Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 7 Aug 1903, p. 8

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EA A. Matte, 13 days work, $16.25; cul TRY J. LIVINGSTONE. J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES :. Listowel, Palm: and Clifford, also with J. A. Halavend, Modnt Forest and Shelburne. A General Banking Business wranmeclad. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all partsof the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowed. - A ee amount of private funds to lend on good farm sccurity at 44 per cent., with privilege of copay lng annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scotr & Son. TOWN COUNCIL. REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MONDAY. Report of the Fire Brizade, More Hose Needed.--A Communion » Breithaupt Leather Co. aearere ~_ m re Sewerage Contrac tah mber of Ac Settled. --Other T yaniwabe. counts The regular mecting of the town council was held on Monday evening. present, Mayor Hay in the chair, and eouncillors Woods, Erect r, Feather- stone, n, VPelto and Meyers. Minutes of meetings read and con- firmed, The followinz a to Stratford - mers $2.30; Gas - Bradley, sup- taxes; Balance due . let. $15,751.22. e following is the eager reociy- ed paps the Fir ¢ Brigade To the Mayor aad Cou Gentlemen ;--Since last, a we have had two fires, « first on July 28th, at the residence of Mrs. D. J. Brown, the second on July 29th, Mr. 8. mith's stable These buildings: 'were totally destroyed, The brigade were greatly handicap- ped by n ving sufficient- hose. Had we ,ot ihe 300 feet asked for some time azo we would bave been able to © the greater portion. of ubsolutely necessary that the am t be increased from 300 500 and that it be purebased without delay (Red Cross brand preferred), also the three rubber which were? in- cluded in last report As the water supply is very low we w ould suggest that a temporary dam be made int the river at the bridge on the G. T. R itech which would increase the atpnly. for the engine T e we humbly submit to body. W. T. Gibson, Sect'y. J, F. Wilson, Chief. 3rd, 1903 your nonorable Listowel, Aug. The above report was referred to Water and Light committer, The following communication from the Breithaupt Leather Co. was read ~ Mayor FL W. Hay, Listowel, Ont. containing the Speci Committec viewed the writer when at a evoently We regret to see tha they have fixed the --_ fie 5 5 years only a i uld certainly have been ot years te be equal to our request to you; and further, re- warding the "Benito contained in t ia a private posal works to prevent pol- luting the stream, we do not consid- er this condition of particular use to filthy durinz 'the past 6 weeks while pa has been no sewage at all go- 'om the tannery as it has been srevinesiy: . We of course 'expect hat we will require to put this in order to satisfy the parties alonz the stream below us, at 3 as the Town is e do not think they are materially interested in this feature, t least not --- as much as they are in the feature --, in our pro- posal, viz. chat we wou ugree not - take == action acai the Town ove us on the stream fof pollution 1 'ft our request was zrant- our Commiltec expliin- od to hes writer that it was difficul! » in- ot and make s Berlin, Ont., te 16th, 1903. Moved by W. that is to be ana the Prom sum ties to ob jected te the. "motion, stating sid -, no Somaae hay beee made upon the ; "4 that rj ge ccm = wambar lation of seweraze con- |: LISTOWEL. outer R ESTABLISH: DIRUCTORS : HON. 'WM. GIBSON, President, JOHN PROCTOR, GEO.ROACH, A. B- LEE, JOHN S. HENDRIE, M. P. P, GRU. RUTHERFORD, J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H. 8. STEVEN, asst. GEN. MOR. 8, M. WATSON, Inspector. 66 BRANCHES 66 ARTMENT. J eposits of $1 and upwards received and Fre allowed St current aero and added to principal twice a year, Ist June and Ist December. No fo 'ities, no delays in drawing money. -PARMERS BUSINESS 4 of responsible farmers notes collected and advances made thereon. COLLECTION DEPARTMENT has every facility for making prompt returns at low- ialty. Notes iscounted, sale DRAFTS bought and sold on any part of the world, CORRESPONDENTS jn all parts of Can- ada, United States and Great Britain, BANKING BUSINESS of all kinds trans- ac on most favorable terms. Corres- pondence solicit ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. BF GRSAyST ent, Sieosl council, and that the council did not know whether Mr. Vigeon had a claim for $500.00 or 500 cents. He me and the coun- had an understanding with . Piggon that he wou e paid $500.00 in consideration of relieving the town from sewerage contrac The yeas and nay swere taken on the motion as follows: Yeas, Woods, Featherstone, Horn, Pelton, Hay, Nays, Preuter. Motion carried. Ww , seconded by Featherstone, that t and clerk be instructed to put on debentures for water works on the market and ask for tenders. Carried. nm aor the following accounts were pass . E. Tremain, $60.00 on street " wre liag account; A. St. Geo. Hawkins, advertising, $6.50 William Climie, do, $61.35; Mail & Empire, do, $15.90 The airman of Finance presented his report, recommending that the account of J. E. Terhune for draw- ing dog tax and private drainage. by- laws, amounting to $13, be paid, and that the clerk is hereby instructed to advertise tor tenders for $21,500 . waterworks deben- to be opencd at first, regular meeting in September. He- port showjng expenditures of differ- ent committees to date, the total be- ing apg ne report legied. zbe air ence report- of ac- counts outstanding for some time, and owing to there being no quor- um at regular meeti tt be would recommend the following for payment: P, Pi nD, ' A. Gray, $54.10% Listowel Gas an Electric Light Co., $6.24 report idopted. Moved by A. Feather- one, seconded by H, Horn, that the olerk rite Wm Javis re nis ac- couul, saying we do not consider we have entered into contracts as yet With contractors, as we understand all contructs must be signed by town otficjals. Carried On motion of l'ructer and Pelton the chairman Fire, Water and Light was instructed to ask lor ten- ders for 300 feet of cotton, rubber lined, hose, und three rubber coats, ~ Phe following accounts were Jacob Geo. g. 13 days' work, $16.25; Meyers Milling Co., gravel and wood, $4.70, do, water supply for July, nN W. A. Gray, three accounts, 856.5 'o. 437, to prevent the use streets and lanes for drains and sewers, for tne aiming, carrying and conveying of tefuse, filth or anything injur:ous to public health, was passed through the tous stages and finally adopted. Constable Kay was a pointed special officer to sce the pro- visions of the foregoing by-law ware carried out oved by ay W. Featherstone, onded by J sec- 8S. Meyers, that the May- » and choirman and Light engage Messrs. if necessary, and to we with them in regurd lo Signing any = water- works contract after being passed by Mor, & C the council; carried. On motion the following accounts assed: A. wae $12.00 et Telephone Co. $1.4 Bradley, Hacking, fos ticket, eLc., = 30. The special commitiee appointed re Breithaupt Leather Co. reported that they could net recommend any further exemption than they have already recommended in ones form- er report; report adopted The of Public School adjourned "until Monduy, August 17th, 1903. . MCRNINGTON. Counci.--The Council met at Don- nelly's hall on Monday 8rd Members present, the Reeve and Messrs. McUluy, Allingham and Gib- son, The Clerk laid before the Coun- cil a letter from the Engineer inv re- -fereuce to tbe Langford drain, und a communpication from the Trustees uf 8, 8. No. 7 re interest on school money. The Reeve was --e*, ty issue the , R. Mae yberry $85 10, LD, Bova 4 Stratford Bridge Ou. $25, A, Bel- ioc Capital (pata oe 00} Reserve - - SESTABLISHED. 4872. TR. Me vip Sta an HEAD. OFFICE": HAMILTON. IGE, GE, TO TO, mi J. TURNBULL, Pres. & Geui,' Mgr. HEAD Orr RON Branches in Ontar arib, -Quebeo, "Mani- toba, North West Territories, Bnd: British Columbia. AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAD--Lioyt's Bask dopestiod for transfor by Tate LISTOWEL BRANCH. * SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT -- Deposits -- and interest added to prinéipal twice SPRolAL, attention given to the discountingof farmers' notes. " DRAFTS SOLD, available at all pointe | in Oe MONEY ORDERS | payable at any in Ca arse Unde or Po, 80 ; $10 to om 00, $20 to $30, 12c R. ARKELL, Manager. ° that the petition of Robert Hunter and others re a monicipa! drain be accept- ed, and that this Council appoint ap engineer to investigate and report tbe Council ag soon as possible--Car- ried. Moved by Jobu McOloy, seo- onded by Joseph Gibson, that the engineer'e report on the Langford drain be read at echoo) honee No, 12, Morpington, on Saturday the 15th, at 2 o'clock p. m., lerk be authorized to notify all the parties in- terested--Ourried. Moved by Joseph Gibson, seconded by R. M. Allingbam, that the Olerk be instructed to notify the engiveer to have the North Black | Creek drain cleaned ont according to By-law No. 250, and.under sec. 75 of the Municipal Drainage Act--Carried, oved by Joseph Gibson, seconded by R. M. Alliugham, that the Clerk be inetructed to votify the engincer to make the assessment on the cleaning of the Patterson drain according to section 75 of the Municipal Drainage Act--Carried. By-laws were passed for appointing an engineer for the Hunter drains, to borrow money, to levy a add n half lot ljecon 11,to S.N aud s half lot 1, con 12, to 8. 8, No. 7, and to iseue Debentures for 8. S. No. 6. The Council adjourn- ed to meet at 8. 8. No, 12, to read and consider the report on the Langford rain. Lessa Warson, Clerk. & MOLESWORTS. Chas. Mitchell and D, A. Miils were at Ottawa last week to see the plant aud sight of the International Port- land Vement Co, Limited, Hull, and they give glowing accounts of the ion sons for the greatest cement iv the Stewart Bros, are about ready ta op the road again with their rhrething outfit. i i Quarterly service was observed iu the Methodiat Church here on Sunday last, 'and waa largely 'attended ius Ida MoKee of Ingersoll is visit- ing under the parental r Mi oliins of Trosbsides is ex- pected to give a report of the Inter- national Convention held in Detroit recently. . Leppard is home fora short time, after spending a few weeks near Niagara. McKay preached in Rev. Mr. b Presbyterian Charch on Sunday last. POPE PIUS xX. Cardival Guiseppe 6 Barto, Patriarch of enice, Chosen as the New Sover eign Pontiff. ome, Ang. 4.--Oardinal Macchi, Secretary of Apostolic Briefs, announc- ed to the crowd assembled before St. Peter's that Cardinal Sarto had been eleeted Pope and that he bad taken the name Pias X. The troops on duty immediately lined up on the piazza and presented arms. after twelve this afternoon, Pope Piue X. appeared inside the alocuy of tbe basilica and blessed the popu- lace amid the acclamations @f the | enormous crowds assembled upon the piazza. Cardival Guiseppe Sarto was boro at Riese, Province of Venice, June 2, 1835 was created Cardinal and Patriarch of Venice June 12, 1893, He is very learned in the ecclesiastical doctrines, is mudest, energetic, a mpae administrator and organizer, @ patron of the arte, aod bis seriousness al. ways bas beep proverbial. Early iv April Pope Leo, in a conversation witb Fatber Perosi, the Italian composer, said, in speaking of Cardiuval Sarto, '*Huld bim very dear, DPerosi, as ia the future he will be able todo muob for yon ; we firmly believe he will be our successor." He has been known for many years as one of the greatest preachers in the church Fell From Scaffold, St. Mary's Uontractor Meets Terrible Death While at Work. St. Mary's, Aug. 3. 3. -- George Han- son, tonemason and contractor, was killed this afternoon abvut 4.30 by falling 40 feet from a scaffold on which he was working. The joist on which he was standing gave way o ing to the great weight of stone and mortar which had been piled upon it. Another workman, Jomea Olyde, alzo fell, and was badly .cut aad bruised, but will likely reoover. 4 Fell 29 Feet, Ingersoll, Angi *3.--Fravk Logan' of Thorndale lies at the. poivt.of death + at Edmund Scatcherd's farm in Nis- souri, the result of a terrible fall he sustained Friday. ed with a number the frame, when hed rg ene. to ~the yound, a distation at teeny site féet. tall on and fractured - his Me He hae since died, * one RE pe, Ai aa, SPR "a Chitaren Cry for " Ste Setn. ere ot Been oe |i ae ple yo bee from At ten minutes re ng trade in ority of 71 (See Jevkina' window of $3:00'panta, 7 Experiments in \ Spring is the Hime' when dormant buds start to grow. 'For ages apple "ahd other trees bave been top-grait- td in the spring. g to the processes of nature'there did not seen to be any other time to do the job. There was a man way out west who m his idle moments one summer day tat a scion of the new year's growth, tnd, making a longitudinal incision ip t limb of an apple tree, tapered one tide of the scion and put it under the park. He forgot all about it until the next spring, when ome day he was trimming the tree and to his surprise te found that thecutjn the tree had healed and that the scion had united with the limb in close' union and was ready to grow. He did not"disturb it, but watched it put out leaves, and lat- er it made a vigorous growth. Real- zing the importance of this summer grafting he put a large er, of scions in the top of an apple tree that Dore poor fruit. Most oF i f d he cut off the limb grafted the ear patos i strength into th result was son 'no w practised method three years, grafting all kinds . fruit trees in the summer e has rafted cherry on to plum and success- fly grafted deciduous trees. Big: On 15 ple ; child Mr. ve Means chil- dren, peng eh twelve years old, have set thousands of scions, and od it, not ts a labor, but as astim As soon as the terminal bu is are "mature tan begin, and b the tree is growing, so as t anion between the scion and the inner aay of the limb. The best montis operation have proved to be the yrange of July and August. e The metho s the cor i the in budding trees. cut in the same way and the scion bd put in in the place of the bud. While wrapping is necessary, it would be better to wrap the limb; in a wet sea- n the water will run down into the slit, and in some cases rot will super- vene before the wound closes up. is operation is so simple that any pne who is the owner of a growing fruit tree can test it for himself The scion is prepared for insertion in the ra = that it would Be for a "splice be from two to six, inches ion with fram one to four buds, or besides the terminal one. The an expert to gr self The idea seems so revotution- ry that it is doubtful i it will take the gnce the tree owner thaf it can done. -- M. Root, Omaha, in New York Tribute. Skim Milk as Pig Feed. Prof. W. L.. Carlyle, in the nine- teenth annual report of the Wiscon- sin Agricultural Fxpetiment Station, reports a series of ekperiments if feeding different varitties of swine, including somé fazoftbacks brought from Indian Territory, and their pro- geny. We quote only the result of experiments to '2st the value of skim milk ag swine food. Two lots were tsed, one of razorback and the other of cross-bred razorbacks, Poland-Chi- Bas and Berkshires. Both lots of pigs having been fed for four weeks: on a mixture of grain fed without milk followed by seven weeks, during which alimited quantity of skim milk was fea in, connection with the grain, an excellent Gpportuni- ty was afforded to measare the value of skim milk as a factor in feeding when fed with a liberal grain ration. but af the same time exerts a sur- ca een of the a co of the animg much more freely of- 7 Sm rations than they teak doing addition of the skin milk to their daily rations, ¢ weeks of the e€ Jimately one a skim, milk was fed wi of the grain age - rp that it re-, I poun grain to pro-" a erote-bred f oy aly eadelore, ¢ -readi se 'thie Needing of the skim' milk a ins ae eying in the grain® o of the 0 a milk Pa iv: it Be ect atecteot hae ofigrain for the raz- "Sannot Seton ee _ 'much more ee when they' pasturage oF rt than where re. 8 as a 18, P 000'men are out on = x dhe 'BIRTHS... hd Bh SD Lismuen. --In Litowa,' 2 on i pamest 3 3,, the es a _ wife 'of George-Lismer Sthtoniy.-e 4a." on Henry 'T. vinden, eget 00 Ave 4 months and 18. <. Bar.arp.--In selina on Wednesday, July 15, 1903, George Edmund Ballard, aged 78 years, 8 months add 8 days. - MARRIAGES. FEFYER ~- HasenrrLug -- At. Milverton, Jily 29, 1903, a ee -- of ee bride's fa her, by lunck, Minnie Havent) eh thicd™ daughter s ry Hasenpflug, to Mr. Louis DEATHS, 24, 1903, Martix,--At Millbank, July m. rh aged 37 M years, 3 months and 2°di SANDALL.--At Milv veckin, July 238, 1903, ward Sandall, aged 48 years. LISTOWEL MAKEETS. Aug. 6, 1908 Battes. per Wuakel.. &ije Basle se 0 4 to 29 Bean do 75 ay per ton 7 ou &O Bran' do 18 0 Shorts, do . 23 00 Flour, per 100 Ibe. . 1% 200 Oatmeal, do 25 28 Co: eal, do 250 25 Butter per fh. M 15 . per doz. 32 13 toes per . &% 10 Altes per 100 har 500 500 Shee ns, wo 65 Woo! per 5 13 15 Wood, long > 600 700 Wood short 200 206 Dressed Hogs, 6M To Live Hoga 475 § 00 Lambs, . 200 309 Beej 600 70 Make up Your Mind LTO ATTHND a LA. OWEL, 7 A Bust G7), Ge' FALL TERM BEGINS "| SEPTEMBER IST, 1903. wo Courees --Cuemmercial and Short- hand, Send for College Journa'. OC. A. FLEMING, A. L, McINTYRE, President. Secretary. H, ADELINE SMITH, SOPRANO 'SOLOIST. AND VOCAL STRUCTOR, Will be rendy a (aie eee. again on August 11th rc iiggiacal oan accepte, tudio, over Vandrick's, Vallace St. Radial, Miss Edmutds, Ww allace St. Listowel Civic Holiday Monday, August 10, 1903. Return tickets will be issued First Class SINGLE Fa trip to all stations a Canada West, ion Bridze, and Baffalo, N Good Going p.m. trains August 8 all trains August 10 valid returning until August 11, 1905, $66.25 Listowel to ' ancouver and Victoria B. C. Be Wash. Vortland JULY 3ilst to August 13th, inclusive. Valid returning until October 15th, 1903 $69. 95, Listowel to Los Angeles or San Francisco, Cal. Good going July 3ist to August 13th inclusive. Valia returning until October 16th, 1903. Single Fare for 'Round Trip to naon account _ BOYS REUNION. Good going AUGUST 2nd to &th inclusive, Returning patil AUGUST 10th LS - he information A. CKING, Agent. Canadian " * « Pacific: PARA LABURERS WANTED Farm Laborer'. Ss Excursion Second Class. Will be run to stations 9n CAN. PAC in Manito nd 'Assini West, South-west and North-west of Winni- peg as far as Moose Jaw, Estevan --. *Yorkton. $1 0 IST 18TH from stations Ontario, -- Line of Grand Yria, and all stations a 'oronto on North Buy Section). } -way iskets to to Winnipeg only will be gpld, with a certificate ex- tending the trip, before August Jist, without Addit ycost, to othe ine lg iteba and aren as asers arm "iataesie a Winhipes. f provided such farm 'Jaborérs will wo not less chet 80 days at harvesting, and they will be retyrned to origina ptarting point at $18.00, on or before Nov. 30th, 1903, TICKETS NOT GOOD ON "IMPER- .* TAL LIMITED." J For further particulars and Saat apply to néarest railway age X. H. NOTMAN. : Asst. Gen, Pass. Agent, Toronto. ~ . f 4a " VOICE OEVELOPMENT A "SPEC LTy Acro! Bombarineot of yoda tra ¢ on cecknting, Lt.-Col. W. M. Gartshore, President. atid Special rater 0 over' all lines. J. A. Nelles, Secretary. smrtmmEnn paix ne 5 .oTes 4808. ENTRIES. CLOSE SEPTEMBER 10TH, Listowel's Greatest Store. . J. M. SCHINBEIN. 4 Main St. " Cheaply Out JTHmNIst Merchant Tailor and Men's Furn THE PLAGE IS One door East of Post Of HO 8th, 1903- > Excursionists over es the BANKS OF NIAG "PREV. E, Pi navtte P i President 'The regular return rate is $6.75. ollows : . Listowel 6.30.4. m., Adu Lon Geemcomecnort 6.37 a. m. Adu! . rston 6.554. m. Adu Ee oe Moorefield 7 08 a. m. Adu Drayton 6a.m. Ad Goldstone 7.25 a.m. Adul Alma 7.36 a.m. Adu Child Fergus 7.51a.m. Adults 1.75 Child Elora 8.00 a m. Adults 1.75 Child 'ARRIVING at Niagara at 10. 30 and LEAVING Gat7 . m. 7 pm the bea be FOR NIAGARA FALLS." GRAND SUNDAY SCHOOL Excursion to Niagara Falls >~ FOR ONLY $2.05 Special train will leave as all a i ing the Falls and pia ssa arte Pacts, Bon AB SLBa a Shopping Suggestions For. Saturday. -- iaeeting Sale of Skirts in Black, Grey, Navy, Cheviot and Homespun. is j $8. 00 and $6.75 Skirts, to clear at..-.-----.+----- 98 ie and 5.50 Skirts, to clear at.....-.---- cesses 3,087 and 3.50 Skirts, to.clear at.....---+.+.+-++ 1,98 SALBH- OF SILE COATS. $20.00 Silk Coat, at...-.....- ce eee ee ee eee eee $15.00 15.00 Silk Coat, at......-.-.. cee cece eee eens 10.00 SeRGIA VALUE in all lines of Summer Wear in Muslins, Cham- +-* bray, Pique, Belfast Reps, Ginghams and Prints. . DRESS GOOLS. To clear some of our Dress Goods, we are offering special value at of 60c. and 75c. Dress Goods, Saturday, for 48c CLOTHING. Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing, choicest patterns in Tweeds, some.are Serges with worsted finish, some are day worsted. are" ial values at their regular price. $10.00 Suits, to clear Saturday, at 8.00 Suits, to clear Saturday, at A few $6 and $7 Suits, to clear, at Boys' two piece Suits, to clear, at Full range of new Dress Goods, Rain Coats, splendid value ~ on Saturday, Aug. 8th, 2 Under the auspices of the Sunday School Association of ' Townships of Maryborough and Peel, on Saturday, August All Tickets. good to Return MONDAY, AUG. 10TH. Thus you can-spend one, two or nearly three days at the Most Beautiful Place in Canada,

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