' @ * jewels of toil. SUMMER MONTHS FATAL TO SMALL CHILDREN *The summer months are the hardest of the year on smal! child- ren. 'Cholera infantum, diar- rhoea, dysentry and stomach trou- bles are aJ] eomman at this time many a precious life is snuf- fed out after only a few hours' ill- ness. As a safeguard mothers should keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trou- ble comes on suddenly will bring the little one through safely. Mrs. Larry DeGrace, Mizonette, N. B., writes: "Last summer my baby suf- fered greatly from her stomach and bowels and nothing helped her till Y began giving her Baby's Own Tablets. They regulated her bow- els, sweetened her stomach, and now she is a big, healthy, happy child.'? The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. we. WHY HE STARED. "Can't understand that' chap over there,' said the conceited Roberts. "He's been staring at me for the last ten minutes. Look at him." The man in question still con- tinued to stare hard until Roberts grew so curious he could stand it no longer. 'Why' do you stare at me like that?' he inquired. "Are you ad- miring my classical nose? Or do J remind you of some dear one who has departed from this life?' "No. It's like this," replied the stranger. "My wife has always told me that I'm the ugliest man on earth, and, by Jove, if she could see you I bet she'd change her opinion!" 'A Sure Corrective of Flatulency. --When the undigested fod lies in the stomach it throws off gases, causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belch- ing or eructation of these gases is offensive and the only way to pre- vent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills will do this. Simple directions go with each packet and a course of them taken systemati- cally is certain to effect a cure. USUAL REASON. "He used to be a straight enough young chap. What made him get crooked ?"' "Trying to. make meet, I believe." REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD . Mars, Winstow's SOOTHING SYRUP 1 beet x t LIONS cf . WHILE both ends REN JCC ¢ aud ask for "Mrs. "and take po olher e. "Were you nervous when you proposed to your wife?" asked the sentimental person. "No," re- | plied Mr. Meek, "but if I could} have foreseen the next ten years | I would have been." } Wilson's Fly Pads are sold by! practically all Druggists, Grocers | and General Stores throughout Canada. They kill many times more flies than any other article. Diner--"Here, waiter, are these pork or mutton chops?' Waditer-- "Can't you tell by the taste?" Diner--"No."' Waiter -- "Then what does it matter?' We have no hesitation in saying that-Dr.J-D-KeHoge's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dy- sentery, diarrhoea, cholera, and a}l summer complaints, sea sick- ness, ete. It promptly gives re- Jief and never fails to effect a posi- tive cure. Mothers should never be without a bottle when their chil- dren are teething. Beads of perspiration are the Minard's Liniment Cures. Distemper. ~ SHE WAS WISE. "Why do you insist on asking that young man to sing?' '"'Because," replied Miss Chay- enne, "when he's singing he isn't trying to converse."' When an ordinary man succeeds in accomplishing something worth while, he ceases to be ordinary. : SSS TT DODDS "s ver Greyhounds. King George has decided to dis- pense with the services of some of the "Silver Greyhounds."The pro- per designation of the officials in question is Foreign Service Mes- sengers and in King Edward's reign they were requisitioned a good deal owing.to the fact/that the King's health. necessitated his spending mich time on the Contin- ent, and it was often well that a verbal message should accompany @ despatcn. 'The present King has no great partiality for the Contin- ent and entrusts most of his mes- sages to the ordinary post. he "Silver Greyhounds'? wear as a badge a broad silver disk which is stamped with a greyhound in full gallop, surmounted with a crown, "These gentlemen are en- trusted with delicate duties. The y| chief qualification for the post is a knowledge of the gentle art of 'holding your tongue in_ several languages," a definition given by Lord Palmerston to a friend who applied to him for the office of Silver Greyhound. IAVE YOU A BAD SORE? If so, remember these facts-- Zam-Buk is by far the most widely used balm in Canada! Why has it become so popular? Because it heals sores, cures skin diseases, and does what is claimed for it. Remember that Zam-Buk is at the same time healing, soothing, and antiseptic. Kills poison instantly, and all harmful germs. It is suit- able alike for recent injuries an diseases, and for chronic sores, ul- cers, etc. Test how different and superior Zam-Buk really is. All druggists and stores at 50c. box. Use also Zam-Buk Soap. Relieves sunburn and prevents freckles. Best for baby's bath. 25c tablet. VARIETY. Blodds--I never knew a woman so changeable as Mrs, Dashaway. Slobbs--I know it. She never even wears the same complexion twice. This ia to certify that I have used MIN- RD'S Liniment in my family for years, and er it the best liniment on the marke have found it excellent r horseflerh. (Signed) W..5. PINEO, ' "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. HARD TIMES AHEAD, Mrs. Knicker--"They say Paris is crazy over fringe." Bnicker--"Well, I'll wear it on my trousers if you get any more dresses."' Dr. C. Gordon Howitt, Domin- King George Has No Need for Sil-- ¥ Toany person of means the above is a pertinent question, BONDS represent the safest kind of an invest-. mént as the payment of: both principal and inter- est is guaranteed by the corporation issuing the on G We would like an opportunity to place be- fore you a list of bonds that afford not only abso- lute safety but splendid interest return. bs Your enquiry will re- | ceive prompt attention. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION BANK OF MONTREA! BUILDING ONTREAL YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO "Harris's cow broke into my garden and ate all the grass off the lawn." "What did he do about it?' "Sent me in a bill for using his cow a¥ a lawnmower."' Its Virtue Cannot be Described --No one can explain the subtle power that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil possesses. The originator was himself surprised by the wonderful qualities that his compound pos- sessed. That he was the benefac- tor of humanity is shown by the myriads that rise in praise of this wonderful Oil. So familiar is ev- eryone with it that it is prized as a household medicine everywhere. "Johnny, -you have been fight- ing. I can tel] it by the look in your eye." "Yes, mother, and you ought to see the look in the other boy's eye." Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. -five yards a shot was fired | without effect. Charge and Saved by Friends. photograph was taken of an infur- lated lioness making a charge is given in the East African Standard. Mr. 3. C. Hemment, an Americ- an photographer, who was taking Pictures for cinematograph pur- poses, was a member of a party starting from Nairobi in pursuit of big game. After a successful - trip the party rounded up some eight- een lions, when it was found that a lioness had slipped by the camp. A native bearer took a "'pot shot at the lioness, but only hit her in the left groin, the animal, although disabled, endeavoring to crawl off with the aid of her forelegs. rs emment immediately brought out his camera in the hope A thrilling account of how af MADE CONTAINS NO ALUM CONFORMS TO THE HIGH STANDARD OF GILLETT'S GOODS. la) BAKING #8) POW DER i! iN CANADA a ~ | UIT! AURIS of potting a film. He app within fifty yards of the lioness, supported with .uree friends with rifles, and had just fixed his cam- aerials the animal sprang up and with a fierce snarl charged gtrai at Mr. Hemment. vac The camera was set going, and when the lioness was within twenty- ; ut y ct. Mr. Hemment con- tinued turning the handle until the lioness was out of focus. He ex- pected to see the animal fall, but instead of this she steadily advanc- ed, the dazed photographer being unable to move. It was only when the lioness was} within fifteen feet of Mr. Hemment:! that she was brought down by a shot and fell three feet from the camera. oie The Foe of Indigestion.--Indiges- tion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se vere. The very best remedy is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills taken according to directions. They rec- tify the irregular action Of the sto- mach 'and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and are highly esteemed for their qualities. The proof of success is the abil- ity to deliver the goods. The door of adversity always has the latch-string out. i Oise te LIPTON'S TEA' OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEG Temperance Street, Toronto Affiliated with the University of Toronto, and under ment of Agriculture of Ontari COLLEGE E* the control of the Depert io. Infirmary for Sick Animals at the College. RE-OPENS 'OCTOBER 2nd. 1911. & N.B.--Calendar on application. WONDERFUL MINER'S CHAPEL One of the most places of worship in the world is the miner's chapel in Mynidd Men- Swansea, where for more than fifty years the workers have each morning assem- This sanctuary igdd colliery, bled to worship. is situated close to the bottom the shaft, and is lighted by a soli- tary Davy Safety Lamp, hung cv- E--. A. A. CRANCE, V.S., M.S.. oe F er the pulpit from the ceiling. The oldest miner in the colliery is gen« remarkable c erally chosen to officiate. Treat an inferior as an equal and he'll soon consider himself your. superior. ; Wales, of As a matter of fact a lot of peo- ple have no use for you because they can't use you. Borrow--"Until now I have nev- erf had to ask you for a smal! loan."? Money---"And till now I have never been ubliged to refuse | you."' i Wise mothers who know the vir. ' tues of Mother Graves' Worm Ex. | terminator always have it at hand, : because it proves its value, i Be sure of your ability as a fight- | er before you attack a man who is scare-proof. | ' t | ' AN ANCLER'S ELYSIUM. * 7 se > referri resorts are alike. They are the best ever ion Entomologist, says, relerring | _ but if fishing is better anywhere el to the infantile death rate from than it is \Geor ian Bay" w © * 4 a ; "7 now W rei ere is a greater var intestinal diseases and diarrhoea jety of fis Gis waier nae wae whart spread by the house fly, he believes] else. and they are always hun Ey = } ] fly j only place where you can afford to fish is that the so-called harmless fly 18] where the 'are numerous big nd do yearly causing the death of thou- Hictogs in. flavor. that place 9, Georg. sands of infants, as wel as] you gond lor booklet feaned byt Grand : : = C Trank Railwa 6 ree, telling abou spreading the germs of ty phoid the home of the bass, pickerel, pike, and fever.. Wilson's Fly Pads are the|the noble trout family, Address A. only thing that will rid your house of these dangerous pests. Lady--"Do you know, you are the tenth person to-day who has asked me for help?" Tramp (sad- ly)--"Yes, I know the competi- tion's getting awfully keen, leddy. 1 suppose some of us'l]l have to go to work soon."' TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart--Soothes Bye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c. 40c, $1.00. Murine Eye alve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Charitable Lady--"Poor wo- man, Are you a widow?' The Poor Woman--"Worse than that, lady."? © 'What do you mean?' "My husband is living, and I have te support him." When Holloway's Corn Cure is applied to a corn or wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury to the.flesh. DELICATE OF HER. "How did Gemevieve get rid of her ealler who stayed so late?' 'Genevieve is a girl of very de- licate feelings. She merely brought in a plate of breakfast food.' Teacher--"What little boy can tell me what it is that comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb?' 'Please, miss, it's our landlord when he gets the back rent."' It is easier to look thoughtful than it is to deliyer the thoughts. As a matter of fact few persons reside on Easy street. A good bluff may be more effec- tive than the real thing, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ets, ¥: ~ : RIS Leterme k ne ta Ee ta nis aia ers DUFF, Union Statio And the average girl would ra-: ther be a silly goose than an ugly duckling. Minard's Liniment Curcs Diphtheria. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. F you want to sell a farm, consult me. T you want to buy a farm, consult me. HAVE some of the best Fruit. Stock, Grain or Dairy Farms in Ontaric. and prices right. H W. DAWSON, - Street, Toronto. Srekatchewan, Ninety Colborne requires o take in On arrival, call on he Board of Trade Offices, Saskatoon, he wil: place yo ACENTS WANTED. WANTED.--A study of other propositions convinces UW) c You bol apply Dept. GENTS t it if you don't particulars ° ravellercsa Albert St.. Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. é ¥ and FARM SCALES. Wilson's HA kcate Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto CY AWMILL MACHINERY, Portable. or SS "heavy, Lathe . Shingle Mills 9 Supplies. The E. Manufacturing Co. Lid. West Street, Orillia, Ontario, ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. Dn and external, cured without jain by ony Roms treatment, Write us te ; efore too . Dr. Bellman, Colliny wood, Ont. : RITE us to-day for our choice list W of A = Supplies. aed patAy eceseary. ey are money mukers. Ap-, Diy B. C. I. Co. Ltd, 208 Albert 8t.,j Ottawa, Ont. \ TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's! 6 Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, iLabeaiey Gi PECIALISTS Yate FREE. Consult | us in regard to aay. Seene: pomeat | a nds. | nines ee ' ees * russes . age. mite to-é. n first-class ment. for anything «old rea to 'Sam te doze perfectiy by our French proope', Britis WALKINS-GR OUTING SUITS Try in h Amorican Oy Co. © CLEANING LADIES' | It Ils FREE OUR BEAUTIFUL _. CATALOGUE IL- % LUSTRATED -- It is the best ex- clusively Fur Ca- talogue. issued in Canada. itcontains one hundred Illustra- tlons and descriptions of the latest New York, London, and Paris styles in ladies', men's, misses', and children's furs. Do not fail to write to-day a copy ofthis authentic fashion book---sent FREE to any address on application. WE ARE THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE and have reached this position by merit and merit alone, Our styles are exclusive and correct, and our immense turnover enables us to give values that are impossible in the ordinary way of doing business. We guarantee every fur that bears our label. ' for change or refund the money in full." We pay all Mali or Express Charges to your town, no matter where you may live, on all purchases of $100.00 and over When buying by mall from this house you are protected by the following guarantee: : Pac Gays in good condition, stating why the are returned, and we will pay the goods transportation charges both ways ard cx- accustomed to. you bought in a general way. FURS EXCLUSIVELY Our entire capital and time are devoted to the making and selling of furs. We are specialists in the truest sense of the word, and, as such, we can give you greater satisfaction in both quality and style than if Gur styles, values, and quality are exclusively Sellers-Gough. Compare them with what you have been - of This Catalogue? ) Our entire business is manned in every department by an expert--nothing is left to chance, ~ Every fur and fur garment sold in this store is examined personally by a member of the firm before it is allowed to leave our institution. This assures you of not only correct style and fit, but also correct quality and thorough workmanship. « ALTERATIONS REMODELING can attend to. We can make your alterations and remodeling now better and cheaper than later on in the season, when we have more than we Write to us for estimate, and do it right away. ---- WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO-DAY The Sellers-Gough Fur Co., Limited The Largest Exclusive Furriers in the British Empire TORONTO MONTREAL