Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 2 Feb 1906, p. 1

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VOL. XXIX.--NO. 1 vY. FEB. 2, 1906 7 ' t Pe aa ae a dite eit e WALTER BROS. FRIDAY ie i ee _ CHRIST CHURCH. - Rev. 0. H. Bushland, Rettor Sth Sunday after ) ee SUNDAY, FEB TES es munion and Serm .--Choral £ a Tem ® . f epbeit od ony 2 é . a] oa = ae ae ee Oo 2 we Ae te eee er FSR y 7a bah 1 | gpa nines ig Tg Me oe rhe Pay la iE a i a lt eel a ee ee a ee ee a BEING ~ FAIR DAY we will put forth every effort to make it profitable to. ¢yery man, woman and child who will avail them- selves ofthe opportunity of seeing some of the Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in Listowel. We have just finished stock-taking and find many lines which we will turn into money fast, if the price has anything to do with it, 25 MEN'S OVERCOATS, Be ee a Me te et at of --_-- ---- =. eel Mtl a ee ee Se er ae i = aS Ne ee ae Ese ee ee ee D. Anthem---W bfist Their Piashe psrish - thie day, it lp eens * this parish MANNELL HOUSE, AT. STATION' ~ =" Grandas 1 afan Cigars. ~ It is a sign of Havana Quality. The - Store - on - the - Corner. IT SAVES FOR YOU By Investing in Furs at the Golden Lion. HU! - {Fy if ayaa te, G . Sale of Men's. Fur Coats and Caps? Bale of Ladies' Fur Coats, Ruffs and Muffs. 2 THOSIPSON, . .PEOPLE'S.CASH STORE. . SIGN OF THE GOLDEN. LION. Hi est P tices: 'paid in Cash or Trade for Hg Eggs, Poultry, Dried Apples, etc. Oe Social Mix, Old Chum, ollard's. acelin TOBACCOS. - Heidsieck, Beaver, Pommery, , Black Thorn, Seal Skin, Dixie, mavens. tag, s, British Navy, Prince of Wales, Honde's Spun Roll. CIGARTTES. new and correct in style, to be cleared out at manu- ; _ Manufactured, by Granda Her- facturers' prices, , os Y. Ca., Montreal, rand sell in in Listowel by f. S. Howe and ; R the ARLINGTON HOTEL. Boys' Overcoats the same. } (tees eeeeees : b sALL FUR COATS . _--_ -§ ----JUST IN---- at almost your own price, from $12.50 up. AT THE The finest Wool Blankets at-55¢. per lb. Remnants of Dress Goods, ranging from $1 to $2, 4 KING EDWARD. to o clear at 12 1-2c. { r A, full and complete stock of We also wish to emphasize the fact that t ioe feo consisting of the follows ~% = , We Have All Our Spring Prints and Dress ¥, SMOKING TOBACCOS. ao = * Goods in Stock. Foe ; ogitutts Chop Gut Myrtle Cuts & Be | will ive ns ple ure! ve 2 yer ie ae see Wy eae =them. : ik sh Co - : - | Player's Navy ett TB 30s tte and i p ae Seal o North Csi olina, go WALTERBROS, §)iih Gente ir fe . a] Clubb's $ 'Mix, y son ri Masts 1 oe Gold, 4 é Yildiz, x ildiz Magnums, Osborne, Melachri = a Pioneer, Mogul, "Cor sm a, aroece oo De Rose, Bardeneles, Bock, Ca., Union Jack, Srosin. High Life, "Sweet Capers, Old Gold, Virginia Brights. CIGARETTE TOBACCOS. Sweet Ca a. Pid ind aor Cc. Not Bail Durbam, Also a complete mormen rad "Fies, Pouches, Cigar Cases, ct A fo aol line of Dewetie and Imported F. S. HOWE, Proprietor of the gine Edward Cigar Store and Barber S CHANGES and IMPROVEMENTS Goldsmith's 'and Diamond Hall. ae ae During the alterations we are selling our Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Cut Class and ' SPECIAL DISCOUNT. It is a good time'to buy when 1 the money, second-hand CASH REG STER in good working order for sale cheap at GUNTHERS Goldsmith's' ~ H o--Mesers. A..and T, McDowell and Peet, er hy d both services being the fourth nad scape ret RE-OPENED. Everything new' Sewellof.B up-to to-date. Choicest Wines, Liguots ® position 'with Mr, ehioe repairer.' He Phone 79. NN. STEWART, digr. commended. a {j2ee P. 8: Bove Howe of tf inate! 9 compte Toc ontit in his barber ebé cemcharm, -~ Mies Drummond a. Nowatiier i and ~ Diamond |.» all. os sing @ sacred solo iu-s Church on Sunday m in a Obureh in the: ore be exbual necting r Pune Oo. will be' held, evening next, ok fost: the Company at the piag Any. repairs left at Ho will be promptly at * Z Messre J. W. avd Thos Akt syl¥e- turntd to their homes; dul Ree ville lust week after attending: fare t brother, the lates t The Baptist Annivereds: etviees on. Sunday fast were w Evangelist Van Sickle -¢ ae servicer, and is cortinuings. ro weeks revival in the chatch." Ce ree oS Mr. Conred Miller of & tion was in town on ¢ onday, having come eral of the late Adam { an uncle of his wife. Mr. George Hess, Go tome, Stratford, _bod Gravenhurst, "were i day last, atter - theft-b - » ae held ts the rink on Mecday Dight was a gratifying success, and the W. A. of Onriet @burch netted over $50 in receipts. Another Carni- val is being arranged fpr the evening of St, Valevtine's day. ;) Cand or THanxs.--Mre. Whaley, Trowbridge, wishes to thank ber mafy trivods both in town and country for their kindnese aud sympathy durigg the illness and death of her hueband, the late Ieaao Whaley. . Carp or THanxs.--Mr. and Mra, A. B. George desire to convey their thanks to théir many friends for the Kindness and sympathy shown fhem Auriug the illness of their child, Maxie, and io their sore bereavement. Dissolution Sale now on at Zilliax & ee Stoves, Tinware. Hardware, e . Ti , going at bargain prices. counts owing the ies must be settled at once, Oo the ground that Joho Haid, of Wellesley, had aseeverated to the fact that David Hergott, also of Wellesley, stole sheep, the latter bas issned a writ against the former, through Scollan avd Weir, of Berlin, claiming unstated damages. Bann Conoent.--There will be a band concert and hockey match in the rink to-night. The hockey mutch will be between the bavkers and clerke and will start at 7.80. Skating from 8 80 The band will furnish musio for the skaters. Admission 10c. Mr. Jobp Fallarton of Toronto wes in town on Monday. aljarton is axon of the late Thomas Fallarton of Elma, and is one of the podlishera of The Music and Trades Journal, a monthly publication whichis rapidly coming to the front ag s masic journal and an exponent of'trades allied there- with, OLF IN Jancany,--Some a ba embers of the Listowel Golf Clab wefe oat on Friday ond bad a game. were in prime condition, aod ths eum- jer eportsa--minus the jrhite pante and shirt weists--enjoy the game immensely. Kipling's ['Lend of Snowe" isn't in it thie winter by o long chalk. .. ¢ Passep with Honons.--Mr,. W. W. Livingston, son of Mra. J. Livingston, Main Street, successfally passed his third year law-examinations at Osgoode Hall, he being one of the ig mor men. Mr. Livingston, ,; » Pagderstand, ie formiog & waentile "with @ law firm in Winnipeg, where jt is his intention to follow hie profession, Deatu or Mus, Wrrree's Motuzn.-- Mre. B. Witter ra Guelph, .formérly of Listowel, was called to New York: = telegram on Thursday of last week, to attend the funeral of* ves mother, wae. diets s Ceuta ~Fol- the meeting of the Grand Ghap- tr opal Arch Masons, at Toronto iast w the Grand 'First Principal | ed officers, V. H- Comp. E. O. Thornton, a@ one of the rnton is Royal an enthusiastic de- Be: Mr, T. T. Mann, travelling sgent pe '} turnout of members.is requested, '}ebration of the Boyne Anniversary will _| sis0:com 8 Bothwell, County Maste : B 4 for Maryborough township, includ "> Well n-oconpty ; Henry Schnei- der, Gis let: George E. Love, Leb- . as Faulkner, Moorefield ; chard Philp, Rotheay ; George ce Broo ee, oareaeas Robert Hamil- ~ Diokson,.Moorefield ; Richard Samyel .Glenallen ; 5 William on Moorefield ; {William Richards, Drayton. a, sreuine, of last week, after nearly a [j.stadt, Germany, in 1845, and came to ~4 Uniscountty with his parents when a- ny ee att gees old. 'The family set- | Byétowel, thé three brothere, George, =| William. abd: 'ade pages. @ partner- 'ship and star manafaoture : Soemite 8 e "the Mail and Empire, was in town t wesk soliciting an nbsctiptions for Can- d phical and statistics! obarts which offered to bot reser =A weekly 6 certainly re ¢ awaive 'of the mo remained: here for | and has: Gens eon to} - bint DAVID McKENZIE of rolling, twisting high above -- level of rot over the pote Sek Nonta 'P. hi de abnnal bare of the Cog hale 8 Pesth Lt be. beldin election of officers and aloe pon business 'with be- transacted, 2 leene he 'selection of a place-for holding the cel- e-up for ne pa = Pollosing isthe oumplete list of J. 4 in the new commission issued for 'tap, Riverbank; James McEwing, rs nam Burrows, Drayton ; John Pattersov, Moorefield ; George Mooré, Ro theay ; Richard Harrington, Rothesay ; William 'McCormick, THE LATE E ADAM HESS, 'The Remains Brought to Listowel and "interred in Fairview Cemetery, » With" Impressive Masonic and ~ Workmen Services, 'The death of -_ Adem Hees, aacnounced in last week's Standard, occurred at Palmerston on Wednesday ear's illness with an internal cavoer, e whe deceased was born in Hesee-Darm- in, and in 1867 removed to ted Gnaen thesabne: of | back ame u ba re the twent: odd Years 'thet the Bros. continued in business here the town made rapid growth, the firm employing between ove and two hun- dred hands. In 1889 the firm went ont of busivese, and Mr. Adam Hess sab- equeptly engaged in lumbering in the Parry Sound district, About ten years ago the family removed to Pal- merston, where the deceased purchased ihe Hess House, which he conducted until a year ago, when ho retired from business. His wife, formerly Miss Kate Lienhardt of Wallace, anda fam- ily of five eons aud one daughter sur- zive him. The daughter, Mre. Ham- mond, is tiviug with her mother. pitas are, Theodore, of Chicago ; Ed- ard, of Neepawa ; and Oscar, Henry and Lawrence, of Palmerston. Mr. George Hesse, Collector of Oustoms, Stratford, and Mr. Wm. Hess of Gra- venburst, are brothers of deceased, and Mre. Peter Koapp of Berlin is a eister. The deceased was a staunch Oonserva- tive, and was also identified with some of the fraternal societies. He had beev a member of Bernard Masonic lodge for over thirty years, and was also a chart. er member of Listowel !odge A. O. The funeral tock place on Sunday afternoon last, the remains being brought to Listowel for interment. The Masonio order was in charge. Be- sides thé representatives of the Listo- wel aud Palmerston lodges, a large number of friends accompanied the remains, and at the entrance to the cemetery the cortege was met by the members of Bernard lodge and brethren from Harriston, the Workmen also turning ont in a body. Rev. Mr. Smith of Palmerston condacted the funeral services at the grave, after which the impreseive Masonic ritual Workmen's services were pro- nounced over the deceased brother. ENDED HIS LIFE WHILE MENT- ALLY DERANGED, omex --L,-0, ri Ker L. 'construction, and Samuel Amey, of the at work, bakers been pugaged foes sees Pees to put ay aes the following fartioulars of the atressing "Accident which occurred that morning on the aaah and God- erioh By., in which Mr. David Mo- Kenzie of this town and Condactor Mshony 'wero killod, and two ,othere injured: - TMB DEAD. Timotny Manorty, conductor of a train ; home at. London, ot home at Listowel THE INJURED. Samvuen Amey, foreman of Canada Foundry Oo. works, Toronto Junction, and euperintendent of construction at the Graud River bridge. RED Syxoxs, brakeman or co struction train, Guelph, seracily of 'Toronto. A fatal and disastrous accident oc curred on the Guelph and Goderich railway construction at the Grand Riv- er crossing this morning, wherein, by the constroction track giving way, one long bridge girder and the big derrick car were upeet down the bank, and two men, Conductor Mabuney aod section foreman MoKenzie were killed, and bridge foreman Amiey and brake- man Symons were eetiously injured. A gang of men; with George Corby as Guelph and Goderich foreman of Canada Fouhdry Compbagt? ppronte, which had-the.eontrec' the irov ae supétintendent of bridge Davrp MoKenzm,. sectiou foreman ; | i peates to be badly "eryshed about one ce was at once tele- afterwards decided to bring the injured men and the bodies to 'Gu 'where they arrived about ten o'c The ambulance convered the injured men to ee tal. the Genera Foreman goon! a wife and fam- ily at Toronto ction, and is pe with his men. His condition is paral, ee stomach and intestines be- . Fred. Symons and the late D. McKenzie raf bout two car lengths, and were almost clear when caught. Symons, like McKenzie, was knocked by the rails up in the air, and turned A en, eral scalp wounds, and his left forearm was so badly smashed by the rails that it had to be amputated at the Hospital. An inquest will be -- : the_ police court room to-night, before Coroner Dr. en McKinnon. Word of Mr. McKenzie's death wa telphoned to Rev. J. S. Hardie of Recr Church on Wednesday morning, and it : reak the melan- choly news to his wife on daughter, ho were d ted thereat. e ins were brought to Listowel on the 1,15 train yesterday from Guelph, and rnoon at 2.30 from Nag family dence, Richmond street.. The sistent ofthe Btidge pe rhe arsed: will big oe ps: Bey oe Pe as the. ne : pretty solid vith the frost and eas resists the strain of the heavy machin ery and girders, and the operation of lifting. But this winter has not been an ordinary winter, aud the gang bas been greatly bothered wand delay- ed by the soft track and the soft wea- ther. The girders are 105 feet long and weigh 40 tons each, while the erecting car, ballast oar, and the en- gine, made up about 160 tons weight The total track weight this morning was about 200 tons, 'The parallel gird ers of the short span, 65 fest long, on this side of the river, were put in witb- out serious difficulty, but when the long middle girdere were attempted the track close to the bridge sank a couple of times on the south side. On Monday afternoon everything was ready for the left hand long girder of the middle span, but the wind was too high. Yesterday afternoon, however, they succeeded iu putting in thie left hand girder of the second span in half an hour, and the track appeared all right. Preparations was made to put in the second or right hand half of the second or middle span this morning. The girders lie nine feet apart on the bridge. The track on the dump was blocked up with timbers on both sides, but the south side was looked upon as the weak side owing to the track hav- ing gone down on that side twice, This morning the ang with Mr. Amey in charge, and <a Leith as oreman of construction i It was a py Pry car aarned el close to car and loaded with 100 oe oe erection with the gi er cnn tative tt it, while the men h_ bank, th dered the more Mr. Geotge Riddell of Mornington Havge Himself. A very ead event occurred in Morn- ington on Sundsy morning last, when Mr. Georae Riddell, one of the earl settlers of the township, ended bis life by hanging himself in hie barn while in a state of mental aberration. For: pome time past he had shown signs| the of mental weakness, and the family had kept s watch over him. On San- day morning Mra. Riddell and one of the sons went to the North Mornington Churoh, leaving Frank, another ean, home-with his father. ' The latter, who been reading, got up, saying he was going ont tothe barn. The son told Bim he would go along and assist him, and followed after, some { horrified to find hie father 'had com- mitted auigide by hanging. He im- mediately cut the rope and did all he d-to restore him to lite, bat with- on avail. -The other members of the ly were eent for, 'and the sad -- quickly spread and caused a the community, the @ecessed balon respected by everybody. who knew him Corowa Philp of Listowel was namnees t oo over thi an for life. x le his .second Pare bridge for safety, , only this ver ; eee bo and Sa He was a quiet and "in-° dustrious man and was by all who knew him, mS a widow, leaves two sons rig he one daughter. The eldest son, Ernest, has a positionon the Great Northern Ry. in Minnesota. The second son, Irvine, is just finishi a oa at tolegraphy t in page and the daughter, Jessie, is at home with her mo' The family "i the commun- the distress- ity's heartfelt sym "i fallen them. ing sorrow which DEATH OF MR, JAMES T, NICHOLS, --oO-- Inland Revenue nice at Walkerton. Mr. W. H. Hicks, of the Inland Revenne service, town, received word Saturday moroing that Mrs. Hicks' father, Mr. James T. Nichols, Collector of Inland Revenue at that town, had died onthe previous evening. Mrs. Hicks had been in Walkerton for sev- eral days, and Mr. Hicks and the other members of the family went up on Sat- arday to attend the fuueral, which took place on Monday afternoon. Mr, Nichols had been in poor health for some weeks, and underwent an opera- tion at the Walkerton hospital, from which he was progressing favorably until pneumonia and throat paralysis set in, from which his system was un- able to rally. The deceased was 73 yeare of age, and had been connected with the Inland Revenue service oer over thirty years, 6 was 8 son the late William Nichols of Guelph and spent bis early daysic that ~vity. In May, 1873, he entered the Ibland events service under Oollector Gow of Guelpb, having previously been employed by the Department as tem- porary officer in the days when illicit a distilling wus rife, and o La part in mavy seizures, He w to Palmerston in the early "30's sets after- wards to Walkerton, where he acted as Deputy Colleotor. 6 was & mort carefuland efficient officer, and wag deservedly held in bigh esteem by the Department and thoxe who knew him throaghout an honorable career. Mr. Nichole was an advocate of healthy and manly eport. Jo his younger days he was an enthusiastic Ctioketer, and was also catcher and captain of the famous Maple Leaf nine when that club won the amateur ~ | championship of Canada in 1869, later years he took much interest in lawn bowling, and wag an adeptat the game, asthe Listowel bowlera well | daughters, Mrs, Hioks of town being the eldest daughter. His son is man- ager of a Bank at Gladstone, Man. HENFRYN. : On Saturday, Jan, 27th, Mrs. Car- son, beloved wife af Mr. David Car- aon of the 7th concesaion Grey, passed away after an- illnese. of nearly three years with lung trouble. Deoeased's maiden name was Martha Jane Mason, nod she wasa daughter of the late he was wards the engine, | ie about soft, and Mahoney kept going down and] place on Munday afternoon to the [pes Sg an anal ad he and a 8th line coasebery. Ima, gra wee enzie. were gio ~. | very largely atten iv. Mr. thrown froin the ballast Car. Meack gate of Atwood conducted the services, sie, ne have bean within a foot of | Mr. Carson has the bh of many patty ¥ when he waa caught by the friends in his berea "Medical assis phoned for fro aie Elmira, but it was - ow. . He Jeaves a widow, one sonandthree ~ ee 7 idee BELED Sor Tota td see 'In a 'Disaster on the | oat is te. "Three's HeKena | Makooey, "some . 0} Ancol ounce ck engine onde) the dexper hy rusk for life, Symaes - was caught ailway ' by.a rai il, but was t overfun by . é ALSO Brana car ewan cy ie Me er a me And. Two | Ditters" Seriously In- | being to off and hislege broken, "See~ ped tioa McKenzie was carried -u is Jnred to the top of the bank, and he a: | east Stites OG Bettie Coustruce |toebe ten tent eben ke ter se tion Train With i Fetal Results. | ff the top. Superintendent Amey, who itor ease I The Guelph Mieeney of Wednesday | brakeman on e cohsttuftion-train; ap-

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