i .* ee ae Qe ae ee ie LI WOH'S CAPTURE BY BANDITS. MOW GREAT MUSIC IS WRITTEN. | wore ee The Fike American Blaff Which fered @84 Tunes Picked Up by the Clamie Com- Both His Kepetation and His Money. orked (Over. - tareer, including the circumstances engaged at 19 Mott street, taking life vhich gave birth to each work atid un- easy and recovering from his scare. In fer which it was put together, not Yar- telling the story Li Woh said that when wetting the sources laid under contribu- he went bome he wanted to make a good jon by the-master for the accowplish- went of his task.. The: supplementary sohume of this edition, published in the! (he went to o-first class tailor and had fondest hopes, His the Bowery diamonds were prominently display tausen, & writer In The Frankfurter where they would zitung, draws the materials for a -brief made at interesting communication. do the most good, quite a Chinese dude of him. | When he made his appearance in the One hears often the complaint that this lide near by town where his relations | inspectors to enforce the provisions of this t that piece of music is not "origtaal," lived the people thought he was million- | Act, under a pena'ty of $10 to $20 fine, tis charged against the composer that aire, and they would not have been sur- J After persons have been warned by the in- 1@ has borrowed from others, sometimes prised if he had said he was going to | *Pector and do not cut and burn as direct- 'ven from himeelf. If we had the cur- visit the emperor and put up $100,000.or He has just returned, and is now | impression, and he succeeded beyond his | As soon ashe arrived in Hong Kong | sox), | litatory to cut out and burn allglick Knot found on plum or cherry trees, each and j every year as it shall appear. 4 ' pot leas th 5 and not more $20 ent criticisms of the preceding periods so to help out the new railroad scheme, an $5 and 5 than $ ve might be amused or' surprised by, Woh did not have occasion to spend | City Loral Hews. Finally Settted. | Ate recent of the the who e amount will be raised in every short time, Such ts Life. : | When e man gets mad at something he | seen in a paper he cella the editor names, and lowes no time in telling him to " Stop My Paper." It is stopped, but the earth continues to revolve, the moon gets "full," -and jce continues as heretofore freezing with the slippery side on deck ; and : larly evdry week the gent who wanted his per "stopped sneake into his neigh- what it says this week" Such ur's to see | is life, ae Black Knot on Plum Treea. | _ Accerding to the Revised Statutes of | Ontario, chapter 202, section 2, it is ob- It is the | duty of all overseers of highways or street ed by statute, they are liable to a tine af A word to the wive is sufficient, SHAKESPEARE. r Mr A. Waddell's exhibition of fatted stock is an annual event in Shakespeare, - aod attracts pot only a large number of sellers ot prime beeves, but aleo numbers | of spectators from all of the sur. rounding country. no exce to the rule ; quite a gathering of farmers and others on Wed- y, 14th inat., and the vi bad a lively, bustling hee until after the splendid drove had been drivén to the railway station and packed ipto the care for shipment to England, when the streeta assumed their wonted quiet and deserted appearan Of this year's lot of cattle it may truly be said that they were the best ever seen here. here were 92 head afd they filled five cars and weighed 133,. 940 Iba, an average of about 1,455 Ite, Between six and seven thousand dollars were paid out for them, and another lot of abuut 80 head 'will be shipped by Mr Waddell next week for the same destina- tion. They were among the very best of the many excellent lets purchased by Mr Waddell ffom the thrifty farmers of the Easthopes and Wellesley, during the past few year Finer or fatter Ne er roamed jaa meadow Or emoke! on a platter. Ns * Waddell a few years since establish- ed the practice of awarding prizes to the beat antioals, aod this, doubtless, bas bad atendency to stimulate farmecs to fatten more systematically and thoroughly, as _ Well Adapted. . The +fflective action on the glandular system and the blood, and the general re- grsting temic and purif.ing action of B. _ SANAGAN | orion motive or scrofa oon. bree Ss | Lhe Merchant Tailor 6 bottles wali cure all bivod diseases from | ac mmcn pimple te the worst ecrofulous | sule The fsa oh eg ate me ROOM No 1, above TOL- bern advanced 200 feet ucder the riv- TON BROS.' Store. | er. Un the Sasnia side it is within about | ene hundred aod fifty feet trom the river WOK, Oi Very Greeny weder Khe old ehefr, | eaiemmed Whee the conticction i made with th ; abet, wir pipes dL + pPaceed pane the Keeps a well-selected and Shalt tr the tunnel from the pew boiler | ? earl At i th wiki z Penta Fashionable Stock of te work om thin wide, ws otoer, Wil ihe eafter te cared Ou ouder artificial pressure of mir | Tweeds, Worsteds, and Goods of all kinds, We have stil « large stock of « heap to 'aining the new story, "A Holling stone," | by Kate Eva Westlake. send 10 «nts Go and sce him. for theoe meehe teiei. am! receive & pre. rit Dae Agruts wanted everyv«e here : ------ Good premiume and big cemmi<-jo.-, -- dae Fines ton Wiekty, 9 Adelaide street ite SAN AGAN, West, T- ronte bacco, which We ate rehipg st the obi price ef Ake per it i a ie the best articte at inet price exer sured in the city Give it He stands at the head of his Wantet, ~~ > -- " Mecreip fer the Fuente Weekty-com: | Profession as a Cutter. | Net Stratford Upon Aron, Ap offer of $100 for the corpses of Dea. con Samuel T Houghton and Committee. ) man Thomas B. Fairchild, was posted the other night on the front door of the Strat- j ford Congregational Church, among no tices of prayer meetings; and notwith- standing the denial that it was authorized inding similar diatribes on the eontem* much of his money, because admiring rary musiciansand their works, Trac- friends insisted upon, entertaining him agup the history of musical composi+;They scattered Chinese red paint all over | jon into the Middle Ages we find that the town, and lived su rapidly that the 'ven the most distinguished composers New York merchant had to stop to get wid neither difficulty nor scruple aa tolhis breath. One night he left the crowd | well as to pay more attention to breed. After the,attle were weighed they were carefully judged by experts, and prizes awarded according to a tixed standard of merit. The awards of the judges on this oc- casion Were Lue anuounced ; ~The Merchant Tailor, On. Market. Street; not only a distressing complaint, of Stratford. [ndigesti as itself, but, by causing the blood to. _ = orrowing from the works of those who) in the midst of their revels and. went become depraved and the system en- | -- ------ gone before them, thometoget'a good rest. Ie "had" just | by anyove belonging to the church, the PRIZE WINS ERS. feebled, is the parent of innumerable _ One of the great facts of the history ofjfalien asleep, and was dreaming about belief exists that it wee put sbty some Fat bull--}, James Crerar ; 2, A,& W. | maladies, That Ayer's Sarsaparilla MACN Al R ' = mane ithe freeuse, the very miucl too the "big booted, blond haired 'girls of ford oo of abeseongregns cg og 9 -- Robertaon ; 3, John Robertson, | fs the best eure for Indigestion, even ' *;madeof popular tunes by the America, when the door was burst open, |, °" pe, bd ca ae po ca Mis a agers Fat Cow--1, John Kelly, jr: 2, C. when complicated with Liver Complaint, ; Pee use, muy popular | y the) rica, was bu Pen, | in the State, and one of the oldest in the! ssricker: « 3, Jobu Hoffman is the following testimod HAM I LTON omposers of church music down into'wad in rushed about, thirty able bodied t comatry, Stratford is inthe State of Con-| Four yane ol Kelfce a" Daaiia 06 : - pf a4 ~s berated | 'se Sixteenth century, Themes ne gol gaps men, . necticut, and is badly shaken up with ex-| (ajium : 2, JamesyForrest : 3. A. & W. Canine ca " 7 poi everent nor edifying were made the! It was a surprise party, and nota very | citement. obertecn. : tis oe | ais of & mass, developed inte fugues|pleasant one. Before Woh could speak | poeat Legal. - ~~ Three year old Liver complaint and _ indigestion POW ELL. ? _heiter--1, Peter Mc- | made my life a burden and came near "canons, 80 that the lessdevout mem-|a@ word abig wadof cotton was thrust ay f - ' " : : f lc he organ while they Were assisting at alnoise, but_only produced. a gurgling | time for making an award. On May_12th, Threetyearold steer-ul,A-MeTaviek-; | In the High Court of Justice, at Oegoode | Tavish ; 2, Wm Forrest ; 3, Jo c | endi ce. For more than ; ens of a congregation might have their into his mouth, his eyes were bandaged, | Hall Saturday, before Galt, C. J., Re | Tavish. . -- four years I suffered untold agony, was . ---- ae pasate gre geal déasurable faculties fully gratified, and be was carried out into the cool | Pratt and City of Stratford--Aylesworth, | Two year old heifer ty Jas teCallam ;, Eee erate te dena manelt shout "ah Tally de = . chanted -by the choir or rolled out*beeinhinight beveres: He ttied- too nsakesq--fer-Rratt; obtained d tis }-8:-Andrew Canchersent | we ered amd 'only ~~ be digested at Verad 4 2 and 3, John Rennie ; 4, P. McTavish, the moe, Golcste could _....'ligious_service,_ Even. the great re. away down ia-the bottom. of-his | 18 the High Court of Justice in the Queen's Two Year oll ttecr--f, EA Crerar, | @ me mentioned ve ormer himself, Palestrina, borrowed in throat. Hiis wife made a good deal of gg tba -- ee re 2 and 3 Adain Mohr; 4, Adam Oliver, : on gag pt ged Pike ah gn | in our selection of Swilable _ -- than one way. He himeelf wrote noise, but she could not follow the men | made for sale of defendant's landsto satisfy] Herd ot hol eattle--], John | Rennie ; 2, | any permanent good untilI commenced Jf g/erpa/s for the present sea- arch music on proper themes; he re on account of her small feet. The vil- plaintiff's jadgment for almony, the learn Vm Rennie; 3, A. Mohr; 4, P. MeTavish. | the use of Ayer's illa, which : unstructed, if we may say so, more lage was a small one, and the few neigh- | chief justice holding that the right to sell erd of cate--I1, John Rennie ; 2,Wm | has uced wonderful results. Soon 50, more than ordinary care han one work of a former composer, bors who were brought to their door by | !s not affected by the A of the defen- Rennie 3 3, Adam Stobr. Zila f eomed sanke tmsatoveeet in Dy and attention has been bestow @et as Shakespeare judiciously edited the disturbance were afraid to come to | dant Hossie trom the order of MacM bh ' I Taviah test animal on ground-- condition. My appetite began to return a ll that he * a already existing play, and he directly |Ube rescue, because they recognized the | J . declating the priority of the plaintiffs pyr f mn "Garni od td 'Kael af catiie and with it came the ability to 4, ©&,--a t a. the most critical og SAC ph GO ccna agg PINES RE nheeshlonns Oo Eade Ceres eae ee | the Hoeet ta the tor, for whieh he draw t sll the-tood:-taken, "my --srength tie end fastidious could desire.---- 'Taria" of the Spanish composer, Fag. immembers of the famous band of robbers the estuta. W. M. Dougiss for the plain. | the snug sum of $1,052; John Hoffman | months of faithful attention to you embracing all the latest shades ando de ja Cosas, into a piece for sev-|of the Heon Son mountains nearhy, | sir Hoyles, Q. C., for the defendant drew tha next largest sum 89. directions found myself ai well r ral voices, No one dreams of imputing |For several hours he was carried along, | Hoesie. ; in Mr John Jenoje had eight head and b here able to attend to all household patterns and effects, prevalent 38 @ foult fo Palestrina or the other the hicn taking turns, until at last they | ae netted F622, ig Si 2," a \ for the Spring and Summer. "atlier composers of churét music this}¢ame to a amall brick '3m house near & Look Bummer, _ The judgea were Alderman Ubelacker, ' ree use of materials ready to their hand, . the foot of the mountains, When..they | On the paive that the nes : oo, Sl had = Ww a 1. . TWEEDS, -- Canadian amd Mme os meng HOTS HSH WS Shout how censure | Were Bafely inside they untied the band- greatly from that of former yeare, it ie} acted as clerk. = : , yer $ | aparitta, ported--Worsteds, Panti 'E Gounod for developing a theme of age and took the cotton out of Woh's predicted that the coming summer will be eT gs Venetians, Meltons, &c. -ach's into a well known religious piece, mouth. It was then almost daylight. ao un ly cool one. As a matter of PREFARED BT Stockhausen, proceeding on the infor. As soon asthe captive could see he | tact, it is sald than since weather records Now that our native fruiteare co scarce, ; Drs J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass This Department ia under tho tation and the actual cases given by recognized one of the men as Woon, a| {itst began to be kept with anything like | you will find it very economical to pur- Price $1; six bottles, @5. Worth $5abottle. {manavement of Mr. H. W. TRIPP, Chrysander, puts before his readers a shiftless fellow who had borrowed money peg nape other, Meg pote ogee. cteee * fine ven _ ie ol _ late of Woodstock, whose reputation __ st of the pieces from which the best from him. He was probably the inform- with another, has been nat cele dts de. ee : WANTED and ability as a cutter and thorough mown and most favorite passuzes of the ¢r of the bandits, The door was locked, grees. The coldest year recorded by the ----_------------ MEN to take orders for Nursery Siock, on Salary or | »ractical knowledge of his profession 'Israel in Egypt" are borrowed. Han- and the ringleader told Li Woh heshouid | weather bureau was 1875, the average tem- Commiaton: Scan mako 5 encosntel i. wide} saan and Salad - ~----el-was-a-great-admirer- and ditigent: a3 soon as he-had given up a'| perature of which way 48 = - SALESMAN bat |} i od is ----tudent of Italian music. "This is Hot te SUm-amounting fm Awierican money to | Warmest, 1889, w a 53.5 de- that locality. As a specialty, his ® wondered at, seaing that there was, $3,000. - This would-have to be delivered |.8tees- But from January 1, 1890, to the pang B= Anand pat -o-ebocnnd Pavilion corte production of fine tailoring is un- ractically little other music at the time, | within" three days, or Mts. Li would re- romet ae; ~ Fit apt pemegi your salary or commission every week. Write for | equalled. Gentlemen can rely, in J Yeast in so advanced and organized a|ceite her husband's head on a platter on esa -- degrees higher than the terns at once, entrusting orders to us, upon satis- -- x ~ : erage for that period in former E. 0. GRAHAM, rs . sodition, It is not, then, surprising the fourth morning. It would have been years; the inference is drawn, with ap- é46-1m Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont. | factory fitting and atylish garments, Yat a "'Magnificat™ of Erba, published ,uscless to have told them that he did not parently very good reason, the sum- = : = ' = excellence of finish and thorough » bout 1690. and a serenade of Stradella, have so much money, although it was a| mer now approaching will be one of rela. Py ® rev cy | Workmanship. Prices at the lowest. tho lived about the same time, have fact, for all he had was $500, which was tively low temperatare. There is no such ae soe "I \D-MAK R'S or Pa C. We. earnestly: soligit the. tronage ....: Pen pressed into the serviée for the hidden in a corner of his room at home, | thing ss ceztainty in weathefpred a i _ , Ast * of ocr friends ana onbli- wally, ~ A A Wo a ae 'wa | but there is in a degree of prob- - ):] ts g public ger >-ally, fsrael." The editor, Chrysander, also 80 Li 2) thought that he would give ability which is at least entitled to res. atvea FAs Te owe Satitractia , ites-a.-'Te-Deum".-by-Urio-as-having them -an--American bluff, --In-- telling pect, wise man, Taking sets ibe FOR RALE CY ALL DEAL" Te. > , . arnisbed material, But the "Magnifi-'about it the other day he sald: will not be in haste to f his flannels, ee = Everyone uses Groceries, at" and the serenade are published {n! 'I put ona cheerful face when they * . . se edition of Handel's works as an ap- Said that, although I felt bad enough. 1 SRONIOES: oe EEE: se thts passes without Saying. endix, while the "Te Deum" has not 8aid if they wanted only $3,000 they| The fall mbeet Se vicinity ia looking Lumber Yard Every Lady will do her own appeared. It will be new and pos-\could hate it by asking for it. 'Why |"SreUDly wee ot sceived ering. this al _- ¥Mry disappointing to many lovers of didn't you tell me that when you were severe in rans ths etinics a & wieione FRONT STREET or mg, this SO passes. ' "andelian oratorio to be told that nojat my house? I asked. 'You would have | pall [ast Thursday. He will soon be around Here's « view of Mollie Grane-- + ' 3 , ws than fifteen numbers of the 'Irael/saved me and yourself alot of trouble, As last summer's tintypes show, E f the Old Port But whilst tt 1s true that all -1 Egypt" have been taken from the| What dol care for $3,000 or twice that] Word has been received that James, Then in rustic " Just ast of the . e hes . Magnificat" and the serenade, as any much? I would rather have paid it than _ J.P, is Bhe'd have led a beauty show, Dover Station. must ve Groceries and that ae may verify by comparison. The|to have been disturbed from my sleep, | *riously ill in Manitoba. Mr Callin him. every housewife will order for 'titer gives a list of the passages em-|Now you just-let- me finish my sleep ag wo am Sot snmnt Sime. post. but (PPHE undersigned have opened a Lumber Yard Aoyed in the oratorio by Handel. Ninejright here, Guard meas you like, but it. Ctiver leaves Sor Monitoba next week al Ck Ot Bice ond Wend Loker aa her own house, all the honse- wambers have been taken from thejlet me have my sleep out, and when I| Robert spent some t Bijl Btufl, Cedar Squares and Pows, xx and|_~ of Stratlord do not know "Magnificat." Among them are: awake wo will go back and you shall | summer and he has ee teas be eh po ur ope lanieom -- 2 . « The chorus: "He is my God." have the money. No one but myself can | to the prairie province. He is » first-class te get our prices, Wo will cell lumbee lor loo tust where they can secure the Soprano duct: "The Lord is my find the stuff, for I have hidden it sol] y man and will be missed the eney Stan you bere be-n buylag tos, for suse : oo' strength," not be robbed by say tolativen, vicinity, Siibel exten halen. or happy gs Pease of largest The chorus: 'He rebuked the Red sea."| "'I talked in this way because I did not NORTH EASTHOPE. be alet st gualily, and The fragment: "Thy right hand, Ojwant to be taken up into the mountains| Mr Jobe Cahill of this section, having | | meme Pe Br ype ree oa psa e's. -- an ord." where my friends not find me Reeser fink geprhay er G. T. R'y shops a ; lowest prices; well this will The great duet for two bases: 'The They seemed to like my j moved week, ' . oo ' rhe bord is a man of war." after holding a meeting in another room, ioe ashe than niecuhel ae scent oh Cheap Imon gets vm the seekers that The chorus: "Thy sendest forth thy|they said I was a good fellow, and treat- of their fall wheat, and the few scattered i ~ a grees wrath." ed me to a first class drink of shamshoo, fields remaining look as if they had the la Ww i SCOTT e Chorus: "And with a blast of thy nos A, bed was made, and when I lay down the second time. : i ZG: 4 crile." half a dozen men guarded me. I knew your last weeks' issue appeared an For Bargains. Duet: 'Thou in thy mercy." that my relatives would uso every possi- ene ern itnen es Neer Dad Seman ee Chorus: '*The earth swallowed them."|ble means to find out where I bad been er ee meray this Where she changed ber shape and 22 Market Street, Six numbers are taken from the sere-/taken, and that in a few hours they section a few weeks ago, running towards With new gowns and millinery. ---- ; "ude, But there is this difference, thatimight be at the farm house. So I made | the city with a determined effort of cateh- 1s the place, and wt this be cut sbile the passages from Erba's"Magnifi-|my hours in bed as long asTcould. It ingame A Fine 82.50 Hat rit at" are t with little| was about 3 o'clock that afternoon when Mr Thompeon was prac-| | out and have your milliner ' 's music furnishes ordi-|I heard a gréat Dole of hares' hoofs and | eing his trotter (Gold-dest} im the lane |-- for $1.50. Sapa ' which outside, J one evening recently, he wet with what ---- paste it tn your new spring arily only the theme or suggestion peng | opened my eyes br J ' famdel are: jand around. There was nobody ee eventos sess ~ Ss comtom. sieges bonnet, so that the fact will not Chorus: *'He led them forth like sheep;"|im the room, and I started to go out, ae paper ag eign! hie an be forgotien. He keeps always +ud the chorus: "He spoke the word." _|when Woon came in and made rush at | siclaty wy ts fenso cet enading the SIMON is always ready tol 5, faad _ The chorus seems to have|me with a shortsword. I threw s heary poe sgn Ay samba Andrew, escaped, y on en from 'both ax mat at him and knocked him down. | however, with « few slight cuts and sel!-Goods. cheaper than der shows how Handel took more than| Then I rushed out of the door in time to vs . Fresh Biggs, \@ suggestion of his 'Italian chamber|see a dozen of the bandits running for Fadel: ghinsl St ven te cha Ooms. any one else Fresh Butter, ucts" from an Italian composer, Steff-/the mountains for dear life, and a lot | "Y@ eatbee Seeds trie have y . Ohoice 'Teas, eeageene . copying from himeelf,|climbing out of the back windows, as if | @*%6" nell oe : ne : heen rebuilt at the Altoona shops are 'orrowed from those very duets "some of|the house waaon fire. At that moment | again in service...One of the number was BEST QUALITY GOODS. Choice Coffee, 'woruses in 'The Messiah;" among them,/my younger brother, at the head of tea pacha, meg reoconlgd sent to the Lard and Meats, ~ For unto uss child is born." ~Hlis|neighbors, all armed with swords, rushed. | scrap hewp.". It takes mighty good iron ---- : Flour and Meal sake is sweet" He gives an astonish-lin, They found two of the bandits hid- ead sted to withstand © plespare dom "° * ng Oe froma plain "Amn >|ing and tack ned ars Re be rebuilt? oe can be done SEE HIS BOOTS a on ' ry them aa, bY/town. Later they were sent to Canton | where crea SHOE iv» cho and tried before the Che Foo, who ban- | Austis Corbin sways his sceptre over 35, and Ss. Green and Evaporated. aoa Chol shed them for life." pee wee All sorts ot Canned Mes- # . wake tee " in| _ When Li Wob got back hone be was New Counterfeit No one can beat him selling-| sreats, Fish, Frait & Vegetables, the}a changed man, says he will never ah Germania pabr|eraee Uv, lke a dode again, bat ill | 6 So teak, of Now Orieums, In hae Goods Cheap. Pure Spices and Baking Powders, Lich arejgod will ask all his friends to trust him aera of 1 S iuown task, hash ~ icieta Wanay oa tates, by saying he is "dead bloke," so they | jerssr C. and signed W. S Rosecrans, reg. Cheap Simon ae ok Whe vow Chicaman. He tater: of the 'renee ; and G. N. -- . experience ef being a rich | treasurer States. man that he wants, and has sold his ¢ia- | 90 distributed fibre or parallel silk thread Sou sie SOY picnbeesy jor Wack see. New Garden Seeds. monds.-- Wong Chin Foo in New York | in the paper as in the genuine. The color ete oY cs Waten nee Sun. of treasury numbers is poor and the figures price of 124 cents per Ib., cai --- : a trifle large: than thoed om the genuine, | a ey ee oo ce ; : A flatterer is said to bea beast who The vigueins ie tates ned pele eee and ees us and W I 'SCO biteth stalling. Bat it le hard to:know | ted... The beck of the note is well execn- FEVER colic, unatural appetite, fretful- = a» from are sc obseqyi- | ted. The note however, should -not 'mn, and e-mrusions, yr some : Shore d full of 7s "saphae bvhatte! perahbrespicoinmoerts tos vaan 4 hepasrars the effects of Worma in Chi or n'a atroy |. Th e Cheap G rr. days. resembles a dog, so a flatterer a od, bet to eee the -- corms with Dr Low's Worm Apron, eh ip roce stele > ea kaa -- i: f aii 9 Rela *