~patisfactory. 'JOHN 'J. aes TELLS THEM "TO ASK THE LOF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. He Had Chronic Inflammation of the Kidneys--Says His Brother} Foresters can Tell all About it. Darnley, P.©.1., April 17--(Special) --John J. Burns, a prominent mem- tion some time ago, reports that ho is still in splendid health. 'Yes,' says Mr. Burns, "my cure is eaiteks I have had no trouble since I used Dodd's Kidney Pills. They drove away the disease from which I suffered for eight years. "No, I'll never forget Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. The doctor could not help me. I got so bad I could scarcely walk, sit or sleep. I was about to give up entirely when an advertise- t led me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Now I am in good health. Dodd's Kidney Pills saved my life." If any one doubts Mr. Burns' story he simply refers them to his brother Foresters. They all know how he suffered and that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. ATLANTIC WHALING. Old Time Business Becoming Pro- fitable Once More. "Thar sh' blo-o-ows!"' The ancient call, trumpeted by leathern lungs from cloud-aspiring "crows' nests,' gS anew o'er all the time-honored " says a Province- town (Mass.) dispatch to the York Herald. As of yore, the New England "'copper bottoms'"' snoring homeward, bearing freight of "sperm" and ivory far Southern seas. Again is accruing from a pursuit long deemed unremunerative, for the Physeter family has multiplied apace in re cent years and sperm none is coming to its own agai Some startlingly ocrative voyages have marked the progress of the bus- iness of late. The Morning Star, Canton, Sunbeam and others of the older ships have excelled their best Previous records in point of pheno- menally rich cargoes brought home to swell the bank accounts ofeowners and officers. Even the smallest of the schooner class have "struck luck' and the renewed spectacle of lone whalers "boiling" here and there over all the track of sea from the Azores south of Walfisch Bay, west coast of Africa, reminds us of the palmy days e¢ American whale fishery, when legion in all the Take tho caso of the scnooner Elea- nor B. Conwell. That craft left Fay- al, where she had landed her previous i October, 1903, to The hurricane that swept the Azores October 9 caught her in its track and stripped her of all boats, etc., driving her to Cape de Verde to report. Obliged to pro- ceed to St. Kitts, West Indies, to procure new boats and repair, she did not resume whaling until March, when she was nashed north to the Hatteras ground. She fourd whales there, and in 27 days after sighting + [wovex Popular PB Sem agirre novel races for both men resiited from the , t fixed bottles of highly charged oo ware were placed--four for each order to win the race each bottle had to be opened in turn and the' contents swallowed, it ga concition that none should be spilled to avoid the ordeal of drinking it. The spectacle of the competitors in their attemps to swallow a bottle of soda water at once proved highly diverting, several suffering temporar- ily for their haste, although a ing in the end. They becam s0 charged with gas that they felt as if they were bursting; and three of them were so discouraged by the elf- fects of the first bottle that they could not face the second, and forth- with retired froia the race What was described as an orange race for young women proved an in- teresting and attractive event. At regular distances of twenty yards from each #other ten oranges Placed on the ground for EACH COMPETING DAMSEL. These had all to be picked up agd brought back in the hands of the competitor to the finishing line. The difficulty of picking up an orange with several already in one's grasp must be experienced to be appre- ciated, and the frantic efforts of the young women to pick up more than they could hold prdyided ae end of amusement for the on In the result several of 'the girls dropped every one of their captured oranges before reaching the winning point, and only. two succeeded in carry ing home the ten circles of gold- en fru But 'what seemed to be the most popular competition of all was the necktie race. In which the partici- pants proper were gentlemen, though the fair sex had not a little to do with their chances of suceess. The distance to be run was some 200 yards, and the competitors had all to start with their neckties undone. At the end of the first 100 yards were stationed the young woman who had undertaken to assist in the race. What each competitor had to do was to run as speedily as he could to the particular girl Was awaiting him, and knecl down before her while she neatly and properly tied his neck- tie. This done, he had only to get up and finish the race by covering the remaining 100 yards. ANOTHER NOVELTY was a basket and ball race for ladies. Each girl participating in it started out with a basket containing a dozen balis and attended by a mere male. As she ran she had to throw out of her basket all these balls, one after another, while her knight in atten- dance was to pick them up as nim- bly as he could and return them to her. The first girl to succeed in getting to the winnig post with the twelve balls restored to her basket was to be the winner. In their scrambles after the balls some of the men cut such ludicrous figures that the spec- tators roared with laughter. An exceedingly pretty race was the one for young girls, in which they trundled large wooden hoops' which were fitted with spokes and gayly her first spout she was h bound, a full ship, reaching New Bedford June 23, the decks still traces of the last cut, i taken only four bearing days | Canton, whose 16 Voyage, ending in Septem- yielded 200 barrels m, a record equaling the of the palmy day voyages. The bark Sunbeam, too, whose catch of thé voyage immediately pre- ceding is said to have been worth $65,000, was a prime favorite of fortune. this lucky box of a ship reaching New Bedford June 26 from a 22 months' trip with a grand total of 2,900 barrela sperm. almost the banner catch, time and quantity con- sidered, of the entire Whaling record. best -- +--__---- TURKISH PRINTING OFFICES. 'All printing establishments in Tur- key, according to a new law, may have only one door, and that open- ing on to the street. Windows must be covered with close-meshed wire- netting. so that no papers can be handed through. A statement must be made a year in advance of the amount of ink required, which will be supplied by the State. A specimen of everything printed is to be kept and must be shown at any time to a police inspector on pain of a fine. =~ SAN] = DODDS | KIDNEY 2 PILLS with 400 barrels of} race the last whale! goat, a monkey, a pet goose, a | of each competitor ted with beautiful flowers. There was also. a most eccentric between a baby warthog, a young ant bear, a kangaroo, a black a Bar- bary sheep, a_ tortoise, a forty pound turkey, a bantam rooster, 'an Egyptian scarabaeus, and, most amazing of all, considering that was driven by its a common little mouse! The monkey wrung tho goose's neck, the turtey swallowed the scarabacus, and the ant bear came in first. + ---- - LIVE FOR ONE DAY ONLY. Don't worry. It is neither manly, helpful, or business-like, and no al ever resulted from the habit. Worrying can be overcome by exercis- ing the will-power. People of sensi- tive minds worry over some trivia and thoughtless remark, and dwell upon it till it is magnitied into a grievous and intentional insult. Past errors, and a gloomy anticipation of caleg ities to come are other forms of unwholesome habit. One 'of the best ways to deal with the many real causes of anxious thought is to be content to live just a day at the time. With that rich wisdom which Sydney Smith could command, he advised us to take short views of life. Each day is an entity in itself. It ts rounded off by the guif of sleep; it has its own hours which will never return; it stands separate with its own oppor- tanities and pleasures. John Wes- ley said he would as soon steal as worry--each was equally a sin. And to worry is wasteful, foolish, and wicked. lady owner, ng PICKED MEN. The Japanese army is recruited by conscription, but only twenty-five .cf the strongest and healthiest are picked out of every 100 men calicd up for service the remainder are sent into the reserve. There is no use borrowing trouble when people will give it to ybu out- right. wee he ae jg Sr WP RS enue Competitions at Com' Be prance. A little Sunlight Soap will clean, cut glass and other articles uff they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other -- than clothes. «io Breakfast Table complete a winter's extreme cold. [I @ valuable diet "er children. The Most Nutritious and Hconomical. A KOYAL BOOKLET. The Grand Trunk Railway System are distributing a very handsome booklet descriptive of the Royai Mus- koka Hotel, that is situated in Lake Rosseau, in the Muskoka Lakes, "Highlands of Ontario." The publi- cation is onc giving a full description of the attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored prints of lake and island scenery, the hotel itself, and many of the special features that may be found there. It is printed on fine enameled paper, gound in a cover giving the appearance of Morocco leather, with a picture of the hotel and surroundings on the same, and the crest of the hotel embossed in high relief. A glance through this booklet makes one long for the plea- sure of Summer and outdoor fife, and copies may be secured gratuit- ously by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket office. Mistress--"Do you think that young peliceman who calls here so often means business, Norah?" The Cook (blushing)--"I think he do, mum, He's begun to complain about my cooking already." Minard's Lintmen' used by Physicians Iceland possesses a large number of trees, although it is only credited with having one. The climate and soil are by no means unfavorable to tree-growing, and evidencé exists to show that Iceland was once covered with trees. The never faging eegieins. Holloway's Corn Cure, 7 all kinds of corns, warts the most difficult to remove lh "withstand this wonderful remedy. Petersburg occupies six and many small islands at mouth of the Neva. large th Sciatica put him on crutches as. Smith, dairyman, of Grimsby, Ont., writes: "My limbs were almost useless from sciatica and rhcumatism, and, note tae ae esteem for physicians, t give the _-- where u man to-day Amarican Rkeaatie® Ours meee ere all the credit. It' mar- A MBootland is connected with Iceland by a submerged bank at a depth of 500 fathoms. Ask for Minard's and take no other Tckio is a few degrees colder than Lond-n in January, and 15 degrees warmer in July. BEST EXCURSION TO NEW YORK Goes via Lackawanna, April 29th. $9.00, Round Trip from Buflalo. $9.00. Full particulars, A. Leadlay, Toronto, or Fred P. Fox, Buflalo, N. Y * TREE SHOULD PAY RENT. Probably the most costly tree in the world is the plane tree which grows in Wood Stneet, in the City of London. It occupies space which would bring in a rental of $1,250 per annum, and this capitalized at thirty years' purchase gives a value of $37,500. In its initial stages a cold is a ---- easily dealt with. But neglect it and the result is atten rary Ya bronchial tubes and iy tha rab,e for the unhappy vic- tir m. s a first aid there is nothing fin the handy medicine Ene so certain in curative resu le's Anti-Con- spay Syrup, the far-famed remedy s and coughs local a y the SCHOOL BATHS. schools in Switzerland have a portion of the ground floor appropriated Tor baths. Each class bathes about once a fortnight, sum- mer and winter. Soap is used, and All new ia warm bath. is followed by a cooler one. Sick children and those having skin dise ed ases are exclu Lifebuoy Soap -- disinfectant -- is strongly recommended by the medical was eee ak PH RIE ne lee tiblleny Avoid ordinary teas if you care for SOUND, SWEET SLEEP, an¢ ask for the specially manufactured, carefully picked BLUE RIBBON TEA. TRY THE RED LABEL. "¥ say, Maud," said Mamie, "did you see Mrs. Jinkles' new vase?" 'Yes; isn't it perfectly, horrid?' "T don't know yet. I haven't found out whether it is modern and perfectly horrid, or antique and perfectly lovely.'* They Are Not Violent in Aehnte Some ersons, when ey ood. eir use produces 4 and it eg on a Snubs oat war e Pills answer all purp respect, and have no superior Him--"Yes, he's an artist, a musician, and a poet." He--"Is he? Poor fellowr I had no idea that he was 80 poverty-stricken as all thet." Minard's Lintment Lumbermaa's fiend There is hardly anything so foolish as imagining that people are crazy to be reformed As the Oil Rubs In, the Pain Rubs n Eclectric Oi who were ualities, The sea in the North Polar Basin consists of two different kinds of water--an upper layer of low temper- ature and not very salt, and a low- er layer of a relatively high temper- ature and extremely saline. FOR OVER SIXTY. YEARS. Mrs. Bait ae oil Soothing Syrup has for cures windeetn and bowels, Diarrhoea. Sold by ea rid re Winslow's Soothing Syrup "Yours is rather a discouraging profession, is it not?" someone ask~ the man who Hopes to make an airship. "'No,"' replied the latter; "things are always looking up with us, even if we rarely gut there!" Billous "Rin. to Headach:. d fec t fests itself by seve the most distressing headache one can have. rom fever, and from othe the -- excruciating of all | ous dac Pils will ore 'it--cu jately. It will disap gan - soon fe the Pills opera otntr su in the treatment i "naltoas "hes First Fly--'What makes you so disgruntled?"' Second Fly--'Here I've been biting a billiard ball by mistake for the last ten minutes."' Strong words by a Nsw York Spe- c'alist--"After years of testing and pe ager I have no hesitation" in aying that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the quickest, safest, and sure est known to medical science. in my own practice. It relieves most acute forms of heart ailment side of thirty minutes and never fails.' --35 ' Recent travellers in Tibet have no- ticed that while the efiects of rare- fied air are severcly felt at altitudes of between 14,000 and 16,000 fect, on going vet higher all disagreeable sensations pass off. I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure every case of Diphtheria. Riverdale. MRS. REUBEN BAKER. I believe will promote growth of h MRS. CHAS ANDERSON. Stanley, P. E. I. I believe MIN ARD'S LINIMENT is the best houseliold remedy on earth. ATTHIAS FOLEY. Oil City, Ont. NOT BEAUTIFUL. A mother was overheard telling her little boy that if he continued being naughty she would die and never come back any more. With the in- nocency of babyhood, he threw his arms about his mother's neck and promised to be gdod. He would not have been a natural child if he had not, forgotten all ahout it, as he did in a few moments, and this time the mother clese her cyes and feigned the deathlike sleep. The little one made every effort to arouse his mo- ther, and again repeated his prom- At this she open- child knew no. bounds. thers have done the same thing; profession as a safeguard ainst in- fectious diseases. ee 22 lit is not beautiful to act a lic. MINARD'S LINIMENT | ONLY ONE BEST TEA---BLUE RIBBON'S IT On Pia gone rh 4 ACRES, cash, "patance oo ohler., Minn., as _U. Sa A ree OR SALE--TWO GooD SANDY ings; onseunio at Robinson, Waterford, Ont. Milne Mfg. Oc, 975 Ninth St., Monmouth, I. f FOR Lamp Oi. Economy hati Use Prime QIL White No real need to buy the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CL#AN. If you want a BIG LIGHT--THREE oR FOUR GAS JETS IN ONE-- Queen TRY A Gity Oil Lamp The Choicest Oil Made is PRATT'S ASTRAL For Sale by Dealers. TE Queen City O11 Co., Troi. LEANIN CLE AIUING G #3 is e BEAUTIFUL LIGAT Can be dene pertestly by CONTRERAS, TORONTO, GPTAWA & QGUEBEG He--"So you are in the habit of talking to yourself." She--" Yes, You see, I've got to tell somebody, and if I tell it to myself I'm sure that it won't get any farther." : Graves' Worm Exterminator does not require the h gative medicine to parmpete Give it a trial and be canv "All things come to him who watds." "Yes, and when they come ho finds that -they weren't worth waiting for!' / / Kidney Ory. -- Pain in the back is the cry of the kidneys for help. To neglect the call is to "deliver the body over to a discase cruel, ruthless, and finally life destroying. South American Kid- ney Cure has power akin to miraculous in helping the needy kidneys out of the mire of disease. It relieves fi six hours.--38 The deepest sounding yet made in the oceans is the Aldrich Deep, to the east of New Zealand. Here the sea is 30,930 fect deep. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house The largest island in the worki is New Guinea, 306,000 square.miles; Great Britain is 83,826 square miles. Running Seree, the outcome of neglect, or bad blood, have a never-failing balm in Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Will heal the most stubborn cases. Soothes trrita- tion almost instantly after first appli- cation. 1t relieves; all itching and burn- ing skin diseases in a day. It cures piles in 3 to 5 nights. 35 cents.--39 The "Walled Cities'? of China are well named, for the majority are surrounded by walls 30 to 40 feet in height, and from 16 to 30 feet in breadth. The City of Hsian-fu is surrounded by a wall 16 miles in cir- cumfev'ence. When the little folks take colds and coughs, don't neglect them and let them strain the tender membranes of their lungs, Give them Shiloh's Consumption Cure Thebes Tonic It will cure them quickly and - strengthen their lungs. It is pleasant to take, Prices, 25c., 50c., and $1.00. 205 ISSUE NO. 15--05