ed h a cal affection that burnt itself Into flercer intensity waiting the love that be la y Te ad. her tte: m anyone "What other people feel they can ex- Plain in w see. have no power of © jon except through iny Vian," ment; then he know esch othe tel you what. rl do" he ad ded, kindly; I'll brin, tm round o ning you, if you Iike, when he isn't busy." Not many days elasped ¢ doc- tor kept promise, and A' 'ar- rhall, tall and strong, held small, wasted ha of the diminutive mual- clan, and wonde: the while the perfect soul his father had described the In a brief space, ral ever, she yielded 'o his restorattv and before he left t ence. Then the er, accounts in for Te sai t the end 17 years u know how long I give her to live?" 1 hat when she's 21-----' ae ain, but the doctor cut him eit she lives to see the spring," he eaid, gravely. "I shall be surprised." The young man was startled, even ocked. T' ka ike Perv 'tw tnem fo nts. Then the doctor = with Beattation: "Austin, suppose you would think of puting off your visit to 4 Harrisons? ts. you, piAmNTS. | whose days are numbered she be the frat'to Bid you stay. Ina i qui disloyalty to her. n--tf lieve age a ha all ba selence that the world has aver kno her rendering of "Romance" Five weeks a ' Ida's bedroom --will, intense and heartbreaking--he | thin ribbon of spring sunshine had told himeelf that such a thing was | ¢truggled thro ot a aravise of the monstrous, re was an w - dow blind, and lay a brig! treak nlus, beside whom ht If would pale | across the floor. tside the garden va ye srenag insignificance, doom- cheerful with the song birds, o perpetual. solitude the rustling of leaves. Inside sat w chile, Pasar "lke, she sought her tha Uttle cripple propped up with pil- music to charm Into life the rocks and s, her pitiful vitality burning itself rete, slowly a a nt some lessons to correct a She knew she dying, but the fow tao al errors," he said at last, brought her no fear. Per- "and then yen ought to be able to hold | naps she believed that if eternity held your own at Queen's Hall, or at St. or her worse torture than she had yet dames' with the beat of them. If 1 | endured she had served on earth an coul believe in the 1 fain Jong enough to nf & s I would swear the lost soul of | 4 Perhaps Austin are sone xepentaat sinner is imprisoned] siall's companionship and sympathy in your igo s ard bepradpes- we cee "| uoswere ee brie! that testified ition of physital defects, > platform Why, " inte sch oe a jo- 7 bruta' 1 her Hid Diminished Seventh." de va with consclous smile that hetcayed the or ielntor of the quextion- phd pleasontr 1% wer Dim nish Seventh one wince 24 I " blow, and Austin, with ¢ t fen ut cover e her contusk a, ob. sed with ready tact: | "uppose because the minor har- 1 ies are most perfeet und feast un- «i,** shan Pas re tort was so sudden and so un. he yrul antici new t at Ida might hot oftain he panreme | height of 'in rie dance Bh uch as tether bowed, fore rever tieee grhboutish said *were y haseloal itur when the ayid abe anton walls she old doctor noticed the ment fer Rese net tly 'elated by nature from the 1 n hol Ame une crisis the idn't [I tell anewsring the when ba presenuy, feeling thing wrong, we shall bave bea on t | "pot. Wor a ite was conscious of -- ae ter- fbte gense of a tr, and curious buazing in "her head like the | ented twang of the string. Going | iwagy--an until the pa an Why, } thi ime she sm! ead and buried. "She Woked a ig serrate ne r ord, abe ape ied it softly acrogs [the t -- Austin Jooned ae in Then sat 1, W mri oe played ne Teese : ecard of Byenden's, once b gotten. ecard it played by mor than cd musician; b is Was @ glance from "Yaa's eyes all the strange had not confessed. apd phaze, ever slight, was rae ence romitted medical Aenea In pea | nee ee ehe ft to Te- during the In ew weeks re mak ing the eng comparatively easy At any rate, when the door opened quietly, ond ved looked Ay violin in "Li em et a, pride doe though he was pained mark each d how her hold orn Hfe was wenkening. "What shall I play?" "Give me mt he said, su ly, "and we'll play together." The violin lay, ax usual, on the tab'e Inset bu atin hesitated, f you re ay feel equal to pala eoxer- erin then, ans ® F eye, he Scare it gradually weaker, until it Calte xtopped Just before the conenidini bars. He looked up in sudden appre- henston. d er that eirange gray shadow just Lefer? "Ida She did not move 7 ida! What ts the matter--what ts it Sho ned her eyes, they fell on eins' SS ichout a Bleam poy at coRnition. STICK TO ONE THING. An Abravt Change to Secure High Prtens 'or Same Particular Farm Urv- stead farmir ture, ve! times in the pa sh ustry h nm at its lowest ebb, but It revived in time. Steam and electricity bal ving Underbred sti its culture, nor the expen tached to it. m ey have te make an init outloy to adapt themscives to the abrupt change, hich slope will e away all profits. Just more farmer' are ny oingralg ing tor abrupt changes the. ever be- It been a Bisantrour yen with mott tot us. Mor at mone: eoners Ry ° with thelr conaiiane : + y BO, sows and ko ~ proffabic, A proper #¥rt of diver- fea farming spe make profits a cer ee on some of the s#opg. It at inte -- "The ples, nd see. all ny 7 nate ineidenjal profit, while the main farm crops 'rom 'PRACTICAL PICTURE FRAMING. 'With Moderate Skiil Pretty' Frames Can sagpicidiotgecrcnpees carved and vease tetas, thoug.: less 80, o ble, da th: ia uently mutt How- ever, with erate very pretty picture Iet th: whic mat three or four. and 1-2 inch thick, 6f some -nicel i & is very pretty and in good taste, and If p ad dressed, as it should be, cannot be ex- ris. 1. celled. The pieces should be sat a> that the inner or shorter edge ls just ome inch shorter the picture to framed, 4% r corners are the most difficult 2. dry it ts rend saad for and when savtiesty use. Put the glaxs in plic d back of it the stretcher or plc ture, po Be- eure It firmly keep out dust plac h heet of nilla paper ove the back of the picture and [fasten th« edge all arou h cks or glue to e back of Pes frame, if w t Be " verwy all ones, iT sol le This Is offered merely as a surpees- tion which the practical mind can ens- y Krasp, adjusting the minor details to suit the individual taste, IRRIGATION FOR OR SMALL FRUITS The oy Aden Rom to fe Often Uard to Good Advantags Where the Condl- te recently y coe the farm or J.c. Eddy. Hartford County, ace has made quite a hit oe irr nee ting hin atrawberHes (Haveriand fertilized by Lovett on three acres of hixh, and two acr low land in Bubach fer- tillzed by Jessie). Plots watered yteld- than the others, because larger, bright- rand better The water Is conducted In a canna) ri feet wide, fro a small brovk around a hillside to a vine, A hy- draulic ram was set In the ravine so that between the ram ond the canal there was a drop of seven fvet in pressure of seven-foot fall to the ram, which Is one o e largest in the country, preduces preasure of 24 pounds = the square inch within bee 'orees water through ram three- teeny pipe. Lerigation of the rag au pond eet of iron pipe have try irrigation » eecur- aa from the Hartford fire department s per foot. The pipe from nd jrond pipe portion of the lo cultivating, on the ground, the hose Is coupled to the pipe, and the moved ortion of pi o each side. On the Inclined board the hose fs latd, An old nozzle t used and o d is eo large apsiakicr with nu- roipseral eighth-inch holes, A of w thro means 7, of water. A e near- ly two gallons per second fo rin su g@ quantity over an acre In five hours. --Amarican . The Most Diticult Meer of Muatc. the most He acura' of vee ach geomntd Were recently asked to Ich "a found it Aoutty, and one Jares, until one's last breath. seems to me," wae vee © Criticus, ant Scribbler's book reads as though be were aerate to the bottle." Fen." iigsent e¢ mucilage bo! Ye." = lb Why et ae you said your wife this bundle. Drowns--I Vor mal weeek¢ ope eter ban Sy Youmaw WOMEN ac sts be sent upon VIET TA UR SED, OO, cous, | CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, Summer Complaints and Fluxes of the met owes Tt is sale and rel rellable for For Sale by att 1 Dentore: re Finest Tea tn THE Wome IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. Monsoon" Tea is packed M ae aaa iment Thatiswhy Sromacon" rn. THE PERFECT TEA PERFECT TEA ONSOON Mousoi Li. * FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP and reason they see that none but the to Monscon the perfect Tea, can be in put up in sealed caddien of HT, Th, and tt 8 put up in seale st. and JAE TEE & CO., sands ir grocer docs says rolemired 3 Frent St, ino ag Cu: tut threat or Lh ity. Relieves, Beals promptly. PYNY ~ babernsdll daa ree all ir. bronchial No un: wothes, A Lange Bottle for 25 Cents. GNIS & LNREACE hs UD. MONTREAL We WANT A MAN AT to fur' enum BUT out sock ig bs for itself. Prices Handsome "er plates and com Sia outfit fucni is ange. terms and aoe Tre "O.n Rewapce" NoeeeeyMen. ee Gooscberri ES) es w 'ail do not mildew. not Blackberry Bushes ator. miboat eeineres ONCE in this community to sell precre Nes that beat in our line. Peary. ple T: oaks. "Excelsior" b as ki pple. Cherry t proof against black-knot. Plum trees not affected li tee Currants. [HING Write for CHASE SROTHERS' COMPANY, Colborne, Ont. asily of Irrigation, 'Tho meetin necessity of . apie and dry spells is aner eater a structive rerics pow, lato the workshop, end from do pumping. Water pe 'the siphon principle from sakiest mehoutd t be 'Cuecmaied, ca oo prompt about always water beneath our feet. turist. --American_A, Facing ey speak of trrigatied ple, we are in the "nladie of o after a terrible de dow we 0 the rg me ac- jenoush @ricul- Tying Celery For Mark "t WILL CURE YOU Bee DR. L.A. SMITH & CO.. Toronts, aE oSe, PILLS act gently yet the Stomach, Liver and Bowen FORTWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN' BAKING THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND EST SALE IN CAN 7A ada ly GHAR LUTE SNE DOr RUF TURE me CURED ~~ iTH NO INCONVENIENC WITHOUT: TRUSS AP vt Cont will do it, CHAS. CLUTHE is hangar Wosr Carm- 4 FiAe-Ser908 On LiL, Feb M4, "86, KE ai ae te CURE. here! MSTOWEL ------ SASH & 0008 'ACT = BAMFORD BROS. Builders and Contractors e prepa ed to contract for the erection ations drawao = estimates farnished op pplication. ° ae Sash Jou Frames, Blinds, ete arnished on short notice Pisining done order Everything in thet ofld'ng line wi Ld given progipt stteetion PIRST..CLASS WORKMANSHIP anuran ! ta TEE Charges Very Moderate Factery-Inkerman citreet, Listowel, Ont. Bamford Bros, sy De ae pes 4) ra (IT 48 TESTEC AT THE GNTARIO AGRE CULTURAL C.LEEGE' Ad 'Found to Give Liighiy hatlsfactory Bteauite--Deserip ion of the Inveution-- 'Twenty-Blx Cows Milked in 96 Minuies or Leas. The {ollowing letter has been sent of the pleased w' the machine doing, and, being anxious that fannds sbould be abreast of the times everything pertaining to the dairy industry, Be suggested to the he te at-cups, which are attached to the udder, For milking ten cows, n pails and ten sets of tcat-cups are 3 used--five for t an makes of any kind of it next Ps a possible { dust or dirt ta get pa the milk dur- Ing the - ae of king. portable farm engine tn from 20 to 26 minutes, I think It might arran| so thet one man could milk nearly as many in the same time. We weig the pércentage of fat grad- ASTES MILLS, ay tea chitin, Guelph, August 15, muter--What do you mean b_ u had a bic: . --Bosto: 2 Transcil, t ung man," said the sage, g 3 aid come mighty nigh b-- Trilby," sald th the lean iran T° asked th: tat ght we would be "Told m: able fer hemp of the copyrigut Mianapong Fouiaal, "Minter," said the str who had Lleo-g B Sine: [A MILKING MACHINE. | pena Castoris ia Dr. famuel Pitchars prescription for Infants and Children. I other Narcotic substance. It is « harmless substitate for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil, It is Pleasant. Its guaranteo is thirty years' use by ef Mothers. Clastari Scott's Emulsion emedy. Itis simply the purest Norwa Cod tive Or Oil "the finest Hypophosphites, and lenis cally pure Glycerine, all combined into a perfect Emul- sion so that it will never change or lose its integrity. This is the secret of Scott's Emulsioni's great success. ae amost happy combination of flesh-giving, st: rength- ening and healing secets. their perfect union giving then a remarkable value WASTING DISEASES, Hence its great value in Consumption, whercin it arrests the wasting by supplying the most concentated nour- ishment, and in Anzmia and Scrofula it enriches and vitalizes the blood. In fact, in every phase of wasting it'is most effective. Your doctor will confirm all we say about it. Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute / Scott & Bowne, Bellevilie, All Druggists, 50c. and $1. As many good things are likely to. Bat: you are safe in FULL OF ENCOURAGEMENT FOR ALL Wom™MEN. . In Bed 5 Months--Had Given Up All Hope of Getting Well--A Remedy Found at Last to which "I Qwe My Life." itt Tie fui watt pth i eanmaictte