Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 16 Feb 1906, p. 2

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REBELS HAVE FREE REI Troops Withdrawn and the Insur- be | _ FATAL SOOTHING SYRUPS. _rection Recommences, TROOPS ON THE MOVE. The St. Petersburg correspondent of northen The London Times cables:--The insur- rection in the Ballic provinces seeming fo be under control, if, indeed, not crushed, an order was given for the withdrawal of some of the troops. It now appears that the withdrawal of the column is hurriedly leaving Riga to resume punitive operations. ARMY SUPPORTS. CZAR. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: A colonel of ee who has just ar- rived Ato rom sauenur . Wiley, inte Aion a be captured. The-~dis- rders chiefly confined {o-the Manchurian armies, telegraphed to the Emperor on Tuesday as follows: "Gen. eggs entered Chita Feb, 5, without blood: shed. The 'inhabitants of the town have | ® rbeen disarmed and work has been re- umed, Two Santieed of the revolu- sone have a f the leaders fled. Gen. Holshecni-| kot, rib military Goverese of Chita, bas heen refieved of his post for -- Gen. ong a ee el cies at ca- measures speedy lion of Transbaikalia, Ail ' quiet among the troops at Viadivostock and f - >: but a num- of y Burea Dep: int of Agriculture. "We do not know anything about the milk we have left at our homes, or the condition under cigs it was produced," ere are a thousand and e posaibi Les wrists might have com- bined to make what nature intended for. 'ood the most v virile poison that chem- istry can produce "T have found that the foods we daily so fraught with germ life that I am almost e table. The butter is go and sold for the genuine article. | eak particularly of co: It - know nothing of the treah milk we get et, feccigg -- knowledge is more =o chief u of the United "States: ; painted; there is little other to be found a e anywhere. in Gore nglish cvatiotls has been Sievsiop Nova Scotia gow lia camps at Ollawa and summer will be held from oms receipts are better B s January * tha they w Ta: 38 o.... ETAOIN ESTA rill co doi e-tracked froin pas day. r a Trunk ' 'will build a fine new a0 bodon in conn th th ora ng ar on br 400 'ne iat staff officers or the Man- churian army, at which the Czar's man- festo was unanimously endo Al the meeling, be was "held by permission of Gen. the as determined to Support with al) its energy the realiza- tion of the reforms outlined by the Em- peror, The officers Tepresented every regi-, ! ment and corps in Manchuria, and their eclion was vir ards ratified by the various comma: Gen.. Nada commander-i -in-chief of Harbin, was requested to send a copy ce the atau to the Czar, f rs of the army decided to es- tablish a "DEAE union for the pro- posed reforms. Inasmuch as the ma- Jority of the so-called "law and order" identify thern- sures with. the "progressive" minor- Ye 75,000 POLITICAL PRISONERS A despatch from Paris The Pelersburg correspenderit ny be Pet Parisien says it is estimated 75,000 litical -prisoners are being detained in posing prisons of Russia at the pre- i FIFTEEN REBELS SHOT. A despatch from Riga, Livonia, says A punilive expedition has enplured a large hand of revolutionists on the Dah- lien estate in the vicinity of Riga. Fif- teen of them have been = by Sant' martia] and shot. were flogged with knouts. The expedition also captured several hundred ritics. ORDER IN TRANSBAIKALIA, A despatch from St. Petersburg soys: Reports from the Ballic provinces say Zellogub's plan of sweeping the revalutionists and their Iwaders _ from the Provinces is rapidly bP g compl The columus .Of troops Gamnends by Gen. Orloff, which have gradually closed in in Riga, are driving the Livonian revolutionists The Pde t Volulionary chiefs, who are being gathered by the hundreds resolu- , Sloc ». | added '| in battles on land und sea. Advices received by the Minister es Rid was in the hands of the revolution- sts for three . The province of Transbaikalia, haa the peasants, der the leadership of the revolutionists, n- nition magazines and scized 25,000 rifles and m ammunition, is far from paci- fied. Many of the rifles have been re- covered at Chila in a damaged condi- tion. The captured revolutionary lead- ers were court-martialed and shot. The telegram to the Minister of the Interior that ae famine is threatening Transbaikalia. The supplies of flour are exhausted, and relief measures must be immediately taken. ELECTION DATE. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The elections have been fixed for April 7th and the opening of the National Assembly on April 28th. It ae meet in the Taundo Palace. The Cabinet on Tuesday decidid that it woul he pre. mature to -ubolish martial law at pre- ent. The estate of the Minister of Jus- fice, M. Akynoff, was pimndered on Monday. The Novoe Vremya states that: the radical organizations of Finland are, rreparing for open war wilh Russia in support of the next outbreak of the Rus- sian revolutionists, WAR MEDALS. A despatch from St. Medals for all those who participated in the war with Japan have been ord- ered according to an imperial rescript published in' the Russki Invalid on Wednesday. Those who defended Port Arthur are singled out for special dis- linction. They will be given a silver medal, and light bronze medals will te bestowed on those whoa were engaged Petersburg siuys: The soldiers who were not under fire will receive dark bronze medals. | 4 4, POST@L REGULATI Transparent. Envelopes. With Address- | Contig es Inside Barred from Malls. An Ottawa despatch says: The Post- Office Hepereoeat publishes notices the effect that all mail matter enclosed n transparent eavdlones, having the ad- the Admiralty has decided to request {he dress on the enclosure, is lo be treated as non-transmissible by mail in Canada, and the same regulation applies to mat- er in eneviopes having & transparent front portion covering the address. At- tention ts drawn to the fatt that the stamps used for prepaying postage on postcards or unenclosed cards mailed * other countries as printed matter must be placed on the front address side., Com- monweallth of Australia has given notice that the rates of postage on post-cards sent from Austraiia lo Canada have been reduced from one and one-ha pence tu one penny each for single post-cards and from three pence to ~~ pence for reply postcards, from Jan. Ar duction has been made in the rales Po postage on parcels sent from Canada to Duleh Guiana. The rate varies from Mm et eis for one pound to $1, fh pounds. A convention has been arrang- ed can the sial administrations of Canada and Trinidad for a par . Parcel mails for Trinidai up at St. John, N. B. es eee G. T. R. ROLLING STOCK. Three and a Half Million Dollars to be Spent. ore made A Reson despatch says: In order to be r the grain traffic next seu- son, particularly in view of the impos- sibility experien last year of finding sullicient equipment to mect the demands ol Georgian Bay ports, the Grand Trunk Railway Company have authorized the expenditure of nearly three and a half million dollars in new rolling stock this year. This is an Indication of what the company are doing in the great task just now of keeping abreast of the times. | ~ 'The expenditure in' this way between now and midsummer will be the largest in the history of the company for any shipiar peri --p------_--_ FROZEN TO DEATH. Terrible Fate = uo Settler = Near aloon. A Saskutvon, Sask., despateh says John H. Humphrey, a settler, living forty miles north of here, was frozen to death saturday morning. He was goin home with a load of wood when the sleigh ee and he wae-pinned between the tree, where he slowly met his horrible fate. A searching pariy found the body, frozen stiff. He leaves a Wife and Yhree small children. a HURLED DOWN A BANK. John Lef Killed Near Ostersund on e the €C. P. BR. A Keewatin despatch says: Another fatal accident occurred in Peterson's construction camp on the C. P. R. near QOstersund on Friday morning, .in which a Swede named John Lef was instantly killed by the premature explosion of '4 blasting shot. He was hurled down 45-foot embankment, sustaining injuries in falling that caused his death. Allen Hagar who was standing beside him, o}tion with the great naval manoeuvres »i | was thrown down the bank also, bu! es- caped unhurt. - Manoeuvres British Fleets. A London despatch says: of Combined In connec- the combined Brilish fleets next June. complete co-operation of all British ship- owners. According to the Admiralty s present tentative plans, the manoeuvres will be directed with a view to deter. mining thoruughly a practical scheme of defense of British commerce in time of war, and will include attack und de- fense of vessels Nying the flug of the British mercantile marine. The manoeuvres will be hesiaive poe attempted and will extend fram the English Channel along the coasts of France and Spain to the ere terranean. Owners of vessels bound 4 and from Mediterranean and South At. lantic ports will be asked to permit their captains to place themselves under naval command for a short period. Passen ger steamers and live stock carriers wii] be exempt. Any vessel unduly detained will be reimbursed. a ny A BARBER'S LUCKY FIND. -- Five Forgotten Stock Shares ow Worth a Fortun A Semeur N.Y: area says: In regi cee a drawer in his barber no Thursday Frank Wood discovered » cextifienic for five shares ef stock of the ett Telephone ney. for which he pal twenty-two years ago, and which fs now worth between $16,000 and rhe great value of the cortifieats is due in a measure to the accumulatien of dividends. Communicating with Albany, Mr. Wood found that the stock wus registered, and was issued by o Boston company. ----_¢----_--_- TEN DOLLAR PIG IRON. Success of Dr. Heroult's Electric Smelting. An Ollawa despateh says: As a re- sult of the experiments in the electric smelling of iron ore thal Dr. Heroult, the French exper' as ben conducting ot the Soo, he has ascertained that pig iron » be procured by the electric process from hematite, al less than ten dollars a ton ai that point. The significance of this statement can be appreciated [rom ne fact that before the Tariff Comnis- nesday, a lending iren and sleet manufacturer declared that it cost to-day from $14 to $15 a tou to produce pig iron by the old process --------4-------- WEALTHY WOMAN IN RAGS Fined for Appearing on Streets in Gar- ments of Tatters- A London despatch says: For appear- fog i the streets of Eastbourne clad in Miss Clara Wilkinson, a woman means, "vas sum Wilkinson, wae is psbout age, appeared in the court attired in old rags slitched together with string. Rags also served as a hat and muff and she carried what was opparently a home- made umbrella. Evidence was given that on Jan. at she was wearing a skirt of rags and = expos er bare knees, The chief constable snid she had been fined sy fov in ---- offence in No- vembe rate, remarking | that be was pny to clothe herself: "pro- REAT NAVEL SCRULINY" tong the most ex-| T DaInen MacaZinegs product that is pul in . 14 last es te a ieenad us to resort to a The first act of Gen. Misil-henko 0M! only to tide us over one season, until arrival at Viadivostock = to send great fruits could be had again, but the he mutinous infantry regiment to the} canneries don't know this. no rity barracks citeids OF Viadivo- law ie them to slamp the dale r goods; if they did it would Kall thas sale." ------p@----_--. DISASTROUS FIRE. A despatch seen Smith's Falls says: Agricultura! Implement by the night watchman on his visit to the carpenter shop. The alarm was ut once sent in, but owing to the inflam. thle material of the shop the fire sprend rapidly, and before it was gol under con- trol the main building, in en wey silualed the machine, carpent paint shops, Was completely dasiteyet he fire company did heroic work, and the new waterworks system was able | other buildings were saved. 'lL. Frost, manager, and Mr. R. J. White, assistant manager, state that while it is impossible to properly estimate the Juss, the insurance carried by the com- pany will fully cover it. The compan had most of the outpul for the coming season's trade stored or shipped to their agencies, and will r fected by the fire. company will rebuild just fs svon as and more extensive scale. employment as a result of the fire. a BURGLAR'S BUSINESS BAD. So He Broke me pail and Robbed a A- New York de spat +h says: A bur- glar broke into they North Bergen, N. J., jal) on Sunday mith! held up George Merg, a prisoner, apd relbed him « $1.05. The burglar had foreed open i and climbed unite the cel orning, when ree + Et? mal com town' authorilies to prevent burgh from breaking in and robluny the pri- soners. Chief of Police Nolun was sum- moned to the Town Hall to hear Merg's story. He gét.a desemption of the bur- lar and ordered his men to search high and Jow until they found him. Later in the duy Frank Meade was ushered into the Town Hall, He was taken into the lasement ail is and con- fronted Merg and Meade admitted ft. tried unrd to was formally charged with breaking in- to the jail and rebbing @ man his . He explained that business was dull in his line and he had to do something. hen he laughed some more and the Recorder held him for the grand jury. erential amsieeerm GETTING ALONG NICELY. F. i. Cree Says Soo Industries are in Pros sperous Shape. Ade wai from Toronto says: ult Ste. Maric, 'in the cily , called on Wednesday afternoon at the Parliament buildings. He says the industries are pesccir erg | Prosperous and thal the net arnings yearly were pow more than twies the amount required to meet the interest on the $10,000,000 bond issue. we _ Mourishing ae 1 Mr. Cl N overnment will be relieved of its guar- antee of the $2,000,000 Joan, part ef the amount raised for the reorgsnization ef the company, on May 1, when the ferm of the guarantee ceases under the the re-organization. The Algoma 'Central, Mr. Clergue says, will be extended north twenty-five ian this year to connect with the w experiments for the Dominion lok ermnent in the electrical smelling cf ores W 2 earried on for some lime since the result has been xo highly satisfactory thus far. RICUEST aecincmase IN BRITAIN, Lady Mary Hamition | fo Marry the Mar- quis of Graham. A despateh from Loudon suys : anneuncement of the engagement of Marquis of Grathuin. eldest son of the Duke of Montrose. fo Lady Mury Hamil- fon. the only daughter of the late Pwelfth Duke of Hamillon and Brandon, the richest: heiress in the United Kingdom, who only attained her majorily recently, is given ous much space by the news- papers as they -- do royully itself, The ¢ popular in Scotland, onioaae it will result in the union of two great historic diouses. Lady Mary, whe is known as the Lady f Arran, is the owner of the island of that name. The M himself wealthy. pag the recent elections lie stood s the Unionist candidate for the House of Commons for Surlngshire but wus defeated. sinpiiaiseetadB sania 28 KILLED IN MINE. Only Eleven Escaped Results of Explos- { ion in Coal Pit. A despatch from Charleston, W. Va., least 28 men men are supposed th in a terrible explos- jon in the Parallel mine of the Stewart Collerices Company, near Oakhill, on Thursday. Th tirty-nine men were em- ployed in the mine, and only eleven have escaped alive. At midnight six bodies had been recove near the mouth 'of eo mine, and ae is certain that-all the in the m dead. perly, fined her $15 Smith's Falls posoual Ay Main -Building' rned. Beresford, the present com mander of the fleet, will one resign. Four ha' ps will be withdrawn from the Atlantic fleet for] service in the North This sudden decisjon of the Admiralty | op. entails heavy losses upon officers here, bse are breaking up their eslablish- ents and g their families. ng Mt also abruptly closes chee The hotelkeepers and o! are bling. There will be py four battle. ships left in the Mediterranean feet an i in o Atlantic fleet, but since ine with France there is no motive jo peening two enormous fleets in south- European waters The reduction is te first step in the naval evacuation of the Mediterranean. e - bg believed that the French fleet will REFUSE MINERS' al IHtinols Coal Operators Take Only Few Minutes to Decide. c says: At a mect- '|day il was di le refuse the demands th /@t Mine Workers of Ai The meeling was allended an coal erators of the State. ha a from. t] report of the National Scale Commi! was adage and eporoved without a die. senti covered the re sa recently held in indianepotis between operators resentaives ot Soy United Mine Work- n to refuse rg the miner rea in a few minutes ater the reading of the report had finished." The qu f "| wheteher or not the minés would be op- erated with non-union men in the event of a strike on April 1, was not discuss- In INinois there are 55.000 soft .coal em who will be involved in case of a general walk-ont, afler a wage-scale disagreement. Millions of tons of coal are on hand for the emergency, but the miners admit that the situation Is such {hat industrial trouble will follow | with- rs and the rep- |! the demands | * # BREADSTUFFS. . 13.-- Wheal Ontarte- --No. 2 while pis ic, red ke lo Lf one Me sxe" am freights; American trmer, No. 3 allow. wise fo fc; mixed, 49¢ to 493¢c, al To! Buckwheat--Dull, 523¢c to 53c, eutsid COUNTRY PRODUCE, ; oyed the fifteen thousand dol- ' at Emerson, Man., ents of the valuable library. Regina, as compared win ime month last year. meeling of citizens of Fort voled in favor of spending for a waler supply from Loch 9 ailway a will be raised, fed and enlarged and a big area ol cee: { pletion will be laid. -- goods to the value af %% 217 were shipped into the Yukon roa e fiscal Leer enaing June 30, 1905. P¢traits in oils of Premier Whitney and/Sir John A. Macdonald have beer hung at the -- to the Legislative chapber, Toror Oping to trouble ever the jocal oplion w the Grimsby Council resigned 'n a bily. Areas for a new clec- tio have beén nia ige Ouimet, ar Montreal, has re- signed from the bench owing to recent law a julone must not be directors of by- furnish five streams, it was omne > this that the large warehouses, the} a atest that il is not the in moulding shop, the patlern shop an tention of the lrovincial Government to introduce a teachers' pe navid measure at the coming session of the Lagialatnre. That extensions of plant ure in con- templation by the Lake Superior Cor- poration, to "employ an additional on men, is slated by President C. D, Wa ren, The Hudson's Bay Company announce their intention to contest action of On- wenther permifs on a more madern | About three fall at Gl: hundred hands are temporarily out of | tar ©) bined British f the} in church work. turio Government in seizing large ship- ment of company's furs al Ottawa recent! There has been a poenraneics | snow- icier, B. C., and oe we dis: nee east und west on the ". the mountains. In some pices the tall amounted to nearly 10 feet i Sir Thos. Shaughnessy that a mecling of sharcholders Cc. P. oR. will be held in) Montreal on Mach 19 to ratify the issue of forty lions of new steck, ergs f the total issue of the company $150,000 : f yao acres of tard in the strict, east of oe " tg ye ball this ears ago fos a) *Dainin: on Wire aera Co., and will endeavor to control other large iron industries in {he Dominion. The Inland Revenue Department hay analyzed 108 surmples of salad oils, and finds 66 sainples of genuine olive oil, ? doubtful samples, 24 samples of colton seed oi] sold as salad oil, and 16 sam- ples of cotton seed ai! sold as olive oil. GREAT BRITAIN. At the coming manoeuvres of the com- leets next June the com- plete co-operation of all British ship- owners Will ba requested with a view to determining a practical scheme of de- ence of British commerce in Urne of war port men to British pr role ' ee. land, Some 10, and marines wil then be transported. from "lias lo Vancouver in special C. P. 'ains The engage ment of "Lady Paine: daughter of Earl Selborne, to Viscount Howick, son of Earl Grey, is announced. It is announced that one subject to be discusse a meeting of the Postal Union in April in Londun will be a pro- posal to enable the sender of a letter to prepay its reply. UNITED STATES. Ten thousand coal and tron a in the region of Panxsutawney, Pa., have one on strike, The Erie Railroad announces that withia lwo years probably all ils subur- ban lines will be converted into electric act. "Arrangements to that end have al- amen Ils engineers are studying the ready been made by the Canadian Im- . fi e adjourn- provement Company, which conducted|__!! §s 'expected that before the adjou ment of the Executive Board of the Mine Workers of America at Indianapolis, a forma] strike order for April 1 will : prepared, to prevent re-assembling for that purpose. The Torrey-Alexander revival services have started at Philadelphia and (he hats are crowded. Mr. Alexander has 6 choir of 6,000 voices gmpoese, from, and has oO) caer at "ap meeting. 'The pens! expected To te 841,000, popiteaty subscribed. Mrs. Drusilla Morrei, 12 ycurs old, of he Yo. has bevome a member the Siupsun Methadist Episcopal ehuceh. ne has always been intereste | "Only recently | began UT) wonder why | was not a member," . Wiley, chief of the Burean of Chemistry, examined a lamb chop sent to his house, because of its fine appear- uce appeared before the House and suid meat olher than lamb had been 1 about the lamb bone, muking the fraud difficult lo detect, GENERAL, German bankers are said have agrend to take ten mlilion pounds af ----_+----_ NATAL NATIVES MURDER POLICE. Armed Resistance to Collection of Poll Tax. Pietermaritzburg, A despatch from Th ection of the poll Natal, says: lax to trouble, which, it is feared, spread, and-~ possibly develop into an gly native upris Arr natives have resisted the collection of taxes, and have wounded with Spei urs an peel olice and a trooper. Fourtee mounted police who ar proceeding i ne scene have been attacked, und six were stabbed to death, ry amd artillery and outlying 'detachments af nod -- Martial Inw hits been de- clare It is reported that the natives are Geleringd to resist the collection of dhe poll tax. ceeninctancinmal oem "PRINCE RUPERT" IS THE NAME. Selected for Terminal of Grand Trunk Pacific A despatch from Montreal says: As a result of the publication by the Grand runk Pacific Company throughout Can- ada of its offer of a prize of $250 to the person who would = suggest the name {hat would be selected for the cily which will be established at the western ler- minus of the company's transcontin- ental railway on the Pacific Coast, up- wards of twelve thousand names were received, the majority of which compli- nd with the conditions of the contest. It was the desire of the company, as ex- plained in the notice of the competition, that the name chosen should be euphon- juus, and that it ieee a be approximate- y significant of G aT tic ularly of the Columbia, suggestions curefully reviewed-and the name "Prince Rupert" has been selected os the name by which will be known the city that wil) be built at the terminus of the com- Sed a new gg te on the Paci nerime g@ been su peated oy Ml Migs Eleanor mM} acdonald, cow ipeg. Ce THREW THE BABY OUT. Mr. and Mrs. Schwerdfeger Burned to Death. despatch from Glenboro', Man., says: r. and Schwerdfeger, Jiving vtout len miles north of Glenboro' were turned to death on Thursday night, and a young anes about eighteen managed to get oul with y his shirt on. Mrs. Schwerdfeger, with great presence of mind, threw ther only child, about two years of age, out ct the window, and was in the act of reling oul herself, when the floor pave way and she and her husband went cown to their awful death. Seeing that Lothing could be done, the young Eng- lishman took the baby and wrapped it 1a horse blanket, and Placed it in the herse manger, while he rode nearly mile without any oe fo Mr. Wig- cell's, Wiggelt drove into pf md took out Coroner Reeve und a Provincial constable, who remov- ec the remains from the cellar. --_------_4--__.. CHINA AWAKE TO HER POWER. She Will no Longer Tolerate Foreign gression, A despatch from Berlin says: In an interview on Friday wilh a correspon- the reports that -- the preparing for armed interference in China Lieut.-Gen. Ying Tchang, the Chinese Minister here, said: "The anli-fureign cautbreaks in China are evidence of the nwakening of a new national spirit. China will no longer tolerate foreign agyressions, and will not allow the Chinese abroa treated as an inferior race. the sume lime I do not believe that the Ain- erjcan preparations are really direcled against China, but are meant to serve same other purpose. "L think the repetition of united ac- lion on the part of the powers against China is impossible in consequence of ed action. position to pldce in the fleld a m urmy of 206,000 men, and this number is steadily inereasing. China will now, ot least, try to stand up for her rights," -__ err OUR PRODUCE IN BRITAIN, Amounts end Values of Goods Received in British Markets. A despatch from London says: lowing are the amounts and value of Canadian -roducts on British markets during January : Fal- Amounts, % Russian treasury notes. Calle: ..caseSiaceasens OF Japan is now able to construct Iattle | Sheep oe... cece eee 1b 1 ships of any size in her own dochy ards | Wheat. ewls TAT AGO ANB Without auxiliary machinery. Wheat. flu 10130) OTA The sions to the National Assein-| peas, ewls 12,476 4,787 by 'i Russi are fixed for April 7. The} Bacon, ewts 43 212,671 ing bession will lake place on April) Ham, ewts $8,222 18,851 Sree cwits 3,434 18, The bill for the. continuation of war] Cheese, ewls. 108,802 324,420 the House of Represen- eap. a. hundreds - 3,000 1,342 oe at Tokio, Japan, by a majority] Horses .....+4se-e0e 37 1, es "S TRADE. FIXED FOR JUNE 2. a, anced y Returns Beat All Roca in Marringe Date 'of King Alfonso and eed Experi and Imports eran Ene. ? A despatch from 'London says: The Madrid despatch says: It bak rome Board Trade returns for January. salted that the marriage of King easily beat all sean with imports 80.0 ncess ra na of Batten will romaiy $267,500,000, and expo! 5 ixke Jplace June The méarriage' will | 000, ve be is} the Guar of San Feronimo. $28,500,000 and Ee seen Value. t £158 92 rth The Fa tha-if-the-strike-i Dutlan Cras ery. wil place 25 British battleships and tenj = Go SOUS 1... ccccce cocece 8c to he including | 2*mo isers in the English Chan- --j Dairy tb. rolls, good to choice 2te to 2c nel and the North Sea. do large rolls .... .+.. «++. 18€40 190 BUILDING UP THE WEST. Thirty-two sesh Dotars in Sight This A Winnipeg despatch says: That not not only Winnipeg, but the whole of western Canada will show general pros- verity during the coming season is ex- omplified by the Western Builders' Ga- zetle n the current issue a complete list of over $15,000,000 worth of con- templated buildings Is recorded in Win- nipeg alone. Besides this there are $10, 000,000 worth of contracts open through- out the three Provinces, as we $7, 50,000 in railroad contracts, making 4 grand total of $32,500,000 to be expend- ¢v in construction work at present as- red. a BLOWN THROUGH THE ROOF Man Escapes Uninjured Alter Terrible Experience. A Geneva, Switzerinnd, despatch says: A man employed at an embroidery fac- tery at Wil, near St. Gal, was blown through the roof on Thursday by a ter- rifie explosion of acetylene pas. He ahghted on a part of the roof which was not injured ly the explosion and was Ieund sitling there in a dazed condition ty hiS rescuers. Otherwise he was not hurl The explosion demolfshed half the factory and blew a stone staircase eut into the street. The windows of neighboring houses were broken. The work-people were away at dinner. --_----_+--__--- 500 STEFL GONDOLAS. Canadian Pacific 'Awards Contract to Car Works at Montreal. Montreal despatch sayS: The Cana- dian Pueitic Railway Company on Fri- -}day awarded a contract to the Dormin- ion Steel Car Company, whose works are located here, for the construction cf 500 steel drop botiom gondolas. The ears are to be completed this porienpincl and will cost approximately $750, They will be the tof Steel cars rh constructed in Canad ts ene ene Se KING CHRISTIAN'S FUNERAL Kaiser, Will Spend Twenty-Four Hours in Copenhagen. A Copenhagen despatch says: The Kaiser will arrive on the evening of Feb. 17 for the funeral of King Christian, and will probably ieave on the evening of the next day. ee ae LOOTED THE MISSIONS. All the Occupants but One Englishman ped. A despatch from Shanghai says: The South -- Post's correspondent et Amoy Ww that a well-armed band cf rerarabouets looted and destroyed the mission premises at Changpou, near The sige escaped, ¢ cepling Rev. Mr. Oldham, an English Presbyterian, who is hiding in the Ya- men. The revolutionists are marchin toward Changchoofoo, the port of Amoy, a large cily 36 miles to the south-west of a SWINE IN THE ORCHARD. wine pastures in old orchards are not likely to do any harm unless they are expected to get a -- living from scanty growlh of g n suc they are likcly lo rae the bar' trees if possible. This they will invar- iably do in young orchards, and lions. they have one good feed a day while there, with one more good meal at the pen, morning night, Bccording to your own idea in this ma During the fruiting: een the swine -- eul many of the apples that fall and sone benetil from inet, as well as pe many insects; then their pings will carich the hay fent. If the pasturage in the -- is scanty one may cul rape and ca them or turn fem into the hs field onee dura the day, then into good grass pasture and permit them to use the orchard mainly for siiade, Always have a good supply of clean fresh drink- ing water in the pasture orchard, thus giving the swine the full benefit of the change from the open range. -----_---- ¢-----= FARM NOTES, scouring: materia! for farm ck dust and coal oil Emery dust may cal tools is _---- of bri mined fnte paste feria. be substituted for brie chust, Put fhe ; is eee ae E\periments 3 alice iat hae pte Tate tlowss best daa soll ohana ag srpp lied with all fertilizing: elemet In the early slages nitrogen is outs ularly de- manded, and hence a considerable part 007} of the nitrogen should be water soluble. formed, Later, when the (ubers are hoes So aa or phos- demand .scems cocks. construction Is to wid of the water and its bad effects. aS syslems of drainage are needed: first, lile drainage; a side ditches; third, surface drain- Wherever the ground is nate of tile ett pd uphill side o de ditch, =! a "ap of three to four vevses fi do -- coon acee do Oe do ard Te lo 186 Cheese_U neha nged, with a firm tone si for ei and 13c for twins. ons are unchanged et 24c ce new jaid, 17c for storage, and 15c for limed Po 'oultry--Choice dry picked are quoted: Fat chickens, 1c to lic, thin 7 to 8c; fat hens 7c to 8c, thin 6c lo 4; ducks 1c to 13e, thin 6e to 8c; geese, We to lic; turkeys, 14¢ to 15¢ for choice small lots. Dressed Hogs--The market is quoted nominally at $8.50 per cwl. for select car lots on track here. Potatoes--Prices unchanged. Ontario fic to 75c per bag on track here, 7c lo Se out of store: eastern, Te bo on track and 8c to Se out of store Baled Hay--No. 1 a per ton, tn car lols on track here; No. 2, 36. Baled Straw--Car lols on track here unchanged at 36 per a' pees , MONTREAL AL MARKETS. Montreal, Feb. 13.--Inquiry by ca! for Manitoba wheal was very light. Oats--No. 2, 4ic; No. 3, 400; No. Peas--79¢ f.o.b. per bushel Buriey--Manitoba No. 3, 47346; No. 4, i5dge to 4Ge. Corn-- American mixed, 53¢; No. 3 yelluw, 534¢e ex-trac flour--Manitohba spring wheat pat- ents, $4.60 to $4.70; strong bakers', $4.- 20, winter wines pen $4.25 blo $4.- "0, straight rollers, $4 to $4.10; do., in bags, SLND to $1.95; extrus, $1.65 to $1.75 >. illfeed--Manitoba bran in bags, $18.- Ag to . $ bran milled mouitle, 'sa - $24; Straight grain mouille, ed $27 per ton Rolle Onis Per bag, $2. 10 to $2.20. Cornimeal--$1.30 lo $1.40 per bag. Hay--No. $2.50 to $9; No. 2, $7.25 to $7.50; clover mixed, $6 lo $6.50, and pure clover, 36 per ton in car lots ge angen prices were unchang- ed at 13e lo 1334 Butler--Prices "generally are about . 22e lo We oe _ and 2140 cc for second qu 2he,: ta gs--Striclly fresh = selling at wi i Pa limed at 6c to 17c. =i Provisions--Heavy Canadian short { pork, $24; light ag cut, $20; Amerb hn short' oe $20; American eut cl {al back, $19 to $20; eaeaanal lard, sce to Te; Sanation ye Jer, 1 to} 12¢; kettle rendered, ns. be fo 133¢c, ace panting ts size; bacon,} 143c; fresh rgd oe dressed hogs,| $10 to $10.25; ntry bo £9.50; alive, $ 25 to $7.40; seloots and) mixed lots, { a { BUFFALO MARKET, } Buffalo, Feb. gsi ae A Bg i el dull; "Nort aye 9) %e, sag in store; Winter, Nong Corn--Duh but hard, 833 n_ store, firm; No. 2 mie oe No. 2 corn 2 white, oe 46%c. Oats--Strong; No. to ay ape a 2 mixed, 33%e. 'Shc Rye--Duill; No. 2 in eore: { ic to ae. NEW YORK MARKET. New . soe ok 13.-- Wheat -- Spe éasy; No. eli he clevator and 93%%c f.o.b. iatoat: 1 Northern Du- luth, 953¢¢ f.0.b. CATTLE MARKET, ' The run of cattle offering at he W Wos- | soak firm, everything being so! early. Export Cattle--Choiece are quoted at. $5; good to medfum at 84 to, He 50, ohare al $3.75 to $4, bulls at $3.50, to and cows ul $2.75 q Bulcher Catlle--Picked tots $4.40 to 4.60; good to choice, $5.10 to $4.40; fair to good, $3.50 7 common, $2.50 3; cows, $2.50 75, bulls, -% 25, and canners $1.75 to $2.50. Stockers and erat lo good feeders st $3.40 to 83.65; medium) ( $2.50 to $3.50, bulls va $2 lo $2. good slockers run at 82.80 50, rou to common at $2 to $2 rw and bulls a $1.75 to $2.50. Milch Cows--The a, is yg un: changed at a range of noah Calves-- Quotations are "sKe lo 7 1 oe? and Lambs- Sheep wem ee eady at $4.50 to & - export ewes $3.75 to $4.25) for bucks and cul bs ure fim, al $7. at for grain-fed and 85.50 lo $6.50 { mixed, Hogs--Unchanyes! at $6.50 per cw! selects and $6.25 for lights and fats, ene cee ANGLO-FRENCH ENTETE. Lonbet's Views Expressed fo Lon County Council. Vy wis despaleh says: President Lous ~ fet on Wednesday i received at the L ondon County Council, forts of Ring Edw a always been to cement the entente cor- diale between France and her powerfa ally, Gréat Brilain, He would. con his efforls in the interests of cord and humanity. He prop health of King Edward and Queen Alex- andra, and wished unbounded prospert! to the great, glorious and noble Bri nation, +----- Gertnan newspapers havo capped somewhat altered ne respect i Moroccan 'conference. Germany's to avold a rupture with France 66 undeniable, si ewl, for} aie

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