hanged ! ee Febrowsy of cored sid ta 'be "ight-hea: oem "WHEN a wife , #t weeme natural that she should storm too, She generally does. - "A Low F ia provided for Land people ins workhouse. THE man w became tired, "Comm, letters be happy "Saantioon as the postman said when they fell owt--of hia To ponltry-keepers. --Is there any differ- ube ce betwee Lin at The day te pick your wife in Cloose-da Weddens-day ia the day te be married on, oi bourse, Wuy are a noe of hands like knapaacks ? without thet im. Waves an empty cabin Hike a ie a ee ponltry clus? (shanty clear) Wuy (lo asilors weigh the ane' shar every Faksnon oe They ues * their fai asta, home dru Dishar = silent pbs ag wit liscause he ns Gry compan Mus. Jas Sto sayn to S austen in Buignde "To 8 quite oe wernt " fore meant). "This world w all 8 fleeting jahow.' _ Vong Iuavrxe ne baad ia ful an maps -towo mather whose three: with --~"* Mz be _--e we t Mr. Crawest R: Ma raphical authority, states | nown portion of the globe is at petit who may thus become famous in two hemis- pheres, Ax a dan a narrow i Street, G id 1" rejoined the girl, as 'abe pane paat him, 'am hike an any rel Kusstan time, avery rapertabt position in the m gine facturing world. Mor hy pounds of cotton now come yearly = Ressia trom Ce -- Avia, chiefly by Railway te Fijui alev begin t quailty (tite equal to any short cotton in the uited Stat warded as an cx Ehew King o of I father, he 'bas shown himself a pool ie and professes aoe "> rides which, things abhors subjection to the pries " Womans en a a & ratcxrt pai.--A hédgubeg ends por Tux artist's adieu to his picture. --Yon be Nie diet of worms.--Almost anything Ax old steamboat boiler is used for a jail in Arkansas. (May 8 turkey be said to be a ghost when Manaxchoty trees--Tne weeping-willow tla insane © reir ed to the ap a 7 before he leave OUNG man with obtains & position as evlie Do stead folk Count was th supe I'd ike tu see the show a Tittle rer, aoe 3: On Wedaeeday night _ = Norw hand (whose namo Por willing sou Palle ot our car, " Sleep, --take your rest!" . riage, amd give wo Ae yo ry whow world, wont vaBh "I 8 tone w 'Then I w bowed her CHAPTER XXUL--C Bat if my inter does potencies -- mar- mother abuald sa nothing lew: th meek as ™ telly to be ie ie Raymond hoa | his head with asad smile, being ol bed, Le would prot aly not _-- groundless hope. mend, a hon wi that hiss work to doin the Raymond took her ay Par the whit- est and sper _ _-- Site valet to partes. rch nc hegis Gove eal sitater,' "* Ceod- -bye- ne, anew y- a Bat I thought or there on sisters al- ways kissed oue The opto aiaphinty " the young ras- hich play. oor 3 non t think that oe ." said it _ not be hastily cancladed 'that she, turning very My a gravity, as he pene de done for ter, a wand Lover choo seemed sumebow to siguify that aha s we not for trembled under was weak in henceforw: -- ken it upstai indeed befcay Nelly made no attempt to see her i. but started for home at on m... eearted Ka on Fg doors, and w' way, =e felt depron in mind da she dntorbing = - his dew ote or any other in the world had seemed Pleasant enough when it had been play, amal) attraction for without prnaure, oa sithout love, "seemed eatemened | ca a smile ~ meet but it was a re tears, but they thing she noticed, whe shed. aud abe b man appear ao, baci a "voles unusually : = = ed re ne Ww tat ey father here already !"" said a tacit c safes on her part that she was ago ; he 'alinost took me by curprne "by cooky i CHAPTER XXIV. on father from "Chin na, 'oa Mr is his hedge ped scat rentially) to his te I dare aay | he is tired with his long j jour. ge good intentions towards the wi and her into warned For an instent Raymond hardly knew his eo grizzled had the black beard be- falne [ener indecisive look * Shieh of sep car. "Ta tones he with ve h sorry yeas or aati mt. must at have come ig fast and quiet, and will find it ow " Gregtaly to ont Mai . Epuetig Freel a Es th fi } Sateeropie Ralph Peo " Well, sit, sir, ore her bereavement change for ti wc abestia in her circums' society of even her old " Nelly is very courageous, and ma her mind i the P sia she rege: thought of ing moat sincerely trust will not be tl he case." os po delighted to hear you Bay 90, ther, I oould not believe that Captais herself by her own exertions, it was 1, hie. £ feed, nian d to take that laordant upon = "That j in very kind of you, sir," said Ray- rs, mond ; "but eo "Bat what? Is there anything so ex- traordinary in an act of liberality, or ide you think it extraordinary that yonr father should be the man to do'one f" He spoke with heat and very excitedly. Raymond answored, quietly enough, *' I am not surprised --far it--at your offering to ir; ae indeed I took it for boc onli the _ of inate of course not. | am sure you will proffer your assistance with all delicacy ; but from what be A no means of their own. "Of course it would be better if every- body could leave their wives and children f provided for," retarned Ralph Penni- ick testily. - Veremenely, only one t ve} as we all know, was not one of the ---- nate exceptions, You speak of the ples ae family ; why should they have soru "Tt is not 'they,' bat one of bam of whom I was as thiekics ny. o not you that Mr. Conway it is morowe ; but ae is rath , an "She hates me like the devil--probably more than the devil--if that is what you mean by being ' peculiar,'" interrupted the other. Raymond was greatly embarrassed by this outburst, acd he felt bagend what -- said w: ---- - 'his father that, i in wpite of 'his ans i a oe ee ent, and partly, id, the Leersntor} of a tances, | the have made Mra. Cunway disinclined for st friends," * Ay, a morose woman ; that was always hand ; | ber character, And the girl? rr ba P| the detail i eotia Pennicnick's face there earning her i hen' by her pene if that such a course shoo neceasary, which I *" Certainly not; she need do nothing of the Pana anaw Ralph Peanicuick em- rd phatic. a for] Obervatins from te Oathetal [From The Toronto New Dominion.) Sure enough I got it hot and heavy for eu i i i 2 il rH rf E aH i those who ik themselves the more pious of the laity, declared that I profane and that I was porfoctly perrivaae frelon es pete ee edi Guardian shook his ominously three different "} tien y Dr: intimated tos friend that bid sp yee. baritagr ybetam Sn' gechente iy ender exemptions his we wherstiuta theat skFE eff on not I po raph ny ie to ror as it were, is iMastrate his "Still, sir, they will ask aces 1 a Yes, oe aeeereey speaks of your Conway had left no provision for their yowled rs, Conwa: | uit, he a the intention to benefit her. " Antipathies are often removed by. kind hou hind t I referred to her independence of sprit, which would probably make her heai- tate to receive my good intentions, 1 will settle some sum ty. "She can either take it or leave it, for that matter ; her ole Hoane y shall not affcot mpoe her -- which will be wffficient we your friend ; that this topic is saiek ly 'that is, of course it i to to dieu with Mrs, Conway.and het dangh- in a few hours--I mean, from when he w: before Portia It is a pit © E bucational ht should be so a Page in betta oi more than a year aga. In apite of this draw- back which a ntly cannot be helped, country will welcome rae meh abe a tended to speak upon matter, if any vpening had aet® Steel, it _ ---- had expre w and tenderness for the family, and ior hie friend's 4 which he had ventu to hope ; nenite, a it was clear, waa far from '. in hars father' 's tone, even when speaki hisown for both ot tl . working of our educational system ev "You are very good," said Raymond, and predate it only come down to the end of 1896. that doubetal gilt i for -- = a one noticeable feature in this report bean a velings. ,, But the same tim | in all, whi it, is the ow { d ts of edu- epee bring pay fruit. "re Savw cational work throughout i <r that t Nelly shared in some degree The receipts for all purposes daring the ther's independence of character, if aot her [ year, meoutate to the v large o he $25,201, hile the of in ex- is eg © rs med ughter, that Ray to postpone Pa H h iets ¢ before the letter he had could return hia father's hands, thers would surely be 301 meanwhile be could not speak to Nelly on the subject, and him xpressed his intention of sitting vn ciara ot wines on pape felt it 'ooninleaah 4 on himself to 1 thought it wfi Kendra." Soo iat i ; s * litt pee: ae ils His, father | * nt & iy gteatly surprised, and as the evening wore we ef ; I should wish to behave hand- 'ear 1" ul Ralph Pennicuick, who of course aware that ogee knew of that " nest egg" af £20, an ootbarst: ) at this must ha disappoin' y presi ce aes, ty '28,1 182, The be may more distinctly mar' pe oils a shew years a and taking rn receipts of ~ pages to trast them with the presen 1960 the aap were $1,324,272. This, shows 456. The school lation is given at 502,250; the number of pa between five and aix- toon, 1 i sure you tigued with your 'Tong j journey, and no doubt -- hai & pleasant topic, but I hope I can" speak" of | tilation of conscious beneticence # ike @ man. On the other hand, it did | one is footing it beautifully with fair mai- trike me that it waa® very shocking one | dens, and drinking success 'to 'our chari- is blessings farewells ; you c: side ing a piece of hum- the | them yourself. The whole thing took eee bag that nobody ought to dishonor himself a8 hermelf by making the at t in arrested to the time I atarted off to Shang- this way a good long nig! he pe even voluptu- ous p ** He left no written word, then--nor any | i! that in sixteen-years the -- revenues have } bled. fg in its tra re jor and every tippling, good-for-noth ep it a grand thidg to al snanretie Cink bo wast at th to i "TI did not see him at the last. Did you and commnlanion to the it not hear that I harried off to S in | with genius and admiration of the . | hopes to get a ia) What will be the t excuse for "blow out" ipl bw due amount of head. ac! ane nex' day? ? would be a us; though, as it was rted, it was pt pen Has George no new, Conway who waa at Shanghas, and you | grand, self-den my project to help orward who'were condemned to death. Bat ab You Shick i t would be a charity to dose our I am lo; c ni even h ing steadily aq praying le **Tt is not, sir," an ety italph Penni- | ought? A charity ball would be a first rate | dei ng ot} t jae who all know their pera and me} can all furnish « si poon with fa. et There ia na doubt of that, father. It | lers have the impudence to aay that of all leasure, and heat to go to in the i "Willt What is the ase of a will, when | « y i ! Of hia effects, No, no, twon'tdo, Ev cal- such as they we myself, ico ball in agreat fraud,--some people say! would not bring half-a-dozen and charity im the same ld be the -boxes to the Albany, 1 snp. | better and more charitable .view_ of its _mo- i rality and thriftinesa, Speaking of charity It was evident to Raymond that his fa-| balls leads natarally to charity practice, tke i i ive irritation, | The ee of at Toronto cannot be = ak ddab produced by the unusual heat of j indifference ia therr a ion of travel, and shiak they leave, look in the next evenin, only mention what a and give him an account vo ig is reception by ty job, at an rales if ie 'oa of the widow and her daug the vir -- of rynte are practically "Do, boy, do," anid oat th in a concili- | paupers. this be true? "About that tone: "I shall be be glad wy hear about number are pe help at any rate, -whe- them, avd shall be especially pleased if you ther they need it or not' And great . peguees gee Pe accept my proposition ; of mare young people, with few o1 the annuity will be paid without grudging, Puone ta support but 'themselves. How so pe let --s so no fuss about it ; and--yes, | many, in wp 'of all the outcry about hard aay this--after Mra, Con mway's times manage to the needful for tobacco Teath. Ie it will be continued to the girl." is the mystery, Even ragged little boys payin gg black pipe or evén the cheap nas- [to Be conTINvED, ] tye _----------> 8+ + W o ja that Willie Howland-I hear peo- Educational Report for 1876. plo speaking about? He never seems toget anothe! ¢, and yet it is need ja kind- ot con t. It wee has got op ment; that the inlotmantion i oy ves hasa re-| sort of thing wanted. o use crying ¥ ference not to what is now, mt what Was] out against whisky taverns if others lub-rooms where working men may have a chat and bear the tart, they are found to go on eeage E : H i i & 5 It poor job if cian 3 patriotic with any th in it that at first reached | or poctic could Lag ba made ca "-- serve kins ae smaller. it aka tse reshons eee anid salt aoa eS is should | this | within the ai eet out er ybarg. gts little pli sroaatny Bede a nsod oo ford. re eedhers ay the fall expense of ing th sit while the ae fyatem of education we Joux Binge said in a recent # Roch igiand, that one-thi are coming by the steamer, You | It's » nice way to put over one's amusement vo ia land of the --_ sevens tlioen ie being have ee, a mo boat, ~ e 6 direction ie ads People ae repose. He therefore took his | for help when they par aoe wi nee I to : offee taverns can shown y, and to pay well, it will be the best thing done for morality and temperance for many # day with all res have been r to ahout t public mee than to put their own shoulders to wibeat doing very much to show what . pews, Coffee taverns canno' kept up as charities. In that character they would be | snag sickly foolish ea Bat if after a on The anoth will There's er Willie proposi: a benefactor. I have heard fi lod r, Willi omson, but Sftener Willie. Hels rit tees fly All 3 SF ¢ HE ERERE bE ib HT fs the ae ; ter be amos wih ee i x ef Hi i t [ . I : He: ne patie Hehe it i : the less That tewtek I eat n't on to have any Tur Senne Crock Dr. ee Hopar: of Princeton is over ¢ still meets his classes Tart Tadian" prince, Maharajah Scindiah the coi pogpersers ofa roped E seems prominca hine the one occu- ied by + peg of Wales durtag! his visit all of Titus ee . a th f Schnyler's eee ago. a we miles in carrying them o 14th ig md gery =! _ ex: at Osbo: success, James Lick collected during his lifetime Mra, "Axavo Onera died on the twelfth of man At eighty-six she band, whom she su: Passes 3 ase, on of the mages 4 Toki ih neglect, mile charge are bra' ae, they do not ght early. i oa ti egroe : from aire Me pov wi cannot ie capes to the ould Tue tatare Queen of Spain, Mercedes, d, be the most beautiful sover- ms king giv: a wed- simmer Together till till soon hot th through, we m wie se" a? --_ mgd bey the vee ae baby, or alittle child, but we know from ex- wie mice that it is i= me feat, provided the <e h at of the F Havoring to suit your taste, and bake in q i not ole bry the batter boil" When near t ae sae sum 0 'join his exhibition, Custanp Pie Wrrttovr Eoas,---Take the pure the property - tte the anys of San Fesiines ia " of ae over the uae mt 'it in Ta thes oven " Swow IN Swenetxe. Whenever anow can old with » wea is veh off the.anow will be 'ied, and i Son- the rooms are so pala that the snow Seas not Cetery Sour.--Six roots of at alee? one