"wr oyt THE WEST. COLONIST TRAINS for all points in MANITOBA. SASKATCHEWAN. AND ALBERTA Every Tuesday During March and April. For tickets eS all informa- BANK OF HAMILTON Oarrra Par Up 7 $ 2,440,740,00 | en Pat Prorits me} $ 2,440,740,00 Poran Assets - + $28,890,000.00 ESTABLISHED 1872. HEf&D OFFICE ; H#MILTON, J: TURNBULL, Vice-Pre:. & Gen. Mgr. LISTOWEL BRANCH ESTABLISH- ED 32 YEARS. DIRHOCTORS: -- HON. WM, GIBSON, President. J. TUBNBULE Vice-Pres, & Gen, Mgr. JOHN PROCTOR, CYRUS A. BIRGE, JOHN S, HENDRIE, M. L, A,, GRO. RUTHERFORD, C, C0, DALTON, Toronto H. M. WATSON, Inspeotor. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, [Deposits $1 at current rat ~ and added to principal wice a st June and lst December, No Pocaislitie', we no delays in drawing money. FARMERS © USINESS a specialty. Notes ~~ eas - silver Knives and forks. tion apply to J. LIVINGSTONE, C. P. R, Agent, Listowel. Issuer of Marriage Licenses money ------ ISSUED at the follow- ing ©: $5 and under, aos '. to $ 6c., $10 ¢ to $30, 10c. $30 to l5c, Vay- able at par at any Charter k in Can- ada, except the Youkon 'Territory, DRAFTS bought and sold on any part of the world, J. W. Scott & Son, BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1872. General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all partaof the DOM INION, } TED STATES and CREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS =i peat Current rate of interest allow A large amount of private femie to lena on farm security at current rates, with privilege of re-paying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scorr & Son, Listowel. LEBANON. Avery pleasant evening was spext ntthe home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos Walker, 3rd concession of Marybor- ough, on Monday evening, the occa sion being the departure of Mr. and Mre, Alyesworth Long and family, who intend leaving for their new home in the West ina few days. The follow- ing ------ address to Mr. anc Mrs. Long was read by Rev. J. B Kennedy, pastor of the Methodist Cburch : Mr. Aylesworth Long--Dear Friend: It is with deep avd profound regret that we learn of your contemplated de- parture [rem our midst ina few days. For a long time you have been ia and out among ur, and now to think of our departuro for the weet. We feel that it will be bard to fill your place ag steward inthe Church, Yon have always mdpifested a deep interest in the finaccial interest of the eume, aud have always discharged your duty to the satisfaction of the official Board, As an Officer in the Sabbath School you" f acted on most favorable pondence solicited, ALI, BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. J. M. CAMPBELL, Agent, Listowel, presentation taking place at the home of Mr. Joseph Walker. Mr. and Mra. Long aud family leave on Tuesday next for Saskatchewan. The firet { Rothschild immigration party arrived in Toronto, and within a few hours practically all had been found situations on Ontario farms. -- THE CUCKOS, How This Selfisn, Rest'ess Bird Gets Its Eggs Hatched. A popular fallacy tells us that a cuc- kono luys eggs iu another bird's nest She does net. She ys eight eggs on the ground. The eggs are in size, col- or, Spots and shape in accordance with the information obtained, say, in Leigh woods: t-of the elght eggs five or six would closely resemble the hedge sparrow's. The other two might be those of a titlark, a wren or a linnet. Her male friends--about three or four to cach Jady--now come forward, 88- lect each an egg and carry it in its mouth .to the nest of the prearranged foster mother. Only one cuckoo egg is placed In one nest. If he finds a cuckoo Nas preceded him on the same errand he seeks another cradle, knowing in @ moment amld = the eggs present the cuckoo pedigr The deluded. = hatches the {n- truder with her own brood, and the In- terloper, having the faculty of being hatched sooner than the others, is of course the first to come out of his shell, He manages to wriggle underneath his brothers and sisters and presents them have given the best showing your deep interest by your faithfal attendance, scarcely missing a Sabbath daring ao whole year at a time, and for a long time you have helped to carry onthe echool in the Lebanov Oburch, We are sure you will be greatly missed, as you have won the hearts of echolare, both large and small, by the geviality and forbearing disposition manifested among them You bave also bad the confidence of the officers and teachers of the school, always being the right hand man of the superintendent, counselling with him in promoting the best iuterests of the school. You will be greatly missed from the Lebanon Sabbath School, and althongh hundreds of miles away we believe the good work done by you will not be forgotten or lost. As lead- er of the choir for more than twenty years, bere is where you have excelled. We doubt if there is a parallel case in our conotry where one man has stood atthe helm and guided the ship so successfully amid the shoals and breakers which so often wreck church choirs. Whenever any friction or dis- turbance arose you bad the peculiar faculty of calmiog the troubled waters, We pray that you may still be permit- ted to sing the songs of Zion on earth, aud when time shall fail, may yon be gathered hometo join the heavenly choir to sing the song of Moser and the Lamb forever. As a veighbor you have always shown a deep interest in those around you, especially when tronble or sorrow bad come to them : On behalf of the community from which you are about to depart we as- semble here to-night to say farewell to ou and your family, and pray you accept this fur coat as a alight token of our esteem and continued friend- ship. Wishing you success in your new home, and ever praying that God's richest blessing may be with yon. Signed on behalf of the members of the Methodist Church. . Kessepy, Pastor. a. A, Long "We also take pleas- ure in presenting you with this set of Hopingjand praying that you may find many warm friends in your new home. Your gen- ial dieposition and kind manner will be remembered by those to whom you will say farewell to-night. We re- cognite the difficulty that. faccs you ia leaving the Isnd ot your birth aud go- ing among etrangers.. Trusting a lov- ing Father may ever be with you and guide you throngh life, we ehall ever remain yours. Signed, J. . Kexvepy, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs, Long expressed their high appreciation, not so much for the donation or its intrinsic value, as for the manifestation of the reciprocal af- feotion and esteem of their friends and neighbors. On cbse evening Mr. A. Long was presented with a ecarlet eash and certificate by the brethren of L. O. L. No. 1847, Wallace, and Mre, Long was the recipient of a set of furs rodents, mice, rats, stoats, and w net, and within twelve hours of his ex- ixtence Is the supreme occupler of the nest. He keeps his black mouth wide open which the father and mother of the departed chickens as constantly fill until his body is too big for his home, and he departs therefrom furever, The cuckoo leaves the last week of July. He is a restless being. After teaving Europe he begins tn the north of Africa and onds at the Cape of Good Hope, whence he returns to Eu- repe in the spring. away and why come back? food he loves--the halry caterpillars. He will eat other grubs, but these are imated in round nume- bers that out ot every 100 hairy cater- ars that wriggle into life 99 are de- , cuckoos. -Everywhere na- ture is careful to maintain her balance, The cuckoo keeps down the millions of hilllons of hairy caterpillars and pre- serves our cornfields from being eaten up by 'hedge sparrows. The cuckoo fs a born conservative and as Jong as he lives returns anntally to the neighbor- hood of his birth.--Western (England) Press. pe Breeches, Pantaloons and Trousers.. "Breeches," In the strict meaning of that term, were worn by the semicivi- lized men of the east long ages: before a single page of the New Testament was written, having been guile com- mon among the Medes and Persians, the Phrygians, the Gauls and the Teu- tons. Breeches were very "brief" ar- ticles of apparel, scarcely covering the hips in the majority of instances an never -- nearer than six Inches of the "pantaloons" were exaggerated forms of stockings reaching from the nkles and as tight-fitting were usually of three different colors--black at the hips, red from hip to knee and blue to the t termination at the ankle, They came in vogue during the first' half of a fifteenth century at Venice patron saint, Pantaloon. Such ments we always called pantalini ral the Italian: eam the only proper word to s the existing styles in "pants," pa nimnat closely after "knee breeches" of the Revolutionary period, and Cambridge in 1812. Remarkable Feat. Recently an Indlan fakir appeared at a circus in Berlin, where he astonished the audience by lifting a boy with = The boy ma himself 8 as possible and was put into " net to which was secured it that ring was provided on each end with a little cup just large enough to fit over the eye. 'The fakir pressed these little cups from her rere and friends, the] and upwards received and interest allowed | 5, BANKING BUSINESS of all kinds trans trans- i being first worn in England at Oxford | IMPERIAL BANK: ~* OF CANADA. * Capital Paid-Up $8,850,000, 00 | ese Feds) ¢4,001,108.90 Total Assets $88,194,470.00 SSTABLISHED 1876. Robeit eatrw.. Ys 'View President, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Branches in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, British Columia, and North West Territories. AOR PS CarAE RUA eves om Perna Ps Cpe to any ga of Canada. LISTOWEL BRANCH. Farmers DRAFTS SOLD, available at Canada, United States and Europe. MONEY ORDEES issued ble at Chart- Bank in Canada without: charge Yu kon notes rolecins and advances made thereon. Be. ; over $5 to $10, Gc. ; over $10 10 #30, 100. R. ARKELL, Manager ,BOHOOL REPORT. The following are the yy ag . &. ined by the pupils No, 2, '- Wallace, during the months of January, and Februa Sr. 1V Class.--Roy. Ma 64. Jr. 1V Class.--Edna Clyde 63, Haze nd ueenie Jacs: Sanderson 63, Q { Sr. ll Class.-- --Gladys Philp 4&0, Olive Chapman 73, Sarah Leppard 59, George McCallum 51, Wilfred Curtis 41. t Jr. U1. Class.--Gladys Jackson % Laura Martin 58. lase.--Orton Chapman 85, one Williams 81, Graham Clyde 70, Con 67, 50. Cecil ie Second.--Sher n 70, stanley Riehm 67, Lizzie MoCollam sere following names are arranged in order of meriti cf Sr. Ist Class.--Cecil Chapman, Lloyd Curtis, Clinton Mann Jr. ist Ciass, --Winnie McCollam. The Detroit News contains the fol- lowing reference to a brother of the Me McCauley,~ Stratford : Mar- tin J. McCauley, for 18 years a awitch- man on the Michigan Central railroad, and quite a well known figure in local politics and in union affairs, is uw new addition to the staff of Sheriff Burns. He goes upon the liet Thursday as a deputy sheriff, and will be connected with the office in the county building. The C. P. R. gave Provincial Treas- urer McOorkill of Quebec a cheque for $7,000,000, in payment of the pur- chase money of the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa & Occideutal Railway. AUCTION SALES. Wednesday, March 7 --Sale of farm stock and a for Mrs. Wilson ecg ae 2, "4 ---- "and to le egin at 1 o'cloc oe and to be without reserve as the f. atte tas bee sold. Louis Gabel auctionesr. Wednesday, March 14--Extensive oe of farm stock and implements for noon, and tobe without reserve. Gabel auctioneer. Wednesday, March -- Extensive sale of thorughred Saat high grade cattle and Sores and other far stock, hae eorg: lie, south halves of lots 10, il ed 12, ist, concession? Elma. Sa le to begin 'at 12 o'clock"noon, and to be with is going west, F, Vandtick sunttoneet. LISTUWEL MAKKE'TS. Mar. Ist 190 Wheat, per bushel, standard ........0. Peas, do .... Oats, do oy 5005 'ay per ton B: - do . 7 orts, do 19 Flour, per 1001be. 2352 tmeal, do 25u 2 Cornmeal, do 28 3 Butter per B. 17 , per doz. . 12 Potatees per bag, . 75 Hides per 100 Da, . 6 00 a ins, rH ool per 1! 2 4 Wood, long, - 60 7 Wood « res . ; 0 3 og' 8 Live Hogs 660 6 Lamba, . 40 6 Boot 400 5 Watches, Clocks, Jewelery and Optical Goods. We keep a large stock of _ Plain Rings, all qualities, weights and sizes. We issue Marriage Licenses, J. GABEL, Jeweler, Wallace Street. YOUR WAGES WHILE YOU-ARE SICK will be paid you by The Empire Accident and Surety ( Company. One dollar a month will ens led by accident or illness, PE SEES: of "The Em- pire's " numerous plans. A Canadian Concern. D.-R. Wilkie, President and General Manager. as iad monthly indemnity whee sae once, yours, ular young man's Warner, new Spring Shapes, Now Sale. New ee New Shirts, Neckwear. 'Is your head worth anything? 'Then eover it with the Best. Christy's Hats have an_ envied populagity, they cover thousands of the best heads, let one cover Heys. Fedoras and the pop- New yeuvevvsc! CP TET TS ' t soles. "T All on tat ataotaiat& (GOOD NEWS! 'We move to our new. store Monday, March 5th, from We are ede notch, Our terms, which date we start out with one price only, "LOOK HERE. Three Big Days' Selling before we move, fs ENKIN'S Sole Selling Agent, LISTOWEL. OEOEOTOEOEOT FOFOLOLOLOLOTOLOLOFOLOTOTOTOLOLOTOTOTOLO 2434.32.44 7 nen tbe as) This visit and i ge from ness or take the place of your own hair? Tou you look afterw You will never have a pan C) beautiful f SWIT Ss, Professor Dorenwen me DORENWEND 103 and PROFESSOR DORENWEND, America's Greatest Hair GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, LISTOWE ins MONDAY, MARCH 12TH. ou a chance to consult e stock of Hair Goods which he carries with him just what es as a preventative for colds in head, catarrh and neuralgia. Professor sch will fit you on the spot and show you just how 'LADIES--READ THIS! ortunity to see- ox poured the WAVES, etc., which Professor ee end carries with him Remember the 7 and don't failto call at the hotel and see 105 Yonge Street, Tweeds at Half Prics and hundreds ot other articles. J. M. SCHINBEIN all goods down to the very lowest ASH, SHORT DATES or PRO- DUCE. -- Will tell aa more about it in next week's paper. Men's and Goods Artist, IS COMING TO t Prof. Dorenwend about your Hair As all men know, disfig- ures and a ed pression to the fi Why remain bald when Professor Dorenwend can fit you with a WIG or TOUP which "a hide all traces of bald- Doctors recommend these BANGS, URS, CO. OF TORONTO, Limited. Toronto. Executors' Notice to Credi- tors Of WILLIAM HA ADDOW.! late of tho Township of sins, in the County of Perth, farmer, anes in hereby given ts parenaat to the Statutes n that behalf that all creditors and others havin inst the estate of the aaid decane at Elma,. in ne . Ket of Perth, on oraboutthe 2th day of J quired on or batere the office ia citor, "fr be Tao arate, a.nddresses and de- scriptions pia] toll oan 4 pod claims, and of ee > held b: And tat (atten t last end date id rt may M pointe the estate of the sald fon ving. regard only to the claimsof which he may then ave notice,and that he will not beliable for the proceeds of saceninte so distributed to any person o he may a then have Peoeived notice, his 22nd diy of February, 1906. THOMAS HADDOW, TAKE ANOTHER LOOK - and you wiil sce that Listowel Business College, which is better than ever, will Reopen Jan. 2, 1906 Two courses, Commercial and Shorthaud. Send for Journal to A, L, McINTYRE, Box 141. '- Principal, | New Telephone Directory. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, Ba SERN Bitty "ta te District of WESTERN .ONTARIOQ, including the TOWN OF LISTOWEL. r-| have added to their plant a Exeonter. - To the | Farmers. Big - Bargains. F,KIBLER'S THE SPOT BOOTS, SHOES, CASES, FOR TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND BAG, ETC. SUIT Having bought the Stock at a rate on the $,we have decided to give the Ladies of Listowel and surround- ing country an opportunity for big bargains. We have still a large quantity of those Ladies' Shoes ranging from $1.50 to $3.00 a pair, at the small price of $1. than half price, this line out this week, Also a lot of Misses' at less Don't miss this ofter,we must clear Watch Our Ad. From Week to Week. Ordered work a specialty and Repairing always neatly done and promptly attended to, > F, KIBLER, sede Wren. successor to J. G. Karges, - - Listowel. New Chopping Mill - HORN & CALDER VESSOTT CHOPPER and are prepared to do all kinds of chopping, and will guarantee satisfaction. Mill will be running every working day, HORN. & CALDER, Opposite Queen's Hotel, Inkerman Street. Wingham Business - = College. is a high grade commercial school Three courses: Commercial, Stenography, Telegraphy. Write GEO. SPOTTON, President, a de den adh leaialalaiaalndaied WINTER MITTS, R. to clear them out. GENERAL HARDWARE, Enameled and Tinware, &c., is complete in all lines and our prices are right. Wallace Street, - - wreenneeeceeeeeees Sa 2 te WE ARE OFFERING THE Balanee of Our Stoek oF SKATES AND HOCKEY STICKS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Our stock of ROSS erivel. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, PHONE 40. - ee WARAARRARA A ---- PLP P PPPS Po DD CODD SAID AP OD DDD DSS ODF Greatly Reduced Prices. Washing Machines, Wringers, Roasting Pans, Lamp Goods, etc. -- Zilliax & Sarvis. Graniteware, GSAARRRAAPARAAPSA Big Dissolution Sale Goods going at r THU and I > 2 Furs ofall kinds at cost and. below cost. »| Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Suits, Hats and Caps, | Underwear, Dishes and Remnants,