Pee. : ; ; rN APT REN REEL EE p : Se IE ; ET LT TR Re ; OR SNR TR GET? TO re <= -- : figs = 2 'of the Yalu. chy OE ak We" " |Stockers, 400 to 800 ; Ip POLAR ET 5 AP DR sae : ; but their loss is not known, c BN A s he Sere Ok atte we 3 12} HE CHEESE i TRADE, 1903 FLASHES FROM THE WIRE y . see gunbosls stonniat up the river ; Se ace do 900 Ibs... .. 5275 - 8 60 : ee ' : ¢ support of the Japanesd, w es Fg oo a eer a Butchers" ABLE : =. -Eueslan . eld battery' at Aiatenie : rages Bu nn abeeeet ee an wien ents FOR |The Very Latest I Items From. rt Ra whieh lagted esting fae | ee do 0 $80. 7 4.95 eee Farts of the Globe, _ : : uel whic' asted for minutes. : : i asty : th : The Hunsian fire wie tic koi ene kee " Petes 98! : rs oA sees = = pee Good Quality of Cheese Coming DOMINION, eee ' gunbonts were forced "to. turn * and oo 'TUFFS. ' ao". robes see 340 From the Government Cool Gra in rates on the two Canadian apanese Soldiers Preferred Death) saissi'stane' S|, toring its a --ominme mar |e iR, galling" 1° | Gang Boome" |ratnaps Eta ctoasd hate ton - The Japanese were facilitated» in }Ket is duth Cars of NG. ight stock bulls, re ; ~ ; crossing by theif occipation of the |2 Ted 4 ita 'are quoted at 90c CWE: cicre ceiee wee 2525 2 5 In his report regarding the cheese rOThe number of liquor itesnand in Island of Samilanda. ~ |west ain st. Goose is steady at Milch cows 65 00 j}trade of 1908, Mr. A. W. Grindley, East Middlesex will be reduced this to urren er, 0c for cast. Spring-is stea- Hogs, best . Agent of the Department of ---- year, ' . ----e dy at + No. 2 east. Manitoba |_o- heavy ..... turé in Great Britain, makes som! London insurance agents state that , ; CZAR VIEWS IMAGE, wibay is stendy at 954c for No. 1 a" heavy « ewes . 4 Of 4 40 |suggestions that merit the attention the companies had intended advane- 'Admiral Verkhovsky has showed |"#°4, 84g) for No..1 northern, 91¢ Light 2 se 440 475 jof makers and exporters. Tie" says: | in ne rates in Toronto even before the BRAVE JAPs. hi he ' the Empress at St. Petersburg a | £0" No. : thern, and 87c for No. Bu cks . 5 50 3°75 The cheese season of 1903 was a | fre. B or mion tho women Of the respective | isenicus of the Vir; 8 nort t Georgian Bay ports, Grain-fed Iambs'.... 6 00 6 50 | most successful one; there was a large "Parts 'of a mammoth have 1 . Z Russian torpedo boats belonging to races met to watch together beside ashe the Fusniens secre h oe and Ge mite grinding in transit. Barnyard lambs ..... 4 50 5 50 jinerease in the quantity and the | found on Quartz Creck, Yukon Ter- the Vladivostock squadron su the sick and' dying. voing to turn tho tide of battle at Tlour--I#-duil but steady at $3.50 Spring lambs, cach. 300 6 00 |steady' improvement in the quality |ritory. The tusks and skull were in~ { a military anwort, ene RUSSIA'S _. . Ce owen The Admiral told the to $3.65 for cars of 90 per cent. --pe- ELEN eS was so great, that in spite of very | tact. rea Sagres 4,000 tons, during RUSSIA'S NEW STREAMERS. Empress the story of the image, |temts -in bayers" bugs west or east. | CHEESE MAKING ON THE FARM. |heavy supplies the prices realized on| The report that the Japanese Gov- seen" wir the nceday, _ all = A despatch to the London 'Daily |which accurately depicts the Virgin Choice. brands are held 15¢ to 20¢| Cheeso is the most soneeriant a the whole were satisfactory. e@jernment has bought the steamship cers, twenty soldiers. 7 ati hs {Telegraph from St. Petersburg says |as she appeared in a a |bigher.. Manitoba flour is steady |manent form in which milk can be |™@ild sweet palatable flavor, as dis- Tartar and Athenian from the C. P, ot the crew ¥ nd ct fie tive ape tts that 30,000,000 roubles (§15,000,- salto, a Veteran of the siego of Se- |&t $5 for: of Hungarian ae. preserved for consumption; caiian tinguished from the heated and bit- | It, is untrue. carriers whe pon ae he ontened 000) have been allotted to the buy- |bastopol. Two months "before the $4.70 for"cond Patents, and $4.60 |yr- A: CG. McPhersen. Many farm- sa -- acter so noticeable in former Foley Bros., Larson & Company, pe to surrender, wera sent to the bot- Ing of fast steamers. One of those outhrenk of the present war the _ for strong bakers'; bags included, on (674° wives are deterred from making'! ¥ an crea a large consump-|of St. Paul, have been awarded the =~ tom "with the ship. The steamer nerd purchased, the nage Bis-|gin came to the sailor in a dream |the track Toronto. _ cheese for home use, because thoy im- tive "demas, which will avo a tend- |contract by the C. P. R. to build the Hakemure- Siar was also sunk ee, oe oe ee at ang ion alla f Ifeed=I8 steady at. $17 for cars | icing it a task, or suppose a consid- |oncy to do away with the distiropor. |now line in the west this year. tisfaction of th Libau. Others will be delivered ina "Many woes are going to befall si shorts and $16 for bran i bulk, erablo outlay for proper utensils nec- | tion in value between Canadian and The price of bread in Ottawa has : St. Petersburg at the exploits of the few days. All the vessels chosen. are | Port Arthas until my image is sent est or east. anitoba millfeed -" essary. 'The reverse of this is tru English Cheddar -- to the old price. Some time Viadivostock, squadron is tempered German, they being better and faster }Then ort Ar thar will be vie- $20 or b= doh cellar nla oer ne unless one expects to manufacture _The practice of shipping too new or | 2g0 'the price of the 2-Ib. loaf was > with admiration for the bravery han the others including those of- | torious,"' gob i 'an, sacks included, Toron-} 1 on pil extensive stale fo | Breen" cannot be too emphatically advanced from 5 to 6 cents, and the the Japancse soldiers, on | fered by hemrten owners. The cor- he sailor went on a [lgrimago pac . is. No. 2|ket. For ordinary home use ore for acted as it not only spoils the 4-1b. loaf from 10 cents to 12 cents board the Kinshiu-Maru, and who |fespondent dunics that these vessels |to the great monastery of Kiel, and | 4 urley "er - 42c for No. 2 those who sliply desite to provid sale, but hurts the reputation Phe 2-Ib. loaf is now sold fur 5 cents preferred to drown rather than sur- |@7e intended to accompany the Baltic {told his a 1 » Ten Good |4!¢ for Leas and 38c for fow cheeses: ase nd then dis op. Canadian cheese. The salesman as [2d the 4-lb. for 10 cents render, . Squadron. He says they will be Pilgrims there. Each of them gave aA bei or as 49 to 50e {lest im leronts Bas 1 - Used. = well as the exporter' arc to blame ~ The Russian Admiralty defends the |Kept in reserve as commerce aairer: five kopecks (24 cents) to hilve the |) ew oy aul big oo * _A la a tin w hhol tes hich should |f0F Sending these immature cheese, FOI o i inc * 4 » rea. aepicte mu re artists i af ° r er 4 0 sinking of the vessel on the grounds |¢ts in the event = complicatio dream depicted, but the artists who is wands 1 { No.jbe new ap ori se ages a shlee gnc "land the patrons of factories should Over fifty weiner were killed by a that a prize crew could not be spar- the end of the war, the possibility of made the image refused to FECOURE | ee eres y with sales oe Ne r willo vests ot ra a ee iner: ars insist that their cheese should be | °?¥ein in Spain ed from the Russian vessels, and which is being sorict! aly tconsidered payment. a" o en re fe) ASE or a drainer; a : held the curing room until it - "unsuecessful attempt was made that it was-impossible to impede a }and provided for. Tho ikon wns eventually sent toi steal for Oe aael, ed Oe aaa, aor a ®Y: ®)iy such a condition as will give sat- ssinate the Premier of Spain, swift squadron by attaching a slow- Admiral Verkhovsky, as seniur Ade | for mixed end 41c for_yellow tee | hoop, which can be made fovea a dis- {sfaction to the British consumer The 3 Xican Government has pur- cr steamship to it. It is reported =LUDED ; : . miral, It represents the Virgin Americangis easier at 57c for No, carded measure, cut down to the re . . . ssn ee the Vera Cruz & Vuacific Rail- moreover, at the Viadivostock ™ 2D PURSUERS., bearing an imace of Christ. wit | yellow, 56c for No. 3 yellow, and quired size, or procured from the vil- COOL CURING OF CHEESE. squadron had to hurry because it |, Zt is helieved at Tokio that the at- archangels on cither site, and God lthe tr for 4%. 3 inixed in ca® ats on |jage store, and a few squares of thin The difference in the quality of he Emperor Wiljiam has returned was threatened hy apunese squad- tempt by the Japanese to intercept tho Father above, s* : ey. Toronto. ; . ' cloth or cheesecloth, which should be | cheese held in the Government cool me Germany completely restored -- to » Yon. The Ru wth ne that the |the Russian' squadron that recently "There- can he wot "one flock and re ates steady ag 30c to Ble for | well as complete coagulation takes |curing. rooms was very noticeable, | health Japanese wero in the neighborhood |™* descent upon Gensan has | One Shepherd." 0.1 ; ite and 2914¢ bad 30¢ for weil washed before using. A press |not only in quality, but in general Forty- three natives were precipitate whilo the Russian torpedo boats were | Miled, and that the squadron = sees -- . 2 white east. Fed white ar ean be easily improvised by using an | appearance. ial ee sied 2,000 feet to the bottom of a destroying the Japanese merchant- | S¥ccecded in reaching - Vladivostock, TO REINFORCE ARMY. quoted at. 294c to 3c west. 4.5 ordinary bench. For beginners it is | due to cool and * <a the cheese | gold mine at Johannesburg and in- man Goyo Maru 'at Gensan the pre- : A espateh from Shanghai to |, es steady sa oer best to start with small ones which also has the. advantage of pre- | stantly killed vious day. On that occasion the} * ON YALU'S BANKS Paris says that Japan's second ed nls sar - "i oe $4.75 ons i If enough milk cannot be had at | venting a considerable patentee of The naval review of the French and Vindivostock squadron was watching : roserve bas beeu called ou for cla on h sagen rps mor fjone milking, begin with the night's |shrinkage. During | the season of |Italian warships at Naples by Presi- outside Gensan in a dense fog, which Tha Japanese gunboat Maya, ¢s- hospital at yi sec is full-of sick pis roxén [ots here, in c more itk, strain it into the boiler, stir |1902, when "waxed" cheese first ap- jdent Loubet and King Victor lm- e P " ' 5 ene for br bits outside. suddenly rose.. While the fog was corting a fleet of torpedo boats, en=|the army in Co rokien - . well and leave uncovered until cool. | peared on the British market, some |manuel was the occasion of a great Add the next morning's milk, and |of the Grocers' Associations objected, popular demonstration in the city, Peas--Are ates at 65c to 66c¢ fer ast thickest. the Russians fortunately oi SF nei nee se aeeeh ed ae a No. 2 t rece on on fi, Vv yore Fiji o. we ore tercepted a wireless message ro: En Peete. ik -- bey ed -- bib COTTON GROWING. § stir well so as to incorporate all [and even went so far as to demand Merchant shipping has been prac- ee = comaanier ef Tho "Japanese engagements with the Russian force : COUNTRY PRODUCE. cream that has formed an allowance in weights, but it was | tically stopped at Marsei!es, France, squadron to one of his cruisers. Th watcotl "aD ee ah a rees | Britis a Commons | Urges Govern- n ON 'TUE NIGHT'S MILK, soon proved that there was less | by tho strike of the dock workers exact senso of the scitmniee copid jProtecting the right rivay bank. to Enccurage uttere-There is no sign of a di ; ° shrinkage, which, added to the = im- and merchant sailors. The mails , not he deciphered, but enough w (These encounters transpired frequent- . i. erense in' the receipts and the. mar- (If rennet is used, its hould have been, i are being sc 4 trori 1 es QS liv th 1 ! ' f pam from london = says: F t preved quality and appearance of the | Fre being x nt to Algerin in' naval learned from it to indicate that the i+ alae ria Monday and 'Tuesday. The House of Commonsgan We duces ket contjnues easy in tone. Quota- ee to soak the myht before wanted cheese, quickly created a brisk "de- vessels " dmira osoya, commanding the ; ane ' "GNC tions unchanged. t of lak y o \ ; i Japanese were near and mov ings to- g ! se f teeety He a pint o ihewarm water, Rennet Armed wit! hatehe ws OK ; y ev ' 2OUS ste ag eese coming fro the d e ith a hatchet, Mrs. Ed. wards Goensan, 'Pho Tussians toro arte geouinagell in reporting thg| pack ie aig Siete thet de a Po ee 19¢ to Ate 'tablets have almost superseded the en é curing pr maer a ie an | Ware, of Durand, Mich., went into a fore hastily left, not desiring crations, 5a) mee ' "| do solids -18c¢ vrennet itself and be hod at t = ' i : 7 Lt fan ace (OR erm : : and can be hod at mos . . cheese | S2!oon for her husband She smash- tio It wits while they were sail- |, Our detachment renched the Yalu ager ons upon the ineec ton to do Dairy. Ib. rolls, .18e 4c | arg stores, ov of dairy supply hous- pcs eg nate ine! eee. ed the door, broke the windows «a ing north from Gensan that they od wor nday _ while going 81 Nn cuicias gearta ce fk sa - do large rolis roe Le Jac 8s. A piece of rennet half the -- size | Thee aan a { i bet boxes | threatened to do other damage --un- found tho Kinshiu Maru of Port {Stren the enemy & kd ques opened le sonents! itt oun ial on ee i a of one's hand will be required for 12 | oog ee ek high dari ng 1908 . }- less her husband was put out. He * : Ter = Othe ; ! els - . % = P ~ . aad Chestakog. ag us witho ut rhdapire We dis- {to co-operate with co:mn rela or ae poor ..10¢ 12¢ | ito 15 gallons milk, Personally T pre | i i it ig wm - vh ' * , , accompanied her home. force of the enemy on an tganizations therein, and to establish Cheese--Is wenk. Quoti utions are |fer the rennet lf it is wetl cured it 1 sg dg Helawonginal "th gen ee is reported that the town of midstream, and when we expdrimontal farms. Colonct Seere- | unchangtd, at Yke pe Ib, for NeW loan be depetded upon. w hieh cannot | m 5 to 25 per cent, The talling Cahokia, a few miles south of Helle MAY BE COURT-MARTIALED fired on them they fled. On Tuesday |tary Lyttleton, in the courve of -- the jlarge, 1@¢ for old ean and 9c for'! diways be said of the tablet " irr breakage is due to Ville, 1 'cl . , It is . ; _ the enemy's cavalry, 100 strong, at- debate, outlined the experiments and) 'new twins ere, Ada the reine n wh. eae ' ik | Damp season, which "makes the |.. at fu 2 ents 'ly under ane " "yl 7 Generally recognized at St.itacked = our launch. Our torpedo (developments that are gying on in I: st of the snles are made sent ue' (¢ in 1 '- 0 the ci as boxes less brittle. at 9 the reside nts have teft: their wo i rsburg, thet Kear-Admiral Yes-/boat, No. 69, replied, and the -- en- ;Exynt, the Soudan. Rhodesia. Central at nit some denlers are show |TOOT AS 4 = ell. ae te Btove OF | 2. More care on the part of the rouses. Thousands of acres of farm ae annot do more than frighten the jemy fed into the mountains, From lAfrics, West Africa, and the West ing atendency to ask 1460. nae ders uly We Heat the milk | nipping companies in loading, stow- ands~are inundated and tt is said aan uncse, and compel them to excr-/) Antsushan we replied to the enemy's Indies. le aserred the Tfous: that | Potautoes--Cars on the track bere tr 88 degrecs. then remove from the ling and discharging cargoes, this that the crops are ruined. : ine Hrealer rare in their military /euns, and silenced them alter half the Colonial Office wes carefully @fe quoted at S5e to Se. Votatoes Te and cut the curd into sguares as jwork being closely mane py the| Dr. Isndore Dyer. professor of skin Ai one ne as tho: sinking of a few lan hour There 'were no cisualties watching the experiments He said {Out of store sil ot S1 to St.o5. sScon as possible, using a large knife jPemwerters of your Depart: Lomrigice m the New Orleans Poly« an ports. or even cruisers, can on our side. . t the Government had Just Ei Seedsg-Quotations are steady at for the purpose Whey reo be | The use of boxes of better ana clinic, and one of the founders of : . 42 $7 ¥ the leper home at Indian Camp, 60 for alsike, $5.40 to [nearly transparent when the ourd bas tig. The latter pofnt was very clover, and $1.50 to St. Should it he of a milky color, | shereatilis in checse coming from wal said during a lecture msg he and his tha on the! 5 * i : | After 5 p.m. the enemy. again fired «etude commocreia) arrangements with |*2 = 57 Torcover, he is upon the Japanese from the direction \ ee : the Cot G x ' not tolof Antung. The sTapanese -- rep Hed evelnn oo inant ee w, the Intter for si it denotes that either the milk was | Government curing stations, the box- assistant had cured cases of fe f an ate iene a Pe ee ee ec), Ie he association is spending $150,000 all per bushel in job [the anes Po a Woes Semens! ee = les being made of heavier material; the ene ony and looked upon his cure as Safe for an at- aghout an hour's fighting. The dae ; : = jthere is deficiency of rennet, Afte: i iad : tee with Hoe Baltic fleet when it) panese sustained no losses, -- cn the ly aired aeereea nica, fop--Continies stendy and the curd has set, dip off all the whey bape Se pha Dg suis pee Wiitiom Mm "eae and his baby were arrives in the Vacifie. ¢ doing the same ; ' a {posible before S *S | killed an Fr pony and two. The officials say that there is no ----- amount of ge --_ will Ee : "a Tiel imiperiol, gs cecomgedl gricg Sher gies te a Ue | | ek by is false economy to buy cheap | other children "badly hurt by an ex- similarity between the sinking of the TO FALL BACK. veyed to the, tion iautinucs steady and l eho curd if It docs not seem well st boxe: Plosion of dynamite thet destroyed "4 Kinshiu Maru and of the destruction The J . > \ terms, andy{ie © r ; Se KG ed Have the checsealoti ' : Date should be taken not to use | thi Francis home near Corunna, "vt tho Kowshing, whit > was sunk by ros ond ig 8 rm Petersburg Or | be Pranted ao ; epee ition, fi: haukes whiphouts ane 'be placed od unseasoned boxes as the cheose, | Mich. Francis had a quantity of , J onde ear t Gen IK Rees : . - . al eC ' "et, « e ac war with Japan. tho righ ~ ban the Yalu ee ain - Ig TIRES Gs R "So to & 2 uh, Othergvessel. Dip pgomages = ve ealléseninoz. may |stumps, and placed somo ox Tho Czar is inuch annoyed over the |SUt¢ & retrograde movement and _re- sabe an : ots'dn track here. [elastic or spri h = he, eave th AR onal blowing saad incident, and a court- foin with their troops the second lin + a a. pee ae p nay" _-- . , actin yi martial of the i 4 e FIRE AT FERNIE F stage, place in the cont bs D ON CHEESE. dry. Admiral is talked of. a the Russian defence. Consider- »B CG. 5 PREAL MARKETS. of Se ceciath and ok wo = hile, Leading British importers of Can- . ------ _ able reinforcements i 7 -- . ie ain AW THE RIVE : => alry vn oe, vo eke uw. The aot of the Town Swept fon niregl, May 3.--The feature of [then with the Kand break or crumble |®4ian cheese are in favor of brand- DOMINION | PARLIAMENT. s JUEWER BRIDGED, an troops across the Tumen, in Clean by the Flames | the market for oats to-day was Salt to taste, using fino | 78 Cheese indelibly with the month A despatch to the London Times ortho sustern Corea. . A despatch fro Ye nh, e.. by mness. The local market . and mix well; gather the |! which they are made. Some years Notes of Pro coedings in = 5 ee ae Nagasaki says that successful | mere OF ten secnton ee: KF strong, holders of No. 8, Montrenl 'cloth by the corners, shake well until.| 8&° "September" cheese became the dian House of Comm widgings operations are reported are ' ernic's | inapeet lo b, demanding 36e to B6ge, settled firmly in the centre of cloth, |fvorites, but owing to the improve- . : in fhe Yalu. but the passage -- of FRONT OF 80° MILES, tet but eign oe ee iS | while, owing to their scarcity. as 2 lift and place in) the hoop, which ment in the quality of cheese made oe DOSReaY EEE. tie ibe hy Ne vie Army Corps,) Disappointinent preva i St. |there a wale pp = A Hive ated ,could not he touched under 374¢ in |should be placed where it is intended during July and August, brought wae ck "a agp as informed by Sir ant it th ' 1, SUroki, is not expe eted | j Pete 'rsburg that no oficial. def Epatches ney, Where Thursday stood su ine store. No, i DPeterboros wero; to remain upon the press or benc about by the system of "cool curing" tains é hind sete ie oo ctait ie. Apenest are prepared to | s of the operations on liooking business bloc Bou _--, j bought at @4e on track { A CLEAN BOARD introduced by the Department of Ag- partine d recently issued an or- strike heavily all along their select-/the Yalu River have yet been made ooking business blocks. The fire! Peas-- were quoted nt 72 to T2he'.. culture, the makes of other months | 4°" cece memnbers of C Battery ed front. 'The despatch ndds that) public, 'The press dompatchen are so ;Started on Friday morning near the jafloat May, No. 2 barley, 52c, and. Placed under the hoop, which |have proved to be nearly as good in | "ho served in South Africa to make from the attitude of the inhabitants | meagre és to becloud rather than | jsout hora end of Victoria avenue, the |No. 3 eaten, Sle. -- he bottomless. Fold the quality as Septembers. 7 application to the officer command- is almost impossible to realize | enlighten the Jwonle, who are hourly | , main street of Fernie, and with a! FloumManitoba patents, 3.10: le heesecloth evenly over the curd so It is claimed that unscrupulous ing the R.C.F.A. for payment of ar that the country is engaged in a na-jawaiting news. wind from the south it spread, carry- | 4.80: winter Steak as not to wrinkle, and piace the cov- | dealers in Canada as well as in Great |T@2"8 of pay. Members of C Battery ee) ae A remarkable caluy | 'ho Associated Tress has obtained ing sig ily Hetove 3. ami Foe fest ° 25: Straight el io i pine a pclent | Dritain quote "Septembers" at suc pooes aid at a higher rate in South prevails, jfrom the general stall the following | Beare DE tie 'entire erigth of the | ; : . Gey oe = Bisel rollers thea Pa oat ot St Fok ie ee jlow prices that the supposition is Africa than the Canadian rate, and WAR ucST" Go ox (clear statement -- ae a cleared, leaving only Pi : . se 7 to $2.30 7 i, Dips ts c eas afterward to! that they ar the make of other therefore were not entitled to any s $ ; N, 1 *'Heginning the ps of the |* feW business houses at the northern vod--Manitoba bran in bags, $19 | one. we bench should be |months and any inferiority in qua- | deferred The St. Petersburg Official Messen-]¥8l4, the Japanese com. (end of the town. -- The buildings be eee $20; shorts, $20.50 to $21.30; ,Clevated at one end so as to insure | ity is not discovered until after de- SUBMARINE SIGNALS ven 1 ' pleted the concentrati ying all wooden, mace them an casy ;MOUNic, $26 to $28 per ton, 2s to Perfect drainage. iv i . . sie: . t pu dishes a circular issued by) Pl 1 centration two: i ; ' mY | elite 1 at Let. the livery is taken. If the ~month of Mr. Kaulbach was also informed by the 'ign Office to Russian repre | {ues along the river, commanded prev to the flares, despite the vali- |{°u" et the curd remain in the press) make was branded on the cheese they | 4f sentatives abroad, declaring cate. | PY Gens. Kurohi and Okun, Eac h ant efforts made with hose and buck- | ettviea Oats--Dealers are asking for one day at least, turning once | would be sold on their merits, a a ee ee Ee eee en yorically that Russian will not ac-|42™¥ is composed of three 'livisions [rts he fire started (no one knows | 22223 for bags and $4.90 in barrels in that time. Use a clean wet cloth | speculators who bought cheap li a on re eas cept mediation to terminate the war, {and three ba ty brigaaes. The how) in the rear of Chas. Richards' |° track. These figures are for 90- to turn upon, After taking the cheese July, August, Getanee a 5 Senor ie hree submarine signals at $1,200 which, the circular declares, was | total force 106,000, The Rus. | £° neral store and was not larze when | Ib. bogs, some 80-lb. bags being also from the press, set away to dry, and |makes would be debarred from "eae (a ach. forced on her |Sians on the Manchurian bank of |; first discoverc ag aaah . when dry rub with melted butter. /ing them by cable or otherwian ae SETTLEMENT COINS. "The foreign press has recently the river are inferior in strength. | - _-+-------- sia: Ve quote: No. 1, $10 to | Turn a a day ged rub with nom "Septembers."" as) Mr. Mac! clean drew attention to the . tows persistently eixeulating: famipes oats Jupanere comunence "d ; the | LOST TWO CHILDREN. i , o. 2 Continue to do this for on a Sovernment to the fact that the concerning intent the age of the river and the Rus- --_ baa Ward place : 'RAN -- : sone of Fe Tonks Goleeera (= ins realized that it would be im-| The Sad Experience of Mr ana |": 30 per 'ton, in car lots, thin muslin tran Mace a bandage af a SEAECIeS. ; Sutheeat RT corna. Sues . to undertake a friendly intervention i to prevent their crossing. | Mrs. Coulter. : mn i eS rices are steady at $1.- jin a cool, airy room secure from flies ig ceme = oe toe we 2xactly similar to Canadian coins ~ with ee i Fae Japanese front is Ww | -- : r, 140 to 55 a 'Nar : lis : sily made at home wit! t- wilh a View to a speedy termination | " t ' no A despatch from Vancouver, B. fh 3c . eellap can be utilized for a curin : ' t 1 , : jextended fr : a el eee : H "1ns--Cholee primes, $1.45 ri. mt ae 9 & |tle work and expense. Some can 1 ae Wort ot the 'conflict. belwoen' Rus extended from Wiju as faglas VPiek-! sacs: The young se Mr. oC ral ' > Per! room if airy and dry. The a i an be}, ; Japan. Thlogvawis "have pel been | one. ower ee inties. Be eno the | died last week S aavin ng m 1 oulter a: 31 20) In 'ir' Jotm. jtere of the curing ro ty i uid he a = pressed fevae aot o 7. pt Fee Sia he ee 'erved, announcing = th | Hossibility that they whould cross at! the : ving been lost on | Provisions--Heavy Canadian short | o Toor eno be }leaves, which should be prepared | DOS WI0 were decet i . announcing that proposals core Gt DIGcON. Dad GH site mountains until exposure killed jcut pork, SIS to $19: light short s ts ey well from |some time before the actual work is |, Mr. Fielding said there was ' oF et Nee Bare eeaey ae hope was tc har cand cape le tl dihim. During the funeral a baby Loy |jeut, S1@ to $17.50: American fat | five or six {to be done, Use two pan. of, glass |dangerous similarity. Perhapg the uate te the Imperial Government. (teas teb- tee des ee in Pid ce around the house, found' a | havke, $19.50: compound lard, 7c i reeks a sinall pte "se > shone be ready | the same size and on o: them | Government could do something by eae ciupowered to deny (Mis | bled us to push our jneakios| Ue of antiseptic liquid, and curi- {to 8e. Canadian lard, Rye to Pe; ket- /LOh USS: Stretch smoothly a_picc vy Swiss |their own action in future 'issues to : last le meEKE CAlEROF ically, Rus- and bring up more men, ously tempted him to drink, When 'tle rendered, Sle a he, according | 1 do not use any coloring matter |muslin a little larger ried the glass, |Prevent the trouble, He wolild draw rh Rpg ake for, und everything "Wo know that thu Japanosa cross the griefstricken parents returned (to quality; hams, 11¢ to 13¢: bacon, |? MY own cheessmaking, but for the | It kept in place by thread | attention, however, to the fact that To ie * imits of possibility was lag ot two points at least. Their home after following one coryse to /138ge to 14e¢; fresh killed abattoir {benetit. of those who nay desire it, ;drawn from side to side ucross the |individuals could refuse to. accept. the \ we tai a ir to solve, the complica-fartempt to force a passage near the grave they found another await- |hogs. 87.25 to $7.50; country dress. , Will State that the proportions are |8lass. Fasten the ferns or leaves in |7oins complained of as they were not ) eee = high haa arisen in the Far Chandchekow, 20 miles above Wiju ing them. The poison had bern care |@d hoes, $7: live hogs, $5.25 to One teaspoontul to 150 pounds of | Position with a drop of clear muci- | egal te ical He would bear the ; h " 5 herecful manner; but after | pear Sinopoussikhe, on the Poussik-| ¢S*!y } 'he undertaker where | $5.50. milk. Should the farm possess but /'@8e. fastening them to the cloth, |was anything in the. similarity they os ane a a aore surprise on the Part |/ne 9 tributary of the Yalu. was | the child could get it Eges--New laid, 14c¢ to 14}¢. three cows and suppesing them all to | Rup the muslin around the edge with | matter in inind, however, and if there \ ak Pa beh angering 4 which forced Hus coast, This is important be ine Butter--New made, 16c to I7e: faly be in full flow of milk, the owner ;UCHAge So as to fusten it to the |eould in future guard against it. oipely mediation oe o_o nO | cause oad leads from Siaopouss- MEASLES | KILL ESQUIMAUX. | «Tass, fall makes, 19¢; western dairy, ought to be uble to furnish his table second pane of glass when it is plac- ~ >On \ : m Sen Rave any RUC" lhe + north-east to Kwantien, which AN But Ten Pa: arm es " hey rolls, 11¢e; creamery, 17f¢ to! sith cheese " his own production, Teaie ard - nd ---- faa SEED GRAIN FOR SETTLERS, ' . 7 commands " mi -- in e = cure, good q edges w a » i asi percep ie geal Govern- ae one of the roads to Muk komsto Basin Peris ae Cheese wtsrio, fell sins, 816; 4 rood and wholvsome. |strip of cloth wet with antics ant ot, te gy occ ' : fulnit the intervention | «tt is evident that the J 3 'Trew fodder, Tic tae BEGGAR W asten a loop at the t h vay i acltylnyp : » Japanesé AY: ' -_ wae TLL BE RICH. DP. ce top-to hang up| Davidson, -N.W.T. hatocset- = "Deaesiatinas an Cla ie al devoted most of ane atiention to "Gi dhs T neh from Wing ine. aes Toy thera_in- that tonalite' wort -- to ' tweda Russia and Jat ae ir hen crossing near Wi 10 river here | kenzie Basin except te . Ail oe BUFFALD GRAIN MARKETS. Mechanical Genius | age Land Hira "Steet engravings can also be easily }get seed grain owing to, interrup- termination of hostile' operations re is divided into pe channels -- by | been killed by the ravente af ct cg Bullalo, May 3.--Flour -- stendy. a $100,000 Prize \sontewe a to glass to he used as{tion of railway service through = < « = i ° j r ' . - \ order to determine the conditions of anu ache eed bolas ete ten cfore the epidemic there were forty peat spring, small soon No.} A despatch from New York says: !and polish it. then 'aun om "oo -- ft lo the G t \ .. . 4 vas = re e r, Sifton = saic we overnmen peace. . or fifty families, er two hundred northern offered at $1.07, but | sewtern of the Charity Socie re th cle. | bridged at three points. undred OF | track held : rity Society- here /With clear varnish; after that is dr: ee Soper 5 i t $1. ag; winter No Qie 'i Y- | would take whatever or a were ne- ; el ; "Up the" stream near Sindlagou | 72°, trons. The great ravages of mee ' _ 2 loxy ress the belief that Ale 'xender Me- 'give another coat put on very thin. " 'Ip th tlors I ' BALTIC FLEET EN ROUTE? the Japanese were wetched by a Ure dines asc and the results are told eel os wes erp we Si Kenzie, a professional beggar, who' When about half dry, lay 7. en- eeey, Ce ae eee A despatch to the Lenden Stand-|small detachment of | cossack by Bishop Breynat, who-has just |. B: 2 yellow, O8cC, NO. i was once an electrical en rincor, had @taving, face down. o BILLS READ. | cks, bu onc 3 2 corn, 67c Oats firm: X g ay '4 - on the varnish, i ard from Berlin says it is reported |the enemy was ee a phoe. reached Dawson, after a long and white "AALe: No, 2 mixed dite. PD ~linvented a suceessiul device for the | the picture having been previously To incorporate the Bessemer and that passen on a ferry boat ply- ed. At Turenchen, lower wn, our ane Jom from the south ley spot, to atfivo Sue t ate ar protection of the third rail on the Prepared by laying -- the folds ; Barry's Bay 'Railway Company.--Mr. j a ge pe Rostock and Gjedserodde | OUtposts es fire Son nan field Mack' . » GC FO ONC. lelevated tracks, ill receive the | Of Me i cloth tha s been wrung | Northrup. " sighted seven Russian warships steam- |Pieco 50 successfully that they des- ' : , wrize of S100.000 offered by the In- | Out of salt and wa ee, "ecehg until Respecting the Toronto ~~ am- ing to the west on on We cnesday last. ores the anoorings and wrecked KRUGER VE VERY WI WEAK. CATTLE MARKET. terborough Company for that achieve | it ae well moistened. If surplus /ilton Railway Co.--Mr. . > pontoons. The enemy was en Toronto, May 8.--Trade was brisk |™@°"'- ; Water appears when it is laid on the} Respecting certain patents of Wm. NEARLY ALL N NOW FREED. thrown into disorder and suffered | S¥™Pt@ms of Cerebral Affection |at the city Cattle Market ieuey. on -----__+-- __ (glass it must be absorbed by blott- | T. Pavis.--Mr, Campbell. a 4 etersburg correspondent considerablo loss. Still further) WW Appear. pecially for butchers' cattle. -- The NATIVES LOST HEAVILY. . ing Paper. Press it smoothly on|. Respecting a certain patent of E. a . pf the London Times soge that wost {orn aa Pagosa the Japanese pro-| A despatch from Mentone, France, {export cattle trade was a little slow, he glass until it is well fixed, then | A. Small--Mr. Logan. : of the Russian warships which have |ocos ed ake a third attempt at | says: While it is difficult to ascertain | With not a great many offering. 300 Canoes "Attacked British . * moisten the finger and rub lightly WILL MOVE FOR PAPERS. been in dock above Cronstadt are erst not tk h tho a state of the health of Mr. Export--Fair market anid steady, Steamer in Wow Guinea. 'th = hig als Peteavi =" Mr. Bell": (Picton) will mane OF" ' . . now freed by the opening of naviga- |ese will Pegs mint to land a nl ae r, Pag mer President of the |but trade a little slow, with several | A despatch from Syeney, N.S.W., "the a betas, . Se aes ont tie Oe papers regarding hag ag pe land in tion, and have been oracred to go to!han or Tatun ngkau, now that the -- -- is stated on good an- | good loads offering. Top about $4.- | Says: au Acting © Administrator | tu is dry, the little spots left the City of Quebec to Sir Charles fea without delay for exercises. Their |have crossed the The ohject | | e) ef at eS yuiptoms of a cere- | 75 to $4.80. Robinson at Goorabi, New Guinea, i from the paper can be easily brushed Hors: or-bis company and will nek if complements will te solar by the |of such landings hos hoon to use | ra ee are none rent, and that utchers--G ood -- with prices |on March 8rd, was endeavoring Qo; Va al with clear varnish and sacs land has . granted to the naval reserves ntly suinmoned, |a diversion, so as to enabl t . consultation of pl ysicians has been about 10 to 5c fir induce the chiefs to surrender the I hind the odes ay the glass, adding a [°O™PS*Y by tho Government, or if a he Ja-|held. Mr. K glass, & who will be transferred aiter this |Ppanese to -- the riv Takus- v4 r. Kruger is extremely weak. ; np and Feede aide market muirdere rs of the noted explorer, the , loop to hang by. pit intends >. ----- to vessela nearing comple- |ban is not a good vivates rie i oF good feeders. Short-keep firm at al Jas, Chal <a ' ue ar P a mers, and his com- , tion in the Piiarsnie yards. Tho rond leading. sievetvers in Pied, . EMIGRATION TO CANADA. --- to mee. : nions, 300 canoes attacked the COW STABLES IN HOLLAND. TWO OFFICERS KILLED. oops could only be supplied -- Sheep an lambs--Market steady fuvooushies steamer Merrie England. In Holl. -- ; : FOREIGN-NURSES with erent difficulty. 2,000 Leaving Britain Weekly to )#nh firm for light owes. Grain-fed |The canoes were repulsed and the! are sited an Che risieuee "me Revolutionary Spirit in Warsaw The British and merican volun- a Z neers will not show their é Hint te Farm Work. magia ama Prospects steady. natives lost heavily, but there were | which the owners live. The stsdhlce Active. * rses are receiving a splendid aecate hci oagy an but will con- eee " considern ge mre --_ arate i, eel run, with market !many casulties among the whites. are in front; These stables are usu-| A despatch from Warsaw says: In - =. recepticn from all es in Tokio. {their own time © enemy, choosing Cea te se a emigration to -- $75 unchanged at $5 the top, -- ally well-built structures, but have ;connection with tho revolutionary ac- At a reception in their honor, give ior a battle.' bie gece ines bee bg Manin pd of : 3 - 177 HOUSES BURNED, few desirable features in the wey of |tivity here, the deputy chief, of tho" by a prominent Japaness woman of | ~ _ Great. Britain "The _ csoaion in Bulls » heavy .... $4 50-to $4 80 cit : ag0000. ; _ flight and ventilation. However, as secret police, the desiuty commissary. « noble family, ore Aas a babi known CHARGED A Pos , print figures shawing that 2 Yk ar Cary. Pe y Ms -- Inbabitants in| ihe mae stable is part of the house, 'of police, and a party of constables. By eso educator, made a speech in * ITION. Sond sre: eatling for Canada' © por- zB 75 ussia Fire Swept. it has be kept clean, no miattor jatfempted to enter a suspected house. & fluent English, aeaittully seraision the | The Japaneses troops which crosséd|to take up farm work. rae 4 A despatch from London says: | A | how seoat the lahor required to. ac- They were attacked by a party of 7 x generosity and sympathy of the An- | tho Yalu north of Euitjiou charged | mostly Lancashire "milf t hands The fire on. Wednesday in Vitebsk, a city |complish this, Be is the se, 2 a" nen as with revolvers. and knives. . glo-Saxons. She said that the bond !the Russian position near Lizavena . $25 jot 400,000- inhabitants in Eastern |cssary as tho ° s have Both the officers we: g ' : ; largest» sHom éi since the cotton re killed and two between the'East and West grew clos % Vi ing on the Menchurian, bank' is expected, _ }Russia', destroyed 177 houses and did | their stalls continuously thr oughout of the constables wan t Bnesiegn Four 4: 1] Samoa 10, the, amount. sf. £950,000. the Winter months, arrests were made,