7 ROBINSON=Ts GREY ia brome, Sos ; 4 oa | | THE TIMES f th be ay gitelnr Mrdlore ia ¥e | The Leading Newspaper in th "ewekatl por 'And hae & Guartetes 4 (tar W OE " stratford ¢ ADVE RTISERS| Are Qakk to Notice that sf ge 8 TH TIMBS DEALS WIT LIVE SSUES snd ie alwaye hep te date, i Se ssharemesaapeanmnntniimeebiabeibhadl -- "STRATFORD, ONTARIO, 'WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2a. 1890. SEEMS SNES NO. 772 Births, Marriages and Deaths. BIRTHS, KADSE--In Stsattord, om the 'ath inst, the wife +! Kane, of avon NEWART-- peso Hes, se 16th inet., the wite of once aa Wale, vom m thet' th inet. the wife of Ge LEONARD. io Eis Bion, on the 11th inat., the wife of nm Leonard, of a #on SURSErr- In Mitchell on the 16th inst, the the Lote tet; Bre wife of James Barnett, wai os On, wife of John Ho*inesn, ot s oth MARRIAGES, _ Cowas--souxsto® it the residence of th LL erppogh A y ine Psa A. E Smith, of the Sth ingt.. Wm. E. Cowan te Effie & . eldest Fey nod at Peter Jeanabin, Mary bor: iP. suatinee In 8t Columban charch, Irieh- . on the 50th alt., by Rev. Dean Murphy, Tuckersmith, to Mise cores BURWICK-- At the residence of James Berry, Mitchell, om the 15th inst , ly Kev, Mr. Nug Joneph anager bane. to Miss y ee te gon nee Stratford, on the 15th 1 Jdcseph U.. Pequegaat, to Miss M. Irvin. DEATHS, = - MURRAY. In Wal Forts, on the Oth font, Dou- , aged 80 yea ouven- In West Zorra, a the Oth inst, Ann -- Yelict of the late Wm. Oliver, aged 63 sexta In West Zorrs, a oe ee tee t., peante . Gerry, Eq, aged 2 "years and 1 oa WATSON ~--In Logan, on the Mth inst, Janet Watron, years. PORTER -- in Listowel, on the 14th an Aaae, " Gaughtér of Jacoh Torter, aget ear, 2 thonthea and 12 day So Te ES, Gn the] Sty feet. rraret, sence per at Roar oP pide ge vara, it 6 amd 20 da "LA eth 9 In 'en he'l, on the t ag 'Inet. , Edwin Ceotge Lawren "AROUND TaB cn. Pall weather Goldea October, Maddy streets again. "Noy B= Trankigiving Dayo All Hallowe'en. will soon be here. Subscribe for Tae Ties and get all the latest news cs EON "ieee 68 A: T. Mac: donald's, : The time to 68 Autumn leaves is be fore Autumn Jeaves. The world is mode up of ante and fate ; the sharps I've on the flat "Bat gaivs,plums some Dp I therm for 16 days at A. T. Macdonald's," Mr. A. H. Alex weet ane th the fourth annual rersion of t oe at Terouto last week, + ™ Por 15 days fancy g¢ at cost. Masic one thied off at A. T 'Macdonald's wbtil Oct 31. oves strewn about the shelves ants to pack Aheir grips and "' git. Gapbiend charities are 80 much "'organ- - ied" Ghat individual relief is next to an impoeribility now days. * Albums, do you want snalbum? Yiu Can get it ope ae Sy want one in the mext 15 days at A. T. Macdonald's Time is money, why waste hours read- » Ing blanket eheets when you can get the news in Tue Tixes condensed and breezy. Waile doing some pwagniag in the rear of the Collegiate Institate Satarday, half. a-doxea arrow heads were ploughed up and _amalpiog knife, The concert given by the Swedish ladies wasa rich treat. The band committee did not however come ont as well as they hoped on the finances, Mr. J. M. tetitter, ~--- gold and a jewellery estab' ishment pt the Mr, Beutter will do well. Don't order your printing from travel- ling fakira. Leave ycur orders at your <al office, where you cdn depen! on get- ting just what you want, at fair prices. Mr. J. W__ Bentter's advertizement appears in this issue. He will have an important announcement to make to ny Times readers next eel Ww Money, mo money, who want The British wenmen Co. haves always a large amount on hand and their tates reasona' Call upon office We are part and lof the age, and We are sil fast, all hurrying and pushing and driving and bastling and wearing out than to ru-t out, to push rather than to be pushed. zt Mr. W. J. Fergason, » day'ight dry- sman, 21 Market street, recognizes e value of ad and 'also the = eahas of ux Tinrsns the wed iam through which to reach the The Noottish Canadian is the name of a Scottish wad ao: ts Canada ani Beste - Weegin early in N cpoben, a $1.50 o Jaarie & Graham, Toroa' 0 er yar | proprietors. AROUND THE cry. Printings og . and others in wan of a Heel pitie, Posters, Circulars. call at The Stratford Times . q aving sa printing facilities, a choice selection of type,, combingd with akiifal workmen, we are enabled arn 'oat work neater and ches aby house in Stratford. Call and se4 samples and procure estimates at The Times.' pin, "Tobia aad O'Grady, be popalar and well known Lise Fes the city, have en ion of the Terrapin hotel. It is their intention to ran the hotel in first class style and with that object in view ve made and have in contemplation many important improvements. The Ter rapin will not be = any of thé he otela in city...Makeno mistake about it, Those who take the mle: day meal down town should call there. Shipping WwW. ~ Merehatt & Son are makin - shipments ~ ee this -- to the ., Barope a points. Over th: sary © en ete as they aaah from two years ago, which gave et 12,00) barrels, they only get year, Although i some localities they are fairly plentiful. One firm in Clinton are making entensive - ta, the crop being more plentiful urce county, And it is id there are 50,000 barrels in the Owen Sound district, Postmasters Who Want Waking up. A great number of complainta have yeen made at this office lately, both by people in the city and at several of the satlaying postoffices, who do not receive their paper regularty, One: or two mis- takes can be excused, but when they are made almost every. weck, those whose business It is to look after ant superintend those mattera shoald try and see that complaints are made jess freqaent. One fady at Harrington complained of not hav ing receive! her paver some sevea or cight times y- Atis really. growing .monot- onous and a change is is now in order. Bargains, me! Bargains! the best yet. A Bargains ! . sankrupt BLOCK "ST Kata, caps; fo") at ate: on the dollar to be sold at exactly half the marked price and all marked in plain figures, $2 hats for $1, #. 50 hats for7Ec , $ or hats for 25¢.q 25e, hats for 12}6., mens' cellaloid cuffs, 5c , pair, ladies collars, 2 for 5c.,aleo a few "atiches of clothing at this same rate. bankrupt stock) 2 for 5c. at the hal price store pext door to James oe grocer Ontario St An "Adet.' to Correct a Misleading Ad- The advertisement in a Toronto ones recently, stating that a photogra ry waa for sale ani thet letters Thostd be addressed to P. O. Box ---- Stratford, does not in any way refer to Young Shannon but to a photographer at Wood- stock. Mr, Shannon has no intention of ting out his business here andthe ad vertisement is misleading to the people in this vicinity He states that he has ordered all the latest for -- Xmas ade. Mr Shannon is the hoto- te: P grapher in the city without exeiptti Twe Free Trips To New York City. For this month only. The Fireside Weekly will give two return tickets to New York for the two larges? lists receiv- ed in October, The wianers : these extra prizes will of course h.v nal chances for the free trip to California San Florida china tea set, niantle clock, silver watches, Dickens' works and many more. ese are prizes for the largest list of werds made from the lettrrs in * Fireside Week- The contest is 0 to everyone sending in with their list #1 for The Fire- ide Weekly for six months, which also entitles them to as Seales premium. Send five one-cent stamps tc 9 Adelaide west, Toronto, tor a copy a premiunt supplement, Perth Teachers' Association, The © programmes are out for ---- Coaventioo, which will nt be eel ment consisting of a. evening of the 30th. Thursday morning give * Reading and How to Teac " $. 4. Radetiflee B. A, will din: mere a » English composition, C. J. ey will teach geography with a class, F. W. Mezchant, M. A.. will speak on" Object Teaching" ive an address ysical W. Tay ylar, B. A, oil delve into the logic of Arithm renege Kate Richmond will essay, Misees Wilson and Morter will sing radars The thie year ie is £ ville. i i i re | » The Canadian George Hamilton and the Fred Parker, both of Sebring- POLICE COURT PENCILLINGS, Acting ag ge Harding Makes Things at the Justice Mill. Robert Sully was ae the first d--and--d betore the acting magistrate. He was let off with a warn ing. A "voon" named Van Patter, as black as the ace of spades, was run in for being a haerker.. He had been around town sel- ing needtes. and .at ose place where he called'a parse c -- being acarchec la found. He Sonted having taken the' money. The magistrate imposed a fice of $3 sod $2 costs, which took all his pile So that if he really did steal the 35 the i the abse lice magistrate O'Loane, Mr, J. E Harding, Q.C., is act- ing magistrate. On Wednesday anamber ot y ung tellows invested in a bar- relof Sleeman's lager and got got ss ii. "They carted the barrel down lonely street in Romeo ward and a on the sidewalk, they "'whooped her up Elizab Pane" until the Chief took a hand in, then there wae a lot of time wasted in : i Bat the Chief ex- ad the party were run ednewtay -- they all Dd On Wee appeared in. the doc y were two MeDonalda and Col looked anything bat" f nesintonteblé apd all were narsing their big heads, After pleading ed and $3 yom they were each fined $2 cos There re was lotsa = fun at the marel eae court Monday morning to enjoy it laweed ph Cami of partiamenty merchants and others form- ed the audeuce. _ The charge was that James Bloomer, barber, had '*slugged"' Joba oo inaman, "Guil'y or not guilty" asked the Beak. Guilty ?- res: ed the Sanlomn CAlby « witness--You d--- fool don't plead guilty antil you Soa the witnesses. ~ (laughter) Colby waa removed, J. M. Beutter, Horace G, Shaver Samuel Glaister gave evidence whigh snowed that one was about as much to blame as the other. The Chinaman had called the defendent.some very foul names, which ns the magistrate stated if done by & mauwho spoke the English language woull justify one in shooting or hanging him When the Chinaman got into the box--he said. that + me hittee him, He owee me money, h> no payee mee. No money no washee. The magistrate took the view that the China- man-did not understand the meaning of janguage he mer, and that while Bloomer had a certain amount of provocation, he had no business to a the chinaman. He therefore im- fine of $1. "' And you John China. posed a man," said the magistrate, " muat not call again or we willattend '0 yon." Mr. rding makes an excel- fent: magistrate "He has the happy facalty of k ping. witnesses 'inside the traces." PERSONALS. and Mrs... Edward Kane, of this nclty, lea: sfoa 'oe Jackson, " + ate will seep the winter months. Mies Welsh; of ae, is visiting her --. Mia Magzie Wilson. --St. Serr' Mr. mg "T, Dufton and Miss Nettte Defton, of Stratford, are the guests this week of Mr.and Mra, 8. Meyers,--St. Mary's Argus, Mr. *¥. G. Yoang cathébver trom Strat- ford to assist in the singing at the Metho- dist S. S. Anviversary --St. Mary's Argus Ailes Wreford, of Stratford, is visiting herr relations in town.--St, Mar ry's Argue, Hattie McKennon, of Detroit, who has been visiting Misa. Dr. Yemen, for the past two weeks left for home last riday, Mr. Gilbert Horne, of the Bank of Com- merce, Jarvis, was visiting friends in town last week. Walsh, of t week the Grace, ey Toronto, was in the city guest of Rev. Dr. Kilroy. OBITU Ary, The death occurred at Mitchel] last week of Elwin G. Lawronce, manager © the Merchant's Bank there. Mr. Lawrence Was & b0D 0 r. 5 esteem respected all. Classes. His foul. "Mowter, ee largely attended, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. t they sustained last week in the ere of their 14 id old daughter died in Toronto of pneumonia Jeasie, wi he fhewnse tea xii the mart of the house- hold. MR OLOT' nsaeczees hel CHAMPIONSHIP. pe ReTET, Association Seere- tary Carries Uff the Prize. __Hesey O'Loughlin, the genial secretary pil pa engineer of = Caradian La- deserted his beshelee friends at ak Last week he was married at Merrickville, Ont., to Miss Gertrude Merrick, an estimable and popu- Woe q . y- They wil up their resi. dence in St. Catharines. Expired in a Chair St. Thomas, Oct. I8.--~A man who gave his nache a5 W. Stewart sep eg tim" liee,..it a .J. Bailey have thé. snions sympathy _ a -- circle of friends ia the sad FEQUEGRAT nv. A FASHIONABLE M irri {uch ON WaDb- NESDAY EVENING LAST. Mr. Joaeph nna Trads to Hymens Alter pt P+ rein Magnificent Liat of Presents The resi tence of Mrs. James Irvin 12 Milton St, the scene of a fashionable and aintiel a gathering Wednesday even- ing last It teing the occasion of the ot poptite vo Son : Irvin, one of the mont © youn adios Sf the cit¥, to oveph U. Pequegaat the popular jusion Soneph 'of the firm = Bong reno Broa., jewellers Invited g namber of sixty were in attendande At ted the bappy couple, while Miss E. Irvin po maid and Mr, B Stampf, groomsman., tT essed in cream Henri- tta, with watered ribbon trimmings and wore white roses. She looked very hand- som : The bridesmaid wore, cream crape cloth with cream satin trimmings. After the ceremony a wedding dinnar waa served, The bride was given away by her brother- in-law, Mr. JW, Cros: Mr. and Mra, Pequegnat left on the three o'clock train for Detroit, Se « shower of rice, b'essing and kias Tux Times wishes the young couple all the pleasures this en life aifords, free from sorrow, aa) from-care, THE GUESTS The following invited guests were pre- sent :--Miss MB S:acPherson, Mra, and Mics Heatt Alien L Winkler, Miss Annie Winkler, Stratford ; Mrs. oyd, ontreat ; e- ~Misees" Reilly, Poitt iward ; Mrs. Kerr, Buifalo ; Mr. Ange! Gianelli, Mr. H. Gadeby, Mr. L. Gianelli, Mr. RoR. Neild, Me, G, Me +_™ Mr. C, Piercy, Mr. G. Clark, Mr. Barrell, Mr. and Mrs. pally Berlio; Mr. anc paaeent. fsa Mr. Paul ag we Berii and Mca, Wm. Fieisher, Bertia ; "an 'Raloh Cham! oriaien Berlia ; Mixs ~ Rachel Pequegnat, tlin; Mr. Albert Pequegnat, Brantford ; Miss na Pequegnat, Brampton ; Mr and Mra, Leon it, New amburg Mr--and~Mrs. James Pcquegast, Seratford; Mr. Amil Bourqain, t stock Miss McKay, Tavistock ; Mise \i. Bourguin, Stratford. "Diamond eye oa a handsome beaver cape, bronze clock, large silver water pliaker, parlor table, music holder, fancy table and music age 3 ecg amber yin dish, 2 silver --< reelain se! silver tea eet, o po! ct es pray silver vem bow! and sag ® poons, case carving knives, cut glass frait dish and pies, silver frait dish, silver cake basket, | dczen dilver knives «nd forks, page nat pos ry rings, -- dish, egg idge Aet, Min: doaeqiee a set EO St Sebilaiees. ti floral horsesshoe, meg hanging lamp, dining- lamp, aroisceit banoerott, ---- pacer set of sensible irons, pair of steel engravings, oxodized beret plush mtn wel rack, shame. het wowels, haifa: douen tidys, two tray covers, two sideboard scarfs, plush silk bag, three hand- some hand-painted pin cushions, one curiosity jug, three psir head reste, two handsome chains, opera thawl, silk flowers, 1 handsome hand painted, plate. THE siaeae ean Tales HORROR, Strong Suspicio: "Tha They Have the Right Maen-- Threat 7 the Event of his Discharge. Orraw , Oat, Oot. 16, -- In_ the few days that have elapsed since the adjourn- ment of the inquest inte the ns go ge horror the authorities and several of he vulegers have been quietly bat assiduons ly pushing and following up various clues, with the reanlt thata jot of new evidence of an important character will be presented when the jury re- as-embles on Monday. A number of new witnesses have been summoned, each of whom, it is enid, will'add @ new link in the chain of evidence against pars oa As the matter now s Larocque aly owe one < whom ee fa'le. he strangers said to have been seen by isha Shirkey -- been satis fsctorily dis of, and it has, since been proved to the entire sifation a and the cor the Barnhardt, who some persons were ed to suspect from his nearngss to the girls just were Inst secn alive, bad nothing woatever to dq with the tragedy. 'Lhe people of the village have setiled down to a firm conviction that they have the right man, and, believing this, the a diguativn is grosing wag and unpleasan hits are rd cha: ged something Duch remarks are strongly d the best men in the district, he aay the generally have too much good sense to alluw anything of the sort. ALMOST CUT HIS HEAD OFF. Sensational Suicide M a of a Man Whose Life Barrie, Oct. 15.--Monday Comes aged 70, of Midhurst, near here, lett hcme immediately -- dig: potatoes ina 1 th F i ie By : i Be breakfast. to ray A NORTH CAROLINA TRAGEDY. FARMER JOUN DIXON SLAYS HIS WIFE'S LOVER. de Threatened ta Shoot | Her '--~ ¢ Bet a Prading ! Her Life- Brot. the Dead Man Seciea icone and ts Also Killed by Dizon (Spectator. Chariotte, N. C., Oct 17,--John Dixon, & prosperous young farmer of Alleghany comaty ¢ discovered ae ao intimate rela- wile and Marshall aban. ae almost a stranger in the county. Dixon, « few days age, told Halsey of his suspicions, and warned him that if he did nét ce®be calling at his home while he was away he would kill him. Yes terday Dixon was away from ome, and on his return he saw his wife leaving the house She did not see him, but he got his rifle'and followed her at a ---- She went into soniz-w near by and her ee watched her. Halsey came up and Dixon soon had his suspicions confirm. 'hen he crept slowly through the woods until he was near enough to taking aim, he pulled the trigger. The bal took effect in Hasley's temple and he fell dead by the side of his slayer's pam wife. Dixon then told we ---- e inten led to kill her also, but pleads pge caused him to desist. tented himself by pummelling her with his fists, and declared they would separate by Halsey'sdead body never to meet again. ae parted, each going « different direo- tion. Late in the evening Charles Halsey, an elder brother o' ad man, hun ixon down and found him at the house ofa friend. Hateeyz pulled out a large re- volver to shoot Dixon, but others interfer- ed, saying if he wanted t. fight he wo: have to fight fair and give Dixon a chance. - -- were stepped off and the men nm position with their weapons in a At the signal both men ones their revolvers and Halsey was kil Dixon has not been arrested. THE END OF A ROMANCE Death of a Man Whe Fopaat with da Fare Boston, Oct. 14. The ai death of oaanee P. eet at the Sunday, has ae been cqualled except in novels. t was ment in 1870 with Lady Blanche oe ~ weed Annuncista, daughter of the proud Earl of Gainsborough and. ot» seventeenth Earl of Errol, that firat brought his name ¢ was handsome and accom) and easily won ee on love while in- structing her When the henahte "old Fark Lig inform. he wou rare to Such trash, as he eo ve it was not until he discovered say dave ak 's flight with his hireling chat he realized the truth. The eloping couple were ng 2 mee and then asked forgiveness, but the Earl would not look upon hie day, hter's face until he saw her in ber coffia alter twelve years of euffering and hardshi disinherited her, bat repen when too late. Young Murphy. took his hride to London bat soon came to Ame They could not live in Engtand, for the story 'of their Tabs tan was in in New Yor then another. The husband essayed to teach, and the wife -- to add to their seanty income by writin sig- ature of "Lady Blanche Murpiy" attracted at- tention, as it appeared be -- articles in the newspapers and mage In some way the ola F Earl heard of his daughter's bardehip, and he eo far relented as to seni some financial assistance. She became dissatisfied with New York, and, utth Con. F E k days, and on ohare played the organ at the Episcopal y Blanche died about eight age, ogo & twelve: years of married ] | a : i 7 ui F a f rh, ! e F i F ! iH i | Carney hospital loses & TOMANnCe rd feal life which : pate? baat *# mouth. a Taek crry ¥ covyert. The Fire Horses Finally Disposed fal, Rigg sata cd His Reputation, ular moe"ing "of th the city coused! Monday evening. Ali the mem J Aregenarabirecion--| Ald. Goodwin and roan --Gran' Thomas ontbert asked to ad wan - ad tap drain.--B. o. W. Tim Neandie asked tor reduction or taxes owtng aries asked to have his vacant h vane, aah Jan: side of oven st w. W. T. Wan vel and James Lio have drain attended to which pocharrd bg ve) en ot W. < 'atharine Stewart male an appeal charity. H. and BR. ~ pis James Cook, who is assessed ¢ asked have mistake rectified. --Finance. --_ ™ FINANCE REPORT Finance. , Tiara, C ollectore Blank Co., of Perth Administrations of ar Justice oT Board af Works. Pay Sheet 123 A Sidney Sualth, Lumber . ae Wm. fason " we Gus Co. a@ E A. Causey, Carbing Stone s@ Jeffrey Brow, bad a2 Pitre, Water and Light. John Sayers, street wabidton Fe] -- and ---- W. & F. Workman, supplies 3 O'Flaherty 4 'quirk, brooms _ . > Health and Reti«/, ~ se tickets ie jrooran, supplies H Kalbfleish, "* ee nGitten, i@ Park and Cemetery. Pay Sheet, Park $e. r dita oo 4 Bennock, Lamber 7 > W. & F. Workman, supplies 14% erence to Mrs. Butler's taxes, your com mittce however anxious they t be to relieve Mrs, Butler of the payment of taxes, on the ground set forth in said Lene a beg to ro port that they hecmnd od gh aterfere with the collector by inst: yussthna Rien bo vaonen i tind hae it charged back on the land as long as there is suffic lent to die tral a. The and the treasurer were inetrocted 'to pear certain information regarding Downle-«t, recommended that a by-la be prepared to P.. P Maseral Gas Co. power to lay, mans for the tonreyance of water, + As to the olaim of whe himeelf a# manager of the Empire Tea Co, injuries sail to be rustained by a defective side watk, whether the claim isa an half of Tea Cony , Bad phn know, im any event we recon: it be not én cQuade an r.--B. of W. Suiowsta ta trees of Mansion is in a dle pak ae --* M. Wilon have Mt. WR. Tiffin asked to have two eens vicinity of the depot.--F. W, Fire, Waterand Light committee recommended Se. nepeintment oft J. Young asd. J.. Persy--as. An account was from Wm, Reson Sov Soret a of team for After resolved to the whole matter, The division ¥ vom ppect dg Bee ed Tea, Haga, pr nen McPherson, Roberta, Smita, 5. Ro, Ubelacker, 6. The Boa ap Mla 5 a 'hat the stonce. The payment of - the $43 account for board of the team wae carried pedis ie aay: Ss Steely aon ote of 7 to & The te of the Saar ot Works tavored the services ot rte ih nd. dealt with an yent which covered some 15 pages of ¢ eee udiens jac op, wa be agrees wh eos eeteened bash G0 the aemeunen to prepare a "revived edition" as Ald. Harding pul. Th with the Inepecter wi * referred tf & para i i ca Davidson gtaph which had appeared ia a paper ting in very nncomplimentary of the chairman of the Health and th ei : Fi ca My Z Mrs Ald apjurted ae (a tman, but was appointed she (Mm sg yee ter h as of the from that poh ai he waa info: j itiaiet i 7 slips? i eels, eatin z E F b z | | £ j if i i i é 4 Ee tt aul i i i ii i i ify Hl ete F it afr f : Bal e tS i i ; i lisi