Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 25 May 1894, p. 1

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a EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, at the office in Lime for the early malls. MARTINS BLOCK, MAIN ST, LISTOWEL --by-] A. Sr Groncs Hawexins, Teumea: le 21 Lis otherwise, $1.50. ADVERTISING RATES. Firstinsertion,perline... a som ment insertion... vertisemen tat talnsertedatihe es) fowinar Businotscards notexceedingSlines,$iper rinse overs and ander 12} ines,$&, vottisements of farms for sale cattle ta.$1for eetrayandotbersinallndvertinen @rstmonth and50c, perm sakhtberearer, Bpecialnvtioes,10c. rs pacers Any special notice, ibeob promote the pee anlary Sanent ofapy! riisement and charged accordingly. advertisements mossu 1112 lines eo eae ine this erEce § rhe BOON: on Mo omday, © and the copy for =< shvagess must be handed Innot laterthan m.cn Wednesday, JOB PRINTING. Wehavea Orvt-classi/obbingcepartmentio eon eer jon-- Wharfedale and ype hrers nag and thelatestdesigns in print! pa een 0 execute al Snenerehinasette job printing on shortest notice, and In stylesee- and to no city office. Our terms rie Job Mork on carve) advertie®- ments and special notices cash Contract advertisoments pavabie qensiortye TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. w.G. 2B. RY. as For Kincardine and intermediate Lhe wines. &- m.; Express 2.22 p, m.; pba Palmorston--Express at7. «2 a. m.; Ex- Fees, 12.57 p. m.; Mixed, 10.30 p. m. BORGIAN BAY AND LAKE ERIE DIVISION. GOING SOUTH. Express, 5.0 a. m.; Kxpresa, 222 p m.; Mixed 4.45. p.m, Mixed 12.10 a, m.; Express, 1.3 p. m.; Express 8-18 p. m DARLING & BLEWETT; BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS Conveyancers, Notaries Public, solictions for the Bank of paminon on Seott's Banking House. Office r Beott's Bank, Wallace Street, Listowe: 7. L. DARLING F. R. RLEWETT MORPHY & CARTHEW, BARRISTERS SOLICITORS &C MGTARIES PUBLIC & COMMISSIONERS door to the Hanover office, J. M CaRrTHEw. ABEE & GEARING, BAKRISTERS, Solicitors for the Merchaote Hank notaries I'ublic, STRATFORD, OxT. Money to lean. J. P. Mapee- F."W. Guana Trost. FULLARTON, NEWRY hes taneetor Marriage Licenses, Com- *, mortgages, 'louse peony on reasounble ° nisso toons v1 Noouveyauele ter Mone¥ tolen GEORGE W ATSON, B. Ay M. D. SSION OF HIS vr Lt ssngsoue. Drug gor: where he may be found night trance on ofwhich te Tato pg eae orecsioky, to be considered aacale of dve cine: towel " te tandard = VOL. XVIE--NO. 17. LISTOWEL ONTARIO, FRIDAY MAY 25, 1894. } A. ST. GEO. HAWKINS EvtTon AND PROrzixnton. MUSI@A4L EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN DURABLE CONSTRUCTION. MORRIS - FEILD - ROGERS - CO. LISTOW DL. Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. TALK OF 4N = MUTINY- Are TheHonors. ot '67 Aboutto be Repeated. Miele OF LON THE MANG' _ SECRETLY, MAY aE A tapi FOR THE UPRIS+ ING - GRIEVANCES WHICH THE NATIVES rimD Pp GREEERY New York, May 13.--Harold shied erick eben from London to the Times It naweek of gloom: with black _ and cold winds. Men's m as about the fire pe tell one another stor~ ies,not of the deaths of kingc, but of the horrors THE POSSIBILITY THE DON o RCLES -- ------ + 5 FREEHOLD LOAN -- SAVINGS COMPAN Money loaned at low rates. Terma to as 8 large amountof PRIV. sglonae Not limited to half Faltee Buren reel fo: r Freenold Loan anc Savings Insurance and Loan Agency. M. BRICKER. AGENT FOR;THE DomINiON SURANCE Co. OF WATERLOO; THE CANADA ACCIDENT Ins. Co MONEY T0 LOAN On the most favorable terms, OFFICE-- No.1] Main St. Listowel, nex il R. G. ROBERTS, SHIPLEY,ONT, --o, AGENT FOR THE London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY aA Lso-- MONEY TO LOAW Main sirect. a dey. tin any sums from $20) and opwards at «low W,_E. DINGMAN, M.D., re ralé of interest. Poko bony nse ofall d script ons done op Gs ars Pepe aaa mee ee Cfice and residence "Main Street east MONEY T TO LOAN . J. J. FOS l ER, On rr and Town property, at{the low- est rate pal can te fepeid anus ert oF - th rincipa!l can re anvus a aanlnlertaaiad pterest chlowed on Lat ments of netpal. Ma ripares Soert. ht. "Cooverane. Talloriog Katabliah: oedone. Insurance pla naible omer aver Seaeees* ¥ WEL. Companies. P if tres tran mats eres mr . Listowel M.BRUCE, c- DS.DEN = -- 1 alized or Nitrous Oxide cae ac.. . paiciess extracticg In oa sland Bear Thompson Bru aT Entra: a _-- S Rocidenee 18 Fenelove " Ute {caseuties: one of the best 10 ser a _ rms io ee pe 'erorah he of Wallace. conres ent to ee on. UNTY OF PERTH.--THE WAR- | factor wand Oral ine fromm Listowel wire® DEN & 111 be in attendanceat th Crerk * pd nd Te aerate axe om the piace Gees OR te arte eee ork. dhe Clerk Sih | viz A large bank bara with stone stabilog beta sitgoaane eat bis omice on Tuesday and | Rose 'nos mous ple and peo house: Be bp ay Of ones w ind mill, pump and tas plete : fine pace ae i will Pigg aden oa Bearing, orehard and alt 'Rods' of meh one ce 0 +! tem Friday and Saterday of each week. during tue ¢ cellar: There acres Ciice 'hours. DAVIDSON, Ocunty Clerk cleared ed and In the Coote oF feaitivation. ah: sd bal ard-wood bush a county Clee nncmee. Stratford. aaae S swamp. There ts e 'coven 'slits spring in acres of, wheat, ac The Oldest Established GROCERY TOWN I8 JAS. ARMSTRONG'S earsexperience in berimess en Tasce st ye Leew ine conte of the people ood,and as he bay & fresh, ocean give his custcmers Botbatter value for ene =oae 1b y othe: tail hease in the fm TEAS, COFFEES andSUGARS. I bh ene very best, i et then aac siotber vie aia Canned Goods, Finer, 'Oaim ll, ornmeal, hockwheai @ our ete..e A Te siccisetaa stock c: CROCKERY an SLAMS WARS, always to be found at 4 a price Potatoes and al! WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer! Atwood! Has on hand a latge assortment ol Mt Kinds of Furniture, aid for Butter and Exg Wines of carmere produce BA ne may have goods delivered to part of Elma township free of cost » UNDERTAKING attended to at jose time. Fiest-Ciass i in ion. Furniture soms opposite vo the P.O Abou! plonxhing monty, done. OHN OLLET. ace, co) tot 6 cou: Wall a Lots of Money to Team at atthe very lowest rates of interest on farm security, with the ear Wallace PO privilege of paying back what youllxe at tbe end of any R. HUTCHISON mt Listowel. "Only the Scars Remain," Sars Hivry Hrpsox, of the James VTTIYWdVSHVS g "Mother Urged Me to Ayers I took three Vara he eree beled dT ot MONEY TO LOAN.J<: , then agatn--i PeThie Strange scate ae arisen from the =e thar last month it was i on at all at once some thousands of m: out the Beogalese had been sm there ia n natives themselves understand these sigs nals, In i mpenetrable secret u © Spring of 1857 there was o fthose demon stratioos which took the form of passing from village to village love bread, ont twisted like giant pretzels, and 7 . ieclly known pow ¢t 1s was sie which prepared the natives is mutiny. Those on the spot not unnaturally as- sumed that thie smearing of tree simular m native shall hold himself im readiness for some great coming event. Now, of all a coming events in India, an ats mpt at a general a ts unfortunate: 'ie ooo n' we get any real Leese con Sdlevances under British rule 'erbaps it is truce to say that these are the only times we any at~ tention to them. judging by what is said now it becomes a more incredible marvel than ever that peace is preserved at all. Stores are told of taxation so fe artfully increased from Assam to Bombay that the native who last year was assessed at Discontent in in India. tistical prigs insisted oo car feclity and aries in the province, with tbe result first bt acaring ave then of enragting the en- tire lato These ts cone trouble, too, about a group of British speculators who have the indigo mono d are working it to the pre- judice of the small native growcrs- Every bases of this sses of natives. i oung recruits from the . Delhi districts aad has nothing to do with racial or re- ligious jon Indian government officials w thatthe bele! is growing ero the eange tree epi ia ceanected an effort to divert Hindoo pilgrims one shrine ther new one, where = gods are expected to give ocu lar advice about protecting cows from Moh pale inselt and mdding Bebar of the Enelisn indigo planters. hese explanations are admittedly guese-work, as indeed all foreign conceptions 8 passing the minds th silent millions must be, and will do lit ee " ming summer will see the lish lab, Gebting for their lives again in pite this cold always injured the wool. beep bad fully dried with ool on ite back it had accumulated Washing disagreeable job Sead ph work. though accompanied by vy uae Mra. Dix, bow pale ~. Dix--Yes. I've been having lots or trouble y wth a boil, ie cee T ery Was it on -- MANY PERSONS KILLED AND MUCH PRO- PERTY DAMAGRD--TOTAL DARKNESS OBTAINS DURING THE REIGN OF "THE STORM -- HELPS TO DESTROY PROPERTY. Phe Obio, Mi a 18.--The most re hail sto wer known in this jor visited * city last evening. Great damage was done to een grote and shrubbe: was stroyed the Cen' caval Uni mere = ic tr nion Telephone ex~ and burned out every Pp. the city Toledo jo, O., May 18.--That sec Northern Ohio, between Kukel Montpelier, two towns on the Detroit division cf the Wabash railroad, A a yi pd wounding several more, ead are: Daniel Barrett, right leg broken, arm torn off and Lge injur ts. Daniel reit, lees torn from the body and chante torn out Martha Dase, head crashed, died two hours afterwar George Oxincer, badly beaten into « shapeless m Myrtle Dies, every bone in her body woken. Those _-- stay 2 ared a Charles , fatal y ure internally Mrs, chests Cole, bead ushea will Jenne Creek, head crushed ; will re- cover. Houses, fences, trees and obstructions huge boles in the devastated 18 about were Daniel ¢ and their two grand F Raa i Myrtle me Martha Dasese, is tely that not even re aliigery nd her entrails, lungs and otber internal organs scattered broadcast through the 45-acre field. ¢ search for her remains continued fully an bour be~ fore large portions of her ficsh were found in two, ani Dani el Barrett was carried rods from where the cyclone struck hi His hand was torn off atthe wrist an He was still breathing when nal injuries. tward without found, bet died soon afte becoming conscious. Martha and Myrtie Dase, who were in acother part of the house, were lest Martha, aged fourteen, was hurt appar- ently only sbout the which was in on the left side, showing a in all en of her y d done to aa the lirtie one's saps and she died at ten o'clock in the even~ ie. George Oxinger, Barrett's hired hand, who was inthe field plo saw the essay that the man was lifte ground and whirled into the air at least 100 feet, with umbers, fences, trees other debris scooped op by the whirlwind. Oxinger's lifeless sohg was found about flesh and his body indicates that he came in comtact with many of the beam fiying trees Pie Da--Ne ves y --Tammeay Times. i a CYCLONE IN INDIANA AND OHIO in the city. Seoaey dongs bam pro-} d perty is 12--A beawr | § over a T.R.SHOPS SHUT DOWN FAMINE IS SAIDTO BE THE r sia ey 17---The Gra y Company olor ' es fe tothe coal famine from the strike of the United minersand mine-owners n in sion ue te -- We cannot do, sible, The utilize oil. gloomy, and the Interests of the coun- try will be appalling. What aggravates our position at present is the fact that a railway wi ob Roy like, appropriated or exprop- riated our coal if own engines rue, we - a quantity of coal from the Maritime Provinces, but that sup ply is limited, and while it may avert eneral demoralization of our service, will be far from sufficiznt if the crisis be prolonged to meet our requirements, even foran ordinary service, The company's works will be closed and the freight service curtailed to the closest margin at the end of the pre- sent week, and further Dairying in ( Ontario. CONCLUSIONS FROM A A SPECIAL BULLE- TIN OF THE O. AC. Prices for grain un bave fallen over 30 per cent. in ten years ; prices for batter -- cheese have fallen Iess than 6 per cen 2. "Dairy farming is less exhaustive an ing. The sale of butter Temaves uotsing from the soil. In fact, by dairying, the losi fertility of the soil may be restored. Ontario is well eng to dairying. b. of factory do hs their batter 3 they the work of making and marketing ; they ate paid in b eturns come qui Aly. ped for trom $2,500 to $3,000. Skilled butter~ makers and cheese-makers are aow be- coming more available through the work of the Specia! Dairy School of Ontario Aguicalinen' College, Guelph. ave made only a ral population in Oo- enens Leeda, Grenville and ompeting w: fine factory cheese and fine creamery butter. jon be made, according to the tend of vents. Our first consideration will be unanbilon of the mails , thea passen- gers, and lastly freights. , | them upon the principle of self-preser~ vation,' _bbe Canad Instinet «i of Birds. A FLOCE paeripiy eee | FROM A STORM VESSEL'S DECK. While a British | brig was smoothly along before a good b the South Pacific, a flock s small Laas ut the size, shape and: ci of par B ip ee petal, pini more resting h second mate was so anxio dont the -- to which the visiting strangers longed, & shat he t tried tc to entrap & a spachs sliding eze in tian be Thankful For. One thing that wae women ought thankfal is-that they don't kins " "think that ws : Beet of hairon a a 'a no wh st be removed every = to keep on look respectable, dreadful affliction. = " at it would only es into in neat-look~ ing mustache, or a trim, dainty -- beard," it wouldn't be so bad, bat doesn't. I never could spare time or the patience that ~ the average facial gar- dening requires, Ww Record. SE aEEEnEeseseeeent Ontario Railway Extension. Among the fines of F of railway under con- struction in lowi that another 10 mile section will be co pleted in os early ~~ of the summer. ding of the Parry onization Raley, which was 6 been ballasted, mmences miles, an ope c¢ to Edgineton in the -- Ege this ae, and it is expect- t Parry -- will be rerched be~ ry the close o 5. The Ottawa, Avaie & Parry Sound Railway is another road under construc- tion. The Lake Temiscamingue Colon- ization Railway from North Bay to Lake t road which It will compete with the C.P.R. for the trade ofthis north- ern region now i Pp, an will be operated as an affiliation of the Trunk system. ~ What is bs Wealth. Does wealth consist in money, houses, lands, bank stocks, railroad bonds, etc, alone ? what the aged capitalist be glad to exchange all his muil- at com satjo is money for sleepless nights and patafal days, or the misconduct ra dissipated children 7 Which brings the greater happin=ss the glitter, woney jealousies and oo ot jan Pacific does Superiadeat, | states that, so far as of coal, Poach to-night ex; ves as ---- at the closing down of the works, and declare that the coal famine is mols an excuse for cutting down' expenses, The Mammoth Cheese. Ottawa, May 16--Members of both Houses today sampled the Canadian which was exhib- mental farm Boards of Tradein different parts of the country, the following being a copy of the explanatory letter potifying the Qilfercot boar boards Dairy Commisstoner's s oa 17, 1894. the "Canadian Mute at the World's Fair at Chicago J. summer. Itwasmade at one of the Dominion experismental dairy =-- He yhitx hada end of about an on birds took = but to~ ¢ night tame that they hopped about the decks Every bird seemed to be ed by some little invisible enemy on wings, a' cv Bl ce huddled down behind a deck hou The su itious Sailors at once called the captain of the brig, who rubbe: id ked at thor md DZ was wrong with the elements, and ae brig was put ip shape to outride a storm he storm came about twenty minutes after the birds had reached the vessel. - minutes the eky was post the waterles: ttom -- t arch of yellowiah mad--and torr nm rain ayes y it not blow on hard o knows ; but on port, we days later, they lear ornado had swept across that part Tho Witsin tn Merry May, HOW AN ABSENT-MINDED MAN TIMED THE C@OKING OF AN EGG, The absent $ minded o man is at it again. had been reading the egg story and decided to the trick The first thing to do was 1 the , man minutes atked himself, and going to the stove with the egg in one hand an 16 watch the other, dropped th latter in the hot water. en placing the eggon the table, he sat down to d till the time wasup. At the end of Standing Up Dead MR. R. T-HOMPSON OF in- PETROLEA, STAWTLY KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Petrolea, -- 17.--Aboat 7,30 this - R. T. Thom the ing. knocking two gentlemen peneniess sad killing Mr. R. T. Th son. ben . omy *s brother to he found bis brother standing up with his baod ar a postin the e¢ went up to his assistance, but too late, death i He atope time captain of the Sal- tion Army here, and is well-known ase ites. He leaves a wile and two childres: aS iy FrienpD.--No family sbould ithout Perry Davis' V ne fashion able life, or the heartfelt pe greater ness in the datler then | in the kitchen iat How a S ecitemties will teli you that t er Dow than when starting in iife without a dollar tThountains we find rock andice,and saow. It ts penal in the valleys that we find the vineyard Let no man envy those sicker thas himself until taking all things Thto ac- health, wife, children, friends ro. T, AN --_--_--_---- The Times on Canaan change, -- IMPORTANT EDITORIAL EXPRESSIONS OF HE GREAT LEADINGLONDON PAPER, , May 9.--The Times{com- articles concerning publ recently, The writer *It seemea manifest that of the large problems, on the successtal ation of = the future ofthe British empire pend, there are very few which or less directly -- = aned prime rience, an solutions that-Canada will Gnd, hate for good or ev:l, will largely affect the oO says: ~ the political sa ofliving man to conceive. may be the future of Canada's velations to the United states on the one living can yet prob-4 y ; bat none can doubt that the is big with the fate Brights Disease Again. 'M LANG! TRIES MANY REME DIES FOR THIS DISEASE AVAIL--DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, A REMEDY THAT FAILED, CURE HIM, May 2 ---- ley, of London Souk, © inflamma- tion of the kidneys last fall, Shich finally developed into Bright's disease. $ an man would, who was afflicted with this ble disease, ley ¢ every remedy that could be suggested. His ; as all others', another case of i disease once considered incurable, that > bad to succumb to Dodds Kidney P: The Children's Enemy. Scrofula ws itself in early life and repent by swellings, abs- for radically Its action wpon the G(RMEUMATISM CURED In A Day.-- Soath i Rheomatism and N cares in 1 to 3 days. is remarkable {t removes at one the cause, and the a weeny oper Bo i bet may | be used for the various ail many kind. Getthe Big 5c, * jomum Livincsremz, Jr, Dreggist. ure be wo ae ing ex- |. to thout izance of their and in a mood of flippant dnegara of one of the sol t obli, of life, Io this seem to be devoid of the ing nse re chea: 6 rice - der with which y cover their och aps t 0 venly ory too far, but f mental wisdom ch unwritten family law as and marr! A tion own wisely njoy ity and au- thority in ts'tomerife sta : ~ all of which example, it as aru, atentty rieusd, daug of taking the disco: 01 do very fter relying for guidance on other people all ad pee cay rag has only 3 to depe: so vitala ds in the girl's gong her own way with abundant misery !a on. In France, when a m in- troduction into a family of young girls, he 1s questio closely as to his fitn F Dissi babi! ipa' to support a wife, serious heredi- ta isease, Ora stain upon his past pore debars him from the society of a Me, And very prope: of Bee so, for fs spte of aay oral of these bilities | be be personally attractive and thereby 8 cage of emotional ubbappi- to tanding the aorenoe atti- ali high the suscepuibilisy ot her | young rs affec take every mae secure her an advan man, 8! she wishes to eratity a a selfish saan she cannot use w igedees, oe It is, however, ag istake to irl arcy up with tie eden that she er fesar ohare that she well keeping a high standard before her, while a fe w shoul be to her from time to Un- fortunately few mothers «sem to know bow to He Wonders How Women bebe pole a ber par af hin hinds of expedient, a a3 fiod the only successful w mounting a youd get him ? Whats the matter with th the buck-saw ?--Boston Transcript. 'Miss in rageat Bluntley for wakes. of ber as a ular chromo." Don't blameher. Ev. bod in med? knows well enough she is fae The Sparrow Has No Friends. Lord raters, in The National Review, eeonyes the sparrow's claim to consid- tion as @ "destroyer of noxous insects i by bisevil the drink habit 7" "Well, Jobn used to have terrible finding «Just like all the -- when 1 aremeanad to have four gore keyholes put in sobered right down." Bobbie--Well, Tgrish you'd tall washer sn" otiew Wok Weib

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