Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 8 Jan 1892, p. 4

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THESE BEE R. 8. PELTON, = FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1892. MUNICIPAL PRINTING It is remarkable » how municipalities | throughout the country get their print. | ing done so cheaply. The average! municipality.gets bigger value for its money thaw any other concern having printing to do; infact the prices paid are altogether too low for the volume of work required to be done. The faultis perhaps more the publisher's j | i | PUBLISHER.| | With dark and bright the past has gone | And here and there the : -- is Sten, han the municipality's. The work isus-! ually let by tender, and it is astonishing | how low some printers will do the work | for. The Council of Elma, however, have dealt very fairly with THe BEE thus far, but we do the printing consid- erably below what it is really worth. The work we do for 36) (contract price for 1891) we woufd not think of doing, in the ordinary way, for less than Stu or $125. There is no reason under the sun why a municipality should not pay as well, proportionately, for its printing' xs any other corporation or individual, ; Some appear to haye the idea that news papers can live on air and promises of green cordwood;and whateverthey may pay for other municipal work, they take good care thatthe printer gets as little for his labor as possible. helps directiy and indirectly to develop the resources of the locality in which it is published, and is therefore entitled to the cousideration of the Council whose business it is to encourage each and ev- ery means that is seeking to advertise A newspaper | the resourees, advantages and possibil-- ities, of the town, village, or tewnship, aus the ease may be. The general print- of Elma is a heap of work in Itself. For instance: 200 copies of the voters' list have to be printed, each copy contains 34 pages of closely printed matter, mostly tabie work; 100 copies of the Treasurer's re- port,a book containing M4 pages of table work entirely, and so particular is this work that a singie error in the sum ming up of any of the numerous ac- couuts, would render the report about useless. Then thereare overa hund- red kj sheet posters, of different Kinds, to be printed; 14apeopies of the As an elaborate form that is worth a cent, and print- ing for the corporation sesor's schedule, { is worth S15 if it which few townships, if any, get ed); cheque books, forms, notices In the paper, ete, etc. No wonder the editer of the Mitchell Reeomicr drawsa deep sigh and remarks:-- The Recorder is going outof the man- | icipal printing business. It prefers to do that now to going to the poor hous in avery short time if it contin ues. This year the Recorder office did the Hibbert township printing for 34150. Anybody who wants it for that sum with one-half more added ts welcome to it hereafter. This office has also done the printing for this town for the year just past and is to receive for it a tnffe over S30. If anybody takes it fer that money and a half more added to it, ther will not doit many years and escape the poor house. The Reevrder has de termined if if cannot live in this by fair and honest returns. it can live elsewhere, or notlive at ali > -- 1S9i AND 1892. Written for Tur Bex town} } \ IGHTEEN hundred and ninety- , one. [ s ki passed rising, Setiing sun, sed Sed away -- forever gone emt st in eternity. Yes, gone with all its privilezes And golden oppertuniizes Whieh Time may ne'er azain Gene never to return. lace-- ns gone, oh yes! but not alone. fs marked by many, 2 memonal stone by which the resting piace ss shown If many "neath the sed. Many a darling child has died, 'Though tender parents sorely cried, Death every earnest prayer denied And snapped the silver cord. Many a father true and kind And mother dear has been consigned To that to which they are desti o While kindred hearts have bied. Manr 2 faithful husband, teo, And tender wife so kind, so true, Haye been compelled to bid adieu When cruel death Lid hokd Albeit those sad events we trace Socommon to our human race, Yet, on the other hand. what Is bounteously bestowed. And though by gone We see no more, Behind is left aoundant store For man, whe surely must adore The Giver of all good. Hiow many honors have been lest And honotS wog at noble cost, While beart"s aos ons haye been In great anxiety. | loss of Vitality | And nuptial bands what numbers rs tied, | in heart does | To dwelt elf together till Death divide' break the tie. d left us one year farther on. j 'But now we turn from ninety-one [ To eighteen ninety-two. | The good oki period -- away, Another year an to-day, | 'Fhe sun shines forth in grand array So beautiful to behold. | Some meadows wear a garb of green, Quite sngne', yet ali se Yn happy New Y car's day. We know not what this vear may bring | In time and type for any thing, As swiftly oa the moments wing, As ever heretofore. ssed be the hand of Providence . or all untohi beneficence, Angd-ever may our confidence Be placed in that strong arm. Unknowing what may yet be done, As time propels our vessel on, We bid farewell to ninety-one And welcome ninety-two. --Thos. E. Ham mond. | Elma, Jan,1, 1802. ELMA COUNCIL. (CONTINTED FEOM LAST ISSTE.) J. Hamiton SS, repairing culyert on gravel roai; Maybury and Preston, 33, box across Lb. line con. 3; J. Beyd 32, covering qilvert con. 3: J. C. Gonien | 35.29, culvert con. 2; J. Maybury Slu2u, dliching; W. Hargreaves 55.80, culvert and ditch: on- sigeroad, acd drawing! lumber ard putting it in and spikes: 35.09; J. Gtay 31, repairing culvert con. 2; Wy scot si 0, cedar culvericon. 3: } W. Shearet 32.50, summoning R. Jones McLellan vs. Eima, and 34 selecting jurors; J. MeNeelands. $5.60, making | drain at Newry; iL. smith 35, repairing cuivert cog. 10; LL. Brown ee 25, stay el- ling drain &t Newry; C. MATiDg cuvert cow 16; W. lumber; W. Stevenson S34, Gilg gravel Z2yards ami 32 repairing culvert; \V Ciinnie $3.6, adv ertising; to the differ- ent Retaumiug Oticers for poling places at last election S21; Davis Bros. 36% advertising; Stratford Herald 36.30, ad- vertising - T. Baechior lumber and gravel =ie3); W. Loney 31, statute labor mnouty refunded: J. " Attig baie : gravel; Reurning Officers last election 325; J. F. Sornes 310.63. grading T. L. E.& G.; W. Dunn, 341.6), lamber; - F eathersten ¢ S122, gravelling T L. & L.; J. Near 36, iuspecting gravel con- tract: M. Eovinson $2.60, ditching en gi eer's avard: W. Elkecott oe ca'- vert and drain con. "4; A. Me} cieaning ditch con. 12: G. HHoltiusehen a S545), tching engines rs award, amount to be ch arged against lot & con. 10; T. Fullerton 3 oe id ecr's costs paid twice: _ Harvey : 3s Ne discount ua chegues, este ng eXpens es to Listeavel and Toronto and signi: DE and re 'om missioaer . ad oie e xpen SES ; Lochhead #5). Council set aae and Road Coencninstor ver, &c.: T. E. moad $53. Council utilis and Koad Commissioner, J. Bray 351235, Council meetings, oad Cofmissioner and wit- ness fees McLetlan Elma; Tughan 358, Coancil meetings, Commissioner; T. Follar Salary. rate bill for Moses H arvey $115, sakx er. Car Council | then adjourned. T. FuLtarton, Clerk. MISS _L. HUNT. Va. salary as Treasur ress ema D4a-mte dtaike: ATWOOD, - - ONTARa0. Rooms-- Over §.Campbell's } Hiarness Shop. THE HEAD SURGEON 0" son or by ik the Leben Medical Company ' 3 new Bt Toronto, Canada, and may be ceusulted either in per- er on ail chronic dise Seas «who En vous, weak exhausted, whe are broken dewu from exeessof overwork, i pecula2 midds -aced, ny of the fajowing<ymioms: Mentai depression, premature old ace. boss ef memory. bed dreams, dimuess o! s git, palpitation of the beart.emission, iac in the kidneys. beadache, pimples on the face or body, itehing or peculiar sen- ing in ma ' sation about the .scrotum, wasting of} i the organs. dizziness. spects befere the eyes. twitching of the muscles, eve lids i and elsewhere. basbfniness, deposits in the urine, loss of wid power, tendermess : of the sealp and spize. weak and flabby / muscles, desire to skep, failure to be! Tested by sikep. constpali on. duilmess of * hetring, k Ss of Voie, desire for solitude, | exXetiabilty of temper. sunkes eves sur rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE oll ir ing skin, ete_ areall symtcsss of ner- Yous debility that Jead to imsanity and | death unless cured. The spring of vi- tal foree having lost its tension every: func*ion wanes in Those peculiar toman. looks sent free sea! ed. Heart disease. the srmtomsof which are faint spells, pare lips. numbness,' pitation, skip bests. bot flushes, rush of blood ta to the head, dull pain in the, heart with beats strong. rapid and ir-; regular. second beast io quicker than the Grst pain aboat weast bone, aon positively ie pata No care Re par. Send for ba A MY. LUBON, 24 Macdsacl Are, Teroata, maka. 5 ' Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh. USE IT FOR Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh - Throat Troubles Consumption Weak Lungs Coughs Colds. DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure God Liver Oil For Sale by Ali Druggists. A PABRATORY, TORONTO, ONT. | GURE FITS! semnrdy. H.G.R WEsT, LA MC ORONTO, Cys hoe a : RENEW: ee Bret PAPER la the County. Specialty aad Gisilict news. AGAIN told at the 'World's SHOW Atwood, that RILBALLANIN Grand Bargains --TOOK THE-- - SWEEPSTAKES --FOE THE-- Suit of » GLOFHES made of local The tale has been 4 Planing FVitlls. 5 The : twood Planing Mill keeps on hand a good gen- 'eral stock of Lumber, in- | cluding -----|Dres sine : | looring, SIDING AND Muskoka Shingles te" Parties indebted to the under- Signed will please Settle their Accounts and oblige j j© ure You. | first class rigs, fast | test Hi stand. [f ¢) and relief is sare. Win. Dunn. | STAR LIVERY The Star Livery is equipped with and gentle drivers, ;and inevery way adapted to meet the ,Tequifements of the travelling pubiic Terms reasonable. Stables opposite luerger's beiel, Atwoad. 2utf W. D. GILCHRIEST, Pror. SHILOH'S ConSUMPTION CURE. HIS Great Cough Cure, this see- cessful Consumptien Care, is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are author ized to sell it on 2 posilive gaarantee, a that nd ether cure can ------ ou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronebitis. use it, ie it will Hf voar chiid has the Croup, lor Whk ooping Cough, use_it promptly. "if you dread that in- sidous disease Consumption, don't feiZ to use it, it will cure you or cost noth ing. Ask vour Druggist for Shiloh's Cure. Price 10c_3tte. and SL If your ings are sore or Back lame, ase Shi ioh's Porous Plaster. Ye. THE 777 STORE |! The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for E For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RIGGS. -- IN Suitings and Overcoatings 'First-Class all wool Suits from $8.- '50 to $15, worth from $11 to $17. : BEST MADE Overcoats worth $21 for $17.50. Call and See Us and you will be sure to : Leave Your Measure. CURRIE. & HEUGHAN. i i | i é ~~ /

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