"LISTOWEL STANDARD. > _ Miss Littce, he «Mrs. A. Little's, Wallace street. Miss Bain, of a Misees Campbell at Argyle ¥ 4 orkton rince Albert algary tdmonton _ Tickets sold Avg. 15, good to © return until Oct. 1 eturn until Oct. 5, good 'to mae 5. For syed and all informa- ; tion apply to J. ar dr, ent C, P. R. FRIDAY, AUG. 4, 1893. Mr. amp Mrs _C. TAsbERMER spent holiday tn Guelph. SS ve "SELwoon, ome on his summer vacation: Toronto, is visiting at teacher, is Miss GERTIE DRAPER is spending her j bolideys at her cousins' in Ethel. Toronto, eee' with Miss Tenn of Toronto, is the guest of Misses McDowell, Inkerman St. Miss AGGIE PEARSON, of Taronto, is | Wil take place in the afternoon, Listowel the guest of Miss Eva Sarvis, Iokerman | and Wingham being aiched for $30, street. the "Unions en Brussels f ip Boor likesum, There will also a er ee ae avert fight and eleven foot races, comic and iret. lyingston, erwise, for cash prizes. Re entrance ames. 1§ cents admission t Tax Provincial Statutes for 1893 have | Victoria Park. mdi 1 rates on the been issued, a copy of which has reached | T, R. The fun will be good and closel this office. Mrs. - Puitp, wife of Dr. Philp, left on erga fe - a month's soja. a in Toronto and vici Mined vane and Mabel Armstrong have returned eae from visiting at their ) @acle's, in Tur ED i. "once fr general housework. Apply to J.L. Darling, Wallace ~-- gaa wel. Mrs. ON and family,of Bronitords are Walne te her mother's, Mes Woods, Penelope street. Ma, JOHN WATERSON, of Walkerton: has been spending a few days in town: visiting at Mr. W. Bamford's, Mill street nae Methodist Church Sunday School Great Britain, who have been attracted afranging tor an excursion to Moore~ ry Pes . y the World's Fair Games are expec field, and). picnic: inthe: camp "aroun to be present. These with the Cans ed DILWORTH, secy.-treas. of Mr. R. the Piano se -e and Mrs. Dilworth have natter enjoying a fort night'a saline at Grimsby. M Woop, Principal of the Medel School at Port Hope, is spending a week kn town, visiting at bis sisters', M and Mrs. 'I'. McDowell. Mr. Jas. NEWBICGING of Elma is tak- a holiday at Petrolea, having return- with Mrs. W. Newbigging, = -- "visiting friends in Elma and List Miss ADDIE CLAYTON, assistant he ah = St. Soa hee syed Insfitute, me fer 'ation, is taking hp 2 the World's Fair, iets left compan' is son id $28 *: . + Hay, H. Marti mos Doan. The p ity expegt to be away about six weeks: i: 8 Harves re | & McKee, Tickets sold hee a, ae to ca bedrars hela has secured the Beri, whoa first-class barber, has also "added a fine mug case to his shop. SURVEYING PARTY.--Mr. Louis Bolton "ae L. S,, has been commussioned ~ by and A the |- w Dey weather still rapid. Fal whet is ail cat and se anit is not finished as yet, it waa extra heavy. "Flax bees are fingers and the } are v _ Allan Davidson, (medical stadent, is te and heart continues, and as a ops afe npen' we on band as thick as crop ' Isaac Atkin =< family, of Beaniford, isiting at D. Henry's. tus ns ath dry hastened th he eu vy wheat a Lengied/ in this = ns, alts of the boundary has iad thr ed, S$ E Smit Mr Smith's steam thresher being engaged to do wo Mr slie reports his wheat os fraghnc "Sent well and an excellent sam not affected by rust, the i pis nels, a a good yield. be change of air will improve Mrs. McKee's health, which has been rmpaired of late. iss Lilie' McKee 1s spenden her holidays in Kingston and Toron R, W. J. HOLLINGSHEAD, who a pak by Frost& Wood. Laphsanent Smith Falis, bas got the c- work, binders is about natal it will be tothe in- of farmers w! asing @ b: inder another season to egent, E. M, Alexacder, at Listowel, he will sed you prices and terms SrorTS AT BRUSSELS.--The bills and Lirica are out for the games and opens t Brussels next Wednesday, 9°h 1 Ten football matches ill be played in ¢ forenoon for purses of $25 contested games are expected. See prox grams for further particulars, LOSING SALE.--The ne the public may expect extra 'bargains at my store as the entire stock must be sold by that time. Georce McTAvi Foran Dealer. DONIAN GATHERING. be sechdld pee gathering ee rs Sons of Senin of Bruce and Huron will be held tucknow, under the auspices of Albyn rte mp, on Wednesday, Sept. 6th, 1893 An interesting and aicactive programme of Atheletic 5 e leading atheletics, pi _ and dancers o' being mad 48th Batt. Band of Pipers as a character- istic feature of the gathering. GOTHAM CHEESE FACTORY BURNED. o heese factories tion, _ hg ia swept away. ut 380 manufactured cheese i 'in as ever. GOWANSTOWN. e an Eva' bpd were held i in the 6:b line church a was a pati sitendance, we haar being assisted by lin, Children's day will be bela at (the ame place next Sunday. time i Ch. en a lengthy sida men nee work going rapidly on on "nh the buildi as raised in good time. : sacri: returned home from a crop is well . "a the average. mple is ve e rust prin- MILLBANK- Roots and _ sown crops improved by the recent rain. are busy at their wheat and ies : ress met with a shaking by ol by te eeage a beam at a Farmers -- still oat. a speedy recov Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Leggatt, late resi- dents, are rusticating with their friends and relatives ss who are happy to see them. he ¢ disposed of their busi- bess property in "Ric woo cing good eighbors we * Ne like once more to see io residen Dr, and Mrs. Whiteman of Som imal i k. The doc at Joseph Mee Fadden's, whcse wife is seriously ill. soaee ee bag y should farmers ot be compensated for their loss in de- agitate and do his fellow farmers a turn at the next meeting of legislature. hat is er forthe goose is sauce for the gan ed Mrs. French a Cumnock are vieting at James Magwo Sy ¢ proprietors of ie tile yard are building a new and ag oven, owing to their increased businces Jas Nichol has been mikine extensive repairs to his store, which when finished will add much to its appearance. c¥berson of Stratford was noticed im close conclave with some © his staunch friends in the suburbs this week, There is usually something in the wind whea George is around. When Dabs was cick, wo pare her Castoria. When she was a Whee abe became Sfiss, she -- bag Chile A Chill, che cried for Castera clung to Cantoria Tue Worst Fors---Dear Sir,-- About three years ago was troubled ingelical quarterly ser- | 1 Re Te w a injured the ite' Spring growth of 7 ao look vastly teetht: becca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley "y Leggett epee ree years ness, Weakness of the stomach, Naltord <i = Indigestion until. my health was ad been wee aeiond constantly le of Aa which did ban any ay $50" worth of doc- 1 would ad- Sub: no relief. 1 beng South American Fer Uver Fifty Yenrs 8. bafta fs Soornina Syrup bas tmlllions of others for their eeitaren walle ne ra, alates Bowels "gures Wind 'Colles softens tha Gums in, and gives cepe 2 barn raising at Burns on Friday. ap: pi its ot seriou, although his fae | yAREARREMEE AN, SETTERS is badly skinned and bruised. t the where others fai! same time we underst Alex. Fraser, a neighbor of Mr. Grieve,also got his ld. M. SCHINBEIN NO 4 MAIN STREET WEST. aegis Look here. Do you require anything in the line of shoes, if so call on us and save 50 per cent. We got another large shipment just in comprising the best makes in children's, girls', boys' and Jadies fine dongolas and polished calf,also men's low shoes, lace shoes and boots. We are selling a good child's shoe for school wear for 75c. worth $1.25, ladies' Oxfords at 75¢, worth $1,00, ladies' fine Jbngelas shocs$1. 75 worth $2 50, boys' shoes $1.25 worth $1.75, boys' long boots . by 5 at $1.00 worth $1.75, ; red and tan goods we sel! st first cost to clear out the line. Now you may think this is not so, but to convince your- self call on us and examine the goods, the old saying is The Proof of the Pudding is in the eating. We are also giving tremendous bargains in para- sols, ~-prints;~good-straw~ hats, gloves, cretons and carpets, Then you do not want to miss our ordered and ready-made clothing, you will be surprised a eats we S a fe ve a Ed : a piece ets in theeye, It-cu a -- Hay Wil Frank, ork: 'the™ __ They Harris , "Hemsworth Geo ; p » however, to ba injured. | Kells Lottie, Kidd Earl, Svat Hovipay.--Only about thirty of th Jessie, Meyers shee took i the creason to ie | rings Lies, Manaty Rabe oo le " ym Charlotte, cKenzie Jo! Gru Treat comnensed tee wool fare ---- ear , oom: in Alex. probable t bh ogers Dorothy, oy Davi ten al two 'sts ici Rothwell Katie, Scout Oswald, the citsens pecssinnd at at home, the day | Roberts Ad Schnider John, flan toms Stewart Lottie, Small William, earer a, mpson Herb. Tansee back wl which Mr Mr T = Rolls | Welsh Maggie, 'urnboll John, is erecting on Tt Ie, teailt oe ae 5 Wagathba Tillie, Watts Albert poor © The brick are from s- James Hay & Co.'s varnish works were ville Pressed Brick Co without | destroyed by fire at Woodstock on Satar- doubt the -- brick yet -- _ ay. - aaa ich _ vil --_--__ occupy @ commanding position, = nd Cheese Ms Markets. wp handsome with the pressed brick. Litton, Jad Tr fac- , ndon, July 29.-- Twenty-seven - Agee S maaeee avn ofthe red tories boarded 5,922 boxes July. Sales rt ofa ids Pg ene i390! boxes at 9!4c; 457 at 9c, and 1 "108 e. Ie -- caused a shortage 7 aes t . poh 29.--At ~ ; tone f sprinkling bas consequently had eae here IF ig "sheraoea 1 boxe: E> i oe bes a segues a seed gg Sooner pk Eg 7 ats ss color , white to fof rain is moch n d. illard 9 5-163. Owing to oe 7 + J. A. MORISON,pastor of } a we in this yicinity there were left town on M y for a few i wl he Mr, Jobn Meee grove, cag line nm Friday ai Te -- last, when they beld their annual picn' Pror. RORERTSON, Deminten Dairy yesterda' the meeting o oft ard in reference to ing cheese toe the Chicago Exhibi~ WLER, of Tilsonburg. law office, is remaiting in town on BER of cur renee spent Sun- and Port Elgin, Bs m . Livingstone jr., W. G: Tm Reeve Hacking ayor Bricker, and otbers. Fine Bass.--Messrs. RK Thompson and D Sanderson sent home afew days black bass, Canta orient, ~~ we understand, to engage in t tile busivess on the coast, for which both have bad excellent training, We wish them every success, Mr, WM. BaMrorp came w days very ne ance, which is as follows: $1200 on building in Royal, and, 2,000 in7Gore on cont The factory was owned by a joint stock company, and been run bing for fifteen or sixteen years, At a meeting of the directors, held Mon a patrons are sending thelr miik to neighboring factories. Dr. COLEMAN OF SEAFORTH DEAD. -- D:. T. T. Coleman, of Sea forth, died at his residence, ** Hillside,' Sunday morn- ing. Dr. an was born in Tralee, Ire land, 68 years ago. He came out to this country when quite a nd racticed medicine very successfully for a conker of years in Seaforth and neigh- hie When salt was first discovered n the county of eater ¢ was amo: Grst, to embark i t busines forth and has ibeco relies engaged in i¢ " since, Fot many years the doctor ied the pry Tpaomg position of Colonel of the 23rd Huron Bagtalion. He was first reeve of the villiage of Seafort after itsincorporation and was elected Mayor of the town on several occasions, In politics Dr. Coleman was a Conser ative and an actin interest in - welfare of the party. e amo successful business man, ia was one of the most hospitable of Irish men. ¢was marned toa ghter of the late Dr, homate who, with three sons survives SUCCESSFU}. ENTRANTS.--The follow- dates at the examinatiof fer entrance in to the Listowel High held ie 8th, 29th and 3 Armstrong Mabel Adains Joh Alexander Mina, Artheson Jobn, urnetp Jessie, y Joh: Brisbin Annie, Beaton Archie; Coghiin Maud, » oyd Leslie, Climie Aggie, icker Alvin, onnolley M Cc ary, Challenger Hattie, ds Ella, Field William, rf iat » fe a 23.--Ei tea ed ripe Jay, ; ri , and 1 ra sine Saae es aie nA 97316 + 390 at 94c;100 at gc'826 at 8 hs 1 Woo dstock Aug. 2--Fifteen factorie 728._boxes duty | boarded 3, Sales: 4 lots 1,410 boxes at 9 7-16c. Good attendance of both buyers and salesmen; | market fairly active. food nor medicine would stay on my dit seemed impossible to stomach, get relief. Finally I touk one bottle ot B, B' B, andone box of Burdoc Pills, = they cured me completely. s. S. B. gine --_-- Ont. MOAS aed the old & © for cough Tue Eng ish o Dame < the be beat cure Ale mest as palatabioas Getonly the sonuine. Boott & Belleville. S0id by all Draggists, 50 cents and $1. Scott's STRAW sizes. BOOTS Sauces, etc. FULL LINESI§ See vur Ladies bag MAIN STREET, 'S Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, 4 eure cure for all Head Paine, Stomach and Bowel Complaints, Biliousness. Commoumotn rom ™ R. STARK MEDICINE CO. wT. STARK, MOC PF, Onewat Sestamd, Me 2 pairs for 25c., stainless. Ladie HATS and Sk¢ FRUITS always complete. Our J- S&S. GHEE. Canned "goods, Jebrated uncolored Japan at 6lbs for $, and Ceylon Black. Call and see our goods and we will be glad to serve you. ECLOTHING AT J. S. GEE'S. ual to Bargains in nade erp got uP up for ra and Workmanship ordered work. some o! -- $1.50, $2, $2.50, hig and $3.502 pair. A fine line Stripe Won ier for $3. 50 ; eee worth $ STAPLE DRY GNODS, Black Stainless Hose, all sizes. s' Vests roc each. Full Lines in the cheap straws, and also fine lines, all '--ES--Full lines. You should see our Ladies fine button only $1, Oxfords x gsc. GROCERIES ie Pickles, LISTOWEL. WO Highest Prices Paid AT THE L WANTED. - Cash or Trade, LISTPWEL WOOLEN MILLS. . F. BROOK &§ON wish to remind the -- that they still want more wool, oil 'that they have og hand for this season's trade BIGGEST STOCK OF WOOLEN GOODS ever shown by-anyfactory in Ontario, which they will ex change for cash er wool a PRICES which WILL ASTONISH EVERYBODY. Reve GOLDEN LION The People Are Coming Our Way They know that in the month of July Some Special Inducement will be Offered. Special Bargains in Challies and Delaines. Extra Bargains ia all kinds of Dress-goods. Great Bargains in Ladies Fancy Ties, Good Bargains in- Ladies Collars and Cuffs. Genuine Bargains in Men's and Boys' Straw Hats. Wonderful Bargains in pment tags Gingham and Live Bargains in Men's Shirts, Collars and Ties. Royal Bargains in Carpets and Curtains. Straight Bargains iv Men's and Boys' Suits. Extraordinary Bargains~in Millinery, Bargains tha' are Bargains in all kinds of summer goods during July-- 'i "ll come to us this month, we are anxious that you should ave one of our Friendly Bargain ns, Carson & McKee. [Golden Lion, Wallace street, - Lastowel. ; 1 h 1 areas, Vareains Having a large stock of " ¢ BOOTS and SHOES on hand we have de- cided to offer special inducement thenext 30 days. McMillan & Ballard. ONTARIO HOUSE ------0--_--------- l6cts. for Butter and Il for eggs in exchange for g J,M. SCHINBEIN. + for coughs Is scien Pine Syrnp- WA ED -- Sec To sell our choice and bard y NOR! veins te aa pa mices TOLCK. Meany special variet Dr. Low's Worm Syrup ls ph nena it is ®) both in frulteand ornamen wand complete remedy both to roy and re- srolied only by We pay co move worms of all minds. orsalary, give exclusive territory re pay pe And Write us at once and secure © BIRTHS. of te vei neordene. 3 Pi tS, Nurserymeo, RORINSON--In Wallace, on July 3, the Rochester, N. ¥. wife of Obadiah Robinson, of aaon, DEATHS. STOLL--Iin Wallace, on qely Zi. Charlotte Bie aged 71 years, months, and %4 ds: FITZGERALD--On July 21, at ber son-in* law bomen Ra: Ray Codareilie. Mra. Fitsger™ ald, wife hi oer oe heres St Mou eten ab Lis- towel on 'Aug. ate WANTED. : Variriles can ouly Commission or A promptly). E: td given. Dont de terms Reliable men to sei our - Many toed through os. lay, write at once tor tT] ALLAN NURSERY CO., Rochester, N.Y. HORSE ESTRAY. Came Into the premises of the undersigned lote 13. and 14, Iet concession of Elma, about LOOK A AT | THIS. Lota of Money te loan atthe very low rates of interest on farm secu cowry, with the rivil of paying. beck what youlike at beend of any ¥ "R. HUTCHISON 12 Agent, Listowel. GREAT BARGAINS IN TEA. A. MORROW bas opened a Wholesale & Retail Tea Store ue RAGL AS STREET, third door North ef street, [ will selltea LOWER THAN ane apie -- Elina from here to Toro the tth Jal ia bay y mare, ', The owner employ 'be beets '3 aabeteng tne Nek is peqnent jek tn peeve Property, pay charges Cheap t u ana 1 cheaF oo" ioe te ne revel rm WICHARD NESBITT, Seered. havin ool ne bee Sa ol old age F m 'oa, jo Fou Ta Listowei P. 0. yon quod ehesp | and ou will by, sive great favor in buying or me You ean have Tfam one ib. to ome halt chest, emember the place. and come early and | 0 you will be eo weil satisfied that you will « | come again. Ma A. MORROW. In the estate of PETER DUCKLOW, Sento: ee x the Townabip of El: E S County of Perth, Parmer, aed st LIM 2 once be BEREBY GIVEN pursuan = ving ¢ my vail Rereons $ of s Sane oe etoeTinas ST ot, 4 cave' A.D, 1988 to Peter low Jr, their | lime house near theGas Works, This lime mes, nddreeses Gescrt: the full | gives entire satisfaction ees et tee orem | ae wi ties (ifeny) peld by them; and also that ates - tikis bade the te the said Peter Docklow Jr. >a istribute the estate of the aal jecessed, having regard only to claims of which he may nm have notice, and that the said Peter Ducklow will not be liable for proceeds of the distributed to any person of whose claim he has had notice at the time of such distribution, aon ai Newry this first day of August, offices of the uodersigned will » dD ans during July and August--midsummer PETEK DUCKLow, Jr. Yacation--at the hour of Zo'clock p. m. fie Newry P.O, MORPHY 4 CARTHEW. ee 4 BLS WET?. E TERHUN Listowel, sey 12, 1083, WESTERN FAIR Se stsnibor 'ath to 023d, 1893. Canada's Favorite Exhibition ESTABLISHED 1603, THE OLDEST IN THE DOMINION, LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS GATTLE -- s@ Do We do tention to rors OPENED FOR INSPECTION. Do not forget to secure for your wile one of our Come and satisfy yourself before disposing of your wool elsewhere. FINE- WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTS) Bay OTIOE. not employ any such men; Manufacturing. not be led away by shoddy oar and thore travelling through the ccun- try. me direct to our factory, and by fair deatag we can to gain tas ' uede and congdence. We Guarantee first-class work in holl-cardnig Spinninz and N, B.--Parties frem a distance can rely on getting their roll carding back the same day with them, and they will find us ready to give the most prompt and careful at- t. B. F. BROOK & SON. -| Artistic Wall Papers, ae the finest stock in torn, Allr new goods, On Self-acting Window Shades, Curtain Poles, with Brass Trimmings AND OTHER INTERIOR DECORATIONS, JACOB SEBURGER, 17 MAIN STREET EAST, pion ofthe acknowledged by I to be the finest Wall paper in America, see the beautiful a4 tio desixps at my store to be comvinced, 1 am also th Listowel [rom laiedt designs, and bought at close prices d the United States, He hap the sole right Birge & Sons': Wall Papers, You have only to call and That neg qpmnet eae: | Self-acting Roller Window Shades manufactured by A.B, McKinier & Co., of Toronto, and bevea all sizes and Colors, DE. Brass Curtain Pole Trimmings be and Poles of all desctiptions--st closest pri: Also deal: id IMPORTED FRUITS, each ts BANANAS, ORAN GES, ete. eS eee Call and see them befo: Remember the store--two doorg west of the Bank of Hami!ton, JACOB SEBURGER, G and sells Furniture cheaper \ ') HF. BUCK, WALLAGE STREET LISTOWEL. Feralitare Dealerj and Underiake REMOVED TO DR. PHILP'S STORE, WALLACE. ST. COME AND SEE US. J. S. BOWMAN. HARDWARE. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD A House or barn, we can supply you with everything needed in Hardware, NAILS, the best Machine--picked, clean and good--Montrea]l make. Locks, Hinges, Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes Dry and Tarred Building Papers. Will, be pleased. to give prices snd-estimats on bills. at any time. Our prices are might. *. # ROBERT MOORE ee Main Street, Listowel. McOoll's Oils ARE THE BEST. USE LARDINE MACHINE OIL Vv CHAMPION GOULD. MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION. McCOLL'S CYLINDER OiL will wear twice gs long as any other make. THE FINEST HIGH GRADE ENGINE OILS ARE MANUFACTURED BY s McCOLL BROS & CO., TORONTO FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY,