en oped Pubit amilton 63 ae MORPHY & CARTHEW, ste and Beott's Banking over Beott's Bank, 'Wallace ¥. R. BLEWETT. umtovel & inacean J. M: CanTHEw. : MAREE & GEARING oe VOL. XVIL--NO. 24. ORRIS eee Public, Sraarronn 'D, OnT. Money A Manes Masee. ie A HOMAS, bil tel NEWRY Oct, Iesuerof Mar: nissi@cerin B, R. &8Qq 411 conveyancin, rms Money tolen F. W. Gearina. Geor'ce Warson, B. A., M.D. 13, Xow Om cake SN ise ae D thes cea over vingston a sto: dence, Old Michiner House f tat corner Kaal of Ofice. @ Entrance ov Mun pcrents 49 W,E. DINGMAN, M.D., if Queen's University ; ane stecunte any eiaiens, and Batgeons rgeon Accou oMce resldence--Main & Street sasthon J, JU. FOSTER, | DENTIST. 'Deeds mortgesse: Newer ionees iF dons on Riders muses Planos MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, PRTISTIC BWESIGN BURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS - FEILD - ROGERS - CO. LISTOW BL. Office over Fiemmings T ment M.BRUCE, L.D.S8.,DEN « TIST, nace' Vitalized air trous Oxide G Ni as, &o., for Palnicss bag rind in old stand near Thompeon brus.Btore, Entrance,Main St. Residence 15 Penelope St, Listowe I. WUNTY OF PERTH,.--rTHE W EN wil} bein attendanceat theCierk's o'olock vA R- n Tuesday Thursday, Friday and 'Saturday of each week, during Umice ow it -DAVIDSON, OcuntyVlerk. county Olerk'sofMfice.Btratfora. W. F, Binxxo, Davip BAxtTex BINNING & BAXTER, ee AND ENGINEERS, LUATORS, ETC. ----w , FREBHOLD LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY, money loaned at low rates. Terms to ou Also a large amountof PRIVATE MONEY ree weg limited to half value. Fayor- "A Darina & BLEwerr. WALLACEST. LISTOWEL oneents for Freehold Loan anc Savings Insurance and Loan Agency. M. BRICKER. AGENT FORJTHE DOMINION BURANCE Co, dembaroniri Association Architects WEL' AND STRATFORD, yeni chem to Hehoo! A ret To All My Old Friends And Customers, You will find ain my new office, NEXT TO YULE'S BAKERY, prepared to LEND YOU MONEY, INSURE YOUR BUILDINGS DO YOURCONVEYANCING Frentorasei! you @ house, collect your ac pei ooud Fane r eeil 7ous farm, in fact todo any Duainess in my that you want, ms CHRIS, TABBERNER, The Oldest Established GROCEHRBRY it TOWN 18 JAS. ARMSTRONG?S Eee, al yearsexperience 1m peemess en les him to know ar Wants of the le and neighborh ood and ae, n TEAS, COFFERS ad8UGA. I have ae Very beat, Justtry the: cry ailother Poy Provisions: Canne oods, Ionr, Gatmesl, Cornmeal, Buckwheat Gour etc., etc, A wellaclected stook of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, aiways to be found atmy Store. Highest price paid for Butter and Egg Potatoes and all kinds of farmers produce JAN. ARMSTRO: sai WM. FORREST, rurniture Dealer Atwood! Has on hand a lange assortment of All Kinds of Furniture, Plain and fancy Picture Frame Mould ing, Cabinet Photo Frames, Baby Car- es,&c. Parties purchasing $10 and any part of Elma township free of cost UNDERTAKING attended to at any time. HEARSE in connection. Rooms opposite the P. ©. Fiast-Ciass Furniture w0sT 087, SUCCESSFUL fEMEOY ' pee 's LS SPAVIN J "URE en raenpenaaneall " with & Spavin, i got him forex. I used V's Spavin Cure. The Spavia Is icone now goa nave have been offered 8130 for thn sia ran em ie Wee! - . fe worth of Kendal Be vin Cure. © paeelaeincie| KENDALL'S " SPAVIN, CURE hieaato sae Cure success for eke on Swe, horses aud Bie the best Lin: it Thave ever used. Yours over Fagpxaic 61 per Bettie. | For Sale by all Draggists, or Dr. B. Lf nce i comPanr, OssURG CAN I OBTA te botent ontsieny Fors oostnee Sere ao 5 eutaicgus Of mechan roe LOOK 10 THIS. sling Silas Soc as loan at the very rates oe seret on Cares 'secartty, » ret Bvvedofany rear. OF WATERLOO: THE CANADA ACCIDENT INs- Co MONEY TO LOAN On the moat favorable terms, door to the Banner office. R. G. ROBERTS, SHIPLEY,ONT, --o-- AGENT FOR? THE London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. -ALHO-- MONEY TO LOAN in any sums tries $200 and upwarda at alow 'ate of iotereat, Conveyancing of all descriptions done op reasouabie termes MONEY 10 LOAN. On Farm. he low- est rate, In SATE TE ive tia the principal c: wpale apvvally, interest Siowed von, su lca of riocipal, DMorigapes tought o eyanc De done. Insurapes, placed in Convey ane Companies. Appt * vm 1° MARTIN, Listowel, F ARM FOR SALE. Undoubtedly on _ the best 100 ac: farms io the Towasip of Wallace, cop lent to ecboo), fac ipl followton. a aed ep nia are on the place, ¢ bank barn with pg ping spot 4 bed e The 'AvoUL 4 acre wheat, aod ploughing moatly done. spr ing ia waatare, &N C MOLLET, Tot 6, ri BS Wallace, ° near Wallace P.O. THE STANDARD-BRED BTALLIUN, WECDGEBLOCK, 10,819, 2,36). Will make the seasoo at bia stable at the atiio son Hotel, Liatowel, 40, oat. pales July, 1838, 1s b. Usa! ede er ond Sgt: 'arat Hermes, Ing and bas ving speed. rvs] 'b upeed and qualit, woods showed an epee a vwo- your old last ver "ERMS --$10 to Insure, payable Ist Feb. wo BR. R. ROLLS: "Oniy the Scars Remain,' £a;s Henny Hupson, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, » who certi- fies as follows: Among the many testimoni- als which I sco in regard to cer- tain medicines orming cures, cleansing the: blood, etc., none impress mo more my own case. Twenty years go, at the ago of 18 years, had wellings com VTTIeVdVSHVS no good, and 1 sis maak oak Oe bones wesid be oltectes. At last, my "Mother Urged. Me I took R. HUTCHISON Agent Listowel, an OFFICE--No. 11 Main 8t. Tistewe), next "Sa ST. GEO. HAWKING EDIv0n ANDPaorsinton ANARCHY AND ARSON, = MOB RULE IN CHICAGO. A Serious State of Affairs, Deadly Encounter Between Troops 'and Strikers. SEVERAL KILLED AND MANY WOUNDED. Strikers Overturn and Set Fire to Freight Cars. orou! eee Py Cr acs om DICTED FOR CONSPIRACY. Chicago, July 5 5 --Wild were enacted to-day on a pet oF railroad territory occupied by the the tracks of the Lake Shore and Rock Island, and running for some three miles from oo Board of Trade structure into the hear of the business district. Within this strip a mob that ageregated not lecs than 25,000 men; women and children bad complete control. Nearly a score of cars were over- turned on the main tracks, others were fired, switches were unlocked and ren- dered useless, regular troops were Lage se and police hooted at and dared o do their worst. The riotous demon- cations began shortly before noon at cn over which trains from the stoc # are connected with the Michigan Contra on the lake front for the. east, Word c: id the freight cars and two o} turned completely over, trucks upward, blocking the tracks over which the proaching cattle train was making ils way. OVERTURNED CARS BY WHOLESALE AND RED THEM, The train was not in sight and so the mob retraced its steps eastward to the tracks of the Rock Is}and and Lake Shore. turn cars by wholesale. placed acroas the crossing of the belt line in order to rivet the obstruction to the cattle ie in the event of the cr west Then other cars. were the Lake Shore and Reck Istand tracks at the rate oh to a block for nears a mile sout At goth- -staeat shortly after noon one of the string of freight _ were fire On the arrival of the the flames were soon enegcias ----. Wegener BETWEEN ° oF TROOPS. Fuel was redded to = strikers' fury ny ¢ Rock Island seen in the distance. The passengers of the trains in the rear were advised of the obstructions on the track and concluded to disembark. In the meantime the regular troops, compris: ing companieS C and D of the 13th Infantry, under the respective cut- mands of Captains Conrad and Cor. nish, had left the first train and were drawn up on either side of the cars, The mob,which by this time had gotten itself outside of the fences, greeted the trocps with a stolid silence. Telegrams were sent to the yards for a wrecking crew, but the reply came back that not aman could be had for love or money, and so group of officials that bad met the train at this point se Bape soar to the ik of raising the bloc! TRACKS CLEARED onLY TO BE AGAIN OBS Just as the first car had been cleared of the tracks a shou; wa ard a fe blocks north, and immediately shee a cmoed -- off at . the h Company C, but by th ime thet troops reached the scene the hae cleared itself from the and the roadway on cither side, and | the soldiers a x-_-- to a round of iropical-appla THE TROOPS UNABLE TO COPE WITH Mi The result of to-day s movements at rata thatubey are utterly cnable to cope with the tnob that now bids com- engineers and firemen dra their engines, cars overturned from ae track, switches thrown and the law hooted at and openly set at naught. Arson was pr concl: the anions were helpless to preserve the peace. DEBS TO BE INDICTED, bys. on eo eral Olney to bring the i V. Debs, cached a point wheie he proposes to the United Siates in their application to the acts of the strikers, The Attorney-Gene: "We { Anarchy, and sez whethes the law is Silficienty strong to prevent this condition of affairs, a not, it the it may be ch other labor leaders will be under the nopolies. it is called the anti-Trust Law, and is especially directed -- the. trusts and was enacted for this purpose. aime ae : wets the atthe mob. ia C er plated by Debs - Senator Da rings ing words that Debs and his associates tare rapidly approaching the overt act of levying war upon the United S| are adopted by both the civil and mili- tary authorities in Washington as em- bodying their view of the situation. SIX DEAD AND. AN INDEFINITE NUMBER OF WOUNDED--A GLOUMY OUTLOOK, ordered from Fort Sheridan, comprising ¢ three arms of the service, and + would make short work of Mr. De' sorpeets ours of persia. nt coolness or bravery under as trying cicainsiances any Chicago was still a of to-day ut confirmed the con- viction ae pothing shor a army force, with inatrecticns to shoot o kill, can settle ¢ Gratien putil, mere movem: nt of troops, and has be- come a campaizn." The local and state authorities have awakened totbe critical two bri rene of state to aid iv bracks | at 08 learn if there is any value in the laws of |: ral said : 7 ave been brought to hy ragged edge | 5 (0 postpone convene on the day heretofore announ- d, The in og ye ee and those | * ie Pacikc coast cocoa in Which there are d ueiehceet 4 a comes Tite Seattle, Wash. at pane stock UP THE N.P a 'Spokate Wash.,july 6--Strikers bere conimenced e the Two huadred s _ Span Jan Seen ha yarde, th ly Teach the Atlantic seaboard by erything uy, B: spec would be extended from up as far uffalo is no ark at the points 1 a | paralysis jons of cartridges were forced into the ray Tota ofthe fire Ptege ena boxes, fire- w nocked with mes tap stes bricks er and while tse the lepartmen tolen. At weideight Ml She cats ts i yards ad been destroyed. The mi sawed oo tied away before was applied. The loss in this meyers to night is eatimat- t Sr Origin of tl the Strike. WHY THE WHEELS | oF INDUSTRY ARE STOPPED ALL THROUGH THE WEST, 1| The strike on the western railroads has gro matter. The Pullman compsny jeeping anu alee: €s/cats and either run them themselves under con contract on the various lines or ex- acta masotactar- royalty ing running sleepr » TRACKS, convention, and it will Soenes At Night. THE TORCH BEING APPLIED AND PROs PERTY RUTHLESSLY DESTROYED, Chicago, July 6.-- --With pong torch, lawless hordes of firebugs points Fires among the n yards and hundreds of cai thousands ocendiarism is rampant alarm has followed in quick succession, 5 are at work at in the scutherm half of ate raging in every di- umerous railroad rs and tens o! rs' worth of merchan- and graye nature of the strike malady tosnight at 11 o'clock the glare re~ which is afflicting the nation greatly ted = shows that i and Chicago tn particular, and are tak» dastardly pasti ntinues unabated, ing measures to apply adequate remedies; | FFO™ early poset Me vaatil this hour (mid The city police tore hes posing been re- | S'ght) reports of frzsh outrages ond fires cruited up to over 3,000 men, and by re: | follow each other with startling rapid quest of Mayor pc par; by order of | ity, being confined, ever, principally Governor Altge ilroad rolling stock and buildings mo! the phasing 1,000 joving the raile and sh 4.300 men at Pullman'at a loss Chicago, July 6,--Six dead and an in- shaleriog the te: The a se per month, and that cars were definite number of injured is the record | Powe?! The sympathy of the beiog built at a loss of $79 each, simply of casualties in the strike conflicts in mob " " ibe atrikersjand the citv is in | to kee running. A reductio Chicago to-da: e lopments of | # Perfect il jas Beoessary but the employees demur- yesterday went far to convince all think- pe ENDEAVORERS AFFECTED. | red and a strike was immediately declar~ ing people thet the gravity of the sitaay| Cleveland, Ohic, July 6.--The Chriss ed. The American Railway union, com- tion bad not been appreciated by th Endeavor Comasisoee of 1894 held a d of all kinds of trainmen, switchmen people at large. Pers id . | and other e Ny me to the support more , owing to} fesult railroad travel is paralyzed be n 80 d and hearty regulars} the great railway strike. After consider n Chicago and the Pacific coast. from the plains marched down Madison | able discussion it was decided that, o The railroad companies have no speci t and went into camp on the |. @ to the extensive preparations which love for Pull ¢ Ys --_ wagged their heads knowingly | hive already ade, and for other | they are not prepared to violate their con- bree times that" number were | important reasops,it would be impossible paca oer he Pullman concen et aa The railway employees are & strong body,but ps oy ppc: a fight, at a time when all o 5 percent less than itwasa year ago. he railroad companies rely upon the Rovernment coming to their aid to move ion has been given rt of the mail f course, is a criminal offence,and calis forthe interveation ofthe ment of 3 cents a le _ -- levied on each of the of the union to assist the : Pekaee ra tha rs, SMYTHE HOLDS THE SEAT. As the Resalt of the Kingston Recount, THE bce sdegl te DoOwN To ONE VOTE-- REAT EXCITEMENT prethe THE oneal AS THE COUNT PRO- GRESSED--MR. HATTY HAD A MA- --_--- SPEND YOUR OUTING ON THE GREAi ecgces apciess It Island. 1 will gee a about #3 oo from: De round tp inh ing on the D. & O. acu gone bled Young, old, or middle-aged who fin themselves nervous, w emory, maton a the hea energy, pain in the bss gre ges esr pimples on the face tches of or dullness of hearing, esire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, met hegtrs with LEADEN CIRCLES oily loo , etc., are all symptoms of bervous s debility that lead to insanity unless c be spring or vital force having lost its a every ng wanes in red, ie: Address M. V, et aaid 24: Macdonnell Ave, Toronto nt The Valkyrie Sunk: LORD DUNRAVEN'S FAMOUS YACHT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEQ. Glasgow, July 5 Be agen after the startin the Mud 'Hoa k regetia tosday the yacht Satanita collided with and sunk Valk- yrie was sav was injured. The yacht was afloat only five proof against wind and recount in South Norfolk has res soled in Fai Sorina' '6 majority SY. itch ssys it eniyren denaed to greens com e! , Dr McKay in South Oxford. If your hair is thin Or falling out, use Dorrenweni's 'Extract of Quinine,' » Try it conviny one, druggist. Frank J. Cas ead, the clever young son of the solicitor- R pete has been as Lord ted to the bara! n Tue is bright, natura and pe eee clean. It is ped with g make it black, and ft is tbe only "Gentleman's Chew.' BURDOCK PILLS do mot grit; sickou, Haney cure Constipation an Headac! The elas crop = the neighborhood of Kingston is exp: o be three times ®s large as that of test year. Ladies, why suffer with that unsightly growth of hair on face, neck and when you haye a certain cure in D: wend's 'Eureka' gist. or Bick 'ore= « J, Livingstone drags Owen Sound council have pro- ae bicyclists -- nding on the NG. elmen are wrathy, 5 use Dorenvend s 'Carline -_ 'camaete keeps the hair ery and Sault Ste. Cc |. Sere thma, Bioeth nae ail Lang Abrikmp ry quick- ip earia by Hagyard's Peotorial Balsam, n interview with the Glasgow core teavendons of the Lord Dunraven excnera all blamefor the disaster to the Valkyrie. For producing those beautiful blonde ahd golden shades of hair, so age autifal aod ees, use Dorenwe: Golds en Hair Wash.' All vacations have been stopped in the oo police force. The order ts 0 bein in eonequence of a fear that the railway strike may reach that ~*~ BaD. BLOOD causes Blotches. ses, Ulcers, . ivingstene, drug te worst Scrofula T. Liberal member for West itunes, aving demanded a re- count, the same took place at i Gacertcns Mr. Garrow's majzrity is 7: scape eh -- Bitters cures all dis- ood from a ey pimple the worst "Seno fuloua Scres or Ulcers. Skin Diseases, Boils, Biotches and all Blood Humors cannot resist in healing owers. A eae aia aie My "e by two feet ee The Aus moira ns to the iaseeesbntal confer + Fowler's Ext ss hg i Bering cores. Dhar % ry, amps, Colic, Cholera ny ates, Cholera Infantum, and all looseness of the bowels Never travel oxkent it. ase. George ¢ Travi s,employed as a porter at the Brunswick notel, Brantford, bas rey For Sueizrs Monts, Peas fantum, Cramps, Colic, Dis Higgs bat Saad ey and Summer Complai le roespe, pped $10,000 worth of machin< } eee gates at Wari muhtia have been ordered : a popula te for over 49 years. K id minutes after being struck. The Satan~ ; x ists print ov dita < ene AT ONE png a eae ite's bows are sore; and the is not hke~ he 2 _ salle se sro "4 1 Hho that the prevailing rae _ entirely tis toy lines eae G wees ly to be able to take part jn any race | Steamer iste mot. wi out of the ordinary, and that provision ig sralaable nog ed a Mn TE eee nne sent ROOT ESTED, ' Nad, for Gravalead on Saturday night. ust_be made for euch : "massing of 7 i al result of ----------_--_--_--_--_--_ Ie 9 ae gbuipg men as bas never before been | ned by strong winds, were lg -- tet oso $ ited B I joes seaicaly Nea? atall. I applied her i cbe history of this nation | Point @ total o cars cout, At] the recount is that Dr. Smythe is elect- It Sur im, View. Ollaad\Ccan beat is wel an » tume of Genes, If the e stock yards one blaze Biter another ted by one vote. His old majority ; baie "ie 'OOK wheal S et ore Oe was reported, and from the outlying dis~ fi At t the vote was a], Nodé--My father-in-law and I have | anyone nuw. Mxs. TC , diay ot Gaseatea and the processes of tri po eurgent calla for police pr was four. one time bought a horse and carriage together. Weymouth, N. S, js coars ave aot to.Ge:leughedt Bo) scorn aang thereat in freq ae » . There was much <--_ _ odd--How do Lite manage absat di- Fourteen passengers were killed and for an indefinite time, The strike infec- tection," increasing in y the city during the recount. te ion up the nee lourteen injured by the wreck of a rails tien 1s 80 widespread and so menacing at THE AWFUL CLIMAX, ferent changes were bulletiaed and] Nodd--Eas h. He keeps the | way train between Lezzana and Bulboa, ren dl gordonge hae ere and bis] But with the falling shadow of night | crowds aig around them to read | horse and I keep 'the' carriage. pain, nn Saturday, eee mee 1 ----_ came the climax of the tiery festival.} the figure n one subdivision w medicines have held their ground oes whee pul er, more, exe a. Ite, The Pan Handle yatds, from Fifty-ffth | Smythe tet four votes, the judge re~ ere, so ruccesrfully as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. trom te conutty we pe 1 | to Sixty third streets, eight blocks, are | py aryin the uty returning Had 1 ots | of Practice. During the past Gfty years, it has been therefore, in contemplation, should the 7 tracks, containing 4 ep' the mosi:popular of all cough-cares aod forces, nie al, state and municipal, al-| ® cing ol - kt cf the officer knew absolutely nothing. For onset ce r--There i is a girl that can put | the cemand for it to-day is ter than ready gathered here be unequal to the loade "will bea total loes. No water| Some time Harty had one of a ma-| oy the gloves | with anybody. ever before, Prompt to act and sure to task of resto oring order, to = here the being at band, the fre must burn itself | jority, then there was a tie for a couple Setenen "ns surprise me! She bo conipanves stannved ob ee oe The Paphandie station at Sixt of hour', and the returning officer felt | looks quite delic minion Line has given a cons seit a teen third street was also fired and destroyed pit uneasy, fearing be would have to ir elo 'works at the glove couns | |. toa "Belfast firm a e new steamsbip demand st of exercising the right to call | The Grand Trunk yardi-at Elston are a| give the casting vote, When the | ter at Cee eee rrr a haus between for 30,000 men crack militia | 5¢49f Samer E mive bs sees er rofterte second to last box was attacked, Smythe --_--_--_--_--_ mesial and Le repo y regiments of New York and Pennsyl- ok ' mes have been futile, | 84ined one, which gave him one of a Testing his Honesty. the eld by Dr Bray of Vania. heck the Ba d other railroad sins majority, and this state of aflairs lasted aa bane on Pike ay of the lad Harris . on ng et y iL th d. §E. D, Armour, of To-| Your druggist i honest if when you) the jury retur a verdict of accidental CONSTART ALARMS, rty are also burning, and o rex-|til theend, E. D, Armour, [| sak bin for" botsle of Scots Emvl- | growaing, coupled with the expression of To-day in Chicago be pt one stream from & plug av Fifty 6 ronto, was present for Mr. Harty, who son he gives you just what you ssk for. belief that culpable carelessness on the constant slarms and calling for police, | street can be obtained, While directing | js in Toronto. Prominent Reformers 'e kno ws this is ihe best form in 'sa high part of his juvenile companions bad be deputy-marsbals aad soldiers here, there | the mevement of the lth Regiment at say there will not be a protest, cs ke Coad: Liver hewn: ' aod where throughout the whole | this point, Fire Mar izpatrick was Fieger peso stretch of territory inthe southern part of | geired by the thoroughly frenzied mob of = Brees o ul <a its tick the O running rampant | Grebugs rown into a im Montreal since fs ¢ famous Hacke! throughout the day, cara have been over- | which he was rescued by the police more Killed By Lightning His onty C Ohanoe. of 1877 took place - : spp ae ee turned, ---- broken, tracks obstruct- | dead than alive. Rage ncy A & this 7 ig Sindigince=3 reat hee che procession was not moleste * ed, the torch has beea a in numers int will probably be a tota' pc cs RHEUMATISN CURED IN AY.-- ous ta to cars, switchtowers and ai Hyde park, near the Fair arounds, sagt pa m Hopi ae reer husband haggle sd sister ; you| South America Rheumatic Cure for the like, not to mention an attem the ashes of 40 cars are now smoulder- we Pinu tad election, and the pcor| Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically fre a partof the great Armour packing ings and word has just come in that sets BRL * ww tO~ A = ly. dell hted to have his| cures int to 3 days. Its action upon the 2 lant. In fact at one tite the incendiary erous efforts the ad succeeded Mil ° jen --Aiialancideal man is - ora! We : iclig system ie-remarkable ysterious blazes followed each other in such quick in fring the Illinois Central shop at mien : ae Io y held at. the gay about something. Te eSEVES aR BOR! (he ca aod't soccesnon unt department was! Burnside, residence of J q shaeee rdson, Lowyville, ase immediately ae The wat to straights to care rd all of Fn + FIFTY FIREBUOS. yesterday. 3 o'ch 'the g ames} THE SUMMER DE&ATH-RATE.--The | Srst dose greatly bene Sold fo = yrs grevily . the situa Terk ' Atthe stock yards to.night about so casted and PT prt a slessant! time. greatest evidence of the dangers of Chol- | Y - dre D ; was = -- t et -- in! yu hs, few of whom are railroad me. 4-30 a beavy thunderstorm came |r. Morbus, Diarrhea, and Dysentery, 1 is TOHN Living: TONE, Jr. Dru,,, sate cleo tateceaoky peateten: aoat re) ire skulking from point to point, and on, ehh fork lightning. The lightning the iescasuse ia deainciete ee all We lek: The yacut Vigilant Snished ahead of oe ibalasine colicemen. ing he pat OF | have set a large number of fires. Their | struc down an UP* | ing cities during the summer mont ¢ Britannia in Ralgbelng ted $ race, but not tele een pre ty gene a, method was thoroughly unique, Loads | right post, killing one young man named en ¢: too careful far en00 veh to save her time allowance teJep arsea-prnd ulgyincananel with thse ing several handcars with buckets Of} James Coulson, son of John Co aalsot; of | oftheir babits of life. dari ing the heated | and the Britsonia won the cup. of enterda ia pce Then the rail- | 'waste' and oil they would glide around | Kilbride. Dr. Jones,of Kilbride, being on , and particolar attention should k A Boon TO HoRsEMEN.--Onpe 4 ware 1 ing to 'break th ade pthe a4 in ~ ness, lighting wads | the grounds,was summoned immediately, | paid to the diet of children. A supply of of English Spavin Liviment cooibhetole acs rying . ble stuff, which woeld be be | but death was instantaneous. A nun P vis' PAIN KILLER should a ead rom horse. I take ; of ¢ of people got seve: ks. The light- ways be at hand, for itis the only m pleas re in recommending the remedy, ning passed the lower part of | tb ¢ that can be relied on at all times it acts with mysterious promptness in the + horse by, ieafe, sur and. 5 teaspoon{al | >. moval from horses of har t or cals Robert , of Milton, who bad' "ay cure any ordinary case ; but in severe | joced lumps, blood spavis, splints, curbs, 3 driven the e haed.en toe there. |) i ly mepeneny Fos aweeny, atifies and epra ; ¢_ horse the sofferet's stomache w ie GEO m ROB, Farmer, | With stigbt Ppa ry reputable ham, Ont, E shock: ten wan served E iggeannsg inact bare it fr sale, 25c, price per ze Sola by Jobe tilkbiteds ; | wi -- f and Troops south, com compan' di icultural, Hociicouucal , e trick of scaring the crew from & in heavy 'ders, moving to the with, sand the crowd ie dices i The London Free Preas makes a de-| Dairv Departments have been oat trai cans the engine loose, renning t ticboulont districts from)the cen the Ont., 'ei diaperse mand for a special session ofthe Legis» | arranged, and acveral ve en r] » opening the trotile and Jets City. The aggregate of the lossesto the a athunder storm at| lature; 'It may be counted mn that} changes have 'been made, Powe ape) toe i rus fall tlt back upon the railroads will be enormous. Miles o Udora, a village about ten miles north | Sir Oliver will endeavor to hold on to | tend to 'better the excellent displays o anew one, and of a chalt have ruin the Gerce | oF here, Ierael Clutchey a stone mason, | office till the last, by the freest use of | past ye ' er likely to be imitated. The stoning heat, and hundreds of switch and signal | iit. wo ing under the of those means and eee es of which he Toe pan. of Ontario have always pe page oe : towers, with their expensive mechanism, Webster, was kk and killed by light: | yet holds the ke To this end, he will} ye he ht appreciation for the the mobs and se persons were mies will be utterly ruined. ping. Mr. W 1 who was wi the pos of the House a5) ein Fair, and we feel that i hs more cr less injured by the flying | Cars and untold quantities of merchandise | } : badly stonned bet ld it long as possible, trusting toa long in- quacihenstok prosper rous future we but siles. every inable description have fed | betieved recover. Dece . of rest dating from the late gen- 'Sraat 'ha sentiments of every one in MET WITH BULLETS. the flames pnt cous nn larders of - ried man and leaves a tour of sail | eral elections for the babeldeace = sous this section of the Pro however, were} thieves ;¥ ives be s,and that the discordant ele- = t wet wit ' - wane i wrecked and disabled iles of tangled caren. bematatcs hick he sow affects to rely| [INSURANCE COMPANIES IN A i course sued | wires and private poles litter the ground, a Rigas ot: la Weer AY.--The other day Banke were: fail- which characterized the pe: . ht and r sup) ¥ & rt the United States, ie esterday. at least, bone, electric light ax 7 favorably. It will be in the end a losing | ing right andicft in the Un their attacks were ith accurat fine alarm wires "a now --S a R THIRTY YHANRS. experiment, however, to keep the Now the cry is 'ti rae pues Ieee ees * of attack, the plogging o! re -- : ht or onths | reached tts limit and unwholesom . lead, Daonng eo ge ake pr object bares constitatiog | ae aia N STEWART, OF SPRINGTON, SUFS ington' hy ag sags on perro $ serie has produced a daogeroue state ies otro annee U Ss loubl the tremend- a ALL THIS TIMR--AT LAST CO in ihe State or to the the legisiation | of aftairs." We hope this is not the case, marsbal shot and killed twostrikers, and | 003 wave of incendiarism now sweeping = ED ee HIS | which has been' demanded by the t one thing we do know and ak Si during the af the i+] over south-west ton city, saad ' of so many p ly non-party mem- | that sick and nervous beadaches, i it does, notice being 1e- bers, It will become, the duty of Str{ gia and bilinusness has increased of late of fires until, wit Charlotiatown, PE. E ze 2 ee Oliver to call the representatives together | years. Stark's Powders, the greatest of supply in those outlying eg of Springton, ere, at the liest opportunity, with due re- |} modern remedies is a never failing and attined such head~ a . Pil seved bie ie, ard to their own convenience and the] pleasant cure. Twenty five centr a box, Sbe stopped except he wants the ie a pear iness of the country." It is most desir he. Manufacturers' and Merchaots' : in ber farther ma ie a pee ee eae that any uncertainty as to the stand- | Dispiay in the other Departments have ig & number of ease aod gravel, H ds of do ing of the Government should be removed | always abreast with the times in mobs now worked up to | spent on doctors ee Sie Se without sary delay. It would be| newness of style and latest int :ntions, fary are ing | do any good. On 7 oh ae, Oe certainly contrary to the principles of | an: there is every indication of improves Commune, apd at this | Stewart bad to take his bed, te . t the vast whic' ment, & s they ita financial benefit to as though nothing short | body considered his case 2 hope has been centered under the bureaucratic | make a x: ochibit at the business t an d | He beard of Dodd's Kidney Pills and d ticularly at ® he system at Toronto DOW | centre vy? the ahh and particularly them and the sacx | began using tem. | He says be noticed | iil March next at the disposal of an ad~| time when thousands from all parts of the illustrate the | an improvement from the fret, ahd ten | stration concerning whose _ and | Province and adjoining pened are present Fogg memory ee pores ten health. from | responsibility there is a vestige of doubt.' | to inspect their productions. Cepartmen .