Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 6 Sep 1895, p. 3

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FOR THE PRETTIEST |= AND CHEAPEST WALL PAPER IN TOWN CO TO LIVINGSTONE'S DRUG STORE people visited the show afternoon and even- fraternity which usually accompany circuses. For anything in the Harness line thepub- lie is invited to call at Ed. Howe's oe cas BANK OF HAMILTON, |iSe=\icr seers, i given enc attention. ia se p guaranteed CAPITAL - + $1,260,000 ae a 'own Cocxcin.--The regular monthl: RESERVE FUND - $675,000 --s of ,the Town Council was held as --_ ond&y evening, 2nd inst. Present, Mayor DIRECTORS Fetboaue in the chair, Deputy-Reeve JORN stuakr, ' Heppler, Reeve Welch and Councillors Campbell, Jas. A. Tremain, A. Foerch, J. Seburger, W. Pelton, S. J. Stevenson, H. Goddard, M. McGillivray, ' J SL. Gunther. 'were re- ittees: W. G. Hay, 108 loads grayel at 25c., $27; Sanders, & McIntyre, half cost grading Elma gravel road between township of Elma and town of Listowel, $10; drying hose after SAVINGS maxn--#1 and upwards re ecived on also received at bur- ent rates of interest. DRAFTS on Great Britain andthe United bought s eee anne Collections made favorabia te tannery fire, $1: RK. Bulmer, expenses pro: secttting Hy. Gibson, $3.25; Gas Light Co. ay 2: KiSTUART, 32 posts from June lst to August 1, 8120; . Agent, Listowel. gas, town hall, 1300 feet, $3.25; meter rent $1. On motion the accounts of San- LISTOWEL STANDARD, | :r# Mets soi R. Bainer were or * | dered to be paid. The chairman of Finance FRIDAY, SEPT. 6, 1895. resented Sieitepors, wittohi zycommendied payment of account of Town Treasurer, $5.42, including an item of $3.75 for ab- stract of title of eld agricaltural grounds The committee also recommended the im- Two cars of fine draught horses were | mediate collection of balance due from T. E shipped from here on Saturday.to Montreal | Hay on granolithic sidéwalk, and urged on by sabe Kidd. the Mayer totake such steps as may be est Thanksgiving services will be found necessary to do so--Report adopted, aha 4h in Gace Church on Sunday, 15th | Moved by J. Seburger, seconded by A. teat. Foerch, thats rebate of $3.13 be granted Oat Dust $0 per ton, at Palmerston Uat- G. H. Edgecumbe, amount of interest on meal Mill. back taxes on lot 60 cast Richmond street 42 A. Moyer & Co, i petition Tngne was an eclipse of the moon on 'ated from a number of prop Tuesday night, which, as an afterlude to the erty owners on the west sideof Wallace street asking that @ granolithic walk be laid down on that side ot Wallace street, agreeing to pay the percentage of cost. The petition was aigned by John Gabel, C. Preuter, A. Hermiston, Wm. McKeever, A. H. Nichol* M. D., and D. Sanderson. Moved by A _Oxe of the ring horses of Sells Bros. | Foerch, seconded by Jas, A. Tremain, that circus died while here on Tucsday Tt was | che request of the ratepayers on the west & valuable animal. Mr. S. Barber buried | gide of Wallace street be granted, provil- it, taking the hide for his pay. ing the petitioners a Lason day was not observed in town, asve by the banka and post office. circus, was quite a success, gn. Jas. Moxtoomery, formerly of the ton, staff, left town this week to as @ the management of the Wroxeter Advocate. ree to pay two-thirds Quire a number from this neighborhuol | cost of w left on Friday on the excursion to Ottawa | ried on and Montreal, amongst wh B. F. Brook and wife and Mr. W of this town k, not inchading filling--Car- : Yeas Tremaim, hom were Mr. | Focich, Seburger, Welch, Stevenson, Gel- Clothier | dard, McGillivray, and McCutcheon, Nays --Campbell, Gunther, Pelton, and Heppler. Fanas ron Sate.--ln Ease, Wallace and } The Board of Works reported, Mornington. Some good bargains, and | ing that a drain be opened on easy terms of payment. Apply for particu lars to J. W. Seorr. recommend Reserve atreet, and the sidewalk be raised on Dodd : ; atreet along the side of the Arlington hotel, Fans Soup.--The Ausman estate, being | ais that a cruasing be built on south side of parts of lots 63 and G4 in the Ist concessiod | Main street at weigh acales-- Report adopt- of Grey, was sold by auction on Soturdsy | gi The chairman of Fire, Water and Gas lost, Mr. Jas. Brown of Grey presented his report recommending pay purchaser at §3,050. ment of the following accounts: Jas Lee Mn. F. G. Forstex, editor and manager | sundries, $1.10 ; Gutta Percha Rubber Co., of the Medicine Hat 85.85. The few days in town, the guest of his father. | read report of Fire Company for the month being the News, is spending a| for supplies, chairman also of Auguat, givim 4 statement of service of A.O.F., | the company for the in-law, Mr He wasa delegate to the High Court which met last week at Guelph. commending that the Council allow any party fire. On rast month, also pe= The, to who draws the hose reel too A sTaLx of corn measuring 12 feet and motion the report was adopted, . ler day as grown by Mr Jollet of | 4.communjeation was read from the Star the 3rd concession Wallace, who hasa field | Manufacturing Co, of Detroit, making a of it which looks almoat like: a young forest. definite offer to put in anelectric plant and It is the Giant Prolitie Sweet Enailage | furnish the town with clectric light, The variety, the seed having been imported by correspondence was left in the Mayor's the Bricker Hardware Co. hands, Moved by 1D. D. Campbell, second- . iby A. Foorch, that the Gas Co,'s account For fresh, new and clean general groceries, : e : the same rate 7 at and glassware, flour, feed and timothy be paid at the . © as formerly, th ace, amblya & Clhimies, The Girocer'a, | is at the rate of 813 per post, and that the Wallace St., in the place to go. All kinds of account for gas for town hall be paid--Car farm prox reduce wanted, ried. A communication Was read from the Tows res. --The Council having pass. | Secretary of the Underwriters Association | ed a By-law for collecting the town taxes being in reply to letter of Mayor re fire appliances, also enclosing a copy of fire inspector Howe's special report on Listo wel's fire protection service, The matter Fire, Water and Gas Smith, een appointed collector, will be at his office on the 12th, 13th, l4th, and inst., the ta Five pe to all rae due and unpaid by the 16th. was referred Committee. it Neragry a Fine.--An incipient fire was] gics RoW atarted at the tannery on Friday morning lant by 8 spark from the smoke stack. The re had burned through the roof of the adopted. Moved by J ed, but was by A. Foerch, that the property known be purchased from W. grinding house when discover extinguished with theaid of the pump at - Hens Property which the tannery ond the waterworks, tc! . Hay, and that the Mayor be instructed were quickly got into play. Very little | to mae prepared the necessary By-law therefor. After some discussion the motion acarried on a division, Messrs. Cam) phe bell, Wall Paper--An immense snh---lntont Scvarger, Foerch, Tremain, Gunther, W ach tterns---and selling almost at cost, at J.| Heppler, Goddard, and Stevenson, v ao pers, two doors west of old Bank of | yea, and Messrs, Pelton, McGillivray so ton building, Zin wal Main are ceielens tet voting uay. ET It SUM Keeps Everybody Talking. Tas EL, of 0, K. will hold -ite regular | what_it but..now the THT oe oe o'clock. Besides th 1 busi here will fon hati cl oe gr yr in the 'be 'an election of 1a t it is not only ¢ officers to fill the.now | P' Sethe wbut by. oll cdds the vacant positions of President, Rec. Secre- t tary, Conveners of Men's Lookout and }the season. Just Bick and Flower Committees. All mem- = to Cleveland, over a $3.50. bera are expected to be present punctu- eryone wants to go troit for bus ona oF fi leasure, combine one with the ally at the abore hour. other. 'o troit and return, 4 $2.00, giving you oe days in Detroit. A Womas Dnoven.--The rare sight of « woman passing bh one attractions in both Betrot and Cleve- of catthe waa witnessed on Friday morning | land. The theatres are Belle last, in reply to an enquiry she stated that ie reid she had come from Glenelg, and not having any fodder at home, was driving the cattle looked better than it does at f ber that it are now in full blast, 400 horses i panion on her long tramp was a faithful Tax Excunsioxs. or Tak Stasox.--Men- Harvest scene of the tragedy,s number of citizens also going out to the spot. Secor Mrs. was * who lives near the wae i be @ 20d concession, ho saw at an upper window ey ds: o'clock what she at first lw track. pcg to investigate, be 1) Sas David Martin, and that be was dead. Ao $ on the west side of the lade yg ust have cons within a ay feet "of he pa of the road and beside the track, nee. His hat, which hada up about six feet iron be was in it, was a ey in it, which doubtless God samo sling " 4 with the unfortunate man's is known to have been addicted to ouriake ¢ was & married man, leaves @ wife and two small children, in somes what lim AN INQUEST OPENED, arriving at the scene, and after among citizens of Listowel an the following being 'hompson, Geo. je jurym Robt. T Porter, Robert Hamilton, Jno, Hamil» ton, Abraham Hamilton, m. Lamont, tr, Hawkins, of deceased, and of Mrs ii st sm th Y, was b brother testified to having seen deceased the evening before about 6.15, and to having called later at his house, whe he was told b ceased's wife that h was yé also deposed that de ceased was addicted to drink, and that the hotel keepers in town had bee warned agsinst supplying him wit Deceased was about 37 years The inquest was adjourned until Fris oo'clock, to meet ip subsequently gave an or of the body, whe permit for burial. ---- ELMA. James Donaldson, jr., has just thresh~ ed the wheat off an 84 h a new variety in this Geo. Graham has rented two or ~ line attended Trowbridge harvest pot siday last. Harvesting .is capidly nea'ing "comple: tion. Oats and peas are a fine CARTHAGE. Harvesting is almost completed and the farmers are wearing a broad smile ol satisfaction Carthage can boast of a footba'l club. Wal Glens Minne aad McCullough, cf Monkton, and J. Grey, of Atwood, on Iast Saturday and Sun- ay- 4 Boss had the mislor une to get his head cut from 6 falling shelf while tura- ing cheese. Miss Minnie and Maggie Glean, of have been visiting their aad vicinity, have re- Chesley, who many trierds irs) tarned hom the best re» pects of be! t friends. TRECASTLE. Miss L a L spending a few days visiting friends he excursion a 2 Sat turday to Nisgara vite @ number in this vicinity, -- being represent- ed) by members fro! families of Chas. Christie and TS teer. PB cin ay's adherents in this vicinity ear ta be school teachers and a of their pupils Fall -- seeding is nearly finished. Harvesting i® progressing; greater part of the oats is cut. Some stirring arguments take place in our town in regard to the _--_ a of G, is no doubt & excellent work. MILVERTON: Rev. |. Kay preached in Mitchell ae day . Rev Mr. Stewart o} Su filled the Presbyterian pulpit here. maoy friends o ev. A. countenance oo He remained a few ends. He arenas home in Arth: Fr i Schaéter Bros.' jeweler, lek op at reo atin xialh co. Saturday to Branttord Frank 'arabe is Se dows with typhoid wae n last Wednesday Waterloo ------ been nursing days visiting of enjoys his new fever. He to the Berlin. Miss Buchan, who bh . Torrance inooaak asevere at- tack of typhoid fever, left on Monday to w ber duties the Stratford hos- Miss ol -- an excellent purse, and bas left many warm triends in Milverton. Mrs. T. is now convales- cent. The farmers are about all through harvesting, and report the crops as be- to extra good, r. Struthers of Meentagee heousts into Oe Reddaway's office the r day t. 2in. kg my pal aos Ac Sir MacKeorie Bowell will seek an inter a compromise th introduce remedial 'cgislation of some aont. --------------E---------------- BiRTHe, Tania pase Ot. th: Ferguson, of Stent" ig tha GARDNER--In Listowelon the @nd inat; the wife of W. 5, Gardner; of a son. REWART--In Waliace, on the rd inst. the wife of John Newart of DBATES. --In Listowe! -- Mears ad ieaaya' AA SAY: -ikpanaa nash entice a Angee, | : F u g "il ERS MARKET, Main St.. West. 3 AT GUST HALF REGULAR PRIGE 4 WIL BE CONTINUED FOR ONE sure tocome again. BURTON'S GROCERY, Hutchison's Old Stand, Main St. Dissolution of Partnership due m will Ne Collected ie, M. Mo. aie f and ail claims against th * ie a by bim. Listowel, Jaly 11, 1895. M. seaeenaielenine W. SPEARS. AS GOOD AS MONSOON is a favorite expression with people who try to sell other teas. Don' t be satisfied with "as '*Monsoon"" at no higher price. "MONSOON TEA." THE PERFECT TEA, is put up by the tea planters as a sample of the highest qualities of Indian and Cey- on Teas, It is a selection of the choice leaves of the best pick. Toinsure purity it is pick- ed in sealed caddies under the supervision of the growers. y this means many com- missions are saved as well as purity guaranteed. TAMBLYN & CLIMIE, The Grocers, Wallace street, isthe only place in Listowel that you can get this Cele- brated Tea. We have still another con- signment of those 28lb boxes of Raisins for $1.. TAMBLYN & GLIMIE. Wallace St. Call and see us Youare} WEEK LONGER = If you fail to secure some of these the fault is your own. They have been on for 1o days, and many have been made to rejoice, How could it be otherwise, Buying Men's Good Coats : fOr: Og 8c. Buying Men's Beavy Sweat: , ers for '75c. } Buying Men's Dollar Shirts for 50Oc. - And every may else in the line of Suwmer Goods at same rate Next week we advertise Fall and Winter Suitings. They are now in Stock and can be seen at any time. J. M. SCHINBEIN 4 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE $I. GOOD NEWS. Itis news we are after. It will only be a few weeks lonyer when we expect to have our new addit- ion to our store completed. It will be second to none. We will have one of the best lighted stores in Listowel, We will then have lots of room, lots of Goods, lots of light. But the best of all, we are going to havea SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY, which will commence on FRIDAY AUG. 30. Now to make the day of 'Bargains a success, we want every buyer, small or large, to give us a call, and guarantee I will carry.out my part, if youall willdo your part. Iwish all my customers to know that eall purchasesat the reduced rices on Bargain Day must be cash. I am boundto make itinteresting for you, NEW DRESS GOODS, New Mantles, New Golt Capes, New Golf Cape Cloth, Hept- onette Rain Cloth, Cravenette Rain Cloth, The latest styles in LADIES FELT HATS--See our Show window --Ready trimmed, Now is the time when you are thinking of buying a Jacket oraCape. Our New Stock has come to hand. This store has advantages unknown to others. I import all Mantles and Cape Cloth direct for spot cash, from the best manufacturers in Germany, noted for the best fittin goods. We have styles here that will not be duplicated in Listowel. We have about 100 Mantles in the R. McMillan stock, very good styles--note the price, from$1 and upwards. Some well worth $4, $5, $6, $7, and $8. That 3c Cotton we sell beats the world Our 8c. Flanelette is 4c, cheaper than the actual pra ice BOOTS AND SHOES--buy ours if you want good value nd a good artic GROCERIES --the best goods kept. 30 lbs Sugar for wo FALL AND WINTER STYLES. ar Collars are and And ample rolls. 'are sil ine go $ 'more bav o sEiris that Nor rolls & pot-bollied swell 'Abd cuts on met peu a Sut pi Their tails no lop, The tappered itary Ard kennel! costs at last hays fed NEW FALL (COEES . ARRIVING DAIL Come and see Them, HATS UNDERWEAR ee gail io VER COA' x UNPAGEED and ready for your CRITICAL INSPECTION. We guarantoo that these cases contsin utthe |LATEST STYLES IN NcWEST MATERIALS, Whitt: will be sold at lowest Itving M. WILDFANG, Leading Clothierand Furn- isher. Sign of The Elephant, WALLACE STREET, $1. 23 lbs, Best Redpath Sugar for$1. J. M. SCHINBEIN. [BICYCLES BUILT --AxD-- Bicycles Repaired AUGUST ee Doctor What is good for cleansing the Scalp and who bas bad over Sade ore Ua ia New of bi 5 work al aay kg free, bear ops If you would know why the 'Happy Thought" is considered the most perfect and economical of kitchen ranges Bais ye only to examine their superior construction and you w.ll then understand their wonderful popularity, Cheese Factory fittings, viz: Cheese Vats, Sinks, Curd pale Milk Cans, Steam and Water Fittings of all-kinds done on short notice, Repairing promptly attended to. - * Canadian and American Coal Oil for sale. ULLIAX & SARVIS. THERE IS NO GETTING OVER IT THIS IS THE POPULAR STORE. $3346 Positive increase in sales in seven months time What does it mean? The people of this town and country appreciate what we do for them. Prices like the Following Continue to reign here. ___ BRODER: _2 gkskkikeses _ o 10 .08 05 08 -06 Flannele' : +05 | 10 Flannelettes, =, vo wide, only. .08 +15 | 200 Gray Flannel, 12; 10 rrp Gingacs, ¥ vard w wide le only. f +25 | 40 inch new Plaids,on sale.........-. 22 60 Cor reete, now np eo dinie's Swale'adeles 25 BOOTS AND Women's 1 a nee shoes. worth ie onl ly tie al SHOES Women's <8 'regular $ ™ Women's" pebble He lace shoo, worth 1.25 $1.50 ' Las women's sli ippers here for. 00 1.00 Job het b boys' lace shoes about half price. 35 | Women's * Prune Ils slippers only.. 50 MILLINERY AND ALL STRAW GOODS he greatest sweep on record in all Millinery ---- also at lines of Men's Straw Hats, Parasols and all sum- mer goods. PILES'OF NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING ad Dress Goods, Mantles, Capes, Cape Cloth, Waterproof rmen. Waterproofs for Women, Waterproof Cloth New Silks, Satin Duchesne, New Trimmings, New Underwear, New Carpets in An minsters, Brussels Tapestris, Wools, Unions, Hemps and Oilclotes. The finest stock ever brought to Listowel. Come where you can save alot of money. Carson & McKee. The Goiden Lion. Telephone 71. PRINT SALE FOR 10 DAYS, AT J. 8, GEE'S, ! Over 100 pieces to choose from, 12$c. -- will be cleared out at " 10¢ pri is 8c Ling 10c per yd. '" &e " " Li 5¢ Also Muslins, Delaines, Summer Dress Goods and Straw Hats, all ot which will be cleared at and be.ow cost. Re. member this is no humbug, but a genuine bargain sale for 10 days. Don't forget this is the spot for Boots and Shoes-- Prices right. GROCERIES always fresh and reliable, with newest arri- 8, Weare selling a choice blend in FFEE, With each Ib. ou get a Queen Tea and (offee Pot, all for 50c. ELI- CATINE only 10c a package, different flavors,. SUG AR lic a package, ready for use in White, URE CEYLON TEA--No bette: Tea'in the market, try it ed you will have no other--Prunes, Evapor- ated apples, Breakfast Hominy, etc, etc. Everybody Welcome. J.S. GHB. TRY SALLOWS & ALEXANDER NOVELTIES NW "FURNITURE. We guarantee our goods, as we manufacture all in the Up- holstering line. We have ahs completed a SLUMBER" CHAIR, Oak frame, covered with Wilton rug, which is a complete novelty. _ UNDERTAKING Receives ours.most careful attention, and Sallows having had large experience both in Canada and the States, is prepared to Conductand Embalm in the most thorough and practical manner. Do not mistake the place if prices and workmanship are to be considered. Main. Street, Listowel. MASSEY HARRIS CO. REPAIRS. My stock of Repairs having been dama gedby fire, was returned to Toronto. Expect to haye.a new stock returned to me in time for Harvesting. But advise all parties who know they require repairs to. send in their orders at once and save both expense and delay when ready to begin Haying and Harvesting. I have on hand large stock of FORKS, SCYTHES, SNATHS;, RAKES: MACHINE OILS, &C [ROBERT MOORE,

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