eee ne wry mine." 3 oT Toting eee al" dcey he to fond > coming angry -aud dizay, he seemed to be wextricable ~ etseys2 Will be fudgnent emough for me. --Spectater. A tmorchant clang iota 'elevated' stagger- eb ecsinet-a . "Heyy ani Brig oy he "I hope no offs ' 2@ street is ae pa dark and $ "Fin fowr tnirvutes He olinw 1M QUNeMeE WHER T the snother poie onbin't help it, air,' said be, lifting his od besat sat auch crook lanes as. m0) have hore inthis © ran afoul uf with a foree that sent fbi bet ree o aha a pole, this time backward to the to_Lappens at. cameh ole no uae we dase Olek | F "Look lure, neighber, a down beeause he yom; the road iy stick in themml." He Picked buneslt a aml made -- efort ty reneir he The Way SS Peles Strike some _AND "COUNTY OF. PERTH GAZETTE, It was w'o od with the ibe gy unt fashion as William ir emerged (rom hia amrwered, "Miss Vinten te-at home, owe i," a pair at thy 4 Wenporm on parents, and thas inonel to herself a bers, 4 2 for the daughter of the. Mr.--¥mtor:-- in one AS her father. She ther ~the-- not one cherished STs | oe Ser hergtnens, ety: ot of her talents, eard not arnong Of the fortune she Vinton's sister, er met the oecupation of boul oul tor po observation. uumboncaieatebeie;-socdhone the one 'of "deception wax abhorrent, adios bad te Sonam. whose bean! # attention mostly oceu -- chiltren "fi in Ure nursery, | still in this be orkid -- not =o jormer happiness or his presen sd wien ins few dye he reappeared sang his friends, there were in traces of ne. Pain pain- ful conflict evident, it might be hows she saw Lim ered, and this greatly aided her sti bo act hee water,. i then ski has thorongh} y | settled tum ¢ carefully into a jug, allow none of the settlings toescape; then add one gation of sol! what remains in Kettle lef it stand 7" = short time, then turn thia slew into ty ve two of the | be a part af your toilet to ad zou and ot «cont of about ten ior} , Kinds fa a tate wee BL ea. cup af a and «lice thin = Hag ennees 1 thee 4} move; and learn to keep it. the tifuli--which is the of things as you handle Wem; so that it i dress room he } dress map ne be fasten tat f . more annaally open in front, and. ro a Wat teau ortace the Mite it shinies elon _ seen wah ere by clusters of pony costamen at trim: with ts The Spani: the Cpa ted i in with deel hess Foe te pe skort med with fare, 2 colored silk. woe ilk slip fits th agiove, and abot down bs ack that cen- the button» of the Aik woder dress altery e fp eet thourht, a coitpie--a taiden fair; with male tupanion, young « vente ttt Pi sah A nea me aw a ninbox where it al orderly -- eenaad froupin, edlreasing aipen your wash of tks earn roan? the Tow dott, ant ie kyatted tehint ab agecend apologies," a 369 8 wa hala to the le of the street ani 't stand in my way, taat's" your eure: ne Shan entangled in ines of dagepirion, him to make a sta u, You are are not doing the f ere fies pases ee HE TET LS the ; _Seaxied , ene eve ne ead s, foe: sty he a i him | 1 knocked ome of the -- en. atul one of the fellows knoe! and they a lot of them got Ballers have bot ja Lad resexe, Let aa ge out of this atreet before the ' bon comes for they are all drunk. ---CaliforniuaSptrit of the Times. _---------------- ? A Bad Fire. "Jones, have you beard of the --_ thet baruei op the man's a na "No, Saalth, a "Here in the "What a gidatlahe te bim. Waa house "Ter, a en ae and lot-"a good home tanieice tes der {. muialit wot not yield implicit ghelienes a ad not Mr. Goldsmith was not quite t the nalomiienrve on the range, «ith the etearsissben toms evepunaterl am hare grown dry and rnvaly. trorheuart ate tert orperted tree het ai} character unquestionablc, ans thougn uot t. 'sol eget their altereation in in the Tomat, to be, [tis true be never tired of wining tato-pestie; ® ontiy « few, "feat them up i = that ghe pest day word Jomtidul bende; bate. pliomed » straps. | sorter ne anna es Sere ay im penitent to ler foot, be gave herself ap & her + "aad mill or preps worgiroeng te. = font cun' Know amy- father a pene = in did. net sheaes fe, pea flit and | ich and % them Ai ie mebaien been to obtain weaith,| Whentwo days had passed, and William Mal Gone hw | aif eten ee té make the ai ine nega witlte "and" wie whete deal i bound wy ti it, and his | came not, Madeline to a little un datar af ox peers gislovd ; of that@ioht Noariy all cooks know theoretically heart is unaiterably fixed upon my marry ing easy. On the 'third day he passed her in every ad to that thin us the right way to coo ' 7 a penn us ex brimnseif* with a distant bow; but he looked | the thould assemble around her a young and | gato, but how many dish ap the deiucions "Te other words, upon ing Mr i. e her no small. satis | #iddy circie, instéhd of devoting her time to | mixture that ae methot ek Worongldy fallow: ith." Madeline was silent. "And -- haa ---- in = Lamia of tat bi Mand aid 'fret "ther ths ? The ebicftanit this,-y: and if | ¢! + she had no sing him : Le ni Phna ot mflnence her conduct | 35 . owed te ¢ tue to me, woul! willfaily blight hin happi- | thal sme should yield, or make eon slightent | 1 the least, be seam. fontel ways and means shebety por ampere soae : Mane ues Oh, Madeline, you toward a reconcilation, wns wo -- dinper there is aq of masbed potato madden me!" of. It wax his businens to Their first serious quarrel, 'which cecured weft, = it tightly in 4 pation dish, and at Mutetrna cispped her Gands and a' and Madeline had in her = oi deter <ithin tee mouths altu: at Uheir laarri age. M66 | bregklast ime cut iV in ick heartiry as she exclaimed, "Splendid! How mined ond proteus ©. slices, sea brown them de Nentely with my the role of jealous lover?) * They had received an : iuvilation which Mr. | ttle batter ina pan. Pautato warmed over biight= Mr: : ? You la pe & = = beanishy wished s<file-sifecatier: thes with Balled fresh fatter me, William! Ob, no; his happiness fag ut the home ol cotal toes telair's most | vainly endeavoring is jackets, these could only be blighted by setting fire to his | imtimate friends. At this place he was sure | tod, quietly sent au a kapear wome | bles sont d be dred off eben they are done ne uses, of depreciating his atoo to be, ami Madeline, who lly lemged for | lucky chance might "= = real of the way | Phe very beet way to wart tore "Dear Madeline, let a renewal of atl casino looked forward on the appointed eve | satuer enjoyed | ate in this fasten in to alice them Paper. ae . Did you say the lot war-burn. | lot and all; all gone, slick and It mnst have been ao 1 don' well nee net in "How willy? too " "Yea, wl t ats, ik 'ivenier, aul then aS aha hot fre. Indeed, it was so small that --iatot le dittle.attention, and. did anybody! Bat. bow ww a litte fre" bom cp ttoue wel You haven't told me + tong tame--more iwen ty years. And, thongh it seemed to con- sume very volwiy, yet it wore away about hundred and fifty dollars' worth ever) ail gene. anderstand year, talt it was ant quite vle you Tell | ine where the fire was kimdied, and all about at, egg og it was docu in the end of ost him, be humseit * csthae. engeas wid ae, ba matte ant ohn aoe ry sonth, or one bupdred and Gfty dolars a . aid money Was at le t., i thas cafe it would double t ounce in} seven yeare, So that the whole sum would be more than ten the dollars. That would bay a fine house lot, eve in Chi. po. Db weak pay for farm coantry. Don't you pity the Talay ofthe: taan who haa sa sl burned up bome*~ "Wheagh' | guess now tos L have smoked more thas ts (ante *. that t "tener tach ae 4 re "What a fool iT! have been !" boys pul gene! = ot a fire a it might be pegines ox oak chou is re -f once kindled. to img all thei lives. Frimitive Warfare, The Meatenogrin weet of making war oer, ij i felit biifait 4 i i F of jnterrapted Madeline, now jecttabea, "do not mock we with "are Before time for poly operng J her toilet. «le BEL bowie herself the ep! Fond ange | herielt in oS dreamy of fn- ihe thaught of ol the passion she hin. of the noble and gencrous na! whee ---- be over, ro best _ of cgi T therteg over ber actions Cen! to her er hopes, however, -- Las. "at a a, after: ©] will trust only to time and truth. Blinded i ly i have ns highly your oe louder rapit a PERLE é. fs it rif to thes inenstrations of her mistress, attempted to sheen from prey her, and stood eujoying the rain until they were consumed. she locked tumph autly ", re beantifal face reflected in the mirror, then hi Sescemallog, 8 the parlors wax soon ist iage. Her eye amdared | in vain over that gor- geous assemblage as she entered the rooms ---- father's arm; no William m4 her "about an oar later, after making her way tc the bac i expressing some surprise at not see- the fowers he had pron ee, abe regretted pr the unfortunate fact that ty a mgcle not Ii 'ak 3 FE Hi "| E i i & l 1! Es! = fe £ & freely osm Sasa be showed ne sign of she ox: Ch pind | at the tea tuble, che was just guing ae to I have must make happiness to all connested wah ttrens, When be inquired why she wax leaving onda! , of bis talents wich base. must work Ubeir way to "To dsess for Mra. Townsend's," said And val And with a sigh over ils preseat Madeline, rare! "Toa bed tet go if P tere pob want to. butas 1 haxe.a particn ebe oe over the difficulties in their ath ur af inire to be os t vail go alone." "nae Siew home, the wife that -- his inmost iuvitation," replied ber bnsband. * _-- thonghtsa ss penervecady Hore not sa mer" " a West cere, ane pe eraaog thet 'Oh, b sata 1 of joy. ci hard. =, pe nalce checks, roe qe fet 0 that she | proper to accept it," Co paring before her cvuld sae anything for his « utielarid bi she © fang For filits ii her Just the witeted in breathless | drvesing-toom. -- Mins Legare meer mmagnifi "There is no need of droning, Madeline Une. ber crimsaning with indignation MED! mos! rr the sea. } Fou can not gu to " Md "No, dearest; I hope to have = tree oh ws ing to her "Can not!" she ay "Why, I pray cougent, and entire co- our fath- your" ef loves you dearly, it you on bm, pail w Mclsline viewed it in mute admiration, "Because | do not wedi it. Is not that you havé,se often tuld ma, with indication of Montelair's agreed reason whole heart is mine, be eat bea anticty to atone for the be -given }- "By > meena, wih Meialin $0. separahe dae! her, and was In Lowe eras lender 'wishes are ots waredy eianet "Bat at he con, ont he wlll? hts chy dial hen thé wressonabie woman to yield t thenr~ . What ia to be pol Shall we dis. | Ly re-entered, ring the he harp fall. | T have promised to cali for Edua [wey Arn- wan ourselves an elopement, without [°? Madeline's therefore 1 'must' go" with a even eflort yp your father's favor > | band. who read, "For Mias Vinton, with com. sane ob P eomre left the room, "Tell Jones our life by trampling on | Pliments of Mr. Goldsmith." the carriage at the door by nine." highest * No, Madeline, be it far The revulsion of feeling was for te sid ton sora through the from either of us. I Lave acted but weakiy | Madeline's temper, With 'fash » and and then th thi thins far ; a wickediy, I wil] | 2 exclamation of deep Phony che east all] Whem her toilette was completed, sie again vot act--so help me mm the blazing. her. descended to the parior, whery ber hukband "Tras atts timer end yeereey.* wait Mantes} The maids violent We ng the evening Ps jer' ast ad sotieindgd he bad yi aa wldressod him as if nothing had ha: "And you think ! took well tonight 7° she said, an he assisted to c: clasp a bracelel on | ber arm 'Charmingly, my love," he saint, 1 fied by your The inge owen" come nine. ad exclaimed bed * what can you want with the « "Are you crazy, a. idan To go te Mra. Townsend's of a4] ' told you Selene tk Madeline. that you were net to go "there 80 -- eae comforta- ble, my love, s ing In vain Maioline stormed ; = 'band in vain «lie s- --- in vain she eutreati: a proaches, tears, and caaly byeteries. ) Uoidemith was immovable. and w hat is more. hausted by the and wishing obi, how itterly t- er he said, wha wat bsg thos che nt had iY love," ve # very at and | eet sing' by at but a very distigar * Crea man, I hate you!" exclaimed the ae "You will change your mind hes mos row, my-dear,"* hasband. tow "het we need not follow Midieltne & hurt u her wedded ¢ career, It was in vain ebe tried ong, OF | to destroy his happiness by her _ ungérern- name, net a form) nor & it i | eee n Ds) F yo saat 'th mit you ooo] cr spints ef tami tie. ard evar of flannel, vecbans Une qaka, F je bet eather duster, wd little broom and and pai é pa dark wool grows 'tim or gets spotted. + Hind rent yor ewe le yea. syetem fur you yourself 2. apa ake ~Aaale Is gaat of soap, din ine bie; or to atiek your sin ir | silk li has a lace a mnslin nee fee esa} ped exe Warn water, treet "tert; ir ttttter ; at aitsorte- ai ns, te ; iA v9 tne thnk Mr. Goldsmith wae when pon the ~~ vl . We w comfortable inc . This oat not make | concealed by the over dress, pape --prp persnasion could indace | her th Mon was al ite b wight , | for five, in ale » hours that ned to take | you "fussy"--it isthe other thing that docs e fasnishi jhe } ber only thought was the blow it -- 'ni fiom haif & wo thir la ofa ciay. The clothes | that: ¢ knowing, cacept periment, | ing improvements mba wrth sheakt & gh seal, what is harmony and the tatangibhe grace of | sign. jn fabric, and im trimim ae ean ged : _ rm ir vat « -- <a h e isa ped Prema 93 oy parente ai ina' an i estab- % r tad t it inlo tact-- ix titerall: fey had not soe would have: daresl te or pewe daliment i due # DATTINES would dicaee, Was tet Cooking Vegetables hav it 8 your fingers' ends, as I told you : wing aa Por r ings and prineiples, to ol peti . ie thee"Yaage+ wil, brwathe about you snd ciaen | a clandestine lover, who can snatch = wt hat Maileline As Mr. Goldamith hed remarkably soft ss key househuoper calls "jndyment." Haig | e¥alve from commonest thing, at and' ; when worn by those wher pct loskad Sexrart the Sermypation of her en. | insinuating manners, aud was really mc the vegetables ¢ obel are ypuilad by tetug | wherever soa a sod Lang ie cat quite wd to ee the smiles thas 'ere bb only lavish. a "vagas Wea "Uhal' ti | tore te hoped to be able to gute Ps Tale fens fant Shingats rights sill pot arpesaie rather than himself." some Way 'she could get him completely; she, therefore, tried to for. squash, wooteny bots, aud tong uuous os. last work il trouble, any more thse is ib | donr chemine, mato "jue im vi are jenions, this . evo had get that he was errs . handsome, Dor | aaperats anybuly tur gud fos working of the solar systom, It will go | the Th ing, I sure-you are," exid- Madeline, piay there was something #0 delightfn in a secret | wteresting ; and pleased by his constant These taunt delicious toon are utterly fie | 08 al the time, and with a continaal pleas- nen, Cae hence it is cool and pleasant for faily, "and of such person too! There now | Mair: indeed. ' ine marriage woul : ft aubmiission to ail ber | weatibie if net tharoughiy dene, yet people go | US it requires t meek ay on -- eRe . Hit peomioe-} Do } notin any. pare disturbed her -- eaprices and in constant excitement by | on cating Cuoun ine finitely ancan-cons ap Take "pen soutiell gretualiy=-fer the ray "ited aa & dryers. nes chomises mre ree T will not dirt with Mr. Goldsmith mf lal dy Korver" beer reer HRY That Chey in BO pied lo arte any Vaud ads cahir tnsstatie openers on terete again not for a month." She them add. liam Montelair at the thought of it, hal page she therefare reaily botiewed her bye etter. ul for im no rother -- | the cares that be. many casea the «leeres are cit lb the gar ed eet "Can't you see it is only been no "slight mortification to her ar: | lor William was completely annibilated Potatoes of average size should be bouded | omg te your dunes sal territory of homes | ment; but many to sen ae i in sepa \lone = -- orci feel her » To | his own twiseond fatly lait an heat, If they are to be taarkel, | G8t togotber thin these ratel , "the em aia why not let Ay be for ant -- reative bur feat miscatentated. ThE | pour off the water, and set the ketiie hack ap. your Hite _stwrie amd your spon sin 'ors 'byt her own Be a Teal satisfac. | wedding gayeties were hardly over Lefore abe until the | fer Nae of of cleaning, your : oe ah and therefore moot peek. te ey = neediework done et delu ec atl do in yeu own spartan nat, ho easier ¢ natoral for it glee ~*0 time af takes' and more than that whieh "you have er to Bie te your own bathing aud hair- dsossing- g-then yout Pani learned agp oak keep a whole house, so lar a te onlermg 1+ Angus. none flarmony in Dress, Ja costa nothing w more common than hich are ees al ) 'potatue uncatalle-- which 1 1 cooked is et tar ae ly ae 'l cut. Squash should be ed, and the ieces, when th bothgp in foal m o coarre cloth-until tie resrte ly di 'Then beat Neg = cunt season liberally with "anc ae per and wait. Don't let squash come & ae tal "mn "ade eek peas, Ieave a Tittle of the al 7. 0 ¥ ate Dolled Ti Tit pas, kid era yh batter ver, and salt, In soiie; of Youuk cooks, peas are bot nearly so good when dry av when coocked in this manner. Tomatoes when coocks _ {n fresh butter and fresh soda "> --_ ail the nizines in thie Net hing ty roneh more eo than te jaatoce fonke! after the epalie ean hal on hat cooked Tail re de: iicioun hat per npe exe over them ta luoxen their «kins, pouring it prea gs pS ge Mby thems a beans « do yp Cor hurvt mnghty sad ace wi th them : hte: eof the feeowe nel n.ecooking all sum- mer vegeta Tes thee ores miter penerons withottt { "poor not in frylbg egg plant ce it to woggzy atu lie for several Boe he hours in water ed, then dry them in fresh butter, and drain. = They are not - mm tanereed with a quantity of bot lard. Wee, H you tii) beets be ure that they are thoconeey floue. Thin rte bes m, anid ent with Lutter on the wey are a a Gen better this ms than. when FCN TEE: aoe SNavaeh Diseases of Cattle. them The Par wetter vars: Fed ta which cattle are hable atifortanately as rule ba tans, follow setzaré 'with striking rapidity, ort of in four hours. With the view pevbabiy hed the about wt a was toade by the veterinary om to bi hor and consistency. 1 ~ s| Londou Shendard aye: ol i Daa St. Peters! 'frdia Ti ie. positions, be taken it is advisable to termentor hy The Vises resem'tad tar in its eoler-}- iF & 4 the » aboot careful. | Now, be ete Lennel over ae well ly with o broad-Lbadesi that the | made aud the wearer ever so beantlfal, the eces mtay web be broken too mach. Let it [effect of se ignorance will be nnpleasant simiser 'apltil i a4 all | in extreme. Every color hes its yp (hel mto the petate, bat oot antilatin ley hansoey which in ecailed ite contrast, and Seager if to taste with salt, and when it is » al other colors which harmonize with waded aye ae an wielitately with pepper iti in diffe xen Segress: When two colors are Nes a choy up potatoes inte a f milk and -y orale ch do ll aseord the addition water, Fi itn when edd ae non ver Ti third oh make aripenions group. eek wk date, we battered and xl i 4 re salted ai the in Céokel ifs tay they are tc are 80 wi iaees eran tar, toga potators, wh whieh are always more or leew name!Y. the een Vs contrast' aiid YWe | rrenzy; or Tie onrefetie: they are} termony When tro. colors 2 herr: re neoueunted, it, such ceananiiabic dons of vogutalies, synash, | as crampe aud blue ¢r ay and cherry, they { next ae 0 spel | by the ranrt comers . v 7 egy doers istant tones of one sobaag are oy as very lightand very dark hine, "tees harmonize by analegy. Of course, in the uy iw , the harmony i« ther so striking nor sv perfect. When two colors are gr couped which ar similar to cach other in Eertitioe. each me orange and scarlet, crimson brown, Wicy form a of analogy. And if ae or more tones of pe color be as. wOeEntent, they lb by analegy. The harmonies of coutrast an Sore more effective, althongis more importa' thowe of an former are chareate rized by brillianey and decims la! dlemonstrative affairs of dress beth boll equal nied in arranging colors care must mony. The simplent rules to be observed arethe follow First, whe a heated is se lected which is favorable ts te eommptexiorr, whieh lc vi a Bome new 'loilette sana ta a seam down = mtightiy | = thee are mit ae Uti kr nh eambrs axes sive th the a p, Hengertet ui wot! pe be an imprerement ot thom that 1 Meret t f siope oter ae These overs 88.33 chanics sa) aud sien they as shetki have vu rong OS ie% Fr Freak mel Se sewer ot right side, then stikeatin the teased for them Pettieoats are made fulict They hare beteasibies ty narrow side gine than bedoen: is placed acroax the back "he aon. AM! the futfreer there tere gores smooth and plain. Spanish flonuecs aro mise need on pelsi coats; they a on the shirt, pot sewed 1 vnaler fli jeep feranee maleup é om. . ha lirely of the favorite diagonal pulls, with in dattton betewren, werd abet with -sambiaidacs. deep hem. Very handsom with Wreakfast sation ot toale! Summer balme rala for the seaside and ash poplin, either plain, striped, or eine "checkes 'basch ow " flor tie whan RRP OO By Lome Less of the plate gin now ++ har eethenghb i manid be an, Selentifle. "Thoogh, modern Aver ida did not eappuse I assole ty them nntit ne as ob -- lain my a "y know my pr ico: = ar, ye opori : what is pone separ rn Set me if you did tdo jt ali must soon bawe an o: for I en srepnrceeae tie © princi! en, it free tule he b inert eunstr | clase 'racked bands between, trim + ot pias that in addition to peculiarities of are Dnisbes + rorpe. contig... | with thee or witty finele erinipos my ain wrhyinad ae of tiny being deo son n with ¥, 'the aust as ad Boapen a a aaiay) 3h wae tne ote <i would have pig pin By "the aad vibrated with <t sowcsl bat tea it athe ia instead cart Siecting the - wyrst to © owe rah af the plato, Ny A angle in a fight box; over thie = pate s ake sheet of xater,.at-4.tommper: " fifty-five degrees, Pah, aby, asad, by means of a_power mur WA teread inv the space below +H thee the wnter, sid wits then | ind by te all pate AP thy te Ls doa b tie Toum: wan reduced to for » supply of wal t Le abnnc om = ftw temperatare few, tA FoR Picreens,-- nin 9 glass manufacture us that by which thin polished plate glass is pictures; Xe, this beng the bol ately untrodaced bs the well. inown true of-43 thie 4 Uo. 1 standant im une for 1 U ha 5 ao Li] 4 by means oj the newly ina .- sheets re mide ¥: e com size from te wae want inches uy forty thre 8 of an inch a thiek ners. " tious made of this com. it fesetones & the ad- of Went. ¢ te: free frow the ery * tage | lines whieh senal cman would diminiph *tx te ploy complexion, cottrante sociated with it. as they have the power fo ---- . its obyectionable induences. We we ott caample tive of _ first nie Gr poe olay -- er por mgd abd worn by colors if pad it (sigty hee or wil rae unsul ne f vel flew @ or orange grouped timilar power, eek bh outer matgally intensify ii BRBOC: th tensify cach hin the xame mteget color ix made te apres ke Colors whieh harmonize with each other by -- noe each other's brilliancy ter or lose degree, as white amd yellow, by 7 bad erabre: 1 og in colors at wit wail Drawers are nba re comiustels the et string nulatbe wi just desegibec for pettionate sod drawers, buttoned on the aide, are sa: maitiel: teed ertmer by as they are said to be unbwalthy fhe" are made very Bl, Wtions nad Lhe belt in sloped la stead of bu eying "trae raedy Y 1 ie better Lo get" Whose fare Ererpe wted -- only parame orn pet tet, aed cut th garments at Lady Tipplers tn England, r Tam the middle-aged "honse.myther" of « tolerably house hei i. matin and mother, brain worker besubes, haying writtes books for & q: righ - a pmsthey. wile social cirele, I he oot narrer blvortigand, Mine pod 8 objec ienunb! ocinte te. the diferent hes of one colur, "or agar al ot Jare at scieeting different Lanes i ze to lunekeon a! two ar thres hoara » howrs of brain ech 'tee ete @ tel » ata garilen parte or ata ball, be sure they will ones or : it i ] ; i PLES at dented h ngth, ~ ait ioaaid to be the tio te place or +t haga a, i fe re a th en wm ated ¢ een ayer o ur thr oc ----s he openit sharing to towns, rolled for ite ny the = ond of the ne spretion o ot visi of them, which is sem: ony, wear orp the Darts tof sor gres e comps ruile al, 'we atte qnatity o! 1.350. of tails, 'forty pounds per yar t which, it is be- inved, has never been ta an ther The ate ne per arri ohasru mm that as thin 'omevat is teally "meg to tk a yositire fp ophiten, hae on importa hearing. 1 question of iron meteorit He that & cous aes rable face <A atmospheric Avnet ix ived = from planetary "pace, [SEE Curing a | Draukera. an article in the "British has found hy According to fifty-seven de- Rx ts 130 Fens tana Daring he great fi ar biangrte