Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 25 Nov 1904, p. 5

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BAIN FMPERIAL BANK OF CAT ADA. ses. (BSrautiamep 1875 © Canit tl All paid Up . Reserve and Surulis Totg/ Assats.* + - £2.000,000 o0-* $30: 780, 097.09 Branches ta Outs 0, Quebec, Manitoba. Nerth Woat Ter Eonioe, 'anid British Colum bi LISTS WEL BRANCH (HS BANK DOPABPALENT-- Deponite: SAVIN received i at lakerost sala to princips! tq ow) any hard and fast rules, and say twice a SPECIAL ut tant fon given to the? discountingsp that these are vight and ail others Are | ivatlable nt _atl points in | DPRAFTS Se ' Cannda. Unite [Sia sand § Europe. MONEY ORUERS I ae payable at as ny Bank in Canada. EH: aton- a nder $1U, 8.; $19 Lo * $2u, luc. ; $29 to Sov, ide. R. :RKELL, Ma rere wt. SCOTT & $0 i, 'Bankers Tristewel, Omtaric. [#stablisiied 1872,] Palmerston and Cf OB ET List towel, . Hulstead, Slount Forest ord 3 ae pg J. na Shelburn A General Dehkii? Dwsiness transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT ard SOLD. eayuble in all parts of the posi UNIT- DP STATES and GREAT BRITAIN Notes Discounted. Deposits Reccived, Current rate of interest. allowed. A Jurge anna of Private Funds te lend on good farm gecurity at Fogr and one-half per « with Seivilego of repaying principal y- Marriage Licenses: Issued, THAT i THE PLAGE. 10 60 | WHERE 2. To CZ LISTOW hs op BiH lye; CEU hich Re-opens Sept, tb. Take a Course in the Comuiner- cial or the Shorihand and Type- writing... Terms. Reasonable, cae seud for College Journal to A. L. McINTYBE, Manager. Largest and " Bést in Western Ontario, Vides Gy STRATFORD, CA 'Tais school enjrys the reputation of doing the best work in Business Edu- cation in .the Dominiou. The large 3chools in Canada and the United States employ our graduates as teach- ers. We givethe same dustruction te all and that the "Best", Students may euter at any time. Write fur free. catal- ogue, ELLIOTT & McLACIILAN, Principals. FIRE --_--_--_-- - FIRE THOS. MALE, ., LISTOWEL, (Successor to W: H. Hay) GENT for Ge. ve atorlon Mutual Fire Insur- srloo, Ont., and the Ontari _ Rates low ; absolute security. UleTHeE Bee. is authorized tot ike or above Companies at his office, Atwood, |: "WANTED A' Local Salesman for Atwood, Ont.. ondé-surrounding territory to a ba "OANADA'S GREATEST NU R- SERIES". Newest caaitia specialties in Hardy Frnits;~.Smali -- Shrubs, Ornamentals aud Roses. A permanent situation and territory reserved fofthe-right man. Pay week- ly. Handsome Ourtt free. Write for particulars, and send 25c for our pocket microscope, just the thing to use inex- amining trees and plauts for insects. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES. OVER S00 ACRES_"> TORONTO - - - = ONTARIO - Stock Raisers Say.'Phey Are Alright.: Prof. A. ¥. M. Day's English . Tonic Powders (5 separate packages) tor horses, cattle, hogs, sheep {and poultry. They make tonic, food on fatten stock. per s Cream for Calves,- with skim- med or separated milk, prevents scours aud acidity of' 'the stomach, ROGER & RATCLIFFE, AGENTS, , $2,899,606 56 | The oR te + Select--Soms flints on Management. he-fattowthg of cattle is carried on 'under such widely different vireunt- stances: Umit it is impossible to lay; lwrong. There are, however, three con- ditions essential to success 11 the stall | feeding of cattle, vin, good cattle, an abundance of cheap winter feed, and good management, Fifteen or twenty years ago the entitle required for the export trade were the beavy four aud five year old steers weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds: At that time quantity, not quality was indemand 'To-day we find that com- pact ,well-finished two and three year old anima's weighing from 1250 pounds up willcommaud the highest: prices. Qf course. if weight can be combined with quality, so much the better, but quitlity is of first importance. From the butcher's point of view the steer of Dest quality is the one which carries the greatest percentage of its weightin those parts of the carcass. whieh give the highest priced cuts. In the Chicago and New York markets, the most dis- erimingting in the-Wwartd, the -ribo and loin cuts wxnoand over four times the average price paid for the remainder of the carcass, and it is apparent that the prime beef animal must be good in these parts. 'They must-be-thickly and eveniy covered wilre Grim yet mellow of uniferm good quality and tree alike.frem hard rolls and blubbery patebes. Course, patehy animals will no longer be tolerated, mach less those that are bony wud bare on the back and ribs lu addition to the general beef form, with good backs, ribs and lois, there is says the ewinent american authority Prof. Curtiss; a certain quality, char- acter, style and finish that constitute an importaut factor in determliuing the vatue of beef cattle. One of the first indications efthis isto be fourd in the skinand coat, .A good feeding animal should havea soft, mellow touch anda soft but thick aud heavy coat. A barsh unyielding skin is an. indication of a sluggish circulation and low digestive power. -\ clear, prominent yet placid eye, clean eut_features, Hue horp, and cleat fine bove all go to indicate good feeding quality and capacity to take op alinish of the bighest excellence, aud conscquently to command top prices. Goarse boued, rough animals are al- must invariably slow feeders ang hard to finist»preperly. Besides these qual- ities; and above all, it is uecessary to have viger and constitution, .We +" evidence ef these in a wide forehead, promiment brisket, broad -chest, a sprongribs, full beart girth, and @ gen eral robust appearance. With the proper beef type in mind, il Will nut be diflicull to recognize-a. suil- able stocker. To find him is a more dificult matter, Ovving largely to the great expansion of the dairy. business during the past-ffleen or twenty years, it is becoming-more and more difficult to procure good stockers for feeding. To get satisfactory avimals a farmer is almost compelled to breed 'his own. Ln ease he does so, too much importance cannot be allached to the ceectien of the sire. It should never be forgotten that be is half the herd. Good grade cows are ali right to: breed frum, dui the ball should always be purebred. It is poor econormy-to save fifty ceuty or a dolar iv the first cost of the calf, and lose from ten to fifteen dollars when the finished animal is placed on the market. Desides this, the price at which purebred bulls gcau be - obtained inthese days leaves no excuse for the use of an inferior animal, An abuadant supply of eheap feed is essential to success in winter feeding. We can no longer finish our cattle on a ration of hay and grain wilh auy mar- gin of protit, We must have something that can be grown in larger quantities and at a very smailcost, aud corn en- silage.-fills the bill. It is beyond doubt thé best aud cheapest winter feed at our disposal. The-chief advantages of ensilage are its.great. palatability, the siving of labor which. it effects, and the tact that it cai, be fed at any time: of..the year with equal satisfaction. While corn holds first place as a cheap winter feed, it has no monopoly of the fieid. The farmer who. grows. a large quantity of graiu, aad has consequently an-abundant supply of straw, will find that by growing a quantity of roots to feed with it he.can fatten cattle at a very reasonable cost.- Fiéld roots thave a feeding value-apart from the. digest- ibleapatrients which. they: contain, in that they exercise -a veneficial effect |; Japon the-digestion aud geperal Hesh "OF CATTLE: succulent feed dict as roots and en- Silage, willhave the sleek, thrifty appearance of: grass fed cattle, and | titere whl belittle trouble with in ' digestion or havingthem: go bff thei feed, as is often the case with cattle j that are fed exclusively on dry fodder |aud grain. --. The grain ration devends: so largely jon circumstances that it will not be 'discussed here. Itis always well, liow ever, to commence with a comparative 'ty light ration and faish with the more concentrated "grains, W ater and salt 'should always be within easy reach, and the cattle should be kept free from lice by the use of some of the pro- prietary dips, or even ordinary black oi), which is -perhaps as chesp and effective as anything else. SHOCKING DEATH Wm. Stevenson, of Listowel, Under. Moving Train, Beath came to Wm. Stevenaon, of Listowel, at [larriston on- Wednesday evening of last wees. It seams that he wis ow his way to Clifford to spend TNanksgiving. and stopped off t Har- ristou fur a few hours to visit his son who is a minister, He then went to the station to take the traineto Clifford but by mistake got om the~Owen-Sound train, .Ithad started to move cut of the yard when he found ont that he was on the wrong train. He at once made a rash to jump off the swiftly moving train, Oveof thea passengers endeavored to restrain him from doing so, but he-tore bimself loose and jump- ed. Meantime another passenger pulled the bell-rope and the train scon came toastop. On running up to investi- gate it was found thattiig~unfortunate mer-had fallen partly under the wheels aud had lost bis right foot and portion of his right hand. Beimg-a man over 70 years of age the shock was in- tense and, in spite of all that medical skill conld do, he breathed his last a bout 2 o'elock Tharsday morning. The body was brought to Listowel where interment took place on Saturday. It was indeed asad Thanksgiving Day to the svrrowing relatives and friends who buvethe sincere sympathy of all in their sudden bereavement, It is use- less to paint the moral that people should not jump from or seek to board moving trains, Everyone knows it is dangerous but in the excitement of the moment danger is forgotten. "The deceased was a man well know: in this vicinity, having for years con ducted a cheese factory at Britton. He had lived retired in Listowel for some years, ~.[le was a member of the Pres- byterinn Church anda Conservative in politics. THOMAS WARD WAS SHOT FOR DEER Deceased Has. Relatives in Listowel and.also in Stratford-- Was at One Time in Business in Listowel Says the Listowel Standard :. "A telegram was received bere on Monday announcing the-death of Thomas Ward son in-law of Mis. «J. 'Heppler, of this town, at Iron Riyer, Wisconsin, Tae message did not state the Cause | of death, and as Mr. F.3. Howe had Te ceived a letter from him about ten days preyiously at which time he. was in good health, his friends here were an- xious to learn furtber particulars. The message stated that the remains would be brought to Wiarton fer interment. Yesterday the remains passed through Palmerston, when it was learned that the deceased had meat his death while out deer hunting, and that he hac ae n shot by his companion, who mistook him for a deer; The deceased was well known in-bistowel, he having been in the burbe:ing business here for some years. [le leaves a wife, formerly Miss L.. Ueppler, and one:child, a girl of about seven years. Deceased was member of Rob Roy Tent, K. O. T. M.. and held a beneficiary certificate for 32,000 ir that order. His untimely end will bo deeply regretted- OF all wie knew him. Deceased was a cousin by marriage. of Messrs. J, J. and W. H. Heppler, of Stratford, and a brother-in-law of Mi John Heppler, Wellington st. Falls 4 it - ' a The following is a good receipt for a water-proof paint for wood or stone ; Melt twelve ounces of resin; mix with it thoroughly six gallons of fsh oil and one pou of melted sulphur; mix somé.ochre or any Othher coloring sub- stance with a little Huseed oi}; enough tou give it the right color and thickness; apply several cunts of the hot. composi- with a brnsh,'-. The first coat health. 06 ad be ey A ANeg cate ge poh agli and ula- simulating dRegula Promotes Digestion, Cheerful- ssand Onaaat Morphine nof Mineral. Nor NARCOTIC. SURE Preperation Grhs: Bears the- Signature of. TE SITS, Rest.Contains neither 'tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, 'Worms Convulsions ,Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. .. Fac Simile Signature ef Tele. ect Remed. for Constipa+ Vi WE TT ps ith ety ee aR nk ee eee o 1 ste aod v fay "you ere not t r New Method Trea hago do for you. write or'" ditus tra 'Drs KENNEDY KERGAN > 437 NO NAMES USED WHTHOUT WEHITTEN CONSENT. arenes to His' Home for Weeks. d never lose 2 fo I wish all otaners knew of your valuabie treatment. RENEE C, eae 'GE D-M ave broken u feel oes a mptoms stealing" Pgh you. Mesftally, - gran @ man you used to be ould be... VWitl-you heed the Tite Are you a@ victim? 'Have you lost hope? Are you intending ¢o marry? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weak- » What it nas 'dou ne for others who "D3 treated you, FREE-~"The. Golden Mone #49 bane ons & Question ae en) de OA BOOKS ONSENT. ential. or an: hone at opinion Free m Diseases of Men. eh gs ee be eee Cor. Mich. Ave. and tal St., perl Mich. is 2 woman's best friend. when: nich day. comes _ ' around. It makes the clothes sweet and clean, Takes only. half the time and half' the labor. af soap... Just: follow: "directions on package. -- THE: N. K FAIRBANK COMPANY, ©. Hg eae "Naw Yok Bet Montreal. ae.

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