of the United States, The Bill having | Chief and the Senate, it was forwaried to the _ President for _ Ratification ; but as 'the Panltovme ofé seed Sat ee understood to. be ad- Were heitared verse to i ofa to have the bill: « them it bearing his signature. The "object of this bill is to authorize the coin- ade of 2 stgndard silver dollar and to make it of legal tender value. Had pro- vision been made to inco te the proper complement of silver to place it ona par with the gold dollar; there would fave been no exception taken to the measure; but the bill stip- niates that these silvéé dollars shall tain 4124 grains only. According to the inarket value of silver they would be ~ worth but from 90 to 92 cents 5 3; Or inother words they are made to pass as legal tender for an amount from 8 to 10 cents ii excess of their real yalue. As they are to be rated at their nominal value in payment of all debts and. dues, public and private, this is breaking faith--or more correctly perpetrating a wholesale fraud upon every pre-existing creditor of te passage, it was ash deta 'returned to { Maite resolre com} rhe quiet routiie of events in this mde Hl othe comnts w|i f 'es bow diatwrbed by a sauder had been murder paeliers e psa town's inter- mall its details. The Moree is 'sam ests during what has been-the most in- ey ode beige srmettriogi ax portant part of its nth *The oo tt development of Listowel dure as a bold Oellien' he 5 es come. Short period though it be, 'five in Listowel and: its surtomndings: Fire ranks more thanone pment pelo Pt in divid up the irw of Mu who is pos ity ml eek . Ip kad conti tea ofa most. able, fine t tem | ly hers this transformation, there should attach some importance. When that individual has presided Sibhed movements, then the namo of the indi- vidual must be linked to the chain of circumstances which pss tended to this gratifying state of a Campbell, Esq., has had Disha ay a, tune, while acting - Reove and Mayor of Munn iving act rom the caveet Robert i Tovbs, rad Dirry Richard Northey, a resident of the neighborhood; J re tly Howard, a ashen in Mason's ires Les hval boos bar, ed for Chesicies as owed ; but Squires vented that he had few more words onward inarcht e has PINS mitch the United States. The bonded debt of | to promote this prosper is affirmed by A few to the same the Union ts some eer ants 'ition Bi support 4 Sain, you're OOD A tarts HOG Of these 'bonde 0h, oltiae je Forni of tentiancna) 1 have it, were sold for gold, and gold was expected having been decid iat upon - --d d--n you, I li you." Those in repayment. There being no power to Gl the articles since Shiased a ny iin 'the bar paid nue ak no hse to this pel a nation tdpay s just debts,the | evening of last week, about thirty | yer threat, as they to he a s holders of these bonds iM have to aceept |? assembled at Mr. Campbell's blusterer, but vor. "had hey seriously PT denes for the purpose of witnessing. the | considered the words, or particula this depreciated currency in exchange, oresentati Tae q - ies which had | noted Munn : ser, -- and actio or "whistle for their pay." That'st what oberg selected were a eater © "bom ry | they would powerless to the measure amounts to. 'The limit | cane, a gold hain pe a apes 'Toe ket. The tik wart the tiat oualanit gree ster vane is an elegant and expensive piece errible Placed upon the amount to be issued oe workxsenallfs Upo: tts erie passion was at white heat--Mun ane monthly does not weaken the charge of intentional fraud upon the part of Amer- ican silver bonanzas and corrupt congress- men. President Hayes speaks out like any sensible man should, when he says, in ei bill hack ta a " & stan. value shld not be changed without the conse or ume tlits eredi- ¥ cannot approve a bill ae hin my judgme mt anitharters a viola- f sacred obligations. Obligations tors to expect of public faith transeend all questions of profit or pul tlie Vantage Henance js the est expedioncy as of se ost Necessary dts, va shold refully guards » EX Congres ss, and hy a. = vegies It firm vietion that if the country | ms a he Seanetteunt Tay silver oe Nnage, Its une nt only the 'itor ue all whe are engaged in legitimate slag ge tnone reassurediy than those whe are de- pendent: on their daily labor for their daily bread." The vill passed Loth Houses over the veto on the same day that itewas return- od; more than-the-necessary-two-thirds majority of the whole vote having been cast in its favor. --------------------_==== EDITORIAL NOTES. Your valuobl | trust, sir, a | fal hore. oi _ victim, threw him violently. 4 the nid, beat him furiously dies hi be 5 aber se ne é Susi a othors iiite erposed, and ¢ trareed Munn ageay. At this time the ugfertunate man Squire head the iS Bete ion is engray- ed Presented tod. Campbell, Ber. first Mayor of Listowel, by his friends, pe retiring from oftice, 20th January, ; The chain is of fine quality. gold and chaste design ; the locket ix a hand- some piece of mechanism, being richly ornune vated an --_ ing the recipient's initials me procured nat t wholesale establish: ment af Josephs, wal. The onlookers raised Squires to jewellers, Toremto, On he half of his fel- | his feet, and directed hin to the dining loweitizens, Mr. B. rot ell presented | room. e was leaving fo is weer Mr. Camp te I with an address; and JW, | ment, when Munn again rushed towards Scott, Esq., Mr. Campbell's successor, | him, at the sane time exclaiming, "Dot pre a0 ated him with the articlés, 'Che | you, you're not going yet, for I'm going following is the have welt money or your life.' With ADDILESS. sexe awful words upon his lips, Munn DD. Com mphett, By pear infe 4 Listowel. = lait hoktl of Se aires (new weak and ° a. violently, 1 Oy kicked him about the nee # 'deers anil ant ere ind | diumaped several times on his Icllow elttzons desire te expe as in some tan | Mason, -- ig. matters were As gible manner their bene ry n seri Aspect, ne ked Afi 'hoe B nat thin, oxy at npolegy for We tre rt oe cSt 1 ation of We ites uire im and propose ot] iim replied that it was a jnd oa half, whe rem Mason i why he Inetns fgnoraut '* the th expat titties thas devalve yen Thame one Mimn said, mf ti int ety Ni bey m otras ink. he the inter. teat - . ve be 1 we pha tval, however, Mr. Hobbs had gone ar: atte meet ithe | teawhere S a bn f Juctazan mines lar, and was le ae hed & ave 'thts Ore Urrenics y add ot Vi We | to find that he neithe ea or breath. the m, ni Wine of procedure iste is » marked Jed. He eatled Mr. Mas atte ution to uate the 1: bew 4 vei ale ed turn at ™ mde | ot io thon ax tits nan m ma hie t Ate ~~ and Toul that hie } De Riven Keone oral sntin pi ci the Laas: nt with the of an impart "i t t fn -- i. gp . mn ~ | 2 merits an asa sine you | fron pe Tar Ontario Legislature was form: ally | 'prorogued yesterday (Thursday) at 3pm. af --+ 3s the event-of England heeoming in- volved in war, Canatlians are tobe afford: Od an: opportunity of displaying their ati ty Tthat | i fe Th birdy "the with the | whic hi is dee: p enough toshow the bonis' oft full hae ae mh Sregarrtaint perlod | mal fet i) town extn anilitary bravery. Lieutenant-General Sir Patrick L. Macdougall, Chief of the In- | telligenee Department in the War Oitic is shortly to take command of the fo ten thousand troops in Canada if required. | Wo are confident that this number could be raised ina short time, and that a large contingent of true Canadian metal would be readily eae by the patriotic inen of Pert + | americans Tne editor of the Norwich Gazelle is responsible for the following : " +Listowei ean now boast of having one town lamp at hore '~Standard. Ali! yes, The Stand- Meee £2) demerit friend Slo kins. Keep your ewiale well trimmed; shed light upon your political opponents' mi ide your ov'n party to vie- tory, and the -- will thereby prove itselfa -- kind." + Sue of the most serviceable ue Garctic js frequently brimful a dailies sententious items, rearing evidence of being possessed of a luminous head-(iter) of its own, we ven- lane to retaliate with + you're another," Tut Ontarie Poultry Association held their annual exhibitian at London during -the last three dars of Fe bruary. 'The display of fowl« and birds is said to have been excellent ; but the inhabitants of Guelph is to be the place of meeting next year. The poultry industry of Canada is by no Means as infinitesimal as may be gfener- 'ally supposed. The Canadian exports of : try, eges, exhibiting tock, are said to exceed halfa million dollars annually. This isa healthy state of affairs, and is worthy of barrie --___ Lonp Narrsz, the hero of the Kiveks ian cam, been constituted Com- forces to be sent-out in the event of war. Lord Napier's name has occ occupied & prominent position in the British Army 6 or 75 ; i mu in the Dominion, with authority to raise | = a number of Maer _ He distinguished ' evider muvie by the prisoner in its fture history "onedtish a ranit | : ua in behaitor your fete tls be mt A ace ee clias | ont; tvhich hal twen half-<oled on the thee unaiie in be wit + pr Seent you) previous day, Whilst deeeasel must Ho Tee ararp . i tid goss = j Lore sustained are re internal injuries the bepe tu prized by lit ix believed that the kicks on ie neck i ae = ad were le rathe ron ae nant or the nie susbshit they tore Wy thisety yu aA ie ter Ny "ith inhes for > have touch Stan "euimatven eras fei ne be. "au 9 we es Isher, Woo 1m the - front Gi woun bteredo ae face nde was spat fthe decease oa myn, of the extimation which-they pl bay of Bien fa d aadvicaa in onsaection With thé (him the Lenton lou of 40 heey ; Chief 3 the immediate cause of | V oO Agr Tt said that ve of ae fry: Chvored a manslaughtér, verdict of The prisoner was formally committed for ial aes off a coroner's 'warrant, and and the PEACE AT LAST. THE TREATY SIGNED. GENERAL, REJOICING AT THE NEWS. Russian' @emanda gr &reatly lessened-- Neither Turkish Flect nor Egyptian _ Fribute to & be molested--Indemnity * nlom of Asiatic Territory--Treaty te be ratified within a Yorthight. TREATY Stax Loxpox, M: 38--A Cai aatanitte ale despatch says the Treaty of Peace has been si e Grand ¢ Nic ai fact to the soldiers at a is Egyp- Hae sed ulgirian 5 St. 'Peteraburg confirm the report the ty of | y Peace been signed' At St. Peters- burg thé onthusiawn over the news o peace was almost u unpreecdented, There Was an immense crowd before the Palace panting and siagiug "God Save the ay Pe era correspondent says the Treaty of Peace was signed on Saturday. 31,000 troops were reviewed at San Stefano, anda Te Deum was surg' amid great enthusinsm, peibid'oiad at Swaibhonsir As able to state that neither the surrenc fa portion of the 'gia hi fleet 1 mar tia ¢elaim on the Egyptian cate is oe in the condi tiene ba yeas ,and there ix no interference vortion of the tt at ah Re ane which ix hypothecated reign creditors. Nothingis definite- is settle "relative to Be foul ranity , but it 'ut ng ipally be iy rritory in Asia, including nd Batoum, not Era Salonica anit 'Aduignople are not inelnded | in Bulgari TURKISH FLEET NOT TO DE caban- 815 100,000 INDEMNITY. . ge! oe rg a the Ionse rds t pon Lorl Derby said the Gove "mame sik hl received the terms of peace in an imperfect state. They do iclude the cession of the Turkish fle The indenmity is reduced to twelve millions atoning / the Egyp- tian tribute is-not affe CONGRESS AT NERLIN--nItA A eg pater Ie. COT graphs the Treaty will probabl; re ulti ad 'until tie text is receiv courier ina week or ten days vi ate ro is now Iioped the te aa will asse table in Berlin og che Meng pelle ors ad il a tend, i lieve Bis marck hiais she aly conse sented, to preside, THATY CONDITIONS. 70 PRESTR. Intelligence comes from San Stefano that A ig Ignaticff and a special Eg = Siler were to leave for mB i ain nidlicths e Scientia bate after signin € without sny "Hoprone te iat tte » thit you +e sary ' the pre liminaries of peace.» It is thought have been eminently as el ht suas a i . 1 ial ambassador will convey the gratis tug to yourslh aA ICTS To ties fr Shae HA~SOURE Ds F ahs x" Fe Tor Ibe FSRCOTATION "OF rap MEriden We" have tale 'during fiuinan ald was unavailing. y examin iitans Gesire for the res doar te cm OF oe rove tn a amall tnd Snerte or ing the body of the sauder man, the | diplomatic relations, or be charged to thriving town, omeonsinar all the auiiinnss external marks of violence were found to | condne of modern elvi zation, a and Hea? those | be a'ghastly cut, of OEE two inches in | treaty, tie 'reinarie aa having so On ive nvente to our future growth and conntne relat Prev tr Jonsth, spor the left-side of t y bo. | far : rineipal cond di And especially mu tie aT 'atlfyinur to son, | twee arner 0 uth and the] tions © ol 'he to Know. {hat yo me, amon MANY | Inwer of the wander jaw 4 and # nitm- the cession of Brtoum, Kars, pilicens Tour worttiy citine Ons, be il Wer ats ane | 1} that el oa » neck, im: aeag and the dis trict of Baynzid. i pe with tne Bee que pre oe ise | ner o he WUIRCS | ' , i wells » fee tha savers} The questi reserves n of the navigation of the Danube remains in statu quo. pie will be le ut he- ween Mor itenezr9 and Se to enable b> Ve rte to naintain cctistschication ith Bosnia ant ad tle srzegoving. It is con- firmed that Bulgaria will include Bourgas, idje, but not Salonie 4 ae is to have power to Johrucdscha to Rowmania in exchange for Roimmstitnn Bessarabia. Hav. Dr. Nie te i, oo ey Land, ran ng down 'pon his" hoy, nea THI HOLY WORK ACCOM PLA. Livtsarrow Beste 'on hohalfot he icp. 'at " 7 's nd -The-Grand_Duke Nic 'holas & ent the fol- i it "0 cia floor of the room fn the vicinity. lowing to the Emperor ano, Mr. Campbell pod - following The remorse of J on reatizing the my st the anda of wtulat- -- oxen terrible deed he 'hat comin sd, Was ing your atyupon the conclusion "it tne re rt nt mn: reexproasion to | | heartrending in the extreme. Throwing | of peace, 'Get Tics eauchaiedl 43 aa ee 7" yeaitrle ie Traston te aS va J J h my fowlt es at this menien soanpinte ely j himself en his « knees, He the peed 4 happinc of x ig 2 the holy vt me with the me i ppae, he shook the bo ly, and, with | work begun by your Maj sty and on the ity cit i oot which Coe. gett he ve vs The | tears lo in 3} annive rsiny of the enfranchisoment of the very valuable Eifts which you have sogener. | Vore Which showed too pls lint haw keen seria, vour Majes haa delivered th ously present ee te ne twars be "igi | ls he reer ahize al the fact, he piteousty | (hefeciane from the Rereiiess yoke." reed by me, be DY Heo o my geen "J, * Oh, Sam, Sam! att n't be pos- Will, friendship atid ¥ i finy ser- ied, ant & Sag ANEW TURKE Vices to the town, acid on aecount or thelr in- j si af le % ve @ nd al 'he ma Sam, Sam ! trinste merit. They will, Ltrust, long remain yur rhe --_ his hands im ; ern correspondent FAYE > art "i Ve tom Pcie m eultie fa deupire 'aia ree ping like a child, the | giving up hey hostile European Prov- eating prinesptne that with ete for them t © © jmurde rer left the lar. Outside, Ine fran: Toone and at the same time receiving funtile nee Bt ety uileer ol ho com nunt tieally called upon some one e him | tribute from then or ead md them ig y fat 4 lo have he been a all thes ganstous for I "oly Fr. an axe, ora knife, Wi hile the | & portior te na as onal det 9 raphe * reat nar tones mnt (2 rave Deen tdentified | terror-stricken man was in this frame of | centrating the Mussulmans in fom its Infaney w tn SPECT ON hey ronty | Pert : . een one smOne MANY rae ave dane what t sate 1, Mr. Philo Hugh ane o ¢ vohstentinope, and hey contd x , ring | immediately Mt a she 'up ent and pi rake ee ar id, 4 > killes a tires 8 head 0} minted by an ac I i © and pus te ut Connell | ss Ty " ne a tand te vour- Sh " P welt, etown Gwes miteh, for tts present Td? § i an away i Hingis maeetat "eee rity. Tt is cuncededt™ hy al) at onee told him te 'abn baa any such in- hat the © our WUE Bart vay Pore tentions, but 1 to go to ra greed te, and 10 rere irausesr .. at once started for Tanilon, necony -- divantage enule he ny Loi Situated At all the -- te - capitals the out- edand. recat Siete by two or three of those who had w ook is re sauicios . as ice brighte; or, and | enrilly su parted hy the y pele ofthe town | ed oe. accomp on shanent of ew hori nothing seems a 'ly to curto disturb Bd adjneent townships, we have compethed deed above rel On arriving here, | . . | i it the Congres Haile: Telegraphs, ric existing seri unt it Eres turtug tr wing Fa itrtbate toaursroeth fava went straight to the entra oe meets at Be ms atgotiations towarils tub py Ority, Att bere tess reanven- | Stntion, tole nm «uty + ©. | whic said be in active ogress te M60 that to-day Ae fr : _ naeeine he towneia CEARA t This may trea nit Ineetl) bo he had committed a mure tor weve the shaded ere hy: Triple Ali: "| if os "the ated. In so- doing have largely buedonod# i nm township, and wished He five Yongratulati n the sien ng of clerk desires. to give notice ath: wilt the lod leioneteee eee me Londhininae hinmet up. An information was ae the 'Treaty of Peace have "been exchanged so fencctie owers asi; vines ape Tak a ComaplAtnt in Cer Meats Wane | Sore: Te Lay sa Exy,, and the prisoner tween Constantinople ard St. Peters: | Vi} ny Wie at ths. ext regular material perity oft the has been} es toja bug, the Czir, in 0 AMO weet he r that all intecuarantraia rMuareane itmcatgoal | Munn is a Canadian by birth-33,veare | ulin tating' that ie wperecin in the | Parte "i hit pace with the general p hones ots Ga: and says he is temperate. "He is recel at of the ssage aon Fa on ones cx G F govern th ak tors white ont eaoeationn 'matitcitemsarein | * wre man, about six oo simultaneously on ae news of ie sig: By. ° i a fo ' on and very effictent state, "What has heh, net hd look at vernal pot apes wens | nature of tho Treaty, a presage of goo -------->>E--EE ee one in guarantee ie radia tem (| - "j that the future oC our rove la sem. We have | tot on S caeie y afternoon: ape His ezmpien mT re teene bewicbanis rages NORTH FERTE SERING over td nm . " and them and with a was that ofa man who ed | fied at the Russian capital in two weeks e number of aie at the Sree patty idepennthnrgs eave st eee ils ot fighting, apd often boasted of his ©83. | is confirmed. Some further concessions duevet of grain and roots in the t leading. men. noting set OF Munn's past tory_very little is | have nm male reganling Bulgaria, | Stratford, tn Tela oth nines ssi not to poe mpltsh Gentlemen. bs =i jan ve acai, kn He camo from Howard, Kent | the ian occupation haying t re- | quite so Nes ie ustal, but the quality kk you for your very ge: and kind | Coun 2 less than 'a couple of years ago, | duced to eight months ang the western | was decidedly pc 'The following were ition of my _ {singe --. ein he has kept tavern on | extension Jimited 0 as not to include | the prize takers: 'Wheat--tl, W. Patter- arm greetings were exchanged with | th . aa a the railway -- Salonica to Mitrovit: ; 32, ohn MeDermid ; 3, Geo ree Laing, Mr. Campbell and his fasnily, and the Squires, the singe 1 pe edit bid build, | 2fORs pres is: evidently. being --1, Robert compen e. Pea ¥ dist L $8. in hetg' bet ordinary vaild, brought to ear' Went Berlin on Austria | W nite oate--I, - E. By 2, MeFar company POT ACK it about 40 ¥ age. He was born toinduce her to occupy Bosnia and Herze- | Jane B oats--loveph MeMitlan, <n rn be ie mga ewan, cig migrated vina, it is thought powdlle the Clover --_B. he 'oth. Potatoes--Early o Canada, when he was but I7 years o} cupation may yet take place, In facta] W. Patterson ; Chili, R. Siaipeoa 3 Bran' ENGLAND ) PREPARED. age, ze iy ha ell a baronet Sah f f st. Avetrian at vel's bea uty, W. Patterson The judges this dixtric ving for years trare' hare dlread wg "" rd ve a Ballantyne, D, vid G a Gs, ready & sputliwa oha lantyne, Davi 'Major General Sir Garnot Wolsofey, in | With tse. Latterly he took . However, Rantt, aiid Jobe Mcireny. the petoeogeatn ax second in comuiand during the cam- "paign in China, and had-chief command of the Abyssinian expedition, where be won the title of " the hero of Maz:lala," and was created a Baron for hie séry ices, He has spent much of his life inthe mote 4 and in 1870 he was appointed © der-in-Chief of the gu in In ye is rather advanced in life, bei eixty-otghth ren but " nareetbnlen a gig aa is connidared the most competent | received the t of Chief j Seo -- Pil cepaegemagrs ek 2 eins Tei, ere commander of the Ashantsc a t ¢ Nineteenth Cen- amd e@titied--"England as Werd ' O00 vitrilled 3 Paci would fall into line, if text by ar2 field gu ° ilitary | jogh ion, about th: es fi 1339 at ke i--At no vious period | Birr, He leaves a widow and five child- or « Eglo L been so strong, ina military | pon, y of tender ave, and who, it is war declared, 400,- | said, are not too well provided for act badly organized and spread over a ontile tersitors WEDNESDAYS INTELLIGENCE. has a ey ha additional tier veillion - txed under any cigtum- ° France and Italy are aid to intend to propose at the Congress that Resphorus and the Dardan elle es shall mania io batiog claimed has vised tand sarc the Reuseten tron are ee principality.. General ieff visited uniform. | Ssures very low, and have left out alto- on him Hast. He neve . 'onstantinople me : Teeepiing He ae of | sepghowebo home sorxice, and re: troops avail- me '3 Iq 1s Sestinie BageG able for wee. when the Mediterranean miskigntion into tha case af af the | the ie aanier aMe x; cot a flyi When f com its recat" aeath biti patie paige at | visit to x Doe t week. be ob- pare 4 lason's tavern, . on jeg capers arrange with the two has | of England with what it was in 1854, Lam | dyon, Pr asian orn Regen J. BR. } rai emnpanies for their sui and ass "tat the ons of the mil- Flock and arespectablejury. 'There was | influence, shpuld he plac 'Metro- lessness in @ large gathering of persons present, lis" on the route between and were: we began the E ar | majority of whom secmed to have Little Erie, next season. Should he re- ofthat year, 9x Iam at the iz of | compassitm for the man ceive the desired support, the steamer. those who are croaking over oUF | fare them charged with- the awful crime will be placed on the route early. in the and ot mais. The setoting of Mann with | spring. The "Metropolis" tea ec] f aged father ro young. | Bio 'carrying 1,000 people. [from the township of Dunitcl, was a kad | Sho has ' A | seéne--ascene that brought tears to the poeta Blawg icmnsgtel yc We = he en rib naw Si ehaperge that Capt. Benham will meet witli. the inquest the accased listened he asks. + ¢-Goverpment's res bation ts take rat! ilies the, Tent Govern refosal to sanction cither the new Tax Bill or the Railway Bill. ah ; ebec, March 4,--The political excitement continues, Dut there is not iri news to report, and or: vLaeas arid ebemphet Tast night are Adah jer ee: fyi their successors are sworn in n Lieitenant- Governor having want hie Cabinet fom their dismissal, "ean be a fact until after te snnounce- ent of ie new minist nearly correct, 'hvata riniotere being rnor, while the ©) ees ia Laws areende has in sion rial res: ion of | the Cu binet, It fs most probable that when th © official pieced t he told Latellier, it will be f Mr. De Boucherville iat 'the oy tax bi dd railway ey burdens on the ted ieee aatieaitted to the House Lay her his consent, and Mis nam "y i authority ; that he refused to sanction them and that when the Premier and his colleagues insis t e Gov: ernor's duty to pass them, His Honor Joly was immediate! t for and the rd fh ¥ ery sove! not left hie house all day, bat < Vasily vr gaged consulting his tan cos ae epee to the compo: w Cabinet. Not a stg es P- i xpoct to before ministry " ocanploted Wednes. lay. _GOWANSTOWN, sbi ng RD, Rr 1, Meetixes.--The revival meet- ings held 'tor the inst ae re weeks by the aoe Evang ieslon, on the © Wallnee, are Nees brought toa ' "The sesult of the rae meetings isn rge increase Fed members. They have now the lar, omgre Sati of any os gious socie nie township. Rev. einai ix "the » pastor ; assistant, ore Jacob Walter. CKNESS.--A_ good deal of sickness pre- vails among the little people in -- vicinity. . Tk. Sneider, of the 6th ¢ laurie three ot his chile ay during 'the at ate woeks--Dipthier + Tie ome TE 'rag ie reeelved by the { a, il last Saturday for the con oa struction of a wooden bridge over the Maitland at Shipley ; but that body eon: elided te ereet an iron bridge, which can be done with a little extra outlay ait willbe much more » ubstantial. on who tendere: wooden ides { went home grumbling about Sa sold, | whate ver they moant hy that | TORY 1 ihe coming sefison the cheese factory here ie to be run by - -- Tur mal and Willan whby,- andl are honest, trustworthy will ro 'ie ibt be well patronize. WALL LACE, Corsem Meetixe.-- The Municipal Council of-tlie res of Wallace amet irs on Saturday Lal pursuant to adjourn. ment. Me aubers all present ; the Reeve in the chair. 'Coniniuntcations were re- ceived from Be thune, salar Moss, in fee Ws ve G way Co.; Ss. Barker, Esq flton, aksess- ment of railway property; ii a 7 i Mitchell, with detailed seatement Treasurer's atoonpt. Moved by 1. Mithe | seconded by nnedy, that John J, MeConnel be raid = for balance on co: tract on Ferguson's bridge, and the Reeve 4 sue an order for the same Carrie, | Moved by T. Speers, seconded by H t 'il go inte com mittee of the whole, to open tenders fo building Shipley bridge.-- carried. Tho | Council went into contmitte Upon r suming it wus emaved by i Senuedy, seconded dy Ferg ruiOn, that Jolin | = a la of | sue an See for+ 2 Mave dhy Tes or, | ww m. ation, mov S20 fie. places nt the "oul conunissidner fi ay work don ib emnerby that David War K | E Boo L's | j n - coma hy J. Mills, aid $17, og nod by ssi Iding bei . and the Ree Carrie i. conded-by ld. Mi West the der of Wm. Speers for ry building of Shipley riage he accepted, provide that he ---- --_ ctory scourity, _ ( a5 ved hy J. Mills, xecontded ly ta on, ths at the clerk be paid si tor plans, &., for i rid y bridge, and the same ney; } a e | fora new 'millon the peinoeete r blanks' of the, fir ple e Lysx Snot--Mr. Peter Kennedy, lot 4 Ellice, succeeded in -- axinceaned mariage es sister to in- ae nail tha ret he United Kingdom, erit Labi rgied in the Uni has passed the Imperial Ilouse of Coramons. . _ The preliminary ae have been Pryce in Massachusetts for the formation 'ompany with o to eperste lines to any part of the States and, reer Mr.: T.-8, Campbe i, of bi esd and Mr. Me 'Donald. of Col reso hav: contest Algoma ie token: vatirn i tathrest at the next elec- tions fo r the- Commo ons the Local 8 Leo XIIL. was private peropned in the Sixtine sl con Disorderly crowds assembled 'ne tin the treats of Rome a few houses aie tie oor of the event, the troops Tnving to be sod out sooo the mob. Cow: pg Muertixa ok mass ipeting of the eee of de W sttinetoee wi 'in the Town Hall, AS on aca a 2 tap aegte date for the General Election, sent this" Riding in the House oepre mons,-- Enterprise. og ander Shaw, on has appa. val <o alke! been chosen ne, en nominated to 1 Pattie e the representat iowof the same constituency in Local Legislature t Mr. famakee Wells. g peer "y has oan elected by the insiabers of the Huron College' Asso- payne Fe eo 'Treasurer, in the room of Re Leet, This will meceilicts the swipes atios i i against He ente his palite: in June ne: Ev i ix being made at the U) ited Stator ears 'for the coinage of silver dolle cordance with the new law, and it is nigh by "tho iddle of April the coinage wi pot he rate of three ms and f per month. Secretary Evart tx will jannodately open Euroy inviting 4 them to joinin a conference for the adopti ion of a common ratio between gold and silver. Evtpentiy Sarr--A short time ago a eon reached | he 're that the Rev. GL. e wissionary of the Cure Wo of Canna to Formosa ¢ 1 C mt mminittor, Mr. McK , from Amoy, giv ing the te tails of the riot at aan kath which Mr. : Kay was supposed to ae © my killed Ax Us nig AL 'Rorne ky.--One evening lately Han ymour, with his wife "ol child, was we a Visit to his father-in- slaw, Mr Gibbons. of Wy alkerville, an dl was left in the house with him: in Bs of the child, while } Mrs. pia ms and her daughter went to visit 4 ne Sey: mour coety mut the ehild in pnt , anil - on ned hy ention = hix Tithe: maw in ica sanborts i * found'? silver watch, and with these ge hix wife's ' rie apa without waiting wife rein, 2 Nothing has since been he. 4 Facto oe 1 aetinger 'tute een el i g ee | Township rof W ing ding the last ten days with a view, nae. butter fac tories among t _ | ings were Mr. G E formerly a resident of f Rerlin, but latterty of Guelph-- al representing ving Montre: A. A » Co. He ach factory "Mion he sup- tleast 1006 Thi -- anew enterprise in We tern Ginn, ut we i think that in any good farming pi the coquislte sana or could casily be ob- tained. New! wor AL pahenwe ay dodge for gulling the "free and independent," has heen prac ae a prettyextensively within pe past fow woe ce in Huron cceny by ciple of The modus oper: @ indi e gee d wae + ms fm me: A chanics f ngzents Lins millx, They carved with on spe ci- men nti They took the "1 $ order in they repres » al as an ie € ment to the fariier. to zee hase th machine, j they: ¥ woul Pw old on : forthe yen n oe : many ne ed the o t indnee- me a oe the Farner av 9-4 pn she "thee for the The farmers, however, did nat Fee over until in late that they had given' a bonafide order for the new ma- chine, and that the ey only hell the note them béught by pany, ad never be ca which were the agent and on by the com- maid for by his note, will led for. 7 gras and roots wero sold ns follows --Wheat, Ist prize, $240 to $2.50 per bag; nee! S20 to or eee $2.10 toF2.20. Barley -Ist prize, $1.05 to $1.10; 2nd, $1 to 3! so. Peas, $1.20 to $12 ack oats, 75 cts White oats, Ist, 7¢ Fhe.; 2nd, 65 ets. Chili potatoes, G5e.; _ Ace tos Se Bruncll's, 22.10. w of The e tire animals will = "eli 0 on Thersday, Isth -- il Beaeo a3 rope-walkes. It is said to fern of the kind in thix s, ibd expects to do | whi . rea etn yt ard ones bei where.thore is a (set lay Cannuchs, 'ORTGAGE SALE M or MILL PROPERTY| tx Ti TOWNSHIP OF GREY. tolnedt ia ae be Siete virtue a0 of d Power of Ha sue the ahs De Vi7T2, (0 tana ee hie pez, int the Ttegist ary ¢ Otties nett North Wain of the Conntr: ry I Turon, ue ik TV, for the Township of Grey, as ne nine "7 wi when Mortgage A igh be produced of Kale, there wil by Papiie Anche at the t mabeiaae HoTEL,' . TOWN OF LISTOWEL, | atiday 30th h March, 1878, and singular that certain alin or tract of mises situate, ing in Ten, lens, ng of the north halfot sot nutm- irt eo the twelttt eforesaid Town nehip 3 Rls larly described as to fre fond allowance args Es end +3 th concessions, ix! more Of 1eRa; henee 4 tothe division. : between lot narn! number thirty-two, 'mt 88932 iy 'This property is situated In fs good locality. There ia 2 good _fiteam Saw Mill on the | premises. TERMS OF SALE i Ten cent. of purchase money cash on are a and balance in two ro ponks there: peer Lit Pagal conditions 'The GREAT, ON 1 now itatin the mind fthe peo be qussmi0 Y agitating $ of the * It is evident to everybody that the man who BUYS and SELLS FOR CASH,: has the advantage of, and can. sell than the man who does business on the old- fashioned credit system. This being the case, 2 Set. gentrieet, en Invite the inhabitants of Listowel and surrounding Townships to INSPRCT THEIR STOCK, and judge for themselves as to the QUALITY and CHEAT- NESS We are now offering Very Cheap Lines in Dress Goods, IN ALL THE NEWEST cpigures '! Seal Brown, Myrtle - Green, rune, Navy Bias, and French Gray. IN BLACK LUSTRE We control the sale, in Listowel, of one of the Finest Brands -- BEATEN IN CANADA. le,and which for Richness vn Se once Low - Priced Winceys in - Brown, _ Grey, Checks, : Black, : Drab, - Stripes. FULL LINES IN Merino, Paramatta, Thibet Cloth, Cobourg, Crape Cloth, uke., &e., &e. TWEEDS & CLOTHING. We are now offering our entire stock of OVERCOATS AND _CLOTHING AT COST! in order to make room for our SPRING GOODS. SPHCIAL VALUES --1 ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS. BOOTS AND sSEHOHS! Largest and Best Stock in Town. Selling off BELOW COST, - GROCERIES. re | All the leading Family Groceries kept constantly on hand. sae DONT FORGET bicolor HAT: 60 ct. THAI FAs oka tinae sy Mtoe T..G. FENNELL, Vendor's cage ee crcanteng Lx cbraary Doth, 1878, LISTOWEL, Fel). 1, 1878,