Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 14 Jul 1893, p. 3

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Wall Papers.|= NEW PATTERNS, Cheapes J. LIVINGSTONE'S. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1893. R. Hutchison will pay cash for. any amount of eggs. ANTED.--General _ servant. to Mrs. J. W. Scorr. FARMERS in this neighborhood have haying. The is an immense Apply one. Mr. R. A. Dewner, medical student is from. Toronto enjoying a well holiday. Pee eile Lacrosse match will be played on afternoon, ween faced at 4 o'clock. Mrs. LESLIE, wife of Mr. John Leslie of the frm of Scott & Leslie, furniture jealers, Winnipeg, is visiting in town at the residence of Mr, M. McD. Fleming, street. To RENT.--Possession after 1st of Tuly -- ist fist over Gunther's and McDon- ald's stores; side and back entry; band- some large rooms suitable for Office, Lodge or dwelling purposes. Apply to ]. H. GUNTHER Division Court was held here on Wednesday by Judge Woods. list S$ wasa small ants. THE drainage case, Coulter vs. Elma township, is being heard at Stratford this week before the Referee. A larg number of witnesses have bee LUTHERAN CHURCH FAIR. -- The Lutheran Church will hold forsale. Refreshments doring the day and evening willtake place o unday 23rd he Church has been lately frescoed and painted, and the carpeting will be com leted in afew days. Further particu- ars will be given next week. PERTH CONSERVATIVES AND METHO- their representatives-- Messrs --are Methodists; but, like n of their general fitness which they occupy. . O. F. Orricers,--At the regular 'Tuesday church pedple enty Joly 9.--The attendance aii i i: to ber home in rown enterained se' of his Listowel frends last Friday cven- ing. One of our bright young men pas- for the past week, Mr Geo. Brooks, of Hustonville, has a fine job, STernbull bas returned from visiting friends in Orangeville. Mri M Rence spent Wednesday at his home im Ripley, The Re meeting of the Y. P. C. E. Wednesday July stk. Mr and Mrs Rubert Fallis of Toronic, and Mr " ae of Fallis on Monday. MOLESWORTH The crops in this neighborhood never looked better. Woods, stands ong the nine- es atthe World's Fair exbibit of Can adian cheese. his is only the second being at Belleville some two years age, when he carried off the prize over 350 competitors, the amo of prize being 359. The Orangemen are pushing forward their new lodge. David Stewart, Geo. McDonald and AM Patterson, wife and family started for Neepaw itoba, on uesday. i¢ management. o! and Miss Maggie Brown in the absence of the proprietor. Report says that our popular landlord has disposed of the hotel here to Mawhinny, of Newton. HOWICK. Minutes of last meeting read and approv- ed. Move raham, seconded vert lot 30 cons. 6 and 7, $ ing W. Shaw, indigent, - Donaghy, charity for $50 50; John Blanch, for gravel, James McDermott, statute labor r:eturn- ed in 1892, $7 60; enney, charity, $10; F Cousins, for gravel, $5 34; A Mar- rill, for culvert lot 32 cons, Sand g $6; R Jameson, part pay for Gorrie bridge, Braden, road wor in 1L.O.F.. on Toesday evening, the follow- ing officers were elected for the ensuing o. R Forbes ;V CR, Bro, DROWNED IN THE DOoN.--The re- mains of Charles Miersch, second sen of maker, in the employ of Garroch Bros. SHAREHOLDERS MEETING. -- There ¢ share- t tation which augers well for its future prosperity. EVERYONE should make it a point to be present at the Football match to be played on the rink park this Friday after- soets a 3 between the Galt team, of seeing a -class game 0 Admission to the grounds, 15c. for gents, toc, for ladies; to the concert, f0¢; re- ts extra, The merchants of the town have kindly consented to close Abei ops during the progress of the in attendance. 893.--The jeirmed to mee in' Lamm "s hotel, Belmore, on the third Wednesday in Joly. Ws. Dane, Tp, Clerk. MILVERTON. Miss Henderson spent Sunday with friends in Listowel. The garden party under the auspices of the Anglican church was held at the e of N, Roe, one mile north of the village, last Wednesday. Although the evening was cold the crowd was ve large. t Sto were realized. humerous cwing to the mo: Mr Honey of Mitchell has a gang of men pressin and still c every few days to the old country. says there are thousands of tors of hay in this neighborho C Hasenpflug, proprietor of the Grand Sentral hotel, has bee i xten- sive improvemens in the hotel stabling. When completed nt will be one of the st inthe county large hay in this vicinity ev. P. Mosgrave of Seaforth, former pastor of Burns' church, Milverton, call- ed into see us last Thursday on his way to North Mornington to attend th riage of Will Musgrave Watson, ofthe township clerk- ome jar son 25 year-s ago the rev. gentleman christened Mr. Watson, who was named after bim, and on the sth inst. he joined him in the marriage bondsto Miss Mcore. Crushed To Death. Drayton, July 1!.--A very sad accid- ped here this evening in Haack yard, whereby rt Pat s life. D d, incom & Co's ti enced buried ont of aie, When bim st "he wat ales ; but on examination i ribs were en and otber internal o} one bour after (The deceased was a bro- ther of Mrs. George Lytle ot the jrd concess ion of Wallace. --_--X__ Sight is Priceless~Take Vare of Your Byes. PROF. A. L, FRAID, graduate Optician, will be at the Arlington Hotel, Listo ior one week, commencing M be far ght ; Myopia, got the bridge on sideroad between 3rd and 4th lines completed. He bas made ig v Mr Williams attended the | day they We understand our cheesemaker Mr. cheese SEE July 7.--C. E. Lyons, bar- as returned from Prescott, where ¢ was looking after the claims of several -- of the cheese Belleville, is $15,000 on their joint note, Yester y made an assigoment to James Their liabilities will ce none g action, incurring the necessary expense, Prescott is besieged with creditors. Cheese Markets. Brockville, July 6--There were re- gistered on the board 2.536 boxes white and 2,411 colored, a total of 4,947 boxes The market was brisk and competition keen. for both white and colored Ye. Listowei July 6.--At the cheese fair here to-day 44 factories boarded boxes last half of June make. There lot sold, 350 boxes at 9 3 16c; seven buyers present; market very dull; some lots were offered but not taken at 9fc, but the ma~ ority of salesmen did not name a price, Prescott, July Sout 1,000 box a a 1 es were ad all sold. 7--A ed for sale boxes at 9/6¢, 114 boxesat 9 3:16; 169 ¢; 340 boxes at 9c. boxes at ail gone in this section and July eady. ' es The Cheese Boom. For several 3 past there has been | quite av effort on the part of shippers to secure a good share of June cheese, and this season is no exception to the rule, as there have been several large transactions put through during the past week, A shipper in the Belleville district secured about 15,000 boxes at gc to gfe there, which was considered ! very good prices, and will net hand ers. «= Othor een made, of the June make in the Belleville section and west bere bas beensecured. According to a correspondent of the Trade Bulletin, ithe English make is miserably short, as evidenced the unusually sma pitches at the weekly markets, causing sellers to dictate terms. he cheese situation at the moment has a decided- lyhealthy look, and it seems that we are not going to glut the English markets just yet,even if our exports contunue to increase, as it is evident boxes, aga x € corresponding period last year, showing a decrease of 54,000 boxes. This is somewhat of a surprise to quite a pum- ber in the trade, who expected that the shipments would have exceeded those of the same period last year be- for: now. At Clifford, tbe other afternoon, Char- ley Allan, son of A. 5S. Allao, M. P. P., had his leg broke oearthe ankle while playing football against the Harriston Club, ip Warrimoo The Aostralian steamsh r i ay morning, Vancouver 20 days 16 bours from al dog's neck and was A heavy electric storm visited Middles- bor Satuad ay night, in which M Sydney. She hadi. Bask Litt ure Ey sed peacefully away last Saturday even- expesition's coffers they are the first to | found to periection ing. He was ne young man and was | feel the result of light attendance. The | country where that policy by George Wilson is at regular Sunday services were the only : home spending bis well-earned vacation. the park to-day, Miss. Maud Hawkshaw speot tv established fact that many exhi~ days with friends in Palmerston last week. | bits are entirely on the ees Mrs. W, R. Erskineaf Belgrave is spends | no doubt 'ked somewhat to diminish ere mA ing a few days with her parents. Mr,andjthe S y attendance. j Castoria. Mrs. J, Graham. dance at the religious exercisss at bs Castoria, ---- Festiv. - aa not * b rey Canorte, ins Lloy o rr le =WALLACE. A wind storm of terrific = jones by Picnics are the crder of the day. nes te Si pe sap Loc porto , om : ' Y w bed t 1s under: t oplic 100 Some a oles inthis part have | oscto¢' doing considerable damage to | at Hes bat - pingpel ance te Pp havea ES K- different buildings and to exhibits. "| of which Miss. Eliz ca'e isthe present Miss Lizzie H and master R J Patterson Neither, aill be Sheend of the have been visiting friends in Milverton --------S=--=----= siite so the snthircwal ef tbe towt A Cheese Firm's Troubles. ° Saye - "Mas. W. SO CHILD fs safe from Worms unless Dr. Low's Worm Byrup is at hand. It isa complete remedy both to Gestroy and re- more worms of all kinds. HEADACHE AND CONSTIPATION 'aplsn when Burdock Pillaaze used. They vie where othera fail -------- BIRTHS. MCCORMICK --Ia Listowel, on the (th inst. the wife of Mr. J, McCormick, baker, of & ng hter. day HOCKING--ADAIR~At Monkton, by Rev. J. 5. Cailts ° June B of Mitchell, William fitbbert. 10 "Margaret ofthe J. E. Moore, Moore, all of Mornington, 'DEATHS. ae eS y S--In Mornington Joly ith, McW ATER ow ators, aged ® years, 3 mODtDS 18 days. MIERSC: Miereb, onto, Jaly 6th, Charles - Tor ere 7 yeurs, 10 months and 18 aged days. DOCKET-In Trowbridge, July 1th, Nancy Docket aged 47 yours. J. M. SCHINBEIN NO 4 MAIN STREET WEST. sd Look here, $3,000 of Ready- the cold 'SS G1 once and secure choice mtd oe . J it« mm . x Me X. state of frame bouss 3 bern eth bonse -BARK WANTED- i: pe : water sehuol, churene® B wate! 2, E sre} re frome Listeusl. Mow te the best time to Wier ceed Stat aot it Gocmpescorigas a livers sharin para fn Linowat | atta on thetic oye to Walls ee 7 UPT LEATHER Co, |*% JOHN ©. MOLLET, (Limited). 2 'Wallace. In its power to stop a chronic cough, in its invigorating and flesh-forming properties, in its power over wasting diseases nothing touches Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. . The People Are Coming Our Way They know. that in the month of July' : Some Special Inducement will be | Offered. : Special Bargains in Challies and Delaines. Extra Bargains ia all kinds of Great Bargains in Ladies Fancy Ties, Good Bargains in Ladies Collars and Cuffs. - Genuine Bargains in Men's and Boys' Straw Hats. Wonderful Bargains in eee Gingham and Live Bargains in Men's Shirts, Collars and Ties. Royal Bargains in Carpets and Curtains. Straight Bargains in Men's and Boys' Suits. Extraordi Bargains in Millinery, Bargains that are Bargains in all kinds of summer goods during July-- you'll come to us this month, we are anxious that you should have one of our Friendly Bargains. _Carson & McKee. Now Is The Time TO BUY FURNITURE. otwithstanding the large amount of furniture I sent out last month I have still a number of a earas, Bedroom Suits, etc. eft, Having secured the shop for one month more during which time I we Rive bargains in all lines. con rchases delivered in town or cou Bargains, bargains! Having a large stock of BOOTS and SHOES on hand we have de- cided to offer special inducement thenext 30 days. McMillan & Ballard. ~ ntry. GEORGE McTAVISH, MAIQSTREFT LISTOWEL ing; pante-e=d- Vests. The biggest drives ever given in Listowel, this month, It will pay you double to sell your wool and buy your clothing from us, as we will give you a good suit Sayea18 4,00, and an all-wool euit for $6.00--Tailor-made suits. Then we will give you a beau- tiful suit for $7.00, $8.00, and upwards. We will also offer our stock of Ladies and Children's Man- tles and Capes at first cost this month, to clear out the.line. Now just a word about our Shoes. present showing the in Men's and Ladies' shoes. ee our goods before you purchase. 16c. for Butter and Ss J, M. SCHINBEIN, GREAT BARGAINS IN TEA. A, MORROW has opened os WHOLESALE and RETAILSTORE on RAGLAN STREET third door North of Main street, 1 will sell t en LOWER THAN ANY AGENT OR STORE 2 | lea you good cheap te 4 favor in ib. to o m one ib. Remember the you byt awe come n. t mM, A. MORBOW- --_o-- stant supply 'of the celebrated ton band at the theGasa Works. This Iime gives entire satisfaction for either buliding or plastering. 2 T. MALE 4Co. NOTICE! the undersigned will be ugust--midsummer Presbyopia, or old sight ; OF ranee whe are aoable to call and see can send their address and he suit them there. Also artificial eyes inserted. gue se at F: son, Berkeley sceses ighted her bearers with beanty Miss Clench played Astigmatism, | ¢ '5 derful new combination is-R. eadache, Neuralgia i to ; perfectly hirm- r. Wills, Chief of Place, Wood- sure cure every time. 'armer, Barrister, Hamilton, tays = almost immediate relief " " " the hour of Jo'e! P. MORPHY 4 CARTHEW. DARLING 4 BLEWETT J. ETI! NE. Listowel, July 12 CATTLE: ESTRAY . tr 38 6 of the under- Lintred. tot 17, $th sonpeesion of Wallace on or about 2th May last, four head ef ree catsle--two Avrehires-- | bull aad belfer, soa eae ite ene Iyxht orving loformation that will lead Sas he and | of sale of the Y-MADE CLOTHING AT J. S. GEE'S. Bargains in ready-made pants, got up for Style and Workmansbip equal to ordered work. Note some of the prices:--$1.50, $2, 5 and $3.50a pair. A fine line of Stripe Worsted for $3.50 a pair, worth $5. FULL LINES IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, Black Stainless Hose, all sizes. See vur Ladies hose, 2 pairs for 25c., stainless, Ladies' Vests roc each. _ STRAW HATS--Full Lines in the cheap straws, and also fine lines, all izes. BOOTS and SHOES--Full lines. You should see our Ladies fine button only $1, Oxfords at 75¢. GROCERIES and FRUITS always complete. Canned "goods, Pickles, Sauces, etc. Our Celebrated uncolored Japan at 6lbs for $, and Ceylon Black. Call and see our gcods and we will be glad to serve you. J. S. GHEE. MAIN STREET, LISTOWEL. ONTARIO HOUSE REMOVED TO DR. PHILP'S STORE, WALLACE ST.. COME AND SEE US. _J. S. BOWMAN. ~ 'as --F Artistic Wall Papers, Self-acting Window Shades, Curtain Poles, with Brass Trimmings AND OTHER INTERIOR DECORATIONS, JACOB SEBURGER, 17 MAIN STREET EAST, Has the finest stock in town, All new goods, latest designs, and bought at close prices from f Canada and the United States. He has the sole right one Birge & Sons' Wall Papers, pons ng sme taf vet be the tortie apne rin You eae bo call am Self-acting Roller Window Shades mancfactured by A, R. McKrxumr & Co., of Toronto, and have s very large stock on hand, all aise 28d Colors, Cal! and tb rehasing. Brass Curtain Pole Trimmings and Polesof all descri oe--at closest prices. Also deal: FECTIUNER Co a er ae et ANAS OMANORS ote CONFECTIONERY! and Bs,' Remember the store--two doors west of the Bank of Hamilton. JACOB SEBURGER, H. F. BUCK REPAIRS FURNITURE, does UPHOLSTERING, ~ A = PICTURE FRAMING and sells Furniture cheaper than can 'be bought any other place. - H. F. BUCK, Parattare Scaler] and Undertake "WALLACE STREET LISTOWEL. HARDWARE. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD A House or barn, we can supply you with everything needed in Hardware, NAILS, the best Machine--picked, clean and good--Montreal make. cow ia aS sect i hie gh he E . 'ones pe " Will be pleased to give prices snd estimate_on bills'at an time. Our prices are right. " ais' ROBERT MOORE ' Main Street, Listowel. McColls Oils ARE THE BEST. USE LARDINE MACHINE OIL MEDAL OIL OF CHAMPION GOULD ' THE DOMINION McCOLL'S CYLINDER OIL will wear twice as long as any other make, GOLDEN LION | Locks, Hin Glass, Pain i Dey ant 3 lass, ee ee eer : ae le sok ne nate ts iabe ret Cas Pate ais gape nN EN THE FINEST HIGH GRADE ENGINE OILS ARE* MANUFACTURED BY McCOLL BROS & CO., TORONTO CR SALE BY ALL DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. >

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