LEGAL ~ "Morpuy. & CARTHEW, RARRSTERs. Solicitors, Con veyailcers, Ke. Solicitors for the Bank of Ha:nilton. Money Loan. Offices above Heobt. Thompson tore, Listowel, Ont. H. B. Morruy. BLEWETT & BRAY, J. M. CaRTHEW. | - ROUTE OF GUELPH JUN TION RY. COUNTY OF PEMTH, ee ee SOME BUILDINGS TO Coxe DIwN. Matters in connection with the God. erich extension ef the Guelph Janction Railway are making good progress, the citors, Listowel, Ont. Solicitors for Segit's Porm. Building & 3 ; Bank, Scott's Soli oan. er} over 'Wallace dt "a OR. BLewetr. ev. CECIL HAMILTON, B.-A, : ' BARRISTER, CONVEY ANCER, « Dfomey to Ticam at 4 per ; cent. OFFice--Main-st., Listuwel, next to FE pr. Foster, Dentist. BRANCH OFFICE---Maiu-st., Atwood, ® ver Tne Bee offce. Will yisit At- ® wood every Wednesday afternoon. * Gro. Bray, B. A. DENTAL. "Dr: W. A. McDoweELt, DENTIST. ARADUATE of Royal College of Dental Sur- = ns of Ontari . _? Honor Graduate of Toronto Universit . Office over Thompson Bros. store, Liz a) , y. towel, te. = 7" -- BeRancnu OFrricky--Main St.: Atwood, over THE Beer office. » day, from 9.30 DR. W. M. BRUCE, DS" ial ¥-TICENTIATE R. C.D. S., Ontaria. hs D. D. 3S. T. rinity University, Toronto. . askel Schoo! of Prosthetic ---- ee ot é 'Post Pepdnate : Dentistry, Chicago. DT NS tound faily in bts new oftes ore i , Bernic so.'s Rtore. Extrance by same , pri : verford, Main St., Lis- , ay as Dr. Rut % towel, Ont. MEDICAL. . DR.A.S. LANGRILL Itonor Graduate of Toronto Univers- Pity. Licentiate Coilege of Physicians anc £ Surgeons of Ontario. : Special attention given to Eye, Ear > Nose and Throat, Evenings preferred . Ffor such work. Office and residence--MNain-st., next }. Mrs. Roger's store, ATWOOD, ONT. D. A. KIDD, Mi, D., ATWOOD, ONT, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, Afull conrse of six weeks in: 189% and a full course of eight weeks in 1901 in The New York Post-Graduate Schoo! and Hospital, New York. Special attention to | Diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat. Diseases of Women ands children, and Operative surgery, ¢ Office Hours : 9 to 10 a.m. ' }to3 p.m. 6to8 p,m. i t ' AUCTIONEERS. Cc. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE sath of Perth, onkton, On 'Rates moderate. For particulars ap fdly at this office, ALEX. MORRISON, LICENSED AUCtIONEER FOR the Counties of Perth and [Huron #Uharges moderate, All orders by mail «ot otherwise promptly attended to. At- «wood P. O G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North gand South, as follows : : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. "Express 740 a.m.] Mixed = 740 a.m _ Mixed 1.25 a.m.| Express 12.58 a.c »baixpress 8.45 p.m.| Express $10 p.p LOCAL MARKETS. "WHEAT, 86e «Oats, 306, _PEAs, 60c. BARLEY, 38 c. "FLOR, per cwt.- $2 50. Buttes, per Ib., 16c. _Eaas, per dozen, lic. PoTATOES,. per bag, 80 to 90c. "LAnrp, per Ib. 12 to 13¢. dogs, live weight, $185 per cw, llrpes, per !b., 54¢c. BEEF per quarter, 6¢. tu Se. per lb, CoAL, $6 75 per ton. §2="Call at this office for everything that is new and up-to-date in the Vill visit Atwood cvery Mon, latest Step being the advertising. for j tenders for grading, masonry, fencing, 'ete , Of the line. The entire distance is divided into efght sections of ten miles /each, comprising the whole distance of 80: miles between tlie two places, 1 Those proposing to tender are given till Jaly 25th to haud int the. tenders, ~ Plans, are to be obtained at the secretary's offices in Guelph and Goderich. In the office of Local Registrar DD Hay plans were filed on July oth of that portion of the Guelph and Goder- ich Railway line to be constraectéd in specifications, ete., and all information } ckmeyer, From Monkton east the} following properties were traversed : *Wm. Merryfield, lot 18; *Jos. Near, lot 18; "Jos Near, lot 20; Road between flots20 xia 21, *Wm. Scott, *George Inglis, *John Adair, Noah Parttidge; George Near, Roads. between lots 25 and 26,-also Etlice drain; Richard Scott, Wm. McCulloch, Wm: Rayeroft. Toward the east of the Raycroft pro- -perty, lot 28, concession 18, Elma, is located the point midway between Guelph and Goderich; and the plan showing the west to east survey ends there. <A drain is crossed on the Par- tridge farm, and the following notes are made as to others: George Near, swampy, Richard Scott, swale and light soil, clay loamy Wm. McCullough, bush and clay. - . ' The reader must now turn his atten- tion to the eastern boundary of Perth County, wheré thé railway is to enter from Waterloo County. Ets pctnt off entrance is further up along the town- Perth county, the line passing through the townships "of Morfhfsgton; and Elma, These lines are fied in confor- miavee with the Railway Act, and con- sist of long rolis of tracing paper, four inall, upon two of which are placed the route of the line. On the others are the elevations of the line. The reason that there are four planus in- steal of two, xs might be expected, lies apparently inthe fact that the survey hes been made" in two- sections, en- gineets starting out from Guelph and other engineers from Goderich, The half-way point Detween Guelph and Goderich -isinoPerth county, on the farny of Mr, Wm. Raycroft. This point is Approximately {0 mi'es from eilher plitce, the total distance being @ little over 8) miles. The plans filed here show the route and elevations lespec- tively from Huron Con, ty border east to Riayerofts farm, aud from. Waterloo County border southwest to RayecrofUs farm. Nothing interests a community more than the Toute of a proposed railway tor railway companies bave Lroad ex- propriatory rights, aud where their right of way runs through a building, the building they must have, although the law requires that they must pay a good price for it. 'The plans on file here, which are copies of the origiuai plaus submitted to the Board of Kail- way Commissioners in Canada, and sanctioned on July 2, show that a num ber of buiidings will be cut in two by the right of way, which is one bundred feet wide for most of the way. In Mul- verton it narrows down to fifty feet bat many buildings there will suffer, and the land which is to be used fur the station ground also includes property on which there are buildings. In Perth County the line will pass through or near a number of villages, Moukton, Milverton aud Millbank hav- ing stations, The "road will undoubt ediy prove @ great benefit to thuse places. The road from Goderich enters Perth County atthe extreme seuth of Elma fownship, coming iu from Grey Town- shipin Huron County. Its point of en trance is about 1,500 feet north of the road between Logan and Elma, to which it runs parallell. This. section uf the railway runs squarely across the luts, beginuing at lot t, in the 18th con- cession of Elma 'Township, and cor.tiu- uing south east across that part of the couuty, Besides roads between lots, it .@rosses a bumber of farm lots. fullowing list of properties through which the road passes after entering the County, stars denote those on whicl; the crossing of a farm read is marked ou the plaus :--Thomas Brown, George Brown, Jas. Moffatt, *Fred Lullett, Wilson Little, {Road between locus 5 and 8, *Phomas Wiuteringnam, *Johu C. Flood, *Alex. Ilenry, Jas, Henry, Alex. Stewart, Road between lots 10 and 11, George Ellicott, lot 11; *George Eilicutt lot 12; Wm. Betcher, Thomas Dobbs, fut 14; *fhomas Dubus, lot 15. 'The road pow reaches the Village of Monkton. It is noted that iu the above list a swale is marked as existing ou the Jas, Heury farm, lot 9, and that on the Stewart farm, lot i0,a drain is marked to be diverted south of the railway line. Phe station grounds at Monkton are to ve situated west of the village. Tuey are kbout 2,000 feet long uy 200 feet wide. The station grounds ate ou the property of Mr. 'iomas Dobbs, and also thatof Mr. Avdrew Lyers, Mrs. U. Oliver and Mr... T. MeKeuzie, on which there are baildings, aud where the station itself will piovubly ve lo- cated, The line then crosses Winstan- 'vy street, directly suuth of John street, having Mr. @. Golightly's property en the north, and Mr, Fred. Hichards on the south, The tracks will be paratle: to Joti street, und ubeut fifty feet from it, the right of way extending to thestreet. The railway will therefore pass about 400 feet south of the market square. The remaining property: in Kton through whith it passes ts of the live from terminal to terwiual | Iu the marked as the property of Mr. nae ship boundary, than is the cisé in Elma Htownship. The railway crosses the | Mornington and Wellesley boundary jrond aud entets Morningtod totnsbip au few feet south of the junction of this road with the road between conces- sious 7 and & Mornington. township. Throngh this section of the couutry the rozd runs criss-cross at angles to the | tots, although itself pursuing a straight i line, Indeed there is but one curve in the tine in this county, and that is near to the point at which the surveys meet: The properties traversed as far as Millbank are tLese :--Albert [lall, An- drew bellar, Sanvuel W. and Richard H. Coulter, James J. Rutherford.-- Lerald. ----_----_ > -- ADDITIONAL LOCAL Weregretto report the illuess of Mrs. Me.Allister, of this village. Walter Thompson sold his pacer to S. P. Thompson, of Regina, Assa, th a handsome figure. George Mitchell, of the Bank of Iiamilton staff, left last Saturday mor- ning for his home in Clarksburg where he will spend his 'two weeks" holidays- Herbert Mitchell accompanied him, Excursion to Kincardine. A grand Union Sunday School fx. cursion to Kineardiue will be held on Tuesday, July 26th. Train will leave Altwond at 806'4.m.,and Henfryn at ;815a.m. Fare from Atwood $105, rom [enfryn $1.00.- Tickets good only | for oueday except -from Palmerston i'o Atwuod inclusive which are good to returao on the following day, Death of Or. Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton, who formerly practised medicine in our viilage, died in Clinton on July i2th. Hehad not ben in good health forsome years. Alter leaying here he lived in l'ort Dover for 8 years and then remoyed to Stratford where he resided for some years. Having ap- parently recovered his healtb he bought out the practice of Dr, Graham, of Clinton and was very successful. Un- fortiwhately he was attacked.last winter by inflammatory rheumatism, and 'this affected his heart. About a month ago he becamé sérfously ill and sank rapidly, dying on Tuesday, July 12th. Ile leaves a widow and thee sons, Accident at the G. T. R, Station. What might have been a fatal acci- dent was uarrowly averted at the G. T. K. station here on Monday afternoon of this week. As it was, the accident was of a suffiviently painful nature to shoek those whu witnessed it. A special stock train pulkd into the station at 3.15 p.m, and after doiug some sbunt- ing pulled out al325 p m. Just us it got nicely nuder way, Albert Short, a scrap irou dealer, made a rush to beard the train. tlle missed his hold uy anted For which we aré. prepared to pay the ihest. Market Price, ets SS SSAA rer "UNWASHED WOOL' is -in poor demand, so would suggest that you wash the wool Before clip- ping. Haveitfree from dirt, then you will command the highest market price, and no docking in price or weights. It pays better and is inuch nicer for both buyer and seller. We have in stock allkinds of Blankets, Blanketings Sheetings, teady-to- Wear clothing, Underwear, ete., in fact all you could procure in a woollen mill, and we have this advantage over the woollem mill, that we carry 160 different lines that the mills do not. C. H. Holmes, Atwood, Having Purchased J. K. Bricker's Stock -- of TWEEDS at a rate on the dollar, we are prepared to meet allcomers and guaranteé perfect satisfaction in every way. Our prices are exceptionally low. Come: and inspect our stock, it will cost you nothing to do so <s j ° , oa es H. Porter. Wool Wanted. Cash' or Trade. on the handle uf the coach and fell un- der the car. He was able to pull bim- self Vack off the track, but in making a last effort to get free of the cars, his left foot was tnrust forward and rested fur an instant on the rail, just long enough to allow the bind wheels of the coach to strike it. The foot was cut and mangled just below the ankle ay the heft side, and right aerass Lhe tustep tw the other side, Kiud hands raised him aud bore him acrussto the Eima ilouse, and Drs. Kidd aud Laugrill were hurriedly summoned, as also Drs. Kutherford, Large, and Boyd, of Listo- wel. Upon examivation of the wound It is pretty hot weather to talk about yarns," Flan. nels, T'weeds and Blankets, but. we haye them if. you need them. Maybe you would prefer seasonable goods; we cam cuit you as we have New Goods eoming in all the time. Muslins, Zephyrs, Dimities. Lustre, Prints, ete. New Laces, Embroideries, Inser- tions, new Collars and Belts, Summer Underwear for everybody. A new lot of Shoes in this week. © They are going fast. Quality and. price guaranteed. All kinds and sizes of Cottenade Pants, from children's to giants, . a it was found necessaay to amputate the foot, just in front of the heel. The victim is a strong, thick set, muscular fellow, aud came through the eperation successfully, and at last account was testing quietly. Lie is comparatively well known here, having gathered old irum, bones -and. rags for some , years, and seems to Lave been fairly success- ful in business, His -sist® is betpiug to pursehim, No blame attaches to the G y Boys' black and white Football Pants, Boys' Tweed Pants, cheap Suits, Groceries at rock bottom prices. * Nothing but first-class goods in all lines kept at ae ad c es . T, R.trainmen for the unforta-}: nate accident. ~ : sede hia ~" The U md te "Store, ~ ' "see .* ODWIN. A, D. GO