-on Friday last. ~ City. Local Atems. Mr Si. K. Hesson, ™. in home Stratford will havean tn [pao band, amlet ward schol is progressing oye tennis and croquet are now in sd D, M. Fergueos, is recovering meas hae driving gloves, go to Clarke & MTee Cake walk" did not tome off Fri- me Piscststce parliament wee |prorogued have begun on the nstura! attemp is reported ated see aisle holiday this year will be Friday, Sth of pre 'bao march out on ho seaemog errs The owners of flyers in the city have them out to t TF io quate Heih night iad a out ay Let every Conservative ol do bis utmost to swell up Hess's majority. The Queen's birthday celebration this year will -be ahead ofan ¥ St Capnpany will play The C rooms in the Johnston Abraham kk, Ontario- st. you are a li ed man, and beral- believe in equality to all, vote for George The Bell-Stevenson Dramatic Company hold the boards at the City Hall all the kk. wee ----Ftev, Dr. Kilréy; of Stratford, attended . * - i the funeral of the late Father O'Connor, G Hess is a working man, and receive the votes of every working 'erth. Thursday last Day, Roman Catholic churches. . Am engine, tender and one car were off the Hodd & Cullen switch, Wednesday, Chief of Pelice MoUatthy was in Toren- to part of bei at Pili Promise, Monday » were (Council which met at Berlin last week. i 2 i | ips slit i BEES: en i EA ily iH a sites ESE a& TEETEE Coorg rst ttel Hae é he & | the esbanced dutica = -- . ee ee, ee . Stratford Times AND COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. ee ee a ee ee ee ee acl Citu Loral Rews. The Open Air Concerts, The city band gave a. thoroughly enjoy- able oper sir copcert Thursday evening. Their. playing fs something superior to what Stratford audiences have been treated to for & long time, The evening was decided. ly cool, but this did not keep the people inside, an the streets preeetited an animated appearance until nearly tem o'clock. These concerts will be repeated. every, week during the summer season. f fir Tien St Samaroo. The Guelph Herald, in speaking of the enthusiastic reception accorded to Mr W, K. Meredith, at Palmerston last week, says that " Mr George Hees was present and delivered o stirring speech." Mr Hees always does, He speaks as be feels and as he thinks. He has not one story fora German voter and avother for ao Irish elector. He desires to deal honestly by them all. And so long as 4 man takes at course he will receive the support of every fair minded man Empire Shooting Club. : At « meeting of the Empire shooting club, held at the Ontario House Thursday evening, Mr, John Hergott, in the chair, the foliowing officers were elected i--Pres, James McNabb ; vice-pres, Jos. Schneider ; treas. John D. Hergott; «ec'y, Robt Travers ; managing committee, Hamilton Duperow, Wm. Baker, and James Fits, trick, with officers of the club; captain, ohn Scheich The club meet firet and third Thursday of each month at the Ontario House, Practice every Saturday afternoon at 4 o'cloc ; The Magnetic Healer. . Dean, the magnetic healer, who for the past three weeks has bien 'located at the Windsor hotel, has during that time built up quite a successful rving practice in this city. His system of curing chronic ailmenta is superior to an in modern times. He has remarkable cures by his to Fatal Accident, Thomas Pell, enged tong Hodd & Cul- Jen's flour mill here, whi in the u storey, on Tuesday afternoon week, by some mishap fell into the chute and L-- eet a Sateen thea. Appes the evening the " M -------- pea a dee ile Boa fs fe i fem ee ea ae eee ee ee a tn en a Sal el wary . a: "i a ae - es eat a ee ocr ee eae + 0g a. STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1890. City Zoral Tews. Heyiah Depredations, asl Somé yoing lads in Shakespeare ward who are in the habit of throwing stones on the streeta and robbing birds' nesta should be looked after by the police. [¢ is high time a stop waa put to such fun. The Drama. === SS The Stevenson & Harte theatre company opened a week's engagement in city _ | bell, om Monday evening, and are g:ving presented '* Karl's tee ise, r. art appearing as Karl Mr, Stevenson as Baal Delano. are aleo well supported by the balance of the company. Their entertaiaments are of a strictly moral cast, aod tiy are de- serving of good houses. Thep play at popular prices, ' The Board of Meatth's Report. The Council seem to have a repugnance for dealing with the the Board of Health. It is, to say'the least, very discourteous on the part of the alder. men to adjourn night after night, as they have been in the habit of doing lately, without considering it.. The gentlemen who are members of the Board of Health have taken the pains to prepare a very elaborate report, <a no matter what opinion the aldermen may hold individs- ally regarding it, th emen who constitute the Hoard are entitled to com- mon courtesy, which they have not re- celv « More Buildings Going Up, ~ Building improvements this year will not be behind former years, Mr, A. Hep- burn furnishes ua with the tetlowing list, plans for-which be bas prepared :-- uild.o two-storey dwelling gg oye oe 2 a The cost will be A two-storey baliding le being erected on Mruns- wick street, for ar. LD. J. O'Connor, the cost of which is in the neighbourhood of $2.2 0, Mr. D. Stewart has the plane prepared for a two- storey brick residence, to be built on the corner of Vincent and Centre streets. Making it Interesting. Mr. Davia is making it quite interesting for Mr, Ballantyne in South Perth, At nes mecing De te ae ae They d The Conservative Candidates' Meetings. ME HESS'S MERTINGA. Sebringville, 2nd May, 7:30; Wartburg, 25rd May, 2 p. m.; Branner, Zird May, 7:3C; Trecastle, Jith May, 2 p.m.; Gowanstewn, 24th May, 7:30; Millbank, 26th May, 7:30; Donegal, 27th May, 2 p. m.; Atwood, 27th May, 7:30; hage, 28th May, 2 p.m.; Britton, 28th May, 7:30. ne ie MOA DAYS' RETINGS, The Conservative candidate for the South Riding, Mr W. BR, Davis, will ad- ress ngiat Sebringville, May 22nd, Separate echool, Downie, May 23; St Pauls, May 24th; South Easthope, Sebas- topol, Mug 28th; St Marys, May 20th ; South E*=jjope, Harmony, May 30th. ON THE STUMP. DOCTOR ALYRED EMANUEL AHRENS' MAIDEN SPEECH I A BONG, At a meeting held in a school house at Shakespeare last week, the good natured dentist, Dector Alfred: Emanuel Ahrens, delivered his maiden was not sweet voice again. After the applause had subsided the doctor, advancing with an operatic 'limp, said :--" Mister Chairman and gentlemen, (Ahem,ahem.)Pause of two seconds,during which time the doctor tries 1 tlemen, I was the first intimation his fellow employes had of the accident, and he was ed as quickly as possible, but Jife was extinct. Deceased was 65 years . it wae not deemed necessary to hold an inquest, Pell and his wife, who is at present an invalid in the Toronto General Hospital, resided here a number of years ago ; Formers, Heware ! Unectupalowa buyers are gulling the farmers in some localities by stating that by-the Bnited States force them to pay less for the farmers' products. This is misleading and deceptive, saya the Nation; as the Am- erican tariff ja still being debated in Con- grees and there is no certainty when the bill will become law, It ia very evident that the bill will undergo a radical. ge before it is ready for the President's signa- tare, and it is altogether likely that, even should the bill pass, it-will not go into operation before the Ist July, 1891. Afraid to face the Music, there has been some great from the Grit ship. Hon. A. i the break for cover. Then Orson J, Phelps sought the seclusion Mc was FEES F, or SEGE i r : Heel itfe atti FE ! E: H ct int : | [ oad (cal THOS (oO 1aCe, £50 if aT, Dare not give him .one of the com: dressings down he ever received since the days-of the late extravagant, and that a certain bill passed by it was against .t oterests of farmer. Mr, Ballantyne jumped up and passed thro pen He charged that it was Goth corrup: and the copy and received the sanction o| nor,and as he held it under the nose of Mr, Ballantyne, the cheering was loud and long. Mr Davis is making excellent head- way, Give him your support, electors of the South Riding; he is deserving af 4tr-- Obituary. are Lr i fi Fresvatecesks E EH [ F f s =] ' E i f KH 4 FEE tell you-s story, or give you a dance, scofe of yoices --Oh, give us the dance, Ahrena-- Ob, I can't dance well, pret and oH but pa every one aware, is nut gifted with a copious flow of , but is a practical dentist, and o izen, who haa never been heard of h MR. WILSON EXPLAINS. To the Editor of Tun Graatromy Tins. Jas, -W11sox. Stratford, May 15, 1890, AGAINST THE G. T. R. WORKINGMEN. --e STRATFORD CITY COUNC IL. Regular and Special Meetings. All the members were' yiresent on Toes day evening except Ald. Hepburn and Roberta. Mayor Brown explained that thesobject of the meeting was to consider the matter of bringing the volunteer camp here this ted M pected A member-- What were the expenses! The Clerk-- About $400. e city is ex- pected to provide grounds, water, a shoot. ing e, sheds and store Ald. Dunsmore thoug doing well if they got off with $1000 Ald. Harding was of- the opinion that it and that expense® seemed to be a feeling throughout the city that a ra) °° list could be gotten up. Of coarse he did not mean that the alder- men should go around with it. He was repared to vote for an appropriation. A letter from the secretary of the Board of Trade was read, stating wi any influence they might have to help the project along. = Ald. Danamore would like to see the volunteers here, as it would tend to bright- en up the city some, but he did not believe in paying too dear for cur whistle. He was of the opinion that the money could be better expended, . To his mind it wasa question of the highest bidder getting the mp. Ma or Brown read ao letter from the president of the Water Supply Company, that would coat F100, stating water and another from Mr. G. G. McPherson, to_the effect that the grounds would cost. another $100. and Ald. Goodwin, Monteith, Dempery, Harding tee ng of the Mayor, Duggan, .on them, i =e =) & -- success, -- i * Ald. Harding waa also of that opinion. Ald. Dunsmore--i am glad-the military men are satistied. At this juncture a motion to aljourn Was carried. a THE ADJOURNED SEECIAL MEETING. absentees at the adjourned special of the council, on [hureday even- Aldermen Ahrens, Hard wish to call attention tothe vote Ald Vr| Ald. Davidson--And possibly by that Abrena gave the re- | time we may have a little better attend- cently when the matter ethcgr> me the | ance, Aldermen who think more of pollt- day for the celebration of the came | ical mattera than they do of the city's up. wes the Sek specrtenity he ever | interests may think it worth their while to had of lending his to us work. | attend. ingmen of the G. T. BR. ; who bave not been The board then adjourned, conga, sme ee and how did vote? t our interests. It was at that as}. Se caren mowing ot enw eon wae 8 we were only put on fall times few days capt adore Ante, Hadiag aod = pero borne polly eoigeofcsord FE cal ROE '. would not have with our putting in a full day Monday, |, Aststs' sais; whict be pot ups gusmmes mad we eee coy ere Smt Se -- ot rent ef all co the evening of te aa the Saturday. Times are we wan = to make all the money possible. Ahrens A petition was read from Tolton Bros. snd 214 voted against our interests, and when we | holiday. ing Saat 7, Ot Ameen Be ee fellows get our inni the Sth of June, ae ET a ps opps welll kaow how to vote, 'Keurvete, | Wana he SoG com ae AG. T. BR. Worxman. | be in Stratford, on the bth of August. 'is Stratford, May 17, 1690. oe ee 6 ee = Pile. &. Lake sahed vat her taxes bo remitted on STRATFORIXS ASSESSMENT. Ubness ; rites "i, how ened shal Wate tle or dioh best COMPARISONS WITH THAT oF 1888. oes ape mee of tee Berattord i eae: Bowptial Tron saked tor w Fouad O rat of ball : aes ey ene James ShaFtian, | rv the concert. --Finance. farniat mow " eriothct Jane : ; of the assesiment of the city, which is a eS Total : faxstee 5.8. S sean Seas an Pisesaereh 4,493, 156 i iee ca Sees Beal........+ anssecnens &ER,T20 | Board of Werks. i otatutory "LAW €x- Baker, =» emptions 90 scccececse 540, * nea nag oo Art] eee wees casese sasesess 454) F. w. 2. In 1888 it was :-- Stratford Gas Company 15 © Total crssensesees $4,100,400 | vee here mo Reductions Court of «=» 229,020 oo "ad edets Overt «-;- Hiogh wise, wockasCaay Hal 10 30 Exemptions not carried 433,850 'Thos. Cale & - 1 statutory sind by- Tyatur Mobb, spociat police st oo edhe gr ee ae. n E ve 70 fous e Gaia oe Caer rican, pamper' tiehets = et ml ose: 4,300-- 130,250 Fe arene ae .T.R, taxes are fixed at $2,600 balance for 10 years from date of anite| eee peeeem Gee male their asaoumest in it had to shingling care- eg z macy para yomeme a pa sagopa "| we scommend' that' an onder lene in tnvor of rate of 18 on the : oan, 0,208 ; 1800, 9,908, ~ |B SSe repent was adapted ------+ Mayor) hy letter that he had spoken to the fister. wowht-be-ere4 eh. Ald. Qo eee reported regarding Legrrit) would not temder an cussing folios Finaliy abi. Hogarth eteted that be the and Mayor Br hotelman, who was of the opinion ford cannot get anything without a bona: It was railway bonuses, and bonuses for everything the peopte w out It jooked ver} flowery, be pid they would have another opinion, would net erppert any iene: ronage about in this wa;,jand Strat good place to make the first move im taking action Dunem it for an ad jourmn Ald. David ng until] they had | be leaders of The board PA OF Wee contracting for tile Mr lea the quality of the tile wae ptatesd r. Kilburn offered a discount af per cent. en tits. Permission wae grated D. J. (Connor to tap Nile-et. sewer They recemmended that the cow by-law be betaee enforewt Before the report was ado pted, copsideralle: dis on the cutting down of Hemeo-s., would have ome in the clerk's office og the following morning TWE MILITARY Camr wn stated that be had Ald. Monteith--It had been shown af the last meeting that the bfingtiag Ube amp here would be some but no ose coteide of the council to take any interest in the . He favored taking no action. Ald. Goodwin had may that if the council] would rrant @100 $800, the citizens would ing. He worable to the camp coming, but wad pot willing te pay what is cost before. He would like were prepared to to see what the citizens 2. E Dunsmore--It te the same old story. titizes came down to can on the matter, but when | showed him how our taxes were likely "" & stop La it. matter was left over until Thoreday evening. Ald) Donemore Roberts gave the clerk a wiak, and he took if that | it meant adjourn, and somalder. amection to that effect, which caused c able laughter. ore explained that he did not meas ft. the same chairs vacant ap walt- eS Goose Will be Cooked in June " Backward, carn 'beckwasd, oh, time ! im il af rheRETE 5 & fr td raik i