4 a rapeigs . - " Herald" Extracts Dingman's Pubsie ROBBERY AT PRESTON. --ome: I 'New Adver.isements this Week| What Constitutes Perjury ? con Dednense. Gon: ee Ready With Our Roce W. H. rey a See ee > oe: a eo Dingman vs. Dingman -His Oath | 0) yo c):h of society. ©. Never in-your : 'ines ; ast His Oath Torwuriates in hi The a. Mereury af March 13h . ° - Painters, &e.--Cale in Secret agal the foulest fancies of, Dingman--No, sir. } says >--** It has been discovered: that Mr p i nN 4 oe 3M 4 In aces 2 degraded and be Q. Who fired the | M. Henning, boot and shoe merchant «/ A ae b rds te -- sotted nature. * * A first shot ? + has been robbed of $855 by his pag age oO As thi? public of Stratford and vicinity | ma mn who -- n ig. 4s worthless son-in law, ore Halver . ' = : ™ ~-- his shame, and des- ants ave made a } stadt, jr., whe hes um d to Uncle Sam's B "sy seh to or sy Pow are fully faware, Willi " >mi an Dingman cemis to lower depths carefal search mip ions deo ba 4ann » RECOM pan iat 3 a rga ] nS. teres § at } $ prieg Otercoate-- to ton Bare entered the witness box at the recent | 4 famy than that Mr. Ritchie--I ob- | b pes who formerly . ? . ; eoakig, of hes Pair--T. thd Aiires here, and swore positively that|into which he had ject to Some, aues- lived ia ia oo ie etc, Mickolas Pantier. The * ay - . darts his 'editorial career in| formerly fallen, will tions efence place on Sunday at nooo, a Ceotral Bes ee ee fhalien tod ys written or pub | De trusted and honor- sets "es denial, no oa! it i wan not discovered until- Mr Hen. : ' Price-- Thorn Stra 3 G ed again * justification nicg, who i#an executor of an estate at W i mz Michigan Farm for Sale--C. W. Burnham. lished a line of abuse, slander or scurril- October 3, 1868 Mr Smith desired | Sg Agatha, went to his cash box to fiad it e will Commence Asnouncement--Macnair Hamilton, Powell. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Estamrsneo 1967. } Capitrat (Pen Up) oat apa Dowtas" ; % STRATFORD Brie*'"*. 6 DESESAL GP KING CUDIIESS THAMGACTIO. PARMERE -OTES CISCOUNTED GTATES, CREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, © SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. BEPOTITS CF G1.00 AND UVPWANDS RECEN.5, AN Peony Saar OF TEREST A51."TD. -- esos ays 4 alia "Beseia Mite ao £9 CotI-ction j oene ane Sats tet W. MATHARD, JR. Stratford 'Times. ~ BOYLER & EMEITL, PROPRIETORS. HM. T. RUTLER, BAiter, es Terms: o wer Year, in siveeee. MAKA3f ~ weer ene Weoxesnay. Arrit 2, 1890. ---- = g10 PER DAY or « 6 'HOU a8. ~~ Hon. Me. Dewdoey stated in Parliament the other day that Mr. Absalom Dingman was a very "able" officer, Ho cuzht to ee Sa ree, : official v ho. costs the country an average of $80 a month for " living experses," and Rearly that eum for " moving expenses," and close Spon $150 a month for calary-- "pocket money" --should bean "table" one indeed! Ten dollars a day for about 260 § working days in a year (a2 on Sundays, holy officers don' t- work}, and a couple of hours in an office once a week--with nc "a bose to keep track of him--is 5 emapso eS soft that the poor men loafing about cur streets out of work, their families almoat starving, begin to think that there is something rotten in the State of Denmark --at Jeast in the Indian Affairs D-part- meat! The strong Conservative vote in the Ss G, T shops Lere--the men «ho have only : "been working four days 4 week s!! winter, many earning only 0c. a day, begin to sing, " Absalom, you're a dandy"--a $10 a day dandy, at that ! oe In 1878, Mr. Andrew Monteit, cx-M. P., was a candidate for North Perth, in oppotition to Mr. James Redford. In his interest; and-at the request of bis friends, Mr. Butler, who was then manager end editor of the Herald, published a letter written by the late Mr. George Ferman, % aad signed by Mre. Wm. Smith (mother of : Mr, Mayor Brown) in which an insinuation was made against Mr. Joho Idington, that he had not acted properly toward her late husband while acting as his solicitor. For Im the same contest friend and relative, Mr. J. M. Robb, wrote an article which a itorially, -- Mr Batler at first to insert 7 t e Wm. Mekain r j meter ig ar Williawron and others, he gave it The re- walt was a civil and a verdict " was theo & satisfaction--not money. Money, pot after. Isis that not in gone threagh written by of hts time he no single of a pa- found a suit nea ins Rgversver St 'Bee tery witthng " atiiSer "i wi" T holidays Government} THE. BESPONSIBILITIES OF | tocee EDITORS. ~~ lity directed against Mr. Batler, either as @ private citizen, as an editor, or as Maye it of the city To show the public the reliability that attaches to the sworn statements of this party, we reproduce a few extracts from articles that have appeared in the Herald since the Dingmans took charge of the concern. These only refer to copies of the Herald in our possession, as there are some fifty articles altogether which ap- peared in their fyles when produced in Court, whieh were shut out as evidence in the case, owing to @ legal technicality Except a few letters which appe: ured sim ultansously with his "editorials," WS Dingman swore positively in his private examation that they were WRITTEN BY HIMSELF, OF PUNLISHET AUTH A: arty. The public can read and judge for themselves whether or not Mr, Butler has had catsy for provocation, The only mis take he made was that he did not disgrace hie trish blackthora by. breaking it over WITH His the egg shell skulls of his detractors the papmotion of ite ne pe " evidence is pot per- morality and black missile of _ two the" Extracts from Ding: | gcartisto in tho com. mantle | on | - @ Lxtrat BVATUISH TA tc COM- orounds. ~ rst, orthe miinity, whilst that rare of 'law _ * Herald." man $ Swan which would tend to they do not attempt August 'i, 187. Evidence ei ty an Ap public 4, justify The following arti . eee a Q. 1 suppose you cle wasentitled * Pet . have nota very kind- icoat- Prompted In Private nial feeling , towgeds Black oma A TetPacts Toni Ww Tbe x Mr. Bat! kind ture (Batler} whose « A Not 'tosay kin: experience asc lefend. >" NOGUERS DOR Tax - noted for beime }, after the way " evidence, taken be- etly tender it con- - i t in police court fore Mr Revise : te mae have bee on abusec que stionable antece- yy0 7 den science, but when ity Exactly You nts and festering _ 1 ; cores to oe hate Sha, don't you ? ime vale ty, render Iam editor of the | a lying reprooat A No, I do. not him conscious thal Stratford -- fand | the Bu ther type, @ pate hin he isrightly despised OP¢ oft proprie- | blackguard smat ma- Q You do not like by respectable peo- tors Ha ave been | ¢ chine, whose paper pim > ple, and whose name *? for er three | articles cannot be ev- 1 don't hate , : * en mentioned in the we shrink tx om pol 2° 1F . him. . luting the columns don't "shirk the} 'on "aad » n yourcamet of the Her sla TESponsibility of any | anc aatess to Stratford = you with. takes occasion Of the articles daughters, without found a rival in the hive Appeared in my the Paper attacking Bat- ler. Some of them might 1 have been cx: stronger. - brag that " B-- is stili behind and congrat- self that he is still PrE® suffered to infest this eighbourhoad While the boast is . true, it was not ex- rything that ap; plained how 'many ed in Herald since | behind he or been connected * Lassume the re- sponaiailine for eve- removes stands,' this being * thit. Ap; oved ci of i his "mind Ea letters, locals and trifling detail The editorials face thata perticoat intervenes ~ between Brier the "manager" a ad the paper, however accounts for his skill rear, ani --_ impodent in his re fuge behind a wom- an's skirts. "Were he net so luckily ro- tec ted he would fur- nish the example. ¢ ° a craven ¢ CoM ard, stead of A greasy ruffan reeking with © rottenness and obsce- nity, and thrusti ng his noisome Carcass under the nostrils 'of {-citegana.y t ap- agai Mr a Pertd of Av 3. 1887, is an sticks headed * Pet- ot it.' "In Herald of De- cember ott 1s , an "Ta paper re jan > Ort c ie he: aded * a. Feather that 'I wrote almost "sersthing that.: teins With a pettico: = in a parler front of him ke to nl a -- com- well brag." oe +o of Oc- October 18, 1487. : eae t Mi zoth, 1838, is * * "The editor ay article headed * (Butler) is well Sows Wranenaeas known here, and is po: ic a communi. enerally rated a8 cation I approved worth his weight im of that. I think it guano.' is quite applicable to December 27, 187. Butler." In the article of "Ia ve of sen- this date, on the Ma- timents expressed in oralty election, the all letters or commu- following occurs --- nications.in whitch * « The impe- Butler was spoken of, cunious, vulgar. bar- I think they were room loafer, who uses patterns of reputable his vulgarity and ob- journalism, worthy scenity as a sort of to be imitated by black-mail ~ terror- other editors under a ize mi treat- similar | circumstan- ing ime (Butler) with ces. the contempt he de- "I Think the term serves. 'greasy ruffian' fits Janaary 3. 16 «Mr. Butler very well . - Stratford I think 'lying re is ---- hy. the robate" -aPPlies to election of a a im." = ms (Butler) of the 1 "i approve est grade socially oa of an the 'oe arti- morally to the posi- cles re pflectingon But- tion of mayor. * ler in Pablic: Wm. Smith Dine: "man swortn-- Am speak. of as fit to an Society, among the wives and ------ bly a ata: One_of the mae which is expected to the Heraid, 1 take the shape of fat becasach Y oct ber, 1886; some- + hee 1LaSS. where about that Letter headed «A time. At that time Moral Nuisance. -- | was proprietor A Contaminator of of the the Herald Morals -- Stratford's ~ A- a3 LEws- 25 $a 7 _-- es ar war going on by its May tween THe din This conaniiicd: and 7 tien bristies with ut- A. No sir. The terances like the fol- was all'on ap hepa ue Times. We y the ' be forever c | Mr. ver sand readers to show up this party's evi- tisa blot upon the eonnt Heian of this city that such a crea- ture (Butler) should show that there was have been permitted 35 much -- and to attain to any pub- abuse -- the a lic position, and the @'4 as; from aa we fact cannot but sug- Tiwes. It would be gest to outsiders unfair at this moment opinions far from cre to "<> ee ditable' to our citi- 0 e¢ claim that zens it is su surely the articles that have ime that all counte- 2ppeated from time nance and support '@ time in the Herald be withheld aie voked this attack, from him." nd I wish your lord- . . ship to w the evi- November 2. 1s. ship allo From mk nu His lordship--How tion beac oo matters you 4 "ose going into A Ly empty and $355 of trast arid gone. ie yee in-law waa at once suspec as he had been there that day, asi] © wiidenly left wub Pantler for Galt, where thev took the R: Sunday express for St Thomas, thence to Buflalo. ne MeFeigan of Galt, has gone in pursvi and beine Se & tried -- po doubt will rou them to earth. This is not the first tire the youre d dy bas calted his father in- to who ighly respected resident of Presta. hating oh a former occasion put him fh, through his escapades at Welland only a short time since, fora good round sum to rescue him from a prison cell where he was closely confined for seme crooked deal. Mr Henning now declares he will punish him for his dastardly act as fa- as the law will go, -- has - am pathy « all in his serious los nly another instence of the rowalt of a ta: life. The poor young girl who mariied bim te near'y = 'The man, Mr" Smith, affect the the rr phate wv c came out in hie tre Nt Smith.--They -- ane made of jead up to it We whole cloth--a com- want to show that mon blackeu ard lofthe these people have low est. *H ~ S = AY pe abused..cs as fre T. Ba aa has sup- , quently a3 we have sed thom, "His lordship The 7 caling a MSSIOUS field ? blush of han a2 tO FN Yes, sir their cheek, when it of them Cones to t! 113, eve ry Ne Me. when ul. ie ian, who onlin here I su ~~ possesses any claim .ou had a talk with to respectability \r Batler about whatever is going to iar as alistic feeling ? draw the line, and Do not know wash his hands of , A... I did. him in toto The ). And you still blackguard (Batler} have a bitter feeling speaks of Mr. Schi- towards Butler ? verea asa renegade, Four A ter fceling against Trotestant, Butler jorzouth, totaunt the 4 will swear man for withdrawing that I do not hate from the very system him which Protestantism Q. That you have Fone Ee Very aeeP- a kindly fosling for tien is opposed to him both in princi ipleand Ve "cl pretty I don't say that Smith--I thought iy the ters ot testar nth to You, did _ not himec Tf they 'would join Kneitl in this r be quite applicable, case, nor Wilson ? and still more strict- A Kneitl's wife y true would be the © was everything. He title--rencgade from goes not own any- common morality thing ! Ey. . 42. Do. pan. believe Here are some ed- that ? ae comments on A. I have been e letter the told so Her ud of the same date * * * How a man of-such unsavory an- tecedents and repu- tation conkd ever im or representative in any sense of anything laudable was always a mystery to us eve The doors of every decent house should to him and his foul ex- halations It is a disgrace to Canada if there is.no law to punish the author of the above atrocious and villainous quotations from articles which appeared in the family's paper, the Herald. It is enough to make one's flesh creep to think that there is a Methodist living, who would, after writing and publishing such articles as appear abdve, enter the witness box, and after the Book of Books, declare tinder oath that we NzvEx wRoTE OK PUBLISHED AN ABUSIVE ARTICLE AGAINST BUTLER ix Mts tire. .We call/th- attention "of the Grown administrators of justice to this man's evidence, ask them whether they can overlook such a gross violation of the statnte: | against perjury, in a court of law. Yet this same Dingman boasis of being a shining light in a respectabte church, and a teacher of truth, honesiy. aad morality ina Sabbath school. Verily, he must teach from a different Dibie iia that which other people use Tae Times has no desire to continue this subject, but it is due to its many thou- issing ats dence side by side with his writings. The public can judge for themselves exactly how much justice there was in the verdict rendered against Mr. Kotler and the pro- heart broken over it. Mr Theodore Halver-tadt at ore time, in the ycar 18-8, im company with Mr Cicero Rounds, ran the Wialror b tel in this city, not exactly jo the catisfaction of ex- Mayor "i ordon, the propricter. Tfat- v*.eradt was quite a Jady's man whilc here, snd had the reputation of be'ng a pretty decent head; but owing to hard times, a poor bar trade, and a very slim trave Hing trade, the Windsor did not flourish uaJer Halverstadti& Rounds' management. They became deeply involved a pas ial cits. culties, until at last the bailiff took poseca sion of the hotel for ini the tenth time. E eimly they got ont of the business. - Halveratadt went to Preston and got rogaried ; ; Rounds went east, verstadt his and comfort im the woolly: mi pr the bloois aro eased f trouble and the weary are at rest. But then it is a queer world anyway The Waterloo Chron cle says "that young Halverstadt who left his father-i aa law fo uficerermoniously at Prestou tw weeks ago with rome hundreds of delinsa in money that did not belong to him, was caught in Chicago. pila Head bought deposit receipt for 2 « $100 on a 'eatoon and pill tires" Ft aah Dit ta ad ¢ Henning secured the vance. and_turned: the miamn_s over_to Mr __ Lyons to dispose of to the best eodae FAST DRIVING AND ILL-USING wr HORSES, To the Bdibicof Tax Sraatroap Tours : Dear Ste,--I would be very much ob- liged to you if you would spare a few lines in your 5 "Cruelty to huluaade Society" are not doing much these times. It is getting quite s common thing to see livery rigs ing ta.and fro, tearir not moving. Id t think th 'their carcases. People talk abcut --_ times, hard times, hard times, but it not seem as if there were mach hard times about, while these wretches can afford t vy such prices as they charge at thewry stables fgr horses on Sunda ays. Paople® in town know nothing of es wretched'ciuelty which ia scted on country roads time after time. Isis get: ting so that it is thought nothlog ! of, alta I think that it is time that the members ef this pood Society were awakened to a senec cf their duty. Now, Mr. E-litor, I would like to see you back this up well, wig you will eo A FPriexp or Tue Tixes. "March 2tth, 1890 AN, "A special meeting was held by the municipal council at the call of the reeve, _ Saturday, March 15th, for the purpose the members of the coaacil the fact that a writ has been issued in High Const of Justice, Chanzery Divirion, tween a Compacy, plaintiffs, and the corporation of toxnship of Logan, defendants ; hy writ being in et ge with the north-west drainage The statement of pra made hy the plaintiffs was read over, carefully deliberated and discussed, and a ir the interests 2 the olay ia snit now pendicg. the meeting ---- ved until April ind. ext. F. Jacon, clerk. A tubal s neakhinn' ecomred at : iy na eta- tion, on the bl Truek, on Sanday mot ning. eung man nared W isliam Clow. white sa off a moving freight train, met with aay which resulted in $14.65. $14.65. HEPBURN. ' ior alma "1 Dressing Case: 1 Bedstead. 4 Enclos sed Washstand. . oeet Wire Spring. 1 Cane Chair. ALL THIS FOR $14.65. GO Ontario-st. Cheapest Furniture House 3 in Canada. BEDROOM SUITES. rest the fede tat ml tu ob = prietors of Tw= Times, and what the this social , of course. Not |" vindication of character" it carried with | Like - anbaried re'aliated. it amounted to !! carcass i : Q- T thought 'so rottenness, while it You never wrote a- 2 NY supplies the food up- busive articles of] Rev. Dc. Griffig says Dingman', evidence on which the lmuco- Butler? | Aof -- --bat then it rained Mbbabiona tie. Dingman--No, sir. | was.justited : uriate, it distrisctcs (2 Never wrote parr SAP asgiinsne 4 the devil is + poisonous of- one? ith Gre! Prayers easily out oe which Dingman-- Nau si¢s; pahes. & : we an damage. if they de not one. * rte ree aa $14.65. $14.65.! 2:5 'led at iis houre on i | for mary -She was daughter of Joba iiarles, -- which thus y # hold upon its victims while they 8 » must t be taken te in Dr, Pie ane, tf it ig to t © overcome, -- ag attest nas cured t ELM A. Tne Presbyterian church in Atwood, bas at last got an organ Mr Erstwine, of Atwood, is building a nee brick resiienc on Fiont st, om part of Henry Wilson's lot: Mr Ballantyne, of Atwood, ig thinking of building a new tailor shop, and is mov- ing the present building for that purpose. Mr Joha Keox, formerly registrar in Pilot Mound, Man, ia visiting hie brother, BR et the popular station mister at Atw nee 3am 'ord, of Lietowel, has recured the contract of building the new brick school house in Atwood, and Mr James Hanna Eima. Mc George Hurst, of the G T. R., having been aproini| rection Logs» Guilph, « large wamber of bid friends can last, eni peesented him and his wife with a pair of beautiful easy chairs, a clock, dc, All the residen's are sorry for loosing Mr [furst, who has been an obliging citizen of Atu cars. Onze ot biine's oidest settlers died the other day, im the persou of dirs Andrew Newbirgiog, after a very short ilness. of -Derthsbice, and was born in. .Hap Pd eee in 1833. She married Bit Mr Ligging in Sicatlord, and seitled te him in E'ma thirty-yeare ago. "Sha lex afam:'ty of two sas and three Fee my . NORTH EASTHOrE Mies Maiy Merritest, frem Menitoular, ie vieiting triends in this eectien, The many frieuds «f Mr Duncan Forbes will be glad to hear that he wil soon be arth agin, The auction sale of Mr. G. Wettleafer, = took place on the 15th inet, 9: a stock ecliiug high. Mr. A.M t isher wtelei the h emmier. Bie Werk --Messis Rani M Qaiulen, of this towmbip, after 2 wintet's ree: es- on, sboulderet theic @x¢s Gye fiow mom tog lasc week, and, cotag te the vorsdts, mounted the trunk «f a tree, where they chopped, spit and piled six cords cf wood in one day. Measured by Me BR McGuigan Who can beat it? an party cf ploasare seekers touk ae of Me Donald Camera's re-ieene, Bi a F. Eloy Hit Week which wis quite a surpiwse to him. However, after ie had vtcovered from the shock, the freedom ot the house was couleried of the usurpers ant the tripping of "the baht fantastic toe" was indulged! io till early dawn. 4 few loving g'ances were exchange! by the wazy crowa, hopiog to be reneaed before toug. All went-home fall of joy «itt the night's performance, and vith their best wishes fur the heat and ho-tes-- Com. MILVERTON. Dr Eg' hert is at préventenj jing a visit from 'a & brothe Miss Hattie Tacker i is visiting friends in thia village and the sarreunding country, The unexpected cold tarn in the tem peratus mens Fri tay last, made the teei of sta of oar prominent cit'zens chatter, eepecially thore who had direc. _ their fare for the weasou and ad lighter shedesio their eppirel, re J.¢ Tosravcs is rather seriously il from oa attack «f inflammation. Uer speedy recovery will be anxivasly looked tue by her pum+rdae friends fr Ett, ot the Ciaesic city, fs appar- ently wo: king up a large Practice o the dental jine ia cur village: * His work is givice genera further recommendation ft necem ary. The vidage is about te so.taio a lose in the shap:ot acitiz-n. Mr Daniel Whep- pler. our wbliging aad accommodatiag G R_ agent, ts goirg toremere te Hsnover where be ha: received a similar the new school on the Sth con of fr Market Square. to the ove he ix now holdiog he wes familiaily called, will he very mach Sissed ty the travelling public who alway ved prompt atewets and clear opens; tions to all questions they wight esk. re- | ah Ser travels. rary Ssctety Weld tts Ril onc. 2 last Momday evening with closed doors, | only aliech bale adinittel. The Baca gramme was Netcong gy ; choice se subject of Pr Si wae: epee that the ertianat apa the pal pis exerts taore inflaence than tha | prese ¢ arguments ad-! d hy. oe for dis- | cussion next evening will be which is me mreatert mon, "the warrior, poet." Speskers for tle warrior, Mes We J. Hamilton, A. Manro, sae Meloon statesmen, Mevera D. C. Munro, W- Ache. | eral KE oe : Gas +, i ; EXPRESS ' woo! or iron © the Season with BARGAINS. We will Continue the Season with BARGAINS. We will End the Season with BARGAINS. 500 Dado Window Shades at 35c. each. Fine goods and plenty of them. You are sure to find what you want. Ne One Principle--Fair Deal- ings, One Ambition--To. Please Our Trade. One Price--The Lowest. One Welcome Word for all-- Bargains. HYSLOP IMPORTEBS OF Dry Goods and Carpets. J.H. DUFTON, 1, Old Albion Block. No. Music Books. all New Hymnu Books. "Ti uw npbant Songs No 2," by Excell. " Canadisn Hy mnal.": * Sacted sects Ts Staff Notation. All the other popular Hymn Booka. ¥ Wholesale. W a Large Stock and ca give Merchants the Very Priees, We wil to quote aa with either eos CARKIAGES--We are cfaing Cost, coedeus bane keeping them | Stationery and Fancy Ao: holesale_ and