Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 25 Nov 1904, p. 4

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fis just whit is seeessary. prevent :ffixch e:chapping. more, 'Tey it. Bide: finot cera, Ne-have none o For Chaffed Hands -- Those wh are obliged te dé rougit,work with the hands in alk kinds weather need'somethitig more healing-than ordinary chap lotions * Our Witchazel Cream jdomesctkvaninported.goods. All the new oders; all the old favorites. i Hkeeechs i#etracts, Colognes, Toilet Waters Tablet Perfumes, Sachets, ete. We | petease He most exacting and can please you. It heals deep chaps and so softens the surface as. to fk It-grows in-favor all the time and deserves ta. grow | ' Royal Perfumes } 'FPeere epvectinrers who make none but good odors. and* othérs who make none Seatbav, 'Whe latter kind-are made to sell at a-large profit to people who do f:them.. We do.carry,a.auperb assortment of the best of Hand- 'Atwood. ~ fhe Public Drug Co., Limited, DRUGGISTS AND. STATIONERS, | | and Milverton. Bank of Hamilton. Ps : [Established 1872] °: 2 HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON; - HON. WM. ULBSON, - - _President. . TURNBULL, Vice-President and General Manager. Sgpital All Paid Up $2,229,980.00 Reserve and Surplus Profits $2,000,000.02 Total Assets $24,713,613,07 60 BRANCHES IN CANADA, 60 ae. FARMERS BUSINESS a specialty. Notes of respousible farmers discounted. $ALE NOTES collocted and adyances made thereon, BR COLLECTION DEPARTM ENT every facility for making proyipt returns. AVINGS DEPARTMENT--Doposits rocely - from one dollar and upwards; iotercst allowed at current rates and added twice each year, on June Land Dec. I. No formalitics nor delays in drawing money. Drafts Bought and Sold. A'TTWOOD -BRANEH . Wi. N. McKAY, Sup-Agent. All, business strictly confidential Wanted wlen and Tears far work on the Guelph and Gadericli Railway Wages $1.50-to, $1.75 per day for Men, and $3,50-for Teams Apply at the office of the undersigned at Milverton. _ JR. MceQuiggie, Contractor ELMA Joun G. Inglis, of Stratford Business Cdilege, spent Thanksgiving at his home on the 8thcon. | Miss Nellie McEwen, who. has been visiting friends in this vicinity, left on "Friday for Lanna, North Dakota. Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Mathews, from Wallace, and Mr,and Mrs. Chas, Os- | Qeorne, of Montcrief, were visitors at the home.of Wm. CU. Inglis, 8th con.,, east, for Thanksgiving, ion, honor of Miss Nellie McEwen. Miss Jessie. Morrison, of the 10th con., entertained a few of her lady riends toa high tea on Friday of last week, <A very enjoyablp time was a.pent with gam sand singing. The Trustees of S. 8. No. 5, Elma, haye re-engnged Mr. J. G. MacKinnon for the year 198, Mr.-Landsdowne Vorter, of Chesley, spent Thanksgiving at his graud- mother's, Mrs, M. Uarvey, 10th con. Tenders For Wood. "Tenders will be received by the un- depsigned up til Dec, 10th for supply- kag 8 Cords of 22 inch bard Wood at Shy Atwood Methodist Chareb. . rs Jas, E. Turnbull "pie at hes]. ARE ALL WOMEN PRETTY - -Quite an unnecessary question, be- cause so Many Women bave, such poor complexions. We wantto tell all wo- men with pale sallow cheeks. about Ferrozone, which quickly imparts fine and gives the skin a clear, rich appear- ance, 1's pure blood that makes fine complexions, so by producing lots o Vitalizing blood, building up-the. debili- tated system, increasing the circulation Ferrozoue quickly brings the, glew of health to-faded cheeks, It's no trouble atallto beautify your looks--simply CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought epithe Son, SR SSSR Rears the Signature of TROWBRIDGE Among tkose who spent Thankagiy- ing holidays iv this vicinity were:--Mr, and Mrs, Will Gaodwin, Dorchester; Mrs. Adams and Miss Pearl Adams, Drayton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Stoll, Stratford; Miss Phillips, Toronto; Miss Martha Collins, Llamiiton; Mr.2usler, Suilwell, Dakota, | Trowbridga factory.chipped the last of this season's cheese.on 'Tuursday, Jas. Porterfield moves from his home to his new farm on the 4th con., recent- ly purchased from Mr. 'Travis, Mrs. W. IL. .B. Medd isZattending. ber daughter, Mra. Hamilton, of Lebanon, who is quite ill. , ; Ben, MeCormigk.retarned.on Monday atter spending Thanksgiving with bis brother, in Detroit. l4tn Line ITEMS, The annual oyster and fowl supper ofthe 14th con. of Eima. and Grey young people, known as the rich gang, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKay, on Weduesday, Nov. 1¢. The was served at 8 o'clock. The tables were beautifully decorated with cut flowers and ferns. 'The supper con- |sisted of six courses, which. certainly were served in proper style. After sup- ' per the evening was spent in dancing, musia, parlor croquet and other games. Alzothe usual game of .mashing 4s | Mrs. MeKay, the next morning,. found | ber,potato masher a little the worse cf wear, 'Tea host and. hostess done their | best to make the guests feal, ot ,home ;and enjoy them selves. The most of | them grrived home carly Thavkgiving | moruing. 12tu Line ITEeMs Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Richmond enter- tained afew friends Thurday evening last. Mr. Ben. Bell arrived bome last week from Carievdle, Assa., where he sper.t the summer. aa Mr. and Mr8. Ab. Morrison spent Sunday ou the 10th con, Miss ollie Little, Atwood, vi ited on the line on Thanksgiving. | Mr. and Mrs. Ford, 6th con. visited t Jas. Duncan's last week, Miss Ella McCutcheon, St. Marys, is holidaying at her - home. 'from its frail teuement of clay to that j { ' Chas, Vallance bad a very successful | gravel bee last Monday. } 7 } Miss Inez Betnet spent Sanday with | Miss Phoeme Conmmot, Newry. Miss Hester Jigkling spent. Shanks. |. giving under the parental roof, Mrs. Samuel Wherry spent a few days with her mother in Howick... Will Adams is home from Proton, flax, Lawrense is helping Mr. Dong- las with his fall work, Need!ess to say 'Barney' finds hig way back to the 12th ou Sunday evenings, | Misses Lottie Adams and Dyce Ben- net have been collecting for the Bible Society, the latter part of this week. Tom. Upret has the cellar excavated foranew dwelling which he intends erecting next summer. Coming events! cust their shadows before, Tom. | Mrs, Samuel Rog, Milverton, is yisit- ; ing her son, Robert Roe. Wm. Bell is building a wire Pa, across the frost of his. farm, Death of Kirs, Margaret Coghlin In E'ma,on Wednesday, Nov, 16th, the soul of Margaret Uoghlin, 'beloved wife of John Coghlin, winged its flight bourne from which no traveller returns, The sudden death came as & great shack to the community, We all knew that she was a very sick woman, but did. not think that the end would come so quickly, She took sick about a year ago and, has been unwelbever since, and on Wednesday noon she breathed her last. Thus ended the life of a truly good woman, a woman whom we kuow lived her religion in words and in deeds. 'The fureval took place on Friday, Nov isth, and was couducted by» Rev. Mr; }, McLeod, English Church minister, of Milverton, assisted by the Rey. Wm, Penhall, Methodist minister of this village, and was yery, large, showing the esteem in which the deceased was weld. 'The deceased was the wife of the late John Coghlin, and was born in the City of Cork, Ireland, in 1817. Here she married her busband in 1885 and emigrated to America, settling in the Sity of New York, thence to the Town- ship of Kituey and in 1854 to the Town- ship of Elma, where she has resided eyer since. Ten childrer, seven boys and three girls survive her, namely Henry, : t. Molesworth; John, at At! wood; Wr., at Marney, Man ; Charles, at Listowel; Nat, at Atwood; Richard, on the homestead; George, at Atwood; Mra. Edward Campbell, 10th con, Grey; Mrs, Wilson Evans, 12th con. Grey; who mourn the donble Joss of father and mother, Mr. Coghlin having | Cied about i4 years ago. The deceused was a most faithfal and devoted mem- ber of the English Church, iler fluence was felt wherever she 'went, and her.loss will be keenly felt by al! her loved ones ard friends. After. ber husband's death she still remained on the homestead. .The sincere sympathy of.every one gops: out to- the Coghlin family.in their hour of trial: - ee WHY ! URN YOUR £LESII With acid corn salves when 2c. will buy a bottle of Putnam's Pain'ess Corn Extractor . It is purely vegetable, nev- er-canses sores, and acts entirely with- out pain. Useonly Putnam's--the best ersPill Vegetable, liver pills. That is whatghey are. cure -constipation, biliousness, "sick-headache. Eawal lass: in-,|. Lamp Glasses.and Lantern Clobes, . all sizes, low prices. iM] CEREAL FOODS: Wehave Mialta-Vita, Banner Oais,. Orange Meat, Vim, Wheat Meat, in-fact everything in the line-of Prepared..Focds.... | We Leadin Fancy Candies, Biscuits, etc... Ey T, GREEDSIDES. Do You Br ' bd, (I Mp. g-s ° Thatis just what we have--the best that money See our haudsome.souvenir tins with Ll pound of Wood's Celebrated Coffee: 'Phe nicest package on the market, Also Wood's . Package Teas at 25c and 40¢ per pound Tliese are guarapleed to be in lite with the best package teas put up, Ask forasample. Wecan give you extra value in loose teas from 20c per lb up, This 1s the seasun of the year you want a good Breakfast.2ovd, better for breakfast than a dish of Orange Meat. Téalta- Vita or Vim all ready to serve, Groceries and Canned Goods of all kinds and best qualities » --"Better than we getin the city" is the verdict of customers who eat our Our Ice Cream and our Sodas. Flour always -- If so you want-the best. ean buy at tbe popular prices, Nothing , are "Sedaticious". Bakery in Connection. Frnit ete...in season, ou hand, . Grocef and Confectioner For Fine Job Work go to @he Bee Job Office. We endeavor to-do' all work' promptly' and. at reasonable prices. If you desire anytime in the. way of LEPPER- HEADS, BELLHEADS;- ENVELOPES, STATE- MENTS, CALLING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMS, TOPIC. CARDS, Etc., just give us a-trial and. see if-;we cannot please you. 8 8, rintery: Che Bee A RESULT,NOT A GUESS A matured annual dividend. policy, on the 10-payment, 30 Year Endowment Plan has . just been paid to a leading Toronte .phy- sician by ™ Mutual Life OF GANADA. showing a NET RETURN to him IN © CASH of $292.67 for every $100 : he paid in premiums, in addition to: 30 YEARS' INSURANCE. FREE! . "No be ter investment combined 'with protection. vhan such a policy. All styles of Endowment Policy issued at favor- DUNCAN. STEWART, AGENT,

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