e TIES" With all Pears. cel STRATFORD, ONTARIG >, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20. 1890, AIRTHS, ARTI Strattord, on the toh inet., the eel agemlage Neon St, ofa i hh inst, the wite of D. 8. mn tne Fendi ey A Pes oe schenes master eos bsogr ee Tth inet, the of ur. War Goons -- i. 6f & son, " wer th th inet.. the \ aoe re vas, euler of & datighter. L ie on the Oe at . te alcirox-- the forh cnet, Oe site ot ne eA. pra Brod tescher, of OTT In Toviotdale, ~ bad Sage inst, aie ot 'betsias Bacas ota Fo of Thstaas hs maicadte ina] : eT) want. la sentria, enthe tia, inet. the ee fo of Adan § ewart, of a Ewe ie x Mit bel on te 'of Jabex Jewell, © fa dauchter. the Yet ince eh, the with MARRIAGEA Se Ae mer oe Bay Porenty, to of. Fs i Pert wey Gee elated of Me. F..W. Gheras ¥ of St. Marys. DLLIE--In' nas bi on the 33th inst., : _ Mie otine , om the 13th inst, mes Cameron, 2nd Dy: tres Aang hter of the late John Harris, axed | ; ae dost... Mr. John. Device, formerly of St. Ma ; Lita rattord, on the sys younz: aa Mt ite He i cat pon of de. and dap Ww. tse #41 S mooths and 12 dey iStoN. win Pamereton, ya tke 11 inst at the dhe Fai Fa irs his year wil it be ahead fany -eerogs nel former years, ¥« ith inet, the wife 4D. €ity £ Socal Brevities, 0 to School, etary a9 hatd ina at A. T. Macdonald's, AG: T Reshopman fainted in Romzo Park Monday... H6 soon came to Rode is nota a 200 early to he loo shiting up code end if any gre or alter o to were get your City Local Brevis. Rubber Stusmpe. For every hand stampa art Strat/ord --_ ing 'on of Gelber 4 Kh. Weir, Box £ mu Vieenane har kin Are make pa git quite. 5) stand th _ Gity Lorat R Urevities. meni cuca To-Night, : Sorte os. baud will pay on the band Veudne ctr, Mahia ting Ali lovers no ad t emusic choatd mpke it a point to he on hand anit ake iu the free concert, The citizencall know how exeetfontly they yo witheape pay uragement, f fur- of = iin the eae practic al <° "at rier' iu the at riet, aasu ing you that we have the ac and the right prices, at A. facdornald The scholastic year Fat Loretto Seminary wil! commence the fitet week in Se ptember, phe course of instruction is syetematic roroagh, embracing ni branch of a pe ae and. useful educatic on. Ce mpl. a is made of thé nuisance ocea- rior' edt by the whistling of engines on the "tna de the city limits. People hare ime and again dis tured by these neives. It' is quite euffi- sie nt to bave the beit rung Mr. A, Elise D, ef St. Thoms, has _re- + ceived the contract to a cone t+ pocket coal chite, With spprosch, for te: G ie at Sire ford, ; coal chute ne St. Themes bout 33 of The i esil Matches of the County ot ie th fille Association will lat the vow Rauge on the Ivatt Farm, 'Stratford, on Exiday.. 2 ¢- Tt 'will cost a trrrtts trek Thos is as ' lors of } j 1, Assy the rity | ; mali wilh be liabte for thé license, & tein; | Ane ned Trunk: Re wiley Ko turn ot teat Passcnser Pereight | ee 314,75 8100,946 Decor: nae, 1200, $21,219. WET Net Set In August. The ase ation hss Leen asked repeatedly, whathas the dudge done with the appeals that were wala before him for disposal. Hi + Honor will not set in August and the chances ure the cases, wil: come up for dis posst in fed mr eely. part of a ot befuie the Were They "Electric Baile ons "7 Dering last band night considerable spect-stion was indulved in regarding the ereetric balloons, which were seen in the heavens io the locality of Butfalo and Cleveland Sume vere of the opinion.that _aalutday, Sep 1590, usder the Patronage of Boe Bal lantyne, Esq, MPP, Attention is directed to the advertise- ment of Davis & Lawrence & Co., Mont- real, which "iia 'rh in this issue of the Paper. They ar p old and reliable firm, one of the 'anat relia? te in the country, Their medicises are yaat what they are represented to be. Away down deep in every huvan heart is something that maken onc long at times | to temple the cares ¢f earth underfoot era pitose the hela id oe eee, bat an! eppe: tmnits & > make » dollar with appar. J iting-the average man-beck-| » rth with a ruddenness that) nothin elec in life Gun eclipse. Mr. Joha WW. cc formerly Be Mr. Se ee es bose were stars. Tha*Detrcit Papers con ain cevounts of seme electric balloons h wing nen mas bap shere- resem tiy: Mecting rit Suceees, y head clerk louis but recent. Cater varines, manager vot Mr Hurnitte Is Mm-s Shae'w store ia Mr Burns ita thateugh basi enw man ieee entive aml courtetus to cus gant an Lines i ploased-te learn hes Bue "revtnx sriaeps Sicaters, the Western, Dist-iet Ride Assoc a] prutliae my ot ithe Perth g hoots for fall plowing ¢an be had A.J, MoPuerson at reasonable figures. ir, H. Walton is dolug reiievirg work 6G. T. KR. Kage shoe ca tpl og best in the ) at A. MeoPher Sabi: il at vie gas all! has reached a of 1000 fe flu: stap i 4agoot one this year. in. Clasrte barber-at oie "opening: a} ce shop at Tay Histock. Alles ia a good mechanic and no doubt <a make his venture @ paying one Tie Times wishea him every euccess in bis new hel person so overtaking another vehi- cle or horseman shall turn out to the left so far as avoid a co. liision with tke vehicle or horseman .so overtaken, 1 and the 200. 60 overtaken ehall ent te thar ae wea On T egnrepatel-tealf gist, Teand two silver medals: -- A. Robertson, $45 ond a silver medal. A. Gillard, FS) 25 and «tilver medal, J. Wi J. ' A. Hirst, $4. 2 P. Also two battalion team prizes of 38 jaleaned 0 acoes for men women. and at McPhereon's. ay shoot Woodcock new if you oO stroot. DE pl the me des an unwilling brite is undesirable, kid cae boots $1. eee $2 25 d value at 3!cPherson' Middicton sails for Rogland to- the furniture man is never the tinies ia occuring the newest # in farniture have bad all the fences |" © sepa croaings insite the city white- ae thing in life ia in the under- d U metho!y peuple will employ to get the 1200 boxes of cheese were cifer cnet cherse inarket here Thursday lait. » Chas. Ps or of the Grand ebsuing year Seefarth papers do mot contain dobg -- f the Stratford-Sxs forth bp mate garden ie will be held at the pe of A, J. Hailey Friday evening; pro ja to go to Home Memorial Ciurcn. . Macdopald has already commenced wite a trade in School Supplies you . 's you ?--Give bim as airs kort has heen onocio: ed | Ledge LO € or Falstaff Victorias and the Star p clube pla syed a match Friday last, iatter winning the game by 2 games io @. T. Ri depot here is receiving a of oe and @ young swell who jean- against one of the silla had his coat were held in St. Joseps church » it being the celebration of the % Pte sesumption of the Blessed fa hcuse of J. H Bradt, of Falstaif was eke larized last week, two pte and a violin baling stolen. No ef ihe burglars. 5 We Clarke, Draper, Tai je an important ci isin 'to era next ag Read bia ad- in this Degucrre, fcuerks of the Colleg- titute here, has resigned his . mathematical master of the Strath- egiate Tostitute. you heen in to ae Hepburn's g wareronne late! oer i Tf' you are ing h t is to your to do so. sand valises in all styles. Hats pand Gents' Furnishings goods in ty Tag at reascna ices: ut oy ais feraltare i Sony ci fal prizes at the fall TE ehividce ' Read jis i Ht will repay you. men of pe ve form- ferme Bers = gn the Market | oh s 40 the amount of $5.00, he | -dade.window shades, | _ Br one half of the road gee "This act came into force on the Ist day of August, A writer ine German paper had kad the nerve to print the eeeteane which go to makeupa glass-of many. The j- 'Pharmacopeta oft the bear barre] thle scien. tihe man sete forth in.alphabetical order D 6 give the German nomenclature for fear of spoiling the brew. It consista, says the writer, of: Alchol, s!thopfenal, aloe, bella- penne hiercouleur, bilsenkraut, bitterkler, uchenrpane,c arayhen smoos, ealcquinten, cuzian, fichtennadeln, rogel, gelantine, glycerine, = % 'Inuzapane, shausenblase, herbetzeitlos fenbitt sure, I gaativabeline. ar ene sker, kardo benedict enkraut, kokel-kornér, xariende ey lakritkensaft, pia sated walzetr . mobo, eSseleprbrer, na xine nicsz# urz, NUx vo- intent brechnurz}, 'PB krinsaure, pottasche, eali¢vleaare, schafgarbe, éffer. soda, starke zucher, emchi, stry: chin, ayrap, tannia, tau- sendgabler: ernst, tisehterlei¢a, } 'a ingw er, kamille, ant $10 each, atd--a-comp of-85.- Private Robertzon Rank a ed himself. OF hi mae the A Priva' ertson, of the 25th EB at lion, ashe a at 500 yards apd 25 at 400 yards, and leads the reat of the competitors, Robertson also made the possible 23 at 200 yards " Remarkable Sueceaa. The friends of Mr. W r Merci M. i Forveter' * Gift Concert. cae e "hi teem 'whey =e we that > amuse you you apgwersate ti ta gthe:n # gocd audieuce to bight by giving Is is free The following is " list of tiames And eat the Porester's gift concert Friday eveuiny last: J. oe ures va iors, Toronto, Stratford Times, by E. J. soeitl oH. BR. Wheeler, city, table cover, yb ' ee ip. A. Logan, Brantford, ; Portecus & i. MeLiyan. Atkinson, city, hat, iy Tolton Bros. di Cast, city, vases, by JH Naamyth & Go. we pees fos pickte eh by Pequeguat Bros , b Pawson, city, bed- ieom suite, 830. A King, pickle dish, by Harnsdale & Co. A Smith, Toronto, valise, by: Thornton & Donglas. Ww Ailsworth, Osiawa, pipe, by J H Ken: on .. Morria, Hy: le Park, eradle, by Br aw & Co. D Macdonald, | Hyde Parke pair water ak Con. -Goteven- auslet. Be san, city, parlor suit of 6 pieces, D Kasson, Hty, rattan rocker 'lait, Goderich, #2 ; at, hy Sam Glaister. W titaes, Word: stock, lanip, by Dansmore & Son. C Sent- ter, city, hair cloth lange B Stamp, Moatretl, haoging lam W Bain, city, 31 shaving tickets, J Bloomer, G Crauris- P lait Eiwa:d, 815 china tea vet $ Sarvis, Listowel, easy chair. Mumarery, city, baby ------. W Den- fruit. dish, by J W McBwin. bottle of perfume, i totvelt contre i Vratt. sity, ee Yemen and C J Ie Vrof B allaen was sie the de awis 'gs and De. col as serutineers Life anid Recuea th and Whaat the Cty?" ~ Marys' civte holiday ison the 23th. A Miss Hutehiusdn of St. Marys, had » narrow escape from drowning last week. Carman of Woodstock was second in the half mile bicycle race at Cobourg Monday, A young daughter of Geo. Pettit, Wood- stock, while endeav poring $ to catch a bntter- ™ pi ee y posts office 'oe been started two site 'and a half nortli of Bornholm, which will bo kuowa as tho Sullsburg post- fice. James Earnest will be postmaster, H. B. Beard, Exq , Q. C., haa be ctted deputy judge for Oxford during the four montna' leave of abzence of Judge Finkle, : "Mr. John = on the Rhine hotel, fat 880° ee ProLice 'COURT. Chas. Wittie, lveuny of mason's plambe Sentence deferred. Kobert Footwinger, larceny. Sentence deferred. Chas. Morrison, 'tone armed Charley," who took part in i » Sanday fight in front of the Salvation bi rracks waa fined $2 Thomas Harris, vagraney. dave a dames Healy, teok a vulive tn tiiven *o long te get Mattia Metir sth, (drapk and disorderiy. Finedi'$) aud A. C. Shaw, arviitek, ete., etc., assault, Fined $1 and costs, Harry Henderson, drunk and disorderly, Fined 31 and costs Chas. Do nuett, housebreaking. Son- tence deferred. O'Vonrell broke into Mra ty houses short time ago, "an Y WAS taforned if he showed ap in the sity inside three years he mould go down. $1 or drunklwhd disor jerly, mistake for his own. feut of town, 2 sare - OBITUARIES, The "heath of Mr. John Givay, of the Terrapio last week, was not expected. He was a man well known and of kindiy dis- potition. The La Crosse, Wis., Daily Press, of Wednesday last, gives ag ex ollowing ac- count of the death of Mr. -- Spence's young wife: 'Sire. Gavin Spence, ree Rachacl Hedges, formerly of this city, died yestertay at her home in Minneap- olis, after an une as extending over several |. weeks. This inteNigeies to the Many friends of the pobene lady who wss mar- ried _here_last. year to Mr. Spence, the popular travelling man then representing the whole: ale grocery house of J. J, Ho- She wasn native of Scotland, being born at E a arg in 1863. Being previ- ously engayel to Mr, Spence she bravely eroared the ucean arriving in this city on _-- Sth and became ao bride two days young couple removed Mince apolis in October where Mr. Spence in business... This and | happy union is now rudely interrupted by death, which is a cad biow to husband and fiend 30 were 'Hed. G, H. "Frnir steps as have * ad to thre bev ing -Ones-aeres--} eset: the sea, who will soon learn of their great affliction, Me. Spouce arrived bere with the body it nuon tu- Tharaday wn -theforera wilt be tion. Aa A com 'rom H:; T, Barker, 'aking that a six plank sidewalk be laid oa ~ wat the new Hamlet. ward Peeters ora" -- en pees wchool $10,850.--Fin- _ Ree ommending the following § AXUR-- "Ties Bea Pebtie schoo! board on debenta wikers AND Péw Ww: Nichols, AL' =y 3 ye te J. Wilson, © Hieraid, printing 1000 re Park axp Cemetent--Paysheet city relieved of the Inre Nile St. sewer, your comm THE CITY ALDERWEN. "A Cool Night Anat Very Little Brasiness, Monday evenifig wae vas the reguiar of the City Council. All the members unication -was read f --_-- oe Life Assnrance' Co., circular-- FINASCE REPORT. ede erald pr int in: zee Or - Jf ie HEN eessas be - ~™ dusters ica bina to psy man while o. holidaga corporation baby 2 weeks ' ron T. Haver, supplies 3 4 &71.61 pa! 46,90 Campbell, flowers 50.00 _-- 1h LHW Hiret" Vener va -- es ie snoaiaies resommended } in the case f Thomas Campbell, who was sent to the Istria School! at Mimico, an sllowance 0 per week while he may be detain- Reece mmend that the Mayor take suc- prudcace may dictate, to have the char, fixed the amount to be paid pn this who made~ year, application to tap said ewer, said annual pay mente a bs mads till there is sufficient 1-allcontributorsthere.to off the del "ae 'tures iseoed for ity coustrue- to the sppliction of Ald Smith, fore fors Xeeidence of Rete ,.eLores, in. the same room in which she kg married, , 518- Soath Fifth street, Rev. >. Tenbroeck officiating. It was her Mites that she be buried ia this city. CHE WoRL DP OFS SPORT. The Stratford and 4 Bright lacrosse clubs play at the latter place on the 29th, St. Marya baseball club wishea to try conclusions with some Stratford clue Sarely one of the half dozen clubs here can accom hee ia the matter with all the base ball cl ia the city, that there are no matches on deck ? REA cx. KNor. Lhe following remedies for black knot sider In ot $50 owing to Ahe.remoral, assensed bey said sum, You the old structure by t now in the course of erec' assiat h building that is gone and hence That } oe © Graber for permanent sidewalk on North side of Ontario pn Irelands artitic our Committee mepronene the worthy alderman'és ic epixit and enterpriee in supplanting + nee coed » but can in casting wiestlons on. the 314 would rec- no action, WM. Davidson REPORT BOARD OF WORKS, rte of Mesars: Recommended that Jones and Townsend for drain be gran That re request of Mra, McHugh rar of creek be granted. tmission be granted. To be laid with Mr, re sidewalk on. Galt St., they recom. of our Cel egiate ove lad to learn of his in the * 'Gre nat North West.' ing clipping {rem the V innipeg ** -- "of August llth shows that *'r. McBride has at least cquatled, if he eclipsed former records at teac hers' ex atuinations. '* At, th , amication the W inoipeg C1 ate pope trsdie a splencit nd Th Eng glish er avoape on t ecum f [ 7i i ets was plucked fa atl other 14 Ae waid meister a sac prey Pg wermuth, zuckercouleur, ete. Re PERSONALS. Mis. Ro Legs and Miss. 4. Boyd, of sai ford, are visit ing fricidsin St. Marys, T. Ballentyne, M P. P., is in Europe. on aie annual business tri Mias Kate Carlin, organisiol Bt. Joseph's Charch-is-visiting friends in Seaforth, « Miss Bella McDonald of this city, s ve iting friends at Port Huron and Detr Mra E. Hergott his ~~ ra a = to 2 in Wiarto A. Case wife and" 'family have re- Elly from Halifax. Miss Alffe Carroll of Stratford, is visit ste her sister, Mri a J. Harmer, 'Nood- "bale M. Milne of Cleveland, Obiv, who has been visiting in the city returned home yesterday Mr. Rusrel Atkinson of London was in the city Monday. Mr. Atkinson fills « responsible ---- in Scandretts store, Mr.J. M. Struthers, formerly of the biz 7, pena 'a Block, but now a Toronto, HE Times a pleasant call, Monday, ee James Hamilton, = Chatham, is guest of Mra J.C. Robin a, Bbakeoncts eon Mr. Fred Burroughes, of Toronto, was in the pie thia week, visiting his brother d friends. Misses Irene and Matilda Miller, of ~ city, spent-Sunday with friendsia the y: cinity of Woodstock. Mr. W. J. Elliott, of the Central Busi- --_ Gollege, has returned after a pleasant acation: Principal W. H. Shaw, of the Central Business College, who u Chatham, Ont, has returned to the City. Mr. rian Boag of London xeveral day the city last wack. the 4 guest of Me F. "Wiukler Wellington St, Mr. W. H, Winstone of the Classic City | acciden raed successfal busi of ~dhiw.tolos dag.ase the In Int clase Ie per c nt. passed, ae ®. id a or " "es be Seal of such in Er alish rd Me. Mc Itride mihi oald a recor] of his pepil Lively Sequel to a Romantic Mirrsage. A despatch from O:tawa States, thas n romantic marriage: took place in the city on Friday rey which has caueed much excitement in St, Ann's parish. It ap- Gui te that ob ime ago A: tolicited _ hand ra his betrothed in mar- riage from h ther, bat was refused. the meieitiela:" the young couple met and kept np their acquaintance uskoown to the bride's parents, Mr. Morin, -On eg they were driven to the ence Bogert, and -- married. Afte a8 pie rmed the ne wy wedded. couple drave re i bride's father for the purpose of asking his forgiveness. Upon being informed of what had taken placa, Mr. Morin took his son-in-law by the thiowt,- and, and after giving him 5 severe thrashing, threw him into the street. While this was going on Mrs. Morin took her' daughter in hand, aad, after a astising her, locked her in a 1ooni, where heen con ® prisoner; it is uated, ever since, not being permitted to leave the bouse. Guinard will! inetitate Jegal proceedings to recover his wife. Tre Parkhitt Accident. * The Corones's jury in the recelit accident at Parkhill brought in the following ver- dict: ** We find that the said George Cheereborough came to his death from « deep wound in bis back, puncturing the right lung and the liver, and that 3. T. Rion' : aa we also to train No. 214, special an the G Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1890 find that the accident was cansed by ak atone having heen place] on the track-be tween the rails by the marons and stone, catters empl -yed the Spring Creek bridge, aad that the Beey cagse of the aecident wae the neglecting to send out danger sieoatatsatnves the track. was thus pts baagy and ae peat aa that the was due Treen light een falien putes ca t be a a0) t distance from the place the down d carve, to give trains time to slow up, and the store cutters and the | wound Was inflicted @nring the accident |. have been laid ooh ae } SIM At the Hamilton ead of the sal Mr. Wilikce te well kuowa ta the travoting public and being court ous and affable, he ia bound to suceped, The estate of Davia Shaw, of Fast Zora, whorkipped about a year ago, will only be hree apd five-gixths cents on the deflar. The aims proven aguinat the estate ain ae' x divider id is only $527 12. Me. Gearge Harland, Thomas, who wis in the Grand Trunk R ailcoud acei- at Packhi'l oa Avy. 6, lost his _ nroughs the elfects of consumption on Fri t aye Bha fen: fax mally of seven child ira. Birchall's #! ster, Sei, Sai with cetier lady and at detective, were in Mrincetowrn a few days vines, aut drove to tie "Benweil Swamp." hia tragic spot vat been visttual by hundreda of persons Jaring the holiday season. Mrs, Bellow, wife of the teller of the Melaon' P boul, Norwich, and formerly of latoc a very Rarrow esca ron drowacta last week at Morrisburg, bs accidently walking off the wharf. Her vith. 2 WR oie rescued with great difficulty, Mr. B.' W. Ziemann, merchant tailor, Sebringville, gives work -- work aod guarantees @ fic in everv Goods mete up fashionadle and at Renee eqnal to any in the city Those who do not believe it shou'd take a leok at. the Koights of Sherwood in this city. Mr. Ziemann is « practical tailor, Mr. Junies Dow of the Lith cuncession of Hibbert, iad a very psintul sod dangerous speration performed oa him afew days ®. we ef Mitchell, performed tle operstion, assisted by Drs. D. BL Fraser andl Shaver of Stratford, Me, Dow is very low, cook eign hopes are entertained of hia ree Pecpte in the country who are annoyed by flies should remember that clusters of the fragrant clover which grow abundant: ly by nearly every roadside. if hung inthe reom and left to dry and shed its f-agrant érfume through the air, will drive away mors flies than sticky saucers of mo- lasses and other fy trapa and fly papers ean ever collec ca Maes i 'SMOKESTACK SPARKS. The Erie Chicsgo end Atlantic for $5,000,000 The G. T. R. hare ox hmhnehd Gikeie struction of three new i: can bridges on > the Sarnia: branch in Kome The record of train peep iu the United States during | the month of June, 1890, iacludes 64 colli ions, 67 der and.6 miscelleneous accidents, @ total of 157 accidents, in which 53 persons were killed and 153 injured The work of doable tracking the G.T.R. line weatward from Toionto is progree favorably, but some delay will be ooca- by the beilding of the ber over the Humber." At present the double rails jimico, Honiton or three sections of vagal I in that a bag £ or eagg oa railway has tema the}. of the "Ontario Agiik aattreat® 'Cottege= 1, {Hitherto moet orcharidistshsve found the best thing to do is to cut of affected limbs and destro Where ' ere is badly attacked, destroy the whole 2 Some experiments tu ortsiog ne oil | te the kovts with a simali brush so as to saturate the knot have been effective. This is donethree or fiar times during the "oe + as soon ag the knot appears, #. Coal oil may be used, but it mast be fully. is rugs over the branch iil it. wke-cherry Py: "eatery ed. "Te hs Whroreanate that eolitile regardis psid to the law which Tequires aifecte! tress to be des- troyed: Tnese treas are scattering millions 'of spores yearly, and thus spreading the disease to all party of Province. Bligited treea stand as monuments of the Yodiference and ignornuce of thoaa who should co-operate in fighting against a common fos. And So Say They AU, "SenanGer "writes Tie Tings "as A followa:-- Detroit Mich. » dee 14th, 1890, Prop. Tur Tints, Stra Dear Sir -- Encton y pone find one dollar my .subscription to Tuz Tutzs ne another year. Tae Times in my o --e better paper to-day than it oe a ego. I shall try and not be withou, os long as Ihave the funds, Wis ishin , woe continued success in your enterprize. AMONG [THEAHOTELS. if Prof. Oclitenw, i Montreal, is at the Albion. At the bie ih Ww. ne ney * Tor- ontadelogram, I. 2...) ort Hurom, M. Gisionn, Balfalo NY Y, lanover, are at the Royal. At the Mansion : R. B. "Walsh, Cc. w. Holland, Toronto, Wm, Eliott, Cc. B. Armstrong, London, At the Commercial; W. Taylor, J. ke London, E. T Rt. Zoellner, Sent orest, A. L Victae, Branttor E, J. Rowe, THE FALL Paang. Listowel, Sept. 17, Pos 19. London, Sept, 18 --27 hell, Oct.°23, 2 The Industrial, Toronto--Se 8-20, , Brantford, Sept. 9- fi. North- western, Goderich, Sept. 15-17, Scathern Countice, St Thomas, Sep 1 = ro i Sh treesiear orchards ys , of Onigrio Ss. Market, Downie, Shaks Haron' rot, 'Mi St., to Johns St. Mr. and Mrs. George W' Toronto, are visiting a at Mr. Wm, Luptons, enued- thatthe diich-in. trom -- of Mrs. Corrigans house be repaired. Recamnmended drainage of shoddy mill perty re Morntagton and Mary § o drain, he same RErORT OF STRERT COMMISSIONER, fore Fe ait hee = 76 by Wace ds: 87O gravel 28 yds. a " fag Seipcaiinshients ; qo Shakspere,1,2 - 618 « SCRAPING Os GRADING, , from Charch to Waterldo St, St.,$ 320; 166,00 pere ie St., from Ontario to Galt, Oatario ico Waterloo to G. 210.00 110 The band rss adjourned. on Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Moore, of Toronte, are visiting friends in this city, interbotham, of Readers of Tue Tres will remember the irrepressible ** Dr." bine" - Hamil. ten Griffin, in more ee ccording He is writing a new the Bible, with copious snvotations references, anid hanical portion showing great care and noe KIDNAPPED, Carried Of By An Old Lever, New Yoss, Aug.14--A Tribune from' St. Louis ge Kes Witla Kennet, of -- Ci Piae street to-day by John er ae radi. eee teturning to husband. i AH i i i re i ; L a Cee +