Straw Hats reduced prices. Men's and Boys' -- _all kinds. $1 hats déien to 97503, -75¢: hats-down t6"'50¢., 50c. hats down to 40c. and 35c. Nearly two months of straw hat weather to. come; although the time' for greta _them.-is-shorter,.and.. what causes the reductions. Our way of - passing cloth-} ing straight from the manufac- toory to you saves you all the middle costs and makes low prices possible. You get such prices here all the year round but on what we have left in ow -vodd- garments, you get» prices. Still some good patterns in _the $14 suits to measure teft. Thoratea & Douglas, Hats axb Fvur- NISHINGS. CLoruHEs, 7 Market St.. Stratford Ont the Epir aan ----HERGOTT. BROS, PROPRIETORS. The Best and Purest Lager Sierra Ue _¥ Ow. MADE. SS a ----AH Orders left at---- The Cimes office Promptly attended to. prottedin.g ta hate ihe sald errors cor law. JOHN PEARSON, Clerk ef Ellice. Dated, the 6th ef Aurast, 190. ve 1-1t ne FASHIONABLE AND ARTISTIC TAILORING. TE 12 LAN? TAILOR, Has removed to corner s in-Cryan's biock, Downie St. Stratton', Awe. 13.1800." Revo fri ta The Painters, Decora- tors, €tc., Are doing the best work for the least moncy aud on the shortest notice Orders by mail promptly attended to. | . ah 7 CASH & PENNY. Opposite Mansion House, Patrick St., Stratford, "CITY HOTEL, Stratford, Rates, i Pua Dar. H. Kini er, Pacer sl bunt he mee 3s supple od mite th the best. The choi ate arcl liquors kept at the bar. er wa sta Dling andattentise hostler. SMratiord, Aug. 1. ino. 2.ty. ~RAVETRODIEING1 TEAM & GAS FITTING. ul ne ea men i, je ag ty sty a HAKRY O'NEIL, Ia-prepared to execute all work ia' the | Raster sik : protectio: _ Shave Kipcxon the "(Opposite the-Post offce.; win = SHORTEST NOTICE ! Se niyo aa -- NO. 999, ae Ta commence BOWES' BLOCK, = DOWNIE. STREET. tf. EVERY LADY de -- - see auch a sight, and even if cay i nk. Canada can do no bet ter, Steattord hast the ote meas "sharing EMPIRE-TEACO., Oddfellows' Block, im:nerise stock of BEAUTIFUL GOODS prompt aud obliging servico, aud you who read-and hea: tt your. share o! the bargair+; yoo it get the very best Teas, Coffees, i.:<ing Powder, Cocoa and Cocoanut money can buy at lowest import the taste has been over looked, we are canpaote to serve you with the beat. Test the our qualities and values 'Special @ffer for Two Weeks. A 400, fruit dish for 10e. with one -- of te A dO: fr one pound of tea. 25c. with two poun stand Tor TS tt ¥ws EM PIR: Oddfellow Stores at Londo stock, Berlin, Heantlord, emu. Sante of tea. ite-GOr *s Block, Stratford. At Thomas, Wood. Gait. ia 1DyiLig, Ia making wholesale reductionsin all lines of Gods. Sarcastic, Very. Hamilton Spec. The newspapers may be thankful that that London' Out, lawyer who interests himself in the welfare of that most excel lent mau, Reséy Birchall, has not inter- ested himeelf'in thr gentleman who threw his wile over the bank at Niagara. If the Londo lawyer had something to do with is case he would have every mother's son of ua up before the judges for saying that the gentlemin whe pushed his wife over the cliff was rm Sp mit ie for her death. ae ome ea Se "World's Fair Prospects, From the gl Tribune Chake,. choke In the smoke with its horrible smear ! las, that men's lunge sh ae ibe so cheap And God's pare oles so President He splaoal '* Cose red Pound. From the Sadivanps Lis News. The Presid nt has a cow, a blue- ing coger aristo- cratic boviee, that imagines owner is President that it 3 a Br ol Ged in the entire earth This high- andered forth Arrisc! son's Pry x greg in this city had to pay the regniar ¢1 'or her release feWohvrged that Pateshin Met 'Pl Tocked up the President's con ont of pure devlishness in Hor nial ng refed an office: Thiv, ia not ~e<mes oon "4 PISTOCK, "Mr-W.Alles, lately of the Classic City, [ in mente Hotel, | this vill Mr Allesisa prectical mechanic, and no doubt will make of his new venture. We trust thet Mr * Alles will make as many riends here for himecif ae he has dove in Stratford. -------»- Holloway's Pilis, ar Blo d. pee Blow: d ia pure, its circulation calm and Hates heme 'a. The iese Pills possess a trarvell lous pow- et iu svcuting these essentisis of health hy partying. regulating, and strencthening the Huids and solide: Holloway' o Pills-can esmall ser Fecunitives a!) pereon eufferieg from -dicordered aE estiog, . by nervous fancies; or netralgic tion of the liver, adi a gente apericots,; reuk toate way take them witho ut craig way's Pills sre eminently serviteat invalids of jeritabie constitution, os ther and det Holle ral standard, and When | heed te i -- ~~ opened out @ barber shop T : the--eonp- }- ' ' ages j , States frontier from C ub . universally exercise a. in this matter and ¢ aeieatixve dedieapitecee. dar A LETTEL FROM STK JOSEPH 'HICK- won We --_-- been requ tested to pul lish the following letter: To the Ki itor of Tue Grane: Sim: « leading article in Tne Girone of the 12th pon the relations of Canada to the oited States, the following pass- Agee Ceuy- 2 In ti -onforcoment of thix law (dhe Inter state Commerce how), onerie our néigh- bors have struck « snag, from the fact that the two groot Caradian railways which operate on Ame soil are at libe:t ze rer with their lines situated in a fore ign country, to ig: nore ite provisions, The latter (the eric an American railwaya) comp Isin to Gongress that it is unfair to- subject them to a etatue designed for the better protection of the public interests, when their Canadien rivals are not re- 'quired teary it It is true th at the Aineriean companies, with whom the Can: a tian ae com- pete for trefti ained aa stated; but it : a? . -- re peatedly pointed cus that these complaint is not well ann and it is vo secret that their desire is to prevent the Canadian com- yeas carrying United States traffic at all, that they should be rubject in cbeir traffic arrangessents to the provisions of the Interstate Commerce Cuited States Congress. ve iian-compantes, fromthe date}. when the Iosterstate Commerce Act eame eta im Uealing with traffic to or from the Stat ea ind Caneda, = traffic passing through Cascada from eo Stute te enna ortho Unired Stated : 9 obeerve the & terms and ¢on teratate Comic Ache AU moment' :: 'ction will ae that vith Pig cot tt traffic tk it : litiona of the hich, in respect of that ul sect to the term of the Inter- atate Commerce Act; and the commiasion- ; ers. appointed under the act can therefore deal with such company in the United States> cif the- Canning Compiny- "ey azsume to iv fare the terns af tee wot For et » comiiti na Commerce -Actand oan Le-dealt with tea tel--ie---tratiie i from one State to anothe ', oetunat hat, if there ie a depar- » trom its terns, the prepecty handled can be treated, when it reaches the United mals, 28 an impor- mo teed malpapters to duties: It is ohvinasiy true thas tae terms of the nening nada; bat there raise the action of every organ to ita mata, | | ia no difference in the powisi a of Canada hi tate of f New Y. Yo nk, wots Dailed, Dewn "eee! Ress Wag? ts Act of the nized that it was | oar EL PCTRIC BaEDs Bienen ee News 8 1 Nestaler © seats Tr ad $2 + Wa FA 8 i He rhe wt dak uey rived at Gab ot He of restorix 4 au ote of that comniry ae Eiwands. at i Mick | white dy iving (isi ef with apo; 1 *Y and died in his busgy- x chi oakt. ts pact of <batriecty early Vegetation ¢ (ronte. : Befalo bave saga a new on Pay whl press, st amd repai¢ calling for ind 3 vering tha tie charge is $1.50. 4 mux be medical Comgress in Berifo in August wil ne i sin tiant, SUA, shatter J. that cu. a iat e army of doctors ta expec 'ted iforma Arertes, The gre sate st produ 'tion of the nmdetn Mahe ion of the Magi," de timed vos and worked out ty Willam be prevented to the chapel of Exxter Calloge, Usfor 3 Ont in Noes - tolegraph poles in low pinoes, Where seater statin in winter, are said. tohave taken root and are covered » ith foli-" are, Thenetes are cottonwood and were peculed wilh the bark on then: A diver, whowas working at Offa radroad bridge tishe;grveon-tignatto fe hoist "¢ 4 When he got to the surface he held fast a six und salmon tont he had caught tm 0 4 hie riak woolen goole; 1, After pulling coals ona perforated table with ererheated steam, 2. Pass through a bath (f alam of L07 spirit grains for half an hour, wring and dry; wast, soap, wash off add dry. Jacob D shart, of Wasuinfton, led, whe ong hundret and seven years old bout with by i ' J i, bs te the founda- fot > frye Sater on is: ew eit hs oreyer born in Virgia.a Count eens Ditiner, whe walled in Paria re ------> eH volin, . The should, bows > "Pestoa 'a, which oa ia Gt fabsslisb nc peitewi ¥. apt -c + ewol the older frleads ts aut plain bonnets ' or woman no longer Wths Quaker: papier race 77" OW clear that a very large number York ak were not ap «but inasmuch ag J: W. CLARKE, Tailor. Draper, - e Ete. STRATFORD. County. Model 'Schools ! bi «in Uschitect Raleueed, Woodstock, it ie Ang..18..-\. spscisl 'uteting of the county council v sahald er rts ci the two Torvate architects engage i the walle « ¢ the new court ib courie of erectiva when te Was dismiss the prevent architect. decided to ure New Westwiaster, + Trath | 3, there ia no truth hitler abe ut *'Dr," G Hiss ilton Griflin writing a new version ef the "ible. It simply hsppens that | -- being of a mature, obtai from the Potestant chaplain waite in his cell and piace the fly his Bible with macilage. He, therefore, wrote ont many texts,. different parts of the Bible, and has made out many refer. ences for his oan ua, never having even creamed 6f wiiting a revised edition of the sacred volume ny 'The following constitute the stall of the Collegiate hia v Merehem', * master. 'recaction in d Principal, ecience me ater. 5. i: Wilson, e-glish sudiitin® * 2, bm assistant english master. C rry,classical muster, 8, J aileli Ne _ | tiodera language W. Taylor, mathematical master. Evgincers are going over the dld Mac- kenzie route of the Canads Pacific, in the vicinity of Selkiuk, Manitoba. The fact that | Sept. Scifl, of the Groud Truuk, took a k Farex and Dy. troit Gay Has created the inipte-sion that the latter road ie about to pass into the hands of the Grand Trunk. It is reported from Chicago that the total loss in revenue to theyailroads on the beef and cattle rates is a mounting up to for:ridable fizares. For the ten weeks of the warfare the total loss beef rate snd 10 cents in the cattle rate. ------ ¢ church Hincka, LL, B. taker 'for the ending May 31 last, bas teen. wilt) The total income forthe more than t *Cominereé Act do a notre to the pegs ness of the New York Central Railroad, , tone within the State of New York, any they apply to the business pe he Canadia "4 Sospantes, done within the of Cana in. & some era extenvive experience, Sar pregerer to 'mesert that' the Caga- dtati companies do nok derive from the boand red States competitors. Montrea}, Aug. 14. General 'Manager. 4 NEw GuIsT OF oF PED. {GOGUES, | Second and Third "Glass al clot ene mary and Juniors for Perth, Following ure the names of those Collegi- ate Institute and H. 5. Pupils who were awarded second and third class certificates at the recent oo in this county: STRAT Primary--J. Durrett oa Bis; F: teat E Ciark, M Clar M. Camorcn, G. M. "Patterson, J. Kethermal, W. Smith. Junior--M. Abraham, A. Bea C. Stewert, . 8. Battran: te Baines, A. Chalmers, c. 3 Baw: ard, N. Forest, ar Prabasre ming, J. Fraser EB. | Gibbe, H. Johns and, UG. bray, D. in Latin), M. Melariy, M. MeGuiness, K. McCailum, oA Nolte rm Pye, A. Panton RK, Butherfor = Primary--A. Bro I, Brown, Brown, W. Chinas Detailer 4. Fair pear, ages b. 'Hox Parkinson, €; Oanyle S bion, J Robert A. Robertson, A. = ' is .Spencer, W. mpeon, F. Webster, -W. Chamney, A. Follia, A. Gorden, Later, 1 reece G. McKee, C. Ni Rothwell, C. Strichan aD, MM? Stevenson, ( Stevenson, G. Terbuue, E. Turubalis F. sie * Clayton. C. "Rag * Haggey, 4I.. eB: * ' nick, J. Situpson. 7" MITCHELL. L.* By © G. Hacky. "Bote, rig ate 'DOG LOST OR STOLEN. sae "D-}- sara. li As Mulher-}- sess Tae mab Bi a Senay? New York wills bow a populatioa tolls ween in this es uotry ay, amlthe prine 2" vip roe is Souneberg, in Tau ringe: a, 2 towa of ab ai: 10,000 inbahi- hatala. _-- Sa We is aliarst the eatirein- asify 2p {his not pemene: eytepiie. 2, owing to the low et 'eoda ta stert from tks i is cli the way by amsil bont weigh 4 shores by" way of is " fara wee Ss | lu have Fails over taro niveau ereien a breaietn fue «gas eat of Ps in It came from islam, and i sae ious ¥ pertoer ote - oe peration, 1 nue ar "ficial waimtivate tide eee 'Thr patrent has now leftuhis bed. walks with perfect ede, and says bis sate t is convertient anc oonnli ie ry way. An iuterssting event took place on on the Clyde the otber day in the Jnunching of a Japacese stecl-plated war vessel She is 300 fextin length by 42 fectin breath anl 24 feet Knee tis e - peculiar tie ch inst, be was sligh' Tusa a paralytic patie _ Was atcacke near Boise City,