¢ + Are You Going to the World's | Fair? --o---- wae a Sst fake or: yy y or OCEAN. HARVEST B=XCURSIONS To Manitoba and the Noo west Territories, on sry Wa 16th and 22nd, and Sept. 5th. Call on Me Far Tickets, to Chicago eee 4th and 5th fare $10,7 J. A. HACKING, TICKET AGENT G, T. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, AUG. 11, 1893. pu able efforts to bring its ia educa- tionally up to the high of other ier at to see the position of each, to measure the relative position each the others. The educational status of the whole tion was a! by the enumerators, with the exception of 55,401 Indians. A Hemarkable Story ot Interest to Every Wo A YOUNG WOMAN WHO WAS LITERALLY From the Arkansas Democrat, es the following article has been careful ully that of thousands of Miss Clemen' the i EDOOCATION IN OANADA. WHAT A CENSUS BULLETIN DISCLOSES. Ottawa, Aug. 4---A census bulletin, nineteen years old ; third: those under ten years old. Of these three groupe . a total equal to 70.83 per cent t of the equal to 6650 per 'cent can write. Taking the adult popes 84.65 per cent can read, and 80.34 percent can write y means of a diagram be shows Canada's educational position relatively tu other countries. From the diagram it appears that Canada is brlow the United Kingdom, France, Germany Holland, Swiz-riand and Scandinavia; that she about «quals the United States, and is abv 3 beste Italy, Austria, According to provinces, Manitoba is the banner province of the Dominion in the proportion of adults able to wie and is on'y excelled by Scandin- a, Germany and Switzerland ; Ont. i ex', and the Northwest serrkories third. Considered by sexes, Manitoba is the banner province both as respects the pruportion of females able to write, and the proportion of males able to write, thus showing what a splendid population it was that went into the prairie province. aken in the large,the female popula- ed by the fact that in the province of Quebec the proportion offemales able to write is considerably greater than the proportion of males, A diagram shows the relative proportion of 'the adults of both sexes in all of the ranks able to write. a is occasion- was attacked with a mysterious, was "\rehefcame. Her story is best told s SS AN ARKANSAS MIRAOLE. FADING AWAY--PHYSICIANS PRO~ NOUNCED HER CASE HOPELESS-- HOW SHE WAS SAVED. y of renewed health told in most prominent residents rat one bai ing disease over a year ago, and aan ite the strenuous efforts of the local ae Sd her mother to a Democ eta rahe ¢ fall of 1892 my daughter was wrecking her system. Dispite the constant attention of local physicians pale, and she became almost as white as marble. She Sherplained of heart palpitation, Her feet and hands were cold, and she was almost driven into hysterics by racking headaches and backaches and shortness of breath and other dirtressing symptoms. All these conditions betoken anaemia,orin other words watery and impoverished con- dition of the blood. which could not a form the functions of nature, She had no appetite, for many days she did pot eat enough tora child to subsist "Her condition grew from bad to worse, and becoming alarmed, T sent e Tennessee and Little Rock. All ef- forts of this nature to regain her health proved fruitless. Patent medicines of inds were tried and given thorough tests, but without any appar- en Swe towards improving tbe Pa uMyeelt and daughter had almost given up in despair, having almost con cluded that a restoratien of her health was an impossibility. In the Arkansas which claimed that "ie tee give ready relief to persons suffering from a disease the symptoms of which were mn Hext compares the re- turns oe 1891 with those of 1871, no returns of education having been called for in the census of 1881. The con- clusions which he reaches are that the adult population of New Brunswick is comparison with the total population of the province, as repeal ly abie to read' or to write as it wa twenty years ago ; that in the geenibes of Nova Scotia there has been a de: crease in the percentage of illiteracy as jadged by the reading and writing tests ; that in the province of Quebec there has been a decrease in the per- centage of those who cannot read and of those who cannot write, the propor- tionate decrease in the number of those who cannot write being considerably greater than in the number of those Wuh regard to juvenile education, the statistics for which have beer obtained by the census of 1891 for the first time, the results show that of the total number of children ten years old, percent were able to read an per cent able to write ; that of the total number of minors, ten to nineteen ye of years old over 47 per cent can write. The statistician next investigates the record for each province, and finds for Manitoba that while children between tenand twenty years ableto write oc- cupy a high position, yet that the group bas been cutstiipped by the similar in Ontario, and that the group of children under ten years has been out- stripped both by the Ontario and Prince Edward island groups of the same age period. He thinks educationalists in Samact need to know the causes for this ene in orderto apply the rei Dealing with Ontario, the bulletin says that with respect to the applica- Aico writing test to minors uoder twenty years, Ontario ed inence; but yields to Prince Ed- Sears Island inthe proportion of boys . the aif of the Gulf of St ge gel having more who can rea ad every 1,000 boys under ten youl: tan a otber provi Of the province ie -- the bulle- 9 says: "The eral average is wer than any ther; province. She proach the only province in which the | cheeks. the adult population able to read is a larger proportion than the male part. aking 100 for the standard of highest excellence, the adult population of Quebec stands at nearly 64, while that of the Donitinion stands atover 80." But while the adult population stands thus low, the Statistician states that the most satisfy- the statistics relating to education is j i i Cc advance has been greater than that of any similar sop is pe of the other bei provinces, the nearest approach being |" the advance of the 10--2e years group in Pricce Edward Island. The Que satire gape mind gos and ten years also show 3 milar development, larities, and all form phosame as J as in the case of my daughter. Grabbed $800 Worth. DARING DAYLIGHT WATCH ROBBERY AT 'WOODSTOC! CLUE TO THE Woodstock, Aone, 4--A sensational daylight robbery occurred in a jewelery in the east end this morning. ba Fea § i ty ie. 3 i east of the jewelery store, was able to furnish the only clue to the thieves. She the hour of the robbery she on Mr. Potts' store, and were not aware of bis absence until eS --_ he The datip ayn ed ness. watches make, pls are were either solid wold or beat Two of the ladies' ee any ae the leading thoroughfares. offered for the 'apprehension of the thieves. Awful Death ort Two Boys. UNK mabye AT SARNIA. morning 'about * 15 o'clock a fatal acct- dent happened at the a, of the G. T. Edward * deliver milk when they were struck b ; canine rand killed. wegques commenced giving my dau sgbter three pills a day. Before the first box bad been taken an improvement was aioe Color tn her face was noticed, and her appetite returned. 'The ter rible headaches and backaches ceased, and she could breathe more freely. When the fourth box had been taken now robust and full of life, making our family happy once more. Quite a con- trast to the situation six months ago, when everybody thought she would ie. OT think -- Pills' the best medi. i the blood, and base ccmnmeatel them to several ition, She tried the Pink Pills, mber she cm gaed ay and is now a very healthy w The Poteet of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale People certainly deserves the highest tribute that pen can frame. His medicine has done more to alle- viate the suffering of humanity than any future generations asthe grea' nt of the present ago. Druggists say that Li. Pink Pills bave an enormous sale, a from all quarters come glowing maparts -- denying, their use. In very work any k has been pane Ma evee he eminent physicians had failed, and pronounced the pati Fs beyond the of bum: analysis shows that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -- an a condensed form ail the elements necessary to give new life ~ richest to the blood, and restore battered no They are unfailing seuciia for pry diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial aren St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous of Ia grippe, femaies, such as a irregu- of weak! were. | gag tk, or excesses of w ever De Willies ~~ Pills are -- factured by the Dr. Williams' Medicin: Company, ecchvls, Ont., and elie ectady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by dozen or bundred, and the public are cau! cautioned against Be caeagy imitations sold in Judge Da stor! et junior judge for bay Bgl denly mY Castile, Que.;. on Satar- day. Lodies, shy aller ovo unsightly haw arms, ben morrow at 9 ° clock. The Colorado Exodus. TITUTE MINERS FROM THE STATE. Topeka, Aug. 4-- east, and the regular trains are still be- e determing to get out bf the country. along the route Death of Mr, Porter: M. P, P. Hepworth,Aug. 7.--Mr. David Porter, MAL. A. for Nx orth Bruce, who has bee which society Mr. -- has 'long bee: community in their affliction The Barl of Aberbeens London, Aug the leading citizens banquet this ee to the Earl Taber: deen, the ne overnor General of Can- the energy with which the Canadisns mbined with a v ahactasly. aahamperiog connection with the British emp Barn Burned at at Hepworth. abarn on lot 35, concession 2, Ai sentes to James was entirely and one pig li --_--_ Body Recovered. 3070 boxes at 8}ic, | 290 boxes 7 9 1/8c, 33 ceed at ONE: I 470 boxes fapaiien Aug Lr aa SLecwea er ag © | daughters to mourn her sudden death: | were 6.118 busts. Sal : 690 bo a eT "|S, 5EO at 9 7-16c, 690 at ofc. Market - fiax mill bas started threshing are about ---- and many are busy a alien ene, tailor, has pulled of his paoiens, down and ts going to se Bmpr pe ranning the streets and only a oreh few Gant other business places. The police seep PER tour about the town, ould get no trace of the robbers. Al the ela were visited, but the ah ee rig seen th: store had not passed Walla ce met apt Tow iP i, - 22nd July, 1893, pursuant to adjourn The officers returned to town and adopt+ ed other means of capturing the thieves. were a on ---- psec Committee MANGLED BY AN ENGINE OF THE GRAND TR Sarnia, Aug. 6. -- (Special) --This Exmouth street Roland and n Mitchell, sona of Mr. Alexander Mitenell, milk vendor and garderer on the cemetery road, were going to Point ; es ay G. seconded dy Ww. pore ae = Bro Engineer Ri obert Ruthetlord and Fire- be pai man George Blow, both of London, were e Sarnia tunnel depot to take out the age express, going east aboutg 4o wags were 5 and 21 years of pi respectively, and were the only sons of Mr. Mite hell. The horse that was ascratch. Pieces of theggbodies were scattered for about 100 yards along the ny vel road, $ track, the engine not being stopped until 45 gs peat 50; J. i Windred. Coroner, Fraser will hold an EVERY TRAIN CARRIES 200 OR 300 DES: fereeubn of the mill ot still in the build. ~The exodus of Colo- ado miners continues through Kansas, proving a heavy burden to farmers anda source of great annoyance to railroads The tramp trains en th ral road carry from 200 to y Zong 1 ooo insurance in be sieged by idle and destitute miners, who there yp Parga? "Sr, Ressor electric -- rao Es in the building. of rs were saved by slight loss, = = large "Th crowds are so great in Denver that the first clase passenger trains frequently back away from the depot an c 0 through the station at full speed to pre vent the m om jumpin ains that do not #top are peited with rocks and $s some instances trains are acy regular travel by these flying laborers. Kansas farmers are feeding them MISS fanano FLEMING li +h suffering from Leorgarecg! cousumption for over two years, dic 1s morning at hissad, though not unexpected, death has cast a gloom over the 1 cighbor- o be remains will ken r] 3 s = o 2 e & 55 wv 3" ° 7] bao reaved 'tasnily ave the hearttelt sympathy of the entire PAYS SOME NICE ts MENTS TO CAN- 5 = -- (Special) --Some ot of Aberdeen ada. The Eat rlina ---- dilated -- built up their institutions. This ey t ap- oe benefits arisite from ample but Hepworth, Aug. . About 9,30 last might flames were discovered issuing -- i mith, which j ina j 4 copachor with a lot of impiements,harness it $800; very I if 1, ge ut ul Wiarton, Avg. 3--The -- of Thomas J obnson, fireman of the steamer jones, who wWas lost cir iggeern pes Jaly 25, bave beep recovered, teached bere -_ Rafeara by stea seat aes: They will be taken to Holstein. for inter~ £ if Fe ji ( 3 i FARM FOR § SALE Ee Being Lot 6, Gon 8 Con 3, Township of Wallace. valuable piece of cedar 1 frame house with stone cellar; jarge ban: barn with stone stables. is eecitue is foe terewet ition "it ¢ nd quailty of the eott crops srowiag For farther miare apply to Joha C. were Moliet, on the pince, or by mail to Wallace Aug. 5--- the London market to-day 2¢ y aciaties offered boxes. July... Sales: 890 boxes at JOHN C. MOLLET, Wallace, THE LEADING BAKER, All Kinds of fancy Bread and Cakes on hand. pecial orders promptly and carefully attended to. GIVE US A CALL, J. McCORMICE. M. MD. FLEMING ------ ¢ Fire |, Fire | Fire | Fire sei ee and buy a new pair, at Flem- ing's- 'Boffalo, Aug. 7 for shtep pe dull and lower for lambs Saks : $4.50 to $4-75 3 ; Good we tair \o good mixed sheep, $3.50 to oo bn, culls to best, $3.50 to $5.50 ; pt merase 65 to 0 $5.7 70 3 market closed gal vith a number u: 'anada's fishery exbibit at the World's Fair is sard to pont the finest, rival- ; | ling even that of Norw: It is said Lord Dafleria is to receiv s¢ negotiations. reported that Bat are 100,000 wos 'ak of work in New York city, in- cluding both union pomp non-union men, The World's Fair directors have taken away Florida's space and divided it among other states, because of Florida's |} indifferent display. Mitchell races, September chy' for- all trot, purse $200; 2.30 do., purse $150; 2.50., purse $iso; -- run, pene $100. Entries close September 1. Exeter pcs report the receipts of butter very small, They account for this by the tact that farmers, finding more money in it, send their milk to the Exeter creamery. When Raby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Child. Castoria. on i w > oria, LISTOWEL MARK Er. roe a 1833 Wheat, fail, per bush.. ir -$ Wheat, spring, br 3 Bariey, cS) Oats, uw a Hay per ton era 7 Bran, 4d 15 Bhor 16 Lhe Cornmeal do to 2 Batter per Ib "6 per dos. il wi Hides per 100 iba. 3h0 4 Sheepekie @i Wool per Ib. ty Wood, long, a0 3 Wood, short, 175 2 Dressed Hogs, ......cccccccces oe \ 000 STRATFORD. Aug, 9, 1893 | wheat, Per fib bush. re 6 prin, 0 Barley, per cbent sms @ Peas, do 67 ft 18 ber 0 Butter, per Ib a) per dosen w B Flour per barre! 200 300 Dr oxs 000 000 Woo uu Bt] TO! PRICES AT FARMERS Wacors Ag. 9,1 less. 'Wheat, fall, per Syahal 36 @ Rar, apring a © sas ted as ao Oats, » 0 batter, pound rolls, mB Eees, fresh. per dos, tae | | Potatoes per . 8 Flour, per barr 280 330 j Rete Hogs 73 80 Fal! wheat «$6 Goring wheat ' a 6 Barley o Peas, F a Hay, 6@ 6H WANTED--Z2cr'ts nace? St ean give you many ad mode of scouring an and fetatning sales- men is superio our terms. The trial with Somt you cething STONE 4 WELUNUTOX, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. a 'il itis oo a lat ties (ifany? pe! them; and aleo Biececed"naving Terest ony 40 eisian' of Sich he may then bare aad that fot the proceeds Of ihe cetate vo distributed ig to any person of whose claim he bas not hed the time of such d' bation, Newry this frst day of August, PETER DUCKLOW, Jn, Newry P.O. WESTERN AIR Sopienber ath to 0 23rd, 1893. > e i Canada's Favorite Exhibition Seo ESTABLISHED 1208. THE OLDEST IN THE DOMINION, LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS 2 a Sueusss-eeesssrese necessary. the aeaont of wver 25 New Tan Shoes +] for Women, Men and Children, in all the latest Shades and Styles, at prices that defy com- tition. Goods all new--no old shop-worn goods polished up to sell. "ITRUNKS AND VALISES: Are you going to the North- West ? Do you want a trunk ? We have a new Stock just in, which will be sold at a trifle above cost. Don't forget e place. MAIN ST. BRIDGE. M. McD. FLEMING 'To Preserve The richness, color, and beauty of the having a first-class article, ask your druggist perf for Ayer's Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any other preparation of the kind, It restores the original color and fullness to hair which has become thin, pores or gray. - It keep P dan' humors, prevents baldness, and imparts ged eg aR oe hy severe tebe ppg 8 began to fall out, 4 wh oe without success, till at last I soa USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is gro rapidly and is restored to its wreret cole --Mrs. Annie' Collins, Dighton, Mass. "Thave used sp denial Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair is moist, it state 'avers Hair Vigor Prepared by. Dr. 4 c. Ayer Con Lowell, Mass THE MCCORMICK aN 'A PERFECT BINDER, The WoCormiak Har Harvesting is have « Wma. BEATTIE agent at Listowel. for their celebrated machines. . points terer efthe "Bindlo- {-- equal aide the round- ness nees of the ea! tied, ite economy in twine, ts lowness of bulld,~"and ite strength ible spoke bicycle steel H its wap The bas of the machine and trucks. ee is being ee Ik leated cmighewk the United neaies, one in Great Britain Canada. THE BOYAL AGRICULTURAL 80CI storeroom, are invited to.call and in- epect it. Wa, BEATTIE, Agent, a LISTOWEL seen machines }* in operatt them the great harvesting in tion of the age. The ense th which this pimier can is an 1 t, 8 5 foot machine going thi a1 gate and a gate, without the of =; NERVINE TONI Stomach? Liver Cur Cure Most Astonishing Modict year? Years. ee ne Ease One Hundred Years, It is Safe and Harmless as as the Purest Milk.' This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced into this country by the A re ge letors and manufacturers of the Great ewer Ae Nervine c, and. yet its -- public. his medicine has completely solved the problem a the cure of indi- cline a ayspipata: and diseases of the general nervous system. It is also of the greatest value in the Neath of all forms of sof failing health fds wha' cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities beiaes it segpreesese and by }ts grea s' e liver and the bowels. No remedy compares strength is continent. It is a marvelous cure ages. es who are a) period known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine i sialy or carry over the danger. This great st tive is of inestimable be valos to the and infirm, ed ae ll give them a new hold on life. It will ad Stars to the lives of of many of those who will use a half dozen of the remedy each year. ervous Fondeohe Debility of Old 1 | lervous spepsia, ok Hi he, arn Sour Stomach, 'emale Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in tans a ervous Chills, Loss of A te, aralysis, Frightful . us Paroxysms Dizziness and R in the Ears, ervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and 'ot Flashes, Fainting, Palpitation,of the Heart, Impure and Impoverished Blood, [ental Despondency, Boils and Cithencies, Sleeplessness, t. Vitus' Dance, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the L Nervousness of Old Age, Catarrh of Li 'euralgia, Bronchitis and Chronic ta sins in the Heart, Liver ge ains in the Back, Sateen Diarr'! Failing Health, Delicate and Serciilens Children, Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other rage me cured by this wonderful Nervi! 'onic. Dilbert oe 'DISEASES. we lass of Nervous ee crap ages delicate individual. family is heir ae crak ng ra cara exhaustio! and ral aired diges- tion. When n insufficient supply of cane food in the blood, a acer hag state of "debility of ers brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the tarved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the Fight "kind of food is supplied; pet a thousand weaknesses ailments ar as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supoly all rri the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried o the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordi food di wae con- in a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the ne! For this necessa: erve food be supplied. This -- American Nervine has found by analysis to contain the Cane RDSVILLE, Ixp., Aug. 2, "86. Resecca Wrremsox, of Brownsvalley, Ind., To the inst sone 'American Medicine Co.? : Dean --I desire to say to you that have satiered for many years with a nerio thre years from Nervousness, Weakoue ofthe of cromech aad be aod Indigestion, unt a medic doctoring co red. ve kept it in my family for two the greatest remedy in the word for In jeariee an forms of Nervous rders and Falling th, from w] State i, Indiana, a: gomery County, subscribed and sworn to before me this June 2, Cras. W. Wass Siatary Publia aenieenTGh AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic wonderful curative powers of the South thosaraas Nervine Tonic, BE. Hatt. ot W. ind, says: Mrs. Fits A. Buattos, of New Ross, Indiana I owe - meceuiene Great : Ne eee eee ee oe ticesen, tedignstion; Nervine Tonic. My eystem was completely shat Nervous ion, and a general iia BOON Oe Stee eames Prostra: le al ese . arr my whole system. ven blood; was first stage ee ere oe Me g consuniptions am ap inheritance has: iB Rerrine Foul ase coninuea Ys meso to | the about, and a few bottles cured me entirely. | about aix Paternpeen and medicine iy . 1 lighty. tha grandes tor (does Bare over era" tr HH 4 i " : i a a 'i i ih g E j 2 E atin j Er eck Large I6 ounce se Bottle, $1.00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. @yld in Listowel by J. Livingstone, Druggist. -If You Want- OU + WANT the VERY BEST TEA for the nay, I have it. IF YOU WANT the CHEAPEST DINNER SETS in town, I have them. IF YOU WANT good BUTTER RIGHT OFF THE ICE, I have it. IF YOU WANT one ot those beautiful FIVE DOL- LAR PICTURES in my window, you can have your choice for nothing, when your cash purchases amount to thirty dollars. Positively we don't charge « one cent for the picture, CALL AND SEE THEM R. Hutchison. a