Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 8 Jan 1892, p. 1

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r GRAND new lire of Sol-| AG Semot just in i low: Ege , Suitable for New Years presents. , See them. * J. H.Gcntner, Listowel. TILL have a fine = of of Nov. elties in Pinsh Al ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, JAN. 8, 1892. @~ --_NO. 50. COMMUNICATIONS. 'To the Ratepayers of S.S. Ne. 5, Elma. = | | | V5 Asthere was a misunderstanding at | the annual meeting about the lighting of the school fire for the years 1883 and | 388t, 1 have been requested to examine | the books and report through tue Bee. 1 find by examining them that the see- ' tion py the sun Of ten dottars in 1883. ! wn@ in 18M the'sum often dollars was <leducted from the teacher's salary, and since the year ISSL till the present year the teachers have been engaged light- ing of fites included in their salary. Joun Guay, Sec."Treas. i et Elma, Jan. 2, 1892. NEWS OF THE-DAY. The Indian National. Congress has formally approved of the great."work done by the Saivation Army in India. A reciprocity treaty has been signed ; by 'Saeeacy laine dud the répresenta-| Live of Custx Ricaat Washington. T he | arrangement has to be ratitied by the | Seg will be held on-Sabba: Le "ongress of both countries. It is re at Woodstock that the} ";rand Trunk has settled must of the | suits brought against thé Cumpany for) camages arising out of the St George | disaster. Kumorsays Mrs. Swan was} \ paid 34.000; Mrs. Joseph Peers s¢ttled lor 31,000; Mrs. A. W. Francis =e a i D. Peacock will gey_ 32.50 each. ts Jouathan Martirs iin was fixed at/ 352,000, and if she will ual selile, there is a chequemade ont for thatamount in: herfaver. Tius dismisses of the Wood- stock claims with the exception of | Messrs. Kinght's and Kari's. itis uy | derstood the Grand Trunk pays thecests | acte farm to Peter R itchie for the sum of S351 ix Lhe cases. i { Huron County Notes, Allthe pupils of the "91 Gederich | tmnudel schuvi class have been engaged | to teach iu Luron county the coming! year i Qu Christmas eve the employees of the Wingham salt block sent to F. G Sparling, at his. residence, a nicely ! worded address, accompanied with a westly Ullng chair and a mirror, as a simall token of esicem, Joseph € -: (brother-in-law of -Jackson, jr, Chiitou) late editor ei the Toronto daily W orld, has left that; paper, (altheugh offered handsome in- <tucements to remain) to take the -Nat- arday Night, at a salary of Sl2wa year to commence with A sad and painfai accident occurred | in the Blyth factory last week, by which Nr. Jamieson lost the greater part of, his right hand. in endeavoring to tighten 2 bolt while the plainer was in. motion, his hand slipped. comimg in eoutact with the kuives, ost the three fore fingers and thumb. i Owns uP aT Last.--For some tim past the friends of W.H. Kerr, of the Brussels lost, have had their suspici ions aruused as to the cause of hisincreasing | afternoon, Dec. 30th. made at Brussels cemetery. corpulency; they did net like to suggest | thata good chereli member such as he, | might be inedwiging in more than was good for him, but their fears surely feaned in that direction. [lis conscience became his own accuser, and in a ietter, over his own signature he admits that: he has baeu drinking, and like all repro- ; bates claimes that it has been domg him good. But he asserts It was not! "hard cider," or anything so strong, but simply "St. nm Water" that has pro-| duced such beneficial effects. Beware, | W. HL, beware. "they that tarry long," <e.--Clinton New Era. it Perth County Notes. | The Patrons of Indisstry waited on, Mitchell merchants to get a place to do! bysiness ov their busis but were not very su sful. eo. HL Gibbs, St. Marys; Richard id. Listowel and Jacob W itheiin, Shak are, have passed the examina- tion bf the Gaturio Veterinary Coliege, Toranto. 'Vhe trustees of the Central Method-: ist church, Stratford, have secured the services of the celevrated pulpit and platiern orator, Sam Small, fuc rnday! evening, Jan. sti . An unusual stir was seen at the house of W. Roger. in Fuilarton Corners, on Wednesday eveniug, Dec. 3). The occas ion was the mari Aste of bis youngest daushter, Milly, to Wr. Brown. The knot wus securely tied by the Revs. €. Edmunes, B. D. James Trow, the President of 50 many of our opuieut western compan- ies, has sent to each of the officers con- nected with those imstitutious a Christ- auas tarkey. These left at two oftices of his cumpanies lu Ntratfurd--the Brit ish Mortgazée Loan Co. aud the Perth Mutual Five lusurance Co.--are big-fel- lows, something approaching. to the | prize bird desenbed in Use Christmas Among the sucesssful candidates at: the recent Normal school examinations ' were:--Geo. T.()b>bert aud Misses Mary! Craib, Lily Dans ay ahd Sart Jobn- i ston, of Stratfo Harnngton; W. D. Houston. of Welles-| ley; and Miss Lydia Commander, Iate! of sebringville. at Toronto. Messrs. a Andrew Ruppert, of' New Hamburg, } and John Atk nson. of Anderson, poass- i ed similar exzmi Nermal electing the old Council by acclamation. Gres. ; 'Ed. Smith has returned from Mani- toba. Wm. Bateman and wife were visit- ing theirson at Stratford last week. The township saved $60 or' $70 by Miss Johnston, of Teeswater, spent a few days with John Strachan and fam- ily. cleared away, and the-victory is by the Tories. Such may be said of the Elma municipal election, which came off last Monday. There was.amanifest feeling of dissatisfaction among a large number of ratepayers geen at the nominations, and which, be accounted for largely from Miss Lizzie Stracnan is re engaged as teacher in-Teeswater public school for , 1892. Miss Jennie McNeil leaves this week for Braudon, Manitoba, where her sis: ter resides. , , Mrs. Peter Elder and Mrs. Donald Tligh school, is spending her holidays with her parents | in Jamestown. THE MUNICIPAL FIGHT THOS. SMITH'S (STH CON.) SPEECH AND drain and other ditches by lesser ins port- ance. 3. The apparent disposition on A EF lop-Over in EHima Township. THE DRAIN BLUNDERS DEFEATED CLELAND AND 'ND LOCHHEAD. The conflict is overs, the cig Sage Ca the fo fol- 261 over A. M Gorrie--Reeve, Kaine; first deputy, dacguet: petals Hate Ferguson. and we Logan-- e, Coveney (acc.); De uty-Reeve, 'Conave Eisler (acc.). Re- turns incomplete. North Easthope--Reeye, Jno. Hall ; Deputy Reeve, Falk; Councillors, Ren- nie, Cook, McDonald. Ellice--Reeve, A. Kuhbry {ace.) ; Deputy- Reeve, Geo. Goetz; Councillors, Kreuter, Coulton, Foley. | Milverton--Reeve--J. G. Grosch (ace); Councillors, Rothaermel, Gleiser T, Spencer Honderish, all by acclama- ti Fullarton--Reeve, Geo. Leversage ; Deputy-Reeve. J. 0. Jackson; Council- * rong lowing facts:--l. There un- Bain big ta Melhorn, Man, on Mon-} 1 tarable bungling -- Neer iors. Peter Arbogast, John Butters, T. day, Dec. tion with floating the $12,000! Edwards. Wm. Smith, teacher, retnrned home| township debentures, the outcome of Mornington--Reeve--W. R. Free- Monday front a yisit to his brother Vic- | which may or may not prove a serious | born; Deputy Reeve, Deter Zane: sec- tor in Stremmess.: blow to the municipality; 2. The t-| ond Deputy-Reeve, D J. Nicklin; Coun- Miss Miilte Wright, of Harristonj isfaction ansing out of the Mth con. | cillors, Chas. Trim, David McC eChby. Downie---Reeve, Oliver Smi wong The repairsto Whitfield's church are the part of theold Council to withhold oses. ity Nelson Monteith, majority ll get B: Payton. -Counciilors, D. | ations for bnilding a barn next summer , on the Moorhoure. tarm which he re |eently purchased. ) 26, Wilbert progressing and it is said re-opening Jan. S. Y. Taylor ard wits, of Paris, were visiting at George. ( rooks' last week. school Mrs. Christina Cutt and sens have got comfortably settied on "Meadow Bank" farm which they purchased a year ago. Peter J. McDonald is making prepar- Jno. Bain, 14th con., has sold his 100 Mr. Bain intends removing to Manitoba next spring. Mrs. Joseph Whelpton is hamg. from Markham, where she went afew weeks ago ty undergo an operation of remov- ing two cancers from her side. Nol 7 4 The trustees of Turnbull's school * 2 83 Kf) | have secured the services of Mr. Glass a 3 4t 46 jas teacher for 1892. Mr. Fowler intends * é 30 €3 wigs on tor a better grade of certifi- 2 39 ww " 6 46 76 'On Christmas morning Haugh W..Me | « 8 . + Kay. the 3 year-old son vf Hach McK ay. i v= )Stheon. formerly of Leadbury, died | 264 45 from the effects of an attack of dyph- | Majority for Knox 81. At the Sabbath school social held in| Shine's scheol house, S. S. Ne. 1, on} Tuesday evening of last week, there was a larzer gathering than usual and (all put in a pleasant time. We are glad to notice the name of | Miss Ellie Me Neil in the list of success- | ful candidates at the second class pro- | fessional examination in Ottawa. We! ) wish her much success in her school at} Surgeon Falls. Margaret relict of the late Donald aoa | Majority for Tughan 101. e/ chanan, of the 16th con, life, Dec. 2\aged 79 years ands mate | departed t The funeral took place on Wednesday interment being } DIE D. --Early Saturday morning. Dec. Allan. the infant son 4 Wm. and Bella Kands, died, months. The little fellow had been ill | with scarlet fever. he funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. Monday evening, Dec. 31st, the mem certain facts and figures that should be inserted in the Auditors' report. have been mistakes made during the past year,some of them serious; but when we take into consideration. the here | Wood, Chas. Jickli ing. -South Easthopn----The old Council was re-elected as follows:--Reeve, Jno. Shaefer(acc.); Deputy-Reeve, D_Y ousie; magnitude of their task, complicated as Mr. Taylor is the Principat of the Paris | it is, we P Reeves Cleland and Lochh tween big drains partially sce' railroad debentures and other comnpli- cated matters, Elmais at the present moment in a very critical state, and a single blunder by the new Council might mean plunging the tow 'nship into a ser ies of disastrous lawsuits. There will be trouble with these drains for years to but the drains must beconstructed, cost what they will, and the sooner they are dug the better for all concerned. "Fol- lowing i is the official returns for 1892, as furnished by Clerk Fuilarton:-- Polling Division. are réluctant in cones Be- come nv matter who sits at the board, FOR REEVE. Cleland, Knox. > 8 For IsT DEPUTY-REEVE. Lochhead. Tughan. $6 Councillors, Henry Schaefer, Lawrence Arnold, Henry Pete « Hibbert--A new contnelt was elect- 'ed.by acclamation as follows: Reeve, Alex. McLaren; Deputy-Reeve, 'Thos. Ryan; Councillors, Jas. 'Barbour, Sam- uel Harris and Wiitliam Feeney. MAYORS ELECTED. . Paris--H Stroud Orangeville-- eee aaa Bowmanville--W F Lindsay--Duncan Ray Alliston--Dr Armstrong Whitby--James Campbell Niagara--S K Binkley Trenton--Jacques Clinton--Doherty Toronto Junction-- Pears Kingston--Dr McIntyre Mount Forest--Colclough New ai A d. Aurora--Fle Meaford--J 3 eo North Bay--MeKenzie St Catharines--Dr Goodman Bothwell--H Richard Smith's Falls--Frost Welland-- Brown Picton--Carter Waterloo--Snider Napanee--Lapum barrie--Creswick 3u3 413 bers of James Me Nair"s Sund ay school | 'Bray and Rothwell elected. cliss, which meets in Failton's school | bouse, made a visit tohis home on the' Knox; 16th con. and presente: d him with a fine! Tughan; 2nd Deputy | upholstered chair and a handsome pic- | Hammond (acc.) ; No.1 _ 49 Peterboro--James Kendry u 2 74 of Owen Sound--Frost " 3 KSI 4l Galt-- Lumsden "4 5 27 62 Windsor-- Fleming " 3 44 89 Oitawa-- Durocher " 6 K 4 rm) Sarnia--Lesueur "4 8 2 Gananoque--byers 8 6 ° =| MAYOKS ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION. 434 St Marys---MeIntyre Brock ville-- Booth Delleville---Bogart COUNCILLORS. Ridgetown--.J Cochrane, jr - - . i Bray. Rothwell. Smith.! Perth--Butler ing No.1 59 df 16 Collingwood--Telfer j = 2 7 44 40 4 Oakville--Geo Andrew . j " 3 29 69 12 Walkerton--Richardson \ "4 44 42 33 Milton--Dice " 5 45 91 27 Deseronto--Rathbun | " 6 57 52 5) Oshawa--Cow. "7 13 18 15 Port Hope--Barnha " 8 ww 53 it Forest--M MtCahili --- --- -- ae ra--Henry Paffard 2at homas--McC ully Guelph Thee Golaie Elma Council, 1892--Reeve, Thas. J.! Simcoe----Campbell Th Ist Deputy- Reeve, William J. eve, Thos. E. ( Souneiliors, Jacob er. 'of Walton, and a and friends were invited to derendawe j | trie nds ussembled at his resicence 'iu behalf of Kuox chure h, Cranbrook. presented (ir rey. but now of old country in the pew 'John Duie, of Seeburu. 'had eighteen hundred busiels thre wee | set it again and threshed 6) bushels by carol, Which never stoud upon bis legs. / 6 glock. Some idea of th fTain turned outean ve formed, whe men to take ibe grain away. istated weat Kind of grain was threshed. Kalotleiseh, of | John and Wm. Angus took charge of | Daggan; eXzmiuatious at the Ouawa | be Stated i were ali Sonteer Liuroui ture frame.asa momento of the kind-! 'ty feeling oan for their teach -} | Rev. W. Ottewell | Hyxen's Konxps number of relatives of James Wilhamsen. 7th con, Wed | ay, Dec. Su At I? oclock" Enoch re Fink "and Miss Lizzie Williamson, sup- | ported by Wm. Clark and Williamson, took their places before | Word. the reverend gentleman when he pet- | formed the marriage ceremony between | the first twonamed. ' Dray and Ss. 5. Rothwell. - Hamilton--Mapor, Biaicher. puty reeve, RL C. Sparling. Miss Sara! ree ve, J. | Teeve, ELECTIONS ELSEWHERE. Toronto-- Mayor, Fleming. London-- Mayor, W. M.Spencer. - Woodstock-- Douglas Cormmwall--Callaghan Orillia--Harvey Dresden--Suarpe Berlin-- Bitzer Essex Centre--John Milse Tilsonburg-- Macdonald I oan ae Cobourg--Batte Wingham--Reeye, John Hanna; de\e Brampton--T readgold re, R. Johnston; | Councillors-- North | Mayor, MacPherson; } Col Seott; councillors, Sutton, | Kincardine-- 'Me Kibbin, Ross, Key worth, J.35. Fisher. | A well deserved tribute was paid toy. Legear. ' Johu McNair, Hth con. eve, Wheu a number of on Christmas neighbors and: him with seaforth--F. C.Coleman, deputy reeve; and , Counuciilors--North Ward, Jas. ibeattic: | i hh. B.Gunn,John A. Wiisen; East Ward, a splendid gold -5#Me as last year; South Ward, James watch and chain as asmail return fur Gillispie, Wao. Sclater, John Lyoz. his yaluable services as a precentor for 24 pasi fifteen or twenty vears. Lach- D.; reeve, Mitehell-- Mayor, J. W. Isane Ilord; deputy reeve, A- MecCull, M. lin MeNetl,one of the managers, read! pes: - Councillors--North We ard. T. s )au address and Elder "McIntosh, made: Ford. the preseutation. The Seeburn, have been keeping up the record of their ! land. of December they threshed" for They start and by 4 o'Geck-they 12th work at 12 o'clock They then moved the machine one mile. On the! ¥ "i Parke; counci ™* | Dixon, Ward, : Bism: wk Ward, _J- 3S. Bowina, John | Wa Jos. Coppon. G. R. Matheson: sseuth W ard, Jolin Whyte, jun. J. G. t Angus brothers, formerly of! Ghosen, Wm. Kyan; West Warn. Alex. Mauiioba, | Murray, Fred Davis. das. Wilson Listowel-- Mayor, W_M. ae reeve, "AL liacking?: deputy- reeve, W. 7. 1s--Victoria Ward..W. Jacob" Heppier; La unsdowne | J. A. MeDonait, R.T. Kemp; | ¢ amount = we say that it teok four teaims and 3. It is This work was done by, W not SS.majority 5. J. Seaber- | A. Boothwiek, J.B. Bettschen. a 29 cars of lumber to a fumiture Dundas--Wiiso' Midland-- Horrell = --Jlarrison Chatham--Carpenter Penetang -- Beck J ~'embroke --White Gravenlurst---MeNeil Bracebridge -- oclar Carleton Place-- Prestoa Ambherstburg--MeEvor Brussels. The annual meeting ofthe Patrons of ! Industry, for the couuty of, Haron, will: be held in Clinton, on Wednesday, Jan. 13th, 19], at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. The firm of Smith & Gibson shipped miann- factory at Wingham recently. The shipment was made from the Wroxe- fr iniil DEY GOODS CLERK, FROBABLY. "They're how made one, who once were No more till death to yart; He matched 4 shade forter and that Was how he won her heart. 5 Itissaid that 4 young gentleman has | .S. M'smiti:; Dverin Ward--Ww. Ey! made au acquaintance inNew York by ge faanee Wim. Pelto Strattord--Mayor-- a Hodgins by | @£¢ that was being sent w that Asdermen, Avon Ward, | CiY- David Serimgonr, Julm Vanstone, John Of the modern introductions known to ff Ward, W. J. Cieland, | 85- the feeding and Kovert Mortis looked ; Theos. 'Trow, Cc hares Stock; after tl be bags. Faista Hamlet | 'ard, William Davidson, George Jones, ; iwriting hismame on the aitside of an; great} Our grandfathers never thought: The parésiership existirg between W. Nightingale, of Brusseis and Pobert J_I.¢ ase, American, septrator, anda James Gadsby; Romeo Ward, Lenjamin | Scott, of Monut Forrest, bas been @is- | w hite caxive. Time was kept ti; Simpson and H. McIntosh. here that these rouug men} tes. Wt might ae Chins MeCteilan (tie); John | Young, Frank Geodam, Jobu Hogarth , solved by mutual consent. Mr. Night Shakespeare ingate will continue the Susiness here, Ley fl. Ubelacker, Johu G'Lonoghue, | which he pas succesaby managed for | Mae Donald. on! 'the past eight years. Additional Local Items. ee ee oo eee 1892, Ew Year's day was observed on goiet in Atwood. ps ne of Ontario is dor February 11 Miss Kate Witsox left of to attend Listowel High sch Miss BELLE MITCHELL. is is isting friends in {he vicinity of Bro Miss WHeELprtTon, of Eibe, spent Sunday with Mrs. G. 'F. Thom mn. Ws. Dcxw and father ietmrant Mon- day from a visit to relatives in Tara. 8. H. HarpDING, wife and son 'spent ' wemed New Year's day with relatives in St. Marys. I say, you have a bad cough, Hadn't you better call-at Neads and 'some- thing for it? Our temperance friends are prepar- ing fora big = gi in the near future. Sensible mov Miss Loa PELTON, of Innerkip, Ox- ford Co., was the guest of Sac brothers, eo. | RLS. and Charles E., this CocNCcILLon Mugra«y, of Rlenheim township, was renewing 'old acquaint- ances in, the village Wednesday. Yor will, of course, read Hacking's new advt. this week. The name of the lucky winner of the music box appears. MEECHANTs generally express satis- faction over the results of this season's Christmas trade. It was a better trade than last year. J. H. McBarn left Monday for Vie- toria College where he is 'taking his second year in the Arts course. We wish him success. LAtcuLrs CAMERON and sister, of Anderson, are visiting friends in 'this ity. Mr.Cameron has lately re- turned from British Columbia. REVIVAL services are being held Sony the Methodist church. Atwood Mr. Sherlock, of Ethel, conducted the meeting on Wednesday evening. Tne "Queen Esther" cantata, an- nounced to be'given in Monkton, has gone up in smuke, through some of the perforiness refusing to go for reasons best Kuown to themselves. v Tuts is leap year, and the old bache- lor, who will not accept when proposed to, must buy the rejected lady a silk d Some of the Atwood girls should have new silks before Easter. Some good work was done in connee- tion with gravelling the school yard Tuesday. It will require anothér dav's bee, however, to completethe job. The trustees beg to thank those who respond- ed sv willingly on Tuesday. | By some means or other Kdmuand | Fox got his hand badly lacerated one iday this week by it beiug caught in the | Shafting that driyes the Knives in' the ifiax mill. The injured member was by Dr. Rice and is duing welL Wm. Locnneap and John Grahain were requested by the Sebringville Flax Company to attend ove of their. meet- ings this week and give them a few pointers on the dax industry ef Elma township. A new mill iS being erected in Sebringyville, Tut Lakelet correspondent fo the Gorrie Gazette writes the following re- specting a former resident of: Atwood: --li. Crittenden preached in the Meth odist church here last Sabbath. His enthusiasm hasin po way waned and his discuurse was earnest and elogueni. _ A Rusurr.--J_L. Mader extends the compliments of the season to bis nun- ercus customers in this issue. J. L. is pushing dry goods ard groceries, profit or no protit. He believes in printer's ink, and Tuk DEE readers are not slow to read his quotations and take advant- age of the bargains offered. CRANSTON BEaTEN.--Our readers will remember the disturbance which tovk place last summer in cousequence of the Naa ie of certain streetsiin At- 7 y Jobu © ranstun, claiming that they te gpa of his property, aud prosecuted Messrs. Campbeli and Hast- ings for trespassing ou the same. The case Was appealed from the-magistrate's decision to tbe High Court of Justice, aud came up in Usiuode Hail lzst Mou- day. Following is the finding of the high Court:---Keg. v. € ainpbell--Juag- tuentou mollon by the defendant to --_ his conviction under the Petty respasses Act (iS. QO. ch. 11) on the babi that the defendant's chim of Nght werespect of the lands on which Ure trespass is said to have. been Ccom-- Iniiied came Within the exceptions of. the act (see. 1) and was soilicicut to OUSL the Inugistrate's jurisdiction. Yle 'lauds, though enclosed by tiie plosecut- lor, are laid out on a registered planus « | public highway, and Use trespass was ;committed by 'tlie defendant 1 pu rsu- 'ance of his claiin of right to <o pen {them as such highwzy, The piusec:wer jcuntended that ibe 1 fagistrate in iear- jing the case, notwithstanding the de- 'fenudant's claim, bad not exeeedetu his | jarisdiction, as he was conpelbed lo go 80 far tuto the chains allegal us to de- jlermine whether or not it was raised bona iide, ahd net for the bare purpose of ousting his jurisdiction. Thegcourt | finds that the magistrate deci ideal Thi eV- idence presented that the defendaut {had no night and thatin so deciuing he had overlooked the statutory enact. [iment making the laying out of streets ona dana dedic ations Rote at: date | Quasuing the conviction, with oo. . toe j be paid by te prosecnior. Us, for protection. Middleton for? tion. Musten for the prossestie + --_

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