| IMPERIAL BANK SOVEREIGN BANK os = CANADA. Capital all eae a 000,008 00 Réserve 'and Senet plus profits 3,357,909 54 Total assets 32.006, 657 a "Silos. tig ies agr | Sorts ss West Territories LISTOWEL BRANCH ios BANK DEPARTMENT- sinters el ons doperdte at cogrent rates trem of oporring of aeconnt ued credited half vente. SP ot farmers notes givens to the discounting farmer. BPRAFTS sULD, available at a -- in Can: ada, U ulted 1 States and Fu MONEY ORDERS iasned ra io at any Chartered Bank in Canada wiihout charge. Yukon Territory excepted. t wane o wétes fe -.: oVer #3 to $lu, 6c.: over 2H t R. / RREIL, Manager. du. W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers mAéstowrel, Ontario. (Estebiished 18F2.) OFFICES: owel, Palmerston and (if List ford ; also with Jo A. Helsieud, Akount Forest sttel Shelbu A Goueral Bavkhisz Business trensacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT- VSTAT#HS anl GREAT BUITAIN. Notes Discounted. Vepuosits Received. Current rate of luterest allowed. " amt it of Figs ute Fu =a ta ter veel evel ery 'it iy ae wit b peivite "eof f roy vily. THAN GJLD M: tr or BETTE Woman To a yotng Isa course LISTOWEL? 77 liege' ZZ TUREE COURSES Commercial, Shorthand & Tyvewriting And Telegraphy Students ma enler uny time, cer College re opens Jan, 3, 195. dend fur College Journal to A. L. McINTYRE, Manager. 'STRATFORD, ONT It pays to get a practical education We thai the and i pays to get it inthis sehuvol, can do more for onr graduates any other Business College in Vrovince. Commercial Schools employ oni graduates xg teachers, they «chow that reaeuign given in this insutuuion is the | Iiest, Enter now. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOT? & McLACNLAN, Principals. FIRE! LISWOWEL, FIRE ! THOS. MALE, _ (Successor to W. H. Hay) G ori for i 44 atorloo M utual Fire Ins 28 crloo, Ont., wud the On tario nee Co. or above Companies at his office, Atwo - WANTED © A Local Salesman for Atwood, Ont. and surrounding territory to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NU SERIES Newest varieties, and specialties in Hardy Frutts, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses, A permanent situation and territory reserved forthe right man. Pay week- jy. Handsome Outfit free. Write for particulars, and send 25c for our pocket microscope, just the thing to use in ex- amining trees and plants for insects. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES ER B00 ACRES ONTARIO -" Book-Binding. Orders for bookbinding should be jeft at tnis office. Itis pls how nice a volnme can be made of these | } | j-iay What wi3 supposed to be the | OF CANADA. READ OFFICE TORONTO GESEUAL BAKKING TRANSACTED. Drafts bomght aud sold on rit parts of the workd--Farmers' Notes Dis- counted---Mouey loaned to Farmers ou freanenable Attention collection' of Farmers" Sabe SAYINGS - BANK - DEPARTMENT INFEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Deposits of One Dotlar and Upwards received willrcurrent rate of Futer- estallowed and added to principal fuur Limes @ year, MONKTON BRAN H. J. RANNEY A BUSINESS | Notes Manager it EEAR KILLED IN BLA, It is not an uncommon thing te see a lack bearin the Pith swainp. There sevins lo be quite a few of th aS it. ferent poopie have seen them aid zt AifFerent times, seen together, so itis not just the one bear which has been observed by One day Tact week Wi. Ames saw one close lo his door, ne® more than 15 ot 20 rodsaway, She slarm was given, out Bratu escaped in® the brush heaps and the wet swamp. The only man Whe got bear him at all was ene who 'ibbened to be unarmed, feet of him, Two have been everyone, nud he cue The wext same Ina within a few bear was Shot by Thos, Cockwell, Heid near bis buildings, -- o> -- Sir Jas. Watson's Opinion all es Ue says that the commonest o disorders, and one from which few cape is Catarrh, Sir James firmly heves in local treatment, which is vest supplied by Catarthozone, Nu ease of Catarrh cau exist where Catarrhozone is used; itis a miracle worker, relieves almost instautly aud cures after other remedies fail, Other trentments can't lie. | iiustrated, land retail etores of | fu these cataloguer you all will find ad reach (he diseased parts ike Catarrho- zune because it gues to Lhe Bource of a trouble along with the air youn breathe stin another bear incidents Te ae ported that 4 sou of Joter Gray, ae tine, on Wednesday saw ferge, anitgal puss ACTORS line terre pare, ear of cunise be wou'l sty. positively tat it.avas a benr, Tf it was siete an animal then Mr. Brocton ts getting pretty bold. Send us along 4 Ws ef your Easter visitors, and we welt ghd@ly peblish it. The cigarette by-law in Owen Sound Which pirces the license for the sale of cig ireties ut $0, went inte effect twe Weeks tue. 'Lite hotets are exempt from the provisions of the ti-lew. Ahendy two deniers have taken cut Ureir heepse xod the ethers wost follow or quit gell- tag, Phe pemety forthe violatrou of this by-law is $10 or costs. The lieense border Dust have bis license hong up ly @ proiubecit position bu kis place ol Bus hess, Rev. S B, beekett, wio was princi- pal of the Lisiowe! Pabite Schoul for a Lime belose going to Kaex College, To- roulo, has Veen appolaled assistant pas- lor ot Kuox Prosby tesian Church, Win- uipeg. bie Ge © RR, sectioumen have placed 4 fegular ¢alliesgadrd on the west side 'rack. This was formerly used as ashorleutto the stativn, but now passengers Musteuter through the big gate or walk over the catlie-guard and run the chance of getting the foot en- tangled in the narrow slits of the cross- 'ng The Company no doubt are safe. guarding themseives asainst possib'e necident, caused by cattle getting on the track. People should ve caretul in crossing it after dark, vol adie E'ma, is a very severe Adam Gray, .0th con, lined to the house with attack of scia.tes, Mrs. J. A, MeBain and son Wallace lft on Wedoesday morning ona three weeks' visit to her sister in Detroit, com- Ths Wag Mak ae Afdavs Inceihd sca Gc ane in use for over 30 years, has bormo the What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drwps and Soothing Syrups. Et is Pleasant. I¢ contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It s Worms and allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Golic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panaeea--The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA atways: Bears the Signature of The Kind You- Have Aa Bought ln Use For Over 8O Years. THe CENTS 4% COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK crTy, cb - ~ PRR Se : Es Wm. Pees, 4th con, is spending th holiday visiting friends in Uamiltoa, Roeer & Ratcliffe and Wats: n have a large supply of maple sy rup on hand, [tis going rapidly too s. We regret to report the illness of Gen Danbrook, Matin Street, [le is cuffer- ing from ani ttack of pleurisy. Mrs, D. G, Andersen and tio. child. ren are spending the Easter holidays at the home of her sister, Mrs. C, U1, Eff- inger, London. Jonn Roger is holidaying in Detroit, tobert Forrest left on Tuursday for Catarthozone is free trom cecaine, it j leaves no bad after-effects, itis sitaply hature's awn enre, accept po substi- tute for Catarrhuzone which alone cau entre Calarrh, Bi PAIR, Every mail that comes to this town brings numerous catalogues, and many of them beautifally and from the large wholesale the cities, They are received by the ownspeople and jthe farmers, Did you ever stop to think of the real purport of these cala- logues ? 'Tkey are merely advertise- ments of firins that have goods to sell. yerlisements calling your attention to things our home merchants bave to I}o not let outsiders draw away trade from home as long as you can lind what you want at home. Remem.- ber your home merchant helps to build your schoolhouses, your churches, helps to maintain your ministers, his busi ness helps to beautifv the town ; he is present when your town wants water- works, lights, sidewalks, ete. ; he is present with a donation if you are sick, gives vou credit if you are in need: and in numerous other ways js indi spensible to our town. Look at the question fairly aud you {will give him the fir? gehance at least to supply you. The kms city stores may be al! right-- if you think so--but what do they du to merita portion of your trade >? Do they puy any couuly taxes: do they even coutribute one cent to the build. ing of your town in any way ? Do they come to your assistance if sick or offer you credit if in need ? Stick -te your home merchant. L'eed his adver- tising fur your trade. You will be far ahead. And when a representative of an outside print shop asks the merchant or business man for work he rememw- bers the home printer, and that he is entitle to patronage as you are to that of other residents of the town and tributary country.---Ex, sell, A BILIOUS HEADACHE. Is one of the meanest things in this worid. To prevent biliousness use Dr Hamilton's Pills which keep the bowels regular, the system clean and pure, and af artistically | rae tone to pig bs and liver. You'll -bave you'll oever you will have pe takt Dr, | ** a short visit to Toronto. Chas, MeMane, 10th con., left far Stratford on Thursday morning to visil friends in that cits, S. Watson, Main St. has seenred the agency forthe Listowel Laundry Co,. which will guarantee satisfaction and ail lost-yrticles re-placed, Laundry will be sent ot on Wednesdayand return- ed on Fyday. A trial solicited, The station hotel, known as the Man- nell [fouse, Listowel. operated by John Weich, was destroyed by fire early on Tuesday morning. The Joss is about $4,000, partially covered by insurance The origin of the fire is unknown. Several times reeently we haye had eccasiou to refer to the nuisance ofa number of young men gathering in front of stores, ending sometimes in the breaking of windows. Now it is the girls' turn. It seems that one night last week anumber of young lassies were playing in the doorway of Pric:'s hardware store when one of them wus pushed against a side window and thus broke the glass. The girls disappeared and the glass has neyer heen paid for The begt place for these girls is in their own homes, studying their school lesson Or reading some good book. Why @id they not acknowledge to Mr, Price that they '+d broken the glass and he would gladly have accepted the explan- ation. Children should be discouraged from running thestreets after dark and the responsibility rests with the parents and they cannot evade it. The Methodist E, L. Society held an anniversary s°rvice last Sunday morn- ing. Mrs. Lunt, of Listowel, a return. ed missionary from India, gave an ex. tremely interesting description of th life ef the missionary and also of the work accomplished. The address was a very helpful one in every respect. Ab ut Rheumatisin. There are few diseases that inflict more torture than -:heumatism and ihere ig probably no disease for which sucha varied and neeless lot of rem- edies have been suggested. To say it; can be cured is, therefore, a bold state- | ment to make, but Chamberlain's Pain Balm, dod enjoys an extensive sale, i VARICOCELE SURED} 43° NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. one work, severe straining ang evil hadits In youth brought ble v: Mie gag Se es ee aching n up pitseapewin but soon : progress was some first month's treatment I w Eahon before treatment, am earning $1 and never lose aly. I wish all sufferers knew of your "valuabie treatment. HENRY C, LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED ? 5 LOOD PO spots are the most prevalen serious m@ the <i life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradics cause serious rome eg 3 pemare treages. d! 4505. ry. re all blood diseases ror 3 AGED-} =o nt acts or lat 1 have droken . You feel the Pp stentite over you. 3 ly, eercioals and vitally you are not the man 'you used to be or should be. you heed t danger s: READER? to pip Our New Me a victim? -Have Has your blood 1 cure you. REE. No matter . BOOKS FR EE" you. 35 toss ho S ne hone : The Goiden tor. diaseon on Di: cases of Men. 5 No AMES 5 one WITHOUT. "WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. names o nvelopes, 'nae . aeeaaaiaaees Question list ang cost of treatment "EREE for Drs. KENNEDY & RERGAN Cor. Mich. Ave. and Shelby St., etna Mich. al Your Servants, Madam!" dd The Gold Dust Twins are always ready to work; they are certainly artists in ™ cleaning line, There's noth! cleanable which Gold Dust Washing Powde: will not clean--~and do it ge economically than anything else your best interests if GOLD DUST. work, at an, heres aana ware, es |S cease ei accees Se cage, oa ras We more quickly and more se can. You are not servin You' re trying.to keep house withou! Mode by THE K. K, FAIRBANK COMPANY, Montrec!, P, O.--Makers ot FAIRY SOAP, found out Ex 0 look upon alt te" Pet id ened Bert » No * uppresses the BF r oP Np eet cya ial find Bide