Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 22 Jul 1904, p. 4

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|The Star Grocery Keep -- Comfortable 'With Taleum There is nothing that issuch a help to consfort in hot weather as a good Tuleum Powder. We haodis all the poputar brands, but especially re- commend our Perfumed Preuch Taicum. We know thatitis all right in every respect and thatit provides better value for the money than any other you ean buy- In Sifter Top Cans 15 Cents | Sponges marks the dividing line betyeen the animal and vegetable life. What we call sponges are bat the skeletons of an aninrl vegetable matter, whieh when first gathered. is an unsightly pulpy mess that must be nut throngh several processes before ready for'us. 1: is often spoiled iv the making. Sponges must be yGusyt carefully. We bay onal that 9h. May ah safely. Onr Sponges are rightly $ quality eat ae our prices are p#as tye lowest tale h om R, MITGHELL, The Druggisi, Atwood. Bank of Hamilton mars [Bstabtished 1872, event tranepined at the "se of James | HEAD CFFICE. HAMILTON. ; Newbigzing, when at & o'clock p. m.} sharp, the Rev. Dr. McLeod uuited in: marriage Miss Lizzie Newbigging and } who drove the ball into the right gar- den, The bit was really good for two vases bat the ball got lust in the long gtass and Smith romped home, sendi.og i Hank. Ifouderick in ahead of hint. But this was the flash in the pan, Mii i) Verton had shot their bult, aud wow the locals began to take wa hand ju the John Melutyre, of Okotoks, N. T. ) hitting. They were blanked in suc- The young couple were married under | S20" 11 the 'fuurth intings, when an evergn en arch on the !awn and were | GLOTS® Richmond hit a grass cutter | unattended. The Wedding Maren was | Deen Gad and ord and janaged to played by Miss Mabel Armstrong, of | SCPe bis ras, being helped hume by a {Lai istowel, James Newbigging, brother Raashing dtive from Adain Wi.sen's | of the bride, gave her away. Little Miss | jbat. Lu the fifth innings young Wili | Ella Shearer, a mice of the bride's, and | | McLeod, the thirteen-year old youngs- daughter of Mrs. Shearer, of Dryden, | j ter, cracked out a hit, and Clarence Capital All Paid Up $2,229,980. 09! New Ontario, madz a pretty flowe™ pareve =ooet ane ae bees : Reserr# and Surgius Profits $2,009. 000.00 | 'girl. The bride wore a handsome dress | tine drive vie rig field. Iu the sixth Total Assets $24,713.613,07 | of white sik. After the ceremony the! inusngs the fireworks began, McKay Melatyre-Newbigging, RSON, - President. 4jON. WM. GI TURNBULL, Vice President and General Manager. * : - @ hwas first man up, ita wice clean 60 BRANCHES IN CANADA OO | company of over fifty guests sat down, single. U ' P Hie : D Gd. aad RANCHES I. : ian ingle, Lhen stule second, . G. Auder- ltoadainty wedding dinner. The ar- oi : an gee ed 7 nv son tien surprised everybody aod bim- 'rangement and decoration of the tables | sel? raust of a by } es y# lingi i a t { most of all y bitting a slinging 'called forth many admiring remarks. , |. 7s nd Ri E i ngs 5 7 liner over srcund base, securing McKay. ! The groom's gift to the bride w.s a ; atti { .., | Uarry Uuek then maceaint and An-! lovely crescent shaped brooch, set with | | . : ,, Gerson seored after stealing second | pearls and ta the flower girl a guid . ' a. - Chuence Micibausen bit another Jiuer jting. The presents were numerous i . oo and scored [luck and came houine him- and costly, testifying to the popularity ' af F 4 iv : iv , ar " selfun a passed ball, uur runsia all} of the bride, whois oue of Eim:'s fair | ; : ° et pat ; Were scored in the sixth auutugs. Mul-/| maidens, The groom isthe son of Mr.! : ; -- verton were blanked in their half of the Melutyre, of Newry, and formerly was ; i __ ; as ' seventh apd the focals hid thas a a successful teacher lu Eima and later! mine : i ibuings tuspare, Adany Wiisun, Clar- jin B. C., aud now owns w ranch at Oke | : . 6ence Mieliliausen and Wilt MeLec a ituks. Tue Gee wishes the young a arr | P teok cure of all the Mes thal came thal' 'couple every happiness, ' way, FARME! 2S BUSINESS a specialty. Notes ot responsible farine r+ discountesL. sale NOTES collected and thereon, advances nade ee TMENT has "T tal OUR COLLEC i mpl ret urs * every facility for AVINGS DE suet ed from one d = an allow ed peng urre an year, on Seas 1 ani Dee. 1. ~]e- peveiie tr No formatitics nor delays in drawing romey Drafts Bought and Sold. ATWOOD BRANCH W.ON. McHAY, Sub-Agent. HERALD EXCURSION. NOTES . DATE JULY 80TH TO AUGUST Ist, nanan ctstnthe contdenatal FROM STATIVUNS BETWEEN PAL- oe Hynes Sener S° MELSTON AND GRANTON. . Baith Penhall, A T [ HW The Stratford Herald's anoual rail: Miss saeeeen'""| and boat excursion tu Saru.a and be Pupil of Dr. Edward Fisher, troit is announced fur saturday toj ¢ 'Musical Directer, Toronto! | Monday, July 3uth to August Ist. The Conservatory of Music. |eXcursion will be run ou the same liues in allempting to throw as last year, a tasteariy muruing tratu! 'Both he aud < devel dz F o Jub he wb onderic eVeinpe « TEACHER O js leant = the _ el Ww wae | | bad case of tratlivs in the sixth janings = Star steamer t sebce to Detroi te} - PIANO AND ; ORGAN | saturday mvruinug special train's sett |. BAak ate, NSE aieeeriee ; | Ing poit is renee avd tise sensi Southpaw, did great execution for the } sel | j Teachinz Commences September 1st, first three innings but after that he was 3994. For terms apply: Methodist | icange, Atwoud. * | Norman Huek Was there with the goods, stiuiking out 7 Miivertonians | He used good Pleat and wzs ably 'sa; pporled by catcher Melay, Why | fcaught cleverly and threw well te bases George lichnond wade sume good! pickups at short. it was fun to see big, fat, natured ('at Spencer fall over dns feet j ! { ' ! | trip fares and leaviug time frum pear- ; an easy mark, by stalious is as follows Ju uly 30 2. a. 5. Adult Child | Atwood's thizd basemen bas 4 strong 5:15 $1.55 8) | lth owing arm butis generally ce needed | ~ | siverton 5-40 1.35 | ihatit is safest io keep about a mile! } er 2 es . i The au | was | Painserston train will reach jaw ay from him as he is apt te throw { ae a ; and | Saruia, passing the Tunnel station and | *ide of the m: ark. In throwing to first | | guing on to the vid G. T. A. station at bus, Stratford at 74¢ a Ib jto head off a sunner, he threw wide | ratfo emyc ale. . Kee ey . P : the river frout, at@ii5 a.m. The train {struck a young Jud who was sitting | Miss Clara Reid, of Ast, 18 seed | . back of the line, fullon the head. The * ; ' aint lserves the whule Jeugth of Perth ' . H friends in this vicinity. . t " Brick. fle never! les frum north to scuth. | ;OunEse ees 2 7 Misses Kate Kippan and Edna Das- y isquesled and is, we are gia to say i Miss Mag-. Tickets on the railway are valid on!y | *4' | is, of Stratford, are visiting $3 lag none the werse of the acci* : j ;oD special trains as above but are goud !™ gie MeKenzie. | Editor Reeth was, an ---- itea number of the farmers iu to relurn on aug regular laam within '. ru see 2 i neve Gulthed basing: ithe time limit or on the return special SPeCtstor of Cie game, th vicinity -- ' ; which leaves Surnia for both Paimer 4 'W vt w pleased tote anee bi o § ston and Berlin ou Mouday eveuing at = ray issumewhat better after his re- , ; & ¥. , : SHAWL LOsST--Let ween cent iliness. ; . F + , concession aud Dominion jblack shawl with a toueli of white, jeulur. Finder leave same at U3 ctlice. | an 7 Listowel... DONEGAL. The last week of June cheese shipped on Monday to Dallantype Visit the 16th Factory, « 12TH LINE ITEMS _ | Atwoed Gets its Revenge. Miss Mary Ovaus is holidaying in! Palméfsion with her aunt, Mrs. 8. Lay-| bourne. 'Mr. and Mrs; Wea. Stewart and fam- ily of Acton and Miss "Pollie Littie of Atwood are visiting at Hugh Rich- bing at Milverton about three weeks mond's, j#go and have been practicing faithfully / 'Miss Belle Valiance, cf Tosonto, who they were bound to make a better | bas been spanding a few days with her showing on their own grounds, and on Mother, left Tuggday for (osotoks. Alia.' Friday evening last they succeeded in) to Wisit ser sister, AMirg, Boncan M O- | redeeming themselves by defeating the "tyre. fast Milverton bine by 7 runs to 2. The Mra: ain Hance and son Irsii, of .game opened auspiciously for Milver- "Mitciet!, spent last week at Sameri ton, who scored 2 runs in ihe second ages. innings on 3 fine hit by Will Smith," iss Annie McNeil, of 'Grey, has beer _Fisiting Miss Edva Duneaa. Muss Jessie Johnston, of eulesiag MILVERTON DEFEATED BY | To 2. i = - 4 . . . : | The Atwood ase Ball team have FARMS FOR SALE. been lying low since their seyere drub- The undersigned offers fur sale lis excellent !O.-acre farm, lot 16, con. 15, Eima; ali eleared, good bank barn, straw shed and frame barn, crive shed, comfortable house, geod orchard und 'good water, weil fenced Will give possession this Fall. Terns abie. Apply to topenT C. Henny, Monkton, Ont.! Tease! j abl ready te serve, PARTICULAR «Know Good Printing Wien Tb we haye a aces quantity of Puery sikseyett jnst arrived, we are goiag ta gifet the public cheap bargains, tre rageiar 13c te be svid 2 pounds for Za MOLASSES SNAPS, regnlar for. to be suid 3 ibs fet aioe ke LEMON BisCUitls, regular Pige, 3 ibs tor cognabngy ceed VPANCY CAKES, regniar tie, 2 ibs TOP. ee tees ceeserse VANILLA BAL, regutar 10c, 3 tbs for-.,,....,. a oe ee we keep BLACK. GREEN and MIXED. fer . next tivo weeks we will give 4 ibs ut 39 Tea, either green or black f We keep both ground and green COFFEE. CANNED GOODS, LES and CATSUP in abundances GROC ERLES OF Niways fresh and clean, OTR ICE \ Fest BREAD always. on Brand. ' ATWOOD FLOUR keptin stock. 15¢ LUNCH SERVED with lic 1 3 tea'or coffee at any time between the hours of 9.a,m_ aud 10 p.m. ALL FARM PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASI. Oe Doe ee aN oe a ee ne eed E D. a. GREENSIDES, Do You Drink Tea oF Coffee =? That is just what we have--the best that morey can buy at the popu prices, See our handsome souvenic tings with } ponnd ef Woods Celebrated Coifee The nierst package of the market. Also W wees Package Teas at 23¢ and 40c per pound These are guaranterd to be in With the best package teag pnt ep Ask fora supple. Weean give you extr: value vd _ lexs from Zoe per iD tip, $ the season of ike yeur you want a gocd bre akigst Food. better tor break (ast than adishof | Orange Mea Malta Vita or Vim Groceries and Canned Goods of ail kinds and best gual --~ Deller than we get ia the city" is Lhe verdict of customers whe eat our Our Ice Cream and our Scdas. are "Sodalicious". liakery in Conveciion. Fruit ete. in season, Fiour always d. : PIC t.- ALL KINDS If so ron want the best. Nothing e VIe§ ou han Rte WA aide als RG » rrocer and Confectioners PEOPLE good | ; to second and know that it is an in- vestment. Poor printing isan excuse. Try us for Sale Bills 'Streamers 'Window Cards Catalogues 'Hand Bills Business Cae ds- Calling Cards Cixéulars, Folders. Letter Heads Bill Heads Note. Heads. Statements, in. fact anything in. the> printiog line. - PRINTING couPAnY

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