Camp and community. Ind ;words of Burns: ' Loved at 'hom revered abroad," a Sincerity is to speak as we thix to do as' we protend and profess, perform and make good what i promise. We ask you to accept this" land Pipe" as a token of our este Jand may this incident be long oh ished in your mémory by the k acceptance of these gifts and |you the just appreciation *of 3 services and companionship. | Life i is the mirror of king gad sh Tis just what you arg -- Ethan give to the world pare 4 © . Hosted that you may be spa | favor us with many another of the|' "Guild Auld Scottish. Sangs," and | wishing you and your partner in life Jovery happiness in your declining | year Signed i in behalf of Camp Melrose, le 78, Atwood. A. STEVENSON, WILLIAM.ROBB, GEOROE GORDON, DONALD MURRAY. Atwood, Feb. 16th, 1914. ¢ | Mr. Hamilton, being taken. alto- | gether by surprise. replied briefly 'with "Thanks," and with perspira- tion oozing upon his face, sang Farewell My Native Land." After the presentation the follow- 'ing programme was given :--Violin se'ection, Messrs. Rohb, Porter and Peebles; reading, Wm. G. Inglis; |duett, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Porter; 'reading, Dr. Kidd; song, Miss L. ; McMane; song, Hugh Porter ; read- ling, Thos. H. Dickson: song, Geo. Hamilton with Mrs. J. A.:McBain and Mrs. L. McMane, accompanists. A bountiful lunch was provided by the ladies and served in dainty form. Dancing and games vere enjoyed by | the large gathering until the wee 'sma oors, when ali jained in singing Auld Lang Syne," resolved to meet some ither day. -------- Room lots of Wallpapers, worth {15c and 16c, for about 7¢ on MIT- CHELL'S Bargain Table. SALE REGISTER.--J. D. Wilkes, auctioneer, has receiyed instructions from Frank Nichol, to sell by public lauction on W ednesday, February 25th, on lot 4, con. 4, Elma, his farm 'stock, implements and household | furniture. A concert in charge of Messrs. A. M. Robinson, Hugh Porter, A..R. 'Terry and Geo. Lochhead will be |held in the Musie Hall, Atwood,.on Friday eyening, March 6th. I will be of a high order, being instructive las well as laughable and guaranteed : to cure all cases of colic or indiges- | tion. Further particulars next week. --_---------- > Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA | Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry - FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO ea Ella Lochhead and' Mr. © | Terry, while the negati Mm | pioned =i! Miss Edgar, 2 i 2 id G. H. Swine, Proprietor. / "The gathering which assembled at ne fortnightly meeting of the Literary ocieby here on Friday evening are pdebted to Mr. EI. Porter and Mr. ; B. Hodge, under whose direction he programme was arranged, for the a ertaining, instructive and profit- ble time spent. ' Mr. Geo. Lochhead acted as chair- ban and briefly stated that the Liter- iy Society was organized for the urpose of furnishing amusement and z sharing in the. benefits which are to 8 derived from such an organization ad a rural community such as ours where the occupation of farming pre- ominates--an occupation which is|- he backbone of the country at large. Interspersed between each number wiven the chairman made some pithy remarks which added to the enjoy- ment of the programme. The first number announced was ® piano dvett by Mrs. McBain and Miss Turnbull which was loudly ap- plauded. This was followed by a solo by Mr. A. Robinson, sung in his fusual pleasing style. A yiodlin duett by Messrs. J. Peebles and Wm. Robb, Mr. W. Peebles cording on the piano and Mr. Woodson Robb on the auto- harp, was giyen and in response to a hearty encore the musicians re- sponded by giving another selection. A recitation by Miss Curtis was de- 'livered in a very able manner- and Hheld the closest attention of the Haudience. Then a mouth organ solo i by Master John Inglis with piano ac- ycompaniment hy Mrs. McBain was rendered and muck appreciated. _ Next on. the programme came a veryinteresting debate, the subject being :"' Resolved that more has been '/done for mankind by invention thun by discovery." The affirmative was isupported by Mr. E. McBain, Miss Andrew was cham- r, Randolph skine and Mr. Hodge. The 2. BAVOT s jitory. oto "Darling L Am Growing Old ""--by Mr. and -Mrs. Porter was surg, apd judging by theencore it received was considered one of the'best numbers on the programme. Another piece on the moath organ brought to a close a yery enjoyable entertainment. Probs.--Fair and mild. Miss Alice Hammond was visiting in Toronto last week. end witb relatives at Berlio. Red' Clover, Alsike and Timothy. Good test, No. 1 & 2, at MITCHELL'S. Mr' and Mrs. J. Eddie, of Harris- ton, spent a few days with Mr. and rs. C. Ersman. Mr. Jas. Donaldson receiyed a car load of corn on Monday which was sold at 70c. a bushel, It's early for Wallpapers, but you should see the snaps in good rem- nants at MITCHELL'S. Miss Bevin Grainger, of Oxyille, Alta., is visiting with friends in town and vicinity. Miss Grainger was a former teacher at 8. 8S. No. 5, Elma. Mrs. W. D. Mitchell and daughter Marion left on Wednesday afternoon en. route for Chicago, where they will spend the remainder of the winter. A SMALL BLAZE.--Just before 12 ly. awakened froin their peaceful sltimbers by the sound of the fire bell. On arising and making their way to Main street they found a number of brawny Scotch- men, who were attending an " At Home ' in the C.O. F. hall, had given their services in fighting a fire in the home of the Misses Mur- ray. After considerable difficulty tbe blaze was extinguished, when it was found that much more damage bad been done to the building that at first expected, besides destroying a considerable amount of wearing ap- pirel belonging to the young ladies. The fire originated either from a defectiye chimney or from the cook stove. Fortunately the building and oan are covered by insuranc3. Mrs. Lamb was the first to discoyer that the house was on fire and quick- ly aroused the other inmates. While valuable assistance was rendered-by. the citizens the credit of saving the building is due to the efforts of the Misses Murray and Mr. and Mri. Lamb who heroically fought ths flames under very trying conditions until more help &rrived. citizens were r | withered, but as one that transplant- eine 'ee fate a pet oni Mrs. J, Ducklow spent the weeks o'clock on Monday night many of our' Drep.--At the home of bis parents, Dr. and Mrs. Roe, their son John Stewart, aged three years, 11 months and 25 days. A brief funeral seryice was held Monday afterhoon, conduct- ed by the pastor of the Methodist Church. -- Relatives and friends of the sorrowing family weré present, and as they looked upon the sweet, placid little body in its white casket and surrounded by beautiful and fragrant flowers--yet not more beau- tiful than the little face within-- their hearts swelled in sympathy for | the bereaved family. But let us not! think of little Stewart as dead, but as living; not as a flower that has SIXTH LINE, ELMA. Mr. Lorn' Hunter has bought a farm in Wallace and will move on it in the spring. . r Mr. Lorne Robinson is petting the material on the ground for a new straw shed and cement wall under his barn. Mr. Robbie Hamilton spent lasi week with friends on the 17th con. He intends taking a trip.to Wood- stock if the roads are favorable. We are sorry .to report that Mrs. -David Hall is but slowly recovering. She has been removed to Listowel ed, and touched by a Diyine Hand, | where she will be nearer the doctors. is blooming in richer color and fragrance than those of earth. "There is no death ! The stars go down To rise upon some fairer shore ; - And bright in Heaven's jewelled crown They shine for evermore." "SSI ONES I EVR HAIER 'THE NYAL STORE "' There was a very nice time spent at Mr. George Dickson's last week, when a sleigh load drove over from Listowel and spent the evening very enjoyably. NYAL'S HAIR RESTORER .. . ' If every woman who has been benefited by Nyal's Hair f Restorer would tell her friends what it has done for her, it would be eyen in greater demand than it is. Buta woman is perfectly . right nof to tell all her little beauty secrets: However, if you will accept our recommendation you will not. be disappointed. Nyal's Hair Restorer makes the hair soft and glossy, stimulates growth of new hair and makes old hair healthy, stops falling hair and removes dandruff, : Dm There isn't a toilet requisito you want that.you can't find in our abate! up: to date.stock. / Free Patterns Free. Patterns in| ANOTHER BiG. HIT SEE OUR WINDOW FREE---A NEW LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PAT- TERN DURING THE WEEK OF FEB. 23 TO FEB. 28. we will celebrate Home pattern week and will give without charge anyone of three patterns of the latest dresses. There is a simplicity and exactness about these paiterns that wins a woman every time. They save material and produce-a dress that is distinc- tive. The women 'who uses these patterns keeps on using them---that is why we can afford to. give one free. Get if at our pat- tern counter, any day from |e». 23 to the 28. 128 New pieces print, in all the newest patterns and colors, soft finish and per- fect fast colors - - 2 1-2c 50 pieces fancy crape cloth, all the new colors with 'border and without border, extra fine cloth, close price at 15c. * Meant other wash goods. ratine cloth. Now i is the right time to make yourself a beautiful dress from 87 1-2c to $1.25. J. M. Schinbein ~~ Listowel

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