. THE CURIOSITY SHoP. ses crHifanizons ti KICKER. ig A Oates ra of Bugitive Facts and Oat-of Western Enterprise © pathnaae to Lead. Uis-Ordinary a _ We extract the fotlowlng Phere ne é-e. > ricer. conversation with.« repre Aast incur of the Arizona Ki ker tative Pall M t, M. Zoln x | A Queen PRoceroiss i are f hist of the bays carne ius: ings 4 out of bed at dndig began to % he iived 7 as te Sinith ler tilled. (eh, Willian | had draw xp ri- ences af I \ i end. be bas had a slet at weverai other et oo inent cititens, ieeinding ourseli For the Beat he sy ty bate layt two weeks be has been running the towr of Anzin, and be ba qua hima fos and Lis refusal te take a bint vreaited : a y e pete being wacted on by the vigiingee coun We reached the grounds to = al Vote ing cau bariel w.t ae ropes ' we The " Ho knew his ties hed etme, avd was ready | Gut ion a tint * to die game, bat, pasooner did be learn of a Sr we fT presence in th wily that be begga ta | ae that bi tad spe with the notori- t protest, and ob peek: ne at deninnd "that 'te, Ous demi mondaine, ar d that he fell into rap tun inte the corubh. . We colied hiv attention tures nbaout her boudeosr, He did lunch once 2 e * ~ Ps - s o - <a | otal dept ini blokes a and wooki mot e% to bain vhat' he had had two shots at us +t 44 friend dace siucel bin fer prolesiaual jpur- yeres: hathis e ahi a information War derived -- + Var' sties, where te Stee ras: nit -timt are were 44 ~ "party ¥i 2 the ground whe could: dieh uy tis obituary in good English, but the ungrat«t rd from thee *river 2 MoLadevic H <+argue Vie cas = A man ip this My ay can't have every thing be wants, no inatier how big a blu the legentls publishgd in the papers about his search of "hum beat ae ents" "for the Ter os imagination, +oone, aol Mr. Saiith w The Princess Hismarek, ) around our streets with a gun ou each biy f If itt' Kiar n Bagsapl; of Prince con) Ay Roos, AO, Cats... We Ve mand pine 1 aiaeanniiea lite. staid $ is Jeno wo of the lady + " £ out here, but theldeacfa man: whe, for mie than feriy-two yoars bad] eats objec Mag to a maa HRs US gharedbis bb » ee Prise 6s " seuare's by wotng tics dhop off aharrel rather capa the doscribsabas : lot of cHowsx, We are charitable enough to believe" meth: dical German ciatrou, with - yeye "tor | Sete he Wine a Pitti off, 'every detaibof bousehobt arran; setmimuts | A CanAnn.--The story y ia certain Chie: apr! COORAIRy. Ik wagat the wedding of , Yh papers: that the editor ot The Rucker runs 4 * . f info fererocr-in-connection with the tes spaje f pf Be vou bi "Sts amer, isbe made there * ines bears the car-marks of our Peat pated cou preelon which culminated inan offer « YW 3S temporary.. There isn'ta word of truth ii Pe ° 3 = t q. sine biographer, in her words, That my month a,o that we give up a portion of our Otis space during theevening toa poker club of which we are president, and we ag wititn | often find it' painful enough to re- sign ae But as for me, his wife, what : do with publicity? Ld+ not exist mo adopied tie suggestion, anda yun is ot have It i ; sci every night from? to Li. but poker isn't ima ter puter iehhaeien od oluly for lun, Das » jeeo Wrote to the --not by a long shot. Our enemies will gain princes notblng b7 baracter. such abeurd stories sie pe SD nnams sends that is beautucul without you. if you could He Steccx a Swag.--On the Istday of only be carried hither tirough tho air, I April we s.arted Indian Dick out of town to woukd go with you this very momweut back te we) how quick-be could make a journey SanjSebastian." 'ground the world. To tell the honest truth, Why a Bush Ja the 'Sige Gian tons we hadi'toveraten of confidence in Dick.) phe ivy being sacred to Bacchas, tie god of but be had so much atabition that wh gave wine, the aucsents indicated a placa where him a dotiar and a half and told bim to draw ying was sid by hanging an te ivy bush over otecuenasfor-eemesmote. when le reached Yoko poe a adi stom, a hama, The ctherday we heard of Mii up at the moderus took it from epee Shakes: Overton': ranch, oujy twenty miles awwy, pea: re's "goed wine needs no tush" wasa fami- ond that tie-had boon there ever since thet iar proverh, founlel oa the latin "ving of April... 1t seamed that Le was sali h DEVE vendibili i nou,opus éct™ (io salable ty on bis trip untit Le struck Overton's, where wine no ivy is necessary) ; the Freoch have sa eastern genius. iy inking sme sort of ihe proverb, au vin noe es veud bien, il ne seek out of cactus rooht The Myst" taste fat pit de ores" 03 ni water sete For CRAMPS, COLIC, and --.fall. Bowel Troubles, use. a NG MACHINE: OIA, MANUFACTP RED "PMN KITTREDGE aq) gine REST.IN ONLY BY ra a REVAL Es Ane rosaries THE WORLD, a : aw , : a 2 a | Used tieth trtermally and externally. ' Iran a wag affording almost instant PETROLINE. the New Pat ent Urocess INuminsting Oil, ix the be on ghee to GET THE GENUINE MEDICINE and FOOD: COMBINED! @M@EMULSION 'er COD LIVER OIL & Aro or LntCane SOOAL = Weigh t, Serene Lungs "Price eo. eed 1 © pe per Tk aia. v nm Wade The Rapa ore i. Judie ANT Ministers and Pu! blic Speakers use , production of "Nas were works of pure 'or Cleari ity. and Str mathaning the Liner ne is Watches, Clocks and Jewellery. Fs nthe Sample free en opel mations to Druggists. PALMO- TAR SOAP meable = hs inwe Te _ or Ta. iE BEST BABYS SOAP 'SHOWN, . "Priee 28c.. ~ a ~muatrek tirst met with Fraulein Johaa _ ea re ansa ee ome oO AL a <i eee ed Pe ee ee rr. oa si asiccigigaand dol. deivn adewit a, Susla iie pants "emueneter <igeetaee eat To patients suffe age | from nervous exhaus- tion; toimprove the Appetite, to assist Di- The most satisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER ie Channing's Sarsaparilla, itis a Grand HEALTH RESTORER. Will cure the worst 'Silles vad = A say will ALEEN'S LUNG. BALSAM Garden Hose and Lawn. Rakes. peptic Pea TR AE PAE PRET he epee i GT Ee Hite A abil vin" provers and be hae' m ye ten rods sincere, Une mrs is: "A good thing advertises itsetf." eae cirennistances all _ are declared off: end all wee have fooa i idome fa the back yar dtoy iit for th rte ', Additi us are frequently wmle to the re "ey celebrations of wedding occasions, The fol DRAWING THE Lis. Maj. Atwool, of owing. so far as we can ascertain, is the Tombstone, came down the other day to ask magnet and improved list: Tiree days, a gréat favor of us. Hie wanted us to give bia one 'ot ~ Lee ies, cut of our private, tron ; Aifth annive reary, Woodea; teath uanir tal ft. We adiies s Ce le abr avons, hein Feat o tue Lie Phy Se fuilers ace litle ter AePULLLS CLI OL yeas yy. toed (bid Lama bld anolsansers, cxzatals etc Teron trite SANE: PR wn friend-- prone anmversiry, - soventp- Ut Hits [ Serstttt *\ froin firetio last, ond while he niwaye bad @ anyiversury, silver; thirtieth anuiversasy doliar for us in the oli days when We Were eottea; thirty-lith auniver ary, linen; forth hard np, we renat draw the ane sommerhore. eth anaiversiry. woolen; . forty-fifth annt- He can hive our sairt, our rabbit's foot, our yorary, sik; fiftieth umuiversary, gold dream book or our fine camb, , but frie adel ip seventy ylifth anniver: "ar diainond, ceases When be approaches the graveyar me f which wehave been at co msec pains and ex- Purification of Sewage Water, - at rense to {it up aad imakea fe ature of this Adiscovery, which may be of very great hoot mm of Tae county, value in a sanitary point of view, bas been D i Soeit made by Mr. Webster, of England, who has met aed : "Down 0 -- oie i gp e applet electric My 4o-tho-puciianss nu of sew: -- res cass the was! oO act as agew bet thut if a strong current tor of 7 be Kicker." He assured us th: "his > ae Cor light me was Barlow aud that he was a close of electri icity Sch as is OW or. jigh follower i in the foot dan pe of Horace 'Gree ley. ing purposes inpur priucipal eit iee--be passed t " . é After twenty-four Satine trial be got tight through a sewer the salts of the metals, _ . Bat, slim, polusium, etc, are decomposed, ' '4 while naseolt culorine and oxygen are mt eae ee oe page hin®n free, which act as disinfectauts, Furth r ae NS iy. i#net OF fhe mille ee res arches in this direction will doubtless want to we him, but we don't. hose beots ' cost us $12, but if Mr. Barlow -will only keep tt valuable rewults away we shail cousider ita good bargain. Fai Poultry for Market. He is about the tweatieth disciple of Gree Crowding the fowls in the coop may save ley, Beanett or Raymond we bave tried in space and expense. of coops, but it results in the last year, and we nre tired very tired ter per reutof «dead fowls hulorn the ay arriva at - ination. " A® cup for water mit be Lightning Never Strikes Twico. verxcorner of the coop, and each fow! He bhai bewn struck by lightning. Asthey shout have room ésough to move from oud picked bim up, stupned and bruised, he slow- polot in the coop to owen freely. The ly open «1 his eyes and said: food is not so important as the water, and - "Darncd ef it twaren't bad!" "Yer, it must have'been terrible." pointin the coop, the fowls will not: kno "But 'taint so badasit mought be," hacon- where it is and caunot drink, the consequeace being tiiat they perish of thirst. "No; sou might have got killa." : -*Toatait whatimeant. udamthank- : i he Pere Sentiest ful o that, 0' coar, but [1m glad it's happen ifornas favor tt ' chachoitaln, or @l wiilie far yours; "eos fn nit right for the cater aia perpy, for the Moral emblem, of get struck down agy Cline fi know, nevw sivikes t<witet in the same e ace, {t's like the airs eet it cme, an yer all Fipliey- lawrence Averican: - a eutrance of tbe _bay * San Francisco, the t vas giten it on fises of flowers of hacts of gold, on The Paper Lied. "Did youseo what the paper ssid about \ Naval Her rave. a > amd I dont want to | The peoy f Main especially not aut 5 A ' z ft) bker an of z Py nhs ther atvominable Les stem me. Vou may poe es i x 2 i 4 tty 7 seal we a © 7 it vir e ) pre ver \ make up your? nind that whatever was said th Sioa " Gat a : satets wi : re b4 ai fa 7" us tren, 1 i I 4 phat as antic It sal you 'wer who first a bandwuie fai a clever." Harper's Bazar, and ecattere ' Not His Hosts. hand, has not yet x wv 1 a A.--Did-yon bear that the th and des. HWRR, althoug h he . o --- = perape, Buewshet Jack pintaate Saas Jp And Ube, Whey ts soc uid B--No. Die with hia boots on, 1 aay | Branite quarries : Com P rave, ipa d € Lr my A.--No, indeed. W6-chat with smother! , '- man's batsour Robb"la et tre, --Texas eee nly ene - fas Pant Jones in the Sweric ran Nav; A Little bate, Sen ore Tucker commanded the man-of- ~ Tn Chicage. ar boston, which carried Joun Adams across He--May 1 have te plea aire of your bom | the cecean on his mission to France and took 'pany at ek ed Miss Boots several prizes. on the trip, He took part in a little late, ie, Waldo; Ivo! the de fense of Charleston and at its surrender ica deera togebeee three times alréeady,--/ became a prisoner of the British. He was Judge. | soon exchanged and took command. of the perenne i United States . steamship Thern, which he Excaped from (he Pillory. | ede a veritable thorn im the side. of the Mrs. ne you felt slippers, | British N ge eee Very Young loca No since I ve been | A Vagabond. | but 'Good 'Friend, ' * away from home, marm. A lady tells this story of two four-tooted | vagabonds,gays Tho Examiner Overdoing It. i / ~~Tce Chippers: FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, stigar; sixty days vinegar, first | r Bach plaster in an airetight xr tin bez, "DAVIS & LAWRENCE C9, Lim | Toilet Articos and Perfumery, oping Clothes. COUNTY OF PERTH. Past 'Ofte Time: Table AVOID HUMBUG. * <- Oil in the Market, and éque t) American Water White. ; Fer sale by a! Fret Class Dealers. oe BR ANCH OFFICE--A At Stratford, near G. T. R. Freight Sl eds. ROBERTS» "THE JEWELLER, Keeps a Complete Stock of He Makes a Special'y of Repairing. Bargains in Jewellery *- See His Goods. . 'W. H. RORERTS, ~Near- Commerdial Hotel, Downie Street. _ Siratiord, June 10th, 1490. 753 A HITHCTURAL Dvaigns, ake of PAE and wir - Portland and Thorold Cements' Sewer Pipes Culvert Pipes, YARD & OFFICE | ALBERT St. STRATFORD Tra: ve Stratford a8 foliews FOR BAIN LINY SAST. 7.540 0. .--Mugeeen. 55 a. FOR MAIN LINS WEET.-- 3-25 a. on -- ay FOR LONDON -- a FOR SUFFALO.--8550 pm "3:00 a. Mix FOR P ALMERSTON, WIARTON, SOUTHAMPTON - | FM PORE DAVE k= 8-05 * Between Stratford and [ rantiord only. Be 4 F. Jpnitirs. esa de at Biratlo A. Hepoarn, Specifications Ee am, miier . Strotlerd, Oct oa ae i -3y a J. Re KILBURN, Wholesale and Ketaidl Dealer ao FIRE ERICK, &c. IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME ae are timed to lea m-- S08 AND KINCARDINE. -- 10:00 a m.--Mixed, 1255 p. = --iepeann: 1:20 p. m.--- Express. 4:20 p. m1, Palmerston only. HICKSON, General Man = re ee LAWN MOWFRS f various kinds. old ones taken Marble and Granite Works. Go & ES Or goin Bewic stones. Mantel Pieces, Wash 8 Counter Tope, £0, Inseriptions in English and German. M =" Sept. i 4-ly in Exchange. Ice-cream Freezers, Ice Tongs and Refrigerators at Bottom Prices. Wire Screen Doors and Wire Window Screens at : W. & F. WORKMAN'S. JAMES STOCK, DRESS MAKING. cies them acall. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ontario Street, - - Stratford. ® few yunde tom a 'cat Office, MRS. TRACY, =4 ing recovered from her late Olness, has again he the » ROOMS TO RENT. UITAR - hd Bag ne es = » To oe, Erie « i tet J. FRANK PALMER, Over Tux Tham oftice, 6. sere cen annem "CITY. "BARBER { SHOP, } } -- SUCCESSOR 10 JAMES CORCORRIC = Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Wines and Liquors. } The Finest Brands of Brandies, Port and Sherry Wines, irish-and Scotch Whiskies, Gin and 'Rum Always in Stock. , I have a very large assortment of the finest brands of Claret and Champagne, and our Native Wine is unexcelled. Try it. Letter orders recive, prompt attention. And Save Money by getting a Free Sample of the TEAS that JAMESCORCORAN compare them with what you have paid 25 and;50 Cents per Ib. for to pedlars and gift tea companiss. -- ' Stratford, July 24, 1889. LARDINE OIL Takes the lead for 'all machine purposes. Wh or oil 5 will in- jure your machinery when you can get the Gace Lari James Hartley, = Prop. ~~ fo lige 18 «SHOP thoroughly renovated, of his customers thing is heat and clean about his Stratford, June 10, 1890. 788- yd in better prepared to sited tothe want ever His Workmen are the best, while every shop. - Success the Best Test of orth PILLS 'AND. 0 This oniversal medicine | isa Household quinite overs where, z pba Sh aga M, et 80 : Sent ant aioe benedeni A ---- phi " oF THE BLOOD, 'BUDOI inepart tone to @ Dower ali baais every kind of SORE, ULCER, WOUND more certainly than any other wlve. Its ts marvellous penetrating powers tnd oj at Is. id, 2s. FOES on pate a Spindle, Bclt Cutting, Bret, Bolars, woportion. eo an r SEATS mae have thie mi roafas ote i ee-iae