_. LISTOWEL STANDARD. ? thedate St. John fire; ja Fi Fair cme Tovdian + ieoslies in the. Korth West Pa- _ abundant "wrnatronp @ oat RATLAVAY. « depart from jewel satin _ Atruifond aid the Roth dalty te foliowre? Nov 1 Express, 6.9 a.m.; ord Adem LIT pm. 'arrive from Stratford ax follows Fo.4 Aceom., 11.57 a.m; Nos Expren, 9.20 p.m. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 187% . "THE VACANT CHAIR. At last the Papal chair of St. Pcter's is vacant. The long expected event has of poliey. No allusion to our trade in- | torests is made, nor nor a single measure leulated to mitigate dis- tress and relieve the cbuntry of enibarras- sing Lene Its whole tenor has the appearance of being manipulated by a weak Ministry anticipating basty and Are been customary: to select one of the, Gavarnment 'members who have not 'had lengthy experience in parlia- reply to the Speech from the Throne. Teason not divulged: the Gor- ernment has seen fit to the pro- paeene in the present beernary st The and architectural remains, but little is now known of these people. Loup Dorrents's visit to Montreal are been' attended wi ings hearty Enough to hare affected ihe arrived, and His Holiness Pio Nino is "nO more. gave publicity to in last fesize has hoes fully @ by later despatches. The | exact hour of his death is not altogether | 4 made clear, Hut it occurred sometime the afternoon of the 7th inst. It that Mis Holiness: health bad time boca e. His death is said to have been extremely painful, its inormediate 'cause being: pro- nounced paralysis of the lungs. At the time of his demise he was in his eighty: sixth year. He bas been the sotereizn head of the Roman"Catholic Church for thirty-four years. His birthplace was at in ted Imola, and in 1846, apom the death of | parture. Gregory XV1, he was elected to the ex- alted position: of supreme ruler cf the | Roman Catholic Church. The life of | Pius IX has not heen entirely of roseute hus. The " bitter" the responsible office assigned him, co mingled in too great portionwith the little " sweet" containel in the Roman Pontiff-hip "to. be eondusive of an inor- dinate amount of aunsbine. However, a genial ray bere and there has been «is- persed among the darker shales of | chureh craft: Many witticierms are at- tributed' him which illustrate a keen | perception of humanity, especially of its political dissimulations. He diel an sardent devotee of- his Church and faith; his last care being to guard the Church he loved so well) and: sacredly." body of Lis Holiness is lying in state at the Vatican, and the Intest despatches affirm that the funeral will be privately | celebrated in the Sistine chapel on the 16th, (Wehand [Sth of this month. So public o-- eemiiaia therefure, net be looked fi The chaice of a snecessor has ecreateb. not a little agitation in Europe, andl many * conjectures have been made as to what 2 ' » part the «different States will assume in the matter. of Cardinal Bilio, compilerofthe =ylabus, n_¢eclosiastic of distinction snd fetuan | arent intelligence. Rpee lation may not have long to wait for'a decision, ax the Sacred College of Cardinals, in whom the election is vested méet= immediately to declare their future head, DOMINION PARLIAMENT. The fifth and presumably the "Inst ses- tion of the present Parliament of Canada asseinbled at Ottawa on Thurs week, Excitement at the high, the galleries of the inordinately crowded. The eloetion of a Speaker of the House of Common: Reerssay by the late Speaker' tion in conseyueger of dependence of Parlianert of fast ope P House being obras te vielating the Aet, © thee chief business to engage members atten | the Excellency being postponed until Friday. A curmmation 'of the animation wes tion on Thursclay, fernanl apenitne bey liveliest ereated upoa the Pre Mier rising a <a Tenmainating Timethy Warren At sr the vacancy. oku A. Mardonak li Lmdiately re Sirs tested aynunst stich 'an aneecranten te action. He regretted that the hevl of thetiovernment sLould anake thie mintion, as the Speaker is chosen to sit judicion ly between parties and free himself from') all political connections. should not; therefore, be rominawad by the Government. In a vigerens speech he declared it to Le withouta preeedent in Engtish Parliamentary rule that» member elect had « right to take his seat without beng intreluce | by two members, unless the rules of the Howse had been previously suspended by the unanimous voice of its members. The rules of the British Mouse of Common: for cases like the present had been siopted in Canada, and this departure | was # Violation of constitutional practice. Mr. Mackenzie expressed himself as- -tonished that ..th: Kingston shoiild contend that Mr. Anglin was ---- bac be elected Speaker because introduced. Upon | stations along the Atlantic coast is being the same roman'? he asserted that Nir! instituted. _ Seana ater ine Jobn himself was not entitled to a seat, an he had never been introduced to the A stormy diveussion ensued, afterwhich the yeas and nays were taken, | and the fhert name revealed that T. W, Anglin was asdin reinstated to preside over the deliberations of the House atl render his (mpartigl judyieent on st political questions. that an indi- vidual who has transgressed the laws of the country himself isa tit person to sit and judicate on legislative proceedings is one of the © peculiarities " which the Grit Administration are more ready to justify than tiny one possessing a spark of loyalty would fora moment counten- ange. -Un Friday afternoon, punctually at 3 o'clock, His Excellency the Gover" ber Geutral accompanied by the tuilitary, entered the House: The galleries wore densely packed, and luties in elegant costume, occupied the fluoref the Scuate Chamber! The display attendant is de- | Now scribe as the most brilliant ever wit: | nessed in-Oltawa on a similar occasion. After the nyual ceresumics had been gone throagh, His Excellency read the Speech from the Throne.- In itself, 'the speech is insignificant. Tho .eclat with which itwas associated in its introduc. consequent pone the Hansard, dnd the introduction, by The > [tis said that the new Pape | lremdy been selected in tir person The Speaker Hon. member. for pweek's issue, has awakened the American ton to the House doutitless male a Tana 2 undertook | the task of FEES Pty Ad- dress on Monday last. 1t was 'seconded by Mr. Charlton of North Nerfotk. In the courre of is speech, the latter gen- Uemen made the following reference to the probable recall of [is Excellency the Governor-General, which we take the Uborty te» quote: "No Viceroy had equalled Lord Dufferin in hie knowledge of the country, and he hal undoubtedly conferred'a great benefit. upon she Dom- inion. The speeches which he had made i ernment were vigorously handled by Sir { John. aad bis remarks were frequently bappluuded. With the exception of the | appointment of aconuuittee to revise ; i the member fcr Richlieu, of a bill to re- j peal the Insolvency Act, the Lotise hus | been engaged chiefly in discussion on the | Address. On 'Tuesday Dr. Tupper mate a speech of some three hours' duration, | | wherein he took the newly elect for | Hinlifwx to task: for his disloyalty in a ) se aihing manner | Eprtontat, i. NOTES. Tar meiivos of the County af oxtind, ata recent mecting held in' Woodstock, yur dese abie" thar _cellency himself to ioe ger a TR equipoise on every oc¢asion, no sgatter provocation a Lady Dufferin at the Windsor Hotel night is said to have been the roost brilliant sPair of the kind ever witnessed in the city. The ball-room is + in length by 54 int width, height, to ceil- ing 27 feet, with a central dome 40 feet above the floor. Its decorations were on extreme. of | the benefit of our fac readers we will add that. arrayed in an ecru embroidered silk, draped with Bras- sels lace, looped with scarlet poppies; also a diamond coronet, bracelets of mns- sive Indian gold, ahd a diamond neck- Ince. Where the entire display was regal, it may be safely presumed that "all went merry as a marriage bell." AS OTHERS SEE US. JornasaListicn A new aspirant f rs faver in the ne wepsitie ft line has made sappearanceia the town of Listowel, | Seates Hawkins wv eile havin, ferred the first gee oof the Srayparn. The wit to ios wha get it up; for nes cae ss and celect reading uiatter it isa mod. The polities ofthe Sraxpann will le Like ere onservative; lone may its stanria: rid be ¢ levates.- Su eb 2 payee he * ha: 2 been rot ea trust fortes 1 themselves inteatounty Medical Asseelation for the purpose of prafiting | hy divcussingajnestions of interest to the | < Profession, Th N. Stastev, the "Sxples er of the great Conse or Livingstone Africa, haseadarniet cnt lieniaed in England. The othe 2 hoTeLeith the Punce af Ww ales. at subsequently Reyal Geo- fiver in | tddressed the siaphical Society. aa Ss ees 5 Liner.Cet. Srrout. of Walke 'thon, was the angnimous nengines of the conven- ption held at Burseyne on the Sth inst. to contest the North Riding of Brace ia the interest of the Canser-ative party ot the | 1 coming elvetion for the House of Cou: pmrons. As the Col. is avery popularman | in the riding, Conservatives arc confident of redeeming the constitucney. j t iHawki ins eal } well known in Won ist pc Ter ese gentiomen have been re- { trate 1 sinc session as representa- j ponstituencios in the House | ' Messrece Anglin, titoness: | Norris, Lineotn 5 | wat, Dpusmead an: i Arthabaske : Mathioe, pret me Contre: Lanrier Quebec | Methet, Nicolet; -- low, Vcd East: £ @ne~ ad on 'einelt, Ne miata rey N.B. Cysane ie prepactng for action shonld | chet ! este. From Ottawa the i ninde that Lieut.Col. hh. ti. FP. Little | eretary to his Exerile Thy, | Uarailtor, of the Yth Foot) instractions te | hold Ghemeolves in remliness fo boin their | corps. Tel understood that, the ' defenc: sa ef thie Powinion will be placed | ia an effective state. called woon oe anNDeuncement | ee! Devtsix is net popular in Lennox sand Addington, where it has hada probation ary trial, At the elose of the poll the other day, when a by-law for the repeal | ofthe Act hat been voted on, the total | majority fur its repeal was si. Meetings | arte being held thrmeshout Hrant Cennty by anti Dunkinites, and @ vigeroms effort is being made towards ith sbholition in| that county also, Voting on the reperl bydaw commenens there on the 22nd. + tascineiesieciteiiian Tur wreck of the Metropolis, and the anid loss of human lives consequent, of jovernment to s sense of their duty, and mera! overhauling of the life-saving | by a prominent underwriter, that the | vessel was rot worth $12,000, and that | she conkd net have resehed her destina- ton in onlinary weather. Verily, the un- : fortunates "afloat in a leaky boat!" and little wonder for such a sorrowful | eventuality. . were Most of our readers know that the Mth of February is the day on which the young folks send "love " or" hate" let- ters through the post office is called St Valentine's day ; but why it is so called are not perhaps aware. In this case, ancient -oustom,' for according to the Martyrology of the Church of Rome, Val- senting Was a priest in that elty, who hav- ing published some theological decrees against the dhe res anon eg was included, the Emperor 'Claud. , that individual onlered him to be beaten to-death with aelub.. This tragic event is said to have taken place on the {4th of February, A. D. 270, for which cause that day has been dedicated tothe ere of St Valentine, ™ eae remains of the ancient Aztecs , Halifax ; Es ee ptetect her inter- 7 asin many others, we are the victims of ummns. ae peaple ofthe td @ itahearty fd. so caer London Eoening rileral pe ished by 2 Is, ae euaers af whens asa thorough | pritie, eave prea to be worthy ef the bei pr as x tewn inowhict | it is published and a e exponent of we: ex whic Fa "*y ailvocutes, If we i fronn'the first neamber, whic taihe severu! wellwritten ---- pe a large aan Ofloral ott The whole | a model af ne: ation, We | wish the Seasiate every suc mee NG wick Garett Tar tne <_W « have received the first | try, pal The Sranxp- a crintesl. ake Shoal unse: TYR: ive, aml in e f the suppor rt of che Ta rty eection in which it will circulate. ith Mr. Wis ans we have be nce ar sqnainted for. yen! him te th pre pele 'of Lis e spe 2 of their "gontnlence and ssiport. nt nl "whehy' it Jong life and cece sat Woodstock Tim A -- psig oe inthe title: ofa new Saraal. t the Conservative entee, sublistied at Histor by Mes aes sid A Kel al ve fornie rie nUeman w with a one or 'the wish the new ve niyre very success, onford Tribe New Parne. oe have of the Tintpee } received ihe STANTAMIY, twel, " wunty wt uh The pager ix 'a neat, and wi aslit forqmb-4 desery: |r in the | ae te afer af at at Cad toa having t 4 Peterburg ieee 'all " complete understanding he Russian bi td Tas Kish plenipotentiaries, RUSSIA'S GAINS. Te ixstated that the R tured one hundred and orenty thousand men, i? ? 1 ta bLiteg cannon, during "the war. - Cons : y afternoon, the very latest news from the seat of war. > Loxpox, Feb, 14.--A despatch from nople announces the arrival, a tb Home of Commons this after- Sir Stafford Northcote the statement that the British fleet had Chancellor British go passed through danelies on Wednesday at Poteet pan: That, takingi i it: cal condition of public affairs in saison t a NORTH WALLACE. For the BraNDARD. ' This section, as well as other parts of our county, is participating in the gen-- ev erees, prog The 'ancient swamp: which defaced th nee bf ion, retarded improve went bey i Vitel the su:mmer frost, are fast. pearing, and jevel: fie Me ap patite = being | uarvested by the reaper, now attract We " - sections, ag want of proper ais apparer tailway accomtmoia- | tin are all sufficient, but the want of a FLAT ORDERED TO CONSTANTINOPLE. n thy House onda: Sir Staiiond Reaewente ee ee ci tipo | ment hal not chanted ite i ganting the despateh of the fleet to © ig stantinopie, but sist Jel been: some Ltokay nthe: bordssthéEarl-of Perby+ actnened: his belief Sat ape Bebo would on for the ru to ayeend the straits, ACTIVE PREPARATIONS POR THE WORST, An ver has Town --_ to Chatam giy- ing instructions for the whole force of caiplaye oes ie work overtime in order to soy 8 Jeth emt vessels in hand, and more nengasedat Woolwich, resiment bigs nt Piymouth under for Alien ms Infor direc a to io held | itself realy for ane 407 ee destina Ali | thes ainly sh sy that a prep saration: F <m . inet 'that a few pean " Soman decide whether 4 to be « involved in a {poo met v few | the brit uh | To 'cet ry COMETANTINOFLE: | That Russi lnople is now he ml all pte we but" the os aracter of th I ts AM states Ry witively orders been sent to the Russian troops to enter ngs city, been in- Derby that ant that Gount Schony situatian, be tt. in order to the same footing as the otherspowers. to permit the British fleet to Darlanelies, the ¢ ---- Fleet aa = Les Gibraltar im en shee te 2--Lard Derby, in the nis this afternoon, said he he oa o int era the Honse on Thursday P that the tt Lefore Constantinople, } Franee and ttaty Lave susponded their ements tw ands semfing their fleets, | aralaldy be oetcatase® yin Was refuse, ef Ih warding Austria, he only knew she had tty pl h- he believed I ak he overcome. The news of the refusal by the Porte ch seare of the Straits oo mencel pubiicacion with the present | by the flect has conse a great sensation, rtonth. it ray aken as ane more | -- wh the exe ieeauesit is less than Inst vieille sign of the resection which is} we i spreading. ia well pene on goad | { 'The Times' leading, editorial says :-- | paper, antl: diversas it gives prounixe of | The Moet aint go tof 'onstantinopte for shay "Es ty the enue, wt the | ti « protection of England's lez sitimate les a bok ant rests city he Strait ane ther proof of th <tent that is the stud t tich this ie Ne some the ob Line be stween the te 'parties. ry's show 'ol tbeal ie We ia rood, | a feature ine boa ag te ms une it serep | table to our friends oP. there -- Mail, Vite: ne wht Ve dia received the first miiater r of new jour need he bigs sHasguise se hieh purilest will be BD i this fat i -- mail } of hy the transparent excuse retection oo British subjects an. «At wnt to a ipod ing "af ail other per ¥ | into othe *r 'channe "tT labou Towers at cae plied for" a 1 market at he Sage tts trade Exorbitant. taxe 'employinent for the ¢eclassexal-o impede itx progress, and rth syuentiy atfeet the neighboring and a want of { sections. Fauws Sonp--Mr. Wilson, Hayes, one | of the early settlers « tlisperseal of his far to J. t Esq. af Palmers an ree arog orthe sat: of $: forged | bodily her to her ced. Some weeks ago Mr. John Spears, w by the wer serene ee of a hunter xl j trapper, set catch | some morning he discovered ta. his deliclie that Reynard uae there fast "and safe. temptin: the creature without ae ppriv ing | hin of his life, he soon hat foxes are net te the ee animal bit of his Ix has caused hin fro ac xe employment for sot .| This has heen of riers * Lavirgs the 6th line of Wallace on Thursday nat week The € 'ouncil of Wallace are now ¢ sidering she feas ibility ofereeting an iron bridge over ~ 'Tannch of the ee " Shipley of this stractur: mitt arconting to he Planof a Hatton * SAM, will ar pi ont will «well the stam te about igs consid red, diniteia it may be che apes in the enc "PALMERSTON, For the Brasparp. | The Council at its last moe ine rr -- to have the and tor' s re port publjsde: anes and get up ae really excelent-- Clinton New Eva ne STAND is the tithe of a w Conservative journal which has j +z = epation, hit fe political and fore enot lost sishtof. Ifthe pecqitlee iorvare satiefied with their. sive niure of course it is none o' ertere, but we ve satis that 'Listowel: cannot sup- port 'apers, of which fact time w tei Rael! Adrveate. STOWEL STANDA r@@_This sis the eo ow paper pane in Rrowel beg by Mesre Hawkins it may waht a re: 'Seatinet. bef oe received the first number of Listowel Sraxpaxp, a weekly journal, ee Hawkins & Kells. It is Con- servative in 'politics, and its * re hore yuccess-- we shall ne xt Neate to. employ it." At spain oa dockyard over werd yen are working overtime, althdugh 50 fr wah haricle have 'Seaat been engaged ince Saturday, considerable numbers are still being entered. The Grand Duke lenges has tele- graphed to the Porte thatthe Russians will er Constantinople 'ifthe British fleet cae rs the Bosphorus, statin re despatch the Grand Duke X Nick ta ahern os satisfaction to V efyke Effendi at the os awimission ofthe British fleet. Into-day's sitting of ge Ss P several a os Ve Bebe ndi-to- act ion ll wards Bagland, itive to the pancstesal of the Dardanelles =] ee Einctanes Listowet, "Messrs Hawkins & f Kelle. At tea skest of i We wish the pro- te Teenie Hotel, on sit « street, i carted ly Mr. Heagn, Ae nants, and will ne mm be edttrie oi ie Andrew Amiwrs. The C.M. Church i is to be enlarged. ~ mas Me Dowell, at: «» is doing con- side: rable business in the real estate line, spac oe frame work of = hew Fig by the sige of it, the proprietor ex- ce acta to busi : We hope ness. ve reali on a charge of assa & post red 'stacks to which her. their entire Sentence in ness, .wisdo om, jes hy fae -- and un i those biants « be the Government at so ibe forkante "lt giso to the Secretary for Foreign 4 Si: ~-- 35, showing a loss of Sis, xes whic! ssi theirfootmarks of he became aware were prowling i nei |. Soing ) COUPE, week. With t a exception of the * outside " the fay thine. merston Tele 'hav Cy Bot pa ai ihe fair weather was too cold to permit hers going out, in hens naitter ieee YOUR. the evidence his worship fined defendant 3 ting ¢ Majesty"s Govern- t are ex poser ehat Spee of extreme difficulty, this ¢ ota of the Orange In- stitution of Engl: dysire to express the spt and patriotism of .he - § Ministers, and they protest ayainss unpa trio tic conduct of » endcavoring to weaken the impor- 1 are we crisi«. a copy of the foregoing resolution @ the Prime Minister, and GENERAL | NEWS, Pr ter hava churedi of Latter Day the "drought i in New South Wales has end, come to an Clinton has seventeen places in witch steam i is thenotive power wed ind ri ing machinery. The Haren County Council recently by el to establish a Sifigh School at Seaforth. i -- claims to have four men whose Titen of the one » town. at acete te weight is th) Tbs, Fisvewel jas been conipet! e part with beats 'thin by Bo Ths his fatm incorder to meet a note E AREY Laie Sth, Jas Me Farlane, of in his name the 4th con, Stanley Accor: tt Ine tiny last week while" on the = duyuenye We beliqve this i is Mrs. J."Ale: i the shar f the husband and ehi elegram from (° 'ape Town dino eutter Palm a ~ eral 'ance Was made on, ber L ith right at seme object cn ult. against the Kaffres, who were com the new school pletely defeated with heavy los "e oe = The rece: ipts of the Canavla sgriguttiorsl Instranee Company during the past year Were S024 805i, ans e expendi rumored Sat. oe Mr. Thos. Sonsery. | Shee Doanbasa House next South Oxiord. = Ciatrencr.-- Mist if Hiainken, o sister ---- oars the U nitedt "States or Cana- three mile Iris said that she can defeat her brother in a mile race, welcome to the ratks ot Conseryn sonirihlis am, the Listowel Sak ye the first number of which reaches eed saieait didate for pate vor is ea to its proprietors. -- lal raph. respon nt writing from Rayfield far this senson the ag te do much. aere has not ive upon whic: i ome eau { mats, an th ink 4 any distance, Hee . Ace fife daat: 900 a the | March are the bling soonthe an: matics collector tu murking lite [ast 5 wd, nuiy yet be dos é « largest concontsesof people : D a ' SARL errenin "Marts ever assembled in these parts to pay the. : cd ! taad respects to the andmory of the Futexy -- he Earl and Carl Schurz oe dead, followed the remaina of George vallon | png nt Hayes when in Was Steenson to their last resting ail on ieten, and "x4jovernar Tom :, stent the surat wes bey m the "ould a "Clasps while heir eeherd pose athe mann warts Brew ri a Fri stay last The EB; ie withe! bac "eth noel John Junor, residing im Huron township, counts of Brace, com- suicide . by shooting himself through the he: ail with a shot ZUM The coroner's jury? returned the formal ve dict of * temporarily insane." ecoanal one time employed with in n the yie inity of Brucefield, being well- "known it iis neighborhood ne -- wnring the abowse title Sehis put. | Uhe ait truth, Ubat- sy en intend t me Mn LF tt Eo ed to this country about eighteen ' label mt titaecl, ne t on have : me vice in the settlement of the 4 fuller, of Stratford, are | from Rowehie, Se olan hin rem Tha Sta "sere neatly got up Lf future of Constantinople and the Straits, tting the mate rial on the ground for reside, and was without relations. in-this paper, 1 ris well written, Pwe deem it pradent and our plain righ : ', 80.24 to commence work early pia i eat eed ae « _ an aoquisition te | Lo assert some in the s ine j Y tions. But Hussia, beyond questidn, eo 2 rston> woolen factory waa wish the puidhersmuccesain tncirsmder | kas not the li cea ato soll by public auction, under a power of | PFARDWARE ! HARDWARE! ! taking --Dai sees she aba pone re toW 3. Belt, on Fridays abe' Gah an Lisro es : ae os she iy to day, Sth inst. en the mre Srasat Conmervative | Furs herself are 2 at Me. Bolton, of Listowe 1,was the purchaser. a, . in , with much tee marcy. chore, wus noe ked down at i. ; of usefulness, Its editorials are. te tet services have been going on{) TATHAM & CO., até and sensible, its local news oer Gal to Vetieve the Porte will aot feck eager . £0 well and ite mec t up withhold . firman 'admitting the British | for some time in the C.M. Chureh hi hit erodiiable, We wish the Stan fleet, but will not ameli in the B.C. Church; both, are well at- |- Are selling goods at the eS av very suscess.--Stratford Herald. | 3 the. siteation" The which tensed a -_ & great 'mount of good is ; . . --" é . " « Sritt, Axormmu.--We have received the | thawed te brine Semeletes "Fat Basin ore has been very dull for; LOWEST FIGURES, "apt munber of the Staxbarn, agen vadoce an merle fore time, but the Inte snow and good | . in ther d paneer entiva incerest in the thriv-4 dance, and the Czar may rest assured sighing roa tenn of Listowel. Its general appear- | yar wh, ASAP PY and wil! give SPECIAL-PRICES to thoge about to build. Their Stock is large well assorted. " TATHAM & CO. Hardware Importers. Tiatowel, Ont. 1 JOB PRINTING! executed at the STANDARD OFFICE, ~ pene nea ee ore coos It is evident to ev SELLS FOR Cc body that the man who BUYS and -has the advantage of, and can sell than the man who does business on the old- S_MoChung % 880 Invite the inhabitants of Listowel and surrounding, 1 Townships to INSPECT THEIR STOCK, and judge for themselves as to the Q) CHEAP- NESS of the ae . Weare now offering Very Cheap Lines in Dress Godds, 7 ap QPESTION » now r agitating the minds ofthe IN ALL THE } NEWEST 'SHADES: 2) =. Myrtle Green, 5 Prone, Navy Blue, = Frerich Gray. . Seal Brown, IN BLACK LUSTRE ever offered to the public, and which for BEATEN IN CANADA. Low - Priced Winceys in Brown, Black, Grey, Drab, Checks, FULL LINES IN Paramatta, Merino, : Crape Cloth, Thibet Cloth, Cobourg, &e., &e., &e. TWEEDS & CLOTHING. We are now offering our entire stock of * in oder to make room fi Sar SPRING GOODS. SPECIAL VALUES ENGEISH, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS. BooTs AND SHOES! GROCERIES. Stripes. OVERCOATS AND CLOTHING AT. COST! Largest and Best Stock in Town. Selling off BELOW COST, All the leading Family Groceries kept constantly on hand. We control the sale, ih Listowel, of Sti of the Finest Brands and Cheapness CANN!