Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 22 Jul 1904, p. 5

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cemneneaneuainatmaeel IMPERIAL BANK. CF CANADA. {ESTABLISHED IsT3d Capizai AM paid Uo Peserse ard Surpius - £2.9959.6868 5 To tal, Asset? 03. _ $39.7 359,097. "Ts Quuicle. Gust Hols, Nout | ' Tervit ries, anil Selthes "t ol ming. LISTOWEL BRANCH Nos BAK parser NWI Trogecsite rs elaail jutersst added eS ucticipal : r Sm ulti to she discoyining | on yap iy nu eas fa} ! Kurop t os ~atile aL acer Bank r Sle, be Sy Lo Bangsar! iW, Soom é Geaeral Banking Nusiness teansactyed. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD. payable ine all parts of the DOMINION, CXGF EDSTA CAT BIUITAIN. Notes saraciinxinseits Deposita Reccivea, aerest-rste of intcrest para ¢ sesaif ak tary enn rr "TUN UP A CHILD ena gut or ber io when ans Jeim begins 2 'Yao courses--Coonoereial aud Short. send bor journal, A. L. McINTYHE, secretary. . Full Tera Opens Sept. 613. 7) GERTREL y Viti Vig STRATFORD, CNT Ji pars ta gota Bi pays fo get an iy Gurscinred sitendunee thos ver been the bar- cestan the bust ony of pins eoliege. Ve loive ) laced tne stivents to positivns tiie peur than du any previvus year, trrsins . J. iP, President I. A. MeLAC tib AN. Priueipal. Vi rite to the cuieg? for a maguificeist Calwaorur wT mm ¢ bawiu . THOS. iSWOWEL, (iS uceessor 25 MALE, vee das They a) of Ta or above Coupatiic WARTED A man te represent SCanapgBs | LATEST in the town of AF uf OOB NURSERIES" aud surrounding country, orders tor Our Hardy Specialties "in Fruit Trees, Smatl Fruits, Ornamentals Sechrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Siock true to patme and free from Sav Jose Seale. fixe right man ou either salary mission. Stone & Wellingicn FONTHiILL NURSERIES OVER GOO AGRES TORONTO - - er com- ONTASIO - Stock Raisers Say They . Are Alricht. ---r Prof. A. V. BY. Pewders. @ separate packages) for harses, cattle, hogs, sheep, {and ponltry. They make tonic, food aud fatten stock, ae Cream for Calves, with skim- mepc-or milk, prevents scours and acidity of the stomach. $2.c00,0ce co ag education | Our! and take | A permanent pusition for, Day's English Tonic} CLOVER SOD... - BY PLCF. O. A. ZAVITZ. Clover isone of Ontario's most 'valu. falle farm crops. It is generatly re- CORUM "iby Ontario' farmers toa Le a neavy vielder of hay, whieh fyinishes a hb aye amenntof valuable fet. consti {nents, | salt, Lawever, do not seem to be se pet carty nidersteod. Scientiste,. who ' have made a caretulstucy of the in- {fuente of clover on Ue soit, tell us that jafter inrge Tops tive been removed ifnean (he land the sollis actaally richer lin tiitvogen afler groming clover than iit was ening io tie large lamonptof pitvecen whieh the clover reels have obtained from the air, As a tule, fetmens grow clover and timothy tusether, and aie tere fore nnabke to ase rain the compatative iuflnecee of exch of these crops on the soil, We bave condtected a series of ex- Detore, | Gaeiph, ob three Cigferent ocaasions, in order to gecertain the cemparative value of clover aud grass sod fur erey prettuction, Weelirst grew clovers and pen séparate plots and "pac wered the crops. after which the land wis plowed and other crops were sown, fie resulis, therefore, show the in tie ce ofthe teats remainieg in the sei npon the preductivences of crops follaning ibe elovers and the grasses, Ir 1902, barley was sown after cach of tonr vinietles Of clovers and Ubree varieties of cresses in feur different plictes in our «xperimental grounds. Phe nverage results ef the fonr sis in pounds ef burley per acre were as fol- jows 1--Ned Ciever, 1516; Lucerne, 1450; Adsike Clever, 1427; Mammoth Red Clover, 1408; Mendow Fescue Grass, 158; Orchard Grass, 1015; and Timothy, fytj, bt will thereture be seen that the | Red Clover sod guye un increase ovel jthe Timethy sed cof 570 pounds, o: jheurly w-ive bushels per acre, | Ja auether experiment which was ' eomy leied no Wey in whieh wines both clover Gyneses Wheail wes sewn on thud wVass Suds, it was fo pid pul S93 purines Of wheat por adore wie utained from the clover sed, and ot.) 2a poteds ligus lie grass sutl. Ts beneficial (frais npen the! »etiments at the Agricultural College,- | lavas conducted by that an average | 7P bao i Cemetery, | that the REL marka i) were taken by a pupil who wrote and at the entrance examinations a year ago. "The negt 'highest, Holton Mor- phy, 932, are the higheat maiks made liyany entrance pupil in the cuunty this year who had not passed before. . LOCAL. The Raptist Church will hold Anni z versary services on Sunday ang Mon- dav, Sept. 18.h and 19th. Full) partic- wars taler on, Divine seryice will be held in St. Al- bans' Episcopal chareh next Sanday ont tia. m., to be-conductad by Rev. Mr, MeLeod, of Milverton, This will be welcome bews lo the members of Uns eharch. F C1. Holmes, oar local telephone agent, is sill Keeping ou Une move ip the matter of obtaining new "phones, Ile has suceeeded in getting aline run through to Henfrya apd Donegal. I! wii) prove a great sontenience to the people in aud around those villages. The Late Wm. Burke, S-. On Friday, July loth, there died at 'his late residénee, Lat 31, cou, § Elma Wa. Barke, sr, at the good old uge of 62. The deveased wasaman of plea- sing personality, being qniet and Gnas suming, a splendid veighbor and uni vergaaly respected. [He was bora in the County of Tyrone, [reland, iu 1822. He emigrated to Canada in 1817 and the: seliled ja Peterboro where he marrieé Miss' Naucy McMillan, aise a natire o Tyrone, From Uetervere the" young vouple moved to Mornington" where they remained for some years and tse settied in Eima on the iarm on whic ucceased died, A fimily of twelv. children were born to bless the of whom six survive, viz: Wah o Millbank; Mrs AJ W. Beehanou, Lis towel; Mrs. Jes. Keating, Sitver Creek Man.; Mes. Wos. Buchanan, Robert on the homes tind The funeral on afleruoon, was inte Denese tend, de sep! Sida witended tun MeLeo: Dotson of Listowel, largery Rev, Dr. iuterred in The deerased was ia Presb teria: he body was Crisis. ni mer of teat the ire aurch and ao slanuech Conservitive ba 8, a naixiure ef oals end barles His honeurable aud avlive fife exerted was 'ytiass sed, jesuits were aS uu average of 'the vers Tabane, | of is frou the eloter $a, { peunds Of Mixed gaalns the grass sud. 15 wibird hs tip hires graus, Wwe find bat the ¢:0; gievn ou tie clover séd gave an iv- and per acre from "crease over the crop grown ug Ure grites | sud by Gill; 53 pereebt Loe resulls of these experiwents help appleciate die beueteial bi- fhienuee ou the Sui thot growing clover, ruibabi tity ota cinter sed as a Wheat or fur Lallsu lidicates ie cu.tivated Winter plepemy pieparationu for Spliigg grains, nei ore Cutrance Exainimations. Oat of G3 stucents who tiied in Lis- ~ towel Su wele Successful, aud ip Milyei; tou di were suecessful out of a total of 43. Tbe maximum mark was 1100 jand the pass mark 500, er oO per cent. I The tu}luwing is the list of the success- tul stadents iu Listowel :--Mildred j kay 1023, 43. Meryl $32, 3. 'thompson 8U4, 1 tat soi, UI. Linge 848, L, Fiew- hing S37, FS = Eo Cavell bu0, LL Clarke S 6, EB but ting Sul, J. MeLaugh- lia 7¥2, Isa Ausitu 7st, Anine Gien 754, /Mehie Maier Ts2, Myrtle Baker 775, D. Fraser 770, Avnuie Cuthbertson 761, | Ciara Retliwen Tl, 1700, Grant 779) Abnie Erekite 708 W. Nickel 727, M. Aie xXaidel 108, Pear! | Buschart 753, S. MeDonald 752, Clara | barton 745, 5, [bumpsou 748, 'Vv rulet i Wherry 734, Magele MePasiene Ta8, L. 'Bete 720, G. Hogers 715, Po Wuety Tid, descie Aliisun 713, G2 Durt TU J. tricher Tiv, Ss. 'Turtance Minerva 'McCaul y 70d, Ro Osberne Gy7, ldéa | Bussett O94, A. Gerdun 624, Cora Os- | bore 62, J. Traviss 68, Lizzie stubes 1631, Annie Seolt 679, Maggie Hardie 660, Gertie Zuliax 660, T, Davidson €€0 Myrtle hiuwe CG), KR. Alder C53, Lizzie | Bawlenheimer 607, Maggie Danbrooke 1657, bertha Forbes 657, W. Peevies 655 | Eva Maloney 652, Orpha Haliman 649 {I:ida Nobile, 644, Bexruice Morrison 610 S. Etiictt 681, Mabel Kemp 626, Alice Thorpe 625, G. Torrance 622. Minnie Cowan 621, Cora Chamney 620, Mpbel Raines 619, A. Lewitt 613, A. Miehl- Lausen 610, @. Rae 604, Aunie Staiuton,, '602, W. Seqtt 599, Florence Philp 694, Fosoag Mitchell £89, Jessie Donaldson , Pearl Smith 552, A, Coghtin 678, ne Barnett 'h6l, Emme Jobuston 537, Rt Biair 650, wet Qiriand me Elia F 500, Mary, Wiison. 650. qube t 75, 220) pounst- i Reed Chalu oe acre 'Nas Oblaines | this Gatgrio of eurs spring. omy' 107? atid we wise their familiar Neilie Va H 1 vilie Vancrick, eyinst the ravages of a Sov on O]0Ver ced and alsu oun splendid mia yee on alwit whoo oe caine tn ceartact, Dros stock dtd he eariy ploneer Such Rens B-illiers « Piey d form3, bu- ioneyer is-sz2 the grand seavitlat Wotk bial they a complished, "aL at resulls of these ; . | Death of Ausseti Switzer. ued cet sirugyle against Lie buygees Of cisease al jeast five o. six years, deaih came lo Russel Switzer suu at Mr auil Mis, Fred Switzer gia vel road, Ein, ou) "Tuesday afternoon igh Russeil had not been se Well for Sutu¢e Mouths past and hatteris was greatly troubled with shortness ol oreath and heart failure, On Sondas Dr, Langiin toek him for a urive and it seetned to Co him a worle of good, bul on Taesdey he did not ap- pearso weil. He was sitting in his chair about 5u'ciuck p. m., quietiy rest- ing, his sisler Aunie Geing pear him, and bis Mulber was out in the garden picking same beiries for his supper Annie spoka to bim and, uot receiving areply, noticed sumething strange a- bout his appearance, and quickly Bum moned her mother, The men wert working in the byiu and on being cal- ed entered the boise justin time to see hiin quietly breathe hg dast, Le virtu ally slept away, Russe wag a fine ex- ample of how a person by sheer deter- mination and will power cau tattle i - fatal cisease. fle was at one time a faniy strong, ac- tive young fellow Uil about 7 years ago, when he became afecud with a tober. calar growth on the jaw, which was - so aggrayated by an piperated tooth, Pais graduaily yielded to treatment but the tubercular germ then located iu one of hislungs. Forayear or mure bis heart was shuyed over ta the right side. Dr, Laagriflthen perfarmed an oper- ation and retauved a large quantity of mattes from the laig. Ilis heart went back t> its prope: peace and for years he sep ned ta be bproying, By living constaitly in the open airs nd by strict attention to dict he gave hepes of uiti- mate victory. But last fail tubegeu'ar grow sappeared on his body, and with thelo g. hard wiuter yradaaliy wore down ins strength, Ressell wre 87 yearg vf ave and w gaa universal favor- ite. Ue Lore his ong stege of ipess with ota marmur and it was a plea- After a jnost herwe erm ree aStruvgte which insted just. eVeittoy dlis pirents aud brotuer and sisters did allin their power to minister to his comf stand haye thus not hieg whic: tu reproach Ur mselv Ther haye the Singere: aympiuhy of hasta -of frien Is in their bereavement. "| pg vok plige gn Ty rsday afternoon ANe acrecmies | sienitati Ft é - lind eee arto meiBowes of *INEASTS EMEP REN ©. | Fromotes Digestion Choerf- ness and Rest.contains neither Opsum,Morphine ner Mineral. Nor NARCCTICc, Recipe of Cle? Dr SAPO ITIAR L fier Sead~ Sonia ¢ nchabie SaKte = Anige Seed + Aperiect Remed-- for Constipa-ff tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, |} Worms Convulsions. Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP Taz Srmile Signature of Ldshet cont eae a ; ae 7 a aus fidecrs 'et A nd have uo ambition. Don't! let soar oar Lite. Bi deai 3 yantecto Crreor no Pay. suig tu do any little kindness for bim.. a a Oratie Cre 61 ty, aad. the ser; [ the-hutiee d by}. Das KENNEDY & KERGAN uration for curing ese y can guarantee > ST sdhraselh Debiiiey: Prpieitio, Vartoount®. Ntricture, | Scoret oe oe ape ees ency, Chee aiand Pacey 5 tal Weaknc 'helg guarantees are backed b; y Bask! MEN'S LIFE BLoop You maz heave @ pecret rele! throne ve y erine- thats o st Reig! feel tired outinthe morning. You a feel Aesponde -t « war. nll is the scourgeof mankind. It may not eriiud. but itisa crimeto allow It to remain is the grate ake EBewars of Mpremty ox ard Potas§ treatment. D. & i: positi cases or no Pay VARICOCELE & 8 STRICTURE : "a diseases safe ety en on rely. cone m*trisk oporation and roia you: bed and can never fe tarn* rs, Ev & Ke _ 'The Now Method Treatment b crres these cexaal ual organs. The atrictnre ti ' Kidneys a Bladder eching bac®teljs the tale. Don't let Boctors "pan C reyoul yer ace not berond jeaan eid. Don't negiect your zidneze, experimenton you. Drs. XK. & They gtiarantes to Cure of Ko. Pay. UARANTEED. KO CURE NO PAY. Coneuitetio hays Jad eg es nt Free, (seaied.) Write for Queetton Biaok fer an Sree regatrocnt. Everything Configential. K DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 SHELB *SNobracts im Nat Pf \VesHnnenn Senha Sen atria lieth tune Si ah bate tl tiny Me ell cea ds

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