her PORT ETE ROR a a "e yo --" ¢ Bad blood the ono great of. bad a apliasciots suis blotchy aking. This is why you ttack through the b Blood with De. Pink Pills. All blotches, paleness new, right at the root of all troubles; they ard a positive manent cure for all v Matthew Cook, Lamberton, N. W. T.. tells how Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured him of erysipelas ter other medicines had fail He says: ""My skin was inflaaned;~ my ficsh tender and sore; my head ached; my tonguc was coated; I had chills and thought several from my system, and I am in the 'best of health. 1 think these pills the best medicine in the world for blood troubles. day record of curcs given Dr. Wil- world-wide when other prominence o. medicines fail, with ¢t u name: s' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- You can get these pills at all drug: | a box, gists, or by meil at or six boxes fi 2.50, by writing The Dr. Lniaaaal Medicine Co., Brockville, BIGGEST GOLD "NUGGET. Found in Australia ans Weighed 10,000 Ounce Could even fiction ae any sit- |' uation more romantic ? Figure to yourself, as the men sinking do he ck in arid Australian 'bush, way ba i was mercly a s'fetch of un- the "Never-Never" country, where . time, and the Chairman, warned pro- pare eal, occupied fareiy. ty rnin does not fall for years at a bably by past happenings, promptly hoiieataads. Now & the contre stretch, "e the oely plant that for- sent for the Speay eer vat high of lof an immense populati:'h, all ces its through the choking ficial at once "named" the sais ges 'gaged. ireetly or indir-dtly, in thes sand is the y ey spinifex, or Aus- and their suspension was moved an removal of gold deposit , More than tralian spear grass, whose points (carri he Rand has be sme the bat- Npiereo the pedestrian like a tance. | Stil, however, they declined to | 'Ue * upon which mist be fought sey sank down to i Their pudee. Whereupon the Speaker leant |, - anew the issue be Ween slavery horses, too, were exhausted, and one |down, spoke a few words to a mes-; poet liberty under th Union Jack, of these in stumbling struck its fore senger, who hurried, canon into Pal- faya the London News gar eb mst _n mnall picor of rock lace Yard, and, almost ere the } it was in 1886 --_ the goldficids that projgetad f inches cg of bellious Members ick what was | core i the sandy som. es of ONC happening, a score of sturdy police | Th rm a Fs city con- of the men followed the stumble, and men fad marched in and surrounded {ounde The en hemlet, with ao on ee Neat ing, a rages i them. lfew shanties c rs In the ibs Site Teet, WRORNe: ate, joe at But even then there S |population exceeded © 100,000, and Sure enou : he Bie ay ps et jsive yielding to everstyinalig foree. Lord Milner has expressed the belief aru A ahosigion o a a et On the contrary, the hmetnr-resist- that some day the fistre will reach inter "an oo men wat ed to the uttermoat, and had to be /5,0u0,00U. Before t!e war broke dicging ong" . carried out bodily, kicking, strug- out the number of iaabitants was ae. ee fingers around ¢ Jee and asp sae -_ |between 120,000 and A me: NAG, Stat- mong the most v waa r. jely buildings, palatud offices, native oo "infortunate fellows, Crean, who "floored"' Colonel Savn- | hovels, and wooden stores are all had unearthed the largest mas {| derson in 1893, and who was = teverlooked by hia dismantled fort Virgil! Reld_ that the world has ov to have monopolized the attentions | buitt py the ; Ree! Ts IS "Kknewn as the famous ,of ten constables for ten full slaiitaa, The distingui sabi a feature of this "Welcome Stran s| Mr. M'Hugh, the -- of the Sligo | gold _ is the evenness with which of the enormous weight of 10.608 | champion. pore "distinguished"' him-|the metal is-distributed throughout ounces, every ounco of it vi efter 9 similar fashion; while Mr. | what -- ca. "the blankets." gold, there bping ------ no apne | | Flavin Ea on, of = sgiente about £2, whatever. It is in the sh A GIGANTIC KERRY MAN, and, in 1899, the ; auction exceed- rough cross. * ced to the "Welcome sited in.the bank melt down | of $20 an ounce the quality of the gold the 'Welcome a may be scen by Visitors to London in the Department of Min- erals and Precious ae in the #reat Natural Histo the Cromwell Road, "Bouth Kensingy ton How To 7 TALK JAPANESF. As oa uide to the many unpro- notiverable Japanese. names with | ich the newspape are teeming | tot at present, ihe Tollowing rules for sounding certain letters will ----daubtless be found useful : like a in father. » in men, lin the middle of a ore and the middle or at the of a ord are sometimes alinost nie The consonants all sou ---- as in Minglish; g, however, has only -- the hard sound, as in "give,"' walthough |® ch and s the nasal ng is often heard; are alwoys soft, as in * | check"* and! "sin," and z before hen the sound ; of dz In the case 'of double cén- Sonanis, each one must be given its full sound. 'There are. as many syll- ables in a word as vowels, but ae tically no wecent. Ike sure to avoid ' the flat sound of a, which is always pranounced ah, IN AN OLD LD TRUNK, Eaby Finds a . Bottle ¥ Carbolic Acid and. Drinks "While the mother was unpacking nn old trunk a little 18 months old ;2 baby get hold of a bottle of carbolic acid while playing on the floor and| No sooner had Sir Charles --com- his stomach was so badly burned it eres his s han someone mov- was fenred he would not live for he ed to exclude the reporters. The mo- could net eat ordinary foods. The tion Was carried. And then -- the mother cays in telling of the ense : i Tlouse gave itself up to a de oe of "It was all two doctors could do |4isapproval. rells, Wis, a to cave him os it burnt his throat crows. drowned -- every attempt, of and stomach so bad that for tee the henorable baronet to inake him- months afte: he took the poison S¢lf heard. His seconder, Mr. Auber- nothing woul ; on his shames. jon Herbert, fared no better. d, berg I took him into the country jin the end. they had to resume their and ied new milk and that was no seats, having utterly failed to ad- bet toe for hina, suggested Crape-Nuts "thaw 'T = menced to get better rig! cna gai on eat angthing else. He commenced to y and his ecks like red roses aay eae he is|before or . He. it was who led entirely w well, the Teaane- nes Trish Members sus- "I toek him to Matamoras on pended by Speaker oe "for a © | liberate and planned ction' on I oO joarn what Grape Nuts food will "ao for children given aml Sponmenne too." amo Co., Battle Creek, hy. Pas ifich. Look 'in euch pkg. for the famous book, "The Road to Well- FIGHTS IN PARLIAMENT SCENES and unimportant incident. was July 2 o'clock at night. _ per- | was "pitching in' to Mr irnient ae: dis- jand, argh " Sinn fell, somebody ie _ vou must get the i mand oe and scientifically cre , Dr. | hi {of-it, but his ¢ lis a final- |dress a single intelligible sentence to ASsaem co: was rosponsible oe more Patifieern- { tary --ere than any other Member that me our present Prince of Wales, Tis Royal Highness was, on that part a Pe Partlamontaiy Pprocetture then opti when Mr. Biggar persisted, but to re- quest kim to withdraw ty THE BRITISH HOUSE om COMMONS. The King Was 'Asked to Withdraw --Members Have Been For- cibly Ejected. What was, perhaps, tho most re markable rg enacted in the Touse its origin, usly | cases chutemeettents trifling Tho date 7th, 1893; the oan ten Chamberlain enough, in suddenly, a ape ecrtir e -- . Lo- when, Hayes-Fisher scized 2 certain M gan by the coat collar Then indeed, fe "fat was in the fire," and at onco. First one mem- fered to Royalty was witness. of Commons since ane: oars o'S Cromwell, had mtary epithet was |tachment frightful . bernaet ag Seago fears ve or ata old Prime "Minister, and started readin as Victorta Regina.--Her Majesty be- ing desirous of making competent provision for the honorable support of her third son, Prince Arthur, on his coming of age, relics on the at- of the House of Peers' -- here the Speaker stopped confused, while oud ic OF SURPRISE broke forth from tho assembled Mem- bers. In the digg of the turmoil Glad- stone ro! nd remarked geet that a imcales had been m of move,"' he went, "that the ee tion of ee 3 message be deferred until Monday stat This, how loud cries was of "What message? greeted with "Ww ber, and then another, joined in the The Iri true rushed back into vision lobby to tinge a hand in the fun,' ho to be met in the doubtable Colonec! Saunderson, floor two of them mos he sclf was sent sprawling by a well- dirocted left-hander. n Burns was also in-the thick fforts were entirely di- irected to quelling the disturbance b ing the combatants asunder. In he end the Speaker was sent for and PFRACE WAS RESTORED, but not before the undignified brawl down a a storm of well-deserved hisse Curi riously cnough, the next | really serious Partiane ntary "upset i also about a division, but this time Irish Members who refused i The House happened to be in Committee at the ¥ 'the jhav jister \if not knowing what to do. then a message addre: Faithful Gonen mon A creat shout of ee went up as the messages were exchanged, and j thin pave ee to ironical cheers as }Gladstone agai resented himself at Ba , too, could scarcely keei from smiling. But in a heart |he was exceedingly angry nil it is \said that the official Oy omaible for his life--Pearson's Weekly. RAND GOLD MINES. Owners Ask for the Introduction of Chinese Labor. Twenty-five years ago the Witwa- ed £15,000,000. almost. ex- Dod , Thom: Stee his 'reasons Tact ing 'BO aS fol- Tows: mS "For several years I 4 with Kidney its worst synptoms in I cordition that an I lor weeks at a egree. s in such a wus aane for anything jor time. "Insonnia resulted ntense' sufferer petual headache and grew thin flesh per- in they ever heard of a case of Kidney iseas: Todd's Kidn-y" Pills w ould not cure. eee Ser MUSIC AND aga ates A steeplechase mar: ned = Fire Island, which won at Lingfeld, Eng- and, would not ley "r food, and her owner, Mr. arke Frost, pear thinking of tar ug her out of training. when it was discovered that the animal had a wordetful liking for music. A ra ge se playing about two dozen tunes. was placed near her and this wes wound up twice a day. The result was magical, for within a few weeks the mare won two races. a A A Sour Stomach and a Sour Temper travel hand-in-hand and are the precursors of of meatal and physical weaek. hou- -- {cod ferment {indirestion) is the cause. Dr. Von Stan's Pi nea mbiy Tablets keep tke centres weil balanced --: = hey "re nature's pan- -- pleasant and harmless. 35 cents.--&8 ae Sharpe--"Believe in vegetari- Miss anism? Why, I Jove good beef!' Cholly--"I wi I were bgef, you know!"' Miss She: pe" "Never mind Calves grow you a knoe ow, 'Will you zs hi ce whew ¥m old?'- she whispered. are old,"' he said, practically. as much as I can attend to just now to love you when you're young." ---- Kidney Die as | by grief that he Mincrd's Liniment ent Cotes Burns, ete. |: "ANo't wait till you 'It's one Positive Sign of Havo. any of You've heard soap!" In Sunt REDUCES EXPENSE Ask fer the Octagon Dar. SILENCE DUE TO DIAMONDS. Brought before the Bar of justice, word. Anxious that he should plead for himself, a' kindly policeman open- od the or fcllow's mouth, and found that his silence was more fap golden. mouth contained $2, e N00 worth peN niece diamonds. BR. A. W. A.W, GASES CAFARRH CURE 25«. . { <3 "I had been treated by o doctor throat pir id permanently cures without good results} so upon the free. ieee rw. pond recommendation of a crusin, who = Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo been saved from a life of misery ---- Doda's Kidney Pills, Ijpegan is CLIFF OF NATURAL GLASS. them Litt aa ' A cliff of natural glass can be seen Th» first box gave me decided | ;,, on Park, Wyoming. It benefit and after taking five boxes |i half mile long and from L5Oft, tho old trouble was « thing of the} +, ogort "high, the material of which past and I wes again in every WY lit consists being good gliss as strong and well." that artificially sounitdctuvel, The Ask those who Hare used them ifidense glass which forms the aso is while fr Th feet, to 100 ft. thick, = upper portion, having suffered nd survived many a wind and rail; has naturally worn much thin- Of course, the color of the and streaked with brownish ch and m 'shades of oilve green and bro The theory that boys are descend- ed fr en --_* has received an ug- ly seth Philadelphia gentle- man seennee a Monkey who washes himself with sitar ana water. Lifebuoy Soap --aisintenten' -- is ia recommended by the medi- cal profession as a safeguard against (niectiots diseases. isin Ted--"She cuts hate an odd fig- ure."' Ned--No cert Her gown cost no nincty-tight, her hat t and her shoes one dollar nine wo dollars forty-nine, seventy-four ' t For Over Sixty Years | Mre. rao} » has been j risen bode! mothers for ther cblidren Rage eechi ae hil AYS pain, cures iM ager the Toenty Lies corpus Tbotale Be sai . { wind es calc, regulates | } mecar fur Diarrhoa i exists sae maghout the world. for" Mae ¥ = "She's a lovely girl, and so simp- told her that I every want."" ' \"She said that would be a cok tite a oe elas S vice actly one-quarter thy worlds output} eyes "Smothering 4 enact as oe ASRENACD of gold for that year. Perhaps for of theurine? Es Tig so as\ =i - or a first ton the first time inits himory gold ustion after le exertion ? If you heye DCORs mining was reduced ¥ ct ot which outside force had been employ-|Yustre, in which it js possisle to | delayan hoor Ja put'la Tyerettwades the | To Cure You Now That - --- the people's represcnta-|pauge to a nicety wha: will be the grenSouth American Cure.--&6 We Have Learned How. siete thin ---- sed serps of | yield, and what the profition a given -Rellef in 30 Minutes. memo bical content of soil. be pte years the author of Dr. new's 'able April afternoon, in the year | roe = , rity » : . ns a Vert, Ad that 3 you cre married Heart Cure has believed that eke ealth 1628, when Oliver Cromwell, taki viously to the interest of t\e capita-|qq you find life a grand, sweet! of the heart :3 almost entirely >a with hi band of 'idiers aking list to reduce his wages bill and 80 | ggng?"' "Oh, no!' The first thing I sible for the health of the -- an m a band of soldiers and also | increase his morgin for divid d.' fd after we got beck from ovr hon-{ tomach and now it can be pr Dr, galhoring up the scntincis from the | © & Agnow's Heart Cure will. re dlieve "heart sontry-boxes he alo: a . ome 3 cre ee eer ore ath 'ymoon was to hids my wife's mus! disease in 30 minutes and cure It 1 1 ss " OnE: UO jre ks The Re n be t ed ic. f is the rves through the menrt by r dissolved the ng ja profit till the «nd has n giving the heart the necess. ry. power to Parliament. its treasures. en Joh $nesburg ump rich blood to the ne centres, Sut similar stern measures have |will vanish as rapidly as annes- | Beware of Ointments for Caiarrh when stomach gm | a me srvousness not infrequently been resorted to by | burg sprang into existence &d fame that Contain Meroury. convince. 29 the attendants of the House. The workable gold is v at | as mercury will gurely destroy the sense Dr. Agacw's Liver Pits. 40 doses to Cents. « OES toners for instance, Charles Brad- | £600,000,000 the rag of cx-| of wpoll an and consplietely derange. the SS augh was forcibly cjected, in 1883, | ploitation remained as in $89, be-| Whole system when-entering it through , jafter delivering what Mr. Gladstone |fore the outbreak of war, Jo- | the, mucous surfaces, Such articies ANTI-CORSET LEAGUE, afterwards said was the finest speech jhannesburg would enjov 30 fears of | scriptions from reputable physicians, as About sixty ladies and many mor he had ever heard at the Bar of the -- more. It is the ofject of | the da SS end they WHE do do ant sy" aertve gentlemen have joined the AnthCor- louse. he Randlords and of Lor« hare from than" Hele Gatatrh Cate set eo at Leeds, England, which On another occasion it was the lad- to hasten Pig doom of pet 4 : fod pisoturess by Pd J. Cheney & Co. por To is an offshoot of the Leeds Society of ies who brought upon themselves | hurrying the extraction of gofi. Thus o, O., contains no pare, 7) on | Physical Culture. 'The males ec like ignominy. Grown bold through it is hoped to increases are of tee" dane cad Cutnen a dinces oe upon vowed 'never to marry "corse tolerance, they invaded the floor the spoil which accures to tfc capi-/ systein i + y 4 Hall's Caterrh . Gee wrecks." Ladies are exhorted, at cu nd, on being called uron | talist by reducing the _ share which | be sure y ally and: Samad ' Poledo, |the peril of excommunication from bby the Speaker to withdraw, actually hag the -- ce the coll Ohio wy F: J. Chen Co. Testi- | the society, hig = rte the ~ = defied the authority of the Chair. or nese Inbor. montais free. ~ corsets entirely, an re is a ha courac, this could not be Bas Mey During 1903 the gold exiracted |, Sold by Druggists. Price, 75¢ PS land fast rule that every and fe was employed to nig amounted to 2,968,751. oz., with a | Take Yali's Family Pills for consti-|member shall have no restriction of nthe to leave. It took nearly two | Yaluc of about £12,000,000. ; Pat ds or other tight clothing round orev': the 1 f Upon this turnover the profit | --- the waist, but shall endeavor to bet was x ae side; nid ev - re works out at more than four-and-a! "And so you left yé@ur last place }paye all garments . suspended from as got outside; and ever since millions. It is upon this pro-|through having had worcs with your then they have been lied half P H 4 the shoulders. io compelicd to entre that the Randlords starve. mistress?' 'Well, mum, not words, . sconce themselves behind the grille, in mum--not adzactiy what vou might ' ja position where the Speaker's cye ----+ call words, num, I omty spoke to t Ineo ee ee eee gen See CAN YOU LISTEN? her same as one lady might to ane Minard's Lintmeat Cures Dandruff, F P . ether. THEORETICALLY ABSENT. There Is a grace, of kind listening as a --+-_ -- ales lv turbulent scene, well as a grace of kind speaking. | Head of the Burenu--'"f suppose you ene which, Oe ace ee suemern nang |S Some men listen with an abstracted we You a Skin Discase?-- |j,ow something of the duties " was entirely unjustifiable, was that air which shows that their thoughts Teiter Sut Reus . Scald Head, Ringworm, | office?" = Applicant--':Oh, yes. They rt : ¥ 7 Y Blotches, . -provoked, in 72, by Sir Charles |ate elsewhere; or they seem to listen, ma, Itch Barber's Itch, Ulcers, are to come late, go Home early, and , Dilke's opposition to the Royal but by wide answers and irrelevant Eryslpel Liver a, Prurigo, | do as little as possible while you are Gran questions show that they have becn Psoriasis, or ot acon sas e Skin-- 'here.' Head of Bureau--"Quite gat- occupied with their own thoughts as} what Dr. t has "doog for | ictactory: you must have held public Sk: nilar motions are now frequent- Iy made, as a tt without creating has paeet ripple 0 excitement. wa first of its as some Liber- led it as little less than a sp ecien of sacrilege XN blage they hoped to Perhaps the lat July: seg be 1882. He it was, too. who on caused ing, thon, "ot course, u OUT_OF THE HOUSE....__- otcasion, technically a and under the rules in on, no ene, interesting--at least, in jon--than what you Some interrupt being morc their own estima h a determined, ety violent attentio once made But the fury of nine-tenthis of ~ the rest of the Members at the insult in my ¢xperi- | pe to yore the Utiae dm of chil- hese' others it can de for One ap- re you. plication gine rellil-aks ree ts.--87 - Cee AUSTRALIA'S BIRTH RATE. Report Reveals a Startling Con- dition of Affairs. { the Royal (ommis- office before.' Minard's Lintment for sale everywhere iG Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples us have your Se of any co _ articles and we will get you good p THE DAWSON COMMISSION mere Limited res WORD MAKING. $10 in-one prize for the $10 In two fiva dollar p Letters to be used in answer $19 in five two dollar Lo for the smaller We will pay these prizes for the best lists of English words made out of the three words : "MASSEY -HARRIS WHEELS." s only as many times as they rin the above words. Competition ha May joth. sendin your fiat to-da o-day. Write for our new "Silver Ribbon" Booklet. ADDRESS, DEPARTMENT "A" "CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO., Limited, Toronto Junotlon, test number of word 3 for tha next. joogent liste. Morrew esaster brake-- the two improvements that made bloysiing se famously popular. BAREFOOT CURE. The cecentrreitics are boundless. of somne people shion haa lately ware "as it the Swiss moun- threatens of calds."' > barefoot cure, is called, hails from tains, and, it is predicted, toa hecome popular. Port Mulgrave, June 5, 1897. Cc. C. RICHAHDS & CO. Deat Sirs.--MINARD'S LINIMENT is my remedy for colds, ete. lt is the best liniment I have, ever used. MRS. JOSIAH HART. JAPAN'S BEAUTY SPOT. In Japan the nose is the only fca- ture which attracts attention. The nose determines the beauty or ugli- ness of hen face, according as it is big or small. be is probably due to the aa tha co in noses constitutes about the only | a nese the cheek-bones high dt chin receding. In Japan woman who has a huge proboscis is always a groat beauty and oa reigning belle. the natives, and lucky is he or she who possesses onc. In most Japanese pi~ tures the beautiful woman has this feature abnormally developed. » Do you catch cold easily ? Does the cold hang on?. Try .-} Shiloh's Consumption Cure Ti It cures the most stubborn coughs and colds. doesn't cure rate your money will be refunded ' § cw Prices: ewrs&Co. 03 2Se. Se. $1 LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. 1--2s =e 7S FOLICE PLCTURFE-BOOKS. Picture-books for tke benelit af travellers are hept in the Paris po- lice-stations. frequently occurs that foreigners lose things which they are u to deseribe, becau of unfamiliarity with the French langu- ble age. he picture-books contain rep- resentations of various articles, and the inquirer has only to turn the leaves and point. out the illustra- tions oe mate ust. rescmible the proper- ty he has I A Lasting Cure of Itching Piles A Chronic Case of Unusual_Severity and ng Cured by Chase's Ointment. that you are wncorh- | which has now this country, fortable, and the charm of convcrsa-! it documen erga importa' tion is at an end. rSOnR | iene every point of ¥ Long Standi whose manners will stand the test of | -- that since 1889 there has speaking break down under the trial a very xmurked fall in the Dr. of Hstening. birth rate, and that between 1889 s ~- and ee see decrense was no _ . ; than births thousand. is BABY'S HOLD ON LIFE. "rapid and adie Throughout Canada there are hun- 'The commission have gone care- {dreds of similar to the one de- The little ones are frai}--their hold | fally ate the causes of the « decline. ibed below -in which Br: Chase's upon life is slight. The siightest | Tiosie attribute it to the sibs Ointment has proven a positive and syu.} tom of trouble should be met oy limitation of families, this, eure for the most severe form a reliable corrective medicine. Baby's 'again, is d fe Bee esinanaee, "% itching piles. Own Tablets have by their ; Ave 'C sto" ine} > Mr. Alex. Mchaughiin, for 30 years record of success t o be an ideal medi' dy pe nee hip vblign hone a _resi Bowmanville, Ont., cine for the ils oy br waeeinsh and young decay of of rel unity, 2 the 'Cothe writes :-- children. 'The all stom- ¥. igious. ined to attr: "For twenty long years I suffered ach and bowel.troubles, ioe the ir; also byron ~ fall to "restrictive ritation = teething, break up colds, | destroy , designed to abolish a es teed, | comapetition, "which gnother ther has A len 2 thet | the sso tiouty ot employment - and this medicine contains no. opiate render 'the'income of the worker pre- |: Moritana, Que:, says:--- "I have used} 5 iy i ain Dr. pont 8s Own ebaesgie withygreat suc-/ munity is said on expert evidence 'most penctalty spoken of, = on | grave, has beet ant in- |.5iS recommendation I took a three applications I pene het- ointment made vinced that the a perfect . curc "I con oniiet Pr. Chase's Ointment an invaluable treatment for piles. In my think the cure was re markable when you consider that I Poewelt others." Dry Chass intima 60 cents a | dealers, or WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO, From April 25th in- clusive, the Wabesh "Railroad will sell round trip tickets to the Great Wotld's Fair, St. Louis, at the low- t one-way first-class fare, good for fifteen days, fare and e third; good stop over privileges. ing to this. the greatest of all rect to the World's Fair time-tables ond descriptive World's Fair folder, address any tic or J. A. Richardson, senger Agent, North-cast corner King and Tonge Streets. Toronte Minard's Liniment les Neuralgla INTERPRETED WEDDING. the their "inudenan. © ceremon however, cuccoaatally carried » lr by the aid of an interpreter. An admirable Food of the Nutritious and Eccnomical, 48--21 YOUR OVERGGATS sad (aded Bults would look better of ours in your town, write dirert arin BST RICAN oveina co. "i eet' AUTOMOBILE UNDER The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated-by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materials. As ap Pp obit ont thsi b you dare not, in full justice to your- take chances on an inferior risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog ? The Winton Motor Carriage Co Cleveland, O., U.S. A. Represented in the Denietes of Canads b: THE AUTOMOBILE a 'SUPPLY co King St., E., Toronto, Sab Agencies in Chict Cities 79