SAFEGUARD YOUR st By USING ' Ceylon Natural GREEN Tea instead of the adulterated LEAD PACKETS ONLY. Japan Teas. 40c, 500 AND G00 PER LB. AT ALL CROCERS. HIGHEST AWARD: ST. LOUIS, 1904. A HORRIBLE CUSTOM. A Swiss traveller, M. Paul Brun, who has just returned from lwo and one-half years' travels among the savage apd of the Congo, has just made public « counts of the dreadful burial wogihie of a chief of the man-eating Bakete. The bady is set in a chamber hollowe] nto ie a "44 tich, into which young girls are thrown, their arms an! legs broken with a club, n the tomb with the chief are goals and fowls, lo- han with his Aveupons, and. especially his gun, which is broken to save it fro theft. The earth is then filled wes and the wives and slaves of the chief are slain over his oe a BABYS OWN TABLETS. Meets the mothers' needs in caring for the health of their litte ones as no other medicine in the world can. The Tablets cure constipation, indigestion, colic, simple fevers, diarrhoea, teeth: : ing troubles and expel worms. 'ney break up colds und prevent croup, They make children steep naturally and heal- thy, because they remove the cause of sleeplessness. And they are the only HOUSEHOLD HINTS, To make biscuits 2 a 9g wilh them und lock in the cellar. buy ail they have. How to Quips and Jests Which Varied the Personal and Political Amenities at the Polls. latest mails conn many humorous incidents, h served to modify the polilical heat wath which the great bate was fought. Herewith are a few if them : i i Mr. Waller Long was ee nm a speech at Bristol, to German bread, ; <ngee of the audience produced & piec tossed il to the platlor. hers the por t satemaiad for Ireland The Old Country pepers to hand by she -_ and a tealife smi as he rep! The Co ampton he was on, not yet nine La voice the boy ' nd he uld make» a Parliament for. Sir A. by a Tose in the: hall, hourtne loaf on the end of walking and cried, oe Iatighter and' cheers, "Answer mal 8 meeting in? division a To keep eas out of the pantry--place alt food in the cella T. entertain vores visitors--let thern ag eee your private papers To entertain. men visilors---feed the ~--s ke eep ate ae at home--lock up ail their cle Neg te at home--hide his loup nore order to prevent accidents in the kitchen the kerosene can with wale To on leaks in pipes---send for the Mh; 5 pliner economize on coal--gel @ gas | range. To test the freshness of ces ts-- drop them on some hard surface. --_--_+ AGONIZING NEURALGIA. medicine that. gives the mother a_sol- emn- guarantee that it contains no api ale or poisonous seothing stulf. are good for "children from btrth ward; they always do gonl-- not possibly do harm. Mrs. ner, Ba r, Onl, s to ep y! Tablets in the house as a safeguard for, Sold ee a "rugs nt 25. ce MON by writing ne Dr. Williams? Nedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' ee Aa She wished fo break it to him gently. | "i "T have decided, she snid, = return your ring." fle, however, w Te | scureciul man, who did not setae. in} lettings a won Bel the beller of him. | "You needn't bother," he replied. "I buy them by the dozen." Mother Grav W. rm Exterminator docs not require the nelp of an pure gative medicine the cure. Give it a triad and be convinced. -- Gashaway --"What made you propose her on the steamer?" Cleveton--"l wanted to prove I could sonia her even when she was sea-sick. The famous 'The Put HR in $1 Yard Rolls. sf cure lumhago, D&L" Menthol Plistera which sackacho, sciatica. neuralzia. etc.. are also put tp in one yard rolls fo fr physicians and family use. Davis & Lawrence | or It is about as difficult to satisfy a man i who does n now what he wants as rit a woman who does know what she wants, "My Physicians Told Me I Must Die, bul South American Kidney Cure cured me of that awful Bright's Disease." This is a sentence from a letter of a well- known business man. in the western ewn who through overwork and worry ee contracted this kidney pestilenec. will relieve instantly and cure all hidtney pall 102, - Mr. Henpeck says © that the renson a a oT looks under the bed for urglar ts because she is afraid that "he'll act. _ her husband's pockets tefore she doe 1t Needs No 'Testimonial. -- Runarantee in itself, lf Cavchonete" "were they could be furnishe in ands from all sorte and Sondltons bal cal ae rent jrinces: forth eee or ich have but ant ephenweral cxistence and Leh ar he ard of no Dr it's] Pins riley in Tend since it frst made it' Appearanc "Ilow about fhe rent of this house of yours, Flitter? Desn't the oe ask a wood deal for it?" Fliter-- often asks five and six times a nea t.' Chemists Have Trouble in getting fron into ste _ Due to Poor, Weak Blood'-- Dr. Wil- Hiams' Pink Pills will Insure a Cure. 4 Neuralgia is. the surest sign that your 'Whole systam is) weak and unstruny. iThese snarp, stabbing pains are cultse hhy your jangied nerves Bul your vrves would nol be jangled if you blow! was pure and strong. You can't cure neuralgia by liniments or hot ap- pheations, They inay relieve for a mn0- ment--bul they cant possibly cure. You can never cure necralgia until yeu en- blood and brace your starved nerves wilh Dr. Williams' Vink. Pills. T actually make new blood, 'They jscothe the nerves and strengthen the Iwhole system. They strike right at the jcause of agoniz zing = «neuraigia. '* pie McDermott, Bond Head, Ont., says: "As the result of a wetting, To was seize d owilh pains in all parts of the he dy. T ecansulted a deetor, who told ie "the trouble was neuralgie. He treated me for some time bul did not help ine. To had offen read of Dr. Wil- lisms' Pink Pills, and decided to -- try them. By the time I had taken three hoxes, there was a good improvement in my case, and after-l had taken ten S. every ache and pain had disap- . | had gained in weight and felt in every way. I shall always have a pood word to say for Dr. Wil liams Pink Pills. When {he blood is poor, are starved; then comes pine iy in- somnia, St. Vitus i paralysis cr locomotor ataxia. All these rasta are cured by Dr. Williams" Pink Pills, he couse they actually make the rich, red Lioad that feeds and soothes the starved ne rves and sends health and strength fo every part of the body. That is why these pills always cure such troubles as rheumatren, - chronic erys'pe las. and the special ments of growing -- girls Put you must get the genuine with the full name. "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Tale People." on the wrapper around each f in donb, n Williams' Medic ine Co.. ond the nills will be sent by St cents per box. or six boxes far $2.40, 'f you are ailing, try them to-~lay, the nerves --+ 'The never failing medicine, Holloway a Corn gee eg: vunio® es all kinds of corns, Warts, vt the most difficult to Feniove "cannot "ithe tand this wonderful rem Young Borem {in the par gmt ge does your sister know I'm here?" Torm- my--"I think so. She told aes this eee s she had a _ Presentiment that treuble was coming." Re Awtul Experience with Heart Dis- se.--Mr. Law. 'Toronto, Can., 7 9 was so sorely troubled with heart t disease that T was unable for 18 months to lie down in bed les ther. After taking one dose of Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure, I retired and slept ach a atate tha: os _syatsin (wy hoe shsorb. and 'senefit by it, In ° dest tonib perfection ae been aie. ™ builds and ttrengthen: "lam so visil to es, Mr. Smith." "Oh! well, she iy the sort of girl who can enjoy herself | - enywhere you know. jonlight Soap Is better than ether soaps, out is best when used im the Sonlight way, Sunlight --_ and fellow ' Tom Show "Bridges eres ow just broke it." When Baby had Scald Head--- When atched- in curative qualities ' ee Telter. Piles, elc. 35 cents.-- 'te Ze OPEN WORK PROPOSAL. ' uu say you wear open work stock- Bes "all winter?" she aske "Yes; I can't pet anybody fo mend them." / "Oh, George. this is so, sudden." gind your sister oe her! aire's position is a hard one." ; soundly. one bottle and the trouble has nol returned.""--99 Wealthy Man--""Ah! my. buy, a million- | Svte Sceptical they suy I'm trying fo ease my guilly conscience.' RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, -- complete home cure. Post to readers this paper. For limite period only. A handsome illustrated treatise, giv- Ng full deser:ption ¢' Pheumatism and Paralysis, with instructions for plete e@ cure, success: treatinent in commended by the beer heh and endors- fed by ical men. This hight in- structive. pe Was written by W H a.geuticman who h Ve nud of these diseases, The p ia a aduate of the University of rtzbur; rg. md = poxtal to-da d Se ou will receive the book free by re urn.--Address, The Veno Drug Co., 24 the ening ver of ft close to the engine and made a fying leap from his horse into. the way, and incre ¢ speed, but fin- ally succeded in stopping it. As he knew nothing of how_to fill the water. tanks als engine "died" and had, to be towel ----+- ---- INHERITED, "Pa," said Willic, i eongt an from his book, " a linea: "Why--or--a linear an i slammore re "why--er---it's one Pheredilary, of course. Didn' t you never easel tel) of o linear Aescend ant "In what way?" Wealthy Man |b tt I hoard ray wealth they say I'm a skinflint, and i give my money away pletely. and diseovered it moving too late to caleh up. The enyine was on the main line and ran away, Ten miles av cast two cowboys gave chase. On rade cab. = Atl gy first he pulled the. throttle the wrenjt effected a _ ca ng. "Wood : IT would shoot you; eppeker said a a sec before keep serv ents--chiorofon: you are ' traitor to Ireland, and a dis ried doen their grove to the King's uniform," howled an lives for their country," Quickest way to get rid of peddiers-- enraged iene ala oe at Wooi- | . Canvassing artisan. district of wich. addressed. by Major Adams, th: Sunderland. a lady, after cellenne remove fruit stains from linen | tinionist candidate who ic-au-Irishnan,|Dlcasanuy with a 23 red ber j 2 ' | aliention fo the At one of Mr. Lloyd: George's meet litte darlings, ings in Carnarvon Boroughs, according to the Liverpool Post, heckler, with the view of disparaging eg origin of the President { Trade, asked him if he beep ears that his grand- father drove a donkey and cart. "You will have forgive me, ladies and uentiemien, was the witty reply; "the cart has quiie escapcd a memory. 1 see the donkey is sfill aliv population greater 'han that of towns dwells within ue : South Dublin) Workhouse. Af a meeting of the guardians a mem- ber, calling attention ta the fact, sug- gested that the number of the inmates Was now large enough to entitle them to send a representative to the House of Commons, It has been claimed that Siv Cnartes Dilke's clection address was the shortest issued within recent years. This, Ellioth Lees, while in South Afr ica | in 1900, went to the electors on these Kaeo geld address. Pretoria.' Ala riff Reform meeting in East Anglia the candidate wus asked by a burly smith's striker: "I hammer di you call that a fair swered the enndidate. "Will your policy #ive you a betier wage?" "Yes, "Then you'll have to tel rid of that devil a ine chair, 'cos he's the man as pays Mr. Herbert. Aw hiltely, Liberal candi date for Ashton-under-f. yne, was ad dressing a meeting of miners al a pit's mouth, when one of the men exclaimed. "II's all very fine for you to speak at the pits mouth, but you dare not go below!" Mr. Whifely at onee accepted the chal- lenge, and in a few minules was in the workings, Lord oe Talbot, Unionist candi- date for Chichester, who was confine! to bed by illness, ice his politica con. vielions into a gramophone, dy Ed- mund then made a motor-ear i of the constiluency, and carried the precious record to the various meetings, One Lancashire candidale was paid » eae --_ compliment. a cond visit doubtful eee. gc?' pleased, prised. on hearing from the elector thal he i support him. "Glad to hear it," sui ie candidate, "I thought you -" "Shure, | was al : and independent Wy! hin the other day ye called and stood by that pig-stye and talked for half an hour, ye Rosgrh budge me oan ineh; but afier ye had gone away, sir, IT got to thinking how ye'd reached your hand over the rail and scratched the pig's back till he lay down wid pleasure of it, | made up my mind thin thet whin a mun was so sociable us that wid a poor fellowcrathur 1 ao the bhey to vole agin him." canynssers in liverpool have had an 'amibeing, if somewhat grim, exper- ience. Calling at a house on their route. they inquired if they could see Mr. Brown, the good mistress of the house- hold answering, "Yes; comein." On entering the house she struck a light, re- marking, "Foll please," and started to mount the stairs. At the bed- room door she stopped and said, "There he is." Imagine the omazement and dis- appointment of the canvassers when they found that the man they had come to canvass Was dead. é@ canvassers had been mistaken for the undertaker and his assistant, Mr. Foote, the candidate for North « neatly countered a heckler wha ed, "You haven't a leg to stand on!" with the answer, "Anyway, I've gor a@ Foole!" A Liverpool canvasser had the curions | experience of Sa ae two hous holders, residing side by side, of the names of Whiling and Haddock. his mirth was scarcely concealed when he was informed, in reply to his request! for a shert so Nal that "Mr. Had- dock was at se A question ae submitted to Mr, Heime at Lancaster which hed been sent to the against "said gested that Mr. Bottomley, election agent, Baie the author. question was: "Is . Helme in favor Pancake Tues a oy being held on Easter Monday--that beings Rank [Holi- day--so that the unemployed may have the opportunity of ce lebraling the his- foric event?" The vast audience shricked with surprise, ?- the Jaughter was tumultuous. Mrs. husband, answer. The "No," Free Trader® announced "that "Me Chamber- fain's erring is coming home to rnost." A { unusual incident is reported in Cambridge. During the ip dhgiow 4 volling Mr. F. K. Piele recorded his v King St, Weet, Toronto ae his father, the master of christs -ollege, was presiding officer. a ------~t~ aia the father: v voled in the borough election, COWBOYS CATCH LOCOMOTIVE, |Where Mr. Piele, Jr., was presiding =a A per, Wyoming, Psi: pondent ™ Si : Some unusual methods were em- of the 'Technical World. ys 'that when ployed in Sunderland. The "Glory '| Song" of the ainwander Torrey mission vas used wl down Mr. Haggie (Unionist). At one of Professor Stuart's meetings, 'same herege turned th gas off at oe pes and 4 panic was gyre 'owly A flowery orator, rma a counly in which his 'family possessed un! personally commectad _ the district toe more than six cen- enthusiastic wae ing in sinport of the 'Hon, {vor Guest al anes when vered that moke was issuing fen the coat-tail at the peng on the platform. 'ou in favor of the hear Wile's Sister Bill?" Sir Theodore 'An, was asked ai Gateshead waved his sweet age exclaimed, 1 each in turn, and then glancing gle father!" But " unfortant was the lox ger. She lef promise of a vo Tor: rmoeting in 'the Spalding division, the chairman, in relating his carivaeting experiences, siid he called a house, and ya en poler's wile Hie bast Sona as lo of her huskand, "Well," = Peptic', "when he se to a Liberal meeting he is a Liberal, og ane he goes lo a Tory tneeling "But," queried the canvasser at home?" nd the lady gave the un- expected reply, "When he is at hore | he is a nuisance. t a Tory meeling at is homrogie gee 2 paker, annoyed joiners shouted from the auipace, e claimed, "One fool al a time!" "Go boss!" pea the response from one of = a piety { doubt very much whelher any mai n England ought to have two places 4 live in at the same time," declared th Duke of Northumberland to an Isle worth audience. Rats were let loose in a hall al Peler- borough where a Liberal mecting wa: being held. Some fainting people wer earrid out, several disturbers were lifte bodily over the beads of the audience and expelled them from the hall. Mr. Samuel Chapman, Unionist candi without thi date "for Perth. endured some lively heckling. At one meeling an old man came forward and, deliberately layin down his coat and stick, banded uj; several questions. Mr. Chapman replie? to the first, but the old Scotsiman, ges eg wildly, exclaimed, "Il canna ear, [in deaf." The heckler, pulling ar aie trumpet from his pockel, applied to his ear, and the candidate shouted nis replics into the instrument. JOKE COST A LIFE. Trick on Swiss Professor Recoils on a Siudent. the universily died ul of his own prac A sludent of Geneva us the result tical joke or grudge, The young man tried to take reveng: upon Professor Chodat in a remark able manner. On Thursday @ processi: of tradesmen's = ee to arrive a the university, ving-~eh Kinds «1! iia for which ontare had been re: ceived The "goods were all addressed to the wwofessor, and included a motor car, J,- 000 visiling cards, dozens of boxes cf cigars and cigarettes (the professor docs nol smoke), a valuable painting, two chests of Madeira, several gold watches {twelve umbrellas, ten legs of mutton Sin ms and a case of corsets. A lunch for 500 persons had also been ordered in honor of the baptism of Pro- fessor Chodal's baby. The professor's youngest child was nine years old. day Jong the professor was busy explaining to irate tradesmen that i had not ordered the goods. He placed the matter in the hounds of ie aa who arrested one of the studen The culprit had a weak nan and was so much overcome by what had teen done that he had several attacks. fe one of which he succumbed, The studefit was extremely popular with pa comrades, who showed © their sympathy by placing dozens of wreaths on his bier, day composition of the ' Emul- --That's what a prominent 'druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time E ago. Asa rule we don't | use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, HE WAS LAID UP FOR OVER A YEAR| meet- Wid Ochs ant wale CURED | HIS KIDNEY TROUBLES. Now He's Perfectliy Healthy and Able to Work--tGives all the Credit to tie Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Wepella, Assa., N.W.T., Feb. 12 i | (Special.}--Cured of Kidney on laid him up for peed a "year, jem. a well-known man here, Be oud in his Pills for to them ~_ nothing e claims hé owes "Yes, 1 had Kidney Trouble," Mr. Bartleman says. "I had ged in my "ack and in other parts of my body and eng the doctor did wit, & ood 'or me, I grew worse till | was unable tu wo ork. "Then I starled to take Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, and I took them all winter and summer while T was unable to work. T took in all twelve boxes, and now I ain perfcctily healthy. My pains are al} gone and I am able to work. I heartily recommend Dodd's Kidney sing to all sufferers from Kidney Dodd's Kidney Pills Ronny 'cure the kidneys. Healthy Bao strain all impurities, all seeds of disease, oul o the yr That's way Dodd's Kidney ills a wide range of diseases in- cluding "Bright's Disease, Rheumatism and Urinary Troubles, aoe Camere aa PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Kee eel are the least courageous { orkers when they go on class 0 strike." Why do you say that?" - aceuee they, are always unwilling to face the music." A bottle of Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup, taken according to will subdue a cough in a sho 'This uysertion can be ures who have p bear testin y to i merits, all in 4 Know what a splendid snedietae it is It costs vant only 25 nts to join. the ranks of the many oO have been benetited by its use. aed the you have had Barry--"They fr om death." tell on me discovered in lime 7 hadn't the money ': pay for it." Spots and Motchns on the [a ten mines slens of 'foal blood. 'ernte willate Weaver's 5 ey te nd ithe blood of ro nl co and neck are waneP a Ww cavers 4 Mamma----"What would my litle girl do if mamma should go away?" Lille Flora--"! don't know. I suppose I'd have to try to box hig own ears myself when [ wos naughty." "I believe it to be "be the most effective remedy for the Stomach and Nerves on he market," is what Annie Patterson. om Sackville, N. B., says of South Ameri- vin' Nervine, for, she says, La Grippe und the complications which followed it left her next lo dead with Indigestion Dyspepsia and General Nervous Shatter ing. It cured her.-- Winks--"Why did they ae " Mid. dic Ages the Dark Ages?" ks--"Be- -- the women i their nets ane Winks--"No; Le cause there were many knight gnats ol Da neer.--Hav ve you lost appetite? ve your Hav you a coated tongue? Have you any unpleasant taste in the mouth? Does your_ head nche ant bave you dizziness? If so. our étoinach is out of order and you need medicine But vu do n like medicine He tha: tetecs sickness to inedicine inast suffer, but under the cir- wou rocure of nelee's Vegetable ris and "apecdity: get "bitnselt in heulth, and strive to kee Pee! "eres PETTY THEFTS IN PRISON. Affect' Kleptomania to Have Sentence Altered. Kleptomaniacs in prison are not eom- mon, bul risoners sentenced for u eries of petty thefts will sometimes con- inue their practice in jail in order to toad the authorities to think they ought nol to be trea like common felons, bu Convicts il remove to the criminal lunatic asylum. Wormwood Tubbs prison 'Ss once very much troubled by an aggravated case of the kind. The man had pleaded pn que - mis trial, but all in vain, and five yea was the sentence passed upon him. had not been long in Wormwood Scrubbs when all sorts of unconsidered irifles began to disappear in the mos For a long time the ' ica Simeone hs sent ae He! comes to the home FRESH and PURE as when it left the PLANTATION lo ba manufactured with SPECIAL CARE and CLOSELY SEALED in pound and half pound lead packets. Only one best tea. Blue' Ribbon's It. He Oshawa " Steel Shingles Mate from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an idenl covering for Houses, Barns, Stores. Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shing'es. A hammer and snips are the only tools requi We are the largest oldest company of t the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, ma! FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF We also maurifacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and i VE TROUGH Etc » METAL SIDING, in imilation of brick or stone. ' METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000. designs. ba art " Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write to nae EFPwIIDLAH PFBHOPI MONTREAL, QUE. O7 TAWA, ONT. TORONTO" onr, Loner CUT, WiNniPaa, vanoouver, B.c, 707 Graig St. 423 Gussex st. 11 Colborne St 69 Ds04a) SL TOLembard St. 615 Pender Bt. Ware Your rine Orrics. Head Office and Works, - - - Oshawa, Ont., Canada This Beautiful Fur Scarf Given Away Inabout 48 inches nee Fenn bakit ewe best bck tw Bie lace miata eos eons ere ted with nice plated Neck Chain of band- some nee, rich, wa: stylah look: We wi firs @way one hundred of these extra fine to Taliog sed girls who will help introduce Dr. Ansour's fine Vaget "te td rheumati; War ane ere ; canditions of the dloed, eatarth, female w =_-- fron ep Bare tang en ge DON'T SEND ANY MONEY (A 7 heed addreesand agree toect) only eight boxes of thesn famous remedics at tc. a box Wretrust ESS ceetoteer whe Base from yoo en:iled toa han ent frow 'You can scl them quickly. sold return us the money and wo will wn this lovely Fur Scarfat once. If you sell the goods and return be money quickty we will give youan esta Wates ore canguticent Gold-fnished Jewrlled Bn; Pree, Desides the Scarf, without ar any tore gooda. Dan't mies this o; pomity, Write now befurs you and yeu can some oe secure these The Dr. Armour Medicine Co., FUR DEPT. 9 'TORONTO, ONT. Kore by --_ Teo cornering In Western Canada :3.."".¢ Bamcaiehiews only 8 rm' 5 mie frome vallways, CPE a. F About 40 tallee N. z ot Inilaa Mead" Palos $10.80 per sere ite for map and full ee R. PARSONS, 91 Wetutay Street, Toronto, Canada. BIG MONLY VO MEN WAIN whe. IF It's Mauve OF One beginner made $6.00 first morn- ing. Whole or spare time. The RU 6 8B E R 30c seller, giving 25c profit. Users buy Wa WAVE IT. every month. Township right werth Write us and montion ane than any gencral store business. weness cl prompuy if you want territory, Jolden Crest Company, 9 Bathurst St., Indio Rube SpeclatyCo (ondon, Ont. Boe 1 Montreal" For SALE--Best, _etieapest h ia gies located stock farm in the United States; has a beauliful water Te and contains 800.acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD- COCK, Salisbury, Md. Pa ; PATENTED MARCH §1n, 1904, three Machines--Tripie Wall, -hranl Wall, and -- oa Brick Machine: the fastest in the market, one wick faced with ine inch colored, and stronge: oucrete, pfs) for r booklet. . LIERLAMN, Stratford, Oat, identity of the thief" was prinling room lost a iiton off his (ruusers, and the thief, <a worked i the same de partinent, offered a let him have another. But it proved to be the identical bulton that had been id an but the above remark and similar expressions are | made so often in connec- ja tion with Scott's Emulsion | that they age worthy of | occasional "iiote. From |; infancy to old age Scott's. Emulsion offers a reliable | means of remedying im- | |proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the = | sion itself. What it does it does through nourish- ment--the kind of nourish- ment that cannot. be ob- tained in Pars food. No system is too' or delicate to retain | tt's Emulsion and g from it. thereupon the Usief fell under suspicion. which was, of course, the object of his { noble offer. On his cell being searched most extraordinary collection of rarticles was found in his matress. The list of items would half fill & column, but the most common things were but- tons, nails, scraps of soap, rags anc fragments of wood. Al one fell swoop, indeed, everything that had been missed ; during months past was 'recover¢ thie f, Ieandinone, ss he pena his practice; and he rontinued his thefis and secreting them until he was ane red lo Portland : the usual course, when he suddenly anc completely reformed. a Coe A BOY'S BREAKFAST. There's a Natural Food That Makes It's Own Way. There's a up In Hoosick Falls, N. Y., who 1s growing into sturdy manhood on Grape-Nuls breakfasts, It might have been different with him, us' bis mother explains: "My di-year-old) boy is large, well developed und = active, and has been made so hy his fondness for Nuts food. live very. nervous child a nd was s' ubject to igi attacks of 'indi eslion, which nm of his strength and were vais ag ag to deal with. He never seemed to care for anvihing his breakfast until I "ee btn ange He makes his entire 'prea: fast of Grape-Nuls food. It is always relished by him and he says that: il salis- siege et belter than the ordinary kind "Beller. thay all he is no longer trou- bled with indigestion or 'nervousness. and has got lo bea as nae pee | develop- 'od fetiowe since he began to 4 Name given 'by Postum Co., Batlle Creek. Mich. There's a reason. Read ue Hltle in_ pkgs book, "The Round to \Wellville," é MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE.. "Mr. Cartridge, we are Wbliged to dis- miss you," said his em iployer, "you were intoxicated last night," ank you, sir." "For what?" "You have spared me the easy natural gog about being loaded and shot." And I have to admit being half and e drifted out yan blank but got a Siehben at the corn The Most Povular Pill.--The pin the most popula- of all forms of medi- cine, and of pills the most popular are Parmniciee's yreetavic Pills, because they do whe as it asserted they can do, anid ot K. ut forward a tioux claims to excellence. t aud portable, they are easily they do not nausente nor gripe give relic' in the tub- ee een SOUTH AFRICAN GHOST. on Hey and they born cases. mos Awlul Spectre that Haunts a House in Durban. curious ghost story coynes from Durvan, @ spectre, it is stated, haunting ouse in a village which was occupicd 7 a Jawyer who died about four months 10. The house was taken by a gentleman -- after seeing "un unearth dy shape cross the garden and disappear," invited some friends to slay wilh him. The result wos that two of them rushed fo the Cy ntea! ome -- the story that e ghost Inet px vugh close and gvindows, 'and that a light had been seen in the study used by the previous tenant, A par gume of cards one of the cry, ng decided to play n the } Ss SRW oO truding through oorway, head was like that of . skeleton. a Pi y went lo the door and into an adjoining room, but te ee was vanish rare says the. head pro- he spon eos ag ato xcilement in the the skep tical cove it to be { some practical joker and shone tare being with i Nas the geet by. a party armed with revoly Be Pos vaagee but t the work 0 CLEANIN LADIES'. 3 cae ashe ton pesoeae BRITION AMERICAN Oveine se. @ONTREA!, TORONTO, OTTAWA & QUEREO ~ RHEUMATISM f and id perspiring feet pusiti cared, within 's 80 'days erreee bewiy "Batoated tented Mild riser. ea » Welte ft oe, assctestes wan MAGNETIC reed #4 Matioue RECO. SenbenteG. Quebec, Canada PS. ees when you 4 z 3 3 with + your ; 3 3 x f Use it and become your own veterinary rl 4 + the VETERINARY SPEDIALTY 0¢., Limit 686 DUNDAS ST., TORONTO, ON'. Warts: eT ? Wa ioe Sa Ee PRE IEE PAT AT PAT RT PAT PAE SAE De Parsons--"If I should ask old Bullions for his daughter's hand, what do you think of my chances?" - Burrett--"Very air. You have youth, health and a food constitution, and should pull through with careful nursing.' u Mave a Cold, the air ate are Prodan "ia rea te or Balsam. ae ey ae sassages im heals the bronchial tul "It would be helpful to Ria said the prison yisilor, "if you co take some motto and try and tive up to ig 'Thal's right," replied the convict. "I'd ke to select, for instance, 'We are here to-day and gone to-morrow.' Seetere elie ac You peal a Care as vv?