Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 13 May 1904, p. 8

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WALL PAPERS LIVINGSTONE'S. You will yet the prettiest Patterns in all Colors and de- signs from PER ROLL AND UPWARDS. Call and see them. . J. Livingstone, jr.|« Ticket Agent Can. Pac. Ry. Co. BANK" HAMILTON] 1 $ 2,200,000.00 Surrivs fot t $ 2,000,000.00 Toran Assets * $28,500,000.00 ESTABLISHED 1872. * HED OFFICE : HAMILTON. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. LISTOWEL BRANCH ESTABLISH- ED 3! YEARS. -DIRHOTORS: HON, WM, GIBSON, President,' JOHN PROCTOR, GEO. BR AOH; 'A.B, LEE, JOHNS.HENDR) M.P.P. 4 GFU. RUTHERFoRD. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres, & Gen, Mgr. A, M. WATSON, Inspector, se BRANCHES Se SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of S and upwards received and oe allowed current ne and added to principal st June and lst Decem No I tecesalities, ma no delays in drawing c. Oarrrat, Par Ur - ' J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES: Listowel, Palmers and Clifford, also with J. A. Ha "ye vhcaat Forest and Shelburne. A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all partsof the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. current rate of interest allowed. A large amount of private funds to lend on 8 farm security at 4% per cent., with privilege of repaying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued, ]. W. Scorr & Son. JAPS ADVANCING. Russians "Retreating. Neuictiwresnd Evacuated, and Japs Marching on Hai-Cheng. Buried 1,400 Russian Dead, Tokio, May 8,--Every supplemental report received from General Kur ki, commanding tje first Japanese army, :ncreases ussians' casual- ties in last Sunday's battle at Chiu- tiencheng, on the u Kiver, The Ja ese have uried about 1,400 Russians and have 5U3 of the enemy's in the field hogpitals, It is estimated that the total Russian casualties exceed 2,000. Over 300 Russian prisopers are en route to Matsuyama, where they are expect- ed ta arrive on Wedn ° A Terrible Death Roll. St. Petersburg, May 8.--The Em- eceived a despatch from liench The report stutes that Major-General Kashtalinsky w as in- jured in thé head by a stone The brunt of the fighting, General Sus- suliteh says, was borne by _-- llth and 12th Regiments. General Sas- sulitch confirms the ceports of the enormous wortality among the ar- tillery Lorsesa, and concludes his re- port :-- "Qur losses on April 30 und May 1 altogether amounted to 70 super- jor and subaltern officers apd 2,324 men killed, wounded or ta Of this total 1,081 were, left but it is*not known whether they were killed or wounded. ln consequence of the heavy losses in men and battery horses, ami the in the road- less country, it was absolutely im- possible to bring away the guns and machine gun Russians E Newchwang, May 1, is every indication sians have decided to evacuate New- ri- board trains. All the locul transportation has" been comman- deered by the Russian authorities. There is current 'here a pative ru- mor that Japanese troops are in 'Foo- chau Bay (on hn weat side of the Liaotung pepi and about 60 miles north of Port. Arthur) but 'this report lacks confirmation, Washington, May 8.--The Japanese Legation bas received the following official despatch dated Tokio, May 8:--" Kuroki, commandant of the first army corps, r rts that on May our cavalry detachment dispersed the enemy at Fengwang- cheng, which was immedjately oc- pied by our infantry detachment. The enemy burnt ammunition before eva- paper ng renee stronghold. of the in the adjoining forests and villages continue to come in and surrender. pla It is believed that the total casualties of the en Ox- 3,000, Investing Port Arthur, army, which landed on Liao- that a ger yr f 'the enemy, Occupied Pulantien on May 6, and destroyed the railway and cut off aaa communication witb Port Arthur > DUTY ON SOFT COAL Many Boards of Trade Endorse Resolution for ite Removal. Ottaws, May 10.--Mr. Ocecil Beth- une, secretary of the Ottawa Board of Trade, bas received replice from aev- eral Boards of Trad resolution Je by board on April 6 last, memorislizing the Gov- coal. bich have so far favored the ponstulhon are: rdea, Man.; Por La Prairie, Man.; Vir- tage committed den, Man; a " the following piaser' - On we the murder of Mr. Ben- ernment to remove thé os ety on soft | T- The--boarde--w FARMERS BUSINESS 'er Notes of responsible farmers sale notes collected and advances made thereon, COLLECTION DEPARTMENT every facility for making prompt returns at low- sire AFTS bought and sold on any part of tbe saat RRESPONDBATS jn'all parts of Can- ada, United States and Great Britain, BANKING BUSINESS of all kinds trans- acted on most favorable terms. rres- pondence solicited. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. B, FORSAYETH Agent, Listowel. Girl Killed By A Bullet: igary, N. -W. Tv, May 10.--Rath Hartley, aged 10 years, while playing in the yard back of her father's house on Saturday morning was shot in the neck, The ball severed the jugular ing The girl died about midnight last night. The'person who fired the shot is unknown. The bullet came from a rifle, and it is thonght: must have travelled a considerable distance and was just about spent, Presentation To Bishop Sweatman. "Toronto, May 10.--The clergy of the Toronto Dioceee made a presenta- tion to Bishop Sweatman this morning in celebration of his 25th year ae Bishop. A handsome episcopal ring, with an amethyst bearing the Bishop's own arms and the arms of the diocese, ~ presented by ype Boddy, dan illuminated address was rea iy | Arohdenoon Allen of Millbrook, op bebalf of the clergy. ONTARIO FRUIT PROSPECTS. Great damage Done to the Trees by the Severe Frosts, Toronto, May 10.--It is learned at the Boreau of Industiiis at the Par- pects for the fruit oro seaBodD are very poor. remarkably severe winter and the preyalence of mice have proven disastrous to the or- chards. Reports from the Niagare district indicate a scarcity of peaches, Many of the orcbards have been ruin- ed by the frosts. Grapes, plams and peaches have aleo euffered. In Lin- colu a fruit grower lost 200 trees out of alot of 2,000 MURDERED HIS SISTER. « as While She Was Il] in Bed He Beat Her to Death With » Whip and a Piece of Wood. Rosthern, N.-W. T., May 10.--The body of Victorive Schuster, the ten- year-old girl murdered by ber brother, Joho, aged twelve, at Dead Moose Lake, 8 month ago, was brought to Rosthern last Saturday afternoon, At (he ingnest on Monday, John Sobus- ter, father of the child, stated that he knew nothing of the occurrence until told by bis daughter Margaret. He was absent at the time. Margaret and Andrew, children of John Schuster, testified to prisoner firat etriking Vio- torive, who was ill in bed, with a whip, and then attacking ber with a poker. He bad aleo previously beat- en her with a whip and a piece of wood io the absence of her father. He plete Margaret with a beating { she told the father. The prisoner was asked the ueual questions, bat re. plied that he had nothing to say in regard to the evidence, BOTH LEGS CUT OFF. STUMBLED AND FELL IN FRONT OF A STREET CAR WHILE RE- TURNING FROM SCHOOL AT KINGSTON a, May 9 --A shocking acci- dent occurred at 4 o'clock this alt- ernoon ant the street railway junc- tion at the corner f and Union streets. J. eorge Shortt hy ten-year-old son of Prof. Shortt ueen's University, ne pteed the as just d had ainens the tracks in front of an approaching . It is eaid he dr dis band kerchief and suddenly turned back thinking the iam " ~ before the car reac. tripped and ed over his e attention to his bleeding lance was soon board the war, and _ Poer§ Jad. preventing Nine coal cars were wrecked on H. & B. near Hamilton, and traffic was blocked about twelve hours. Johnson George, the esiebell. man, was for trial at Windsor for Williams. the By-laws to raise $200,000 for i wahen- worke and $20,000 for a naj ---- ing were carried &t Portage. la liament Buildings here that the pros- |. OF CANADA. Capital Paid-up $8,000,000.00 Surplus -- Total Asse $2. .86 $29,818,672.00 ESTABLISHED 1876. T. BR. Merri at aad Gem D; & Wilkie, Vie HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Branches in Ontario, Mani- toba, North West caro and British Oolumbia, ae ited, pr GREAT AT BEXT ATS --Lioxé: eney 2 ry aspeeuet Landon. (vith whos let ian See ed Cenk Tester LISTOWEL BRANCH. reotty od and interest added to principal twice SPECIAL, attention given to the discounting of D BOLD, svailable ag. all --_ nited States and a MONEY CHOKES lnouod-payable in Fa grt #10, rey elo te te $20, 100; a. ARKELL, Manager. 8, 8. NO. 2, ELMA,. The following is the re 8. No. 2, Elma, for the month of -- Iv.--Bert Cleland, Nellie Cle- sand, John Travis, Clarence McMinn, Jr. --Mary Cowing, aaa Cogh- 4 «t of 6. oa l1.--Olive Cleland, Andrew Newbigging, Robert Gray, Blanche Jr. Ul--Alex Gray, Violet Brock, Lawson Coghlin, Frank Gray, us. sel ae Nina -- Sr. U.--Jobn gam Hasiilt ton, Andrew Mckeev i, Erneet Newbig- gi, Charlie Mitchell, Ethel Porter- mee Annie Lochhead, Ed. rtin. - -- Bertha Hrock, Maxwell park, Jimmie Cleland, ' Pt. Jim Hardie, | sane ashen in, a --_-- a nae GTON. The council at oD Monday, May 2nd at Donnelly' 3 * pall. Seeniain all cation trom the ery Co,; al Registry Office for Registering Raii- way By-laws; account from A. M. Panton, no action, .The Reeve laid ag e the-council a letter from J, ve see ua solicitor. ene Mr, Tillies' complaint, -- Reeve was authorized sue the following orders: W. Turnbull, $2.00, for drain ucross road; D. D. Hay, be ora by-law; W. T. ice op Poole J, Watson, $15.00, fees on kly drain. Mov y S. Burnett, second- ed J. G. Uamilton, that the ten- opni for abutments for ninth line bridge.--Carried. oved 8. Burnett, seconded J. G. Hamilton, Pei tender ot-Fr e er for DIDth dine. by, J. G, Hamilton, that the clerk be auth- orized to get a by-law for the Hun- ter drain and that it _be printed and copy nf upon mectise ae fan . Burnett, G. Hecnilton that this council ola a court of Revision on the Hunter Drain assessment on = third Mon June,--Carri Moved by G. Hamilton, secon by J. Burnett, that 50 acres of Co ons be changed from third line to blind line for sot labor.--Car- ried. Mo - Hamilton, bs con by 8, Dacasit, that this co cil adjourn to meet first Minter ts in June for Court of Revision and oth- er business.--Carried. J. WATSON, Clerk. -- The loss by fire at Fernie will amount to $750,000, with insurance of about one-third that amount. A Bright Schelar, Teacher-- Do you know anything about algebra? Bertle Young--Please, teacher, I do. It's a mule what is cov- with stripes. I saw one at @ cir- The average man will die for want ef air in five minutes; for want of water in a week; for want of sleep In ten days. Take a good book slowly. You sce much finer country in a mover's wago't than you do from a car window. LIStuWkKL MAKEETS. May Wheat, per bushel Standard... Peas, do... Sug BS ro09 03S aaa SSSSlSasVeseuaasses 8B me SSSUSSSsSsrcer PURO Owe ntwens SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT -- Deposits i mh want dothes that will ve you only the lee in wear ft and eish Mites that ourself but your friends, clothes that ive you the distinctiou of being a perfectly dressed tat i a toa store that makes a specialty of making | (Never such } ik Word \About Shirts. ; Th O wel as well. tra fashionable dressers Jenkins, ws sit not onl such cl Never sp wide a range Never such surprising values. isa quality, style-and big value in our shirts, The mere thought of a-new shirt will suggest this store as the best and safest place to Select it, styles never pleased the best dressers of Listo- They include the latest novelties tbat ul- to date 75¢. $1, 1.25 and 1.50. NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Agency Persian Steam Laundry Co. at choice patierns demand, every shirt right up- TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER,. RAND TRUNE RAILWAX BY8- GRAN Galt $17.50 to Worlds ee Bais, St. Loius. ou should te: take oe of A this low rate now, when the Exposi- tion is at ite best. En come you will the ilege o k, which is od Popular Route to the World's re For tickete and full particulars ap- Herold Laugham, a young Englith- sigh was killed at' Hamilton while try- to board a moving traiv eae Buckler, Grand Trank con- ductor, of Hamilton, was killed by fall- ing between care, near Stony Oreek. COURT OF REVISION. TOWN OF oF LISTOWEL. The first sitting of the of the Court of Revision to any Grand Trunk Agent or to ply = eD onald, District Passenger sem. Torenta, : BORN. McCONKEX--In Mornington, on the 9th bg Tugs wife of R. {MoCon- key WRANK--Ia "tow on the 10th ital, the wife of Wm. Frank, of a ae ENDT--In Trowbridge, on Lhe lith mat., ithe wife of Henry, Wendt, a son. DIED. - DIERLAMM---In 'Wallace, Evangelical Parsonage, on Hoffmann, the wife of aged 58 years, 5 moriths and 1 day g | Executors Notice to Credi-|* tors Brecutors Notice to. "Credit ora of OLDRIN 4. HER, late of abe. _ Towns' ship o' Py Connty of Perth. 'armor, @ Notice is hereby given 1 parecant ttothe Statutes fae t behalf that that all creda rs and others having the said Oldrin 7 on, olavones S amdooesy that-atter Méy 3°th. 01 of the sald a having rega claims of which they many an they will not beliable fo distriba to an ve notioe, "peree® distribu' Dated ed "May, 1901. GEO. FISH By J. CECIL BAMILTON, 'Their Solicitor, of fine, in of their claims, and of th¢ security (if any) he td her rs may distribute oi fot ratate | , May she provers of tle exta te hood claim they nag not notice et Any time of auch JOHN FISHER, {nescaton for the Town of Listowel will i held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Wednesday evg. June rst, '04 at the hour of 8o'clock, The Asseashent Roll is in my office and open for ape VM. BRIGHT, Clerk. Listowel, ey Moe NOTICE. The Court of Revision ye) Of the. Asaessmint Roll of the TOWNSHIP OF WALLAC ii Hal the year 1904 will kod held in the To Saturddy, th e 28th day of May _ conic cing at the hour of ten 6 clock m ssesment Roll was lodged in the Clork Ms office ois the time Ae tah vy law, wince lt, canbe examined b rate- G. ROBERTS, Check. paye Shipley, May 4th, 1904. VICTORIA DAY MAY $24TH. ; ~ fos, with full particnlary smal ball a Round arip, ing "Méy 21, 22, 23 and Mth | valid a renening 7 inti * Wednesday, Qath., aa The Great at World's Fair Sy. LOUIS. CPTICIAN, OF ELORA, - will be at the |T. P. SMITH, Queen's Hotel TUES. MAY 17 ONE DAY ONLY. $17.10 Good 15 Days With op over privileges at any interme§ate Canadian Station, also at ecroit and Chicago. --_----9---- ckets, Illustrated Litera- barding World's Fair, and Listowel's Greatest Store. J.M. SCHINBE SATURDAY } MAY 14th 500 yds. of Prints, wash goods, of odds and ends, reg. price from 12%c, to 20 Saturday and Monday your choice for 5c. 800 yds. of Dress Goods, in all makes and quality, reg. price from 3oc, to 75c. Satur- day and Monday your choice from roc. to 25c. per yd. Bed Spreads at 59c. Gloves at 5c. a pair. Veiling 'at 5c, per yd. Lace at 1c. a yard. - MEN'S AND LADIES' LINEN COLLARS from 2c. each and upwards. BOYS' CAPS from roc. each upwards. LACE CURTAINS from 25c. a pair and upwands. We are clearing out other TWO SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS, Smee : MONDAY# and: 16th Men's Suits, odd lines, regular price from $8 to $12. Saturday ands Monday your choice for $5. Men's Suits, Coat 'and Trousers only, in blue and grey striped, regular price price $5 to $8. Saturday and Monday your cholve for $3.50. Men's Hats. We have picked out of our regular Stock all odd lines, ~ good shapes, regular price from $1.25 to $3. Saturday and Monday your choice for 50c. . lines at great reduction. Call on us Saturday and Monday for Bargains. J. M. SCHINBEIN. OF TORONTO WILL BE AT Si "MAY QUEE ormer ap ce by erp Prof. pearan Theylare m curejfor chronic cold in the ene and catarrh, bear no trace of artificiality information, apply to HACKING, Town Agent. A. A SMITH, Ticket Agent. IS COMING TO LISTOWEL, LADIES--I you « ate the added charm ai cuncer 6 ent to the y having bra beautiful hair, do not full to see ass0 ment of Swritehes, tions in captiene nba Wao ARE BALD Even though you are bald or partially so you can Doren wend's bie and Ti nagar made to match spy ehade of hair. They Prof. ---- S two latter visits were prevented, the former by | the snow blockade and the latter by the recent big fire in 0 : Will be here sure on Friday, May 20th. : ee a PROF. DORENWEN [> Be GREATEST HAIR GOODS ARTIST 1N AMERICA. Sor the trations your a protect e head a They are perfectly mud bo the ll and Prof. Dorenwénd will take measure menta and demonstrate the merits of his Wigs. Don't Forget the Day and Date FRIDAY, MAY 20TH, TO LEFT any reliable persun have BALLBEAR- ING WASH- ING CHINES: for week ei Seow deposit or advance pay- is surely our worker. For cata this generous THE BACH SPECIALTY Co. 355% Yonge 3t. Toronto, Unt- Dept. L 9 ] | el that fail to see OUR UP-TO-DATE SPRING STOCK better value in of Gardén and Pruning Tools. THE FAMOUS BROCKVILLE LAWN MOWERS and Ramsay's Celebrated Paints. DES B. GE Up-to-date Hardware Va AIS WZ RRY. > ~ AALS PPA Wright & Thompson, }. Listowel's | Cash ¢ ie "e. A Magnificent Expc of Spring and Summer Merchan...-e. jon. ment complete in everyline. Highest, Prices Paid for a Kinds of Farm Produce. Wright, & Thompson. The - Store ~on ~ the ~ Corner |

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