Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 30 Aug 1895, p. 2

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EXCURSIONS | atce Sei Sr aout ri, Ft are now in order. ; Gerth under colonial ot fmperal | newatne Panay, veer | ee re * ee Foes, ou? Sess one )6hSELLS BROTHERS' End! those 'sho protest against them wie AM dt to nes Extract of Wild Strawbety bas : : Enormous e < of the : im" Big Show | vec HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, Re orgy 'hinklog. ph ng Richard of inianapels aed Taopactot GEO, DUSKIN' Missionary. ains' only TT i: f Afri- x. This will based | and KINGSTON, @) AWA, hinges alos rae og o = , oa nas matters of colonial policy and bad some Garey, of th Leng A psurance \Com- ees TE a t nd pany, have pair work for weeks bunt- > e " a artista liad ad Bi PORTLAND. sat ---- rene ecteratad serter> ing traces of the yo body. He was Holmes Convicted of a Lie. day_srongy in bia reply 10 the West | Oorocday detectives went to Covi. | | Chicago, Avg. 27,--Reteriog wo tbe | DON Miss "Seeing the Largest Show on Earth, e city, because the Cape _ * sak old aad MONTREAL, QUEBEC, | luet frit. ded cepect ine wishes | Pitezel, and evidence which should con~ of the colonies, But federation was | Vict Holmes of having posed bim, necessary in Africa as in Australia. and then partially burned his body African railways delegation ton, a suburb of the city, and the seat of | atest statement of HH. = Aug. 30, 31, and Sept, 1 and 2, Butler College, and before oor - = been | Stamer, of the Pr rabptores "hospital, Beyond all comparison the largest, oldest, richest, and most complete Arenial ¢ work an hour their atten was | says: It is absolutely untrue that Min-.| 4 Zoological enterprise in the universe, Noted for its matchless magnitude, r. Laurier and t the Schools. called by alocal real estate dealer to a| nie Williams was a patient at thishospi- | ™egnificence and merit. Now increased in every -way except in price of admission, small vacant cottage situa in ¢ | tal in 1892 or at anytime, She was Vou wili eee larger tents, double menagerie, more sensational featares, more greater ECLARES HIMSELF AT GRAND | woods at the edge of the town and far| anemploye. Holmes' story is false on | 8Cts than ever before exhibited in this or any otber country, without a rival, with- HE Call on me for further par- VER, QUE.--FAVORS THE CATHO-| from any other dwelling. The party thefaceolit. He says that the Williams | Out ll i honestly advertised, honorably presented, truthful, moral and ip- LIC MINORITY. went to the house, and a few minutes | womon wax admitted to this institution | Struct! ciculars. Grand Ri Que., Ax, 26.--The Lib- -- -- the ao when ouere from acute mania, Now wer, » Aug. pened ec porch the missing trun was taken | we nev: © receive ap tien mental! reals mt Gaspe county, numbering four or | from the doo! vette Ci nia kuase in this atected, so that dis ; sucae es e. Haleex" Pure and free of oN, s anes features. No J A iH ACKI NG Gre hundred am, women and ane city Oct. 10 by H. H. Holes e,end which | story, so far as we are conéerned. No games of chance No Hxagge r- - th at Grand Riyer to bear Mr. | was thou;ti tain the » f the | sach perek aot tected Coe. bug. ie P 4 e ~ 7 j Toasters great pronunciamento on Satar- haha inet Oe et ght and eabrieer Mit ets ation. BU RROTEING co VERTIS i 28 5 day last. He fer thels, ae Shee paobiete flocked to the scene ob eee is . aisten, ew Aa e cot, although ' ' Anas 'nol fakire or conSdence men.in or aboat: our tentr, and tolerate no mS Agent Grand Trunk Ry. and to remove the duty on pork and | officers @adeavored:to keep the matter kind whatever. Ours is a clean, wholesome and moral exhibition E- ' % pee Toe Tate] t. The wa} -guarded, and : other cireus show in America, you can Canadian Exp. Co. _ tide sony te a nie red. We -call upon asd invite the houest mammoth sho ' exitiio of ey ad ws." members - of the press, and the public generally to speak us. @ barn connected with the house was Tafge stove of cylindric shape, of the same pattern as that. Holmes bought in re having | Cincinnati, Late this evening Dr. J. F. e.. faves to putt a question, wanted tc} Barnhill's attention was called by a small eden most elegant ~ Manitoba 'hoo! difficulty. el ever "extensive, 'outs give us the pools, of your patronage y- dence was taken, bat aot | It 9° show = eat ted, and it it is™ -- the saree character sufficient to convict, Pag! he LISTOWEL STANDARD. know if Mr. Laorier desired s settlement named Walter Jenny to the stove | magistrate dismissed the case on Satur- FRIDAY, AUG. 36; 1895- of the question on the ew -- hole where the s Lg we 5 - intervention lines, or according to the | filled with refuse. This was pulled ou , VVB2 . DOBBS QUEBEC'S POOR SCHOOLS. Quebec Catholic view. He also asked if | and the remains of the boy were fo how A R alata The Teachers incompetent jul Teste Mr. eri would ig: ages ae Physicians and dentists were there, and Fatal Rusaway. ° | kenzie Bowell's action, shou! e settle | in this pit of refuse hundreds of pieces of ' ' cated. os matter sccoien ¢ tothe idea of the ae ste found, The teeth showed THES TA aunian SEVERAL SELLS BROTHERS Sole Owners and Managers, anitoba minority the y was that of a bey between eight weap runes" aun |e iy ie ube pry again ete els rs | gee, Ag, Asn | THESE MEN GRAN Sey ours ut mgerseniod is te lie | contrmed thins Al were charred, and | yay aecdeat occined bere yesterdey | WW AL Afternoon REVELATIONS MADE BY INSPECTORS. by Mr. Martin, of Manitoba, and that| clinging: The skull bones and pelvis aftctanor, by wbich one maa wteeds be at and Evening Monte), Avg, Zi---Drig the tas | De, would support the goveroment | added 1, tke same, copincng Kat. | While pe of the Casal Beach "bane ; J orable te the Catho ° e y had evidently en burned in ' two days a congress of school inspectors va any Sey lead . was taking on baggage at the Queen's - y- He spoke thus asa party leader,) a cob fire, and in the huge stove found } 5,, ' Bag been OIE oo at St: Hyacsthe, | 424 pot merely as the member fot Qat| {nthe bain. Howard's overcoat | the reer staring them kiehog, Tee SELLS BROS." GIANT SHOW OF THE WORLD. 7 data grocery store near by, where 'd ; ° De La Breure, superintendent of educa~ ee ' driver, Chas, , from tion, and the revelations that have been -------- Holmes had left it, saying a boy would at to take the hice by the heads 3 Big Circuses, 3 ~peparate Rings. All New Superlative made regarding the common schools of ~~ call for tt ¢ never came. The own | when he was thrown down and the loac- sensation, § continent axes, gala h rac this proyince should not only 'ill the Farmers' I Institutes ers of the house recogniaed Holmes fro ed wagon passed over his head, esusing of artiste, 1000 pe nor g eed oh poe 300% feature sr yt sonderful agitation in Quebec for separate schools ae -- bol e aor injuries, from the effects of chick he sights, 12 monster waterproof tents, 4 specizl ratlway trains, $3,500,000 actually in- t i t w st rente died t } vested to perpetuate its grandeur. Its marvelous menagerie, embracing eve y Captive ck Ppp Siisee ieeact tse at bub) CIRCULAR FROM THE SUPERINTEN-| house, with the same story he told tn ane abvut one "elock ~~ } beast known to exist 5 ite mabtitude a features each one a show alone, "One ae ei French 'Canada with Het and DENT. oronte and other He c The 'horses thea fan "grit (belt B ticket admits to all the combined humiliation. with a boy, big. stove, washstand, and tozd cf pusrengers motly indies whe, UNDER THE LARGEST TENTS: EVER CONSTRUCTED.--The greatest The inspectors are, in fact, an able and O.A.C., Guelph, Aukust 231d, 1895. bed, stayed two day*, and then disap ception jum ' 4 Zoological collection in the world, presenting for the first time in this country the educated body of men, and one after I have made arrangements with Mr. peared. Several people have identifica pa gens oe "leew § injured, avon enedils ONLY Patr oF GIANT WHITE NILR BLOOD SWEATING HirPOPOTAMI, educated acorhes felt obliged to get ap in open | Hi, J. Hill, Director of the *Parosip him, and all doubt v ia remove ol attendance. Fs brnes wete broken, Alatka reals und sea lions, performing kapgerover, train lephant, lordly lione, convention and declare that go per cent] Jndus'rial Exhibition, to temporarily : however, The iady remaining on boara gers, lenpards, stately flocks of ostriches (the first ewer publicly eahibited), and of the Roman Ca oe common Scicals - fice { th College build- "County Mo Modelites. escaped injury bryond the shock. The marvelous trained, wild and gr animals of all descriptions ruly the of Quebec ce were in the hands o} move my ¢ fom) SHE ©B' horses rap to 1 each, neatly tw only great and legitimate exhibstion of its kind on earth, Seating capacity 12,000, unskilled, incomp:tent and uneducated | '*& to the Fair Grounds, Toronto, The time for registering entries to the | miler, where they were caught. Neither petients ushers, Circus eaves can secure tickets in advance at |. Livingstone's ' teachers. Although the cfficial pre-| 1 wall occupy from September 2nd | county model achools expired on Satur- | borses nor vehicle sustained any damage. aa sie plainly stated that none but | to 14th, inclusive, a large tent situat-| day. The term opens on Monday, Sept. | Buck was about thirty yeare of age, and M F GRAND GORGEOUS STREET ger gahag -- eclipsiog Rai those holding diplomas can teach in tie ed Eact of the Cattle Ring, and just | 2. Following are the names, place of | was married cnly afew weeks ago. 4 ye Yer ares wcivant oe ever seen in the public oe takes place ats , on Tuesday Sept. 3. public schools, yet this 1s violated day by | between ap in front of the Horse | residence and school selected : r¢ >) s i' Tt 1s over a mile in length. No postponement on chai we weather. Two pein ic ay, and some of the inspectors said that end Caute heda. STRATFURD. = toe -- a performances, afiernoon at 2, cremon at 8. Doors open une hour earlier. a sane could ts closed the yuar supad. MW. Wheaton, B. a Secre-| | Females--Lottie Armstrong, Lackaow; ae Admission to all Combined Shows 50c. i 2, who is aatnns we rd the Westera ree. ged se Oe es --} nid Industrial, , Toronto, "Sept. 214. Children under 9 years half p educationiet, and is inspector for the rich | ation, will occupy an office in (his) Vehity en ks, Listowel; Ma w London, Sept, 12-21 "Special excursions on all lines of travel at pea 'reduced prices. rn tock ; Annie E. » Lis ; Mag nna = counties bf Wercheres, Richelieu and | tent during the second week of the gie V. Bennett, St. M ; Edith L. Provincial, Montreal, Sept. 12-2 Chambly, told how many teachers had | Show Beatty, City ; Emeline E, Delmage. St. Wellesley and North <ahaing "Welles- been driven out of the profession by wo- One or more of the staff of the On- Marys ; Agnes Edmund, city ; Eva C. | ley, Sept. 17-18. men with low licenses, or none ri all, aod | tario Ancona College will be pre-| Hayes, St. Marys; Sarah Hammond,| Central, Guelph, Sept. 17-19. where districts paid their teachers $409) .o41 during the greater part of the} Wellesley; Blanche E. Hyde, city;| Horticultural, at Listowel, Sept. 19-20. some years ago they were now getting me. Louis Kalbficiseh, Maplewood ; Olive P the work -- for $160 by incompetent 4 ) Wilmot, New Hamburg, Sept. 19-20. lady teachers Oita Ses snake al Bex iooe Tae ek Atal Me cane. Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept, 20-28, Inspectors Murot, Demers and others | mere' Institutes, of Live Stock, Dat, chy: Natta' McNab, c city ; Helen' C.| South Huron, Exeter, Sept, 23.94. . NG r FANG Bhat the average solariee paid Poultry, Frat Growers', und kindred | wick Annie M. McKee East Zorra and South athope, Tavi »] 7 7 aS ' : $5 ' a it also came out that the parish of S| Gake this tent "eae peste Etermicbitia, SeFarlane, Donen! } | stock, Senso AS : onald, >t. 1 Jeane 2. da: « Keb ntoine, on the Richelieu, the poms ot during the time of the Exhibition. | Norion, Listowel ; Mary B. "McCaffrey, saan, Sitio" 9-95. province, paid exactly $100 to each of Iwill be in attendance in afuresaid ted ie Scanlon, city a yauer South Perth, St. Marys, Sept. 24.25, INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. FARM FOR SALE . their lady te: i per yearto educate | tent from 8a.m., to 4 p.m., each day | *fe™ < "te De ta wane, North Oxford, aie ca Bj their childre ot the Show, and will be pleased to pre Tha Edith McMillan, city ; ell tha & » Woodstock, Sept. 25:56, _--3¥ . hogs how ever, is ere worst feature } meet Institute Officers and members,| g ydciffe, Granton. . * y ats weg aon eee ee G BRANDES: a of the case. Instead of having a central \ gisg members of other kindred Asec- uckeramith, Seaforth, Sept. 26-27, e board of examiners, as was universally | -istions, to discuss with si the beet oo bloga iy -- East Huron, Brussels, Sept. 26-27. GRADUATE OF ALFELDT PUBLIC AUCT ION. = e G demanded " the congress, the province i f th + Ba 2 * auley, Maryborough, at Moorefield, Oct. 1, SEMINARY, GERMANY, sa divided up into local boards, where | Eanes to advance the work 0 ©] Bluevale ; John E. Bartley, -- Lis- pa 1, I d k f diplomas can be bad for the 'asking, | Farmers Institute in thee respective | towel; David Conn, St. Marys; Elina, at Atwood, Oct. 1-2 ; Pes eh eerie Pea rg ttn n order to make room lor The thing seems so absurd that it can | Districts. You are respectfu'ly invit- George A. Curtis, Milverton; J. T, Mitchell, at Mitchell, Oct. 1-2. Orgas and Viollo, either at their homes or Parts of f Lots 63 and Gt. in tho Ist S noes acarcely be believed, but it is stated upon | ed to call on me, I derire your hearty oon ee = wh R. Daring Harring- Northern, Walkerton, Oct. 1-3. door to Mr, ramon residen vy seth Base mostly Gleared and is" good tater of eres NEW GOODS, the authority of several inspectors that| and active co-operation in advancing 'On 5 m. Fritchley, L:stowe co. Goderich, Oct. 1-3, Alay classes 1p German language. vation; about five acres of bush. Good there are men belonging to their boards | hig j Edgar, Gorne ; Wm. Gifford, Wingham ; ; en frame house, barnand stables; good orch- hich will be I ' SF ccsataan wes con ecaresy. ad watt is impanieat --_-- Wo H. Keen, St, Marya; Walte ------ TERMS ON APPLICATION. ard; well feaced and well watered. Two tie tich wi . e > a in a few weeks, as soonas the new : d that the whole syst th- ring the second week of the Show, | Keasr, St. Ives; Wm. E. Letts St. KHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.-~ Molesworth, about six miles from Listowel. ition is made to the stere, I will sell my goo Pig wre or 'ta then a serenmiog forte. the fcllowing meetings will be held in| Marys, John K. Ma ybe ty, "Britton, D. | South American Rheumatic Cure for Peak Sean tance will bee nb ee OF BSE F 5 yé ds on hand at Noattention whatever is paid to the | the aforeraid tent: E. ae ne! St. : Maryr, John E. ------ ~ -- -- YEARLINGS ESTRAY. take p ave o on the premises 0 GREATLY REDUCED PRICES: uniformity of books used. When the SHEEP BREEDERS CONVENE. Mc oe onegal, wel Petre, | cures in § to 3 dayr. Its action upon the ngress wanted c . Danegal, JohrjA. Robertson, St. Marys, | System 1s remarkable and mystertous, This will be a genuine clearing sale, Call ad i ation on this point Judge Vallee made a| On Tuesday, Sept., roth, at t Chas. hoger Shakepe John A.| It removes at cnce the cause, and the ictprgtesns. aan f the setts Saturda Au ust 3\st g ' g _d examine scare speech declaring lay his wat a] the Officers ra iosion of "the Do: Schopp, Wellesley. disease immediately disappears. The | iftn oi Ma {wo yon oe cer in' requea , » jgoods: snd prices, Minke mo sae Bere coon cae eee poin: in which the ial an ¥} religious | inion Sheep Breeders' Association MITCHELL. ae dose greatly benefits, 25 cemta, Sold sat secre povard The own rane equa at oclok 1p tne afternoon, fale ajo here possibly the best ---- in » DRY GOODS, -GhOCERIES, Fgh of The people were inv da will convene to consider the Report . Fe ae Lats somes R, Luckpo gow, [OHN LIVINGSTONE, Jr. Deaggist. | ™° "2°™ sounuynn, [OS Fre Bd BOOTS & SHOES in town. ' f the Committ inted at the | Nettie Ba arlingford, Lottie Brisbin . | Wallace, July 13, g195. MA . - the dings of ention. i t e 7 ia er hha 7 t to | Listowel, Jane Campbell, Seaforth, Etin _ RELIEF IN SIX ouRS.-- Distressing Listowel, Aug. & 1895. unre S ecial she TH] Dress G d owever, the inspectors have done good | last mecting © e Associations to} Coron Dublin, Mageie Doherty, Bora- | Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in anneal Pp oods. work and as they state uaa the | consolidate the by-laws and re-draw holm, Florence Burroughs, Mitchell, | 5% hours by the Great American Kidney Aaplarable ape see shad to ot the constitution of --_ Association. | Mary Flannagan, Seaforth, Marjory Cure, This new remedy is a great sur- Palmerston and Drayton G T R TIME CARD. nowo aes 1m the sooner 1 At 2.30 p.m., the members of this} Gillespie, Seaforth, Mable Jordan, Sea- | Prise and delight on account of its exceed- e te Th ' al concerned. tof the bag the better for) assccjation will convene ts consider | forth, Mary Lames Santen, Helen Mc- Medes tidures Gaeta wok ot Monthly Fairs _ ° b t of the Officers and Direc- | Millan, Seaforth, Nelle McNay, Mitch. | 5 acech 7% Successor to ue vince, witha iiptemarita ot the Repor r the urinaty passaces (D male or female. Traine leave Listowel station dally as e nearly two Gillian, : ates $160, i. tor he er oo - ae ---- me agi ; aon 5 Bel Sioneon Wale It relieves retention of water and pain in Rochrnictine RICTRWAION W. O..& B-RY C | public schools, while Nova sey with | and to re-consider their action a e Al Smith ica k, "ant Ifyouwant t Teviotda' M GILL VRAY & SPEA S s population of less than halfa million, | last meet ing in appointing delegates F"we -- Seafort Canmonnock, Anais uick relief and cure this is your remedy. Beret a rp ina thing For inpardine aod intermediate potnts-- R 5 provides $200,000 for the fame purpose.}to meet the Honorable oon of at h sa rm 01 Ie, | Sold by John Livingstone, |r. f the citizens of Mixed, 7. oe ; Express 2.82 p. ; Ex- ost people will think that the real Males--Josep er, = odville, Grepioe. 8 ai the solicitation of the buyers | press ress 9.02 qaeatlon of ce cclers) edecaticn (See e conekine is Racce) Wi, . Meiaiat,: Miicken: Jes. te oot Se had eared ae Palmer:| por Palmerst Bx 7.38 I ----------_-- 'or ime on-- le \e : . should be fought out here queetion. 'The Minister ious me | Dorsey, Seaforth. LEBANON. ston. on Thareday | afernoon following Express, 1257p. t.; Mixed, 10.0 p.m. Clerks' Notice of First Lawrence and not in Manitcba. that but two delegates are required ies Barrtetor ae, a GEORGIAN BAY AND. LAKE ERIE DIVi- - 4 from each Association. At our last The World's Wheat. _Tte Rev. Robert C. Moffat, D. D., Bb. JOHN OLIVER, Sec. S10 Posting of amin List. . ---- meeting we elected seven, therefore, borg er brother --_ = on the Gotxa A LAUN'S REIGN i j ESTIMATED YIELD IN BUSHELS IN VAR- te ie e Kevya gentiemen is 8 Express ds m,; Ex 222 p. m.- So ea . CHAMBER FO! EIGN POLICY. | a new election must be held. Sun CahEE RIES MUNOPE, Asia, | Scotchman and secured his early due Di ; ' f P hi were press, p.m HE WOULD USK IMPERIAL YUNDS TO SWINE BREEDERS CONVENE AMERICA, AND AUSTRALIA. cation in ® Grammar Schoo col in bis} DISSOIUtION 0 artnership, _ Misea 0 'eorxe VOTERS' LIST, 1895 BUILD RAILWAYS AND PROMOTE On Tuesday, Sept. roth, at 7 p,m -- native country, and by his indomite le rent B18 p. Sa : Express 1.26 , aie 2 COLONIAL DEVELOPMENT. the Officers and Directors of the Dow Prostar Aug. 25---Details of the acon Precrsranee bas attained ° ee Municipality of the overnme t je ott whe. crops Md olfce is b ven a io a York, Aug 36--Mr, Hienc 24. minion Swine Breeders' Association | iti inerent countries, the total for} The teacher Roberteon Long, giving sip heretore eixisling between ine under- . TOWN OF LISTOWEL Ford v ahles from London to ~~ Tri- will convene to consider a similar te-| wnich was stated in despatch to the | Rod satisfaction, and his pupils con-| fser the general marenanta tradi F ook's Cotton i " bune: Only one speech in Pasliament | FO: and at 8 p.m., the members of | Associated Press op Avg. 23, thows the teanpiate in the near futuie preventing | Spears bes tuis day been by matnal con- COUNTY OF PERTH. this week will be remembered after the | this Association will convene to re- | following ts best ela : him with eome token of on ne qunt ciescived. All acne a te COMPOUND. : Session ¢: It Mr. | elect a Record Committe to meet the Great Britain..........0. ee ~ seat ly! Sinay pa Gitivray. nod all claims sgainst the' late . Ninittea'or"e deih jvtred to the Poreons men: " Chamberlain, when the financial vote| Minister as in the case of the De- bibey b<igts a ary af Gietowel, Suir, 196 , asoned,, 18 _ see f The Ontario | is ~ _. fier the ColonialSOfice was reached | minion Sheep Breeders! Sioncanion, | ; ermany thet your, q M, MOOILLIVRAY. by seeps ees na br dee er Be Stand to consider ¥ ais 2h = aatria. BS ealgig i W. SPEARS. vered ofthe list made pu t to sa aie! and Officer da Direc! aly. , ee eee Over. re er. ee Act, of #!i persons appearing by the last re- without flow trampetr, but it pdlhens ace gt Belgium... .... For Years. puis . i 'owes paliis y entities to. ot tnt paid contained evidence that the leader whu revision of the coustitation and by-} Spain... .. sere M INsLow 5 Byer hes for or formulated 20 yeare ago in Birmin ws. been wen by millions of for, thelr A GURE FS! the ~ ad ierendicrs = paver ham great municipal policies grounded CATTLK BREEDERS CONVENE. bight and broken of yourtest by cntid sore my OmMce at Listowel on the Sid day of eas of the functions of suffering and erving wi pain of Cattin Vabesle treatin und bettie af medicine sent Free te, any particulars Sgust, 1896, and remains there for inspeo- local gcvernment is perparing to revo- Wednesday, Sept. rth, at 7 ene 'Soothing Eetay™ te te bee ei we naa Earwet, Torete, Ont Mong, Shee Me reetore are called upon to examine the Jutionize colonial solations the members of the Dominion Cattle Teething. It will Tellove poor little. anf- - i pee egy et erry eg eter tlain bas in mind large | Breeders' Asscciation will conyeneto ferer immediately. Depend upon je BOLDIN LISTOWEL AND EVERY WHERE | proceedings to have the said errors correct- plans of colonial policy, base consider the repcrt of the Committee * pegalates, "the Biomech a STRESSES taVascorafing to taw. W. BRIGH Clerk ofthe Munici My ot the rbot, reg Bowols,curee Wind Colle,softens tha Gums} Al-ert Hilliker, a bog bryer, was in 'this apecch was the declaiation appointed to draft a new constitution an (i Ayer's Pills snes ni siem. thrown from e train near Norwich that many oftbe British colonies were -laws. . = Winslow's Boothis "eyrap™ for shtldeen Wednesday nicht and killed. The sec- in the condition of undeveloped es- A!l interested parties are invited to | The Netherlands, teothing ts pienean to the and ts a tionmen discovered the body next morn- _ -- --_ not be developed | attend these meetings, whether mem- ; -- Eset female physicians und auresstn the | nited | ing. "T would like to add my testimony to without Imperial aesistance. There} bers of an Association ¢ or now ugal, and Greecr, voget er by wena ney nal tis twenty-ave cents a Q of others re 4 used Ayer's i the ia. HEART DISEASE KELIEVED IN THIRTY Pils, an : ' which B tish nae h wr ia F. aia . a any * sare --_ faa for xe. Winatow" MINUTES.--Dr. Agnew's Cure for the sa OO oY aoa always derivedte |Clerk's Notice of Firat y <o b a - bey Sexeaa could ate Superintendent of Ps rmers' "at 'ca eats a se oD ovre Eye eenun: art gives relief in all cases of Organic bast resuite from their use, Posti t Vote 4 trade aie -- i a iheg we tutes and Secictary of Associations. | all Asis, except India.. + 70.950, ---- ---- ag heen in aa For Stomach osting o oters List. uncevelo . ¢ woo repare . i a a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Short and liver troubles, and for the eure of -- y iniooe inteemees et sores -- rs Bate nered a ae Total osssores-sess ™ 7" -- Ang,» i, ness of Breath, Smothering --- 2a on be caused Dy these mts, y Conve ce! WT. Ba: i iy a @ 4t Side and all eymptem: 1s my friends ask me what is the best rere. relepies could be devel- Scaled The Back Wall. bd ic nces. remedy for disorders of the stomach, oped, These vaxue generalities would London, Aug. 23--A special dispatch 215 Suid by I. s iLivitigstoeics Bo VOTERS' LIST, 1895, bave meant less if any other leader] received here from Shanghai says that | NARROW ESCAPE OF A CANADIAN MIS- a blicly shot 1 Liver, oF wels, Man elpality of the had uttered them. Mr. Chamberlain | many Chinese converts were butchered SIONARY AND HIS FAMILY IN CHINA. 00 10.08) A boy bas jast been pablicly shot io anewer ts, Ayer's Pil is known in Birmingham by his works. | when the American missinn outside Foo- -- is oo | Mexico for bp lacing obstruct notes t th Been ins tn teasoa they weak up & TOWNSHIP OF WALLACE. Policies. which be introduced in muni-| Chow was attacked and the chapel and} Torcnto, eg 2 23---A letrer hae been 225 2%5| railroad aap A new law provi é i femuibes the dig Pecenas Tae} a0 : cipal government there have been | school wrecked by sn infuriated mob, as | received here from Mrs. Mi a | ost HHH "i bet nn for such an offence, and it fits the tasy to take, and COUNTY OF PERTH. highly successful, Municipal owner-| exclusively cabled 'to the Associated | missionary in China, who uO Are th best otice ix hereby given that] have trans- o = -- = ~~. ar Press, --? --s ong Kong, age Si phigh 9 ago, in she says that 8 3 A _-- To HorsEMEN.--One bottle e Senitted ord del jelivered to 0 the persons men- ' ¢ slums into} morning ¢ aod her busband @ very narrow 1 80 | of English Spavia Liniment compjetel » icine I ha Coe ee the es Sito splendid business thoroughfares by Newell J the Dasited States cruiser | eacape from suffering the fate of a sum: a's from my b coke : Enawa--mre © JOHNSON, 200 Rider Veter bald as: Act ee eancnttten Ce ae Sienna r corporation fun fund which Detroit, bas gone to Cheng-Ta 19 com ber of their fellow cnissioasries in the P| 2 3 | pleasare in ing the remedy, 8s 1. Barber is now ready for "AYER'S PIL eeTed eh etauen apps ng by the last tes are | sult wi . ixson, Uni tates | recent massacres. ey succeeded 13 acts with mysterious promptness in the LS sed Asscasrn et of © throughout "England consul at Foo-Chow, about the -- scaling the back wall of their home . ss $3 oval from horses of hard, soft or cal-/business in his new gallery| wi Awards at World's Falr, pe aatcipe be entilled to vole "tn. the sald as as enlightened aan progres- | of marines for his protection and for the | while the revolutionists were coming .- 5 g Ht loused lamps, 'blood spavin, splints, curbs . the Post Office. A call 5 anfelpall! rat Elections for Members of ate +4 governm When 2 leader protection of the members of the com-| over the front wall, and got away not a 4 ©09) sweeney, atifies and sprains. ver the | Gyer'sBareaparitiaferthe blood. | Fiectisna and that said fist was drat a record of baviag changed the | mission lnvestigntiog the massacres, moment too soon. Mis, Bee states that To! Gzorce Ross, Fermer, will convince you that he has up at p ak my ooo of Sains pley on the 7th day of . whole order of manicipal government | the latter are practically prisoners. The | the servants i the employ of the mis- Anes, is |? Markbam, Ont. f the best gall n th tome rae & rey eee ee jeticons invest- | dispatch adds thatthe Chinese officials | sionaries were fo the Socjasity of canes i as. Sold by Jobn Livingstone, Tr. one of the H an -- : € coe | apie galled upon to examine the money prom. ting - abilant at the defeat of the effofts of | faithful, and bat for thi more would have | ' rovin ew eased od 'thes oer poe ; pote rf ed af ya ot e Mr, Featherstone, M. P., of Peel, bas Ice. P errors sre found therein, ta take immediate purchased more tons of bay in|to meet all his old customers} ES 10 'said. errors cor- tery eg Aes Santor! Gonsum on. Fei astra a ment te and as many mew ones as Will} "wsssses ema snd two ban Clee of he Bee roipallty of th " Beier eicsue" MY * favor him with a call. aoc | SEER SY uns mipny ar ee the Empire, the echoes of hus speech nbiaa an epee tnguiry tmto the mass-| that the revolation is by no means over, will be heard sround the world wher-|actes, Itis also said that the delay is | as ee ofthe interior is is honey" ile, ever the Briush Arg Gatters in the| giving the Chinese time to prepare 3] cumbed with secret veese. delense for the prisoners. - tie, wn Gee the couw Sore soloing, Bearsute, aw

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