Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Standard, 14 Jul 1893, p. 2

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'TICKETS al to 3 to all World by RAIL " PARE or OCEAN. next Excursions toba, June 27 A yay, 1l. Christian Endeavor Ex- cursion to Montreal, July 4, and 6. Single fare, ad until 31st. Call on Me For Tickets.) J. A. HACKING, TICKET AGENT, G. T.B Boyne rest ; butno like those of the Boyn a rious ot their forefathers. recreant - 'our duties as ies of those who fone 2 bon Bogee anil at Derry were aot duly onored by us, as he was glad to know 7 being done in innumerable places cir rescue. mes made and fo Ireland, 'waete he toon LISTOWEL STANDARD.|2 FRIDAY, JULY _14, 1893 BUYN IVERSARY. NORTH AND SOUTH PERTH ORANGEMEN aoe AT STRA ene ee Huron and ag lington Brethren also Partici; AN IMMENSE GATHERING AND STIRRING SPEECHES BY GRAND MASTER WAL- LACE, MR, MAGWOOD, M. P, P., AND OTHERS. The anniversary of the memorable Battle of the Boyne was haga ina right loyalemanner by the me of North and South Perth at Stratford. Every lodge in the County was present, with a single exception, and to the vast * Elgin, Huron and Wellington, the en- lire gathering numbering well up in the thousands: The "north" turned out especially strong, three special trains, packed to the lower steps of the plat- forms, reaching the classic city from off the G. B. & L. Eto which Listowel alone contributed over seven hundred. » O. 0. 370 of this town turned out in full force and looked tip-top in their fine new uniforms. i it is scarcely necessary to add that their partin the day's doings was beartily appreciated. All ey trains reached Stratford in good time, and each divis- ic was met at the station by the local taxed to their utmost in providing for the unprecgdented crowds, but all were i iy tie. The decorations int arches were not partic- ularly sking, In this respect, as well shalling a procession, the bre- the classic ci some valuable and much t which was considerably over a mile in length : gth : County Master Glen of --_ Perth, and rshals, mou Tncess Alice Lodge No. , 'Lady True Blues, Winthro: NORTH I ERIM COUNTY--EL 'MA DISTRICT negal 9 charts LOL 369 Listowel Brass Band Talmersal LO 55, with piper Map ie Loeed if OL 656 Gowansiows LOLg7o Derry L OL 1347 MORNINGTON DISTRICT. Wellesley L O L 23 > Poo 5 Morningdale L O L 540 FLGIN COL Victoria Fife and Drom Band, St Thomas St Thomas ILS Tk mera LOL oy OL 423 e SOUTH PERTH COUNTY LODGES, 28th Battahon Band. HULLET er McKillop LOL 813. 33rd Battalion Band, Seaforth. Seaforth L O L 825. THE SPEECHES Shortly after 2 o'clock the speaking commenced from the speeches Seon Mase Glenn of South Perth was chairman, and yor John C. Monteith at the intitiation of the proceedings, that gentleman giving the Orangemen a cordial welcome to the city, Mr. G. Hunt, of Palmerston, deliver. ed a most efiective address on the prin ciples = civil and religious -- sod the virtues of true patriotism, Gana: miitmas ts the late Sir a Macdonald evoked enthusiastic cheers, MR. MAGWOOD, M. P. P., declined to make » extended speech. angeism as calculated fiect itself in the the coun- is in the morning of its day, and Orangem id, by liv: up to thei igations, show them- dasientay of the constitution and be factors in the advancement of great country, ation, but ig ad the Boyos a8 Derry, and adedeihe last attempt of caf in duly and Wallace paid a high tribute to THE MEN OF ULSTER who stood in at Derry and who are still ates the disintegration of the empire involved in the home rule re, one inimical to the inter. ests of Ireland, as i t we find the same necessity in this coun- Let us determine that Orangeism is nota thing of the past, and as long" as ecclestasticism interferes with the' liberties of the people we need ganization to offset the threatening | , machinations. It is not, however, for us to say that we should continue in allthings separate and aloof from our Roman Catholic fellow-citizens. The doctrine of toleration is taught upon the first page of our constitution, and no man should be deprived of any right or privilege because of his creed. But while we will not interfere with their liberties, we will not permit them to encroach upon ours. He been told that the people were watching Par- lament with reference to THE MANITOBA SCHOO} ACT. So far as the course of the Government would be on this question, it would be time enough to award censure when the Government hed been found in the doing of wrong. But the Government had done no wrong upon this question. The fact was that the same course was being pursued towards the Roman Catholic minority in Manitoba as was pursued toward the protestant minority of Quebec atthe time of the Jesuit Estates Act. Both appealed to the Dominion Government for intervention, and the Government stood prepared to , hear xo. ority of Quebec, on receiving a further sum at the hands of Mercier, witndrew their protest, while the Roman Catho- lic minority of Manitoba have persisted in theirs, and the matter has been re- ferred tothe courts. Quite possibly the courts will decide the same as the Privy Council, in which case the mat- er will never come before Parliament. paras has never been asked, ex- cept by Mr. Laurier's lieutenant Tarte, to interfere with the Manitoba Act. If the matter ever come: beloee Parliament and is dealt with wrong: 2 ly, then the people of Canada have their glorious right of caraine th Governm wt. Sut e is no ob ject served by _---- t e age, so they bave nowa peers in PRESERVING THIS COUNTRY. far the great British Empire, and main- taining ne perfect liberty of the indi o} 'if| Gola Storage Warehouse 4 Total Jol 2 Thousands -- See Them : Die: THE VICTIMS' BODIES OREMAT- BD. BUILDING BURNED LIKE MATCH a IZING SCENES OF DEATH ONE HEROIC RESCUE. World's Fair, Chicago, Joy 10,--The pores we. world's fair age yon orld's * nn 12a i ' in the death of mn 40 nag & z Ht F The first ---- persons me - "a ened the destruction of the White ure was 250 ed entirely of w ceatre of minating in the mouth of the smokestack, terior tower said were wooden beams and FORTY MEN CLIMBED UP. At first it appeared to be an imsignifi- cant affair, but, knowing the inflammable nature of oa struct Fire ---- Murphy, partment on the ground, sent in a call lor all companies to turn out, With about 4) of bis men Captain Fitzpatrick climbed the stationary ladders inside the tower to th rom there ropes were lowered to haul upthe hose. nly one pied that of a chemical engine. had been inside the structure, and unconscious of -- danger, the firemen were -- sitwere,on a shell of a burning vo pcan No one of the tens of and of interested soncinicas ni had gathered from all parts of the unds had any intimation of the petllons position in which the firemen were then standing. The & minutes, an flames burst out around the base of the cupola. A PERFECT SEA OF FIRE, So sudden urious was the out- a. and so terrible was the spectacle, Strong}men eir hands in : hysterical manner, and pe of women fainted. 1 ali were powerless to aid the unfortunate men imprisoned on the balcony, 150 feet from the ground, Alltbe ropes save one on the north side of the tower were burned away tn an The hose "on on chemical en- , however, and, warehouse, where he fainted away. His face and hands were terribly burned rsd the flames, whi his bi as he came down. © was a a9 the hospital where he was cared for, Two of bis 'fellow-firemen stented _tp. down the hose gave way, aod "3 ped into the seething mass or fire and were lost, and the multitude below gave utterance to A GROAN OF SICKENING HORROR. Another of the imprisoned men stat down the rope on side of the der fell short of reaching the: the most awful kind was last approaching. At this raoysn moment Capt. Fitzpat- and white helmet appear men who were huddled together on the narrow ny p peared to be addressing his brave follow ers, What he said will pr be known, for he alone of all e men around him at that moment escaped alive, and his --_-- are such that it is doubt- ful if he will eve: As he cease: crept around ciomk, one of the men a moment later wit left there in the ex mo petaneied areaaiy and been elevated in the general estimation. Thirty years ago no such gathering, in point o wealth and intelligence, as that of to- uld have been seen anywhere in With our progress cam: of our national heritage, always looking to the south, forgetful that northern nations have always proved themselves 'superior to their southern neighbors, The Orangemen were faithful, as he a the great heart of the people al: Asto our connection with the grand British Empire, which a couple of years ago peremptorily called of Uncle Sam's from sailin Behring sea, Mr. ig vessels in plore ofthe American counsel, had the other Ba | to the arbitrators there hi any Hearien sea dispate but yal 4 trouble- e Canadians. How would Canada seat fared in this matter at we bee! an independent nation and DEPRIVED OF THE STRONG HELP pliment to the pretty city of Stratford, and an ------ of ae ee of the bearty nded to him He sat oon Pte read acc! foe or: PEECHES. es Ellis and Past Grand Master Major H. - White ort and pithy to enjoy tne spor Freetions liberally provided. Tb tunity was seed by end of the leading crlizens ny meet Mr. , who fine --" of oda in this thriv> ing The Stetes' Wi Wheat Crop. as hastily fastened to the of, Capt. Fizpatrick edte it | What he said o e¢ kno fo | most man seized it and started to slide | down, but ere he was half the .cruel flames rolled up, and be swallowed in the mouth of the awful volcano. An othe: tried it and met same fate moment sprang from roof and were killed by the fall, of them survived they were burn ec was burned off about half way down, and it hung apparently useless against a der had been but was almost wan feet from oe end J ropped, and caught on the end of the ladder. Marshal Merphy, A SHOUT OF ADMIRATION went up from the multitude below. heroic mars They were a tothe ground and taken to the bh carcely twent © tmioutes had elapsed since the fire was discove: bat so rapid had been its progress that the entire tower was burned away, and it FELL WITH AN AWFUL CRASH remen who were t ying ont ose from the roof. Th asa wil get off the roof. e 2 oil was stored on the top floor, and when the tower fell ri b the roof to this inflammable fuel, an a the flames rolled up high in the "As ¢ firemen fied from the roof, one ground, thus saving him cremation, has pot been identified, black. kere he Jaly aly 9--C.. A. King & Co. of th reports withig orp aS tam ag Hn from 2,631 re- liable grain VGealers and miller every section of the sig principal ter wheat states, acing two~thirds of the total crop; The are that the six states will farni about 150,000,- oso bushels this year, 230,000,000 | bushels in 1892. feet long; 150 tet wide and was as constract- was a panic: nike rush for the 00d, wi fe excitemen' in body of the building pc vendh cote five | of the pou ahysoont -- women and dldren b. was when the made for the pti a. and exits. In their ber-of them were thrown this st Late to-night a iady's watch $0 badly burned that with a body 50 Ot onal vzed yesterd. utes remy na Kieider, have fe ed on --! ------EE= 4 HORRIBLE ORIME. A NORTH DAKOTA Fan HAND KILLS A MAN, HIS W! --CAUGHT IN MaxTTORA. Cando, N. D. , Tuly 2 8.--This commun mally 4 He arrival er resid- half snides t trem this place, but frantic, wit the Startling announcement that her father's family pk been buicher- ired man. who bur- t; three girls, aged respectively eleven and nme - Up a EBs oy lien imflicted by a doubie- $0 MANY DEAD AS 'aT ~ PORTED. ~~ be those of workmen in the paar mod death total. to Gfteen. mber more employes about the w: boume are still reported missing, A TERRIBLE STORM WIND AND HAIL SWEPT VILLAGES 0 LL AND IOWA--MANY PER SONS KILLED AND INJURED. Fort Dodge, Ia., July 7,--Pomeroy, 2 wo ol in Calbou ours lore the condition of affais --_ capa i i jossible over the [ilinois = tral railtoad, with pi ysician is, tents supplies. ie town was in tota' ashe Deiss and the genoa were filled with th: of homes and businees houses The scene was ceoal ing, as wi lanterns went about inthe debris. Ir separated from who had pore rT) To wree work of escue was slow, and the sexirond of help made --_ Sead an The south half ot the town was razed. ere aren no place to an she the injured, church, which was just outside the track storm, turned into an hospital The surgeons smnad there by the aid of lanterns and lam ose with broken bones were stretched upon the ws, while others, who needed surgical attention for were compelled to stand or lie os floor and await their turn. be prers ds, o dria orqyniba a200 by Throug' narrow 1 rough the aisles left the dead bodies the survivors p looking for lost ones. ossitle to secure a list of the The cyclone struck the s portion of the town among the scattering ousesin the Koofs ai populated disirict monster swept, levelling all _ aving Pp us wake ecked homes, death md f dopa toy OTHER IOWA TOWNS. Sioux City. lowa, July 7.--A telegram from Fonda states that five entire famil- les were blown away at ta. At Quimby, alittle town cast many houses are reported wrecked, and at feast two persons are known to have been billed. Storm Lake, low special says the storm reached that place last evening. and anum- demolishing buildings and groves, in- jured many persone, and tar ye ng the Job 5 Dees Mrs. Amos H. Ganeo, H. Garten ; entire tunity { Sam Heana on ;D. E. Miller and tw a his farhily ; entire family of E. D. Sargeant. Pomeroy, Ia., July $.--The dead kere pow number one hundred and eight. Of the injured from twelve to twenty will die, Two hundred ani eighty resi- ences were ~-- pea the ¢ cyclone and not & mage done by the cyclone in the state is .-«i- mated at $860,000. Whatthe Public Wants. ations _ relief of pain, and the cure of many of the disrases which much tide io cm with some of th spent in the study of chemisty, phar- macy, materia medica, die thera- peut c., both in the lect rooms and labo ig er Som pga Uni aa obtained b ton, Lomdon, Woodstock, Brantford, | Welland, etc., Canada ; ; of Providence, | a ely rode aw: 4 With the aid of one of her brothers, M , | back, and, as all points in Manitoba had injuries, were | be Id boy, lying stiff and stark, | Ser seven-year-o » lying sti star! Secon ies wanndis barrelled 3 i - If You W arit- WANT the VERY BEST TEA for the U WANT the CHEAPEST DINNER SETS in R. Hutchison S & E Eee. 185 | money, ve % Be YO 33 i&| town, I have them. or 38 60°98) TF YOU WANT good BUTTER RIGHT OFF THE u, 8, | TCE, I have it. we s «© = iB IF YOU WANT one ot those beautiful FIVE DOL- "4 «| LAR PICTURES in my window, you can have your choice 3" 3%/ for nothing, when your cash purchases amount to thirty 7 "%s| dollars, Positively we don't charge one cent for the picture. vadiense ueaeaen "Satya 00s, "ss a = tJ i 4 CALL AND SEE THEM HBB "a3 a & * se on a : = & ASTONISHING LOW PRICES eR - és wm wr 2 3/BOOTS and SHOES 6 2 then y assa or and, vee Oe her in the barn to pre' ber escape, he saddled his favorite pony rthward. iss ------ in freeing herself making her way to couainee her little brothers ph with tl eac parents. no he could find, about val -- Sso, and some other nipeg,July 9 -- Albert Baumberget, who minder ed DS. Krieder, wife an four children at Cando, been advised, was easily sheriff of Cando has arrived,and the mur- derer will return with = id waive ex- tradition proceedings. be Borrible mur- much exciteseat ong the boundary lines. Thomas Hale cfthe lumber firm of Booth & Hale, Mattawa, states that a ase f some 200,c00,000 fret of lum on the Spanish river and its ibetaries 3 in the bay district' most of which went over to Michigan to sawed. The originator of the (Coucord grape is still living m Concord, Mass, He is Eph. l, now the seed Gative wild grape planted just so year agp. The return brought down in the En. sians, shows yr the Russian sione:s do not lay claim to any territorial rights io Bering sea outside the prescrib imit. GLOOMY PRISON LIFE IN FRANCE, The Dreary and -- seorne Fok lowed In the Maza ure now in prvson. Seat is the Mazas place. eleven feet long by and less than nine high, and the onl light is "admitted through a sm rou, asmall table, a soak whic h is chained to th Resi a mock » and a small ity of tin-plate ut At7 clock the hag ms torise. Half an hour opens the cell door, by which time the prisoner must have swept his cell, folded up bis hammock, and got ready for i Spection. ew ir him hia loaf of bread and fills his jug with his daily allowance of water, "At ¥ o'clock his first ap beg vegetable soup i ved, Sune jays Th laceare bereby uire to remove trom their Pit oo or ace 1th eaith, Wallace, June 15, 1893. PUBLIC NOTICE. Township ot Wallace, 6 ratepayers Bed ry Township of Wal otified, that they are re- jecinialy. S asthe preventive m the possible spread ef Cholera to pants By Order of the Board of Health. R. G. ROBERTS, at Secretary. ic, THIS WEEK WE HAVE MOVED We Stil! Occupy the Old Stand.-- Give Us a Trial. OWING to the increase in our trade through the popularity our goods have obtained, we were unable with our past accommoda- tion to supply the demand... First-class Style. either for Cash or Credit. We have decided to make, not a fraud, but positively a CLEARING SALE of our large Stock of all the BEST Saag of BOOTS and SHOES to be found in the markets, m the coarsest Men's and Boys' to the finest Women's and Children" s wear, all of which in be sold at prices such as were never before offered IN LISTOWEL. Sale to commence on MAY 15ST, and continue FOR : SIZTY (60) : DAYS The Stock must be reduced, after which we will move into another store, and the business will be continued in REPAIRS promptly attended to, and ORDERED WORK a Specialty. H. KARGES & C0., MAIN ST., LISTOWEL into the Bakeshop lately occupied by Beirnes, Farrell & Co.,-where we hope to give our customers satisfaction. J. McCORMICE. Listowel, June 8th, 1893. M. MD, FLEMING) ¢ still shows im and buy & new pair, at Flem- in g S. New Tan Shoes for Women, Men and Children, in all the latest Shades and Styles, at pricesthat defy com- petition. old oe aa goods polished sell. who were found on of fra up to TRUNKS AND VALISES. West ? We have a new Stock just in, Huh for prison. | Which will be sold at a trifle rawarder | above cost. ace Fire! Fire! Fire ! Fire those old shoes away oods all new--no Are yon going to the North- Do you want a trunk ? Don't forget MAIN ST. BRIDGE. M. McD. FLEMING - we -|WOOL WANTED. Highest Prices Paid - Cash or Trade. LISTOWEL WOOLEN MILLS. OOK & SON B. F. BR he and that they have on hand for this season's trade the public that they still want more wool, BIGGEST STOCK OF WOOLEN GOODS ever shown by. any factory in Ontario, which they will exchange for cash er woola PRICES which WILL ASTONISH EVERYBODY. It will pay you to come and see our tremendous stock which is OPENED FOR INSPECTION. Come and satisfy yourself before disposing of your wool elsewhere. Do not forget to secure for your wife one of our FINE WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTS. ----$--9---------- NOTICE. We do not employ any such men; dealing we hope to gain your trade and ¢ We Guarantee first-class work in holl-cardnig Spinning and not be led away by shoddy peddlers and those travelling through the rps but come direct to our factory, and by fai onfidence. Manufacturing. + B.--Parties frem a distance can rely on getting their roll carding back the same 16 B. F. da: a with them, and they will find us i eenly to give the most prompt and careful a{- tention to' all. BROOK & SON. fh 4 a ;| Best Cure For Pectoral. It has no equal as a cough-cure. Bronchitis "When I was a boy, I hada' "ghia George Kennan, tho Siberian traveler, writing on i ex ition in the May Forum, makes the Cough was a sufferer from lung trouble, at- omptanland: 4 as to cause hemorrhage, the frequently lasting THE M°CORMIGK BINDLOCHINE. A' PERFECT BINDER, The MoCormich Harvesting Co, prem of Ch 0, . FARM FOR SALE! Being lot 32 and part 33, 3rd Con. Wallace. matte of ih ee trouble of such any other being. The rest of his| born seca gy ener Wa. BEATTIE agent at Listowel. 'he spends in his cell, where be may | sousced i incurable with ordinary for their celebrated machines. ~ for the prison contractors or for a eeremanted me 16 ty bis own amusement, as he chooses. Ayer's 'ectoral. I did and points in fyvor ofthe ~ working aliday at stitching copy bottl. d For the last fift chines" are the lightness of dranght, being making slippersor brushes, | years, I b d this prep h easily wo by one span of horses, its he is to earn abo t cents, | good effect whenever I take a bad cold, | equal balance, no aide draught, the round- which he can spend for cheap sour wine, | and I know of numbers of people who ness and tightness of the abeaf tied, tts coffee, », Or tobacco, ma keep it in the house all the time, not economy in twine, Its lowness of bulld,"aad also meals from a considering it safe to be without it.""-- 'ta strength rougbout, double spoke these are limited en qaantlty to one plate | J.C 'Woodsen, P-M., Forest Hill, W. Va. bicyole steel of soup, a pints of ules "vegetal "For more than twenty-five rs, I Us TunR 'Oxyems hours. oe complete eontrol o| LOOK AT I THIS. Lots of Money to loan at the very lowest rates of interest on farm security, with the eevulege ot paving. pease What youlike at "R. HUTCHISON LPT Agent, Listowel. . "Rex quiates the p Siompsh, Liver eng Dowels. unlocks assertion, highest | I was induced ort bend er biome ti Pec- authority," thateven now 'ithe Russian | toral, an taklog ¥ . was ed by at St. P Tg Open and | thor: ly pacer id la Hofman, read the private letters of the A me: Clay Centre, Kans. t d the ene of the Ameri- . ual . adds significantly, form in sisein all kindsof grain, Farmers "Jt seems to me that a goverrtment La Grippe expert "bo have seen these machines which hakes a of ing and them the greatest not only the vate lettera of " ing I was taken down with arvesiing invention of age. The case its own subjects but he letters of the la grippe. At times 1 was complete!) with which this vinder ean be hipped ves of a friendly prosiated, so difficult was my la an importa point, a 5 foot machine state & government upon whose thing that my breast seemed as if going through @10 foot gate anda 6 foot hocor it is safe to rely in a question of A) © an 1 through 6 1 without the of deans $0. auu, dane teas his preparations will, ------ re > rer had taking it than ia. being tranahipped. more extensively erent be of far Balbe After Blooming. I coul has been thoroughly tried and tested than local reputation. Already his Correspondents 'alps oot what | the effect would be Mie glen the tnroaghoat the United Btales, aleo in Great powders and capsules, an entirely mew | shall be with, ta and a hyacinths Cock Cite m --W. H. Williams, | Britain and Canada. and pleasant combinat con. | after blooming. 6 blonm- ity, THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY tained inthe same packa the cure sits poms can be terned into tae, 6s 5 ee eutnan ® thorough test, VOT- of Headache, Neuralgia, Liver and ee for Fins Ho pike with AY. carernan Steal Mechines witl ahortly be Stomach ts, his Blood and nes w on r blood | bate bloomed in the can be re- . MILL Street- ly have, "on in -- aj > ---- saghare dg as CHERRY PECTORAL where farmers are invited to eall and in the promi- anges and then be again ; Serertty Res] ©. Ager Go. Lowel, Mein it nent and best known citizens of Hamil-| ¥ they-can be left in the and be all Droggista. Price $2; six bottles, $5. Wx. BEATTIE, Agent, a IsTOWEL Purifiesthe Blocd and rzmeves allim- purities from « Pimple to RScrosulots Sore.

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