Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 25 Nov 1904, p. 1

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| EXTRAORDINARY VALUES SEE OUR 10c WINDOW Sugar Shakers, Spoon 'Holders. J.J. Johnson. J. J. Johnson | ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 25. 1904. NO. 43, rr "TOWN AND VicrNITY | : i ip ncode gy oases i Hut ith Hi H un dacsaneaee le: ee can have their wants supplied by -ap- : Wy 2 awe eee ' plying toSam. Wright, Henfryn, Itt ~ FE R RB = OS. | bobert ask rhs spent Thanke- : ead all live timber, grown on lot 35, cou. ¥, as peering in Toronto : Grey. lh LEADING DAT 69008 AND CLOPAING oS ee 0 a al ee To Our Renders. ES 9, dee enh 'ite : We have made arrangements to pre -- is the moxt pr oft: » plac ; for yen to do your buying. Tt! school, 8 ery. a Penonte * id seata handsome Christmas Holiday v i aay siatbans é nat whe '¥ you are looking for, it will pay you te, : . i | Number te every subscriber who pays Miss McBain, of Lrusseis, was the hi tae 3 . , i ee eeees slues . ' | is subscription in advance. The book make olf familiar with our values and our prices, | guest of Miss Belle Pelton, on Thank-} , " ij a will not eontain any local photogra- and thus ¢ ou nee yourse lf itr you can fn Many iNeS; giving Day. vures as tid our last year's Number, save frou 20 to 25 per cent. by doing your buying at the} Tne rev. 7. A. Bell, of Napier, will | iy but it will nevertheiess be - well» worth Elephant "fore, cecupy the Presbyterian pulpit next | Bo Our Christmas F reading, It will contain some local ad- - Sunday. '4 vertisiug of some of our live local buasi= ON SA i U RDA ¥ Misses Edith Johnson and Eth] # We will tell Number prev mies, ee bape te rw our subscri- sf EEN erg? it onuetal v 26 ae > Ferguson spent the holiday with friends oe Selb yor more bers renew promptly and thus secure ~ wee Will among many other spe cial values pl ice on sale fa Palmevatail: about it in this space the premium. It will be ready for: dis» T' wenty-five Black and Gray Win: Cruoks- and: daugter "Teste, of N ExT W E ie K : tribution early ino December, ITT t T Of ) Regular $103 | flolmsville, spent Thanksgiving at the | Choir Concert . ; CHEV 10T i 0 ER ATS home'of Mr.and Mrs. George Criokr,' 1 H. Ruthyeu McDonald, baritone of i> ee { g ; i F > : 5 . re a ; Me.and Mrs. E J. Smith, of Stra - E Toronta, whe will assist the' Présby= 5 Sale Price OS. 8 5. ' ford, ate the Thankgiving dinner at the| ' a stelhid.i of Patetouteteand teriatr choir in their concert to bé "held ae on > 4 : x re mae ter>uro', an . ' a4ik on 'Friday Sizes 36 to 44. These Coats are all well:made and nicely | nome of Mr. and Mre, Thos, Smith, une eM ny of Gualih, sae the Pes nee Susie TP co eee : Ree . f r * s "nye Cumeron Forrest d Scott Peebl upey of Guelph, i evening, Nov. 25th, stands easily ag thé trimmed, and fit perfectly. We will also give special P sad - . act re eo bi: ca. pois i of Mr.and Mrs. J. W. MeBato. | forefront of Toronto's most aceom- : : rove to DBrucefield to spend Thanks 5 a ea ' : reductions on all giving with Mr.and Mrs. David Alair,| Mr. and Mrs Henry Peine and grand- plished singers. It isto be hoped-that mes eS : Yar sper -| the efforts of the choir will be apprec™= : si a <7 oo = tie Sve , _ _, |son.Carl, of New Hamburg, spent sev e Lwacies oe QALECL : <p me } thee ~_ of cy bal eral days. with their .daughter, Mrs. ated and that a bumper house will Gil ' yO a ene "shy teriz q : Py Jacizets, ieead -to- cH Paral eel pre ~ 7" A bere a ns ntfal} Adam Berlet. thé.stusie {Tallon that occasei. soa 7s BY ave suche : 1Oug { sed in purchasi J Sizirts, r= pam Roo Maa loRy, s"*geivlerm' = and earnest serwons. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hammond, of a ave totengan Oar Ae Suead Y -to- y y, ©. Sizits. Mr.and Mrs. JJ. Wo Ward and son | Gorrie, accompanied by their children. improvements to the sitting accommo- Nelsou, spent the the holiday at the| Spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and "a ' Rememberthe place), |" : » 8p » the ya tig dation of the choir loft. Everyone tern home of Mrs. Ward's parents, Mr, aud | Mrs. Jas, Hazamond of this village, jout and encourage: the choir iu its if Mrs, J. W. McBain, Mr. John Farncombe and_ sister {efforts to give a first-class concert, 5 5 The Misses Rosie and Carrie Trim of | Frances and Miss Williams, of the 4th Choir Concert. ¥ . Milverton, and Miss Waller of Hlami!-| line, Wallace, were guests at the home TELEPHONE No 33, SIGN OF THE ELEPHANT |i oy were the guests of Mr. and Mrs |of.J, W. Fisher on Sunday and Meuday. HTT TT AUTH LPETRTTRE TTT THAR ij NGA il | John Wilson on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Farncombe has recently refarned ! ii Hel ' ily ; HOT | i i} iit | P * P rial . f riee hi ill sill Wi A Hii ue UU Ea Ha il ! } MT a i Louis Berlet, who is attending school pieinieptcechoen css: Africa, whieh he : in New Hamburg, speut Thanksgiving; eMeyed imi y. day evening of this week. The Cboit ithis home here, []e returned to New} Miss Jenny Bennet, who has been the} have gone to considerable trouble and RO Gar) aoe & ; Pa {lamburg on Mowdsy, | attending nurse on Harry J, Wilsou |expense in securing H. Ruthyen. Mac- * i fb re Messrs. J. A. Mitchell, Jas. Dickson | during the past two weeks, has. re-| Donald, Torento's Celebrated baritone of Donegal, Walter Hamilton and Jag | turned to her home on the 12th con jsinger, They 'nave also secured Messrs, ; , People' Ss Cas Duncan were in Torouto, Wednesday,| We are glad to report that Harry is] 1, "and Alf. McDowell und D'Arey SS sien of the Golden Lion. ittending the great Liberal Con-j| rapidly recovering from the effects of | Griersan, of Listowekgto sieaint in the ee _ -- --" . _-- ~ "ft vention. | the serious operation through whieh he| program. This promises to be one of Alec. Cameron has moved into his! passed two weeks ago, % the best couc ris of the season and the : ' Ci tS house lntely purchased from Chas.| Tilsonburg Liversl-- ee Maen: Muais Hali shouid be filled to the doors, naps in Ur 0a Lucas. He has had a cement wall | i sed i inic he prices are reasonable enodgh viz {t is to be hoped, and we feel certain there will be a large turnout to thé Concert given by the I['resby erian Choirin Mitchell's Music Mall on Fri- ._-- ald is unsurpassed in the Dominion as placed under it by George Coghlin and | [2 many-sided, versatile and gifted en- 3d cts. tof reserved seats, 2 cts, for Having secured 18 Fur Coats from a Montreal] has painted and papered it. Now he }tertainer. The purity of his tone, the aoa has a ye ue 7 ) has q:ite a cosy home, ' richness of his voice, the naturalness of | © 0 oA che ' ufacturer ata very large discount, [ am prepared to : ase 1(Hie fer | o t | i oan follows : . My. Lemuel Velton and her son | fis manner, and his sunny, genial did] CSS © veut we i Pence © eae pai omer you great DargZains ws LOMows - John, accompanied by fer grand-: kindly spirit make him a platform king cert can Sima s Sut & grand aug hited tehi phish size git 25 Ine he s long, § 8: sable reveres and collar, reg. $62.0 for o4 | children Maggie~and Lemuel Pelton, | both asa voc alist and elocutionist." -_ 4 Electric é pee ' spent Thanksgiying visiting relatives} peere 1] F "snaner costs ainbow Social, I raa 36, 4 Alask: ' sable reveres 7 5A OO f ; - Every line ina newspaper costs This 7 ml event. tranepi in = aud collar $75 0 7 | in London. something. If lt 1s for the financial eb : ci ri inhi te Ba Electrie Seul 36, 260° Mink 0.00 ° B, W, Ziemann, merchant tailor of} gsin of an individual or society it} Thonks iviitg nj nt ad was an oe Astrachan 3h , A iieke Preston, spent the holiday with his! should be paid for, If the grocer were a ice ene ane aii '\ediee of : " 837.3 32] brother, Henry. Ie very kindly sang 4| asked to contribute groceries to one ms p. ee kale me a a great "sum revere $37 i 82 | solo : > Raiabow Social in the Pres-| , antly : i : gh eae eee ee ! Qporsum revyeres 2; solo at the | entow Social in the I res- | abundantly able to pay for them, he deal of trouble in decorating the "bases byterian Church and showed that his! would refuse, The proprietor of a : " i ; . ' ment which presented a very pretty ' rh 3 gg | Vuice has lost none of its freshness. newspaper has to pay for the free ad- appearance with its red, white and blue Mr. and Mes Jno. Cuthbertson visited! vertising if the beneficiary does not, , . series ee a ' bunting and the representation of @ y Ye ns ' ; : ardes $ be Highest Prices Paid | 10 ar orf trade for Butter, Ross, Ete. Mr, Cuthbertsou's pareuts on the 12th and it is oan of ee a euinbow: at the Gack ofthe sixne Wale eon. last Sunday. Mr, Cuthvertson's learned oe ep egg ok quite realistic, Quite an interesting parents ol quite ill and so is bie apace ee co ney st ae _ iene program was rendered by meinbers ot: O iB ER j H Oo Mi PSO RJ _Jbrother Willinm, All three are under | it away for any ring 4 the Endeavor Socléty and fhe choir. * the doctor's care, We hope the results| rates would certainty be as fatal as for D. G Anderson, presidant. ob 4am , ; = . ats j ree, EAS gE Se << a of their illness will not prove fatal, a landlord to furnish house rent free goctety, occupied the.chair. . Tha pros wun wrer bbe al Se, 1 sh eh CE j gram was made quite interesting by ' bright addresses from Rev. Wm, Peo- hall and E. J. Smith. B. W. Ziemaun of Preston, a fermer leader of 'the At Bargain a V a wood Presbyterian Choir, wis, present and sang a solu which was well .rend+ ered and well received, After the proa Gray, Bernie & Co. cram a tat incl of sandwich dt LL amounted to $32 50, the 'largest 'in tte LISTOWEL : e arin & a e history of the Society. Saturday FOR Having disposed of my property in Atwood, I will, g Men's and Boys' Clothing and Ladies' jj jorsztster | A er S jeciet a | DECEMBER 1ST, 1904 === 295 only Boys' Three-piece Suits, reg. $5--Bargain Da, only : a = feat fom 15 only Boys' Two piece Suits, new Norfolk stvle--Bar Day : i sell my entire Stoek of neg 23 Boys' Overeoats, square pockets, new belt Back, sizes 22- "os had only faken one 28, reg. $5.00, for 3. : H vice, you wou 50 pairs Men's fleavy Etoff Pants, best $140 line--Bargain i Boots, Shoes, R ubbers, All kinds of Felt 100 pa Men's Wool-fleece U oderclothing, the best 50c . Coods, Leggings, Trunks, and Teles- lair Vigor line--Bargain Day it copes, at ' : _ a . . he dandruff, d your heir, Bargains all Over ote Big Store. | Cest Price for CASH. ' aad added 'sich 10 fm Be with us-on SATUR DAX. You wou inact not entirety bald, now is. your. This is a genuine sale. Tf you desire to obtain the|# opportunity. Improve it. . . ' r | . = . have need Ater's Hair er to ay, Bernie a Go, | benefits of this sale, act promptly, Everything must be}: ee liar v8 ua itergaenry 7 } rety er's Hair Aye ane \¢uld as I am going out of 'business. tits. S's" Kerra, Bellevitte, HL £1.00 a bottle. J.C. AYER. OO., Alldra for Lowell ' Listowel and Owen Sound. sendin nsinitin [Lscen saith rt oes IA, Berlet Atwood.||Good Hair}

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