(PRICES: . PINTS QUARTS ----+ oe ; HALF GALS. - - ge J.J. TOHIWNSOS Bateains in FRUIT CEMS 7.5. SOZLIINSOM j ? ; i --: oe ae kd VOL. ee a a -A'TWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1904. ATWOOD GRIS? MILL FALLS A PREY TO THE DEYOURING ELEMENTS. NEARBY BUILDINGS HAD NARROW ESCAPE--HRROIC- WORK OF THE: CITIZENS--LOSS IS ESTIMATED AT ABOUT $10,000 00. | ene et sama T5. NO. 25. WALTER BROS: LISTOWEEL'S LEADIR a DRY GO9DS AND CLOTHING STORE. - | TOWN AND VICINITY) i= Mrs; E ent time the guest of her sister, | Ed. Ifuck. 'Miss Melissa P eer, of Toronto, is vis- snnaincabecasianie iting at the home of Joseph Blatchford, Itis some time sinve our citizens 1 boarded the engine at Listowel and hag | icon. 1, Eima Miss Veer is stenogra-' have bad to respond to an alarm of fires! one of the fastest rides on that engine | | Pher-and typewriter for Lawyer Smythe but on Saturday wight, shortly after} that he ever experienced, 'Phe distance | of Toronto, . ten o'clock, everyone was startled to} between Palmerston aud Atwood was} "Miss Mary and Laura Klump retarn- hear the cries of lire! fire! and soon| covered in 22 mivutes inclading te! jedon Monday from. a pleasant two" the Gre bell sent out the dread sum-| stop at Listowel, | weeks' visit to friends in Galt, Prestor, mous. At first it seemed difficult tol The only thing tt 4 saved our village | sae aud Waterloo Iocate the fire as neither flames nor) from a most di ag tion j .RiErskine is baving the house, smoke could te seer, but word soon! was the fact that it was a beautiful, | ad purchas-d from Johu Stewart, passed that Alex. Dicksou's grist «mill |.ca!m night. Not a breath of air stirred | thoroughly overhanted and, when com- was on fire. Had astrong breeze prevailed, as OD! teres - , ltLappesrs that some one noticed a} | Sunday evening, the whéte town might} sen oF ae meas ening: te Tee Sip bright light in the vortheast corner of! have been wiped out. the lowest floor of the mii, When] 'The cause of the fire is a mysterr; Wells, of Hamiiton, is at pres- : Mrs. Weare offering spec ir al inducements in-every depart- nent throuchout the entire We specially invite you to call and see-the lines mentioned: If youwgee them vou will buy, there is no qt iestion about that: - Ail we ask is for you to come and see. 'St ore, St a) Meu's ne AW Hp Toe dit te Gud ea ee Te tte er ee Jpays" Biase sa tits to clear.ate Ss. eeu Men's and Bovs' Feit (Lats, remit ar pri ve Fram st Rtn le clear Choe loted black and brows Christy liats, regular 82 to $240, tu clear Su O id Sirs ww bats 2ae, 330. 400, 5: and 69e¢ a0 shaw es ceee wn §, tlies" Sailors black and white regatar 65- ao: ' = 4 re o. Jobn Graham has purchased the} Bee - te Geer i A few more Watsts 3Lou to $2.00. Lace ata Gk Curtains and Carpets HAT REDUCTION WALTER ek are TELEPHONE No. 83, SIGN OF THE ELEPHANT ROBERT THOMPSON, People' Ss Cash Store Special Values of Hot Weather Goods We made the warm days that have arrived, in the way of COOL THINGS TO WEAR. <We are now oerine these goods at prices that will TO SEE IS TO BOY. am,le provision some time ago for please every Colored and White Muslins, Fancy Waist- ings, Belts in washable goods, Fancy Ties, Lace Cotton Hose. Ladies' White Straw Hats, All Summer Goods must be sold. Underwear, etc. Hicest price pail for Butter, Ege gs ete., in CASH OR TRADE. ~ Big WHITEWEAR Sa _of Traveller's Samples and Factory O-ermakes at GRAY, BERNIE &GOQO., Listowel's Big Clothing House. COMMENCING SATURDAY, JULY 23rd. We will sell over 1,000 pieces of Lalies' White Underclothing for less money than you an buy the masene Ve will also: place on sale 1309 yardsof Fancy mek Dress Muslin, mill overmakes. Beautiful new goods, worth regular $e and 25c; not one ard less than 20c. Special for this sale Only 10c per yar. Sale goods on table in centre of our store. Call and examin them. 'The maker's loss is your gain at this sale. Come and seeis, you know what a sale meaus here. We oever disappoint you, GRAY, BERNIE & CO. -.. HE CASH STORE. ... ened Butterick's Patterns. and Delir oer a ' to convey the Are "pen that it would first observed the blaze was very smail and could have been extinguished if weter had been haudy. In attempting to get atit, it was necessary to open a door, and the breeze speedily caused anu immeuse sheet of flame to spring up and the workers were compelled tu {tis not theught that anvone would be | so diabolically mean'as to set-fire to the |. building through spite. Emptoyees «f} the mill had been around the building | after supper to see that<ali was right, and a load of chop was handed out not more than an hour before the tire be- close the door and quiltthe contest. A rush was then made for the boiler hegse and engine rvom, and the belis were pulled off and carried outside. Mr, Dicksou also secured all his books and papers. It was then seen that it would be necessary to put up a hard ficht to save llay Bros'. frame elevator, Soon many willing hands placed ladders against the walls and active, lith fellows mounted to the roof and the bucket brigade soog sent pails of water up to them. The roof of the elevator was soon soaked with water, but meantime the fire grew flercer and hotter. It was then seen that the real danger lay on the side of the elevator next to the mill. Against the side of the elevator is built a small frame projection. This was soaked with water but the fierce heat speedily licked up the water avd soon the side of the elevator was on} ire in two or three places. The heat | now became almost unbearable bat the brave fellows stuck to their post Ladders were placed on the top of the small building and mounting on top of it, several men were able to throw water on the bDliaze, till a ringing cheer went up when it was seen that the fire fend was defeated. So fierce was the heat that it was necessary to throw every other pail of water on the men, who in many instances were scorched. Infactsome of them were burned around the nece and shoulders but they fought en and wou. A. F. Dicksou's stable, John Cuthbertson's stable, Wm. Buchanan's implement shop, the station, James Hammond's and J. A. Roe's' houses, had all to re ceive attention, The station took fire but the blaze was soon extinguished. lhe fences surrounding the mill were soon in a blaze, and several cars on the track received prompt attention, Word wassent.to Listgwel and' Pal mierston and an.engine Was sent ont, from the latter place, At Listowel, | Mayor [ay bad a flat car in readiness; ston Pork Packing House, also -took "a )) engine né here if it was) He -- ~ , | towel, expressed intense satisfaction at 'the splendid fight put up by the bucket gan. The only theory is that probablv some oil and dust may have caused Spontaneous combustion. NOTES: The loss is a serious one to Mr. Dick- son who had spent a large sum of money in thoroughly overhauling and equipping the mill. His iusurance amounts to $6,500. The engine is somewhat injured by the large water tank falling on it. The boiler is as good' as ever, being protected by a two fvot brick wall, The blaze contd be seen for miles, as faraway us Palmerston, Newton and Milverton. And now what about adequate fire protection ? Let us not talk about it but let us hepe that actiun will be taken. The loss is a serious cne to the vil- lage." The mill was jast beginning to turn out good flour and evervthing looked = sey for success. We uo not mention the names of those who battled so manfully to save the elevator as we feel that we might overlook some and thus do an injustice Suffice it to say that Hay Bros, Lis- brigade. The hardware stores were called upon to furnish pails. Many of these have not been returned. Itis not right nor just that these men should be called upon to Jose their articles. The man, who would steal a milk or water pail after the fire, is too mean to be allowed to live. A larger namber of pails should be purchased for the wagon aud/ wen appointed to see that they are gathered together immediately after the fire. Nelson Hay and Manager Forsayeth of the Bank of Hamilton drove over from Listowel, Mr. O'Mara, owner of the Palmer- Siar ss pacogae tnd Herik Merde | oflice building from RLS. elton, of Irc- iqneis. Mr. Graham has made a good investment, the building being a sub- | stantial one aad at present vringsin a" good sized rentat. Look up Gray Bernie's ad, in this week's issue, They are having a great Whitewear Sale on Friday and Satuar- day. This excellent firm are alwags re- liable in their advertising, It has been hot enough to snit any one for the past week or so. It has in" fact been a reminder of se qovd old: days when the thermometer registered from $2 to 97 degrees for days at a time. This weather suits wreat quantity of hay is being rushed into the barns. The outlouk a Week a- go was blue enough, bat things have" evidently che nged fur the better. A Fine Outfit. Dr. ALS. Langrill is now the owner" of # baLdsome rnbber tired buggy. Ue eam now speed along in solid comfort with his @eet little pony and can treat: ali the boulders and rough spots on the road with silent contempt. Ile has al-- so purchased a small water proof and- lire proof safe in which.to keep secure> uli his important books and papers. Received A Cail. The Rev. Dr. McLeod, the esteemed * pastor of Uhe Dgesbylerian Church, has~ received a he eall from one of the" Presbyterian | reles in Truro, N. 8 We are uncertain as to Dr. MclLeod's* lutentions re the matlier, but we can: assure him that itis the desire of the' people here to retain bis services just as- lovg as possible. We arenot surprised at his receiving a call, as his exception- al abilities asa studeit and preacher are sure to be recognized. Should 'be~ | decide to leave us, we will most hea;zt- ily regret to luse him, as. the relations~ existing between pastor and people are' refthe most harmonious aud aes The Imperial Bank, Listowel, has- recently undergone cousiderable im provements which have eohanced its: aultructiveuess materially, especially the iyteror, which has been. repapered and painted throughout. The walls areé bung with tapestry paper of a rich- pattern, with a burlap walnscotting.- The metal ceiling has been painted # ure white, the effece being chaste an& altugether pleasing. The bank prem- jses are modern aud up to-date in every particular, aad impress.one as being quite cily-like. Pd Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor and Hair Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis- appear. Could you reason- ably expect anything beticr? "A Nair Vigor f = great the Sait ppt! Leos all right." -- W. C. £1.06 2 bottle. ee for . . in: Hair ee * es a es oe the farmers, and a ~*