"FIRST-CLASS MEATS RIGHT - - ~ PRIOESI ~_ STEVENSON THE O/TY BUTCHER FRESH GROCERIES of all kinds always on hand. 8, J. STEVENSON, Wallace dt. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICITUKS &. solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Sevaries Public and Comm! issioners, Money to Loa' J. M. CARIBEW, e M. B, Moarar, Blewett & Bray. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Gotaries Publicand Cosrayeneets: 'Seucitors f Scott's banking Ho "House | ans Ont, Perm. Bidg & Loan A MUNEY TO ans bog AT 4 ne pea CENT. } BR. Ruewertt. ar. B. A J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste-, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4} PER OENT Dfice, Main St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. Branch 0 office in Atwood every Wednesday [abee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Zoticitorsfor The Mocebants Bank. Money 1s STRATFORD. ONT. 3. P. Manes, K. C. C, J. Maxins. DR. W. M. BRUCE, D.S. ie log D. D.S. Trinity Uni- Pot To 7 Pont Gradnate Haskel School ef Prosthetic Dentistry; Office remove ola atan to rooms over W. Spears' 5S co by anes stairway as Dr. atberford, Main' o Listow 'Phos. qeaillarton, ER of ares Seen sea, Commissioner in Igy Deeds, oe ee Taeaeein nd all Conves- ancing done on reasomableterms Money tol R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, UNT. nd ASE SS tor boots Lo - Pm oo ~ wards at a aw rate of all descriptions done re Fire 'aere of "atorest, Conveyancing 0} easy G. T. R TIME CARD Listo rel station ngreATFOnD a AND PLEMELSTOS. For Seraitort Fae Pan' r,&45a.m.; Passevger 2 p.m.; For Ti ee seized 1132 a, m.; Paasen- er, 7.07 p. m. eS inca RDINE AND PALMBISTOR. For Poimersion,-- Passenger, 7 62a. m.; Mixed, 11.00 a.m ; Passon, 'oo For Kin faa iret Ase. m. ; Passenger, 12.40 p.m. ; Passenger 7. t A NEW LOT OF Amateur Photographic Supplies at C. A. LEE'S PHOTO STUDIO. Artist Proofs, A NEW PHOTO. Call and see it. MANY CALLS sre received from business firms and MANY 'Y STUDENTS ' roe placed in good positions each year by the famous STRATFORD, ONT. This schoo! stands for the HIGHEST B. i in Can yy. Many -l our graduates as teach naee of ap ications from other colleges. Ask to ord thee the day you enter. talogue mmemoe course now. W. J..ELLIOTT, Princi interesting books ** wT Rag Sy oe peace ee sketch o it, or you will socn be bald. Give your h..: some Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fail- ing will stop, the .hair wii! Mair Viger. grow, and the scalp will be ean and healthy. hy be satisfied with poor hair when you can make it rich? hair noarly alleame ont. 1 t en tried Ayers Hatt Vi ree pans wa Se wtiin tte topre yo tae: ew hair care in real ae Gh id jen a it bn L. M. Su rns Mas. natn, Ail druggists. for * Thick Hair } | | | 'This falling of your hair! 3.0. ATER CO, Lowell, lass. India Rubber. . Few articles seem strangely It gets the it was put--that of erasing pencil marks by rubbing. Nor should it be associated with India. The tree was first mentioned by an explorer among the Mexican Indians three centuries ago, and the first account of the sub- stance occurs in connection with Co- lumbus' visit to Haiti on his second voyage. Most of our present importa- tion comes from Brazil. But Colum- bus and those explorers who followed bim were searching for a short passagé to India, and they supposed that the land they discovered was India. The name indja rubber is therefore a per manent sign of their mistake. The Indian and a Gas Furnace. Just before gas began to be used in Pawhuska one of the Osage braves visited Bartlesville and got his first giimpse of a gus fire. All he could see in the stove was a pile of redhot bricks, through the crevices of which the blue flames were curling. He said nothing, but before starting home he went to the yard and bought a lot 2 -- and hauled them hame. bar up six boxes of matches and all the dry wood his wife had gut try- ing to get the bricks to burn and finfl- ly bauled them back to Bartlesville and told the yard man they were no ts The Tibetans. The Tibetans are not beautiful. How could they be when, by their own con- fession, the national ancestry runs back to the king of the monkeys and a hobgoblin? Bonvalot says of them, "The very bears are better looking." The type is midway between the Es- kimo and the Chinese. Broad, flat noses, -- visible bridge; no ey ouths, full skins, hair as pono and horsehair, and short, square, ungainly are the elements of the figures--these unpleasing\fcture:~~ Talking Eaglish. Here is a story that comes from Lon- don and illustrates the peculiarities of the American boy: The youngster was at the Hotel Cecil, and he listened in- tently to a group of English fols. Suddenly he looked up at his mother. , do these people talk Eng- "Certainly they do, my child What a question!" "Then we don't," said the cub. An Old Testament Verse. The twenty-first verse of the seventh chapter of Ezra in the Old Testament tontains all the letters of the alphabet. "And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers which are beyond the river, that what- soever Ezra, the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven, shall re- quire of you, it be done speedily." Her Good Point. Even the most impulsive women have thelr good traits. An Irishman, mourning his late wife, tearfully remarked; "Faith, she was a good woman. She always hit me wid de soft ind ay the broom." How to Hold Actors. "It always makes me mad to talk to an actor. He pretends to listen polite ly. but bis attention is wandering all thet tim Ever notice tt? 'o: 1 always talk to them about themselv es." ns Waterloo. Hewitt--Gruet has lost all his money. Jewett--But | thought be was a Napo- leon of tinance. Hewitt--He was, bat he met a9 Wellington Snakeleas Ala Neither frogs nor snakes a in Alas- ka, but toads are frequently to be met with. Head Heating Pillows. It should be remembered that more Security. Museums of security exist in Am- eterdam, Munich and Berlin for the ex- hibition of devices fer the prevention ef accident in the use of machinery. 114, that ef 1715, and, according to Professor Holden, there will not be another until after the opening of the century. Carnival ef Venice. ~The. ni of 'Venice, which ence by the whole populace Soe NEW? > Ut: DLAND, Confederaticn With Cansds Ld Live Question--Why the Hae Celery Held Aleof From. Deminion. Confederation ig again becoming live question in Newfoundland. This year a general election wili le upon the issue. divide Many colony. manifest destiny is in the great Canadian Con- - cipaletohip that a time of prosperity like present is the best time for the island out its 5 <a tl E + ct > o : ° ~ it bar to the happy union of all the. Saas possessions in North -- y now forty years since the un- ion a Canadas and Newfound: land was first discussed. From our isner failures in this connection wo 8 64, of the colonies on this continent -forward, Newfoundland, por ps with the other provinces and onies, was invited to take part in the Fi rp It was es 4 Sir Ambrose Shea and Mr. F. Would prove an ac- ceptable basis of union. But the idea was not popular in Newfound- land. On their return the delegates were ridiculed and reviled, and re- presented as selling the -- of the colony to Canada. posals ------ overwhelmingly defeated at the po Soon afterwards, in June, 1869, ro- mulgated the terms on which the colony Would. enter Confederation. se terms would not be considered dra They proposed that New- foundland sho debt lowance equal population, $35,000 a year for leg- islative expenses, a subsidy f 0 cents per head, and $150,000 in lieu of Crown lands. Canada was quite willing to accept the tetms, but the Newfoundland Legislature suddenly changed its mind, defeated the Gov- ernment that proposed them, and de- clared for separate existence This settled the issue for nearly twenty -years. In 1888 Sir Charles Tupper paid a visit to St. ohn's. On his return the Governor-Gencral of Canada sent a message to the Governor of Newfoundland, i sidered the time convenient for the discu:sion of union, and was confi- dent that no difliculty would be ex- perienced in arranging _the terms. It was suggested that the Bawtitiitda land Legislature should send a putation to negotiate, and also that the delegates should represent both the Ministe rialists and Oppo- sitionists. To. this the Governor of Newfoundland replied: "The question is now being discussed among parties, and your correspondent ha" no doubt but that a deputation will No deputation was sent, however. Then arose the dispute over the Bond-Blaine Treaty, in which Cana- da ohiected to Newfoundland making a arrangenrent at Washing- ton independently of this country Newfoundland, taking umbrage at this, refused bait to Canadians. Fin- ce restored t conference Sir John Thompson proposed Coniedcra- tion as a solution of all the difli- M@ulties, but the Newfoundland dele --<-- se they were not anthoriz-_ divcurs tt. "er 3 financially Newfoundland in the suceveding years. Driven to the verge of --bank- ruptcy the colony sent delegates to OttaWa to discuss Confederation. Then were proposed the terms which Sir Mackenzie Bowell and his co leagues considered excessive. Canada overtoo made counter-proposals, which New- foundiand = rejectec And thus the conference proved fruitless. na- da's proposals were based o the terms accorded to the existing members of the Confederation. Our Government offered, first of all, assume a debt of $8,350,000, and to pay interest on $2,000,000 in ad- dition. Thus the total obligation to be assumed was limited to $10,350.- 000, or fifty dollars per head of population. The colony was offered on annual subsidy of $465,000, which was made up as follows: $50,- 000 allowance for legislation, $165,- 000 per capita subsidy, at 80 cents per head of population, $150,000 al- lowance for Crown lands, timber and mines, and $100,900, per the offer of Canada' and the request of Newfoundland there was a difference of about $354,000 a vear. rst point of divergence ag with regard to the assumption of r the debt. Newfoundland asked Ca- nada-to assume nearly $16,000,000 of debt. Of this about $6,000,000 had been incurred on account of tho island railway, which Canada was asked complete to Port Aux Basques. It has since been complet- ewfoundland asked also for of in bounties lo fishermen. the latter proposa) Canada replied that the Newfoundland fishermen would be paid the same bounties ag were ac- corded 'at any time to the Canadian fishermen. The great obstacle to agreem had been the amount of public dent Do: ould assume. theory of Confederation is that the tionate allowance. wf conceding to Newfoundland $6,000,000 more than its proportionate share, or an excess vinces for compensation. The min- jon has assumed. or allowed, pro- ' Agere gate of vate ps ae justi Canada to It certo ted castion wor Over Sixty Years. Wusstow's Soorgiuva Srrvur has millions of mothers for the peop look to Cenada as the true haven of | Farm For Sale. et ti and ee games fag, sath Been ; One small or- chard; never Ri failing well ; cistern + cleared; 10 acres - mile oH, Mirtee tom crete, school pont cnet. partion! apply to i ae Biyth, Ont. Ta cig MOORE, M.D.,C. M.; TMC. 'Neate of Physici- aly baer Surgeohs, 'Onta: assistant House Surgeon in 1900.tothe Toronto Gen- eral Hospital eco the Gravenhurst Sani- tariam for Con en. Office, first hone west of Schaefer's atore, CARTHAGE, ONT. FARMS FOR SALE. In THE ESTATY of CHRISTOPHER ASH, Deceased. Lot 42, Con. 2, Wallace, an improved farm of 100 acres, and . acres of the South half of Lot 37, Con, 1, Wallace, (a pasture ae " offered for sale peleabieye or term! particulars apply "MORPRY & CARTHEW, Solicivors for the Administrators, The Lon . Ltd. pn & Western Trusts Listowel, 'February 24,1 Train up a Child And, when--up, send him or her S LIS. OYE LL l bn TERM BEGINS APRIL 11TH, 1904. » Courses-- "Commercial Short Send for College Journa Twe and ™ hand, - .L. McINTY RE, Manager. Executor's Notice to Credi- tors. In the Matter of the "Estate of MARGARET ASKI*, late of the Town oo Listowe!, in the County of Perth, Married Woman, Deceared. suite ba paeby given puranant to f 187. Ch thatall persons bav ing Fita te of the y who died on or aliont s OL ¥ etcy the , are requ wl to send fiver to Biewe't fray wel, Ontario, the Solicitors fur the Ex- ic, OD or th 23th lay 1904, > th is h ail pe: rticulain in writing re an beri © parties. entitled thereto, vin Tesara only to eve cae vt sens oh they shall th have notice as afo maid Executor will not be liable for « stn ly aN f To aby person or pers ing of whan Cin peue shall not have Leen required at thetime of auch distribation as aforesal Dat ates at Listowel this' 23rd day of April, A. D. ISAAC ASKUDN, Executor. By Blewett & Bray, his Solicitors. WALL PAPERS 500 PATTERNS STOCK that defy competition for beauty of design and coloring QUALITY THE BEST. PRICES THE - LOW . IN A home with walls covered with auttrac- tive artistic papers adds joy and satisfac- tion to life. Now is the time to buy. PAPER HANGING AND PAINT- ING done at moderate charges. Work pees y attended to and sstia{uc. tion guaranteed Papers can be seen aud orders left at my valde, Opposite Public School, L. WENZEL. SAMPLES of our papers can be seen in almost SOME all houses in town. Certainly in all where good taste in decoration is displayed. Every pattern of WALL PAPER we offer is of newest style. We do not carry over a lot of old oe rater to oe n the cheaper grade of pa are some ther oeaht to. be Pap Their beauty en- higher class. titles them to be cafled's val best on pean Ait oftect ec pe too beautifat for a inere word picture. j RS > ek PLETSCH, Painter and Paper Hanger, MAIN STREET EAST, ' extious seats - 'Yistowel Sash and Door eee a 'BAMFORD BROS. Builders re prepared to contract for the erection of 'hase of bello oe -- » pplication SASH, DOOR FRAMES BLINDS, Etc, farnished on short no tice: , Planing deaeto order, Everything in the build. fagline will be given prompt attention and FiRST CLASS ya ai 3U4R- Charges Moderate. Bamfcrd Bros. J. Gabei, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. A Good Time Piece is a Faithfol Servant. 50S: C. EE begs to announce SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE-MONTH-OF- MAY... ALL LACE our Special cut prices in black 'HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, Special sale in all lines this month. .See our Tables. Main Street. CURTAINS = at very special prices from 25c. a pair up. I! Window Muslins, Art Muslins, Drapings, very special prices. Dress and Blouse Ginghams. See our white and colored Dress and Blouse Muslins.'" Dress show a very special 90c. Venetian for Ladies' Suitings, only 75c. Alllines in colored Dress Goods reduced. We yd. oods. Latest makes. LADIES' VESTS, GENTS' Underwear, Shirts, Pants, a Caps, Boots and Shoes. BOOTS AND SHOES 75c. and 99c. a pair. FAMILY GROCERIES--Teas, Coffees very complete. J. S GEE Listowel. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE , ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. ,R. A. HUNTER having agquired the sole interest, will in, future attend to the want ot his Customers personally. Family recipes a specialty. R. /. Hunter. BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Bugyies, Road Carts and Wagons. If you want anything in the vehicle line, now is the time to buy, asI have ao large stock on hand and will sell at closest prices. A cull at my carriage shop will convince, J. F. WILSON, Mill Stredt, Listowel. Chidrer Ory Fe CASTORIA. |; Romans and Greeks had | No Physicians for 500 Years ! But Termal and Vapor Baths, and | that they owed their splendid healih, fine physique, strength and beauty "sweat -- method by which the American and Canadian people could secure all the marvellous benefits of these baths without expensive apparatus, bath- rooms, and at smallest expense The now "famous" Turko Cabinet- was the result of his efforts. Astonishing is the Improvement lo } ee ae feelings ate comple- remarkable in- vention of the twentieth auenee for it makes the sick well, the wea strong, and it has done that which physicians and medicines have failed to do. c~ Every one knows that disease is due to the presence _ the blood or vital organs poisonous watter. Below are the eoarpiaints that the usage of the Bath Cabinet does oure : The Turko Bath eradicates that por- son, and it is impossible for these poisons to remain in the system of a It removes all obstructions thus allowing nature to do its best work. rich and the = tiss short treatment of this method old men and women grow young and vigor- ous; weak men and women gain their normal strength,.emaciated individ- uals recover their lost flesh; aches, ains and congestions disappear and Sciatica, Asthma, Stomach Troubles, Bilious- ness, Fever, La Grippe, Headache, Dropsy, Piles, Kidney and Nervous Troubles, ours Complaint, Sleepless ness, Gout, Malaria, Co : arrh Eczema, Etyaicelas, Neuralgia, Pleu- risy; it is a wonderful specifia in all Female Complaints. man, woman or child who properly uses the Cabinet. WM. STEPHAN, a new human being develops from, in © ks. We Up-to-Date G , ve p:-to rocery Specialty of Iw. give all kinds of 'Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Reforming % ( Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price, Any quantity the of broken Sets. duit | I also carry a full line of Greer. . which wili be sold at wen't-go" a margin. 'Canned Goods and + New in Stock. kind. Whea -All kinds of Farm Produce taxci in exchange. we repair . a watch ora clock we guaranter JAS: AS MiTRONG. it to go accurately, and guarantee o=----"~ eee a SE a Aa a THE TURK 0 VAPOR 'SATH CABINET. 'J. GABEL » ) | z ae an<has prayed be- TESTIMONIALS. ' | yond a pincer Ba of doubt that the Rig 3 years | was afflicted with tect numb aod = all the time. se of the baths my trou- Lie was all gone --Wm. Logan, Brock Street, Peterborough. Kheumatism--I was not able to put y vwn clothing an nor had | slept in bed lor over two weeks. W hat lit- tle sleep I. got 3 by sitting in a chair. After the Fourth bath 1 slept in bed all night, and put my own clothing on in the morning. you -- Hheumatism don't fail to try © Vapor Bath.--Mrs, R."Wilkinson, Poterberdugh: My stomach was very bad, had a bad cough, and had lost in weight from_180 down to 125 lbs, After 2 weeks use of the bath 1 gained 10 ibs, and now feel likea new aeee i you are afflicted in any way t Bath Cabinet - Elliotte, Park < Peterborough. My shoulder, hand and foot were very badly swelled with rheumatism and was laid off from work, bu any --Sidney Gibbs,' Ashburnham, Ont. is to certily that 1 find your C a complication afflictions and find that when 1 take a bath | am greatly shine in fact I feel ike new son the next mo highly i sisi a it; it isa remed that every their possession part with mine mot get another. Internal médicine will give immediate reliet but the pores must be ng you every sue- ones in the suahe ot suffering human-' y--Mrs. J. C. Kidd, Listowel. } Agent DAISY BOILERS AND SAFFO:R D RADIATORS Stains, etc., ARE THE BEST. =. Stoves, Baths, Tinware, Boilers, Lamps Pumps, Cutl Sinks, utle | % Injectors, Paints, Griese F >. a Valves, 'Varnishes, : Pipe and Fittings. PEON HAO PARTIES INTENDING HEATING FOR 19904 -- Will do well by consulting us before purchasing. AMERICAN AWD CANADIAN: COAL: Oil: PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING . REPAIRING promptly atterded to. ZILLIAX & SARVIS.