Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 25 Nov 1904, p. 8

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LEGAL LOUAL. MorpHy &) GARTHEW, PARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conve: itor pe the Bank of Hawi ubove «Htobt.* J.M. CARTHEW. BLEWETT &- BRAY, Jauki a tiiee sua. Ont. perm. = ae ss0ciation. eee over' Scott's atacs 2 btrect, Listow: -R. BLewertr. i Pu: CECIL HAMILTON,)B A BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. e ein Main. ag Listuwel, next t oor Foster, Dentist. BrRancu Orrice--Main-st., Atw ood, "yisit At: @over THE Bre office. Will warvood every Wednesday afternoon. DENTAL. Dr: W, A. MCDOWELL, DENTIST. a RADUATE of R joyal College of Dental Sur- geour ntaric moe Graduate of Toronto Uni ver Thompson Bros. store, versity~ Listowe Atwood, over TH en "5 ps ~Main S ae ¥ Snancn Orrick--Main St.. chore ti office. Will visit 'Atwood > tay, from: 9.30 a.m. ancers; &c. es Money Fhourpson Datlaing fie | Bank, Gro. Bray, B. A, : Fhe local party of deer hunters re- tarned last Thursday from a most suc-' cessful outing it, Muskoka. They | '| secured a goodly number. of deer and; J. A. Kiomp brought home a fine doe which he was 'fortunate enough to! shoot. Jake 1s a proud myti these days | | extra, \ ness successful, WANTED-- Quickly, few percts 10" represent long established wholesale | house among retail merchants and |> agents. Local territory of few counties $18 salary and expenses paid weekly. | Expense money advanced, Commission Permanent engagement. Busi- Previous experietce Enclose self-addressed Address, SUPEKINTENDENT not essential. envelope. and thioks deer hanting is all right.) TRAVELELS, 825 Dearborn St., Chicago. ARRISTIRS, and Solicii¢rs:, Un Listowel, Cat. | The Monktongontingent also returned | Clubbing Rates. on the same day. They brought quite a number of deer, They will fied no difficulty in disposing of theni all. One of Listowel's oldest and most »|Tespected citizens passed away oD son of Mr. W. R. MeLaughlin at the age of 65 years,6 months and 7 days The deceased was born in the Village of Darlington and was married tu Miss Martha Zimmerman in 1876. Ile bas been in delicate health ever since he went to Listowel twenty-four years ago and the Inst eleven weeks has been con- fined to his bed. The immediate cause of his death was from a growth on his stomach. Mr. Mcl.aughlin leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and two sis:ers, Mrs. L. Adams, of Wingham, and Mrs Rolston, of Wroxeter, atid two brothers, John, of Gorrie, and Robert, in Mani- l,|toba. 'he deceased was a carpenter by e| trade and: was a member of the Piesby- * | terian church. i) The number of men who wreck their DR, W. M. BRUCE, aaa , -Onta INTIATE R. FUSS G Bd enliy. Tor . 8. Trinity Ores anete Te a daily, in his new office over E ntrance by aaume abs tore. , B i & Co. wey ons Rutherford, Main v peta vel, Ont. as Dr. xKel School of °Proathetle health through business intemperance, far ont-number those who are addict- ed tu intemperance iv bard drink. The drink intemperate has periods of sul- riety, the business intemperate, never, [t is ope continuous drunk of business. His family is neglected--too busy, Home training and example to the children has to be left tu -the servants MEDICAL. --have time. Social duties--no time for such frivolities. Recreation, heav- }DR.A. S. LANGRILL pin0or Graduate of Toroute Univers- Licentiate College of Physicians an t Surgeons of Ontario, * Special attention given to Fye, tien and Throat, Evenings preferre for such work. Office and residence--Miain-st., Mrs. Roger's store, ATWOOD, ONT. Me O., 'D.A. AT wot Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. A full ecourse.of six weeks in 1899 sand afull course of eight weeks in 1901 ¢in 'The New York Post-Graduate Selivol sand Hospital, New York Special attention to Diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat. Diseases of Women aud children, and operative surgery, ¢ Office Hours : 9 to 2 a.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 6 to 8 p. w. LVETIESECIS. ae ALEX. MORRISON, LICENSED AWCLIONEE R FOR Ethe Counties of "Werth and fluron. e(harges moderate, »or otherwise promptly attended to. ood P. O Ew nex! All orders by mail At- ens above, what would become of the vusiness, Recreation! weil, better to close up business, shut up shop, sell out and be done withit. Thatis what the business ijutemperate says. In a few yeais there isa physical collapse and mental break down. And the business iuebriate breaks down quicker, thau thie drink tnebriate. Intemperanee in in toxicants is to be strongly condemned at the same time al! deseriptions of in- temperanee are equally bad. Be tem- perate in all t' ings, and beware of in- temperance in the business habit--Bub eaygeon Ludependent, d d We understand that a "squirrel hant' has been organized by the youth of the village for Thanksgiving Day, when all the woods will be scoured for large and small game, and at night the victors will be feasted at the expense of the vangnished. Itis to hoped that the boys will reconsider tha matter and re- frain from taking partion such unhall owed sport. 'Tye writer once took part in one of these ruthless slaughters, and has regretted it ever since, It is poor atis'action, indeed, at the close of the day's sport to see lying dead a heap oi birds and squirrels, when the solemn, silent and solitarv old woods might b: ringing with their song and chirrup By all means spare the birds, boys, us this would be a cull world were thee not bird life in it. A keener competitoi can be worked up over a target prac iseor a relay "pigeon" shooting con- test, and we advise the boys to try it } .G.T.R. TIME TABLE. "+ Trains leave Atwood Station, North pand South, us follows GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Mixed gecexess 8.45 p. m. | Expresa 7.40 a.m Express 12.58 a.m 8.10 p.m Milverton Sun--The above manly ut terance is one with which we do mos! heartily agree. We hope the advice, s: kindly given, was acted upon by tle boys. Card of Thanks, Having disposed of my property in Atwood, I have decided to sell off my = v MARKETS. LOCAL WHEAT, $ .98 PE * BARLEY, 35-40¢. <Fcovr, per cwt., $2.50. " Burrer, per Ib., 18e. _ Haas, per dozen.20c. *, POTATOES, = pig, to 89 to Me. 13¢. HIwEs, pe BEEF per quarter, 6c. to 8c. per lb, CoaAL, $6.75 per ton. stock of Boots and Shoes, Leggings Rnbbers, Valises and Telescopes on and after Dec. Ist 1904, at cost price, for casb. Owing to continued ill tealth I have decided to retire from the shoe business, so everything must be sold. I therefor take this opportunity of thanking my customers for past favors and patronage and hove to see them ali take advantage of this geuuine clear- ing sale, A. BERLET, Main St. Atwood Our Holiday Number. aa We will give this year to all paid in advance eabseribers our handsome Christmas Holiday Number which will 4THE BEE Gives all the News all the Time, be ready for di:tribtion after Dec. Ist. Those who have already paid for then paper 9 year in advance will be entitled to one, and if any of such, residing within four or five: mies of Atwood, would kindly call at this office they will reeeive the number after Dec. Ist. But w most emphitically des re it to be unders:ood that we cannot give «the tiuimber to subscribers who come into the off'ce and only pay for subscriptions past due.- If any person in arrears de- sires 10 secure the number he must pay for his paper in advance. The price of the number. to non subscribers is 25c. Thursday morning, Nov. 10, in the per | | Asin fermer years we are in a posi tion to give the same clubbing rates for the leading Daily and Weekly pap- ers of Ontario, If you desire to secure |any partienlar paper along with THE Ber, just let us know and we can eas- i y Save you 25c,on & year's subserij - tion. In subseribing for four papers you can thus save the price of one. Farmers' Institute Meeting. 'The annual meeting of the North Perth Farmers' Institute was held in Mitchell's Hall, on 'Tuesday of this weck, The principal speakers of the afternoon were C. W, Nash, of Toronto, who spoke on Chemestry of the soi'; How plants grow; Breeding of Domes- tic Animals; The enemies of the pea crop and how to deal with them, and R.S Stevenson, of Ancaster, whose subjects were, A Practical Talk on Dairy Cows; Breeding, Feeding, Select- ug, ete.; Growing the Corn Crop. and handling it Lo the best advantage; The Growing of Rvot Crops, At the even- ing session of which Jas. Dickson, 8th cou, was chairman, Mr. Nash spoke on Toe value of our Birds; Our Insect ests; Nature about the Farm; while Mr, Stevenson gave an interesting ad dress on The Cream Separator on the arm, 'The discussious were practica! aud full of wterest to those atlending the meetings. Mr. Eddie Pigott ol reronto, sepplied the bumorous part of tLe pr grimme and did much to wdlds making the eyeuing meeting a success. An Important Convention, At the recent convention of Cheese- makers held in Listowel.much interest Was manifested in the live disenssion hat luvgk ptaee. A large bumber of mikers and buyers was present and the meeting was of an entirely infor- mi kind and in us way every persou felt free towsk and auswer questivus. Oase fact was made manifest by the discussion viz; that although the cheese oY the Listowel district still leads in the favor of the Old Country buyers. still other cheese jis rapidly co-uing to the fore and the makers of tris section must look well to. their laurels, George M. Barr, who is super- intendent of the instructors fur West- O itatio, gaye a review of the instruct- ivi work of the season. Ile showed thit although the season had been a cool one aud favorable for making cheese, yetthe:e had been difficulty. especially in southern districts. He attributed this to the low prices and the consequent indifference of the pat- rous whose milk was not as well taken cire of asin former years. There was nevertheless a marked improvement in the quality of southern cheese aud this was undoubtedly due to the excellent work of the instructors. In the List- owel district there are 23 factories and M+. Panvell had visited them three o1 four times a year, Next year he hoped to have fewer factories in the district aodiu this Way the instructor could visit the factories o.tener in the year mong the important topics of discus- sion we note the following; Improyve- ment of milk: where money is lost: re jected milk: the advisibility of using a pastuerized starter every day: the best wie hod of preparing and keeping a starter. percentage of starter safe to use: principal cause of defects in cheese, such as openness, weak body rought texture, badly finished cheese' uusanitary state of factories and sur. roundings. To thé uninitiated, much of the discussion was a mystery owing to the frequent use of techuical terms, but the makers aud buyers evidently enjoyed the free aud easy style and vot- ed the convention a success. They all, no duubt went back to their work with fresh energy and new ideas and with a determination to keep the Listowel district to the frout as regards first cass cheese, THOUSANDS ACQUIRING TUE COPE HABIT, The dope habit is being acquired by thousands of Canadians through using so-called cures for Catarrh containing an excessive amount of aleohol and other dangerous drugs, Doctors claim there is only one safe and certain cure for Catarih--fragrant healing Catarrh- ozone which cures by' medicated vapor that is breathed direct to the seat of the disease. The balsamic vapor of Catarrbozune kills thé germs, heals the sore spots, stops dropping in the throat keeps the nose clear and permanently erradicates every treee of catarrh from the system, Catarrhozone can't fail; it is guaranteed. Two months' treatment} So let us have your subscription in ad- ae , a ALL KINDS OF POULTRY For which we will allow you the Highest Market Price - gM Mal Pe St Just Where We Shine Se 2 eee oe eee eS in Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts, Shirtwaists, new Waist Goods, new Dress S1OOR new V/rapperettes. Le See Se M7. tite Us ae at esesk Meese eRe eRe He Ss Mes esea ete Don't fail to look through our > rate ; Misses' and Children's UNDERWEAR. We have a large range to choose from, all bought before the advance. Get our prices and be your own judge. We have a large stock of HOSIERY in all sizes. Have a look through them. Our stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS is complete. Prices right. You will find our stock of GROCHRIES at all times complete and fresh and our prices as lowas the lowest. Me 4 Mes ee Me se Me "aS S53 UP GO UP UP VS ASF ee Nhe NETS 43% conc Me eM ate od Ms ME se ate Sais ae TN as SF STANDBY OLMES. CRAVANETTE COATS We have a few Cravanette Coats left in odd sizes. Special Prices While They Last. A Penny Savedis a Penny Earned. New Gods Have you seen our Wrapperettes and Flannellettes? It will pay you.--Just a word about ErUuURS Our customers say they never heand of Furs being sold at the prices we are offering ours at. See for your- self, Extra values in Ladies' Dress Goods. that cannot be beat at the price. Felt Shoes in variety Rubbers Galore--Keep Dry t="Get our prices on Groceries cli Prices Paid for all Produce. A. D. GOODWIN THE UP-TO-DATE STORE GREAT ARAAINS In all Kinds of Furniture FOR ONE MONTH Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Couches, Sideboards, and Rockers of all descrip- tions. Carpets, Rugs, Squares from 3 yds. up, Linoleums, Oil Cloth. *& Ratelitfe, Aty

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