But upward look with faiths clear eye, effort. wn, duwn they went, tatil s it Beye id the cart b, beyond the sky, of band, studded with trees, bid thex m To jasper walls and streets of gold, view. And tiers none ever do grow old, Then « a thunderous crash and rear elaine The snap; .gcf huge pines like pipestems showed t.cawfal power'of the flood. Une Pp RINE , ROB, minute and the whole righty jan weit "lown, arose into -@thousand fragment Rarer en "apen the bes, m of the river, It was agrani sight, The ut waters of Sophy ov Pie aiiliea vivir boiled and seothe? like ustare uncovered his face 'aud cauldron as they rushed over the fallen tim- gare a the river, now filled with the de- ber and tore the mow to fragnieuts ris, eae .¥ roa fat cuter-swath-threagh the...\Poor Almada!" marmured the lame lad pine w «xis, and the flood that followed tore} 'Don't give way to depain'® wai Mr. trees from the bank and bore them | Frost, *Almeda may have been saved. I be- aim. lieve the land is higher beiow here, is it S cin, the lame boy, Gustas« lived on Gall hott" 'Telandt wittr hiv sister Atmos, (hott tsiandt oe eg . ; . was just below the rapils, an arrow % axtp of Mr. Frost fox. ped the Iad with a gestare, land containing a few aig 8nd te torre t tebbowhert be had seen cultivates hs ars! whea he died le tt asa : kegney nae Wiicu Dey and inan felt their position, to: his chil aade a deter come out te the bank half a tile k Abown, "Hark? What isthat!' crisit ' ae" fort bark of a ean Gustave &~ away ata neighbor's hous when the storm came, and his anxiety for'Al- tmeda was pitful. The road from the house wi he was stopping to the river oppoasi far awa . . Gull Islaad was filled with trees, and the 'Rob, Rob! called Gastave, almost vag wl lind. continued to blow even after the worst ing with joy and sus eg Soon the do Mersheirty aad dancing about, ¥ il: kevp you company, Gustave," said althouzh be still panted fr PE TECENS SE the farm cs or pert aps you ad better re- Mauand boy followed on w qooandAaseertain..if.any bere on the bank lay Almeda, we ' thing has caeaths Almeda. The wird bing, yet compartively "ubharinat "Sts sould do no danwze on the island, but the told about the tei + storm, of her flight tivor is ri« a ud it may be well enough trom the house, >» rush of waters and ; : ' ee "T sewking refuge he jam where Rob had for your sister 'to seok tue main land vill | F Sexing & " A y ee - > Geotanaad bende. coached the jam. by " - . " . free OF . ""¢ Be "fear, not renain here," declared Gustave, SOUS -- org ening "e ri signi ME dan tuansies s inn wee > toon to the river, ttt centre of the stre. «1 and aw and Rol will jc pad th : way to tue dri in all bis movements slow- sd the head of bis dog, a stout ing almost human intelligsace. . which stood near regarding his "Rob, you're a hero," d eclared Mr. Frost, patting" the dog admirtigly: "a prince of your kind "Prinee Rob, dear fellow, tave, bugeing the wet animal and "™* and crying over bin And that is bow shaggy, nedbnggacantg a = a) won thé name of Prince, LI think my y enteon ,"esdersewiil admit that the 'de ub hero was 9 Worth; y of tie name, said M Fr mt; "but ~ a 'a fin Ka tediss road with _ cried the lame bes nnd kiss ~~--3e naiegs tirée tuiled fo tha rier, it required nearly three hours' time for boy and mas to gain the sbstructai 3 nis ama to ge in. advances, is wek Alimeda before the twain reached the river ; Golden Thoughts. ' the distant bark of adog was borne to their | BY thine own soul's law learn to live, At-times th: ia because bowl, and but) And if men thwart thee, take no heed, KEE Ant if mer hate thee; have ne care; -- aime boy over m thy songand dothy deed; and in other ways assisted him i pe 'thoi thy hope and pray ty prayer, Sing t forward, although he had orged him to leave ;Acd claim nv crown they will not giye him and push forwarc Nor tay 4 they grudge thee for tt ry hair. "1 can not Jo that!" Fo deen Mr. Frost. Donne. "You are under my protection now, my boy,) Whatcaa money do to curea man with and I shall s-« » tamt you get through a iis, tan- | « headache!--Gk sorge Macdonald gle in safety, Action and care will wear down the strong The howls of the dog grow loud as hv wet frame; bot guilt and melancholy are Saught sight of the foaming water in the poisous of quick dispateb.--Thos. Paine. ; "the river is overtk wit ag its banks!) Life is like a gamo of whist. I don't ¢ ajoy geen gone! the game much, but I like to play my canis meng dad; in ie << seo-what--will-be the end-olit, ye - iat, leguiate your expenses and your busines Se honorable and modest, simple and free. Serve your country from ok net from ambition and vain booes, --Fenel od course wotnen "aly ' Frost , air. Pushing oo --_ nervous hs aste reached the Gustave. Tha ~ dog was aadion n, while the rar of mad" waters "anead all w strip of the " 2 is ea! * iy sick tt ae ow and the island was tale nt Sar 1€ ston aid what aohiuax a 7 Mr. Frost strained his eyes, bat wonld do if oa 3 were men, the women en Bothing ofthe humble cot be disgusted. --W,. D. been occupied by the brother and sister. A man cane sure dare to live hissmall pan of life with littie heed of the commoa > of Mr. Frost, | speech upoa him or his life, oniy caring that ¢ cry al sank to the bis days may, be full of ren enlity, aad his con- Bo covering his tacq with his hands. wersatik - truth-spenking and o wholenes *Aloxdal my poor Almeda!" he groaned,' ~J»! A hand pluck ol at tie sleeve of the boy, Beet king the way, you must exert yourselves . Frost a cheerily: and strive witl: diligence--it isnot « y like this, Guatave. - The to havo seen Me! thay have eoc capa before the fi ed you; get rid of all the tangled net of sorrow. "No, no. She could not I took the 'only Keep your heart careiully--give not place to drowned!" wailed listiesmess, carnestiy practice every good could see! that had so lately} It} the lone iad. work. -- Baddba, e "Hush! Listen! There's the dog again," some famous ring that pricked its owner Frost. en be forgot duty and followed desire--I Sare enouc!:, Rob's bark rang faintiy over | oe if it pric ked very hard when he se the water, aud then tle tro on thes the animal's bead peer up from between the | lightly then, and Only pierced tothe quick of trees (bat had been swept down by! when the chase had jong becu © ey and migh*y flood. and no + for.ael a part of a | hope folding her wings looked backward and large jam «t the b cael Gait Istan L Acouad | became regret.--George Elida and through these fallen mounds of the wood | By this wonderful susceptibility to all the the water whirled with » rush and toar that! impressions of nature the man finds himsolf was terrible to contemp'ate. | the receptacle of meta I thoughts, of happy Below this js part of the istand was! relations to all 1 The imagination en- Evidently Me boaw bad beon swe 2° | riches bim as it leis were no other; the t was this thon tit! memo-y opens all his cabingts and archives, ength and away at the outst, Pay that indicated to Gaptare that his sister ha '| science her breadth, postry nae ished. or and joy, and the august circies of --Emerson, "See! the dog is anxioti ts attract wield aeoract law oat ered the farmer. "What bas ho ie h pats olf the illusions of the child. The man puts off the ignorance and tamul- tuous fancies of youth; proceeding thence, puts off the egotism of manhocd, and b- so Roo!" cated Gustave, as he saw the large mass of timber trea » before the Fising | Good; "come here or you are lost!" | fallsand be ith God, shares and bed ever stecmed the flood and gaiued toe| immensity of pitino roan be We ha hiceniriratet oi you read Timmins' lat- Yes: be bax mileage | Bererva - Wiekwirestiiow -- Yeiaiy "He was it 'A coe) : pe Tomy mind j'physiological' would | F much the better word." -- TO MOTHERS 'PALMO- TAR SOAP Is Indispensable for the Bath, Tollet or Nursery, for cleaning the Sealp or Skin. THE BEST BABYS SOAP KNOWN. Price 25e. Wyeth's Malt" Extract, To patients wine te m nerrous exhaas- tion; to improve the Arpetite, to "neais st Di- gestion, a val Ten 40 Cents il bottle. Th Jaf, BLOOD? is Channing's Sarsaparilla, It isa Grand HEALTH RESTORER. Will cure the worst form of ttn disease; will utnatism ; will cure Salt Rheum. Large botties, $1.00, ALLE LUNG BALSAM Cots. caueanaran amg Dronchitl, Asthma and all diseares of the . In three cized bottles ose. s00, and $1.00. FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, Se - " = suithaw Cokin = Each plaster in an air-tight tindox,. Sfa DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO, Lim, MONTREAL, Proprietors or General- Agents Propristary or Pharmaceutical Mediaimag, Téilet Articies and Perfumery. . Roy Me Tse eee 4 Marble and @: aniie Works. pe a uteet ARMA? In.cot ere and A x manus re ed Tor _ at Marble and ¢ ek nal stones. Mante! P ac} ' or ter Toys, Ineeriptiog xf 4 nt : Gerw: an. Warket-a rail af Sept. 18, 1676. $-ly F To Whom it may Concern ANYBODY ? EVERY ODY ? "Call at H. Brooks' for good cheap pipes, A. 1. cigara, tobaccos and cigarettes, Hi. BAKER'S BLOCK, opposite Mansion House. H. BROOKS, Cheap Simon The spot of all spots in the city to secure bargain. Simon in is giving great Drives Boots Furnishings, He does not say one thing and do another. Ice-cream Freezers, Ice Chippers Refrigerators Wire Screen Doors Screens ait W. & F. WORKMAN'S 4 ab Bottom Ice Tongs and Prices. * vi . r ae i > * " e eo =, ~ -_- es j pointed to the eething water all about the ca Js 1 Pieanant To Me OF? fan no Iatwona tin nat the" inion FOr CRAMPS, COLIC and CTT PE ING MACHINE Ol] new cruirasas Segoe Priced, i: pishsapt to: be Almela. "Even ifwwe hada boat 'wo cou all Bowel Troubles, use ~INGSLINK YT GVE DLN ON de =" | A Ria, Daldage Smee entienerty Ne, sav ¥ that the struc ts 4 gok i, not get one a thera. Bee! the hoy ee move! In PERRY DAVIS' . ' sites and grote sett ve so Fitd pensts gates the ¥ grow * near, us ey will all go down the reat ti ae ee hh Specifications { 4 ; ve the ' : detail : HEPEUES, Sirettord. 3 Arm! " whew bright and clear, te, the jam -- t i . - cottons, 4 The . pleture they unfold, "vered bis to shut é Im this tly pdenmut to be old ; | MANUFACTURED | M°MILLAN | Fama view) THEBESTIN | COUN OF PERTH. "Tt piieetnt, tno, to think that-Hfe, "4 = a TY tty f iM ' LY BY ' : . - mage iceegP Nery * th : wa és ONLY BY _blieere F =yy THE WORLD. | pric : NOTICE! The Warden will be in ad Ee " In < isa a ' : ' Used both infers ate externally. _iGmoy-- -- (aap ssaediiaidl = | third Tuesday cee pect rth rig ~re 4 ho i tts are al sie #t tok]; ; . Itncts: quis ay aff rdis imosti ' be Pn, ro ee ee * ee ee = jer « Ie attendance a8 th. = I ; he old ¥ th iy, the ' aga t relief fro o severest 'ae day 1 Wednesday of eat a <pisiaaiaga , pulling at ber skirt with t. DE BURE to GRT THE GENUINE ~ -- fk be And then a ly chanes," utte iM _ , > be es eet 7 Pp . ere oday, ar henes it 'f ais aheg. Rob-has 25e per bottle, PETROLINE, tue New Pate ent Process Iiuminating = is the best ay. Friday snd Saturday ot week. And be judy ' an being.' j Oil in the Market, and « g t erican Water White. Was, DAVIDSON, Co. Clerk, sm 'yo de oye -------- eae | MEDICINE and. FOOD COMBINED! For sale by ali Fi t-Class Dealers. ; ma : i : itogo wit , ' BIRR ANCH OFFICE --At S: ratfor r G. T. QR. Freight 8! eds tres en a ox ; cirltogo | Os GQ [BRANCH OFFICE --A1 S.retford, near G. T. 1. Frejght Steds | STORE TO RENT. "Tis Pleas ti nd : u t er of the wa 7 With feet = near the b rider land oe See j = See ' onmuuieweisin -- Ti at 4 rast } Ds r the sulien 'tik, At length, however, she seemed | DB LIVER Ol. & a fats = :, cA. _ -- --_ --.- 4 tin vary a reciie eiihod, aster 4 ted at the ; Inereanea Walghnt f:reng% thens Lungs A WV N N\A 4 ) LA/ » t pal mairerione Store on Ontario St, a athonear oid ¢ R , Slut ef tae in 7. Prive {0c and $1.00 per Bott! L i ivi vv I ND LD tatety corupicg by A. Macnair & Oo. a pleasant tol i Keb beiow ty the center of the jum Me. | rice 0c, and $1.00 per Bottle, | The heat beei-reestand in theelty, Every "i 4 es -- _ Freat i i kite t " « ner t u i | ' ' | convenier ert reasonable Posses- dedae hisinpalicaieleal = : at tk riers, ant ii ani » = . mh AC J Piha evifate?s the - es: aie tee asl Pa . dog and girl were t. Ministers and Public Speakers use of various kinds. Old ones taken --s hag c further par ny SE gows ane « : Ob! hurry, tur @ Calle , @nex SPENCER'S . ™ . - 1 clearer is for Hin sitamient eaont fasenns hs » in Exchange. } MES. C ATHARISR KNEITL. 4 the sed I aphokt. TO Mor' ict and girt werestruge | CDLoramins Pastilles ert ' ) Pp easaat to be old, gling-in the water. His teeth were fixed-in raed Cering and § tos ngthen ing Yin oalen. G: d H -- | I --" R | Faces iS Norman Street, ee, And so we murmur not at all, her dress above the waist, and he swam -- Price a5c per bot ont ie. a r en OSE A Nn C ua V v I } a <cs. Stratford "a Avsage's vigat doth tir vis inll, am without much a8 Sample free on application to Druggists. siniginiohii : The Ny: wth 'Americaz Washing : a Machine. _ ------ A Patented in Canata in 1885, States 18387. om and Wire Window = _ The most Focioct Washer - Wringer in is world. Over 5,000 siready tn r . Ittakes the wherever akan ed, yy With ita panned artic "ot" average size can'te~ ae ar washed an ng out tn five minutes. Practical wi, Tok geen durability and e Sage are merits that win ite way to public we FANCY FULL LINES OF CHOICE WINES!" = and Brandies, Hiram Walker's Old Rye, Mal' | Ri PECIAL O' FLAHERTY. & QUIRK. : Havejjust received a fine assortment of CROCKERY Which they will sell very low for the: next NOTICE thirty days. A®Large Stock of "Sugar on hand to meet the demand during the Preserving Season, Also elk sizes ofS PRESERVE. JARS, Club and "Imperial Whiskey, also. batt's;Carling's and Cosgrave's Ales and Porters, '0 machine for Gomestic use te so nroch needed on will be more appreciated than a really gone washer and wringer. ge sig ee the 7 an Soe te operated and doey its work perfectly and ad quickly that wherever intreduced it is soon recog- ~ ed asan article of necessd Ite advantages readily roen and apprect ated 'by a all. It washes upon the same principle as hand rb- bi ws yetso gently that it does not injure even the finest adjosting and washes even the fi linen of the "large st blanket with equal ease. does not to be finish ed by hand, but does its work perfectly and complete doing away with the waeh-board and hand-rub 7 altogether It. washes a dozen or mere articles ts ieeet 'tE res a" et ba | uw whole day For fur t ' Jurthn & ELS, Mrettondy P.O, Bo 1.tarho. Stratfor ept. <, 800. 7S5-3m. DAVIS & VAN BUSKIRE. yes RERS and SUKVEYORS. STRATFORD and WOODSTOCK. Office :--In Idington's Block, Market and Erie Streeta, Stratford 64 Diainay @t-ly «1, Roads, ridges, etc, ROOMS TO RENT. LIiPABLE. fos..Legal, snanri Offices over Iam Fran ofhce, fr Eric senioh coke a fow yards from the Post Ofcor, Enquire of J. FRANK PALMER, Loolx Before You Leap! . Friends, open your eyes! Don't be scooped any 'onger ! 'But go to LEISHMAN MAUNDRELL & CO'Y And buy your LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. ALSO---- XX AND XXX SHINGLES Which we offer at the.very best terms. Give us a call. Remember ond daltg anihevcere heat we are still here Leishman, Maundrell & Co. Wholesale and|Retail Lumber dealers. Telephone connection. _ Front St., Stratford The chinck-bug eats thefarmers' grain, The bee-moth spoils his honey ; The chigger filishim full of pain, But Leishman, Maundrell & Co. Give you the worth of your money. . pe tn. pn, tn, ne ef ct. rt a, We always keep on hand an immense stock of PINE AND HEMLOCK BILL STUFF, a The Ontario "Wood Pump Company. SHAKESPEARE. ONT PREDERICK BALCHER, Prop. Pump Dadlatakt Supplies Gene- a rally. Specialties are ews Well Pumps, Porcelain lined Pumps with improy- ed deep valves. We guarantee every Pump made by us. This will make it quite ua- necessary for us to prevent any com- parison, of our work with that competitors, as our guaranteed sat- isfaction makes it impossible for any one to suffer loss ,by ordering of us Yours very truly, The Outario Wood Pump Ce., Shakespeare ,Ont + S» © .s & ' S & & fo KX 5 s Ss e & ne Ls) RS as Re < Pe oy sr Sd Se o SS a ced be eee = DR. FOWLERS "EXT: OF «